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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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33 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Kaycee doesn't look like she feels well.  Either that or like she's upset/distracted.  I wonder if she's upset that Tyler won the first comp?   Maybe not only because of the "deal," but because she's gotten used to being the Queen of the Physical Competitions.  

ETA:  she's sick.  I just heard her say she was going to fix some "honey and tea," and the say, "I'm struggling." And then she put an ice pack on her shoulder.   

Oh, and the kitchen is also visibly messier than when Sam was there.  Maybe she hid the dishwashing liquid and didn't tell anyone where it was when she left. 


Kaycee isn't upset at Tyler.  It is entirely physical.  Her arms went numb during Part 1 and they still are.  Tyler asked her how she was doing and she said they still are numb.  She had a hard time lifting her arms last night to comb her hair even.  I posted upthread from Jokers about how she was in a LOT of pain just trying to carry a tray to the storage room this noon their time.  And about 4 hours later Jokers has about the cooling med:


4:31 PM Kaycee out of DR with some cooling medication to put on her aching shoulders & arms. Tyler says he will help her apply it if she needs help. Kaycee says they (BB) gave her heat packs last night! (And today cooling medication.) NT
09/21/18 04:34 PM

Edited by green
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

If Kaycee wins the final HOH and takes JC I will lol for days and suddenly like her.

It would be both a smart and hilarious game move and show the jury she was there to play the game and not to make friends. And she played it hard and smart to the end. If she takes Tyler, she is Ivette 2.0 and deserves to lose. If Kaycee takes Tyler it is a crap shoot. Taking JC gives her the game. Making a f2 decision is not about being LOYAL, it is about doing what is best to WIN. She has to play with her head and not her heart. I think she would even get Tyler's vote. 


eta: And I can hear Julie now: "How many of you would have voted for Kaycee is she picked JC" and all hands go up. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Irishsecra said:

Actually, dodging tomatoes ?, I really like Jeff. Dan as well. But I have never ever liked Vanessa.

To each his own I guess.?

Liked Jeff his first season, not so much after Dumbledoregate. Dan's still my favorite. I liked Vanessa.

At least everyone probably agrees about Boogie?

1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Think I’ve said this before, but - never underestimate a HG’s capacity for self-delusion, and you’ll never be disappointed.

I wish I could get this cross-stitched on some pillows and then leave them all on the big couch in the BB house.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Nashville said:

Think I’ve said this before, but - never underestimate a HG’s capacity for self-delusion, and you’ll never be disappointed.

They can't edit badly if you never said or did something.  This is the first season, in a long time, that the majority of the house guests were normal people.  Lying during your strategy, to me anyway, is not a derelict of morals.  It has been refreshing to see game and not other nonsense.  JC should have been removed for what he did and I think he is in for an awakening when he gets out.  I think his family rejection has damaged him to the point he is craving acceptance and physical embrace.  He needs therapy to try to achieve those things in an acceptable way.

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I swear, every time BB18 is brought up or I just think about it, I can never remember who won. Like it takes me forever to figure out who did. I usually can't even remember who was in it at all at first. So weird because that was actually an enjoyable season.

In all honesty, I don't remember the end game too well, either, as I was so sure that piece of shit Paul was going to win that I think I checked out a bit. I did watch a YouTube video somewhat recently though about how Paul lost his seasons and they showed the roundtable. 

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, DannyRugg said:

Angela and her mustache will be getting a CHILLY reception in the Jury House. Hayleigh will probably talk to her. Brent? Wouldn't blame him if he didn't. What makes people dislike Angela are those snooty remarks she makes like "I call this one step ahead." She doesn't deliver those lines with enough panache and just comes across as a Mean Girl. 

I agree that her delivery comes across terribly and as others have said it is probably because of her monotone voice.  However, one thing I did notice was she was not very confident when she said it, at least she did not look that way to me.  She seemed slightly nervous and I am guessing that added to the poor delivery as well.


