HighMaintenance July 2, 2018 Share July 2, 2018 All I can think of when I see Slappy C, or Siggy See or whatever he calls himself; this guy has serious issues. I think his character is overcompensating due to a lack of social skills. I had to laugh when Baighleaf said "I wish I was able to love myself as much as you love yourself." And who wears nothing but shirts from the ShirtShack printed with their self appointed nickname? Did Kaytlyn say she was a "life coach"? Don't you actually have to have more than 24 years of "life" experience to be able to coach others on how to live said "life"? Oh, and I didn't know she was saying "namaste", I thought she was saying "I'm nasty". 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4459080
The Companion July 2, 2018 Share July 2, 2018 14 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said: I know! I think being forced into interacting so much as a robot is really skewing her feeling of self worth. She seems to ordinarily be a fairly confident person, but being a robot and therefore so easily dismissed as "other" is really messing with her head. Which...is why I think sometimes she seems extra bitchy when she's a robot and so weepy when she's human. So to get that affirmation from the fans really went straight to her heart. I hope it gives her the extra push she needs to fight through the robot interface. I also really appreciate that Sam uses the word "literally" nearly always correctly. "Literally everybody is behind me now" when, yes, everyone physically present was located behind her. I hope her little breakdown in the bedroom telling everyone they suck is just her inability to communicate her feelings appropriately, because that is not really the way to win friends and influence people, and to say that "everyone is fake" how she can't be fake herself is...disingenuous. This is Big Brother, after all. Nobody is real. This robot thing really has her thrown for a loop, she just can't get her feet under her. Being so isolated and shuffled off to "other" status has made it so she couldn't integrate, negotiate, or find her balance in the house like everyone else could. She feels like a really straightforward and earnest person. You get the feeling she came in with a strategy of "just be yourself and everyone will like you." Not a power strategy for Big Brother, but better than some I have seen. Then she was basically taken out of the game for half of it, and when she is present people have already formed alliances and friendships that leave her feeling like she doesn't matter. I think the reason she is so freaking likable (and I am seeing a lot of Sam love online) is because she is so earnest. It's very un-Big Brother of her. It was also what made it so sweet that she was actually touched by the affirmation (rather than it feeding into her ego, SWAGGY). 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4459087
UncleChuck July 2, 2018 Share July 2, 2018 Seems to me a neat "twist" would be to include a special ROBOT award in every HOH challenge. Winner gets to rule the house, first one out gets to be the house mascot for the week. I would love to see Kaitbot or Swaggybot bumping into the furniture. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4459124
ghoulina July 2, 2018 Share July 2, 2018 41 minutes ago, HighMaintenance said: All I can think of when I see Slappy C, or Siggy See or whatever he calls himself; this guy has serious issues. I think his character is overcompensating due to a lack of social skills. I had to laugh when Baighleaf said "I wish I was able to love myself as much as you love yourself." And who wears nothing but shirts from the ShirtShack printed with their self appointed nickname? Did Kaytlyn say she was a "life coach"? Don't you actually have to have more than 24 years of "life" experience to be able to coach others on how to live said "life"? Oh, and I didn't know she was saying "namaste", I thought she was saying "I'm nasty". Is Kaitlyn only 24??? I would have pegged her more as mid thirties. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4459164
iMonrey July 2, 2018 Share July 2, 2018 Quote If she is voted out she plays her power and immediately returns to the game without having to exit ever. How do you know this? Check out the screen grab from the actual Bonus Life explanation: "This power gives you or the houseguest of your choice the CHANCE to return to the game if evicted. This power is good through the first four evictions. But here's the catch, if the Bonus Life is not used at one of the first three evictions, the fourth person evicted automatically gets a chance to return to the game." Note the word CHANCE is capitalized. That seems to suggest the evicted player will have to compete or something. Not that they will just automatically return. The wording is very suspicious. It's also very telling that it's only good for the first four evictions. I think it's pretty obvious it's always been the plan that the first four evicted houseguests would get some kind of chance to return to the house. That's pretty routine at this point. This so-called "power" just seems like a back-stop. Like, maybe if Sam is evicted she has a bonus that gives her more of a chance than the next three evictees to return. Whereas if she's not evicted during the first four weeks she can choose to gift one of the evictees with this power. And if she doesn't then the fourth one gets it by default. Any way you stack it, one of the first four evictees was always going to be able to return. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4459165
