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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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Based simply on personality, I think this is the dullest final 5 ever. It's nice that Angela and KC have finally shown some life in the past few weeks but my God are these people boring. Sam at least provides some kookiness but I'm incredibly bored by this L6 stuff and look forward to seeing who turns first. More specifically, who Tyler turns on. Tyler is basically a lock for final two. The adoration they all have for him is epic. So while the personalities are dull as dishwater, I am a little hopeful that the home stretch will give us some good drama. 
KC, Angela and Tyler will be drama free. JC might give the drama if he doesn't win HOH. Sam will just whine to Tyler and still buy everything he's selling. I want to see people with their back against the wall and I feel like we won't have it until the final 3. 
How I sort of see this playing out, if JC or Sam don't win HOH, is they both get nominated and the votes are split. Tyler won't play for HOH, so he won't  vote against Sam to "save face" and force KC or Angela to boot her. They will both willingly do this for Tyler, again keeping blood off his hands. 
Even with the boredom of these last few weeks, Tyler is playing the smartest game. 

  • Love 5
Just now, mooses said:

Yes, he was. I think she said, "From outside the Big Brother house with Brent, I'm Julie Chen-Moonves." 

I doubt Brett noticed after she flubbed his name, and I'd be shocked if anyone got, "He must be a sexual abuser!" from that anyway, though, even if they noticed it.

Oh, no. I should have clarified that I didn't mean that they would figure that out. Just that they might figure out that there's something going on because of the different sign-off. And then all the gossip and speculation that we'll never see but hear about after. 

I was in the kitchen cooking dinner because the sign-off is never anything I need to listen to. And then I heard "I'm Julie Chen Moonves" and came running just in time to see a commercial. Bad timing, yo. Good soup, though. 

  • Love 2
Just now, Callaphera said:

Oh, no. I should have clarified that I didn't mean that they would figure that out. Just that they might figure out that there's something going on because of the different sign-off. And then all the gossip and speculation that we'll never see but hear about after. 

I was in the kitchen cooking dinner because the sign-off is never anything I need to listen to. And then I heard "I'm Julie Chen Moonves" and came running just in time to see a commercial. Bad timing, yo. Good soup, though. 

Ha! I didn't even noticed until seeing the comments on here because I was too busy laughing at Brent! But, now it's everywhere.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Not surprised that Production didn't care too much about the "Moonves" mic drop.  That was definitely a big "F U" to CBS Execs and not to anyone involved with BB.


28 minutes ago, mooses said:
34 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Was Brett still on stage when Julie dropped the Moonves? He might not understand that one, though. Maybe Haleigh heard it in the back and will put two and two together. 

Yes, he was. I think she said, "From outside the Big Brother house with Brent, I'm Julie Chen-Moonves." 

I think the Houseguests were either in the house or at least in sequester when the first Ronan Farrow article dropped.  So they have no clue what has happened with Les Moonves and how that impacts Julie.  Also, I don't think Brett is a big enough fan to know Julie inserting her husband's last name is a sign that something big is happening. 

Maybe Brett's consolidation prize will be that he was at the cross-section of the season's biggest TV moment?

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, vb68 said:

Poor Brett. It's always the most loyal who never see it coming.

That would have been Angela and Kaycee had Brett gotten his way and they weren't forewarned at the last minute by Tyler.  Those were the three loyal ones.  Brett made his plans of betrayal first.  They just defended themselves.


2 hours ago, Ceeg said:

To be fair, he stopped being loyal to L6 as soon as JC got in his ear. 

Yep.  JC turned him to the Dark Side.


2 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

JC seems shocked

And then Brett stared daggers at him and no one else when he got the info it was a 3-0 vote.  He will think that little troll was playing him the whole time.  Maybe even JC had turned everyone against him.


1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

Brent's anallice betrayed him. 

Not before he plotted against his anallice.  Anallice don't take kindly to such moves.


