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S10.E13: Arrest and Relaxation

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4 hours ago, QuinnM said:

I’m trying to figure out when this was filmed.  The melanoma surgery left them very dark.  She had said that the PR trips every other week just made it worse and worse.  When it started to ease up she said she needed, sleep, healthy food and yoga.  About two months ago she did have some corrective surgery for the shallows the surgery caused. So I think this filming was before the second surgery.  Which improved the situation.  But then the Miami ED visit with food poisoning took it all back.  So it’s only about right now real time that she’s not been skeletal with two black eyes.  This is what happens when you live this close to minimum body weight.  Food poisoning would probably leave Carole unable to support her own head.

Talking about Carole, that girl, being Italian, needs some lasagna, meatballs, sausage, bread and whatever fill her up.  She looks too skinny.  Or, maybe she has no appetite since she’s still in love with Adam, although she says “no”, which I think is bullshit.  Bethenny, although when she eats, and she does eat, has a very busy life and probably forgets to eat while going from one thing to another.    P.S.  I’ve NEVER had dark underneath my eyes, ever.  Until I had surgery last September .. still have dark.  What the hell, maybe anesthesia?  Everything else is normal.  Maybe because I’m up a lot during the night.  Or maybe because I’m on computer with this blog all the time lol.  Accute “computeritis”.

Edited by Gem 10
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15 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Unfortunately I don't get WWHL. It sounds like from another post that the poll with Dorinda and Sonja was over whether it was any of Dorinda's business that Sonja uses the Morgan name for business ventures? What was the poll with Bethenny and Dorinda regarding? 

With regards to Lu, does anyone know the final outcome (assuming there has been one)  of her court dates? I think for the last one where the date was publicized, Lu was in another city doing her cabaret shtick. I never read anything after that date that said what the outcome was. 

Sorry.....I don't remember how the Bethenny/Dorinda poll was worded and I couldn't find it online.   I think it was non-specific though....something like whose team are you on?    If that's wrong I'm sure someone will correct me.

As for LuAnn's final court date......I think it's sometime in July.

Edited by AnnA
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17 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

ETA: I caught Ramona VS Melissa Gorga on a Lip Sync show last night. Guess where she got the Brittney costume?! Melissa beat the fuck out of Ramoner. She can't dance. Even with help. And she forgets to move her lips. It was so good awful!  

The "collective we" has always known where she got the costume because Chrissy Teigen was on WWHL after the Halloween episode aired. Chrissy spilled the beans that Ramona took the costume from Lip Sync Battle. Shocking! And I don't think people truly have a sense of just how bad Ramona was. She was awful. The comments call her a drunk (probably) grandma (not yet). Her performance would have been admirable if she was 81 or 91. It was abysmal for a 61 year old who seems to be in decent shape.*

Here is 70 year old Kathy Bates in comparison.

Here is 74 year old Sir Ben Kingsley.

I just wish Betty White had done one to demonstrate just how addled Ramona truly is.

*I wish Ramona had been up against someone like Shannon Beador, who is closer to Ramona's age,  but still would have wiped the floor with Moaner, especially since we've seen Shannon commit in her Bret Michaels drag.

This is the end of my off topic diversion. You may now resume your regularly scheduled programming.

Edited by HunterHunted
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14 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Luann only got upset when she got a text/call from her agent about the photo because they were getting calls/questions about her being out of rehab. At that point, the general public didn't know that until Ramona shared the photo and then people started speculating Luann left rehab early.

What Dorinda needs to do is when Sonja goes on her flights of fancy about "her" shoe/clothing line or about THE Morgan family is just say "like your toaster line" or "like P Diddly on your yacht" and nothing more. No yelling, no pointing, just say it softly and quietly then walk away. This way she isn't being aggressive but she is still pointing out that Sonja is a liar.

I think when Dorinda starts raging, sputtering and spitting, Sonja should look her in the eye and calmly tell her "you're a nasty drunk."   Sonja's flights of fancy do not concern Dorinda so she needs to "zip it." 

ETA:   It was LuAnn's publicist who called.    I also don't recall LuAnn saying  anything about people speculating she left rehab early.  She said she didn't want people to know that she was out or where she was.  

