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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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14 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

It’s really interesting that Tyler has made his game so under the radar that now he’s gonna have to scramble to get jury votes.  And that Kaycee has now become the favorite to win. They’ve basically reversed roles and I don’t think Tyler even realizes it. 

Yeah, I know it was pointed out a few weeks ago, but the point was made that Tyler might be doing too good of a job at pretending to be not just a recruit, but someone who follows what other people say. This is why Tyler actually needs Kaycee out before Brett, because she's the only possible one to vouch for him in jury. Now we know that Brett won't be able to completely vouch for him, and despite Sam knowing more than anyone else in the house, she would need help and Kaycee's the only one that could help convince the jury. I just don't think Tyler realizes now just how stupid the Hive are in that they'll need Tyler's moves to be spelled out to them during the jury roundtable and not during the finale, but also how good his game is with some of his own alliance members. JC, Brett, and even Angela don't realize the extent of Tyler's work. Kaycee doesn't know about Tyler's second power or superfan status. Tyler's GBM to Scottie wasn't good at all and I'm not sure he realizes how much he has to confess and not leave it to interpretation. 

Which is why I now am not convinced that Tyler is a shoo-in to win. He still has a great chance, but his flaws are showing now more than ever.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Quick question: I know the DVD the most recent evictees take with them to the JH consists primarily of the previous week’ ceremonies and comp performances - but does it contain the GBMs left for the evictee as well?

I believe each evicted houseguest is shown their goodbye messages, all of them and not just the ones displayed on TV. I think that's separate, though, probably the night of their eviction. 

Oh my goodness , Brett has put in hours with Haliegh. If we thought the bathtub pitch was long , Brett has put in hours above and beyond. 

As to who to take to F5, F4, etc. It is all about HOH protection and winning veto. Deals really no longer matter. You win you stay. 
How you let people go will matter. 

Good job Haliegh on watering the seeds of Tyler and Angela being together. 

So far, Brett will have Scotties vote, Halieghs vote, probably Sam's. He has put in the hours and hours to make them feel relevant and human.

10 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Quick question: I know the DVD the most recent evictees take with them to the JH consists primarily of the previous week’ ceremonies and comp performances - but does it contain the GBMs left for the evictee as well?

I wish we had the definitive answer to this ! Also, do they see the entire POV's play out ( so if , as Brett says, they are yelling out things, are they heard.  Past players must know this.

11 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

More about JC's lack of aim: It's because he doesn't like to touch his "pee-pee" so he doesn't even really aim

This is fucking rich....you won't touch your 'pee-pee' but you'll fuck a minion and jerk till the leche streams on gay porn sites?!  And I agree about the using the proper name for privates.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

I believe each evicted houseguest is shown their goodbye messages, all of them and not just the ones displayed on TV. I think that's separate, though, probably the night of their eviction. 

That’s what I was thinking - that the only thing on the DVDs was “House-public” information - but I was kind of hoping I was wrong.  Because that means whoever is destined for F2 has to depend upon the new evictees/Jurors to communicate any overall game plan they may have to the rest of the Jury - and IMHO none of the next few probable Jurors are articulate enough (with the possible exception of Brett) or informed enough to be up to the task.

I also think whoever has the bad fortune to be L6’s first Juror will quite likely be branded a liar by the rest of the Jury, simply because the Hive egos won’t let them accept the truth: a huge alliance - the existence and scope of which they didn’t even suspect - has been playing the shit outta them since Week One.


1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

AG has said that the jury members get to see all of their gbms, but a former HG (maybe BB18 Michelle?) said that she did not get to see all her's. So basically we don't really know if they get to see them or not.

Also - according to Scottie’s intel regarding Sam’s GBM - the GBMs the evictees do see may be heavily edited.  