1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Like the post above me, BB will love the publicity and CBS will seethe.  Me, I think "stand by your man" went out in the 50's ... or should have.  And especially when the man in question is more than a little questionable. 

Edited by green
  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

Brent's anallice betrayed him. 

 No, his anallice bit him in the ass.

 When he was sitting there all dazed I kind of liked him.   When he's not being a world class douchebag or playing Chris Farley playing Matt Foley he almost comes off as a tolerable human being.  I like Brent much better than Brett.   Long live Brent!

  • Love 11
55 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

Confused.  She named her daughter Danibri?  That cannot be true so I have missed something.  

22 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Not surprised that Production didn't care too much about the "Moonves" mic drop.  That was definitely a big "F U" to CBS Execs and not to anyone involved with BB.

I didn't see it as a fuck you to CBS at all.  It was a message to all that she was standing by him.   

10 minutes ago, Wings said:

Confused.  She named her daughter Danibri?  That cannot be true so I have missed something.  


No, Dani Bri is just a shortened version of her own name..apparently she’s using it as her Instagram name....  “it’s Dani Bri” means herself, not her daughter

10 minutes ago, Wings said:

I didn't see it as a fuck you to CBS at all.  It was a message to all that she was standing by him.   


  • Love 1

Oooo what a fun DE. Brett looked shocked- but I think he'll vote for the one who he thinks played the best game at the end. He literally said to Tyler that they are still sticking with the plan to get out Angela in the HN room after Tyler won HOH. So he was trying to strike first, but they flipped it on it. It clearly dawned on him when Julie said that he told Tyler he wanted to get out Kaycee/Angela that he wasn't being loyal- he got it right then and there that is what screwed him.   

JC's face was my favorite- he finally realized that he isn't controlling the game. 

Also did you guys hear Tyler whisper to Brett when he gave him a hug- he said "I want to win" and then he was saying "You are the best player here". 

Now- let's see who is going to win HOH! 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, mooses said:

Wow. Angela won HOH. So the only question is: do they want to evict Sam or JC?

I think it should be JC, but Tyler seems to want to keep him longer than Sam. 

We'll probably get Crazy Sam this week. Especially with Tangela not really having to hide their relationship too much anymore. 

Looks like smooth sailing to F3 for Angela, Tyler and Kaycee.  Now all of the drama is probably at the jury house.

  • Love 1

The fascinating thing is that Tyler would be best off if he could vote out JC, have Kaycee vote out Sam and then have Angela break the tie to vote out Sam, but he's been such an odd team player, I think he might not do that as it would put Angela into an awkward spot. As I say that, I bet he could convince her how awesome it would be for her to get to break a tie. 

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, mooses said:

Related to Haleigh's eviction: she is totally friend-zoning Faysal after the show, right? Like, they'll probably have fun in JH, but she did not seem interested in a relationship at all.

She's going to forgive Brett in about five minutes flat, and probably start flirting with him when he walks into JH right after her -- while Fessy seethes. I sure hope some of this is captured on camera. 

  • Love 5
23 minutes ago, mooses said:

JC has to realize he was the big dumb puppet this whole time now, right? 

Possibly my favorite moment from this season will be JC sitting on the couch basically hyperventilating after Tyler put him on the block.

JC is proof that it doesn't matter if you can see all the angles and correct moves when you can't win anything. 

12 minutes ago, mooses said:

Related to Haleigh's eviction: she is totally friend-zoning Faysal after the show, right? Like, they'll probably have fun in JH, but she did not seem interested in a relationship at all.

I picture them like most BB showmances. They'll date for a few months until the famewhoring dries up then go their separate ways. 

  • Love 4

L4’s original eviction order plan this week was Hay / Sam / JC, but that was predicated on the notion that between JC and Sam, JC‘s service to the alliance was more deserving of the extra bonus money reserved for the Final 5.  With Brett’s preemptive eviction, though, this is no longer an issue; both JC and Sam are guaranteed Final 5 money.  

So - all other things now being equal - what are the odds now of JC being evicted before Sam, as presenting a greater strategic threat?

