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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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My second favorite wish for the next few days would be that Tyler would try to mist JC into believing that Tyler taking KC to F2, was "good for their Alliance (JCs and Tylers alliance)".

Can you believe Tyler could ever convince JC that the illogical is in fact perfectly logical? That is to say, Tyer will tell JC (in my hopes and dreams) ....

"Oh Listen JC. You must understand this. In order for our Alliance to succeed I have to take KC to F2 so that everyone in FARTEE will see and believe that you and I are not aligned.

Then, when you reveal the big secret - that you and I had the strongest Alliance of all - the rest of the house will be TOTALLY blindsided. Don't you see it? Don't you understand it?

You and I will go down in the History books as having the greatest Alliance of all time because we kept it secret right until the end.

JC, you must believe me. You must trust me. Just you watch and see. I will announce my decision to take KC to F2 and then I will spring my secret power and the rest of the house will have to admit that you and I are the greatest. Really. Trust Me JC. Have faith in me. You will see. You will see. You will see.


Oh what is my favorite wish? It is that Dumb Bass JC will believe that horseshit and will go into shock when Tyler announces he is taking KC to F2. Of course, Tyler can always embellish this scenario. Anything that will knock JC on his ass, will be just great! I would love to see something like that happen. Wouldn't that be fun?

1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

Just watched the Bay freak out again. Good Godfrey all-mighty, could you imagine living with that?

Heh, Swaggy deserves that!


Interested in making some good money from this show? If Bay and Swag ever do get married, you can get several gross of earplugs wholesale and then sell them to Swaggy at inflated prices. Just gouge the Hell out of our boy Swaggy. With a spouse like BayBay, industrial strength earplugs are absolutely essential. There would be no living with BayBay without them. Not Possible!

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Thalia said:

Me too.  The first time I'd missed Rockstar nodding her head in Righteous Indignation at every accusation Baileigh hurls at Tyler.  Yeah, she's not voting for him.  

Well, that's OK. I just hope that when Tyler wins the grand prize and also wins the AFP, I just hope and pray they announce the voting results for AFP.

In my universe (you are all warned that it is  a very very strange place) , BayFace comes in near the very bottom tied with ... You guessed it! JC. Hee Hee Hee.

I would love it so much if BayFace and JC both get maybe 2 or 3 votes with JC getting one more vote than Bay. Wouldn't that be just about perfect? Live with that, why don't you, Miss Misery.

She really did pick it, didn't she? She makes a real good Miss Misery. That was her State. Misery is her perpetual state. She lives in it and she puts everyone she meets in it. I will always think of her as Miss Misery!

Edited by MissBluxom
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21 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

More importantly, they have to tell JC just so we have three full days to watch his meltdown as he realizes he was never in control of anything and that regardless of who wins the final comp, his ride ends on the wrong side of the doors.

[throws head back, cackles loudly into the night]

I cannot express to you just how much I agree with your sentiments and how much I wish your view would come true. Nothing I'd like to see more than JC's meltdown after realizing that he was never in control and that Tyler outsmarted him and out manouvered him at every turn.  Unfortunately, I just cannot believe that JC could ever realize anything negative about hisself. His dumb ass just does not possess what it takes to admit the possibility that this world does not revolve around the rat.  I'm completely with you insofar as I'd just love to see his meltdown. But I must say that I can't believe he has the mental components that would ever enable him to understand the truth behind the facts that he was never in control and he never ran this show. He will go to his grave believing that he was in control of all the competitions and all the decisions made in that house. He would never believe - not fer a second - that anyone else ever controlled him or his decisions. I would truly hope that you get your way. Unfortunately, I just don't see that JC has the "components" to understand what has been going on in this house. He will believe that he controlled everything until his dying day.

I truly wish you were right.  But I just can't see JC having what it takes to make you right.  JC is just a great big DUMB BASS and he does not have what it takes to ever change. So sad. So very sad. But true. Very true. I sure do wish it was not true. Oh well. Hey! Maybe Tyler will surprise us?  Wouldn't that be great?

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 1

Could Tyler maybe throw the next comp so Kaycee picks him and he does not look like a chump when he dumps Kaycee to take JC? Maybe he thinks he will do better in a crapshoot with Kaycee than dumping her and looking like a traitor who takes JC or like a player who had too many f2 deals which had to lead to a betrayal. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
9 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Letting him do everything so everyone hates him is a strategy in and of itself, though. 