Edited by AnnA
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1 hour ago, BodhiGurl said:

So I guess even tho they hugged it out - and Carole was talking behind Bethenny's back constantly - why is Bethenny is wrong to pick up on the negative energy or to be "paranoid"? How do we know who pushed who away? Because Carole said so? Or did BF admit she pushed her away? I honestly don't remember - but regardless of who started it - clearly the friendship is over so I don't know why BF is wrong to not want to sit by Carole or why she is wrong to be picking up on the negative energy. If Carole would have been less amped up in response (via blogs) I'd probably see her side of things - but she "makes up" with Bethenny in one scene, and then we see her chatting with the other women about how awful Bethenny is, frequently. She and Dorinda are feeding off each other. The constant blog posts about Bethenny have grown tiresome - especially since Bethenny hasn't really said much in response. Is this all over Adam comments? Or some snarky comments about Carole's curious choice in fashion? Because Carole befriended Tinsley? Who knows... I don't know if I even care to know what the start was - they should just agree to be civil to each other and move on. The reunion should be interesting. Carole may "bring receipts" but I am sure so will Bethenny.

 I'm also not sure what unfollowing people on social media has to do with being friends with them off the show - she is following Dorinda, Jill, Heather, and Kristen on Twitter - so by that logic, she's friends with them in real life? And even if she isn't friends with Lu and Sonja off the show - they are getting along on the show right now - which is what I'm commenting on. I honestly don't care who is friends with who off the show. As coworkers they seem to be getting along right now, so I'm enjoying watching the coworkers get along. It's a break from the constant bickering. Which can get to be a bit much if that's all we see.

We know it was Bethenny that pushed Carole away first because Bethenny was smack talking/complaining about Carole to the others behind her back then all kissy face when Carole was around until the small blow out in the Berkshires and until the Berkshires Carole hadn't said 1 word against/negative about Bethenny to any of them. Then they had their sit down where Bethenny tried to make it Carole's fault (once again) about Carole not wanting to discuss their issues thru text messages. Carole then reveals that there were 40 to 50 texts and she told Bethenny it was too important a discussion to have via text, that they should get together when she got back from California in 2 days and Bethenny doesn't deny it. Bottom line, Carole wasn't talking behind Bethenny's back, AT ALL, it was Bethenny talking about Carole behind Carole's back. So, if anyone should have been paranoid, it would have been Carole, not Bethenny who was the one putting out negative energy.

Carole's blogs reflect knowing now what Bethenny said during filming. Carole only heard what Bethenny said when she watched each episode, about 1 week before we see it, which is why she comes off as raw/hurt/angry in her blogs. As for Bethenny's blogs, she isn't blogging much this season at all and most of her anger when she does is directed at Dorinda because she is "throwing Sonja a bone" this season.

Bethenny unfollowed all but Sonja's Instagram accounts, including Luann's, she followed all of them until this season. As for why unfollowing means anything, we know that this was filmed months ago and even though she was all supportive towards Luann, that ended as soon as the cameras were gone. It means that Bethenny is a fake.

I don't mind mild bickering, I hate the OTT screaming that both Bethenny and Dorinda are famous for. 

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14 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

I thought this episode was boring AF. Though I did like Sonja puffing up her chest and telling Dorinda to fall back.

You know, I always wonder if the surrounding guests at the restaurants/hotels these Howives stay at get a discount or their meal comped. If I had to hear these banshees go off while I'm trying to have a nice dinner, I'd have to pull a bbq Becky and complain to management.

With that said (well, written) I think Lu was being overdramatic about the "world talking about her" after Ramona posted that ill-advised picture. I get that it was supposed to be a relaxing, low-key getaway, but girl, the paps are NOT going to be beating down your door for exclusives. No one cares that much. 

Dorinda is still on it about the family crest thing. That should also be filed under "who cares?" You'd think she would've mastered the art of ignoring Sonja and her whimsies by now. We all know that those shoes, like the toaster oven, is a vanity project.

I see that when Carole is on the outs with you, she has no problem telling your business.

The shocker for me was Ramona admitting out loud that she's socially inept.

I'm really straddling the proverbial fence on the Instagram debacle.

Ramona can be a clueless idiot, but she can also be a vicious and self-absorbed twat.  She's so socially inept and completely unable to read a room that sometimes I've even seriously pondered whether she might be on the spectrum of autism/Asperger's.  Then I see her do something that *is* calculated, like the Hope Lodge scenario where she clearly knew she was royally pissing off the Countess (pun intended), and I think perhaps her cluelessness could be simply a well-constructed ruse.  

I can see where the IG photo was just the usual self-absorbed Ramona getting the picture out there to her followers without giving any thought to how it *might* have impacted negatively on Luann.  I don't follow these women on social media, but I'm assuming this is something Ramona and others do all the time when filming to promote the show.

As low as my opinion is of Ramona, I just don't think she did it with nefarious intent.  