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Nashville said:

L4’s original eviction order plan this week was Hay / Sam / JC, but that was predicated on the notion that between JC and Sam, JC‘s service to the alliance was more deserving of the extra bonus money reserved for the Final 5.  With Brett’s preemptive eviction, though, this is no longer an issue; both JC and Sam are guaranteed Final 5 money.  

So - all other things now being equal - what are the odds now of JC being evicted before Sam, as presenting a greater strategic threat?

It would basically be a toss-up to me if I was them. Don't get me wrong, I'd obviously love for JC to go, but I don't know if it makes a difference to them. Sam is probably the bigger threat to win F4 HOH/POV, right?

Man, JC really was SHOOK by being nominated. He didn't handle it the way I expected. I thought he would be whiny. Instead, he just broke. 

  • Love 7
20 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I picture them like most BB showmances. They'll date for a few months until the famewhoring dries up then go their separate ways. 

I totally forgot Brett told Fessy that he'll take good care of Haleigh. Poor Haleigh is going to have to deal with that jealous-Fessy mess.

I can see Fessy trying to cash in on that Showmance 15 minutes - he was the most obsessed about exposure and social media followers. Haleigh, on the other hand, doesn't really seem like that type. 

I was really impressed with how confident, calm and well-spoken she was today. And she's only 21! She'll definitely be back in one way or another.

12 minutes ago, Nashville said:

L4’s original eviction order plan this week was Hay / Sam / JC, but that was predicated on the notion that between JC and Sam, JC‘s service to the alliance was more deserving of the extra bonus money reserved for the Final 5.  With Brett’s preemptive eviction, though, this is no longer an issue; both JC and Sam are guaranteed Final 5 money.  

So - all other things now being equal - what are the odds now of JC being evicted before Sam, as presenting a greater strategic threat?

I think it depends on if Tyler's still scared that Sam could get votes from a bitter jury in the end. IMO, Sam is probably a bigger threat to win an endurance HOH, but JC is a bigger threat to win the whole game - but I think they're thinking JC could never win in the end without a competition win. @Brian Cronin is right that Tyler/Kaycee should totally set it up as a tie to keep the blood off of their hands, especially if it's to evict Sam. But I doubt he does that to his new Showmance partner, and Kaycee isn't the greatest strategic mind.

Angela: "JC, want to know my secret? I was a professional athlete."

JC: "Oh, that's why your feet look like that!" 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 4

I wrote a very long post about Angela discussing the reasons for her unpopular personality. But I decided to put it into a spoiler box so I could warn people that they may not want to read it since it is not entirely about Angela. Most of it is about the reasons why I feel the way I do about her. Short Strokes? I think she is really hot and I'm very attracted to her. OK.  Read this at your own risk, if you will.

I feel sorry for Brett but I'm also disappointed in him.

To be fair, it would not be easy for anyone - no matter how clever they were - to see that coming. But, in hindsight, it was pretty obvious that Tangela would never have planned on taking Brett too far along with them. That is very sad because it means Brett was in a losing position right from day one. That may have been obvious. But it doesn't change the fact that it was so unfair. IMHO, Brett did not deserve to be treated so shabbily.

As for the reasons why Tangela behaved the way they did, I made a post yesterday explaining why I think Angela behaves the way she does. The reason why she seems so cold and the reason why so many people have such extremely ugly opinions of her personality. I will just repeat the short strokes here:

From a very early age, Angela was given special treatment. She spent hours every day in a car with her mom being driven back and forth to gymnastics practice and comps. She was made to feel that she was something "special" and perhaps even "better" than the other children because she was training to be a national athlete. Remember what she said in the first episode? Something like this:

"From the age of 6, I was ranked 4th in my state. From the age of 10, I was ranked 8th in the country. Then I switched to pole vaulting where I was ranked 5th in the world as an Olympic competitor. I'm just guessing at the numbers and dates. However, how could Angela not have felt that she was someone very special - better than all the other kids. She never had any friends her own age. That's bound to lead to a sense of entitlement and it seems pretty obvious that other girls her own age could easily build up feelings of resentment towards her. Anyway, I'm just trying to say that the cold nature of her personality may well not be entirely her fault. In part, it may well be part of the price that all young girls have to pay when they are competitive Olympic athletes. I don't know. Bottom line? I don't hold Angela entirely responsible for the nature of her personality and I wouldn't call her vulgar names or anything like that. I really like Angela. I think all those years of training have left her with a beautiful body and I may just be an oversexed male with unrealisitic desires when it comes to females. But I tend to feel very attracted to her and for some strange reason, the fact that she often acts in a cold and cruel way just seem to attract me more. That may just be because I have some masochistic tendencies. But this post is not about me.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that it's very unfair for society to blame a young person and castigate them for being cold and cruel when we are to blame for putting them through intense training which often leaves them feeling lonely and cold resulting in them being actively disliked.  It's not fair. But I suppose it's just the way the world works? Or the way our country works? Or something along those lines.

I'm going to stop now because I feel very upset about the recent events (Hailley and Brett being evicted). I find a measure of sadness in both of those cases and there is just nothing I can say or do that will make any of it any better. Boo Hoo!

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

I wrote a very long post about Angela discussing the reasons for her unpopular personality. But I decided to put it into a spoiler box so I could warn people that they may not want to read it since it is not entirely about Angela. Most of it is about the reasons why I feel the way I do about her. Short Strokes? I think she is really hot and I'm very attracted to her. OK.  Read this at your own risk, if you will.


  Reveal hidden contents


I feel sorry for Brett but I'm also disappointed in him.

To be fair, it would not be easy for anyone - no matter how clever they were - to see that coming. But, in hindsight, it was pretty obvious that Tangela would never have planned on taking Brett too far along with them. That is very sad because it means Brett was in a losing position right from day one. That may have been obvious. But it doesn't change the fact that it was so unfair. IMHO, Brett did not deserve to be treated so shabbily.

As for the reasons why Tangela behaved the way they did, I made a post yesterday explaining why I think Angela behaves the way she does. The reason why she seems so cold and the reason why so many people have such extremely ugly opinions of her personality. I will just repeat the short strokes here:

From a very early age, Angela was given special treatment. She spent hours every day in a car with her mom being driven back and forth to gymnastics practice and comps. She was made to feel that she was something "special" and perhaps even "better" than the other children because she was training to be a national athlete. Remember what she said in the first episode? Something like this:

"From the age of 6, I was ranked 4th in my state. From the age of 10, I was ranked 8th in the country. Then I switched to pole vaulting where I was ranked 5th in the world as an Olympic competitor. I'm just guessing at the numbers and dates. However, how could Angela not have felt that she was someone very special - better than all the other kids. She never had any friends her own age. That's bound to lead to a sense of entitlement and it seems pretty obvious that other girls her own age could easily build up feelings of resentment towards her. Anyway, I'm just trying to say that the cold nature of her personality may well not be entirely her fault. In part, it may well be part of the price that all young girls have to pay when they are competitive Olympic athletes. I don't know. Bottom line? I don't hold Angela entirely responsible for the nature of her personality and I wouldn't call her vulgar names or anything like that. I really like Angela. I think all those years of training have left her with a beautiful body and I may just be an oversexed male with unrealisitic desires when it comes to females. But I tend to feel very attracted to her and for some strange reason, the fact that she often acts in a cold and cruel way just seem to attract me more. That may just be because I have some masochistic tendencies. But this post is not about me.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that it's very unfair for society to blame a young person and castigate them for being cold and cruel when we are to blame for putting them through intense training which often leaves them feeling lonely and cold resulting in them being actively disliked.  It's not fair. But I suppose it's just the way the world works? Or the way our country works? Or something along those lines.

I'm going to stop now because I feel very upset about the recent events (Hailley and Brett being evicted). I find a measure of sadness in both of those cases and there is just nothing I can say or do that will make any of it any better. Boo Hoo!