HighMaintenance July 2, 2018 Share July 2, 2018 2 minutes ago, ghoulina said: Is Kaitlyn only 24??? I would have pegged her more as mid thirties. Yep, her bio sez 24. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4459174
springbarb July 2, 2018 Share July 2, 2018 I feel like the producers made the robot punishment harsh knowing that that person would inevitably wind up being the most sympathetic/trendworthy (because--a person is a robot!) and thus win the first power. They'd get screwed, but would then win the first power. Chris isn't actually that annoying while in the game--it's his talking heads that are just awful, which is kind of interesting. His reaction to not getting the first power was fantastic, though. Stop being so annoying, Chris, and maybe people will like you more. I can't tell the Bros apart. Or a lot of the girls, honestly. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4459197
llewis823 July 2, 2018 Share July 2, 2018 43 minutes ago, springbarb said: can't tell the Bros apart. Or a lot of the girls, honestly. Count me on that one too. 1 hour ago, HighMaintenance said: Don't you actually have to have more than 24 years of "life" experience to be able to coach others on how to live said "life"? Oh, and I didn't know she was saying "namaste", I thought she was saying "I'm nasty". I so wish we had a laughing smiley face icon like we do on facebook for this one. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4459330
HighMaintenance July 2, 2018 Share July 2, 2018 1 hour ago, springbarb said: I can't tell the Bros apart. Or a lot of the girls, honestly. All I know is Winston is the douchebro with Andy Cohen eyes. Wonky with a serial killer vibe. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4459428
threebluestars July 2, 2018 Share July 2, 2018 I also think a big issue for Sam is that when she came in as a human again for the first time, everyone had already aligned, and she was on the outside and people just didn't really interact with her because she hadn't been there. In a game that's one thing, but I think she was feeling it on a personal level. They weren't interacting with her as a robot either (evident in that she had to try and hold one on ones and a lot of people didn't seem to care) and when she broke down at least then she got people talking to her. So I think her "you guys suck" was more "as people you aren't even treating me like a human" but she couldn't really voice that properly. I think she did a better job voicing it in her DRs but I have a feeling those came after her breakdown. If I was in the house I would've felt like crap realizing she was being left out just because everyone was used to her not being a physical presence. But I can see how a lot of people may have done it without realizing. This punishment was way too harsh for the first part of the game - and by eviction she will have been doing this for TWO weeks in the house. Would've been a better punishment for later in the game. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4459766
RedheadZombie July 2, 2018 Share July 2, 2018 22 hours ago, Lamb18 said: That Have Not room is pretty brutal. Just think if Austin was on this season and was a Have Not. I can't think of Austin without clinging to my hand sanitizer. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4459781
RedheadZombie July 2, 2018 Share July 2, 2018 7 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said: I was wondering that myself. I was laughing at Sam's one on ones. First person is munching so loudly on chips you couldn't hear Sam, then one asks to drop the volume, then next wants it raised. It was hilarious. And that's why Kaitlyn was such a bitch, IMO. People were entering the room one by one to talk to Sam. Everyone but Kaitlyn had already done it, so there's no way she didn't know the process. Yet she prances in during Tyler's time, munching loudly and inserting herself into the conversation. Then when Sam's speaking to her, she acts disinterested and wonders over to the fridge, knowing that Sam could not see her. They had to have known that Computer Sam was trapped in that storage room with no one to open the door for her, and Kaitlyn barges in, becomes argumentative, loudly chomps random things, and taunts Sam knowing Sam has no ability to fight back because she's trapped. I'm an introvert so I can handle a lot of isolation, but Sam is clearly extroverted. Being alone is very draining for those who are energized by being with people. And for the touchy feely, simply being able to speak to and see people is not enough. While the others are constantly draped over, stroking, cuddling each other, extrovert Sam has little stimulation. I realize that twins Liz and Julia went through this process, but I believe the hidden twin had a person who kept them company, and I don't really remember them complaining about being alone. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4459833