Which means even the HG who originally left the freakin’ thang may not know exactly what GBM message actually ended up reaching each new Juror.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

That’s what I was thinking - that the only thing on the DVDs was “House-public” information - but I was kind of hoping I was wrong.  Because that means whoever is destined for F2 has to depend upon the new evictees/Jurors to communicate any overall game plan they may have to the rest of the Jury - and IMHO none of the next few probable Jurors are articulate enough (with the possible exception of Brett) or informed enough to be up to the task.

Especially since Scottie said specifically that he would not tell the jurors about Tyler's GBM (even though we all know he will), it's pretty certain that it's shown separately. Plus, like you said, goodbye messages aren't house-public knowledge, so it's up to the evictee to share what they were told. 

17 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

AG has said that the jury members get to see all of their gbms, but a former HG (maybe BB18 Michelle?) said that she did not get to see all her's. So basically we don't really know if they get to see them or not.

Yeah, it's hard to know for sure, but I thought Scottie said that he got to see everyone's goodbye messages and that's why Brett's was his favourite. I also think back to last season, when Julie had the Josh goodbye message segment. I can't remember now, but I thought that a couple of those weren't shown on TV. I know some were, but I don't think all of Josh's messages were. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I get the bec-ness of it, what I don't get is how it sounds like Kaycee has a plan to use Brett's eating as a reason to get people to target him. Like it's some actual plan she has, which is hilariously stupid.

I totally missed the snap on that one. Wth?? I thought she was bitching to bitch, I didn't realize she thinks it's a logical reason to evict. Unless maybe she knows other people want to take a shot, and she's giving them a Vanessa-style "reason" to do so?


Oh, same. I would be a consistent trash talker for sure.

Thirded. CONSTANT. 


Dying. I love the self awareness. 

Edited by IndyMischa
because I found this hilarity on Twitter, and I hate double-posting.
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Quick question: I know the DVD the most recent evictees take with them to the JH consists primarily of the previous week’ ceremonies and comp performances - but does it contain the GBMs left for the evictee as well?

Scottie gave us the definative answer on this.  Yes they show the evicted every good bye message.  

JC doesn’t want urine to splash on his hands is my guess.

On 9/11/2018 at 10:17 AM, Wings said:

Scottie gave us the definative answer on this.  Yes they show the evicted every good bye message.  

Each HG gets to see their own GBMs , I’m sure, otherwise that’s a lot of Production time taken up for naught.  Reason I was asking about the possibility of GBMs on the JH DVD was twofold - wondering if:

  1. Other HGs would have an opportunity to see the GBMs left for the newest Jury addition.
  2. The HG for whom the GBMs were left would be able to refresh their memory beyond/after the initial GBM viewing.

In truth, #2 would worry me more than #1.  You could leave a GBM which paints such a beautiful verbal portrait of your game it would make Michelangelo fucking break down and cry - only to have the dumbass recipient HG forget half of it before they get out of the studio, and jumble up the rest on the ride to the JH.  God only knows what the rest of the Jurors will hear.



JC doesn’t want urine to splash on his hands is my guess.

Speaking as a guy - if you get piss on your hands, you’re doing it wrong.

Edited by Nashville
worry, not sorry
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Nashville said:

Speaking as a guy - if you get piss on your hands, you’re doing it wrong.

It is not a stretch for me to think JC is peeing incorrectly.  :> 

2 hours ago, Nashville said:
  • Other HGs would have an opportunity to see the GBMs left for the newest Jury addition.
  • The HG for whom the GBMs were left would be able to refresh their memory beyond/after the initial GBM viewing.

I think they all see each others GBM; they are on that one DVD they see.  Scottie would have mentioned if they were shown privately.  He was into spilling everything he knew about the JH.  I was surprised BB didn't scold him or switch to fish.  

Edited by Wings
  • Love 5

I watched a bit of the Hay/Brett conversation- 1st one and 2nd one from last night/early this morning. 