10 hours ago, Cutty said:

Delusions of grandeur post show is my favorite part of Big Brother.

I remember the first and only season that I watched Big Brother After Dark on a regular basis was season 12 and the members of the Brigade would drone on and on about how famous they were going to be and something about a riverboat.  Needless to say I have never watched the show since as it was like watching paint dry and that was one of the more exciting seasons.  I cannot imagine how boring that show would be during a sucky season.  

8 hours ago, Sara2009 said:

Isn’t Jeff really popular with the casual viewers(who never saw his homophobia?) He won AFP both times that he played.

I am not sure why but I did not even hear about Jeff's comments until years after the fact and I still like Jeff.  I mean I do not agree with what he said and I hope that his opinions have evolved since he made those comments.  Granted I have no way of knowing.

People tend to hold others to higher standards than we hold ourselves.  I have said plenty of stupid and regrettable things in my time and I will probably say a lot more.  Then again I did not say those things for the world to see.  I will freely admit though that I still hate Ivette for some of the racist things that she yelled at Kaysar so I am being a tad bit hypocritical here.


8 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I agree that it didn't make me go into the finale thinking that Josh was going to win, I'm saying that there was so much anti-Paul sentiment that I knew that Josh had a chance. The jury segment was correct in that it showed that they were split, but leaning Paul. Then Paul lost the victory when he wouldn't own up to anything and that led to Jason and Alex turning on him. So the jury segment was accurate (they all hated Paul, but were still leaning towards him). 

I must be dense (I really am) but I thought for sure going into the finals that Paul would beat either one in a landslide.  In fact when Josh chose Paul to go to the finals with him I was so sure that Paul was going to win I found myself yelling at the television, "You stupid idiot...you blew it...you totally blew it!  You should have taken Christmas!"  Basically Paul and I realized that he was going to lose at the exact same moment.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, BK1978 said:

I agree that her delivery comes across terribly and as others have said it is probably because of her monotone voice.  However, one thing I did notice was she was not very confident when she said it, at least she did not look that way to me.  She seemed slightly nervous and I am guessing that added to the poor delivery as well.


I remember the first and only season that I watched Big Brother After Dark on a regular basis was season 12 and the members of the Brigade would drone on and on about how famous they were going to be and something about a riverboat.  Needless to say I have never watched the show since as it was like watching paint dry and that was one of the more exciting seasons.  I cannot imagine how boring that show would be during a sucky season.  

I am not sure why but I did not even hear about Jeff's comments until years after the fact and I still like Jeff.  I mean I do not agree with what he said and I hope that his opinions have evolved since he made those comments.  Granted I have no way of knowing.

People tend to hold others to higher standards than we hold ourselves.  I have said plenty of stupid and regrettable things in my time and I will probably say a lot more.  Then again I did not say those things for the world to see.  I will freely admit though that I still hate Ivette for some of the racist things that she yelled at Kaysar so I am being a tad bit hypocritical here.


I must be dense (I really am) but I thought for sure going into the finals that Paul would beat either one in a landslide.  In fact when Josh chose Paul to go to the finals with him I was so sure that Paul was going to win I found myself yelling at the television, "You stupid idiot...you blew it...you totally blew it!  You should have taken Christmas!"  Basically Paul and I realized that he was going to lose at the exact same moment.

I always thought Jeff was overall a funny, handsome, likable guy. His dumbassed homophobia is a damned shame. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

I love the way JC starts bitching at Tyler about what Tyler is serving for dinner and Tyler just says sit down and shut up I'm the one cooking.  JC doesn't even respond just stands there and looks at him.

I think it's great that Tyler cooks. Him using one of those triangular steel spatulas to stir the veggies in the pan is making me laugh though.

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Nashville said:

And neither will Brett - I fully expect a major part of Brett’s maintaining his DoucheBro persona is simply because he heartily dislikes at least half the people occupying the JH when he arrived - specifically, Bae and Pinky.

Hey Nash!

