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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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29 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Topic: that interview with Will read like a job interview. That was some major brown nosing. I would love to know the arrogant juror that approached him last year and told him he didn't sway their vote. Elena? Cody?

That's so Raven. (& Matt)

Remember how full of venom she was at the round table?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tauRFBdrCc4


Elena was furious with Paul and his defenders, but only Raven is SO sure of EVERYTHING that she would taunt Will.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Yeah, she didnt suddenly start winning on purpose. I guess because there were less good competitors, her chances of winning increased.


She didn't use her POVs because there was no need to since the people she wanted on the block WERE on the block. The difference that her POV wins made was that it kept the POV  out of FOUTTE's hands. Critical.

So much this!  She actively kept it away from the people she DIDN'T want to have it, which is enough of a win in itself.  It would have been stupid for her to use it just to "make a move," when that move would benefit her in no way.

  • Love 5

For the Dr Will jury roundtable stuff last year, I do remember him pressing hard on the jurors taking a more objective look on Paul, which is why I don't think it was Raven who approached him. It sounds like something Elena would do. Alex and Jason already admitted that they were thinking of voting for Paul anyway, so I'm not certain it was either of them. Elena's the only one who I could picture saying those words to Will, especially since he specified it was after the finale. Though I guess, after re-reading that part, it could have been Alex. Actually, now that I think about it, it could have been Alex, who could have told him that HE didn't sway her vote...because Paul cemented his own fate.

I don't think it was Cody because, at the time of the finale, he was actually going to apologize to Josh and then spent time with Jessica. Plus, he's not the type who would care to confront Will like that.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

For the Dr Will jury roundtable stuff last year, I do remember him pressing hard on the jurors taking a more objective look on Paul, which is why I don't think it was Raven who approached him. It sounds like something Elena would do. Alex and Jason already admitted that they were thinking of voting for Paul anyway, so I'm not certain it was either of them. Elena's the only one who I could picture saying those words to Will, especially since he specified it was after the finale. Though I guess, after re-reading that part, it could have been Alex. Actually, now that I think about it, it could have been Alex, who could have told him that HE didn't sway her vote...because Paul cemented his own fate.

I don't think it was Cody because, at the time of the finale, he was actually going to apologize to Josh and then spent time with Jessica. Plus, he's not the type who would care to confront Will like that.

If it wasn't Alex, it had to be Elena.

I don't think there's any way Cody gave even half a shit what Will may have been trying to do.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, llewis823 said:

I loved the guy Marty and can't remember his last name at the moment. I loved his version of "Wish You Were Here" better than the original Pink Floyd version.

Marty Casey.  Frontman for a Chicago-local band called the Lovehammers.  And I felt the same way about Marty’s acoustic cover of “Mr. Brightside”.




41 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I think it was Elena- I don't follow her on Twitter- but I saw some screenshots of her saying that Dr. Will was trying to push a Paul win on everyone and that she wasn't having it. 

So I wouldn't be surprised if it was her. Let me see if I can find it. 


Elena wouldn’t surprise me a bit.


4 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:


OMG but that was HILARIOUS.  What the clip doesn’t show is that was the end of JC trying to blow the damn thing over for about FIVE FUCKING MINUTES - after both Kaycee and Tyler did it with one try.

(Of course, JC was probably hampered by the fact everybody - including him - was laughing so hard, he could barely keep a full lungful of air in....)