I actually don't think Hay calling out the Showmance helps her game at all- and it doesn't really do much for Brett/JC's game- as they already were thinking it and were going to target Angela. But I just don't think it's really the road that Hay wants to go down- Angela & Tyler are 2 potential votes for you to stay- and you know how close Kaycee is to Angela (and we all know how close she is to Tyler- but that's a blind spot the whole cast has as they think Angela is the link- when in actuality it's Tyler). The fact that Brett was encouraging her to speak to Kaycee about it- is no buneo for Brett- once again I know that they don't know how close Kaycee & Tyler actually are- but they DO know how close Angela & Kaycee are, why would Hay want to risk it? And especially why would Brett even risk Hay mentioning this at all- especially with her track record of throwing people under the bus with zero hesitation- there is absolutely no way that Brett's name will not be brought up. But she's a FOUTTE this is what they do! Lmao. 

The one thing that bothered me about the conversation Hay & Brett had (I believe it was in the 1st convo) is Hay implying that she heard Angela & Tyler doing the "same thing" that Swaggy & Bayleigh were doing in bed. We all know that they were having Sex- and it was talked about openly in the house. She saw how pissed/upset Angela was about Scottie implying that she's been giving Tyler "Hilton Head" and she comforted her and was like he was wrong to say that on National TV. She did end up backtracking later when she was talking to Brett again saying that she could just be nothing and she doesn't think that Angela would do that on National TV, and we also all know that hasn't been going on. But I just thought it was distasteful to even imply that. I do find It hilarious that someone who as really trying to hide her showmance and is still denying it- has zero hesitation in speculating about another and bringing it up all the time, but that's the game and I get that. 

The crazy thing is that Tyler is still protected in all angles- I would be FLOORED if he leaves in the DE on Thursday- I think he's the least likely to be walking out the door. But this game is unpredictable, anything could happen. 

I actually think if Hay DOES have this conversation with Kaycee- and brings up Brett at all- and it gets back to Tyler (which it will) it highly increases Brett's odds to leave on Thursday if he doesn't either win HOH or Veto. 

Also, another thing regarding Brett/Hay convo- she point blank asked him if he is working with Kaycee, Tyler & Angela and he denied it- she explained her reasoning for thinking it and then he denied it again. If ANYONE in Level 6 outs the group in their GBM's and he continues to lie about it in his GBM- he might be in trouble with Hay. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I watched a bit of the Hay/Brett conversation- 1st one and 2nd one from last night/early this morning. 

I actually don't think Hay calling out the Showmance helps her game at all- and it doesn't really do much for Brett/JC's game- as they already were thinking it and were going to target Angela. But I just don't think it's really the road that Hay wants to go down- Angela & Tyler are 2 potential votes for you to stay- and you know how close Kaycee is to Angela (and we all know how close she is to Tyler- but that's a blind spot the whole cast has as they think Angela is the link- when in actuality it's Tyler). The fact that Brett was encouraging her to speak to Kaycee about it- is no buneo for Brett- once again I know that they don't know how close Kaycee & Tyler actually are- but they DO know how close Angela & Kaycee are, why would Hay want to risk it? And especially why would Brett even risk Hay mentioning this at all- especially with her track record of throwing people under the bus with zero hesitation- there is absolutely no way that Brett's name will not be brought up. But she's a FOUTTE this is what they do! Lmao. 

Yeah, this makes no difference for her leaving. I get she'd need Brett/JC with a Kaycee tiebreaker to stay, but those three obviously aren't as close as Angela/Kaycee/Tyler are. I don't think anything will work because none of Kaycee/Tyler/Angela can trust her - her best bet might be to try and get JC/Brett's votes and then tell Angela that she's going to be gunned for by JC/Brett/and Sam if she stays in the DE, but Haleigh wouldn't put her up and could be a shield in front of her as a target. 

Haleigh's number has just run out. Maybe she should have tried spilling some info when it mattered to Kaycee (especially about Brett/JC instead of Kaycee's two closest allies), but it's too late now.

I think it will make a big difference in DE, though. JC told Tyler he would put up Sam next to Angela, but now he probably won't care what Tyler thinks as much after being lied to. And I could definitely see Brett taking a more purposeful shot at Angela now. If Sam gets wind of it, she's going to be pissed. She might hear hissing again. And Tyler has a much bigger chance of sitting on the block since he's not a vote they can count on anymore - and if you're on the block, you have a chance of going home. I don't think he's as protected as he was. 

