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S20.E08: Live Eviction #2; Head of Household #3


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Well, the editing seems slanted toward Kaitlyn winning the trending this week. 

Swaggy was right. Kaitlyn IS a liability to their group. Oh, Rock Star, you look  horrid in that pink and black outfit, whatever it is.

Message on the geometry room door: "J C Monduix is lame."

What picture is Fessy holding in the HOH room? Three people in it, looks like they're in a boat. You can see water behind them. I think one guy might be her dad.

Chris with Kaitlyn "You were fed a lot of miscommunication." Kaitlyn turns her face into her pillow, probably to hide her smiles. And yes, Kaitlyn should let Chris stay so he can spend the summer with Bayleigh. That's motivation for the competition!

Sam, don't use the power app on Swaggy!

  • Love 2

Um...his bit with Sam. I want him got. Bye Felicia!

And for the love of Gawd, please wear a shirt and/or button your shirt/jacket.

13 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Okay, I’m taking the current HamsterWatch Challenge: take a shot every time someone cries.  Got a shot glass and a bottle of Cuervo Gold sitting by my chair, and I guess we’ll see how coherent I am in an hour.

You should already be lit. Unless Special K's crying fit counts as 1...should count as like 5. 

Edited by Lamima
  • Love 1

Hey Swaggy, don't tell Julie what she can or can't do!! 

Bayleigh voted to evict Winston (what a surprise!)

Brett voted to evict Swaggy.

Kaycee voted to evict Christopher (ha)!

Tyler voted to evict Swaggy (but I don't think he's so sad)

Angie RS voted to evict Winston. (Don't call Julie "Julie-Girl!")

Haleigh voted to evict Winston. (Don't give fake compliments to Julie!)

Faysal voted to evict Winston.

Scotty voted to evict Chris, meaning Swaggy.

J C voted to evict Swaggy C.

Angela voted to evict Swaggy. 

Rachel voted to evict Swaggy.

Sam voted to evict Swaggy.

I guess Swaggy won't trend now.

Kaitlyn's message is pretty lame. Now Swaggy knows who was the person was who was on the inside.

  • Love 1

Was that Marissa and Ross in the audience?

Kaitlyn says “literally” Chris left her no choice and I just want her to stop talking.

Is Haleigh trying out for some sort of skit?  Why was she so annoying when voting?

Also Angie (Rock Star, I mean, but that nickname is WTF) was obnoxious in her voting too with her “oh hey Julie!” like “oh I had no idea you were going to ask me a question!”

No let me rephrase.  They are ALL obnoxious like seriously just say who you are voting for and get the fuck out of the DR.

What is Scott’s problem?  Was there some sort of dustup the editors conveniently left out?

And Julie you will also not escape my ire when Scott votes for Christoper and you say “you mean Swaggy” and fuck no, he meant Chris, because that is his goddamned name for cod’s sack.

Yeah, that t-shirt toss makes me not sorry to see his ass bounce.

Bayleigh says “Swayleigh” and I’m sorry but “Baggy” is a more fun nickname to me.  But alas, these star-crossed lovers must part.

  • Love 19

Yes, that is Ross and Marissa in the audience.

The Cry Phone - that's pretty good! I thought they were going to show Kaitlyn's picture.

Only Sam, Scottie, Angie, Rachel and I think Fessy are left.

Oh oh, Rachel is the only Level 6 person left. Sam is out now.

I wonder who the speaker is.

Rock Star's out now! Scottie, Fessy and Rachel are left.

Fessy's out! Now it's Scottie vs. Rachel. Go Rachel!

Oh oh, Scottie is the new head of household. Maybe he'll trend now.

8 minutes ago, Snappy said:

Also, am I mistaken, or did he say hi to his mom after he told Sam she wasn’t around?

Yes, he did. Maybe she came back.