I don't think I've ever seen you post in this thread before about one week ago. Nonetheless,  experience has taught me that it would be a mistake to guess or even to ask if you are a newcomer to this thread and/or forum. However, it may take me a little while to get to the point. But I just want to preamble a question with the assurance that I'm really not trying to be a kiss ass. I am just looking to get an answer to a question that I can feel confident about and so I want to ask you because you have impressed me as having excellent judgement.

For some reason, I've been wondering what Tyler would do if he won the final HoH and had to choose between KC and the rat. I have this horrible premonition that if he chose to take the rat, Tyler might actually lose. But for some reason, I'm thinking that is just exactly what Tyler might chose to do.


I'd like to ask your opinion. If Tyler wins, do you think he would take KC or the rat?

P.S. Anyone else who would like to weigh in with their opinions is certainly welcome to do so. And I certainly do not intend to offend anyone else who posts here. For some reason, Nash has just impressed me as having superior knowledge (superior to me) and excellent judgement and I would be more confident in his opinions than just about any of the "so-called" experts who get paid to spout their opinions on shows that have people like Oma Rosa (Barf! Puke!) appear and they actually take those wretches seriously.

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Sadly, Boogie is far from the worst that this show has given us. 

But yes, Boogie sucks. BB7 is such a gross season. 

I must agree with you. When life gives someone some unexpected "gift" (like Boogie got from his fame and money after hooking up with Dr. Will and CBS) and that person turns around and tries to stretch that gift into something greater using illegal or immoral or unethical means (which I understand this creep did), it is just the most inexplicable and detestable and disgustable (I know that's not really a word but I've grown so weary of people using the word "DISGUSTING" and pronouncing it exactly like Big  Pink does) (that has to be the most DISGUSTING things I've ever heard associated with the word "disgusting"). 

Oh Dear. I'm so sorry. I lost my train of thought. I went off the rails. Please excuse me. I was just trying to agree with you insofar as Boogie is a real douche.

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

I love the way JC starts bitching at Tyler about what Tyler is serving for dinner and Tyler just says sit down and shut up I'm the one cooking.  JC doesn't even respond just stands there and looks at him.

A good example of Tyler's superior game play and behavior. For most people, when someone insults them to their faces, it's very difficult to remain silent. But it is so much more clever to just remain silent because ... if you verbally attack that person or turn around and respond to them in a similar way, the results will inevitably be bad for you. In the case of Tyler and JC, Tyler has some serious expectations from that rat and if he just tells him to "F Off" or anything like that, it can easily cost him a lot of money as well as the esteem in which so many people hold him. So, when I see something like that, I just have to give Tyler so much respect for being clever enough to know that he must just sit there and remain silent and pretend to give JC his respect. The result is a kind of emotional swing where instead of feeling like Tyler has somehow wronged him, JC (the rat) may get a small feeling like he has done some wrong and he may well then do something good for Tyler.

If I was Tyler, once the show is over, I would have a real hard time resisting the urge to say some horrible things to JC and to tell him that I never wanted to see or hear from him again. That might make me better for a few seconds. But when weighing the Pros and Cons, there is just no question that would be foolish and self-destructive. A serious mistake that could well cost me plenty. So much better for Tyler to just say nothing and make a beeline away from him and into the loving arms of Angela. I really like women and Angela has the very unique attribute of having one of the most beautiful ... (well, I think you all know where that would lead. I think it would be best if I just stop talking now and thank you all for listening to me).

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 7

So here's an Angela exit interview. I'm actually surprised. She's not too happy with her eviction. She was really classy during her exit interview with Julie but I think Angela bottles up emotions a lot. She sounds hopping mad. Before I thought she was a 100% Tyler vote but now I'm not so sure. She isn't even sure she wants to date him after the show.


These quotes stood out:


Now knowing Tyler had an early final two deal with Kaycee, what do you think he would have done if he had won the veto and had to vote one of you out?
Honestly, I knew he threw the veto when he was second out. That was a red flag for me. He is better than that. I don’t think he knew what he would have done, and that is why I threw it. I like to think he would have chosen me, but I don’t know. We’ll see.