6 minutes ago, mooses said:

I think it will make a big difference in DE, though. JC told Tyler he would put up Sam next to Angela, but now he probably won't care what Tyler thinks as much after being lied to. And I could definitely see Brett taking a more purposeful shot at Angela now. If Sam gets wind of it, she's going to be pissed. She might hear hissing again. And Tyler has a much bigger chance of sitting on the block since he's not a vote they can count on anymore - and if you're on the block, you have a chance of going home. I don't think he's as protected as he was. 

I dunno- cuz if what Hay is saying gets back to Tyler- Tyler can just say listen I am NOT in a showmance with her- we haven't done anything and this is Hay we all know she lies about stuff- we've caught her in multiple- and she's trying to save herself. He has wiggle room to get out of it, cuz Hay doesn't have the best track record. She also hasn't actually caught them doing anything. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I watched a bit of the Hay/Brett conversation- 1st one and 2nd one from last night/early this morning. 

FYI to others: a lot of this conversation was on BBAD as well.


6 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I actually don't think Hay calling out the Showmance helps her game at all- and it doesn't really do much for Brett/JC's game- as they already were thinking it and were going to target Angela.

A side note: ITA it doesn’t help Hay’s game one whit in the House - but if Hay carries news of Tangela to the JH, then IMHO it helps Tyler’s and Angela’s games immeasurably, especially Tyler’s.


6 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

The fact that Brett was encouraging her to speak to Kaycee about it- is no buneo for Brett- once again I know that they don't know how close Kaycee & Tyler actually are- but they DO know how close Angela & Kaycee are, why would Hay want to risk it? And especially why would Brett even risk Hay mentioning this at all- especially with her track record of throwing people under the bus with zero hesitation- there is absolutely no way that Brett's name will not be brought up. But she's a FOUTTE this is what they do! Lmao. 

Hay would definitely throw Brett UTB to deflect any potential backlash, true.  Quite the contrary, though, I believe Hay throwing Brett’s name about es muy bueno for Brett.  The moment any of Angela/Kaycee/Tyler get the whiff Brett pointed Hay in their direction with this accusation, they’re going to relax internally - Brett headed Hay off at the pass, and directed Hay to the alliance to be managed.  This solidifies Brett’s position in L6 at a time when some of L6 might be getting nervous about Brett’s closeness with JC, and gives him an edge over JC in any upcoming eviction votes.


6 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

The one thing that bothered me about the conversation Hay & Brett had (I believe it was in the 1st convo) is Hay implying that she heard Angela & Tyler doing the "same thing" that Swaggy & Bayleigh were doing in bed. We all know that they were having Sex- and it was talked about openly in the house. She saw how pissed/upset Angela was about Scottie implying that she's been giving Tyler "Hilton Head" and she comforted her and was like he was wrong to say that on National TV. She did end up backtracking later when she was talking to Brett again saying that she could just be nothing and she doesn't think that Angela would do that on National TV, and we also all know that hasn't been going on. But I just thought it was distasteful to even imply that. I do find It hilarious that someone who as really trying to hide her showmance and is still denying it- has zero hesitation in speculating about another and bringing it up all the time. 

I have zero problems with lying in the House, but only if it’s a good smart lie.  And this particular lie would be dumbass as hell.

  • Love 1

Obviously Tyler is in a showmance with Angela. At least what I consider to be a showmance.

You don’t have to be sucking face all the time.

Lying to everyone just pisses people off. Maybe Tyler is lying to himself as well.

Tyler really has to stop thinking about Angela and think about winning this game.

I would laugh my ass off if he was nominated in the double.