Edited by Nashville
Look on the Brightside
  • Love 2

From Joker’s - posted Mon 6:15 AM PT, but occurred earlier:


12:31 AM Kaycee out of DR. 
12:32 AM BB: JC - please go to the Diary Room. (JC is in Pink BR center bed.) 
JC: F*ck (Indecipherable) F*ck! 
Kaycee: I'm sorry. (Laughing) 
JC: I'm telling you man - the whole day he has done nothing! Nothing!! (Ed.: Upset that "he" (BB) is calling him to the DR after he is already in bed for the night. Thinks BB had all day to call him.) 
JC off to DR. 
Tyler: He (BB) probably won't turn the lights out. 
Kaycee: He won't? 
Tyler: No. 
Kaycee: It's probably because they waited to call him. They'll probably turn it off now. 
Kaycee to WC, wash hands, applies ointment on her shoulders, wash hands, hand cream, to Blue BR left bed. 
12:37 AM Kaycee: (Indecipherable) 
Tyler: It's about time. Now they'll turn the lights off. 
Kaycee: Yes. 
Kaycee & Tyler: More Indecipherable. 
12:38 AM BR lights go off. Tyler: Thank you. Kaycee: Thank you. Tyler: Don't tell JC. (Ed.: That the BR lights are finally off now that JC is no longer in bed.) 
1:13 AM JC from off cam walking out of BA, to Pink BR center bed. 

1:14 AM Main House lights go off.


Reckon it’s any accident over the past few days, JC has invariably been the last HG called for the day’s closing DRs - usually after he’s already gone to bed?  JC may be a Production darling, but I think the crew fucking hates his ass.  :>


15 minutes ago, lilabennet said:

I think Cody was the "aloof houseguest just staring blankly out into the void".

Well... if the void’s staring back, I reckon it got a damn good look.  :D

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, gunderda said:

The other day I was watching the re-runs during feeds being blocked and they showed Will, Janelle, Erica and Boogie come outside to a comp which was a super simple set up (especially compared to these days) - to where the backyard walls weren't even covered and the competition just took up maybe half the yard and they came out in shock and aw of how amazing the comp looked.  It was hilarious. 

And now they take days to set up a comp that lasts 10 min sometimes (HOH question comps)

Also reminded me what a great job was done for BBOTT in a more simplistic manner. Rock climbing ( modified), endurance ( sword holding on button), face morph ( switching and matching hanging cards, and that mirror comp. So well done. It would have been interesting to go back to more simplistic comps. But TV , HD, want the pop value.


But big kudos tl comp team for the look and difficulty of that part one final hoh.

Edited by missyb
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Nashville said:

Oh c’mon now - S1 kicked S2’s ass all the way up the boulevard and back.  #TeamMarty all the way - he could make Britney Fucking Spears sound badass as hell.



I’d heard Rockstar’s demise came about from a combination of sagging ratings + the S2 legal entanglements - not the least of which was the “Supernova” name, which caught them a copyright infringement suit.  Burnett and/or CBS decided it simply wasn’t worth the effort, which was a shame - some excellent performances resulted from the series.

I’m shocked one of the music channels never brought it back.

  • Love 3

I’d love to see Brett and Winston on the Bold & Beautiful and the Amazing Race, too.  

Angela, not so much.  But pretty sure we will see her and Tyler on the AR.  

Wouldn’t it be great if Bay and Chris were on the AR with Angela and Tyler?  And Angela and Tyler kick their ass?  Nothing will give me more pleasure than a saltier Chris. 

  • Love 10
20 minutes ago, Skyfall said:

I’m shocked one of the music channels never brought it back.

I expect Rockstar was more expensive than most to produce - think of how much Production had to lay out in copyright royalties for all the music the performers covered.

Which is the exact same reason BB calls out JC every time he starts singing.

(See, mods?  Relevance!)    ;)

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

Wouldn’t it be great if Bay and Chris were on the AR with Angela and Tyler?  And Angela and Tyler kick their ass?  Nothing will give me more pleasure than a saltier Chris. 

I'd much rather Chris get no opportunities, but that's just me. 

Or, if anything, just send him on The Challenge. I don't watch the show anyway and it'll satisfy his egoistical urges. 

3 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

I’d love to see Brett and Winston on the Bold & Beautiful and the Amazing Race, too.  

The Amazing Race would be awesome.

I suspect Tyler and Angela will be chosen for The Bold and the Beautiful. I don't know who else would as well. Maybe Kaitlyn? Maybe Haleigh? Potentially Bayleigh?

