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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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13 hours ago, Sara2009 said:

I know most here don’t seem to like her, but I’m rooting for Kaycee.

I am a HUGE Kaycee fan. Kaycee and Brett has been my top favs. Tyler is an excellent player, but not my favorite at all. He just seemed so predictable with the "eyes flirting in the diary room", like UGH, reminds me of all those surfer boys we used to hang with decades ago.

13 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

So fantastic. Boom Tyler. You got played.

9 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

I dunno. I think the rest of this season could become very interesting. It will be easy for Tyler, Angela to evict KC. But if they do that without giving her a good explanation Sam will have bad things to say about them in the JH. That can't be good for the final vote. Of course, the rest of this season could also devolve into a real snore. We sure have seen that before.


I disagree. And Kaycee in F3 will almost for sure give her an F2 spot. Her comp wins led me to believe she's not going to be on that block.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, gunderda said:

feel like the HGs like JC more than they do sam so I’m not sure why these 3 think it’s best to keep him. Except he sucks at comps 

This reminds me of something that I can guarantee is going to happen in any remaining shows with JC.  They will have a DR or DRs of him nattering away about how "I have to win this HOH/Veto to save myself."  I production must require all of them say this, but with regard to JC it is so clearly not going to happen.  

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13 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

... I was really rooting for a Sam win here. I needed JC to go this week, and now he's sticking around for at least an extra two days. 

You, @Lady Calypso, do NOT always get what you want. YOU are NOT Angela! 


13 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Yeah, I wanted Sam to win so JC would totally know he was getting evicted. 

Also, NOT Angela! 


We, mediocres, must deal with the good AND the bad in life. ?

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1 hour ago, Wings said:
1 hour ago, The Companion said:

FWIW, Kaycee is one of my favorite HGs ever. She is a badass and seems like a really cool person. 

I agree and will add, kind, smart, easy going and genuine.

And I agree and will add that I think she’s beautiful 

many beautiful females in the house this year but they additionally benefit from makeup and hair.  Kaycee clearly not into that and is still beautiful 

  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, TheGapper said:

I disagree. And Kaycee in F3 will almost for sure give her an F2 spot. Her comp wins led me to believe she's not going to be on that block.


I like KC and I hope she wins the grand prize. So, I hope you are right about her. But it is extremely difficult to predict the outcome of challenges.  So many times, very clever and knowledgeable people (that doesn't include me) have done that and they have been wrong. It's so easy for something unexpected to happen (like BlockHead LOL).

10 minutes ago, Thalia said:

This reminds me of something that I can guarantee is going to happen in any remaining shows with JC.  They will have a DR or DRs of him nattering away about how "I have to win this HOH/Veto to save myself."  I production must require all of them say this, but with regard to JC it is so clearly not going to happen.  

I truly hope you are right about JC. But production has all kinds of ways to engineer competitions to favor their choice to win. The biggest factor is that production talks with these people privately and knows all kinds of stuff about them. They often reveal details that only they know. Production then knows they can ask a question in a Q&A comp that only one person knows the correct answer.  If you accused production of doing this, they would just repeat what Grodner has said. I must admit I have never heard her say this. But I have read more than once that she is of the opinion this is not a game show and she has every right to influence the results of competitions.

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1 hour ago, missyb said:

I think the reason JC was going to be taken as far as possible F5/F4, and this was even when Brett was still there, was because they acknowledged that he did so much for the alliance. They wanted him to get the extra money.

On the other hand, sending JC to jury next and letting him blab, it not a terrible idea. Because his facts are skewed that HE did everything. Brett knows this is not true.  He was a great asset but the only reason he had a block of votes was because of Level 6.  And KC, Tyler and Angela can refute and defend that. Thank you JC, you were invaluable, but you were not Level 6.

End of the day, the jury will be pissed off at having been "played".

I would use my speech to make sure I complemented everyone on their game and how it helped him/her advance. And, maybe ask the HIve to put themselves in thier place. They had an alliance. They could and should have done the same thing. As an alliance. They made too many mistakes.

Intellectually speaking, you are completely correct. But the intellect has nothing to do with the way wounded people react.

And the FOOTSIE people are all really wounded by the actions of L6. The will vote with their emotions. The don't give a shit what their intellect tells them. They hate all the people in L6 and will jump at the chance to vote against them. If F2 consists of one L6 member and one L6 non-member, you can bet the jury will all vote against L6.