Edited by Irishsecra
  • Love 4

Regarding the GBM's:  This is another reason the Jury Battle Back royally sucks.  If you're a good game player, you want to give secret game play info to certain jury members to show them a better picture of your game.  Things you could never have shared with active players.  But you can't give that info to anybody who might be coming back, because they could blow up your whole game with it.  I think it could really hinder some good players' games to have to withhold that info from the first 4 or 5 jury members.  That's just about half the jury. 

  • Love 12

Tyler and Angela pretty much get in bed with each other every night and are doing something under the covers, I think everyone in the house knows what’s going on . I find Hayleigh tedious and annoying. She is too much in everyone’s face and it is not winning her any points.

And the last thing I saw on BBAD before I went to sleep was Sam cutting JC’s toenails. I’m surprised I didn’t have nightmares. 

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I think if he tells Angela then that mean it's a full blown showmance.  He hasn't lost his way yet. 

No way he's telling her. He's not telling any of them until maybe in GBM's or on Finale night. Minus Sam which I know he's already told- but I don't think she really realizes what that means. LMAO. 

24 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Hay would definitely throw Brett UTB to deflect any potential backlash, true.  Quite the contrary, though, I believe Hay throwing Brett’s name about es muy bueno for Brett.  The moment any of Angela/Kaycee/Tyler get the whiff Brett pointed Hay in their direction with this accusation, they’re going to relax internally - Brett headed Hay off at the pass, and directed Hay to the alliance to be managed.  This solidifies Brett’s position in L6 at a time when some of L6 might be getting nervous about Brett’s closeness with JC, and gives him an edge over JC in any upcoming eviction votes.

I disagree with this- I think Tyler would 100% say- see look what Brett is trying to do- sew distrust in our group and instead of coming to speak to us about it directly he sent Hay up to do the "dirty work". Tyler already doesn't trust him and wants him out ASAP- so any sort of thing he sees as a "move" against the alliance or trying to sew distrust he's going to push even more for Brett to leave soon. 

But who the hell knows. Haha. 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:


I get the bec-ness of it, what I don't get is how it sounds like Kaycee has a plan to use Brett's eating as a reason to get people to target him.

What's this about Brett's eating?  I don't get the feeds and I've missed most of BBAD this season.  Is he a pig or something?

Also, what's up with guys painting one fingernail?  I've seen it in past seasons and noticed it on Tyler.

Final question: what was Sam referring to when she mentioned 2 pieces of fruit in a Tupperware?  I feel like this whole season has gotten away from me and I'm totally out of the loop.

Edited by slasherboy
To Say: Sam clipping JC's toenails literally makes me sick to my stomach. Just looking at him or hearing his voice does the same thing, but Sam, please girl, have some pride!
  • Love 2

Anyone else think that Brett is going to continue leaving GBM's like the one he did last week- where he blames Tyler for things thinking that if he is in F2 that they will vote for him over Tyler because Tyler screwed them. Whereas he's actually going to own his game and in turn Brett is actually going to end up helping Tyler in the long run? Lol. 

Also, I actually think that Angela leaving and going to the Jury house might actually be a good thing for Tyler- I know that some of the Jury doesn't like her- but she might be the best advocate for Tyler and his game play. She knows what he has done- and she can explain that she didn't have him wrapped around her finger- they actually worked together. 

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I disagree with this- I think Tyler would 100% say- see look what Brett is trying to do- sew distrust in our group and instead of coming to speak to us about it directly he sent Hay up to do the "dirty work". Tyler already doesn't trust him and wants him out ASAP- so any sort of thing he sees as a "move" against the alliance or trying to sew distrust he's going to push even more for Brett to leave soon. 

But who the hell knows. Haha. 