Carole loves to play runtelldat with the most hurtful parsed words possible ("fat," "loser", "horrible human being," etc).  She can be every bit as vicious as any of the other housewives.  She may think she's "above it all," but we all know she's sharing that Bravo pigpen with all of the other housewives and rolling around in the same stinky mud.  

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

Right?  And of course, it's riotous that Dorinda, who  we've now seen to be pretty vulgar and low class when she's drunk or fighting with someone, had the gall to call Heather out on it.

It was hypocritical of Dorinda back when it happened. Although she may no drop the F bomb as often as Heather did, she still swore a lot herself! LOL

41 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Sorry.....I don't remember how the Bethenny/Dorinda poll was worded and I couldn't find it online.   I think it was non-specific though....something like who's team are you on?    If that's wrong I'm sure someone will correct me.

As for LuAnn's final court date......I think it's sometime in July.

Here is the info about Luann's next court date. http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city-luann-de-lesseps-accepts-plea-deal-after-arrest-details

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8 minutes ago, AnnA said:

I think when Dorinda starts raging, sputtering and spitting, Sonja should look her in the eye and tell her "you're a nasty drunk."   Sonja's flights of fancy do not concern Dorinda so she needs to "zip it." 

Then it will become drunk accusations thrown at each other. Dorinda is nasty/aggressive/screamer, Sonja is nasty/humping anything in sight/showing off her labia to anyone in sight/pass out/black out. LOL

2 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

I'm really straddling the proverbial fence on the Instagram debacle.

Ramona can be a clueless idiot, but she can also be a vicious and self-absorbed twat.  She's so socially inept and completely unable to read a room that sometimes I've even seriously pondered whether she might be on the spectrum of autism/Asperger's.  Then I see her do something that *is* calculated, like the Hope Lodge scenario where she clearly knew she was royally pissing off the Countess (pun intended), and I think perhaps her cluelessness could be simply a well-constructed ruse.  

I can see where the IG photo was just the usual self-absorbed Ramona getting the picture out there to her followers without giving any thought to how it *might* have impacted negatively on Luann.  I don't follow these women on social media, but I'm assuming this is something Ramona and others do all the time when filming to promote the show.

As low as my opinion is of Ramona, I just don't think she did it with nefarious intent.  

Carole loves to play runtelldat with the most hurtful parsed words possible ("fat," "loser", "horrible human being," etc).  She can be every bit as vicious as any of the other housewives.  She may think she's "above it all," but we all know she's sharing that Bravo pigpen with all of the other housewives and rolling around in the same stinky mud.  

IMO, this is no different from when Ramona tweeted about Victoria years ago. She knew it was wrong to do but didn't care as long as it hurt Luann in the long run. As we saw on this episode, Ramona went from apologizing 1 minute to defending her actions because Luann didn't invite her to the wedding in a nano second! LOL

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8 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Then it will become drunk accusations thrown at each other. Dorinda is nasty/aggressive/screamer, Sonja is nasty/humping anything in sight/showing off her labia to anyone in sight/pass out/black out. LOL


That might happen if Sonja was drunk at the time.   So far, that hasn't been the case.   Dorinda has gone off the reservation while the group was at brunch, lunch or dinner and while Sonja was sober. 

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10 minutes ago, AnnA said:

That might happen if Sonja was drunk at the time.   So far, that hasn't been the case.   Dorinda has gone off the reservation while the group was at brunch, lunch or dinner and while Sonja was sober. 

That’s true; say what you will about Sonja and her drinking habits, but she’s never been shitfaced at any of their brunches or dinners. She saves her drunken antics for random benders and late night outings.

Whereas Slurinda pretty much gets naked wasted during group most meals and parties. I think she gradually got worse about the random drunk dining routine as she grew more comfortable around the cameras. She’s obviously bought into her hype and knows people are digging her drunk dining outbursts. Sadly though, she’s just revealing that she’s obviously a big time day-drinker who uses her afternoon nap time as a time-out until happy hour. 

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Well both Tom and Harry are in the Hamptons and surreptitiously instagrammed by Bethenny.  I can’t tell if it’s at two different places or the same bar.  She ended askingwhere’s Dick.  So it’s hot in the city and everyone is in the Hamptons.

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4 hours ago, Ellee said:


LOL ... yes I really did say ‘lobster inventory’.  It was a restaurant that was off on their lobster costs. In a nut shell ... the kid was taking live lobsters and setting them free back into the water.   