That's not the kind of strategy I mean. I don't mean her personal strategy, I mean within Level 6/a chess move in the game. Like how Tyler got Kaitlyn to backdoor Swaggy. I can't think of anything she did in that strategic sense in comparison to Tyler. Don't get me wrong, her part in executing/protecting the plan is also important, but did she ever come up with a plan? I can't think of a time she did.

7 hours ago, LGGirl said:

Kaycee won the hacker comp which ended up with the losing a number during a Hayleigh HOH.  That was a big win.  No doubt a L6 member would have gone that week, otherwise.   I’ll give her that, but other than her last POV win, they really didn’t make much of a difference.  

But that's still a competition win. It was insanely helpful and I don't deny her that, but has she been the brain behind any of the plans they had? 

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

That's not the kind of strategy I mean. I don't mean her personal strategy, I mean within Level 6/a chess move in the game. Like how Tyler got Kaitlyn to backdoor Swaggy. I can't think of anything she did in that strategic sense in comparison to Tyler. Don't get me wrong, her part in executing/protecting the plan is also important, but did she ever come up with a plan? I can't think of a time she did.

I mean, if it were up to me, sure, I'd reward Tyler's more active strategic gameplay over Kaycee's more passive strategic gameplay, but I think that there is something to be said for it being wise, when you're in a group with a guy who clearly WANTS to do all of that stuff, to just let him do that and get all the blood on his hands. So yes, Tyler came up with all of L6's most significant plans, but I don't know if that reflects poorly on her for not getting involved in that stuff. 

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, aurora296 said:

When Nicole came into the house and everyone was upstairs in the HOH room, when they noticed her on camera in the house, Tyler said OMG! IT'S NIC.....ole. He checked himself halfway into saying her name. It's gotta be tough being such a fan and sucking up all your excitement. 

They most likely watched 1 or both of her seasons, especially with the proposal - they would want to be sure all the HGs recognized her.  

  • Love 1

Brett and Winston.

Nah, probably Tangela. Either Fessy and Haleigh have gotten it out of their systems in the JH already or they're never going to. As for Bayleigh, I hope that when she and Swaggy are talking in the backyard, her mom and sisters are right behind him, silently shaking their heads at everything he says or making slashing gestures across their throats. Maybe jumping up and down and waving their hands frantically, whatever mostly clearly signals "ixnay" in their family.

  • Love 16

I want to see the bros see each other for the first time. I think Brett will be genuinely happy to see him. Then they can start their ESPN workout channel. LOL!!! Does anyone remember a workout channel and it was done on a beach? I just remember either on ESPN or some excercise channel some early morning workout channel. Mmmm! Just me? Never mind. Move along nothing to see here.  

  • Love 4
47 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I mean, if it were up to me, sure, I'd reward Tyler's more active strategic gameplay over Kaycee's more passive strategic gameplay, but I think that there is something to be said for it being wise, when you're in a group with a guy who clearly WANTS to do all of that stuff, to just let him do that and get all the blood on his hands. So yes, Tyler came up with all of L6's most significant plans, but I don't know if that reflects poorly on her for not getting involved in that stuff. 

I'm not trying to say it reflects poorly (though my own personal choice would be like yours), I'm just comparing the two of them. Competitions won seems to be a moot point so that leaves social game and the plans they each came up with.

I don't think Tyler's social game was awful - there's a reason they all gravitated to him - but being the strategic one has meant that he's the one they're side-eyeing now. It's easier for Kaycee to be the stronger of the two socially because she wasn't putting herself out there strategically. I think Kaycee's a doll and I'd 100% be friends with her. Everyone should totally love her because she gave them zero reason not to. But it's also easier for her to come out smelling like roses socially because Tyler was the more strategic one.

Playing the way Tyler has is a double-edged sword in the social department. A big part of the reason his strategies were successful was his social game. If they didn't like him, they wouldn't have trusted him, listened to him, or wanted to work with him. That's why he's being a little side-eyed now. And I understand it, don't get me wrong, but it's not like he's Paul; he was never actually cruel or unnecessarily personal with anyone. He just played the game.

In comparison to Kaycee, yeah, that makes him falter a little. But in that same comparison, maybe she falters a little in the strategy department.

Social game is insanely important, but I don't think Tyler being stronger in a strategic sense should be discounted, either. Especially because it's not as though he was some sort of horror socially.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
  • Love 12
8 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I don’t think there is any wat TPTB want JC in the top two just in case he were to win which would generate really bad headlines.... “Sexual assaulter wins BB”

Well they did have a drug dealer and a "cool" rocker dad who abused a woman (Jen) as winners.  Might as well go for the trifecta and have the first ever sexual assaulter as a winner.