I agree. What worries me is that Tyler has all this potential ammunition against Brett to get him out during the DE on Thursday. However, what relaxes me some is that Tyler hasn't done a good job at planting the seeds. He's tried with Kaycee and has done nothing with Angela. So, for him to throw out those grenades during the DE, it would really rely on how easily Kaycee and Angela could be flipped, and really, if Tyler or Angela are the DE HOH, one would not even have a vote. So Tyler's hope does rely in Kaycee flipping, and she's been so pro L6 "GO TEAM L6 RAH RAH" that I don't think it would work. Brett would have to be against Angela or Tyler in order for Brett to leave. Or, Tyler would need to keep JC off the block and rally for his vote. So Tyler has a lot of work to do, but don't forget that the season literally ends two weeks tomorrow. Tyler needed to focus on getting Brett out about two weeks ago, or at least started planting the seeds if he wants Brett to be gone before F4. I think having the DE this late does screw with Tyler's plans a bit. If DE had been last week instead, there'd be more time to rally against Brett but as it is, Kaycee isn't taking the anti-Brett bait and Tyler hasn't even started on Angela, and Tyler would really need one of their votes, but if one of them wins HOH, Brett gets to F5.

So I think Brett's more than likely to get out at F5 since JC and Sam would be voted out before Brett, at this point. Angela loathes JC and doesn't give two shits about JC not being a comp threat. She also knows that Brett and Sam have only won one comp each. 

My ideal F5 is L4+Sam. Have Sam leave at F5, Angela leave at F4, and then have the remaining battle it out. With Angela in F3, it's guaranteed that Tyler takes her. With Kaycee in F3, Tyler may reconsider if he wants to win the game. 

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I agree. What worries me is that Tyler has all this potential ammunition against Brett to get him out during the DE on Thursday. However, what relaxes me some is that Tyler hasn't done a good job at planting the seeds. He's tried with Kaycee and has done nothing with Angela. So, for him to throw out those grenades during the DE, it would really rely on how easily Kaycee and Angela could be flipped, and really, if Tyler or Angela are the DE HOH, one would not even have a vote. So Tyler's hope does rely in Kaycee flipping, and she's been so pro L6 "GO TEAM L6 RAH RAH" that I don't think it would work. Brett would have to be against Angela or Tyler in order for Brett to leave. Or, Tyler would need to keep JC off the block and rally for his vote. So Tyler has a lot of work to do, but don't forget that the season literally ends two weeks tomorrow. Tyler needed to focus on getting Brett out about two weeks ago, or at least started planting the seeds if he wants Brett to be gone before F4. I think having the DE this late does screw with Tyler's plans a bit. If DE had been last week instead, there'd be more time to rally against Brett but as it is, Kaycee isn't taking the anti-Brett bait and Tyler hasn't even started on Angela, and Tyler would really need one of their votes, but if one of them wins HOH, Brett gets to F5.

So I think Brett's more than likely to get out at F5 since JC and Sam would be voted out before Brett, at this point. Angela loathes JC and doesn't give two shits about JC not being a comp threat. She also knows that Brett and Sam have only won one comp each. 

My ideal F5 is L4+Sam. Have Sam leave at F5, Angela leave at F4, and then have the remaining battle it out. With Angela in F3, it's guaranteed that Tyler takes her. With Kaycee in F3, Tyler may reconsider if he wants to win the game. 

I actually think Tyler could get Kaycee & Angela to flip in a DE really fast- Kaycee he's been planning seeds she obviously hasn't been biting- but if Hay comes to her with the conversation she had with Brett- it might start to move the dial. Also Kaycee trusts Tyler implicitly- if he is telling her during the DE to cut Brett- I think she does it. With Angela- she would do whatever he wanted- I don't think he needs to plant any seeds with her- all he needs to say was this morning both JC & Brett came to me and said they were going to put you up and this is what you need to do- and she would do it with zero hesitation. I think the reason why he hasn't said anything to her is exactly what he's told Kaycee- he knows she will freak and her annoyance will be written all over her face- so he knows he can probably get her to pull the trigger right then and there during the DE if he tells her. 

In regards to Kaycee, Brett, Tyler F3- I think he would take Kaycee 100% over Brett- he's worried about Brett talking himself out of stuff because he's shown that he can. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, SiobhanJW said:

The one thing that bothered me about the conversation Hay & Brett had (I believe it was in the 1st convo) is Hay implying that she heard Angela & Tyler doing the "same thing" that Swaggy & Bayleigh were doing in bed. We all know that they were having Sex- and it was talked about openly in the house. She saw how pissed/upset Angela was about Scottie implying that she's been giving Tyler "Hilton Head" and she comforted her and was like he was wrong to say that on National TV. 