You told Tyler you loved him. What’s the next step for you two outside of the Big Brother house?
Honestly, I don’t know what is next. It is hard to get to know someone fully when you are living through a filter. Everything you say and do is recorded and shown to millions. We definitely have to have a conversation and clear the air on a few things. I was hurt when I found out he had a final two deal with Kaycee. I accepted it on a game level but I think he could have handled it differently to protect my emotions a bit. We’ll see how our conversation goes and we will go from there

Edited by Growsonwalls
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

P.S. Anyone else who would like to weigh in with their opinions is certainly welcome to do so. And I certainly do not intend to offend anyone else who posts here. For some reason, Nash has just impressed me as having superior knowledge (superior to me) and excellent judgement and I would be more confident in his opinions than just about any of the "so-called" experts who get paid to spout their opinions on shows that have people like Oma Rosa (Barf! Puke!) appear and they actually take those wretches seriously.

Heh, no offense taken! But, before Nash chimes in, I'd like to give my opinion here. Tyler will likely take Kaycee. He hasn't shown any signs of betraying her. Even when Angela was in the house and he was worried about which girl to take, I think he was always taking Kaycee, who is his ride or die. Tyler was torn on Angela for a while and showed that he was feeling really guilty about cutting her when the time came. Tyler has specifically stated that he wants Level 6 to be in the end. He can't trust JC to not pull out five votes. But with him next to Kaycee, at least him and Kaycee get runner up and winner.  

Tyler's game, if you look closely enough, has been laid out from the start. He's protected JC all game, but only because he knew he could beat him in competitions (though now that's coming into question if JC wins part 2). He's seen Kaycee rise up in the ranks for competitions, but he hasn't seemed worried at all. He loves Kaycee as a person and I think he'd rather lose to her than to JC. 

I would have rather seen him choose between Kaycee and Angela because then we could call him an idiot for choosing Kaycee over Angela, since Tyler could win against Angela while it's harder to win against Kaycee. However, since that didn't happen, I think Tyler doesn't want JC next to him, especially now that he has to constantly hear JC call him a Big Dumb Puppet, essentially, and think that he's carried Tyler through this game, rather than it being the other way around. 

Maybe, at a time in this game, Tyler wanted to sit next to JC in F2 because he thought he could beat him, but I think that time has long passed and now there's no question that Tyler and Kaycee will always choose each other, so if Kaycee wins part 2 tonight, they can rest comfortably until Wednesday night.

  • Love 4
51 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

So here's an Angela exit interview. I'm actually surprised. She's not too happy with her eviction. She was really classy during her exit interview with Julie but I think Angela bottles up emotions a lot. She sounds hopping mad. Before I thought she was a 100% Tyler vote but now I'm not so sure. She isn't even sure she wants to date him after the show.


These quotes stood out:


In another interview she says she’s hopeful after a talk with Tyler about his game that everything will work out. I think she’s just hurt he withheld some game stuff- but after them chatting about that she’ll be fine. She’s in love with him and sometimes you get a little ticked at your partner you talk it out and everything will be fine. She also said to him before she left as long as the secrets aren’t personal and game related she’ll be fine. And they aren’t personal- so after a talk to clear the air she’ll be fine. 

I have no doubt in my mind she will vote for him in the end if he’s in the F2. One she loves him, two if he wins then she wins, three she knows he’s a Superfan now and it was his dream to come on the show- she isn’t NOT going to vote for him to win. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, green said:

I can help you if Nashville's too modest to say but he has been on this thread forever and this forum forever as well.  One of the lynch pins really.  Without his humor, a lot of us would not get through some of these shows.

Thank you so much for saying so. Thank you to Lady Calypso as well. I just want to say that I like your avatar. Very cute kitten.

Thank you both for your replies. Much appreciated.