On another note ... back in the day ... around season 3 of NY ... I started creating rumors about the ladies ... had fun doing it, none of the rumors could/would be taken seriously on the Bravo site ... just fun to do and usually pointed at their behavior at the time.  Had a few giggles and sometimes got a few giggles. 

Giggles are a good thing. :D

You are my hero! I am a firm believer in the importance of whimsy!

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21 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

If I were born a Morgan, I would be horrified that Sonja was showing sex toys in the dishwasher, wearing only the top half of a costume, deliberately loosening her wrap dress on stage during a cabaret act, exposing her private parts at night clubs so that a friend felt the need to step in as snatch guard, and sexually harassing staff and contractors. I think it reflects poorly on the Morgan family. But I wouldn’t discuss it publicly because that would bring more attention to it. 

Who knows - the family might have thought she was a pistol and enjoyed her, besides, if they were worried about scandal. I don't think  think a  John Adams Morgan  who at  68 would have married the 35yr old restaurant. hostess.

Sonja and daughter are very involved in this  - one could say maybe Sonja's celebrity helps the charity?

Sonja Morgan

March 26, 2013 ·

Family Charity In support of a AFB Ann Morgan's home outside of Paris turned French-American Museum
WIN trip LINK: http://bit.ly/YP5jBb

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51 minutes ago, AnnA said:

That might happen if Sonja was drunk at the time.   So far, that hasn't been the case.   Dorinda has gone off the reservation while the group was at brunch, lunch or dinner and while Sonja was sober. 

Dorinda wasn't drunk this last time when Sonja started with her. Sonja didn't need booze, she has Bethenny's blessing and winding her up. Can you imagine how Bethenny would have reacted had Sonja come at her after Bethenny ripped her a new one over being the "face" of TG? LOL

35 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

That’s true; say what you will about Sonja and her drinking habits, but she’s never been shitfaced at any of their brunches or dinners. She saves her drunken antics for random benders and late night outings.

Whereas Slurinda pretty much gets naked wasted during group most meals and parties. I think she gradually got worse about the random drunk dining routine as she grew more comfortable around the cameras. She’s obviously bought into her hype and knows people are digging her drunk dining outbursts. Sadly though, she’s just revealing that she’s obviously a big time day-drinker who uses her afternoon nap time as a time-out until happy hour. 

Nahhh, Sonja is getting her courage from the "supplements" she is talking every morning and from Bethenny winding her up/encouraging her to start a fight with Dorinda. Dorinda didn't even mention Sonja/Morgan/crest when Sonja went at her. LOL

1 minute ago, sheetmoss said:

Who knows - the family might have thought she was a pistol and enjoyed her, besides, if they were worried about scandal. I don't think  think a  John Adams Morgan  who at  68 would have married the 35yr old restaurant. hostess.

Sonja and daughter are very involved in this  - one could say maybe Sonja's celebrity helps the charity?

Sonja Morgan

March 26, 2013 ·

Family Charity In support of a AFB Ann Morgan's home outside of Paris turned French-American Museum
WIN trip LINK: http://bit.ly/YP5jBb

The only Morgan charity/function Sonja is involved with is outside the US, far away from the NY and Sonja's trashy HW behavior and even then, only through/with Quincy. It seems that Sonja isn't recognized as a Morgan on her own anymore, even in Europe.

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2 hours ago, AnnA said:

I think when Dorinda starts raging, sputtering and spitting, Sonja should look her in the eye and calmly tell her "you're a nasty drunk."

I work in a bar would not be allowed to serve Dorinda when she's at the slurring incoherent stage. I see girls half her age get thrown out by security every week. She's definitely the WORST drunk out of all the women. 

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41 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Dorinda wasn't drunk this last time when Sonja started with her. 

No she wasn't drunk that time. That scene was staged and she was acting (badly).   There are quite a few posts about how fake it was and that both Sonja and Dorinda staged that scene.   

33 minutes ago, coops said:

I work in a bar would not be allowed to serve Dorinda when she's at the slurring incoherent stage. I see girls half her age get thrown out by security every week. She's definitely the WORST drunk out of all the women. 

Yes she is and I hope they call her out on it at the reunion. 

Edited by AnnA
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15 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Did everyone hear Ramona say “ramifikessions”?


14 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Impossible, Ramona would never mess up a word!

Ramona fail English? That’s unpossible!

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

. Dorinda didn't even mention Sonja/Morgan/crest when Sonja went at her. LOL


Yes she did.  

She said she wouldn't wear a family crest.   She also said that if she were to go to her family home, she didn't mean Scotland.   (which makes no sense). That's when Sonja flipped out asking why she was so focused on her family. 