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One of the questions they ask pre entry into the house; "would you rather lose and be loved by America or win and be hated ?

New question: "would you rather vote bitter and emotional and feel sanctimonious or vote with your intellect and dissect and evaluate game play?" The later would make America perceive you in much higher esteem .

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I’m hoping for a female winner this year.   Considering the jury, I would think Kaycee would win if she gets to the F2.   This game is not a lock for Tyler.   Any of the final five would be deserving of the win, although I’d hate to see JC take it all.   And yeah, Tyler and Angela need to cut Kaycee ASAP if they want to win   CBS would be salivating if those two made it to the F2.  

I know Tyler thinks Sam would be hard to beat because she is well liked.  I disagree.   JC could easily convince the jurors that he was a mastermind and ran the house.  Sam might win over Angela but it would be close.  

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, Wings said:

Okay it is Sunday and Sam goes on Wednesday.  What is happening from now to Wed night? 

Sam will go sometime soon, well before the Wednesday show. I can't remember the exact timing, but I want to say tomorrow. And the feeds will be down until after the Wednesday episode, which annoys the fuck out of me every season! 

Edited by IndyMischa
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Wings said:

Tyler didn’t make an F2 deal with Sam.  I don’t remember his exact words but it was something like I won’t vote you out, we can make it to the end or F3 or 4 together.   Something like that and Sam of course said she wouldn’t vote him either.  It was the standard, all bets are off at F4. 

Way I remember was they did make a F2 and then Sam suggested to Tyler they include Jaycee and make it a F3.  He, of course, agreed since he already had a F2 with Jaycee anyway.  I remember on the TV show they bringing Kaycee in as the third (as far as Sam knew anyway).


2 hours ago, Wings said:

They would never flood the air with smoke.  I am pretty sure it was fog and the extra moisture in the air could have caused some temporary respiratory distress.   

Don't ever ever underestimate how much production can screw up this season. 

And from what they were saying it was a smoke-like substance.  Both Angela and Kaycee said their their throats has a dry burning sensation big time.

I've been around dry ice and know actors who deal with it at every performance in the theatre and it does not cause any repertory issues as in endless coughing and hacking all night long.  It actually just feel a little damp in a sort of pleasant way.  So I think they did use a smoke machine and not a dry ice machine because, again, it was described as a hot, dry, choking sensation.

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I'm not understanding Tyler's actual end game.  How cool!  How often do we get this far without totally foregone conclusions?  Does he try to bring his hot new buddy Angela?  That might could be the best possible F2 for him since she is hated by several in the jury.  It seems to me she has no chance of winning.  The others would each at least have a shot.

The argument about her being a comp beast is irrelevant.  There are two slots to the vote.  He only needs one of these.

Does Angela get how much she is reviled?  If she does, why wouldn't she reward Tyler as opposed to the others?  She gets her $50K bonus and does a good and true thing.  I'm pretty sure she knows Kaycee is the kryptonite to any F2 plans.  

I have to give her props for being one of the very few ingenues/super hotties to make it this far.  Usually, this being middle school and all, jealousy rears its head very early and they are summarily ejected.  This is especially true if the beauty is seen as being stone cold/bitchy.  Angela deserves a ton of credit, imo. 

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I was just thinking about Derrick & Cody and how they are a great comparison to Kaycee & Tyler- everyone was saying the same thing about Derrick how he probably shouldn't take Cody- and vice versa for Cody. I just googled that Cody won 6 competitions- 3 HOH's and 3 Vetoes. Derrick only won 4 HOHs. Cody also had an amazing social game. Derrick won because they rewarded his strategy- he was the brains. Tyler is the brains & he's also a comp beast- he can easily say that he was the brains behind Kaycee & him- because he is- she isn't strategic at all. I honestly think he believes that too. For all we know he can pull a fast one and take Angela- but I think he beats out Kaycee. We don't know what his GBM to both Hay & Brett consisted of- but once someone like Brett who actually knew what was going on- goes into the Jury house and Tyler names keeps being brought up in situations- they will start to realize that it was actually him. Rockstar always knew that it wasn't Kailtyn that was controlling Tyler it was the other way around- she said that a few times. 

If the Jury still believes that Angela is controlling Tyler (which he knows they have thought that because- JC says this to him, Hay & Rockstar said it to him. And he CUTS her at F3 and takes Kaycee- he wins. 100%. 

  • Love 3
45 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

Sam will go sometime soon, well before the Wednesday show. I can't remember the exact timing, but I want to say tomorrow. And the feeds will be down until after the Wednesday episode, which annoys the fuck out of me every season! 