I am X-Tatic to hear that Tyler will likely take KC and the rat can just sit there and look dumb. That will be one of the most enjoyable moments this show has ever given me. At least I hope so.  I wonder if he might find a way to turn that around somehow. He is such a snake (when he isn't busy being a rat).

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 3
22 hours ago, laurakaye said:


Meanwhile Sam, unnoticed because of all the commotion onstage, quietly constructs a bomb out of dryer lint, a pipe cleaner and a lock of Tyler's hair and blows the entire BB house to smithereens.

In her defense, someone probably should blow it up so they can put up a new one, and she could probably make something out of the pieces. Otherwise one of these seasons will be known as The Year The House Fell Down. 

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

What a lovely video!

1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

So here's an Angela exit interview. I'm actually surprised. She's not too happy with her eviction. She was really classy during her exit interview with Julie but I think Angela bottles up emotions a lot. She sounds hopping mad.

I think you could tell Angela was taken aback by the F2 revelation when she watched the gbms. Her face showed it imo. Her words then said something different, probably because she didn't wanna come of angry or bitter. I still say she's pretty much a guaranteed Tyler vote though.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think you could tell Angela was taken aback by the F2 revelation when she watched the gbms. Her face showed it imo. Her words then said something different, probably because she didn't wanna come of angry or bitter. I still say she's pretty much a guaranteed Tyler vote though.

Agreed. I think it's natural for Angela to feel hurt about it, even though she knew Tyler/Kaycee were closer first (since she was closer to Rachel and had a foursome with Brett and Winston). But she probably hoped that it had changed since they became a trio after Rachel left. However, I still see her voting logically as she's voiced that thought. Same with Brett, actually, who recognizes that this is a game, even if he is feeling a bit bitter. I see those two voting logically and for the best player because they've been shown to recognize that the game is simply a game. Yes, Brett voiced that he'd vote for Sam and possibly JC, but that was in an interview only given a few hours after his blindside eviction. I think his mind would be changed by now, especially being stuck in the jury house with people he doesn't like and Haleigh (and Scottie? I think Brett still likes Scottie).

It's not like Bayleigh, who is still voicing her bitterness after...what, six weeks of being gone? Seven weeks? Scottie seems like he'll still be a bitter juror, but it's unclear. Rockstar is a tough one but I actually don't think she'd be a bitter juror. At the very least, I see the potential for her to vote for Tyler over Kaycee. JCs 100% a bitter juror, depending on who votes him out. Sam might vote for Tyler to win. Haleigh's talking head segments always contradict her real life self, so it's hard to say for sure if she'd vote for Tyler or Kaycee. Fessy's in the middle for me, but I see him voting for the best player...if Haleigh also does the same. 

So basically, I only see Bayleigh, JC, and possibly Scottie and Rockstar as bitter jurors. Everyone else seem to have their heads on straight.

  • Love 1

I feel like Tyler should have told Angela about his F2 with KC. As I said, normally I;m all for blindsides. But Angela is different -- they're exchanging "ILY's" and as I said the worst thing to feel on national TV is like an embarrassed girlfriend. After KC won the veto and Angela's doom was signed, sealed and delivered Tyler should have just told Angela. Him not doing so is an odd misstep and I don't think it will cause him to lose Angela's vote but on a personal level I see why Angela's hurt. It's also maybe the first douchey thing Tyler did all summer. 

  • Love 11
40 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

feel like Tyler should have told Angela about his F2 with KC. As I said, normally I;m all for blindsides. But Angela is different -- they're exchanging "ILY's" and as I said the worst thing to feel on national TV is like an embarrassed girlfriend. After KC won the veto and Angela's doom was signed, sealed and delivered Tyler should have just told Angela. Him not doing so is an odd misstep and I don't think it will cause him to lose Angela's vote but on a personal level I see why Angela's hurt. It's also maybe the first douchey thing Tyler did all summer. 

I agree 100% with this.   He had plenty of time to tell her after Kaycee won the veto, and I'm not sure why he didn't, or why Kaycee would have cared if he did.  