It doesn't really matter though because that whole scene was staged.

Edited by AnnA
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18 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

I don't know where Lu checked in at but damn it sounds more like a posh motel. And under 30 days huh? Least is 28 + detox time. When you start the 28 days they have you up and doing shit all day. Sure great food and skiing days counting as Physical Therapy but true rehab has you busy. You turn your journals in at night for the staff to read and suggest and put in your treatment plan. She obviously she went to the not really rehab for really  rich folks. Even regular spots are a good 50 grand.

Works for me because my armchair analysis is that she's not an alcoholic.  She drank too much for a while, and it caused her to act stupidly, but I don't think she was truly dependent on alcohol.  I think she needed to sleep it off, not detox, and be in a place where she can't drink for a while in order to explore why she wanted to drink.

I don't think she'll have any trouble being a social drinker in the future.  I do think she'll have trouble with all the judgments that will come raining down on her for not maintaining her sobriety by people who think it's impossible for someone who had a bad spell with alcohol to ever drink again in a responsible manner. 

Now, Dorinda?  I'm not so sure about that one.  Maybe it's the slurring and the meanness, but her drinking seems problematic to me.


4 hours ago, lezlers said:

Oh man, I am NO fan of Carole this season but I'm with her on the yoga thing.  I've always hated yoga, I've found it has the opposite effect on me.  Instead of feeling peace and calm it makes me really anxious and irritable.   So I totally understand what she's saying.  Yoga doesn't feel like "exercise."   I'm much more relaxed after a super hard workout that exhausts me than I would be after an hour of yoga.  

After all this talk, I went to a yoga class today just to see.  The actual moving around part was fine, but having someone yammering at me about centering my mind and taking my space in the world does nothing for me, and I was mainly thinking it was time that could have been spent doing more moving around.  I think what I need is "mindless yoga."  Actually, pilates is kind of like that--intense concentration on what your body's doing, but without the gong.

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On 6/28/2018 at 4:44 PM, Reality police said:

Maybe I missed the comment here but was anyone blown away that Sonja and Ramona didn't room together? Did Hell freeze over and I missed it? No running through the building, screaming and staking their claim? How will I go on? The one thing I thought I could always depend on is gone! How will I be able to tell the difference between fact and fiction? Woe is me.

Even tho I may snark on those two nutcases, they are funny and insane, so I hope they don’t go after the season.  It wouldn’t be good without Bethenny, Ramona and Sonja.  No way.

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1 hour ago, AnnA said:

No she wasn't drunk that time. That scene was staged and she was acting (badly).   There are quite a few posts about how fake it was and that both Sonja and Dorinda staged that scene.   

Yes she is and I hope they call her out on it at the reunion. 

Why is it that when someone some likes acts like an ass, Sonja this time, it is "staged" but when others do it they are nasty/wrong? LOL 

1 hour ago, AnnA said:

Yes she did.  

She said she wouldn't wear a family crest.   She also said that if she were to go to her family home, she didn't mean Scotland.   (which makes no sense). That's when Sonja flipped out asking why she was so focused on her family. 

It doesn't really matter though because that whole scene was staged.

No, at that dinner, Dorinda did not bring up the Morgan crest, Sonja did and she did so right after Bethenny acted like an ass toward Tinsley/trying on dresses. And the only ones that "staged" those idiot arguments/attacks were Bethenny and Sonja, which makes them the fake ones/liars.

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3 hours ago, AnnA said:

That might happen if Sonja was drunk at the time.   So far, that hasn't been the case.   Dorinda has gone off the reservation while the group was at brunch, lunch or dinner and while Sonja was sober. 

I just thought, Sonja takes these beatings rather well. Yeah she will raise her voice but only trying to get heard over the other person and I can’t remember her ever hitting below the belt likenthenother ladies. She, from what my horrible memory recalls defends herself but never really hits back. I’m not sure if that was clear.

she also seems to forgive the quickest.

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16 hours ago, escatefromny said:

Remember it was repressed Dorinda who classified it as Harry saying “horrible things about Luanne”.  It’s like she didn’t mind the indiscretion of kissing and telling but, like Ramona (the other Catholic School girl), she seemed to view it negatively and with some judgment.   

What does it say about me that I even remember this stuff, likely that I’m a Catholic School girl too! 

If you're talking about the squirter comment, while Harry may have said it, he never did it on camera.

That came from Sonja, Ramona, John..from Dorinda's expression she knew too.