Angela's crazy hot. 

  • Love 2

@MissBluxom - Angela also mentioned throughout her entire gymnastics training (ages 5-17+), the coaches punished the kids for ANY crying or displays of emotion - such displays were treated as a sign of weakness, and lack of focus.  The coaches actively strove to machine any emotional displays out of the gymnasts.

So IMHO it’s unfair to fault Angela for her icy reserve; Angela is exactly how the adult authority figures in her life trained her to be.


Aside observation: both Tyler and Angela now have three HoH wins under their belt.  

Nobody else has more than one, right?

  • Love 18
5 minutes ago, Nashville said:

@MissBluxom - Angela also mentioned throughout her entire gymnastics training (ages 5-17+), the coaches punished the kids for ANY crying or displays of emotion - such displays were treated as a sign of weakness, and lack of focus.  The coaches actively strove to machine any emotional displays out of the gymnasts.

So IMHO it’s unfair to fault Angela for her icy reserve; Angela is exactly how the adult authority figures in her life trained her to be.

Well, you know, if both Tyler and Angela are permanently emotionally damaged, I sincerely hope they find great happiness - even joy - in their love affair - and I hope they will marry and grow old together. God Bless them both. I think they both deserve every possible hapiness they are able to salvage from unfortunate early childhoods (Tyler's dad dying when he was very young).

  • Love 6


Yeah, JC still doesn't get it. But it seems like Sam is still the target this week. I guess they're more confident in the competitions against him.

But, now that I know about the Sam/Cam love story conspiracy, I need her to stay to find out if it gets to the kissing stage. Sam for Veto! 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, mooses said:

Apparently, there's a Sam's in Love With a Camera(man?) Conspiracy floating around. Her monologue from around 10:30pm onward, while putting away dishes and tending to her plant:

Sam: [After I think talking about thinking she was leaving, I think] "But, I am young and I'm able. I can make money. And I have money. Money's not everything...I have to pretend that you're not here, which sucks, because I am here. But you are too [looks around] sometimes. I have to just read a bunch of clues. So far, it's the best part about this whole thing. Even if it ends up being imaginary. Maybe I'm crazy. [I'm not sure what she says here.] What if I end up being a disappointment? What if I just shut the fuck up? How about that? Okay. Done! 

Nothing goes unnoticed. I can hardly contain myself. I thought I was going to faint or have a heart attack. My cheeks still hurt. I think I was blushing the entire time. I looked like a grinning idiot the whole time. How do you do that from so far away? I wonder what you'll do to me up close. Good God! I'll probably pass out. I trust you. Kind of. It's this close. I'm tamed by the process. I hate it. I need to be very careful. That's why I try to follow all the rules. I would never do anything to hurt you.:

[Fish] Talks about her garden. (Sample: "Poor little garden! What have I done to you?") [Fish.] 

"I might seem like such a psycho to be disappointed in something - like, what an idiot." [Fish.] Talks about her basil plant, I think. (Sample: "It's not because I'm not trying. I don't ever want to ruin what you do, little basil plant.")

"Am I really that complicated? I think so. I think so. If my name's were Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, do I get to come back? That'd be cool.

I was so extremely happy though. Flattered. Stunned plum down to my toes. And I never forget a face; I see you just as plain as day. [looks around] You see me way, way more though, which is scary. I'm strangely comfortable with it. If I'm gonna be somebody's pet robot, I'm glad I'm your pet robot. It's gonna be weird when i'm set free. You've maintained a safe distance so beautifully. Much respect. And I thank you for it. Prepare yourself. I won't always be in a cage. 

But, I'll behave while I'm here in the cage."

After Sam's "I love Brett confession (hee!)," she could totally think a Production member is in love with her. Or a camera  is for following her around and filming her 24/7.  

Or she's probably just talking to her spider or something. Who knows with her.

Thank you for recapping that whole round of weirdness. It does kind of read like she's got a crush on someone behind the scenes. They better prepare themselves indeed. 