Ah yes, it is all coming back to me now.  Pretty sure Sam goes tomorrow. 

  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, OldWiseOne said:

IMO this has been the least evil and dirty cast in years!

I agree, which is why I've enjoyed my summer so much.  I've really not disliked any of the post-jury HG.  At least not to the level in which I've loathed some of the others.   JC is my least favorite by a mile.  But he also reminds me of Josh.  I don't really like either of them, and I'm amazed that either made it this far in the game.   But if Grodner somehow managed to miraculously (a miracle sounds too heavenly) to smite us by bringing back Paul and inserting him into a F2 with JC, I'd be okay with JC winning as long as Paul once again lost.   

PS:  I don't particularly care for Rock Star.  But as it has been a solemn sixty-eight days since the anniversary of her child's birth, I am trying to show some sensitivity.  UNLIKE BRETT!!!!!

  • Love 21
25 minutes ago, PoshSprinkles said:

I honestly don’t see any path to a win for Tyler. He will get the Paul treatment and lose to anyone he sits next to. He already has a solid three votes against him with RS, Bayleigh, And Scottie most likely not voting for him no matter what. Good gameplay doesn’t matter when your jury is emotional and votes personally. Tyler should have fought harder to save Kaitlyn/Winston/Rachel at the beginning to have any chance and not have allowed FOUTTE to get the majority in jury. 

I respectfully disagree - if he's sitting next to Angela, he wins, maybe unanimously. She's done something to piss off everyone at some point, except Tyler & Kaycee.

Some of them may believe to the very end that she was pulling Tyler's strings but they'll vote for him anyway because so many of them will be voting ABA -- Anyone But Angela.

It's interesting because they've played a very similar game -- 2 comp beasts who formed an alliance early and stuck with it to the very end; the only difference being in their social games, which couldn't have been more different.

  • Love 4

Man, the way JC talks to Tyler is so condescending. Kaycee said after he has no idea they're working together, and he'll understand. I'm not so sure - I don't think there's any scenario where JC realizes he was just a patsy for L6. He's definitely not going to give Tyler any credit - he'll say he's being controlled by Kaycee/Angela, and Tyler's an idiot for falling for it. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 10

So, I’ve decided I’ll have to root for Tyler.  I’ve been torn but in thinking about it, Tyler is the only one that knows every single thing going on in that house.  None of the hive had any secrets from him.  None of L6 do either.  Since Tyler has F2 deals with everyone, he is by definition keeping secrets from all the rest.  Angela doesn’t know about any of his F2 deals.  Kaycee, JC and Sam are aware only of their own agreements with him but none of the others.  Even Kaycee had to be told (by Tyler, of course) that Brett was coming after her and Angela.  Because Brett also had an F2 with him and trusted him enough to involve him in that plan

He literally knows everything that is happening, and has he good sense not to take the bait when told that he is stupid and needs others (JC) to help him muddle through

yeah, it’s time for Tyler to shine his light though and let them know this was his master plan from day one.  Otherwise Kaycee will win.  I like her and wouldn’t mind, but without Tyler telling her about Brett she might have been gone already

I feel Tyler had it too easy the whole game, but he is pretty deft about everything.  Also yes he was handed like a month or however long get out of jail free card, but he played so well he never had to use it.  That’s impressive!

now I just have to figure out AFP

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From Jokers, 2:04 BBT:  Kaycee telling Tyler & Angela that JC said "if we make it to F4 it's going to be so weird. Half the house is gay. Well if you want to get technical, 75%." They all laugh.

JC will not give up on the idea that Tyler is both gay and will at some point in the near future declare his love for a certain dancer.   At least I assume he was talking about Tyler and not Angela.  

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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

It’s amazing how deep Tyler is with Level 6. He has remained so quiet about the alliance that he has to continually take this crap from JC? Wait! Till JC learns all. Hysterical!!!! That said, I think Tyler will loose JC’s vote. 

I think it depends on what Tyler says in his goodbye message to JC but also if Tyler isn't HOH next. If Tyler is HOH, he could get lucky if JC shifts the blame completely onto Angela and/or Kaycee. However, it won't bode well for JC advocating for Tyler being played, as the jury could see this as the girls making the move, rather than Tyler. Like I've said, Tyler's done too good of a job at playing dumb and pretending to not know anything. It's why I don't see Tyler's win as completely clear. This is why blindsides, though fun for the audience, aren't good for the houseguests. 