Cherry Cola July 2, 2018 Share July 2, 2018 5 hours ago, HighMaintenance said: All I can think of when I see Slappy C, or Siggy See or whatever he calls himself; this guy has serious issues. I think his character is overcompensating due to a lack of social skills. I had to laugh when Baighleaf said "I wish I was able to love myself as much as you love yourself." And who wears nothing but shirts from the ShirtShack printed with their self appointed nickname? Did Kaytlyn say she was a "life coach"? Don't you actually have to have more than 24 years of "life" experience to be able to coach others on how to live said "life"? Oh, and I didn't know she was saying "namaste", I thought she was saying "I'm nasty". I don't think Kaitlyn even knows what Namaste means, and she is so annoying. I have second hand embarrassment for Saggy balls or saggy c. I agree, who nicknames themselves? So dorky. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4459952
Joimiaroxeu July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 (edited) I enjoyed seeing how Sam was trying to work the robot thing to her advantage for a bit. She was practically holding court. Your boy. KMN. No Brett, just no. You too, Faysal. Level 6. So when they start losing members will the name change to Level 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0? So Swaggy C and Bayleigh are sorta falling into a showmance. I'm just surprised they're the first one the show jumped on. (But then I guess BW/BM showmances are rare on BB?) Not sure why anyone would volunteer to be a Have Not. Foutte? Why do I feel like that's a dirty word in some language? Quote Unless Brett is suggesting a wide segment of the viewing audience has fucked his mom, his “your boy” references seem highly unlikely Oy, that might be a tad harsh. "Ya boy" and "ya girl" have been perfectly fine expressions in AA vernacular English. For some reason BB18/19 Paul latched on to the usage and ran it into the ground. I think perhaps two or three of this season's houseguests might ordinarily use those expressions--at least in a code-switching way. However, IMO people like Brett and Faysal are coming across like desperate posers when they use "your boy". Paul sort of made it work even if it did annoy a lot of the audience. Edited July 3, 2018 by Joimiaroxeu Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4460445
DebbieM4 July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 11 hours ago, UncleChuck said: Sure she does...She thinks she is hiding her nastiness behind all that New Age unicorns and rainbows crap. Namaste... **And what exactly is the deal with Sam's "power"? The wording on her power said that she (or a person of her choosing) would get a CHANCE to return to the game. So if she gets evicted, does she just turn around and come back in--or does she just get a "chance" to come back? Well, that nastiness was pretty obvious when she spoke to Sam. She didn't even pretend to have some compassion for Sam's situation. Or to be even remotely nice. Her whole attitude was outwardly judgmental and mean, as if she didn't care what she said or how anyone else felt about it. She does hide behind her whole peace and love persona a lot of the time, but she also has let it slip deliberately. When she spoke to Sam, she didn't seem to be attempting to hide behind anything at all. I agree that this whole power thing is vague. BB needs to do a better job with explanations. 9 hours ago, Brian Cronin said: By the way, Sam's reaction when she got the power? FREAKING ADORABLE! Yes, she whines too much and oh man, her hair is, like, absurdly out of control (it's like just spiraling to bizarre degrees), but she is still too damn adorable, so I still love her. That genuine look of, "Wait, they LIKE me?" was pure early Sally Field levels of adorable. I completely agree. She really is adorable, and she has a quick (and really funny!) sense of humor. IMO her hair just adds to her cuteness. I don't blame her for being cranky. Not only was this punishment way too early in the game, but it's gone on for too long. It should have been either way later in the summer, or for just a couple of days. I don't know if she'll end up being a good game player, but I hope she stays for a long time. I really love her too. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4460596