Oops, I forgot about Drew.  Wasn't he arrested for beating his brother up or something along those lines?


4 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

How long before we see Angela on the Bold and the Beautiful?  

@Lamima, voiced what I was going to say (I did not quote them because it would not show up back-to-back) but I highly doubt Angela would be a good actress.  I mean yeah she's pretty but I just do not see her personality translating well into acting.  Oddly enough I could totally see Kaitlyn being an actress.

3 hours ago, Thalia said:

Me too.  The first time I'd missed Rockstar nodding her head in Righteous Indignation at every accusation Baileigh hurls at Tyler.  Yeah, she's not voting for him.  

I noticed that too and it had me laughing because of course the "woke" Blockstar would be nodding her head in agreement.

11 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I want to see the bros see each other for the first time. I think Brett will be genuinely happy to see him. Then they can start their ESPN workout channel. LOL!!! Does anyone remember a workout channel and it was done on a beach? I just remember either on ESPN or some excercise channel some early morning workout channel. Mmmm! Just me? Never mind. Move along nothing to see here.  

I thought I remember Brook Burke having a show on E! during the late 90's where she would work out on the beach.  Maybe I am wrong but for some reason I do remember her working out on a beach on a television show.   

Edited by BK1978
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6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Her strategy was only ever 'be loyal to L6.' And I guess maybe 'start winning comps at the end,' but I'm not convinced she even consciously did that. 

Yeah, she didnt suddenly start winning on purpose. I guess because there were less good competitors, her chances of winning increased.


8 hours ago, LGGirl said:

I’ll give her that, but other than her last POV win, they really didn’t make much of a difference.  


She didn't use her POVs because there was no need to since the people she wanted on the block WERE on the block. The difference that her POV wins made was that it kept the POV  out of FOUTTE's hands. Critical.

Edited by Blissfool
  • Love 4


I want to see the bros see each other for the first time. I think Brett will be genuinely happy to see him. Then they can start their ESPN workout channel. LOL!!! Does anyone remember a workout channel and it was done on a beach? I just remember either on ESPN or some excercise channel some early morning workout channel. Mmmm! Just me? Never mind. Move along nothing to see here.  

Gilad's Bodies in Motion?

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Wow is Will a real windbag and BB production ass kisser.  Also he looks like a manikin.  Though I must saying reading between the lines he must have seen tons of bitter bitter jurors over the last 6 seasons.

1 hour ago, DakotaLavender said:

Could Tyler maybe throw the next comp so Kaycee picks him and he does not look like a chump when he dumps Kaycee to take JC? Maybe he thinks he will do better in a crapshoot with Kaycee than dumping her and looking like a traitor who takes JC or like a player who had too many f2 deals which had to lead to a betrayal.

I think if Tyler just throws it it will just look weak and wussy on his part.  He has to seize the moment and own his game.  No matter what he does he will probably lose JC's vote so better to get rid of him boldly than hide behind Kaycee and look like a coward.  Also never ever throw the last HOH.  To do so sets you up to make the worst decision in BB history.  Worse than Marcellas' mistake even.

Edited by green
  • Love 6
39 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I want to see the bros see each other for the first time. I think Brett will be genuinely happy to see him. Then they can start their ESPN workout channel. LOL!!! Does anyone remember a workout channel and it was done on a beach? I just remember either on ESPN or some excercise channel some early morning workout channel. Mmmm! Just me? Never mind. Move along nothing to see here.  

Bodies in Motion! I used to watch & work out to those. Yes, I am old. :)

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Thalia said:

I can't remember them being locked inside as much as they have this year.  Of course, my hatred for Paul (and Raven and..., well you get the idea) meant that I barely watched last year.  And before that, well, memory hexes. 

I’m not sure, but it definitely seems like the number of indoor lockdowns increases every season.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, BK1978 said:

I thought I remember Brook Burke having a show on E! during the late 90's where she would work out on the beach.  Maybe I am wrong but for some reason I do remember her working out on a beach on a television show.   

I miss Bwak Bwak.

And Rockstar too, for that matter.

And by Rockstar I mean the show, not the HG.

  • Love 11
17 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I miss Bwak Bwak.

And Rockstar too, for that matter.

And by Rockstar I mean the show, not the HG.

