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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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30 minutes ago, DannyRugg said:

 As for the finale, if Saggy does try to steal the limelight with a proposal, everyone should immediately follow suit. JC can propose to Tyler, Fessy and Snottie can duel over Hayleigh, and Brent can get down on one knee and beg Blockstar to be his baby mama. Good times!

I would so love to see that.  Kaycee could stand there and root them on with "Let's Go" while Winston dies a death in slo mo because "Brent" chose Blockstar over him.  Then Kaitlyn can perform some new age wedding vows complete with her animal spirit guides as witnesses and thus would conclude the best BB in ages.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, ohcomeon said:

I just disagree with anyone who thinks Kaycee is boring. She is the type of person I would want as a good friend. She is funny, good natured, well rounded in both sports and intelligence, just seems overall happy. Why is that considered a boring person? I think drama queens, over top wack jobs, and moppy "why me"s are the boring people in life.

Agree.  While I love my younger daughter’s current partner to pieces - if my daughter were to end up dating Kaycee, I wouldn’t mind too terribly much.  :)

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, diana said:

Has there been any news on potential backyard interviews on the feeds and who might be doing them?

It sounds like they may be keeping the number of press invited very small this year. Rob from RHAP said that he wasn't even issued an invite this year, and he's usually one of the most popular press interviewers there (there was a joke saying that Vegas is the publicist, since Rob hasn't spoken kindly about the spoiler person). I imagine, after the Moonves stuff, they want to make sure the right people are invited and the questions might even be very scripted. Despite most of the houseguests not aware of what's going on, I imagine BB want to control the interviews as much as possible.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ohcomeon said:

But Tyler has been the coach, GM and and a very good team player. He's done 80% of the managing of JC & Brett. He also had been a great player with his social game but also winning comps. From an overall perspective, I think Tyler has done more for their alliance. Kaycee had to step in toward the end to manage Sam but in the beginning that was also all Tyler for L6. I still think Tyler convincing Kaitlyn to vote against her alliance so early in the game was one of the best moves of the season. It really through the other side into a complete tailspin they never recovered from. I know a lot of people think Tyler taking Brett out was a bad move. But he given that we now know he was going to stay loyal to Kaycee to the F2, it was the only move he had to protect her.


  • Love 1
45 minutes ago, DannyRugg said:

Angela and her mustache will be getting a CHILLY reception in the Jury House. Hayleigh will probably talk to her. Brent? Wouldn't blame him if he didn't. What makes people dislike Angela are those snooty remarks she makes like "I call this one step ahead." She doesn't deliver those lines with enough panache and just comes across as a Mean Girl. As for the finale, if Saggy does try to steal the limelight with a proposal, everyone should immediately follow suit. JC can propose to Tyler, Fessy and Snottie can duel over Hayleigh, and Brent can get down on one knee and beg Blockstar to be his baby mama. Good times!


11 minutes ago, green said:

I would so love to see that.  Kaycee could stand there and root them on with "Let's Go" while Winston dies a death in slo mo because "Brent" chose Blockstar over him.  Then Kaitlyn can perform some new age wedding vows complete with her animal spirit guides as witnesses and thus would conclude the best BB in ages.

Meanwhile Sam, unnoticed because of all the commotion onstage, quietly constructs a bomb out of dryer lint, a pipe cleaner and a lock of Tyler's hair and blows the entire BB house to smithereens.

  • Love 21
13 hours ago, zenithwit said:

[Haleigh] was really level-headed in that jury segment.

Yea, and it sounded fake as hell. She has to be being fed lines or something. Her DRs when they were giving her that amazingly inaccurate edit all sounded so fake and written, too. Very strange.

13 hours ago, zenithwit said:

AFP CAMPAIGNING TIME!!!  Let's go!  Who is everyone voting for?

No one.

11 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Tyler hasn't ben Machiavellian since the first couple weeks. He hasn't done much of anything since then really. Making a F2 with everyone isn't Machiavellian.

11 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

Has anyone else gone from being annoyed by "Let's go!" -- to starting to have a soft spot for it? 

No lol.

6 hours ago, ANALLICE said:

Apparently KC and Tyler had a plan for Tyler to throw the part 1 to her if JC fell. JC fell first and then KC told Tyler to drop as per their plan...he didn't and she did expecting that he would've done it already. Pretty much Tyler played KC to win part 1. He's lying through his teeth saying he mistimed the drop or something like that. KC doesn't seem too bummed but that would ring alarm bells for me if I were her.