  • Love 6

From Joker’s:

Mon 10:50 AM PT 10:45 AM Kaycee in KT folding her second headband. BB: Kaycee! Please go to the Diary Room. Kaycee: Sh*t! F*ck! Loud! Scared the f*ck out of me! BB: Sorry! Kaycee: (Indecipherable)

Hilarious.  I expect the overall silence of the near-empty House is starting to wear on the remaining HGs.

  • Love 10
30 minutes ago, Nashville said:

From Joker’s:

Mon 10:50 AM PT 10:45 AM Kaycee in KT folding her second headband. BB: Kaycee! Please go to the Diary Room. Kaycee: Sh*t! F*ck! Loud! Scared the f*ck out of me! BB: Sorry! Kaycee: (Indecipherable)

Hilarious.  I expect the overall silence of the near-empty House is starting to wear on the remaining HGs.

I could not stand the situation they have to deal with from now until the finale...well, maybe for $500K. But no windows? No fresh air? UGH. It makes me feel claustrophobic just watching them on the feeds.


50 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'd much rather Chris get no opportunities, but that's just me. 

Or, if anything, just send him on The Challenge. I don't watch the show anyway and it'll satisfy his egoistical urges. 

Chris would be perfect on the ego-saturated Challenge.  I would actually tune in to see him get his ass handed to him. I looked at his twitter for some reason, and....I wish I hadn't. He's not a truly bad guy at all, but his ego is just unreal. And all his fans just reinforce it.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, gunderda said:

This might be my fav F3 in a long time (or since i've had the feeds) and I'm not even watching the feeds much anymore but usually you get a random assortment of people who don't really want to hang out together but these 3 genuinely have fun

I love how they bought those chairs into the kitchen and set up a makeshift lounging area- they were able to all just sit there and shoot the shit and talk about their fellow HG's. The parts that I was able to watch for a bit yesterday were pretty funny- they all feed off each other well. Meanwhile, Tyler basically was saying that he's in love with Angela- but I think they think he's joking. Maybe not Kaycee- she seems to be like hmmmm- but I think JC believes Tyler's just trolling him, even though he isn't. 

Not to mention the bowling segment I was crying. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:


I actually do think it's pretty amazing that these two are still together (and now having babies)! They embody the "opposites attract" concept.

The ONLY thing that has slightly changed my dislike of Angela is how Tyler melted her icy cold heart. The novelty of a couple trying SO hard to not have a showmance actually appear to fall in love is the main thing I like about "Tangela" the couple.

I'll be curious to see how long they make it ;)

  • Love 20
33 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Chris would be perfect on the ego-saturated Challenge.  I would actually tune in to see him get his ass handed to him. I looked at his twitter for some reason, and....I wish I hadn't. He's not a truly bad guy at all, but his ego is just unreal. And all his fans just reinforce it.

The thing is that he's a young, dumb, immature 23 year old kid whose ego is too big for him at the stage of life that he's in. It's funny to see him and Tyler as the same age and being at two different maturity points (not saying that Tyler is 100% mature himself but more mature than Chris/Swaggy is). I do think that Chris can grow out of this Swaggy stage. From what it sounds like from some alumni, Chris, not Swaggy, is actually a very pleasant and quiet kid to be around. I'm hoping that's true and once he gets over his Swaggy persona, which he will in a couple of years, then maybe Chris can emerge a better person. He's more annoying than anything. Bayleigh is too, but she's a little bit older and just as immature. 

Plus, I gave myself a Would You Rather question a few days ago and I've put some thought in it. Would I rather hang out with Swaggy in real life or Jason Roy? And honestly, my answer is Swaggy, since he's not a bullying awful judgmental disgusting prick like Jason is, and those are the kindest words I can give to Jason.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, KootieTaw said:

The ONLY thing that has slightly changed my dislike of Angela is how Tyler melted her icy cold heart. The novelty of a couple trying SO hard to not have a showmance actually appear to fall in love is the main thing I like about "Tangela" the couple.