Stats Queen July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 4 hours ago, Cherry Cola said: I agree, who nicknames themselves? So dorky. George “T-bone” Costanza tried. George “Koko” Costanza lasted 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4460745
llewis823 July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 Is it wrong that every time I read "Swaggy" here, I read it as "Shaggy" in my head? Then again, that's an insult to the Scooby Doo character! LOL 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4461366
Destiny74 July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 5 minutes ago, llewis823 said: Is it wrong that every time I read "Swaggy" here, I read it as "Shaggy" in my head? Then again, that's an insult to the Scooby Doo character! LOL Nope. Totally valid. I do too. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4461377
HighMaintenance July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 I'm sure by the time Saggy B gets the boot, we will come up with many more names for him. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4461712
Skycatcher July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 (edited) 58 minutes ago, HighMaintenance said: I'm sure by the time Saggy B gets the boot, we will come up with many more names for him. I could very easily change from Swaggy C to Icky Poo. Or.....maybe my reaction every time I see him on my TV......."Eww, ick!" He's just such an unpleasant character, my least favorite of this year's cast. ETA: Of course it's juvenile; that's all he's worth, probably even less than that. Edited July 3, 2018 by Skycatcher 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4461774
iMonrey July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 I noticed during this episode that Steve has no nose whatsoever in profile. He's like a Pug. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4461821
ghoulina July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 18 hours ago, threebluestars said: This punishment was way too harsh for the first part of the game - and by eviction she will have been doing this for TWO weeks in the house. Would've been a better punishment for later in the game. I agree. It's an interesting punishment and it could have been cool to see how it would affect friendships and alliances that had been strongly established. But doing it right from jump just seems so unfair. 15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: Not sure why anyone would volunteer to be a Have Not To curry favor with their houseguests? 11 minutes ago, iMonrey said: I noticed during this episode that Steve has no nose whatsoever in profile. He's like a Pug. Yes!!!! I thought his face actually looked concave in profile. When they first showed him (jumping rope or something?) it was from the side and I yelled, "It looks like that guy got hit in the face with a shovel!" Is it just me, or does Steve scream "cop"? I know the houseguests don't know who he is and I have the bias of knowing, but the way he carries himself and the faces he makes....he looks so much like a stereotypical cop. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4461857
Nashville July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: Oy, that might be a tad harsh. Sure it is! I wanted to like Brett in this game; his boyo acting is about as irritating as 60-grit toilet paper, though, and it’s pissing me off. 6 hours ago, icemiser69 said: She is the one that I dislike the most. Isn't she the Life Coach? Yikes. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side. But then again, I am not sure she has a good side. 4 hours ago, llewis823 said: Is it wrong that every time I read "Swaggy" here, I read it as "Shaggy" in my head? Then again, that's an insult to the Scooby Doo character! LOL I tried replacing his nick mentally with “Scrappy”, but it didn’t stick; now every time I see him, my brain comes up with “Scraggly”, but that’s too long. So I reckon “Scraggy” will join the crowd with Pinky, Fuzzy, Namanasty, Bae, and the entire Farty crew.... :) Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4461988
LoveLeigh July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 (edited) I missed this, sorry. Is Sam allowed to tell the other HGs that she won the trending app thing? Is she allowed tot tell them what she picked and what it gives her? I would think not since then it would be pointless to vote her out or at the very least cause them to reconsider their vote on Thursday. Regarding the "ham" thing.... doesn't Faysal also have to follow all halal food law? Edited July 3, 2018 by DakotaLavender Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4462080
LoveLeigh July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 (edited) merged Edited July 3, 2018 by DakotaLavender Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4462092