JC is pissed. And it's everything I thought it would be.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Cutty said:

He realized that all his bravado was bullshit and he's not in control of anything. Great moment. 

Reckon maybe not getting nominated had become a sort of talisman to JC - that JC had convinced himself if he could make it to F2 without ever being nominated, he would be guaranteed to win?


6 minutes ago, mooses said:


Yeah, JC still doesn't get it.

Nope, JC sure as hell doesn’t.  And JC’s trying to reassert the same blind control he thought he had before tonight’s DE - but that ship has already sailed, dude, and you’re left standing on the dock with your dick in your hand.  And it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.  #sorrynotsorry

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Thank you for recapping that whole round of weirdness. It does kind of read like she's got a crush on someone behind the scenes. They better prepare themselves indeed. 

I have never listened to a Sam monologue, but I had to after hearing the conspiracy! It's also totally possible she thinks HGs die after their eviction, Hunger Games style, and she's talking to Brett, who now surrounds her with his presence. Remember when she gave the evicted HGs eulogies during her HOH? 

  • Love 10
42 minutes ago, mooses said:

Apparently, there's a Sam's in Love With a Camera(man?) Conspiracy floating around. Her monologue from around 10:30pm onward, while putting away dishes and tending to her plant:

Sam: [After I think talking about thinking she was leaving, I think] "But, I am young and I'm able. I can make money. And I have money. Money's not everything...I have to pretend that you're not here, which sucks, because I am here. But you are too [looks around] sometimes. I have to just read a bunch of clues. So far, it's the best part about this whole thing. Even if it ends up being imaginary. Maybe I'm crazy. [I'm not sure what she says here.] What if I end up being a disappointment? What if I just shut the fuck up? How about that? Okay. Done! 

Nothing goes unnoticed. I can hardly contain myself. I thought I was going to faint or have a heart attack. My cheeks still hurt. I think I was blushing the entire time. I looked like a grinning idiot the whole time. How do you do that from so far away? I wonder what you'll do to me up close. Good God! I'll probably pass out. I trust you. Kind of. It's this close. I'm tamed by the process. I hate it. I need to be very careful. That's why I try to follow all the rules. I would never do anything to hurt you.:

[Fish] Talks about her garden. (Sample: "Poor little garden! What have I done to you?") [Fish.] 

"I might seem like such a psycho to be disappointed in something - like, what an idiot." [Fish.] Talks about her basil plant, I think. (Sample: "It's not because I'm not trying. I don't ever want to ruin what you do, little basil plant.")

"Am I really that complicated? I think so. I think so. If my name's were Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, do I get to come back? That'd be cool.

I was so extremely happy though. Flattered. Stunned plum down to my toes. And I never forget a face; I see you just as plain as day. [looks around] You see me way, way more though, which is scary. I'm strangely comfortable with it. If I'm gonna be somebody's pet robot, I'm glad I'm your pet robot. It's gonna be weird when i'm set free. You've maintained a safe distance so beautifully. Much respect. And I thank you for it. Prepare yourself. I won't always be in a cage. 

But, I'll behave while I'm here in the cage."

After Sam's "I love Brett confession (hee!)," she could totally think a Production member is in love with her. Or a camera  is for following her around and filming her 24/7.  

Or she's probably just talking to her spider or something. Who knows with her.

I've seen this plot before ...


  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

@MissBluxom - Angela also mentioned throughout her entire gymnastics training (ages 5-17+), the coaches punished the kids for ANY crying or displays of emotion - such displays were treated as a sign of weakness, and lack of focus.  The coaches actively strove to machine any emotional displays out of the gymnasts.

So IMHO it’s unfair to fault Angela for her icy reserve; Angela is exactly how the adult authority figures in her life trained her to be.


Aside observation: both Tyler and Angela now have three HoH wins under their belt.  

Nobody else has more than one, right?

This is true. I have sent you a PM with a link to a site that shows you all the number wins and competition results for the entire season.

  • Love 1
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