This is so hilarious. Kaycee, stupidly loyal 'til the end.

58 minutes ago, DannyRugg said:

What makes people dislike Angela are those snooty remarks she makes like "I call this one step ahead." She doesn't deliver those lines with enough panache and just comes across as a Mean Girl. 

Angela didn't even come up with that line. Tyler told her to say it lol. But I agree with you that her delivery is always what kills it. Even when she says things that aren't even that bitchy they just come off that way because of her manner of speaking and face.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

JC’s sexual harassment of Tyler continued on thru the night;

-You are the love of my life and in the real world Im going to tell you what to do and you’re going to listen

-I’m going to slap Tyler during the night and pretend I’m Angela 

-Listening to your speech made me want to vomit. I love you 

I really despise JC. 

  • Love 16
2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, and it sounded fake as hell. She has to be being fed lines or something. Her DRs when they were giving her that amazingly inaccurate edit all sounded so fake and written, too. Very strange.

I feel like they added that to show there was someone who wasn't anti-Tyler. That doesn't mean Haleigh will vote for him over Kaycee. These jury segments are always misleading. People read way too much into them.

1 hour ago, ohcomeon said:

I just disagree with anyone who thinks Kaycee is boring. She is the type of person I would want as a good friend. She is funny, good natured, well rounded in both sports and intelligence, just seems overall happy. Why is that considered a boring person? I think drama queens, over top wack jobs, and moppy "why me"s are the boring people in life.

She seems like an incredibly cool woman. Someone, I too, would like to be friends with. 
Funny, well-rounded, happy are all ingredients for an amazing friend and sometimes incredibly dull television. I think with a show like BB, we expect a certain level of personality to come out that makes me want to keep watching. I know the televised persona is a ton of acting and BB has missed the mark A LOT when it comes to casting people who are interesting IN the house, as they are outside it. What makes Kaycee cool, that easy going nature, is also what made her damn invisible for weeks and weeks. 
Don't get me wrong, at this point I want to see her win because of all those positive attributes but Kaycee suffers from the same thing as Angela to me. Plenty of game but such a non-entity in the beginning weeks, I actually forgot she was there. 

  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

Swaggy acts like Level 6 hasn't been saying that Kaitlyn making this move was completely dumb for her to do- but awesome for them- all season long. This isn't the first time they've said it. LOL. 

1 hour ago, gunderda said:

I was thinking Saturday also.... or maybe Monday even? That still gives me them 2 days before the finale.

I think the last few years they've done it on Saturday. 


1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

The rare time I actually liked Fessy. I actually enjoyed seeing Fessy get irritated by Bayleigh. 

I've never liked Bay and was never really a Fessy fan either- but Bay calling him dumb constantly- she was saying it when he came out during the Battleback is just mean- we get it he made a boneheaded move- but so did you- he's right you telling the OTHER SIDE about your Power App was also a boneheaded move and that's why you are in Jury so don't act like you are the best player in the game- because you aren't you are in Jury. 

I did LOL when Julie was like let's check in on the Jury house and then called it the FOUTTE house. HAHA. Also when Hay was like we all played really bad games and were such a mess- Brett sitting there with a smirk on his face like YES- YES you guys did. 

  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I feel like they added that to show there was someone who wasn't anti-Tyler. That doesn't mean Haleigh will vote for him over Kaycee. These jury segments are always misleading. People read way too much into them.

But with Hay she's always thought Tyler was controlling everything or at least VERY well protected- she mentioned that NUMEROUS times in conversations with Rockstar- that's why she threw him up when she won Hacker and why Rockstar wanted him up as she said since week 2 if she won HOH. It's not like this narrative of Hay saying good things about Tyler's game came from nowhere- I think she just repressed a lot of it because she really thought that he was being controlled by Angela. I don't think she thinks that anymore- your mind becomes a bit more clear once you leave that house. Hay also thought that Angela was at the top of the Trio pyramid with Angela/Kaycee for sure having a F2 deal- with Kaycee cutting Angela to keep Tyler- she'll realize that it was Tyler that was the top of the Pyramid- she mentioned this pyramid MANY times. Haha. 

  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Not as bad as Angela. 