I'll be curious to see how long they make it ;)

Agreed. I normally hate showmances- but I thought it was sweet how we watched them fall in love- and how they both were fighting it ESPECIALLY Tyler. He was like visibly pissed at himself for getting to close to her- even one time throwing a pillow across the room in frustration. LOL. 

  • Love 18
3 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

I think it was Elena- I don't follow her on Twitter- but I saw some screenshots of her saying that Dr. Will was trying to push a Paul win on everyone and that she wasn't having it. 

So I wouldn't be surprised if it was her. Let me see if I can find it. 


Great find. Okay, so, yeah, it had to be Elena. 

8 minutes ago, KootieTaw said:

The ONLY thing that has slightly changed my dislike of Angela is how Tyler melted her icy cold heart. The novelty of a couple trying SO hard to not have a showmance actually appear to fall in love is the main thing I like about "Tangela" the couple.

I'll be curious to see how long they make it ;)

As others have noted, there is a reason why it is the plot of, like, every romantic comedy ever, and that's because it is highly compelling to watch two people fight trying to fall in love and then still fall in love in the end. 

  • Love 8
51 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

As others have noted, there is a reason why it is the plot of, like, every romantic comedy ever, and that's because it is highly compelling to watch two people fight trying to fall in love and then still fall in love in the end. 

Yes, Boy meets Girl.  They resist the attraction for Valid Reasons (they don't want to be slammed by Zingbot), but then Give In to their hearts.  Then Girl finds out that Boy has a F2 with another girl!  They separate, for at least a week, until Boy wins $500K and Girl Forgives.  They then walk off into the sun set of TAR.  The End.  

Wasn't Sandra Bullock in that one? 

Edited by Thalia
  • Love 23
2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:
2 hours ago, LGGirl said:

Wouldn’t it be great if Bay and Chris were on the AR with Angela and Tyler?  And Angela and Tyler kick their ass?  Nothing will give me more pleasure than a saltier Chris. 

I'd much rather Chris get no opportunities, but that's just me. 

It's not just you.

2 hours ago, Nashville said:

From Joker’s:

Mon 10:50 AM PT 10:45 AM Kaycee in KT folding her second headband. BB: Kaycee! Please go to the Diary Room. Kaycee: Sh*t! F*ck! Loud! Scared the f*ck out of me! BB: Sorry! Kaycee: (Indecipherable)

Hilarious.  I expect the overall silence of the near-empty House is starting to wear on the remaining HGs.

Hell, I jump two feet out of my seat when my doorbell rings unexpectedly. I'm wired that way.

  • Love 7
25 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Yes, Boy meets Girl.  They resist the attraction for Valid Reasons (they don't want to be slammed by Zingbot), but then Give In to their hearts.  Then Girl finds out that Boy has a F2 with another girl!  They separate, for at least a week, until Boy wins $500K and Girl Forgives.  They then walk off into the sun set of TAR.  The End.  

Wasn't Sandra Bullock in that one? 

This is utterly fantastic 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

I could not stand the situation they have to deal with from now until the finale...well, maybe for $500K. But no windows? No fresh air? UGH. It makes me feel claustrophobic just watching them on the feeds.

I was about to add, “and unhealthy as hell, too” - but then I remembered the House is located in Studio City, so opening a window wouldn’t necessarily improve the air quality THAT much....  ;)

Edited by Nashville
Studio City, not Century City - thx PhoneCop!
  • Love 3
22 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I was about to add, “and unhealthy as hell, too” - but then I remembered the House is located in Century City, so opening a window wouldn’t necessarily improve the air quality THAT much....  ;)

What I've never understood is why they can't create a small rooftop garden/terrace with walls that the HGs can at least get some outside air (debatable quality) and some sunshine. It doesn't have to be big...just enough for maybe a couple of chairs or lounges. Also, while I'm venting about the claustrophobic conditions, how about they use the underground rooms for the question comps. Just sayin'