1 hour ago, Gummo said:

I respectfully disagree - if he's sitting next to Angela, he wins, maybe unanimously. She's done something to piss off everyone at some point, except Tyler & Kaycee.

Some of them may believe to the very end that she was pulling Tyler's strings but they'll vote for him anyway because so many of them will be voting ABA -- Anyone But Angela.

It's interesting because they've played a very similar game -- 2 comp beasts who formed an alliance early and stuck with it to the very end; the only difference being in their social games, which couldn't have been more different.

The biggest issue is that we haven't seen the jury or heard their thoughts about things besides in initial exit interviews, and those are usually done the night of their eviction, when it's still fresh. We've had one jury segment pre-Battleback. That's why I need a jury segment in one of the upcoming episodes, to know where each juror's head is at. I could see Angela winning against Tyler, if the jury decides to not be bitter. Angela could be seen as making moves and getting Tyler further. Sure, he's been winning comps...but now Angela and Kaycee have added several comp wins to their resume as well, so his wins aren't as impressive anymore. 

So yeah, I actually don't know exactly who would win anymore. It's kind of nice and at this point, I don't care who wins. Well, again, besides JC. 

I'm more worried about AFP. I know Tyler's pretty much a lock-in for AFP but I wonder who'd come in second. JC, the guy they edited to be this funny mastermind who's gotten as many comedic segments as James did back in BB17? Haleigh, the underdog for the FOUTTE/Hive alliances that fell apart and left her as the last person standing and has also been edited to be more in tune to the game than she actually was? Brett, who got to have one of the most epic veto speeches of all time and has most definitely gotten his face out there with the circling "I'm sitting with Brent and I'm Julie Chen-Moonves" clip? 

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I sure hope someone somewhere caught Sam talking to herself pretending to be on a cell phone or so it appeared.  She was smiling, looking a bit dreamy in the eyes and after 'hanging up' she stared into space for awhile with a big grin and made some statement about men.  I just caught the end of the call.  :>) 

She has been sitting in HN room doing crafts with plugs in her ears.  Skippy zoomed in to show us. 

Edited by Wings
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2 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:

I honestly don’t see any path to a win for Tyler. He will get the Paul treatment and lose to anyone he sits next to. He already has a solid three votes against him with RS, Bayleigh, And Scottie most likely not voting for him no matter what. Good gameplay doesn’t matter when your jury is emotional and votes personally. Tyler should have fought harder to save Kaitlyn/Winston/Rachel at the beginning to have any chance and not have allowed FOUTTE to get the majority in jury. 

I don't agree with you at all, but I really hope you're right lol.

1 hour ago, mooses said:

I hate Tyler, but good fuck props to him for taking this. But also no props because I want an argument. Entertain me, dammit!

ETA: I don't like any of the pretty-much-a-done-deal-now F3, but it's kinda neat that they've all played pretty much the same game and that really none of them have done anything more or less than the other two. Like they're all pretty equal. I wish I actually gave a shit about them lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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49 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Did they not do the veto ceremony today? So I guess they're just gonna do it like right before the eviction tomorrow. 

I don't think so.  Both Sam and JC know it won't be used.  Sam is sure she is going and JC is sure he is staying.  

I wish they would change their minds.  Come on DR!  Don't you want JC gone?  I know 'Bob' [production guy] does.  Tyler said, I don't know how you do this to 'Bob' after JC was told not to sing again.  BB replied 'thank you.' 

Edited by Wings
  • Love 5
10 hours ago, OldWiseOne said:


This is a game, and the point is to make sure everyone else is voted up before you are. Managing to do that does not make you a dirty player. Not disclosing your personal strategy or the strategy of any alliance you might be in to people outside of that group does not make you a dirty player. They're not breaking any rules, and in many instances it is a very good strategy to backdoor and/or blindside someone else - gives them less chance to counteract your moves. Again, it is not dirty to work within the rules to protect your own position to the detriment of the others. No one has made repeated personal attacks against other players, talked about raping family members, purposefully isolated their intended target and insist that everyone else ignore them, etc. IMO this has been the least evil and dirty cast in years!

I must admit that I agree with almost everything you say and I really liked your post.  I honestly thought it was an excellent post.

But there is one thing I don't agree with although it doesn't much matter and doesn't change the nature of your post. It's really just a matter of semantics.

I don't agree this is a game. I have a strong reaction whenever I hear one of the HGs try to make a point and they begin with, "This is a game."