Pissed me off too. This was not a sweet naive back handed comment. It was calculated to make brett think that is exactly what she meant. She thought she heard them having sex. They barely kiss.

  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I think if he tells Angela then that mean it's a full blown showmance.  He hasn't lost his way yet. 

He won't, he knows he has to cut her so better if she has limited information of any kind.  This probably wouldn't matter but it is part of the distance he thinks he is keeping.  Bless his heart. 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

AG has said that the jury members get to see all of their gbms, but a former HG (maybe BB18 Michelle?) said that she did not get to see all her's. So basically we don't really know if they get to see them or not.


2 hours ago, Nashville said:

Also - according to Scottie’s intel regarding Sam’s GBM - the GBMs the evictees do see may be heavily edited.  

Which means even the HG who originally left the freakin’ thang may not know exactly what GBM message actually ended up reaching each new Juror.

These fluid, bendable rules drive me nuts.  I feel like each evicted person should be able to see each goodbye message in its entirety after they are evicted, period.  It's part of the strategy of the game.  What each person chooses to share or not share depends on each relationship in the house.  My understanding is that Tyler was goading Brett and Angela into sending certain HG's off with mean, cutting GBM's, while Tyler himself gave those same evictees his "duuude, like, I respect you so much, man, you were like a total threat to me!" spiel.  That's a smart strategy on his part but it only works if the evictees get to hear every GBM.  



5 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

Also, what's up with guys painting one fingernail?  I've seen it in past seasons and noticed it on Tyler.

Final question: what was Sam referring to when she mentioned 2 pieces of fruit in a Tupperware?  I feel like this whole season has gotten away from me and I'm totally out of the loop.

Scottie always had one fingernail painted, too.  I also would like to know the answer, as well as why Kaycee tucks her t-shirt arms into her sports bra.  That doesn't seem like it would be particularly comfortable.

The fruit in the Tupperware - I think what's happening is that the HG's are leaving crumbs of food in containers because they are too lazy to empty and clean out the container, and Sam was saying that it is a "booby trap" because it's a strong pet peeve of hers and that the HG's know this, and that they are doing it on purpose to make Sam even more nuts.

  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, eskimo said:

Regarding the GBM's:  This is another reason the Jury Battle Back royally sucks.  If you're a good game player, you want to give secret game play info to certain jury members to show them a better picture of your game.  Things you could never have shared with active players.  But you can't give that info to anybody who might be coming back, because they could blow up your whole game with it.  I think it could really hinder some good players' games to have to withhold that info from the first 4 or 5 jury members.  That's just about half the jury. 

Agree 100% - this is my MAJOR issue with JBB.


24 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

No way he's telling her. He's not telling any of them until maybe in GBM's or on Finale night. Minus Sam which I know he's already told- but I don't think she really realizes what that means. LMAO. 

I disagree with this- I think Tyler would 100% say- see look what Brett is trying to do- sew distrust in our group and instead of coming to speak to us about it directly he sent Hay up to do the "dirty work". Tyler already doesn't trust him and wants him out ASAP- so any sort of thing he sees as a "move" against the alliance or trying to sew distrust he's going to push even more for Brett to leave soon. 

But who the hell knows. Haha. 

Not if Brett forewarns A/K/T first - then Hay throwing Brett’s name out acts as a good faith confirmation for Brett.

2 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

These fluid, bendable rules drive me nuts.  I feel like each evicted person should be able to see each goodbye message in its entirety after they are evicted, period.  It's part of the strategy of the game.  What each person chooses to share or not share depends on each relationship in the house.  My understanding is that Tyler was goading Brett and Angela into sending certain HG's off with mean, cutting GBM's, while Tyler himself gave those same evictees his "duuude, like, I respect you so much, man, you were like a total threat to me!" spiel.  That's a smart strategy on his part but it only works if the evictees get to hear every GBM.  