They're about equal to me. Angela sounds the same either way because she's just so dull and monotone.

2 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Brett wasn't much better. I thought maybe getting blindsided out in epic fashion would tone down the douchebag persona but nope.

Ugh, right. He's just an asshole. Over it.

I hope Haleigh gets drunk before she votes. I need some type of entertainment in this otherwise completely boring finale.

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

JC’s sexual harassment of Tyler continued on thru the night;

-You are the love of my life and in the real world Im going to tell you what to do and you’re going to listen

-I’m going to slap Tyler during the night and pretend I’m Angela 

-Listening to your speech made me want to vomit. I love you 

You have to be making this up............right??!

9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Angela didn't even come up with that line. Tyler told her to say it lol. But I agree with you that her delivery is always what kills it. Even when she says things that aren't even that bitchy they just come off that way because of her manner of speaking and face.

Like others, I think Angela is beautiful but her manner of speaking is so monotone and annoying. I know people have gone into why she seems to have a perpetual bitch tone (her childhood and such) but oh my Lord, when I heard her "story", I guess I was expecting to be tormented for her. Like she was such a class 1 bitch because of some earth-shattering trauma. I think her bitchy, cold personality is just who she is. She hasn't mastered wit or humor or any other attribute that would contribute to being interesting so she defaults to bitch-mode. 
I'm sure we all know people who haven't had an easy life and suffered in ways we can only imagine but still carry themselves in a way that shows a warm personality. That's missing when I see Angela. I'm happy that her and Tyler bonded and have found love but I think her lack of personality will grate, unless Tyler digs that type. 

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

You have to be making this up............right??!

Unfortunately No. He was being even more Extra last night then he normally is. Constantly bashing Angela- to which Tyler then went and put on her Hilton Head Sweatshirt that she left for him- which got JC even more riled up. 

If JC continues this Angela bashing tirade over the next few days I think Tyler might finally snap- he was getting VERY sassy back at him last night. 

  • Love 12
13 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea. Haleigh is just terrible at reading her lines, I guess lol.


There's an AT&T phone commercial with Ed Helms in it, and every single damn time the girl in the commerical speaks, I think it's Hayleigh.  They both have a very television news-reader voice that drives me nuts - it's very professional but it's so clipped and precise, it always sounds contrived.  So many of Hayleigh's DR's were like that.  Granted, she is very well-spoken but to me she often came across as insincere because of her manner of speaking...she lacked emotion, IMO.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

No, some of this I saw on BBAD and the rest was around 3am and reported by Jokers Update. He also told Tyler he couldn’t wear the Hilton Head sweatshirt in the house and other things.

Um....because JC is lord and master of everything Tyler?!  Wow....if Tyler doesn't snap at this point, I will stop being impressed at his restraint and start to get pissed.  It's way past time to put this troll in his rightful place.  Just - wow.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 12

Also why does CBS have to keep shoving Jeff down our throats- I don't know what he's going into the house to do today- but couldn't they have called ANYONE else to do it. If they are going to fly him in from Colorado to go into the house to do something with the HG's- they couldn't have flown out Dan or Vanessa or someone else that isn't annoying. Lol. 

2 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Um....because JC is lord and master of everything Tyler?!  Wow....if Tyler doesn't snap at this point, I will stop being impressed at his restraint and start to get pissed.  It's way past time to put this troll in his rightful place.  Just - wow.

Maybe Tyler is waiting for Kaycee to win Part 2 of the HOH- cuz then they both know they are taking each other and JC is basically a sitting duck. Then he'll snap at him? LOL. 

  • Love 5
29 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

JC’s sexual harassment of Tyler continued on thru the night;

-You are the love of my life and in the real world Im going to tell you what to do and you’re going to listen

-I’m going to slap Tyler during the night and pretend I’m Angela 

-Listening to your speech made me want to vomit. I love you 

I really despise JC. 

JC is out of control.  It's time for production to step in and give JC a stern talking to.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Maybe Tyler is waiting for Kaycee to win Part 2 of the HOH- cuz then they both know they are taking each other and JC is basically a sitting duck. Then he'll snap at him? LOL. 

If I was Tyler, I'd do the exact same thing. Tell him upfront after Kaycee wins that JC is not going to F2, and then keep shutting him down. He's not worth the jury vote, at this point.