16 hours ago, Nashville said:

Got a shot glass and a bottle of Cuervo Gold sitting by my chair, and I guess we’ll see how coherent I am in an hour.

with Kaitlyn, I'm not liking your odds. Id give you about 10 minutes.

Well Swaggy went out more or less like I expected. I laughed aloud when he was going on and on about Haleigh, only for Julie to say she voted for him. What an ass.

Scott is super shady as evidenced by his vote, so this will be interesting. 

Edited by vb68
  • Love 8
37 minutes ago, Lamima said:

And for the love of Gawd, please wear a shirt and/or button your shirt/jacket.

You should already be lit. Unless Special K's crying fit counts as 1...should count as like 5. 

I’d originally counted Special K’s initial scenes as one long extended crying jag that started downstairs and continued up to the HoH room - but I’m already 4 shots in, so fuck it.  Go for 5.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

I think there needs to be a little counter in a bottom corner of the screen that goes "ding" every time somebody says "literally."

And when it reaches 162, the four horsemen of the apocalypse appear and suck the whole BB house into the void.

The three boys consoling Kaitlyn after the renoms were like the Mary squad tending to Jesus' body after it was removed from the cross. Holy shit, I want the bitch to stick around because she's fucking nuts, but I want her to suffer. Like, literally. I'm evil like that.

And to finish with the religion theme, wth was up with Scottie going Judas? It would have been more momentous had it prevented a tie vote, but was still odd. I didn't care for Scottie's voting attitude, and the fact that he suggested everyone wearing the Swaggy t-shirts makes me think it was just to stick the knife in deeper. What the heck happened off camera? Not that I'm worried at all about Swaggy's psyche, but I am concerned about where Scottie's allegiances lie. Please, just to keep it a volatile game, I really need one of the Level 6ers to go this week.

  • Love 7
Just now, Dewey Decimate said:

And to finish with the religion theme, wth was up with Scottie going Judas? It would have been more momentous had it prevented a tie vote, but was still odd. I didn't care for Scottie's voting attitude, and the fact that he suggested everyone wearing the Swaggy t-shirts makes me think it was just to stick the knife in deeper. What the heck happened off camera? Not that I'm worried at all about Swaggy's psyche, but I am concerned about where Scottie's allegiances lie. Please, just to keep it a volatile game, I really need one of the Level 6ers to go this week.

If Scottie starts wearing a top hat, I'm here for it.

Victims aren't we all.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

And to finish with the religion theme, wth was up with Scottie going Judas? It would have been more momentous had it prevented a tie vote, but was still odd. I didn't care for Scottie's voting attitude, and the fact that he suggested everyone wearing the Swaggy t-shirts makes me think it was just to stick the knife in deeper. What the heck happened off camera? Not that I'm worried at all about Swaggy's psyche, but I am concerned about where Scottie's allegiances lie. Please, just to keep it a volatile game, I really need one of the Level 6ers to go this week.

What was said in Scottie’s vote, verbatim:

Julie: Hi, Scottie.

Scottie: Hey!

Julie: Please cast your vote to evict.

Scottie: I appreciate the flattery, but I’m nobody’s goon.  I vote to evict Chris.

<collective audience gasp>

Julie: Chris meaning Swaggy.

Scottie: Yes.

Julie: Okay.  Thank you.

Scottie: Thank you.


i just wonder who got in Scottie’s ear pre-vote, because that did NOT sound like in-a-happy-place Scottie.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, mojoween said:


Kaitlyn says “literally” Chris left her no choice and I just want her to stop talking.

And Julie you will also not escape my ire when Scott votes for Christoper and you say “you mean Swaggy” and fuck no, he meant Chris, because that is his goddamned name for cod’s sack.


I think she also said to Bayleigh - "I literally can't look at you right now".  Pathetic.  I want her to stop talking too.  

And I usually have no problem with Julie, but yes, Chris is his name.  I think it should have been the other way around when the others voted for him, "And by Swaggy, you mean Chris?"  She clearly knew who he meant.  It was dumb, IMO, to pretend that she needed to clarify.