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20 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Why is it that when someone some likes acts like an ass, Sonja this time, it is "staged" but when others do it they are nasty/wrong? LOL 

No, at that dinner, Dorinda did not bring up the Morgan crest, Sonja did and she did so right after Bethenny acted like an ass toward Tinsley/trying on dresses. And the only ones that "staged" those idiot arguments/attacks were Bethenny and Sonja, which makes them the fake ones/liars.

I don't know the answer to your first question because I don't know when that happened.

I watched that scene before I posted just to be sure and Dorinda did bring up the crest.   She said she wouldn't go trying on wedding dresses and she wouldn't wear a crest. 

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3 hours ago, QuinnM said:

Well both Tom and Harry are in the Hamptons and surreptitiously instagrammed by Bethenny.  I can’t tell if it’s at two different places or the same bar.  She ended askingwhere’s Dick.  So it’s hot in the city and everyone is in the Hamptons.

No wonder why Luann is moving.

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On 6/29/2018 at 4:48 PM, Martinigirl said:

She also said she would wear the dresses to a party. LOL!!!

Yeah, if it was a wedding party and you're the one walking down the aisle

At the next filmed evening event for RHONY, Scott is meeting Tinsley at the venue.

Tinsley walks in wearing a wedding gown, veil and a bouquet of flowers.

Scott walks in with a group of his friends.

Hey, Scott, where are you going?????


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22 hours ago, AnnA said:

I hadn't watched WWHL in a long time but I caught this one.   Dorinda definitely was not happy.   She lost both polls - one to Sonja and she got crushed by Bethenny in the other one.    Some have said these poll results are suspect and/or fixed by Bravo - maybe - maybe not.   Either way they sent a clear message to Dorinda.   If they were NOT fixed, the fans sent the message and if they were fixed, Bravo was sending her a message.   Neither one was good for Dorinda.

Dorinda is extremely angry. It may be part of her grieving process - which is just a viscous circular cycle. Things that she is unhappy with, she just takes aim at the person in her vicinity.

You never know which Dorinda you're going to get when she drinks, she went nuts on Luann about the cake her mother baked for her birthday, she went nuts on Heather for walking into the restaurant ahead of her. When Dorinda is mean - she is SUPER viscous.

In the upcoming scene, I felt so bad for Luann - she really hurt her.

PS: On the WWHL aftershow, Andy said to Dorinda see you at the reunion in 2 weeks

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5 hours ago, QuinnM said:

Well both Tom and Harry are in the Hamptons and surreptitiously instagrammed by Bethenny.  I can’t tell if it’s at two different places or the same bar.  She ended askingwhere’s Dick.  So it’s hot in the city and everyone is in the Hamptons.

No wonder why Luann is moving.   Who’s Dick?

Edited by Gem 10
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15 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Bethenny was sporting some major dark under eyes.  She actually looks like something isn't going right in her life.


9 hours ago, QuinnM said:

I’m trying to figure out when this was filmed.  The melanoma surgery left them very dark.  She had said that the PR trips every other week just made it worse and worse.  When it started to ease up she said she needed, sleep, healthy food and yoga.  About two months ago she did have some corrective surgery for the shallows the surgery caused. So I think this filming was before the second surgery.  Which improved the situation.  But then the Miami ED visit with food poisoning took it all back.  So it’s only about right now real time that she’s not been skeletal with two black eyes.  This is what happens when you live this close to minimum body weight.  Food poisoning would probably leave Carole unable to support her own head.

Bethenny has always had dark circles under her eyes. It could be hereditary - Bernadette is the same.

Back when she was pregnant with Brynn on the vacation hosted by Ramona - she had the dark circles, when she was in labor she had the dark circles, when she went ice cream buying in the Hamptons with Carole - that might have been Snapchat - she had the dark circles, there was a scene when she was going to the launch of SKG chocolates - when she was getting ready - she had the dark circles.

Pretty much when you see Bethenny without foundation/concealer/banana powder - those circles are there

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8 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Dorinda is extremely angry. It may be part of her grieving process - which is just a viscous circular cycle. Things that she is unhappy with, she just takes aim at the person in her vicinity.

You never know which Dorinda you're going to get when she drinks, she went nuts on Luann about the cake her mother baked for her birthday, she went nuts on Heather for walking into the restaurant ahead of her. When Dorinda is mean - she is SUPER viscous.

In the upcoming scene, I felt so bad for Luann - she really hurt her.