  • Love 4

I'm going to be low-key stressed until I find out who wins part 2 of this HOH.   It just HAS to be Kaycee for my own sanity.  And I really, really need to see JC booted 3rd for my own entertainment; it will completely save the second half of this season for me.  

Still a great season, though.  I can't believe there's a chance two people I really like are BOTH in the finals.  I'm trying to think of the last time that's happened, and am coming up with zilch.  Not even season 10 - I was ALL about Keesha that season.

I'm putting all my votes towards Hayleigh.  I like her.  I liked her in the jury house - her interview voice might be stilted, but I truly think she believes everything she's saying.  It's not that much of a stretch for me at all.  

  • Love 21
25 minutes ago, The Hound Lives said:

She seems like an incredibly cool woman. Someone, I too, would like to be friends with. 
Funny, well-rounded, happy are all ingredients for an amazing friend and sometimes incredibly dull television. I think with a show like BB, we expect a certain level of personality to come out that makes me want to keep watching. I know the televised persona is a ton of acting and BB has missed the mark A LOT when it comes to casting people who are interesting IN the house, as they are outside it. What makes Kaycee cool, that easy going nature, is also what made her damn invisible for weeks and weeks. 
Don't get me wrong, at this point I want to see her win because of all those positive attributes but Kaycee suffers from the same thing as Angela to me. Plenty of game but such a non-entity in the beginning weeks, I actually forgot she was there. 

But it's been her quiet and friendly personality that has made her interesting to me and fun to watch. I'm so tired of the people who come into any show with a over the top personality. It's like watching a middle school play with a bunch of kids trying to play a part assigned to them. Half the time they forget their lines or how to play their part. And lots of time, watching them try to hide their normal personality either makes me sad or offended. For instance I don't think RS really thinks she is an interesting person on her own, so had to make up this weird personality. And I find that because they are not being themselves, they often come across as really insulting. I'm not even a minority and I'm offended every time I hear RS adopt her balccish speak. 

Having a fun person who isn't trying to outdo others has been really interesting to watch. 

  • Love 11
20 minutes ago, The Hound Lives said:

Like others, I think Angela is beautiful but her manner of speaking is so monotone and annoying. I know people have gone into why she seems to have a perpetual bitch tone (her childhood and such) but oh my Lord, when I heard her "story", I guess I was expecting to be tormented for her. Like she was such a class 1 bitch because of some earth-shattering trauma. I think her bitchy, cold personality is just who she is. She hasn't mastered wit or humor or any other attribute that would contribute to being interesting so she defaults to bitch-mode. 
I'm sure we all know people who haven't had an easy life and suffered in ways we can only imagine but still carry themselves in a way that shows a warm personality. That's missing when I see Angela. I'm happy that her and Tyler bonded and have found love but I think her lack of personality will grate, unless Tyler digs that type. 

Angela is a much different person around Tyler.  He definitely loosens up her personality.  I'm quite sure she was very skeptical of people before she entered the Big Brother house. Tyler showed her love and Kaycee showed her true friendship. 

  • Love 7
28 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

There's an AT&T phone commercial with Ed Helms in it, and every single damn time the girl in the commerical speaks, I think it's Hayleigh.  They both have a very television news-reader voice that drives me nuts - it's very professional but it's so clipped and precise, it always sounds contrived.  So many of Hayleigh's DR's were like that.  Granted, she is very well-spoken but to me she often came across as insincere because of her manner of speaking...she lacked emotion, IMO.

I actually thought Hayleigh sounded more intelligent in her DR sessions and even during this Jury segment. Like who is this girl and why did we not see her in the house?  She always sounds very mature and level headed when she's describing something. 

18 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

JC is out of control.  It's time for production to step in and give JC a stern talking to.

JC just has an annoying over the top personalty.  80% sure he's joking (although I wouldn't doubt if he is slightly in love with Tyler) but everything JC does is over the top and he probably thinks it's hilarious. Probably brought on by his environment of not wanting to be seen as less than other people because of his stature and I'm sure his friends egg on his personalty to where he has no idea that what he does is wayyyy to much. The guy just screams of wanting attention and as we've seen with everyone in the house, they all treat him like a child because he looks like one and gradually he got a personality to match.  I feel bad for him more than anything else because I think he's going to have a super rude awakening when he gets out, probably more so than most people (even Sam) and as we've seen he already deep rooted family issues and his over the top personality is to probably cover up that. 

