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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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What's interesting is that JC is so worried about protecting Tyler that he was SUPER pushing Fessy to nominate Brett/Kaycee and backdoor Scottie, because JC is afraid of Tyler going up as a re-nom if Scottie is nominated and wins Veto. 

He is SO into Tyler. It's kind of adorable. I mean, Tyler put the work in on him, so it isn't like this is out of nowhere, but it's still funny.

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46 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I still have faith that Haleigh will sober up in the morning and fix this and not put Scottie up. 

Plus, even if she doesn't, Scottie could also theoretically win Veto. Hmm...then it would be Sam, right?

Faysal is HoH and decides nominations.

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2 hours ago, Nashville said:

The door/hallway past the HoH Room door, where they hosted the BB App stuff this season and the Den of Temptation last season?  That’s just an alternate access to the Co-HoH/Pandora’s Box room; it shares its far back wall with the HoH Room wall opposite the bed.

That one is on the same wall as the door to the HOH room, just further down.  

This door is at the end of the hall and likely leads to more of the camera/production passageways.  I found a blueprint and highlighted the area in yellow (as best as i could on my phone with my finger).  Also, after a bit of searching, I found a hint of the door in a picture of the BB 17 house. You can barely see the sign above it says “Emergency Exit Only.”  It could be one of the only unlocked doors (I’m guessing?).  They probably needed a second evacuation route upstairs and that would be the fastest way immediately out of there is something happened.  The HGs wouldn’t have to wait on production to unlock it.  

I’m sure they rarely show it because it kills the illusion of the feel the house.  It’s kind of like if you’ve ever been to an attraction at Disney World and looked carefully past all the bright lights and animation, you can sometimes spot an emergency exit door in a dark corner. I imagine if something bad happens, all the lights come on and people are directed to the closest exit.  They just try to keep them out of sight otherwise.




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Just now, amazingracefan said:

Faysal is HoH and decides nominations.

Technically. ;)

Although, yes, the fact that Fessy is the literal HoH is why Scottie is even a possible option, as Haleigh wouldn't put him up under her HoH at all. 

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1 hour ago, bballbball said:

Things are just way too easy for Tyler. He's the best player but come on the fuck on.

C’mon now, you can’t blame Tyler for this particular defecation demonstration; this is ALL on Fessy and his crew.


1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

I still have faith that Haleigh will sober up in the morning and fix this and not put Scottie up. 

Unless, of course, Fessy feels it’s incumbent upon him to assert his remaining right nut and demonstrate to all that he’s the new Man of the House (for this week, anyway)....  :>

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3 minutes ago, Nashville said:

C’mon now, you can’t blame Tyler for this particular defecation demonstration; this is ALL on Fessy and his crew.


Unless, of course, Fessy feels it’s incumbent upon him to assert his remaining right nut and demonstrate to all that he’s the new Man of the House (for this week, anyway)....  :>

Just a little while ago, Fessy showed a little hesitation, so I think that Haleigh could probably twist it around if she tried, but she's oddly taken an approach all season that amounts to, "If it is not me, then I really don't care that much," so who knows if she will really stick her neck out for Scottie. 

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4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Just a little while ago, Fessy showed a little hesitation, so I think that Haleigh could probably twist it around if she tried, but she's oddly taken an approach all season that amounts to, "If it is not me, then I really don't care that much," so who knows if she will really stick her neck out for Scottie. 

Other than a couple of PoV wins, this is the first time Fessy’s had any real power in the House; Hay may be as puzzled as the rest of us exactly how Fessy’s HoH term is going to shake out.

Although... to be honest, I keep hearing a little voice in my head which keeps whispering over and over...

HOHitis, thy name is Fessy.


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3 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Fessie just told Hay that JC is just a little pansy!

And he's saying he's putting up either Brett and Scottie or Tyler and Scottie regardless what JC says.

Oh man, Fessy is such a fool.  Scottie is the only person who voted with him to keep Rockstar!  And THAT'S who he wants to target.  There are 6 people who are clearly against you (the hacker and the 5 people who voted against RS), but sure just take out Scottie instead because he hangs out with Haleigh.  Moron.

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2 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Fessy gets voted out during his own HOH.

We can joke about it on Friday, but all it would take is Grodner throwing in some bullshit Cootie Taw/DPOV/Pandora twist that goes sideways in some unexpected fashion and results in Fessy getting Cirie'd out on Thursday...

Likely? Obviously not. Possible? Probably, because this is The Season That Production Got Hacked/Played Itself/Got Got.

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3 hours ago, Mystery said:

It's like Little League, where the kids are always throwing *behind* the runner. 

At this point, I think the kids are throwing the ball into the tennis court adjacent to the field. 

2 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I still have faith that Haleigh will sober up in the morning and fix this and not put Scottie up. 

Plus, even if she doesn't, Scottie could also theoretically win Veto. Hmm...then it would be Sam, right?

Sam would work for me! I need AuntSam to find out about the makeout sessions and go off again. I think Haleigh could easily convince Fessy to nom someone who is disrespecting "his girl," but she needs a reminder. Sam going would mean no one has to deal with her crazy (except Bayleigh and Angie, which is hilarious), and Tyler gets that shackle cut off without any Blood On His Hands. 