peachmangosteen July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 11 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said: Regarding the "ham" thing.... doesn't Faysal also have to follow all halal food law? Spoiler He was given vegan ham. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4462107
LoveLeigh July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 23 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said: Hide contents He was given vegan ham. But regarding ALL of the meat he eats, does it not ALL have to be halal? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4462170
peachmangosteen July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 1 hour ago, DakotaLavender said: But regarding ALL of the meat he eats, does it not ALL have to be halal? Spoiler That I can't answer. I haven't heard him talk at all on the feeds about being halal. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4462427
Joimiaroxeu July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 Quote Sure it is! I wanted to like Brett in this game; his boyo acting is about as irritating as 60-grit toilet paper, though, and it’s pissing me off. Oh I got no problem insulting Brett. It was the suggestion that his mother is a garden utensil (absent any evidence) that I thought was a bit much. If anyone is a tool it's probably him. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4462519
Nashville July 3, 2018 Share July 3, 2018 (edited) On 7/3/2018 at 5:07 PM, Joimiaroxeu said: Oh I got no problem insulting Brett. It was the suggestion that his mother is a garden utensil (absent any evidence) that I thought was a bit much. If anyone is a tool it's probably him. Ah, gotcha. No, the constant “your boy” comments just reminded me of one of my favorite movie quotes - a Sean Connery bit out of Family Business (Connery as ‘Jessie’): Convict: Hey, no big deal, Pop. I mean, we all got some long bits to do. And, you know, a little chitchat, and time's half over before you know it. Jessie: That's the second time you've called me "Pop." I got around a lot when I was young, but I doubt if I'm your father. But who knows though? You carry a picture of your mother? Maybe I'll remember her. I fucked half the whores on the East Coast. Edited July 5, 2018 by Nashville “one of” 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4462569
Cherry Cola July 4, 2018 Share July 4, 2018 On 7/2/2018 at 2:53 PM, ghoulina said: Is Kaitlyn only 24??? I would have pegged her more as mid thirties. Well, Nicole Richie is 36, and I'm still not convinced it's not her! 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4462912
ghoulina July 4, 2018 Share July 4, 2018 32 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said: Well, Nicole Richie is 36, and I'm still not convinced it's not her! I can see it!!! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4462995
phlebas July 4, 2018 Share July 4, 2018 All the sins Big Brother and CBS has committed recently would have been forgiven if someone had given Steve a pellet gun to go outside and assassinate Grampa Lou in front of Kaitlyn. **POW** Steve: "Eat it, pigeon. We... mechanics... are excellent marksmen." Kaitlyn: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4463692
Vixenstud July 5, 2018 Share July 5, 2018 (edited) Okay, I'll be the parade pisser for saying this....I can't stand Sam! Steve was nominated along with Sam; since that time, he hasn't been crying/whining/having a fucking pity party! Girl, this ain't the 50's and you ain't Andy Fucking Griffith! I was annoyed at her 'bringing people one at a time to advise her on what to do', only to get pissy towards Kaitlyn (who I can't stand) when she advises her to buck up and fight to stay in the house. JC (another HG that I can't stand) even gave her a pep talk yet she still whines. Dear, this is Big Brother! If you feel isolated, venture out and talk to the other HG's....if they don't reciprocate then that's on them. And telling them they suck for not talking to you, yeah, smart move. Either sac up or fucking DOR! Edited July 5, 2018 by Vixenstud 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4466044
Nashville July 5, 2018 Share July 5, 2018 1 hour ago, Vixenstud said: Okay, I'll be the parade pisser for saying this....I can't stand Sam! Steve was nominated along with Sam; since that time, he hasn't been crying/whining/having a fucking pity party! Girl, this ain't the 50's and you ain't Andy Fucking Griffith! I was annoyed at her 'bringing people one at a time to advise her on what to do', only to get pissy towards Kaitlyn (who I can't stand) when she advises her to buck up and fight to stay in the house. JC (another HG that I can't stand) even gave her a pep talk yet she still whines. Dear, this is Big Brother! If you feel isolated, venture out and talk to the other HG's....if they don't reciprocate then that's on them. And telling them they suck for not talking to you, yeah, smart move. Either sac up or fucking DOR! As I understood it, this was specifically NOT what Sam was attempting to do in the