I recall once reading an interview with Grodner and she said words to the effect, "This is not a game. It is a non-scripted entertainment event." (or something like that).

I don't much care for many of the decisions she has made. But I have to admit that she is correct and I'd like to briefly explain why.

Production is very concerned about ratings. I don't necessarily mean the rating numbers exactly. I mean they strongly don't want to broadcast something that is terribly boring and that will cause viewers to leave (although they often do that IMO). They seem to take all kinds of measures to try and make their show more interesting - even when it's not.

One of the best examples is that it seems to me (and others as well) they have certain HGs they want to win this show. People often call them their "favorites". I'd like to finish by explaining one of the most devious ways production can influence who wins a competition. I have no proof they do this but I surely do believe they do.

Production talks privately with each HG for hours and hours. When they do, each HG tells them things that they must figure only that HG knows. In fact, they don't have to figure. They can then ask other HGs about that same thing to see if they know.

For example, they might ask one HG what they think is the nicest room in the house and why. One of the might answer, "I think the LR is the nicest room because it has those 12 small art objects in the display case." That HG has just revealed they know the number of objects in the display case. Prod can then assume it is unlikely that any other HG knows there are exactly 12 of them,  AAMOF, they don't have to assume, they can find some sneaky ways of asking the others a bunch of questions and learn if any of them know this. Then, if they want that first HG to win an upcoming competition, they can ask that as one of the questions.  That is one way that production can influence or control who wins a competition.

I believe they do that sort of thing. Many people refer to it as "rigging". I think they prefer to call it increasing the entertainment factor. But they would never consider it to be "cheating" because in their minds, it's not a game. A game has specific rules and when someone breaks those rules, there are penalties. Just ask yourself what kind of penalties has BB ever given out? They have rules but I seem to recall that only 2 or 3 times in the 20  seasons have they ever handed out some penalties when someone breaks the rules - say for being a Have Not and eating stuff anyway. BB is not really a game - not exactly anyway.

Edited by MissBluxom
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20 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Okay, how cute are the Big 3 in the upstairs tub taking a communal bubble bath?  If you don't have the feeds, believe me.  It's cute, particularly the sunglasses.  

It is cute.  I can see their friendship extending far into the future.  It is refreshing to see them having a good time at this stage of the game. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Thalia said:

I agree, which is why I've enjoyed my summer so much.  I've really not disliked any of the post-jury HG.  At least not to the level in which I've loathed some of the others.   JC is my least favorite by a mile.  But he also reminds me of Josh.  I don't really like either of them, and I'm amazed that either made it this far in the game.   But if Grodner somehow managed to miraculously (a miracle sounds too heavenly) to smite us by bringing back Paul and inserting him into a F2 with JC, I'd be okay with JC winning as long as Paul once again lost.   

PS:  I don't particularly care for Rock Star.  But as it has been a solemn sixty-eight days since the anniversary of her child's birth, I am trying to show some sensitivity.  UNLIKE BRETT!!!!!

There is something that has always bothered me but I've never talked about it and I've never seen anyone else talk about it either. I hope you won't mind if I ask you if maybe you might explain it to me?

I remember how crazed RS became when Brett told some lies about her on "her daughter's birthday". She grew so incensed. She screamed repeatedly about this being "her daughter's birthday" and asked "how dare Brett do this to her on her daughter's birthday."

That always seemed so bizarre to me. Why would she expect another HG to know or even care which day is her daughter's birthday? Moreover, why would she expect that another HG would consider that day to be important enough to cause them to modify their behavior?

After all, Brett has been a stranger to her - at least for their entire lives except for the past couple of weeks or so.

That just seemed completely ludicrous to me. What could be in her mind to cause her to think that strangers would care whether it was her daughter's birthday or not? Moreover, why would she expect that a stranger would realize it was that day and then walk on eggshells so as not to offend her on that day? IMO, that was so Loony Tunes that I have never been able to understand it.

You seem to have a better understanding of this lady than I do. Would you have any clue as to why she would reasonably expect a stranger to modify their behavior - just because it happens to be her daughter's birthday?

I understand she wants to try and get some money together to have a down payment on a house. Would she wait until the birthday of one of her children before she went to the bank to ask for a mortgage? And if the bank declined, would she get upset and start shouting, "But today is my son's birthday! How can your refuse to give me a mortgage on my son's birthday?"

Loony Tunes.

Edited by MissBluxom
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