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Angela is a much different person around Tyler.  He definitely loosens up her personality.  I'm quite sure she was very skeptical of people before she entered the Big Brother house. Tyler showed her love and Kaycee showed her true friendship. 

It'd be nice if she was able to mend fences with Rachel. I don't see Rachel being the sort to hold a grudge against her, if Angela reached out and tried.

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

It'd be nice if she was able to mend fences with Rachel. I don't see Rachel being the sort to hold a grudge against her, if Angela reached out and tried.

I believe Tyler, Angela, and Kaycee have already discussed reuniting with Rachel and parting with her in Vegas.  I think Tyler mentioned that he will try to get all level 6 members to Hawaii. 

  • Love 8
50 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Angela is a much different person around Tyler.  He definitely loosens up her personality.  I'm quite sure she was very skeptical of people before she entered the Big Brother house. Tyler showed her love and Kaycee showed her true friendship. 

I agree. She lights up when she's with him- laughing- smiling- joking around. Ditto when she's with Kaycee- but obviously less heart eyes. LOL. 

  • Love 7

I don't blame Tyler for winning Part 1. Kaycee was the one who brought up him being better at mental competitions, and Tyler had a very lukewarm reception to it, but what is going to say, "No way I'm doing that"? 

Now he has an extra couple nights of relatively stress-free sleep. That must be like gold in that House. If he ended up losing Part 2, he'd be kicking himself. His fate wouldn't lie in his own hands, and Kaycee/JC get Jury competition boosters.

I hope Part 2 is tomorrow for Kaycee's sake. She was so sore after the competition last night, she felt like she could barely control her arms and had trouble lifting them. If it's a physical and mental comeption, she'd have time to heal. 

  • Love 1

Part 2 is usually on Saturday night, so I assume that will be the case this year, as well. 

19 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I still think Tyler would be favored to beat Kaycee. Handicapping the votes (which is never easy):

Tyler: Angela, Haleigh, Sam

KC: Bayleigh, RS 

Scottie, Brett, Fessy I'd say all lean towards Tyler. 

JC will vote for the person who doesn't evict him. 

Not disagreeing with the ultimate result, but I would put Sam in "leaning Kaycee" for now. 

I think Tyler gets Angela, Brett, Scottie, Fessy and Haleigh for the win and then maybe also gets Sam and JC (and maybe even Rockstar). But I think it's probably going to be 5-4 Tyler, but with a result that close, it could easily be 5-4 Kaycee (heck, obviously it could be as high as 8-1 Kaycee, honestly - that result wouldn't absolutely shock me). 

  • Love 1
30 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I still think Tyler would be favored to beat Kaycee. Handicapping the votes (which is never easy):

Tyler: Angela, Haleigh, Sam

KC: Bayleigh, RS 

Scottie, Brett, Fessy I'd say all lean towards Tyler. 

JC will vote for the person who doesn't evict him. 

Sam said in her interviews she would have taken Kaycee to F2 and she didn't trust Tyler anymore.  I think Kaycee has Sam's vote as a lock.  I see Scottie's going to Tyler.  Maybe Fessy's too given Hay's influence.  Brett might go for Kaycee since it was the Tyler/Angela combo that sent him packing.  You are totally right about JC.  He will be totally Mr Bitters and especially against Tyler.

1 minute ago, green said:

Sam said in her interviews she would have taken Kaycee to F2 and she didn't trust Tyler anymore.  I think Kaycee has Sam's vote as a lock.  I see Scottie's going to Tyler.  Maybe Fessy's too given Hay's influence.  Brett might go for Kaycee since it was the Tyler/Angela combo that sent him packing.  You are totally right about JC.  He will be totally Mr Bitters and especially against Tyler.

I think Brett ends up voting for Tyler. He was a hell of a lot closer to Tyler then to Kaycee- and I think he'll recognize his game and vote for him. 

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I think Brett ends up voting for Tyler. He was a hell of a lot closer to Tyler then to Kaycee- and I think he'll recognize his game and vote for him. 

Luckily for Tyler, Kaycee wasn't very close to Fessy or Scottie, so I think that will help Tyler there, as well. 

Tyler can win even if he loses JC AND Sam (and I'm wavering on whether either ultimately votes against him)

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I think Brett ends up voting for Tyler. He was a hell of a lot closer to Tyler then to Kaycee- and I think he'll recognize his game and vote for him. 