storeroom meetings. Sam wasn’t asking for advice; she wanted to have one-on-one conversations with each HG to get their take on the situation. This was Sam trying to get a read on the game, not beg for advice or support. However: Kaitlyn comes into the storeroom in the middle of Sam’s one-on-one with Tyler. Kaitlyn doesn’t immediately leave when she realizes a Sam/Tyler conversation is in progress, but instead interrupts it - inserting herself into the conversation, and proceeding to try to to “life-coach” Sam by saying repeatedly Sam needs to focus on visualizing a Veto win and making it happen (which was particularly unintelligible, considering Kaitlyn was doing this with a mouthful of food at the time). When Sam reacted with irritation, Kaitlyn starts getting pissy with Sam - talking over Sam and continuing with the “visualize the prize” speech - and totally disrupting Sam’s conversation with Tyler in the process. And I totally get Sam’s irritation. The first week or so inside the House is one of the most critical periods of the game - it’s when the groundwork for personal relationships and alliances are initially formed, to be built upon later. Sam’s punishment has her virtually exiled from the House 50% of the time. And the robot bit is nowhere near an equitable substitute; it has severe mobility issues, the entire HoH floor is off-limits, and Sam is extremely limited in her ability to moderate its communications - unless someone tells her, she has no way of knowing if the robot is shouting or whispering. Unless Kaycee’s lockdown spinner is tying Kaycee down to a single room for 12 hours at a shot, there’s no way these punishments could be considered equivalent. Production just took a great big country shit all over Sam’s game with this punishment before Sam even had a chance to get her game off the ground, so I don’t fault her for being frustrated. And I’m not just saying this in defense of Sam - I’d consider this punishment inordinately destructive to any HG’s game, especially in the first week. This robot twist was a total fuckup. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4466260
Vixenstud July 5, 2018 Share July 5, 2018 8 minutes ago, Nashville said: Sam wasn’t asking for advice; she wanted to have one-on-one conversations with each HG to get their take on the situation. Excellent post....still, robot/mobility issues or not, somehow someway she should have tried to fit in with the HG's; if they don't talk to her now, why think they would for the one-on-one convos? She just rubs me the wrong way, maybe once she drops the 'Poor, poor pitiful me' crap and actually play the game I might feel for her. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4466294
Nashville July 5, 2018 Share July 5, 2018 2 minutes ago, Vixenstud said: Excellent post....still, robot/mobility issues or not, somehow someway she should have tried to fit in with the HG's; if they don't talk to her now, why think they would for the one-on-one convos? Personally I think that’s a nonstarter in robot form, but YMMV. :> 2 minutes ago, Vixenstud said: She just rubs me the wrong way, maybe once she drops the 'Poor, poor pitiful me' crap and actually play the game I might feel for her. I get that; the weepy weepy stuff gets under my skin like a nicotine itch, too. I’m hoping whenever TPTB deign to let Sam enter the House full-time - yaknow, like EVERY OTHER PLAYER IN THE GAME - we might see a substantial change in Sam’s gameplay; I suspect, though, it may already be too late. Sam’s relationship developments will always be a week or so behind everybody else’s, and will suffer accordingly. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4466317
Scout Finch July 6, 2018 Share July 6, 2018 On 7/2/2018 at 5:48 AM, Caseysgirl said: I don’t want any of my Facebook friends to know that I watch this crap. I've been calling this my "summer crack" for years so I really don't want anyone outside of my fellow junkies here to know that I just can't seem to shake that seasonal monkey off my back. "Hi, I'm Scout Finch, and I'm addicted to a particularly trashy reality TV show. It's so bad that I am compelled to watch it three times a week and also keep up with the live feeds thread." 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4468382