Michelle's comment just threw everything out of whack. It had always been assumed that the HGs were shown all of their GBMs later, as, well, why wouldn't they? They have them all recorded, why wouldn't they show them all? She's the only person I have ever seen who said otherwise. She doesn't strike me as someone who would lie about something dumb like that, so I have no idea what's what. 

And yes, it is horseshit that Tyler had to play dumb for four weeks before JBB was over.

  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, missyb said:

Pissed me off too. This was not a sweet naive back handed comment. It was calculated to make brett think that is exactly what she meant. She thought she heard them having sex. They barely kiss.

What bothers me about it is that she didn't want JC making comments about her and Fessy sleeping together - rightly, as they weren't, and even if they were, shut up, JC - but now she's being gossipy about Tyler and Angela in the same exact type of situation.

  • Love 16
4 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

What bothers me about it is that she didn't want JC making comments about her and Fessy sleeping together - rightly, as they weren't, and even if they were, shut up, JC - but now she's being gossipy about Tyler and Angela in the same exact type of situation.

I mean, it's annoying, to be sure, but she's on the block and about to go home and all of her alliance is wiped out, I can cut people a little slack for being kind of jerky on the way out. This game takes a lot out of you. I'm no big fan of Haleigh, but I think her reaction here is pretty normal jerkiness and not some next level shit. 

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

I mean, it's annoying, to be sure, but she's on the block and about to go home and all of her alliance is wiped out, I can cut people a little slack for being kind of jerky on the way out. This game takes a lot out of you. I'm no big fan of Haleigh, but I think her reaction here is pretty normal jerkiness and not some next level shit. 

Oh, I don't need her burned at the stake or anything. I just don't really dig her doing it, partially for the reason I said and partially because I'm generally not a fan of bringing personal stuff into strategic play. We're all guilty of gossiping (human nature) but I don't really like using it as gameplay chip.

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Michelle's comment just threw everything out of whack. It had always been assumed that the HGs were shown all of their GBMs later, as, well, why wouldn't they? They have them all recorded, why wouldn't they show them all? She's the only person I have ever seen who said otherwise. She doesn't strike me as someone who would lie about something dumb like that, so I have no idea what's what. 

And yes, it is horseshit that Tyler had to play dumb for four weeks before JBB was over.

In truth?  I’ve always halfway-assumed Michelle simply forgot one or more of the GBMs she saw.  :)


1 minute ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

What bothers me about it is that she didn't want JC making comments about her and Fessy sleeping together - rightly, as they weren't, and even if they were, shut up, JC - but now she's being gossipy about Tyler and Angela in the same exact type of situation.

Same here - but while it’s a shitty move on a personal basis, Hay is about out of options game-wise.  

It just galls me somewhat that every outside-of-game personal character attack this season has been focused at least in part on one player (Angela) despite the lack of any corresponding initial personal attack provocation on her part.  Some of Angela’s GBMs were nasty, to be sure - but AFAIK all Angela’s comments have been related to either gameplay or sources of personal irritation, not personal character.

Guess I just dislike the lack of balance.  Spread the love around, HGs.  ;)

  • Love 6

Haleigh and Sam are both jealous of Angela which causes a lot of the resentment. Sam keeps it mostly to herself though. Haleigh has no business saying anything since she and Fessy where shown in bed numerous times. I do think Tyler and Angela are doing more than just cuddling (they locked themselves in the HOH room on more than one occasion and you can see lots of movement under the blankets), but I also think they are being as discreet as possible under the circumstances.

I know it has to be very hard on Haleigh right now, but if she could stop herself from personally attacking another woman she will feel better about things in the end. Brett also seems very sneaky to me-I have never warmed up to him and wouldn't trust him. And why do he and JC have to sleep together? Can't JC sleep alone? They even wait up for each other like a married couple..

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