  • Love 5
58 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Is Haleigh trying out for some sort of skit?  Why was she so annoying when voting?

My thought was she was drunk... like Nashville is. Heh!

I wouldn't have minded seeing Chris 'work people' but to then be such an ass that you go talk to "yourself" about how much you just played someone and how much better at everything than everyone else you are is really tacky and uncool. I hate when people are dicks when they don't have to be. Thankfully everyone else could see right through him too. He was unnecessarily cold hearted about his game I thought. See ya!!

Wow, wearing the Chris shirt and all, Scottie with the dagger! Something went down we didn't see.

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I guess I’m in a minority here, I wish Swaggy was staying, he was actually playing the game (just not well), unlike a lot of them. Without him, I’m worried the plastics will just roll on through, by numbers. I mean, I’m watching the HoH and I’m like, there’s a guy named Brett in this game? So many boring people. 

Winston reminds me of Alex Moffat’s  “Guy with a Yacht” character on SNL.

  • Love 1

I lived for the moment where Julie was interviewing Swaggy about his game, and actually pulled out his pre-show interview where he said he would do exactly the opposite of what he actually did. Brilliant! More of that, please.

Glad he’s gone, just for the fact of him crowing about he was playing Kaitlyn and Sam. Yeah, no, have a seat.

Kaitlyn really is the worst, though. So glad she’s no longer HOH. Hopefully I’ll see a lot less of her. Did she seriously say in her goodbye message to Swaggy that it was meant to be and for the best for everyone? What a bitch.

Well, I guess we’ll have to find out wtf Scott is thinking. I know I have no clue. 

Oh, and one last thing, I love Rachel, and she kicked ass at that comp, but wow! SO BAD at math. So bad.

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Okay, I’m taking the current HamsterWatch Challenge: take a shot every time someone cries.  Got a shot glass and a bottle of Cuervo Gold sitting by my chair, and I guess we’ll see how coherent I am in an hour.

Not judging bc I abuse my liver on the regular, but this makes me nervous for you. Please post earlyish tomorrow, so we don't call in a welfare check?! ?

1 hour ago, Suzysite said:

Good riddance Saggy, you arrogant, bitter toolbag.  I doubt Tyler will be begging to talk to you afterward.


57 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Swaggy was so bitter. And I was so into it. Suuure you're not going to talk to Tyler when the game is over. You'll be buttering him up like a biscuit if he wins AFP or the whole game. 

So much this. Bitter famewhore is my least favorite flavor.

33 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

If Scottie starts wearing a top hat, I'm here for it.

Victims aren't we all.

The thought of an Austin/Scottie combo is either terrifying or amazing. Or both.

6 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:


[No idea what happened here. And just when I was happy to have finally figured out how to multiquote. Sigh.]

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Did she seriously say in her goodbye message to Swaggy that it was meant to be and for the best for everyone?

This was the Big Brother equiv. of talking real big while hiding behind your keyboard as you wouldn't face to face where she just blubbered on... Of course she's calm about it when her plan has gone through and she's just talking to a camera without her target being around or able to respond. Coward! Also she mentioned her 'younger self' would have been proud of her. Younger self? Bitch you're 24!

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 10
1 minute ago, asabovesobelow said:

I didn’t like Swaggy, at all really, but I do wish he had stayed. I have no interest in watching Tyler and Level Six steamroll the season.

I’m waiting for the moment when Lvl6 starts eating it’s own.  That’s when I’ll be making popcorn and saying, “Now THAT’S entertainment!”  :>

  • Love 3

I don't think a Level6 extermination of the rest of the house is in the cards. I mean they will make a run but one thing that HoH comp reminded me is that there are a LOT of people still in this thing and that's lots of votes. I think it's far too early to call for the coming rule of the popular people. Part of that is that they have seeral non-entities in that group it's not exactly a power alliance. They have Angela, Kaycee and Rachel who we got to see how well she does under pressure... she looked like her eyebrows were going to pop off trying to do whatever maths she was attempting with Julie breathing down her neck.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

I think there needs to be a little counter in a bottom corner of the screen that goes "ding" every time somebody says "literally."