PS: On the WWHL aftershow, Andy said to Dorinda see you at the reunion in 2 weeks

You are darn right Dorinda is angry.  She is NOT happy with her life.  She misses her extravagant, elegant, interesting life with Richard who was a wealthy important smart man.  She lived the great life in London with the rich and famous people.  Now, she comes back to N.Y. To John and bickering with these housewives to stay relevant.  Sure she’s angry. After five years of the high life, she’s back to this.  She can’t accept the fact that she’s just a housewife again.

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Ramona fail English? That’s unpossible!

Just remember, she's not the brightest tool in the shed!  Kadooz to LuAnn for another quote that we'll be using for a long time!  


In a nut shell ... the kid was taking live lobsters and setting them free back into the water.   

That's what I feel like doing whenever I walk into a Red Lobster and see the live lobster tank!  

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5 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

She lived the great life in London with the rich and famous people.  Now, she comes back to N.Y.

She didn’t live in London with Richard, she lived there with her first husband but moved back to NY when they got divorced when Hannah was little and thats where she met Richard.

Edited by biakbiak
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3 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Just remember, she's not the brightest tool in the shed!  Kadooz to LuAnn for another quote that we'll be using for a long time!  

That's what I feel like doing whenever I walk into a Red Lobster and see the live lobster tank!  

Me too .. I look the other way.  How about a million fish in a small tank in a restaurant or doctors waiting room?  I want to cry.

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6 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Pretty much when you see Bethenny without foundation/concealer/banana powder - those circles are there

This is me relating.  Yet another less than awesome birthright.  It is hereditary, and it does suck, an I have spent countless $hunnids$ in an attempt at covering.

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3 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

This is me relating.  Yet another less than awesome birthright.  It is hereditary, and it does suck, an I have spent countless $hunnids$ in an attempt at covering.

Have you found anything that works better than other products?  Mine tend to be a little darker when I haven't slept well or if my allergies are acting up.  

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4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

She didn’t live in London with Richard, she lived there with her first husband but moved back to NY when they got divorced when Hannah was little and thats where she met Richard. The 

I could have sworn I read she lived there with Richard.  Was her first husband a big shot and wealthy?  Who was he?  Is Richard buried here or London?  I’ll have to read the bio.  My mistake.  I remember her going with Carole for Anthony’s ashes in London and reminiscing about living there.

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2 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Have you found anything that works better than other products?  Mine tend to be a little darker when I haven't slept well or if my allergies are acting up.  

I'll answer in the Small Talk thread after a bit.  ( ;

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13 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I could have sworn I read she lived there with Richard.  Was her first husband a big shot and wealthy?  Who was he?  Is Richard buried here or London?  I’ll have to read the bio.  My mistake.  I remember her going with Carole for Anthony’s ashes in London and reminiscing about living there.

Yes, she reminisced about living in London  because she lived there but it was years ago. She and her ex-husband owned a cashmere company that was based there. She met Richard when she was working as a realtor in NYC and showed him an apartment. He was a hedge fund manager on Wall Street, he buisoness partner was George Soros and he was big into Democratic politics. The reason she knows John is because he was friends with Richard.

Edited by biakbiak
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2 hours ago, AnnA said:

Yes she did.  

She said she wouldn't wear a family crest.   She also said that if she were to go to her family home, she didn't mean Scotland.   (which makes no sense). That's when Sonja flipped out asking why she was so focused on her family. 

It doesn't really matter though because that whole scene was staged.

I’m wondering if her first husband, Ralph Lynch, has a family home in Scotland? Or, at least, his ancestors are from Scotland?

I learned today that Hannah’s middle name is Danger. 

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1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I’m wondering if her first husband, Ralph Lynch, has a family home in Scotland? Or, at least, his ancestors are from Scotland?

During one of the many fights on this ridiculous subject she said she would never think to wear his tartan.

Edited by biakbiak
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23 hours ago, AnnA said:

You're right!   That's exactly what serious drug/alcohol rehabs do.    I don't know the name of it but I did see a TV commercial for a swanky rehab in Florida that said they allowed email,  Internet access,  texting, etc. and showed a man with his smart phone.   


Note the date this was published 1/26/18

The article says she got out of treatment 1/23/18

Luann is playing with the dates - totally lying

Look at the picture - that's at the Mayflower - the scene by the pool with Luann/Bethenny was filmed there.

This place you mentioned in Florida sounds like a spa for detox only.

What I've seen before from friends who have gone to rehab - they are cut off from the outside world at the beginning stage. Intense therapy and detox are first. They don't even let them listen to the news. Most rehabs - even though you sign yourself in - you can check out and no one can legally stop you. They cut you off from phones, Internet, Social Media, the news - because people use all kinds of excuses to justify in their minds they need to leave.