But it was Tyler that blind sighted Brett and got him evicted.   Paul played a great game, but in the end, he was betrayed by the people - who he had betrayed.  Tyler's problem -  he over extended himself and made too many Final 2's.

1 minute ago, twilightzone said:

But it was Tyler that blind sighted Brett and got him evicted.   Paul played a great game, but in the end, he was betrayed by the people - who he had betrayed.  Tyler's problem -  he over extended himself and made too many Final 2's.

Paul's problem was that he was an asshole that wouldn't own anything that he did. Jason and Alex were still going to vote for him despite him blindsiding them, but then he wouldn't admit to anything that he had done. Tyler has avoided all of that. Brett was already in the traditional, "It was probably the smart move" phase of his jury stay during the talk on Thursday's episode. He should be one of Tyler's most solid votes. 

  • Love 14
8 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

But it was Tyler that blind sighted Brett and got him evicted.   Paul played a great game, but in the end, he was betrayed by the people - who he had betrayed.  Tyler's problem -  he over extended himself and made too many Final 2's.

Paul's ultimate problem was that he wouldn't own up to his game and why he needed to make the moves he did- if Tyler does. He gets Brett's vote, plus Brett has already said it was probably the smart move. 

Andy had many deals as well- it's all on how you handle it- it reminds me of a Tweet he posted after an episode where Tyler mentioned his F2 deals and Tyler basically said something similar- so I would hope his answer would be the same as his DR if he's asked during Jury questioning- which I imagine he knows he would be: 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, ohcomeon said:

But it's been her quiet and friendly personality that has made her interesting to me and fun to watch. I'm so tired of the people who come into any show with a over the top personality.

I agree.  She has been measured through the whole game.  Great move on her part.

1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

It'd be nice if she was able to mend fences with Rachel. I don't see Rachel being the sort to hold a grudge against her, if Angela reached out and tried.

I actually had to look up Rachel as I do not remember her at all.

The whole conversation that JC had about Tyler making a fool of himself saying he loved a "random" girl is ridiculous.  JC has no idea that the world saw everything he did and said.

  • Love 2

If it's Tyler/Kaycee F2:

Between Haleigh and Brett, the jury will get the straight dope as to Tyler's Gepetto season.  Angela will confirm, but several will not hear.  

I see Brett and Scottie grudgingly giving Tyler credit for having played the best game.  Obviously, Angela and Haleigh will also vote for Tyler.  If Kaycee somehow misses F2, she votes for Tyler.  

Kaycee floated through the first half of the season - NOT BB floated - but as in coasting along.  Sure, she has crushed comps at the end.  But, Tyler made it possible for her to sit back and "not play" for weeks.  

At the jury inquisition, I just don't see Kaycee explaining her "game" beyond having been a super cool roommate and loyal to L6.  

In the end, the bitterness and vitriol of Bay, and Rockstar, and potentially JC, will not sway folks to the "emotional" vote for Kaycee, imo.  I think FUF eventually accedes to Haleigh's judgment.

  • Love 4

I don't even know what Kaycee's plan at F2 will be, as essentially everything she will say will effectively back up what Tyler has to say, right? 

She seems to be relying on "I won a lot of comps and I let Tyler plan all of your evictions." Which is not a terrible strategy, I'm just wondering how she will frame it. 

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I don't even know what Kaycee's plan at F2 will be, as essentially everything she will say will effectively back up what Tyler has to say, right? 

What do you mean you don't know Kaycee's plan? She said everything last night. LOL!!! Seriously though, I think she will back everything Tyler says because it's the truth and she's all about that. That said, I think they are 50/50 with the jury. Their game has been so intertwined since Day 1 or 2. I think it comes down to whom the jury member likes more. JC might be a wild card depending on who actually cuts him.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 1

I don't get why Tyler would even bring Kaycee to a f2. Ok, loyalty to his deal but he had several f2 deals running. He could lose to Kaycee. Bringing JC guarantees Tyler wins even IF he is viewed as a traitor. 

Tyler will be making a $500,000 mistake to take Kaycee because the votes will be too close and there could be a surprise vote.  

Actually both Tyler and Kaycee should shlep JC to f2 to guarantee winning. 

This is a throwback to when Ivette was loyal to Maggie and lost to Maggie. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
  • Love 2
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