My husband asked if there was someone keeping count of the literallys and likes. It was bananas.

1 hour ago, Snappy said:

As. Fellow nutmegger, I wanted to see Swaggy do well, then he opened his mouth. What an obnoxious, immature, twit. Now I’m embarrassed he’s from my state, and glad his 15 minutes are up. Also, am I mistaken, or did he say hi to his mom after he told Sam she wasn’t around?

I thought the same thing.

1 hour ago, vb68 said:


Scott is super shady as evidenced by his vote, so this will be interesting. 

Yeah, that was interesting. I have no idea where his head is.

22 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I lived for the moment where Julie was interviewing Swaggy about his game, and actually pulled out his pre-show interview where he said he would do exactly the opposite of what he actually did. Brilliant! More of that, please.

. . .

Kaitlyn really is the worst, though. So glad she’s no longer HOH. Hopefully I’ll see a lot less of her. Did she seriously say in her goodbye message to Swaggy that it was meant to be and for the best for everyone? What a bitch.

. . .

Oh, and one last thing, I love Rachel, and she kicked ass at that comp, but wow! SO BAD at math. So bad.

The Swaggy interview with the opposite strategy was amazing. Some intern probably remembered it and couldn't wait to dig it out.

Kaitlyn's goodbye message was so obnoxious. Oh, the greater good? Let's see how she feels when she gets booted.

Rachel killed that competition until the math. You could tell she knew she didn't have it.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Wandering Snark said:

I don't think a Level6 extermination of the rest of the house is in the cards. I mean they will make a run but one thing that HoH comp reminded me is that there are a LOT of people still in this thing and that's lots of votes. I think it's far too early to call for the coming rule of the popular people. Part of that is that they have seeral non-entities in that group it's not exactly a power alliance. They have Angela, Kaycee and Rachel who we got to see how well she does under pressure... she looked like her eyebrows were going to pop off trying to do whatever maths she was attempting with Julie breathing down her neck.

Yeah - but I think the non-power members are sufficiently cowed to ride the magic L6 carpet for the time being; sticking their heads up at this juncture might be a dandy way to get them shot off, game-wise.

I don't see Scottie going for L6 at this point because he’s only HoH for one week, and he’s going to be hyperparanoid about covering his ass next week.  So I’m figuring his noms are going to be coming out of the Bae/Hay/Fozzy/Pinky pot.


2 minutes ago, The Companion said:

My husband asked if there was someone keeping count of the literallys and likes. It was bananas.

If I’d tried shotting to THAT, I’d probably be posting from the ER right about now.

  • Love 2

I was full on cheering when Rockstar was eliminated from the competition. I just couldn't deal with her sanctimonious mug bellowing all week about loyalty and out to cut a bitch out of revenge for Swaggy.

BTW am I the only one who looks at her and thinks "Beauty school drop out, go back to high school!"?   Frenchie rocked that hair color better! 

  • Love 16

I was living for the moment where Swaggy would see Scottie's backstabbing ways in his goodbye message. (Alas, i was disappointed that it wasn't shown)

Hope Swaggy now realizes that he is really bad at reading people. He shunned Hailey because he thought she turned on him. He thinks Scottie is on his side. He thinks Tyler is in love with Kaitlyn. Ha!

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I was full on cheering when Rockstar was eliminated from the competition. I just couldn't deal with her sanctimonious mug bellowing all week about loyalty and out to cut a bitch out of revenge for Swaggy.

BTW am I the only one who looks at her and thinks "Beauty school drop out, go back to high school!"?   Frenchie rocked that hair color better! 

God bless you, Mr. Rosewater.

  • Love 4

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