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Thanks!  That was the best recap of both season's endings.  I love that they put words to Paul's loss right at the time of the jury questioning.  IF JC makes it to F2 I can see him being as big as an ass as Paul was.  I am for Kaycee for the win.  It will be nice to have a pleasant person win.

  • Love 3
58 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I feel like Tyler should have told Angela about his F2 with KC. As I said, normally I;m all for blindsides. But Angela is different -- they're exchanging "ILY's" and as I said the worst thing to feel on national TV is like an embarrassed girlfriend. After KC won the veto and Angela's doom was signed, sealed and delivered Tyler should have just told Angela. Him not doing so is an odd misstep and I don't think it will cause him to lose Angela's vote but on a personal level I see why Angela's hurt. It's also maybe the first douchey thing Tyler did all summer. 


2 hours ago, green said:

I can help you if Nashville's too modest to say but he has been on this thread forever and this forum forever as well.  One of the lynch pins really.  Without his humor, a lot of us would not get through some of these shows.

Agreed!  He handles the entire live feed summary as well. His is funny and cogent and perceptive and these forums would not be the same without him 

  • Love 7
43 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I agree 100% with this.   He had plenty of time to tell her after Kaycee won the veto, and I'm not sure why he didn't, or why Kaycee would have cared if he did.  

I think sometimes Tyler let's his superfan side kick in too much. He thinks it's awesome that he's blindsided people all season, he thinks it's awesome that he had a bunch of F2's, that he led a big stable alliance, and even that he developed a showmance. I think as a superfan he thinks that having a super-secret alliance that not even his in-house girlfriend knows about is awesome-sauce. If Angela was just a close alliance-mate I'd be okay with it. But since she 100% thinks she's his gf and they're going to have something post-game it's poor game-play to spring this on her right as she was evicted. 

It's also a poor read on Angela if he didn't consider that Angela might have been hurt by this.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

So here's an Angela exit interview. I'm actually surprised. She's not too happy with her eviction. She was really classy during her exit interview with Julie but I think Angela bottles up emotions a lot. She sounds hopping mad. Before I thought she was a 100% Tyler vote but now I'm not so sure. She isn't even sure she wants to date him after the show.


These quotes stood out:


It was obvious on her face that she was shocked.  Tyler should have told her in advanced - to give her some time to process it.  Unfortunately, she had to immediately face a live TV audience as the clueless girlfriend.  Then she had to go in front of a hostile jury round table.   And we've seen it that all it takes is 1 jury to swing the vote either way.

Edited by twilightzone
  • Love 10

As to whom Rockstar would vote for between Tyler and Kaycee that seems pretty easy to me.  The "woke" one will see this through her usual stereotype judge by the group and to hell with the person glasses as a blonde-haired straight white male vs a minority lesbian woman.  Maybe some year Rockstar will realize individual people are individual people and not categories but probably not this year.

  • Love 10
14 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I think sometimes Tyler let's his superfan side kick in too much. He thinks it's awesome that he's blindsided people all season, he thinks it's awesome that he had a bunch of F2's, that he led a big stable alliance, and even that he developed a showmance. I think as a superfan he thinks that having a super-secret alliance that not even his in-house girlfriend knows about is awesome-sauce. If Angela was just a close alliance-mate I'd be okay with it. But since she 100% thinks she's his gf and they're going to have something post-game it's poor game-play to spring this on her right as she was evicted. 

It's also a poor read on Angela if he didn't consider that Angela might have been hurt by this.

I think you’re so on point with this.  Also, I don’t know a thing at all about Tyler except that he’s a bowler from Iowa who lives in Hilton Head now.  But this Angela misstep is starting to give me the feeling that handsome as he is, he really doesn’t have much experience with girlfriends.  He otherwise would have known that it was time to tell her the truth, and not wait for the GBM to be played on live TV andshock her with that news.  He could have kept his secret alliance till the end but then told her privately before her eviction.  Let her hear it from him one-on-one, with some soothing hugs and a personal explanation.  Instead he crowed on a recorded message like some dumb kid so gleeful about his prowess and it was a bad look for a grown man at the beginning stages of what could be true love. When you tell a woman you love her, it’s probsbly better not to start out by saying, “secret 1, and secret 2, and also I love you”

  • Love 9

I feel like Tyler should have told Angela about his F2 with KC.