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18 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

The article says she got out of treatment 1/23/18

The article says that because that is the date of her IG post. It goes on to say that earlier that same day was when Ramona had the picture of them up at dinner and then deleted it. So the only thing that is fudging is that she was in CT not NYC when the picture was up. She probably purposely IGd that to diffuse Ramona’s photo.

Edited by biakbiak
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4 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Works for me because my armchair analysis is that she's not an alcoholic.  She drank too much for a while, and it caused her to act stupidly, but I don't think she was truly dependent on alcohol.  I think she needed to sleep it off, not detox, and be in a place where she can't drink for a while in order to explore why she wanted to drink.

I don't think she'll have any trouble being a social drinker in the future.  I do think she'll have trouble with all the judgments that will come raining down on her for not maintaining her sobriety by people who think it's impossible for someone who had a bad spell with alcohol to ever drink again in a responsible manner. 

Now, Dorinda?  I'm not so sure about that one.  Maybe it's the slurring and the meanness, but her drinking seems problematic to me.


After all this talk, I went to a yoga class today just to see.  The actual moving around part was fine, but having someone yammering at me about centering my mind and taking my space in the world does nothing for me, and I was mainly thinking it was time that could have been spent doing more moving around.  I think what I need is "mindless yoga."  Actually, pilates is kind of like that--intense concentration on what your body's doing, but without the gong.

I like pilates, I've been doing it twice a week for a couple of years now.  I look at it more like physical therapy tho, not an actual "workout." Pilates got me from the brink of back surgery to running half marathons so it'll always hold a place in my heart.  Definitely don't consider it a true workout, however, despite often being quite sore after.  I'm old school when it comes to exercise: if I don't break a sweat, it doesn't count as a workout.  That's just me, tho.  I need to sweat and challenge myself physically to get those endorphins.  Doing downward dog while some yogi blathers on about centering myself isn't going to cut it.   I get my namaste on after a serious sweat session (and not from a thermostat.  Hot yoga sounds like actual torture to me.) 

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55 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Yes, she reminisced about living in London  because she lived there but it was years ago. She and her ex-husband owned a cashmere company that was based there. She met Richard when she was working as a realtor in NYC and showed him an apartment. He was a hedge fund manager on Wall Street, he buisoness partner was George Soros and he was big into Democratic politics. The reason she knows John is because he was friends with Richard.

Oh, o.k.  I didn’t know that.  Thanks for the info.

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6 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

The "collective we" has always known where she got the costume because Chrissy Teigen was on WWHL after the Halloween episode aired. Chrissy spilled the beans that Ramona took the costume from Lip Sync Battle. Shocking! And I don't think people truly have a sense of just how bad Ramona was. She was awful. The comments call her a drunk (probably) grandma (not yet). Her performance would have been admirable if she was 81 or 91. It was abysmal for a 61 year old who seems to be in decent shape.*


Here is 70 year old Kathy Bates in comparison.


Here is 74 year old Sir Ben Kingsley.


I just wish Betty White had done one to demonstrate just how addled Ramona truly is.

*I wish Ramona had been up against someone like Shannon Beador, who is closer to Ramona's age,  but still would have wiped the floor with Moaner, especially since we've seen Shannon commit in her Bret Michaels drag.

This is the end of my off topic diversion. You may now resume your regularly scheduled programming.

Wow! Thank you for setting me straight! I don't always watch WWHL and I somehow missed it here. Shannon would have been a much better set uo.I'll have to take a gander at some comments of those that don't see Moaner on the weekly as we punish ourselves. 

I remember Betty White on Golden Girls really kicking it. That was glorious! 

TOPIC.....I am even more appalled at her words and actions. I didn't think that was possible. I'm even blaming her for a bum boat ride coming up. It was interesting she and Sonja were back to cling on stage. Though I wouldn't fault anyone for holding onto another in that particular situation. Just this once.

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3 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Ramona gets trapped in an elevator in a future episode. Does the cameraperson just stand there filming it?

Or leave so no one notices and frees her.

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5 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Dorinda is extremely angry. It may be part of her grieving process - which is just a viscous circular cycle. Things that she is unhappy with, she just takes aim at the person in her vicinity.

Dorinda's stages of grief bounce back and forth between anger and depression. If she experiences the rest of the Kubler Ross stages (denial, bargaining, & acceptance), then Dorinda must cycle really quickly through them, but summer and winter in anger and depression.

Edited by HunterHunted
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