OMG, that takes me back. #TeamDilana

I really have been watching reality TV for too long. So apparently there was no Season 3 because CBS wanted to go with Pirate Master, of all things? Thanks, Moonves!

  • Love 13
13 minutes ago, llongori said:

BBAD is hilarious right now.  They got inflated pins and bowling ball from POP.  JC suggested trying to blow the pins over.  Ty and Kaycee did it easily.  JC is about to die trying to blow one over.  The other two are crying laughing at him.

I was about crying as well - that was OMG funny!  ???

33 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

OMG, that takes me back. #TeamDilana

Oh c’mon now - S1 kicked S2’s ass all the way up the boulevard and back.  #TeamMarty all the way - he could make Britney Fucking Spears sound badass as hell.



33 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

I really have been watching reality TV for too long. So apparently there was no Season 3 because CBS wanted to go with Pirate Master, of all things? Thanks, Moonves!

I’d heard Rockstar’s demise came about from a combination of sagging ratings + the S2 legal entanglements - not the least of which was the “Supernova” name, which caught them a copyright infringement suit.  Burnett and/or CBS decided it simply wasn’t worth the effort, which was a shame - some excellent performances resulted from the series.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Oh c’mon now - S1 kicked S2’s ass all the way up the boulevard and back.  #TeamMarty all the way - he could make Britney Fucking Spears sound badass as hell.

Oy, the show's such a distant memory, I barely remember S1; I had to look it up to see who was on it ("Oh yeah, Jordis!"). S2 left more of an impression on me—Jill narrowly saving herself with Evanescence, Zayra's weirdness, Dilana's whole arc leading to a bogus outcome. And most importantly, it introduced the world to Storm Large, now co-lead singer of Pink Martini.

...and just to bring it back to topic, Sympathique would be another contender for my HoH basket.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, PhoneCop said:
6 hours ago, Nashville said:

I miss Bwak Bwak.

And Rockstar too, for that matter.

And by Rockstar I mean the show, not the HG.

OMG, that takes me back. #TeamDilana


I really have been watching reality TV for too long. So apparently there was no Season 3 because CBS wanted to go with Pirate Master, of all things? Thanks, Moonves!

I loved the guy Marty and can't remember his last name at the moment. I loved his version of "Wish You Were Here" better than the original Pink Floyd version.

  • Love 5

I adored Marty! His song "Trees" still gets stuck in my head sometimes.

Every Time I watch Ink Master I think there must be bands out there in need of a lead singer.

Some Big Brother folks do show up on The Amazing Race but we see quite a few of them show up on The Challenge. I could see Swaggy being thirsty enough for The Challenge but anyone else? Brett seems like he might have too much of a real life but he would be tons of fun. Winston too. 

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, TresGatos said:

I adored Marty! His song "Trees" still gets stuck in my head sometimes.

Every Time I watch Ink Master I think there must be bands out there in need of a lead singer.

Some Big Brother folks do show up on The Amazing Race but we see quite a few of them show up on The Challenge. I could see Swaggy being thirsty enough for The Challenge but anyone else? Brett seems like he might have too much of a real life but he would be tons of fun. Winston too. 

LOVED Marty!

If any of these pairs show up on The Amazing Race, the only one I would root for is Winston/Brett. I rooted for Jeff/Jordan (Jeff can be a douche but I find them both endearing), hated Cody/Jessica. Tyler/Angela would not be exciting to me because I find her dull as dishwater. Tyler/Kaycee would be fun but that won't happen. 

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, TresGatos said:

I adored Marty! His song "Trees" still gets stuck in my head sometimes.

Every Time I watch Ink Master I think there must be bands out there in need of a lead singer.

Some Big Brother folks do show up on The Amazing Race but we see quite a few of them show up on The Challenge. I could see Swaggy being thirsty enough for The Challenge but anyone else? Brett seems like he might have too much of a real life but he would be tons of fun. Winston too. 

i'm not sure I'd say quite a few show up on the challenge.  Last season of the challenge was just Natalie and Victor, then Paulie showed up on Ex on the Beach, and now this season it's Natalie Paulie, Davonne and Josea.  Still bizarre to me but I have to say it has made me watch the Challenge so I'm all for there actually being 'quite a few' on future seasons. 

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

I didn't read this but I know my reaction would just be, "Shut up, Will."

10 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

Could Tyler maybe throw the next comp so Kaycee picks him and he does not look like a chump when he dumps Kaycee to take JC? Maybe he thinks he will do better in a crapshoot with Kaycee than dumping her and looking like a traitor who takes JC or like a player who had too many f2 deals which had to lead to a betrayal. 