  • Love 12
4 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

What I've never understood is why they can't create a small rooftop garden/terrace with walls that the HGs can at least get some outside air (debatable quality) and some sunshine. It doesn't have to be big...just enough for maybe a couple of chairs or lounges. Also, while I'm venting about the claustrophobic conditions, how about they use the underground rooms for the question comps. Just sayin'

That - or at least shuck some of the roofing over the skybridge, put in some heavy glass panes for a skylight, and make it a solarium.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

Chris would be perfect on the ego-saturated Challenge.  I would actually tune in to see him get his ass handed to him. I looked at his twitter for some reason, and....I wish I hadn't. He's not a truly bad guy at all, but his ego is just unreal. And all his fans just reinforce it.

I've probably said this before, but I had real hopes for Swaggy going into the house—I wanted to see if his eidetic memory was all he said it was and if he was half the gamer he claimed to be. Guess not!

17 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I was about to add, “and unhealthy as hell, too” - but then I remembered the House is located in Century City, so opening a window wouldn’t necessarily improve the air quality THAT much....  ;)

The house is in Studio City, which is about ten miles north of CC, on the other side of the hill; CC's mainly a business district for companies on LA's Westside. Although that puts the house in the Valley, which really just validates your central point about the air quality...

  • Love 2
28 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:
3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

The Bold and the Beautiful.........

Potentially Bayleigh?

Those soaps have brutal filming schedules. What producer/director would want to deal with that self-entitled diva for even a minute?

They will have a bunch of them at a party scene like they did last year.  If anyone has a speaking part it will be Sam and it will only be one or two lines.  My guess. 

1 minute ago, PhoneCop said:

The house is in Studio City, which is about ten miles north of CC, on the other side of the hill; CC's mainly a business district for companies on LA's Westside. Although that puts the house in the Valley, which really just validates your central point about the air quality...

Thanks - knew it was one of those Citys.  :)

15 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:
42 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I was about to add, “and unhealthy as hell, too” - but then I remembered the House is located in Century City, so opening a window wouldn’t necessarily improve the air quality THAT much....  ;)

What I've never understood is why they can't create a small rooftop garden/terrace with walls that the HGs can at least get some outside air (debatable quality) and some sunshine. It doesn't have to be big...just enough for maybe a couple of chairs or lounges. Also, while I'm venting about the claustrophobic conditions, how about they use the underground rooms for the question comps. Just sayin'

But why would TPTB want to make it more comfortable for the HG's? They want them to suffer and create drama, dammit. 

  • Love 1

From Joker’s:

Mon 1:30 PM PT Tyler ties a tye dyed headband on.

That sentence strike anybody else as redundant as hell?  :>


3 minutes ago, mikewho said:

But why would TPTB want to make it more comfortable for the HG's? They want them to suffer and create drama, dammit. 

For health, not comfort - so the HGs don’t get sick and cough all over their lines.  ;>

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Thanks - knew it was one of those Citys.  :)

Ah, but in the end it's all just one big urban-blighted landscape of strip malls and roving mactors, right? LOL. (No, I love my endlessly weird city, traffic and wildfire season notwithstanding.)

Heavens, another season over. Same question every year—whatever will I do with my time now? Sure, I'll be kicking around the Survivor threads and whatnot, but it's just not the same.

  • Love 10
7 minutes ago, Nashville said:
10 minutes ago, mikewho said:

But why would TPTB want to make it more comfortable for the HG's? They want them to suffer and create drama, dammit. 

For health, not comfort - so the HGs don’t get sick and cough all over their lines.  ;>

That's OK. They'd just have the HGs repeat their lines over and over and over again till they get it out without coughing up a lung, like they usually do ;)

My real, last, burning question...will this thread hit 500 pages before the end? 


39 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

EW! Don't let them infect another show I watch, please!

Oh, sorry, Peach! I have to say I'm rooting for this too :) Or I'd vote yes to Brett and Winston.

Edited by CrazyDog
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