Christina July 6, 2018 Share July 6, 2018 (edited) Kaitlin's behavior in this episode cemented my dislike of her. I've barely watched the feeds or BBAD because everyone whispers and even with ear buds it's not loud enough to hear, but Kaitlin's version of what happened in the storage room while she was bitching and whining to the other houseguests about Sam was very different than what we just watched. If she thinks she is selling her meditation and chakra polishing services in the future, I think she's mistaken. 19 hours ago, Vixenstud said: Excellent post....still, robot/mobility issues or not, somehow someway she should have tried to fit in with the HG's; if they don't talk to her now, why think they would for the one-on-one convos? She just rubs me the wrong way, maybe once she drops the 'Poor, poor pitiful me' crap and actually play the game I might feel for her. This doesn't change the "poor me" behavior, but as it relates to the robot issues, she could only be out around the others for 90 minutes to two hours before having to recharge in the storage room -- for 90 minutes to two hours. They should have let her be human then, but didn't. So, she missed the birthday dinner, missed the big first night family dinner and it was because she was in the storage room charging. Also, when she tried to go outside, it shut down more than once. Then she gets frustrated, no one even realizes she wasn't around because they are still getting to know everyone, she gets more depressed and more bored and more "poor me." As soon as she started to talking to someone as a human, the robot went online. If she wasn't on the block maybe she wouldn't have been as bad but the sad sack edit was certainly tiresome. I think it could have been a fun punishment if it happened further in the season or she got to be human as it charged, but no, BB just doesn't care about my opinion. Edited July 6, 2018 by Christina missing necessary words 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4468411
Jel July 6, 2018 Share July 6, 2018 Oh well, guess she shouldn't have lost the comp then. Signed, Hard Hearted Hannah ;) 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4468479
Nashville July 6, 2018 Share July 6, 2018 10 hours ago, Scout Finch said: I've been calling this my "summer crack" for years so I really don't want anyone outside of my fellow junkies here to know that I just can't seem to shake that seasonal monkey off my back. "Hi, I'm Scout Finch, and I'm addicted to a particularly trashy reality TV show. It's so bad that I am compelled to watch it three times a week and also keep up with the live feeds thread." Diagnosis: OCD of a particularly unsavory nature. Me too. :> 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4469576
amazingracefan July 6, 2018 Share July 6, 2018 (edited) 8 hours ago, Jel said: Oh well, guess she shouldn't have lost the comp then. Signed, Hard Hearted Hannah ;) The comp that helped get her put up was the let's team up and put you out comp?? (I might have mixed comps up, don't feel like checking). Although I felt at the start that she might find it hard in there I think it's too early to say she's just a 'poor me' character and I expect the editors will want to work with more than that. Edited July 6, 2018 by amazingracefan 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4469641
Nashville July 6, 2018 Share July 6, 2018 10 minutes ago, amazingracefan said: The comp that helped get her put up was the let's team up and put you out comp?? (I might have mixed comps up, don't feel like checking). Although I felt at the start that she might find it hard in there I think it's too early to say she's just a 'poor me' character and I expect the editors will want to work with more than that. It wasn’t the HoH balls-in-the-tube comp (where Kaitlyn and somebody else - Tyler, maybe? - double-teamed to put Sam out early) which caught Sam the robot punishment. It was the bouncy-bouncy-let’s-spell-‘HOUSEGUEST’ portion of the very first comp - the ‘Supercomputer’ comp Scraggy won, which enabled him to select 2 pairs of 4 HGs as safe from nomination/eviction. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4469672
green July 6, 2018 Share July 6, 2018 2 hours ago, Nashville said: It wasn’t the HoH balls-in-the-tube comp (where Kaitlyn and somebody else - Tyler, maybe? - double-teamed to put Sam out early) which caught Sam the robot punishment. It was the bouncy-bouncy-let’s-spell-‘HOUSEGUEST’ portion of the very first comp - the ‘Supercomputer’ comp Scraggy won, which enabled him to select 2 pairs of 4 HGs as safe from nomination/eviction. For the record Winston was the male who was ganging up on Sam in the balls in the tube thing I believe. Then it was Tyler and Bayleaf who ganged up on him. But yeah the robot punishment was the crawl around in the dark needle in a haystack one. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4469918
Nashville July 6, 2018 Share July 6, 2018 15 minutes ago, green said: For the record Winston was the male who was ganging up on Sam in the balls in the tube thing I believe. Then it was Tyler and Bayleaf who ganged up on him. But yeah the robot punishment was the crawl around in the dark needle in a haystack one. Thx for the clarification, @green. I remembered Kaitlyn getting ticked at Tyler because he broke first from a gang-up on somebody to drop a ball in her tube - a tempo move which got him the HoH win - but I couldn’t remember if they were collaborating earlier. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/71762-s20e03-bb-app-store-1/page/2/#findComment-4469967
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