I don't think there's really a chance in hell Tyler is gonna pick JC, but I do think he might consider throwing it so he doesn't have to be the one voting him out. It's a gamble though because winning that final HOH might tip the scales for him to win the game. It might be quite close between him and Kaycee and if Kaycee wins the final HOH that could possibly be enough to sway the vote her way.

But I actually think Tyler is going to win with most or possibly all of the votes.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Nashville said:

I’m not sure, but it definitely seems like the number of indoor lockdowns increases every season.

Yes because the competition sets have become more elaborate. 


Watching RS nod her head with every word from Bayleigh’s mouth last night reminded me that she is black.  I keep forgetting that, sheeesh.   She will vote with Bayleigh for Kaycee absolutely.  

  The entire clip show was worth it just to watch Sam’s tear filled anger at JC for dropping!  Good god, that woman is not right in the head!  I will miss her.  

The endurance looked brutal and will surely be the shortest ever.  

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Wings said:

Yes because the competition sets have become more elaborate. 


Watching RS nod her head with every word from Bayleigh’s mouth last night reminded me that she is black.  I keep forgetting that, sheeesh.   She will vote with Bayleigh for Kaycee absolutely.  

  The entire clip show was worth it just to watch Sam’s tear filled anger at JC for dropping!  Good god, that woman is not right in the head!  I will miss her.  

The endurance looked brutal and will surely be the shortest ever.  

The other day I was watching the re-runs during feeds being blocked and they showed Will, Janelle, Erica and Boogie come outside to a comp which was a super simple set up (especially compared to these days) - to where the backyard walls weren't even covered and the competition just took up maybe half the yard and they came out in shock and aw of how amazing the comp looked.  It was hilarious. 

And now they take days to set up a comp that lasts 10 min sometimes (HOH question comps)

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

Oy, the show's such a distant memory, I barely remember S1; I had to look it up to see who was on it ("Oh yeah, Jordis!"). S2 left more of an impression on me—Jill narrowly saving herself with Evanescence, Zayra's weirdness, Dilana's whole arc leading to a bogus outcome. And most importantly, it introduced the world to Storm Large, now co-lead singer of Pink Martini.

...and just to bring it back to topic, Sympathique would be another contender for my HoH basket.

Not gonna lie, my mom and I saw Pink Martini a few years ago. It was a great show on a beautiful summer day. Good memories:)

And count me in as another Marty fan...I think his single Trees was one of my first iTunes purchases. Oh, I feel old.

Topic: that interview with Will read like a job interview. That was some major brown nosing. I would love to know the arrogant juror that approached him last year and told him he didn't sway their vote. Elena? Cody?

He has a rare gift to sound insincere 100% of the time. And I actually like him.

Tyler would be a fool to throw the last HOH, but I'm still curious to see if they tell JC. Are they planning on it tomorrow?

  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Topic: that interview with Will read like a job interview. That was some major brown nosing. I would love to know the arrogant juror that approached him last year and told him he didn't sway their vote. Elena? Cody?

Who were the jurors? I think Cody is too quiet to make that sort of comment. He wouldn't care what Will has to say nor would he feel the need to tell Will he didn't care. 

Could be Elena, I could see her doing it in sort of a half joking manner.   Matt or Raven?

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Not gonna lie, my mom and I saw Pink Martini a few years ago. It was a great show on a beautiful summer day. Good memories:)

Each time I see PM live, it seems to get more special. The first time was basically just a regular concert, but the second was a Hollywood Bowl rehearsal with Kristin Chenoweth and the Go-Go's. The third was when I won free tickets for their New Year's Eve show at Disney Concert Hall; I think at one point they had almost 30 people onstage, including the Von Trapps. Good times. This isn't from that show, but they performed a pretty exact replication of it. In Swedish!

With any luck, the fourth time I see them perform will be on the day I marry August von Trapp, LOL.

Um, topic, topic, topic...fuck you, Fessy.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, gunderda said:
23 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Topic: that interview with Will read like a job interview. That was some major brown nosing. I would love to know the arrogant juror that approached him last year and told him he didn't sway their vote. Elena? Cody?

Who were the jurors? I think Cody is too quiet to make that sort of comment. He wouldn't care what Will has to say nor would he feel the need to tell Will he didn't care. 

Could be Elena, I could see her doing it in sort of a half joking manner.   Matt or Raven?

My money is on Alex.

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