I don't. Who knows how she would've reacted? She has unique way of using words and voice inflections as weapons and I think odds are good she would've said and/or done something to rattle Tyler before she left the house. If she's really into him (which I still think is largely contingent upon whether he walks away with the $500K) they'll be able to work it out once the show is over.

I looked at those Twitter videos posted upthread and encountered another video with Kaitlyn and Winston. Are they together now? Their body language--especially hers--seemed more than just "friendly" to me. Now that CBS has pretty much created a career track for reality game show couples, it's interesting how more of these pairings are being forged, either in the BB house or afterward.

So glad Dr. Will is doing the jury roundtable again. I'm looking forward to seeing him explain to those Foutte morons where they went wrong and how to get over the bitterness. Yeah, Kaycee has turned into a comp beast lately but we've watched Tyler work his game all season. JC is a delusional tool who production oddly seems to be afraid of but has done nothing to merit winning F1 or F2, IMO. Tyler FTW.

  • Love 5
56 minutes ago, green said:

 Rockstar would vote .........through her usual stereotype .......a blonde-haired straight white male vs a minority lesbian woman.  

Didn't Bay and RS already declare they would vote for the woman if there was one in F2?

 It's gotta be pretty hard work to maintain and live with all those stereotypes. Being "woke" sounds exhausting.

3 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

 Yeah, Kaycee has turned into a comp beast lately but we've watched Tyler work his game all season.  Tyler FTW.

Totally agree. Love the new and improved KC, but Tyler's been working his game all along.

  • Love 11

In regards to the whole Angela/Tyler thing- I think for him yes he was in Level 6 with Angela but he still spent half the game playing the middle FOR Level 6. He didn't spend much time if any at all with Angela- and during that time he made game moves to not only benefit Level 6 but also to benefit his personal game for the long term. They started getting a lot closer after she won her first HOH and it just continued from there- of course everyone is there to win $500K so he was never going to be 100% honest with her about what kind of game he had been playing since you just never know if the other person is playing the other. You could tell on both of their parts- especially him that falling for her was NOT something he wanted to do in this game- he was visibly mad at himself for it. I think that yeah maybe he should have told her about Kaycee & His F2- but I think that he was still also playing the game. You absolutely never know what someone would do with some information in a game setting- for all he knew as well is that Kaycee & Angela also had a F2 and that Kaycee wasn't actually going to take him and she was going to take Angela which I'm sure he precieved as the better move because any of them could have possibly won against her. And he didn't want to piss off Kaycee because they agreed they would tell her in their Goodbye Messages. 

I think for him- he loves her- that's pretty clear- but his objective coming into this house was to win the game. He had to put himself first in that situation even though he loves her. She'll be fine. 

I'm sure she found out other stuff about his game last night at the roundtable that might shock her- but I think in the end she's going to be pretty impressed at the game he played and when she'll be excited to see him on Finale night. As I said earlier- she told him as long as he didn't lie about anything personal and stuff outside of the house- she'll be fine. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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23 hours ago, Cutty said:

I still think Tyler would be favored to beat Kaycee. Handicapping the votes (which is never easy):

Tyler: Angela, Haleigh, Sam

KC: Bayleigh, RS 

Scottie, Brett, Fessy I'd say all lean towards Tyler. 

JC will vote for the person who doesn't evict him. 

I think Tyler needs to win that final HOH rather than comp beast Kaycee choosing him to help with the jury votes.




9 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

Totally agree. Love the new and improved KC, but Tyler's been working his game all along

I agree with this...although need to point out that Kaycee didn’t get chosen for veto the first few weeks so she couldn’t work hers as well

But I can never forget how Tyler did one thing that really impressed me early on.  When Rachel Reilly rang the doorbell and they all got excited, he tamped his excitement down outwardly.  He later said (I guess it was in the DR? Can’t remember) that he was so thrilled and wanted to react but didn’t want to give away that he was a Superfan by how insanely excited he really was.  I thought that was really quick thinking bc it was his instant reaction to a total surprise, yet he was able to immediately put his game face on. That’s a guy who came to play.  (His skill in love in markedly less impressive to me lol)

  • Love 17
6 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

I think Tyler needs to win that final HOH rather than comp beast Kaycee choosing him to help with the jury votes.

100%- He wins the F3 HOH- that ties them with Comp Wins. So basically it's then okay what is the Jury going to look at now to determine the winner. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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3 hours ago, mertensia said:

In her defense, someone probably should blow it up so they can put up a new one, and she could probably make something out of the pieces. Otherwise one of these seasons will be known as The Year The House Fell Down. 

Your post really struck home with me. I had forgotten all about Sam. Holy Smoke! It's only been, what? 2 or 3 days?

That goes a long, long way towards the notion that so many of these people that we seem to care so much about while the show is running .... why we just can't seem to give a Tinker's Darn about them after they are gone. I must say that Sam was one of the most disappointing and forgettable players ever.

I liked her on a personal level. I felt she was a very sweet lady although somewhat troubled. But never, in my wildest imagination, did I think that 2 or 3 days after she was evicted, I would have forgotten all about her. It's as if she never existed.


I just hope and pray the same is true for JC. Please, Please, Please?

22 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

In regards to the whole Angela/Tyler thing- I think for him yes he was in Level 6 with Angela but he still spent half the game playing the middle FOR Level 6. He didn't spend much time if any at all with Angela- and during that time he made game moves to not only benefit Level 6 but also to benefit his personal game for the long term. They started getting a lot closer after she won her first HOH and it just continued from there- of course everyone is there to win $500K so he was never going to be 100% honest with her about what kind of game he had been playing since you just never know if the other person is playing the other. You could tell on both of their parts- especially him that falling for her was NOT something he wanted to do in this game- he was visibly mad at himself for it. I think that yeah maybe he should have told her about Kaycee & His F2- but I think that he was still also playing the game. You absolutely never know what someone would do with some information in a game setting- for all he knew as well is that Kaycee & Angela also had a F2 and that Kaycee wasn't actually going to take him and she was going to take Angela which I'm sure he precieved as the better move because any of them could have possibly won against her. And he didn't want to piss off Kaycee because they agreed they would tell her in their Goodbye Messages. 

I think for him- he loves her- that's pretty clear- but his objective coming into this house was to win the game. He had to put himself first in that situation even though he loves her. She'll be fine. 

I'm sure she found out other stuff about his game last night at the roundtable that might shock her- but I think in the end she's going to be pretty impressed at the game he played and when she'll be excited to see him on Finale night. As I said earlier- she told him as long as he didn't lie about anything personal and stuff outside of the house- she'll be fine. 

I agree with all of this, though I think Tyler telling her personally would have softened the blow. She's still dealing with post-eviction feelings but I don't think she'll hold a grudge on finale night. 

But I imagine how strong paranoia in, and just out of, the house can be...no one wants to be the one getting played, and thinking of him and Kaycee dealing behind her back has to sting. She has a lot of pride. But yeah, she and Tyler didn't get close until late in the game. She can't expect that he didn't have other plans and deals. 

I rarely follow BB folks after the show, but I'm looking forward to seeing L6 hanging out. 

I'm nervous about Pt. 2. Kaycee has to win today. If JC won the last HOH...ugh. I do not need to see JC "vanessa" Tyler. 

I HATE how part 3 is often a crapshoot. It should be some sort of comp that sums up the season.

And this last week is just too long. Once they are down to F3 it should wrap up in a couple of days.

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