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I went to sleep worried about Angela and woke up to see Scottie is a probable target. I should just stop underestimating the Hive’s stupidity. How can an alliance so good at comps be so bad at the game?

Tyler should definitely not use his app for initial noms, even if he’s a definite nominee. 

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As I watched the end of last night's show I was agog at how effortless Fessy seemed to be doing and I was giddy 'cause I knew he was going to win.

And then I sit down at work and read ya'lls posts....FBFS!!

Mama Payne.gif

WHY is he so hell bent on nomming Scottie when there are SOOOOOOOOOO many bigger fish to fry (i.e., Kaycee/Angela/Brett/Tyler)?!  Dammit Haleigh, you'd better vamp it up and make him see that Scottie should not be OTB!!

Edited by Vixenstud
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2 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

WHY is he so hell bent on nomming Scottie when there are SOOOOOOOOOO many bigger fish to fry (i.e., Kaycee/Angela/Brett/Tyler)?!  Dammit Haleigh, you'd better vamp it up and make him see that Scottie should not be OTB!!

Its FOUTTE.  Expect the Expected.

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12 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:


As I watched the end of last night's show I was agog at how effortless Fessy seemed to be doing and I was giddy 'cause I knew he was going to win.

And then I sit down at work and read ya'lls posts....FBFS!!

Mama Payne.gif

WHY is he so hell bent on nomming Scottie when there are SOOOOOOOOOO many bigger fish to fry (i.e., Kaycee/Angela/Brett/Tyler)?!  Dammit Haleigh, you'd better vamp it up and make him see that Scottie should not be OTB!!

Because Scottie is crushing on his girl. No man comes between me and my woman!!!

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So....I really, really should have known better, but I really, really, really thought that Fessy and Haleigh were actually going to do something smart for their game. Ok, Fessy I knew would be insistent on taking out any guy vying for Haleigh's attention, so him wanting Scottie/Brett noms makes sense. But Haleigh?!?! Even drunk Haleigh should know better than t give Fessy permission to make Scottie his target. But even before, as I was going to bed before the drinking started, Haleigh was so nonchalant about Scottie being Fessy's target. 

I just....I'm so dumb if I keep thinking that The Hive is going to make a smart move. Yes, I am not wanting Brett to go this week and I know it still has a high chance of happening. But....putting SCOTTIE up?? 

Also, I'm gonna be pissed if Tyler wins veto again and then doesn't use it on Brett because "the outcome will be the same with Scottie going home." Like, no. You took Angela off last week when Rockstar was still going home. Tyler, you say that was to "repay the favour". But if you do this again to Brett this week, I'm gonna be pissed. Take him off, let someone else go up and you still have the numbers, even if it's Sam who goes up. Actually, Sam going up is good because then you still have the numbers to send Scottie out, with no chance of a flipped vote!

I want to believe that Haleigh will wake up and realize how stupid it was to allow Fessy to make Scottie his target. I just feel like it's better to accept defeat. Even if Fessy does end up getting out an L6 member this week, last night's stuff would make it less impressive for me. 

I'm gonna catch up to what else I've missed.

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8 hours ago, green said:

BB can always dust off the Diamond Veto which allows the veto holder the extra power of replacing the person he/she takes off.  So if a Level 6 person wins it they can come off or take off one of their people off and replace that person with Hay.  And in that case Tyler can save his power app for next week too.

This would be sooooooooooooo delicious!!!!!

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23 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:


As I watched the end of last night's show I was agog at how effortless Fessy seemed to be doing and I was giddy 'cause I knew he was going to win.

And then I sit down at work and read ya'lls posts....FBFS!!

Mama Payne.gif

WHY is he so hell bent on nomming Scottie when there are SOOOOOOOOOO many bigger fish to fry (i.e., Kaycee/Angela/Brett/Tyler)?!  Dammit Haleigh, you'd better vamp it up and make him see that Scottie should not be OTB!!

Stumped for the second time this season - FBFS??

And not to worry, there was major cuddling and makeout last night. She should be able to get him on track before noms today.

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I suppose the best outcome is Scottie winning veto. Faysal might try to nominate himself as the replacement.

I apologize for calling anyone else in this cast dumb. Faysal and Haleigh take the cake. Stupidest fucking players I've seen on this show in years. Just utterly clueless on every level. 

Edited by Cutty
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Fessy can't see past his cloud of jealousy. He wants one of Scotty/Brett gone hell or high water - even entertaining a stupid deal with the "Trio" when that makes no sense. JC just gave him the extra push for something he already wanted to do. I really hope Scotty ends up on the block come this Thursday so L6 can take him out on Foutte's HOH. 

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8 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

TPTB  need to have a new rule.  No more HGs with thick accents. Some accents can be charming but in a game of strategy  I need to understand what's being said. 

I love you for saying this!  God but JC's accent is as thick as Angie's thighs were in that ridiculous outfit she wore last night.

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Last night in a nutshell.


JC : "Okay Brett you are going to need to tell Fessi that you were the only one to keep Rockstar"

Brett : "Uhhhhh I really don't think that will work.  I think they will believe Scottie over me"

JC : "Hold my beer"

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6 hours ago, bballbball said:


Things are just way too easy for Tyler. He's the best player but come on the fuck on.


Right?  I agree, he’s the best player but at least make him PLAY.  He’s just sitting there on his throne while they peel his grapes and fan him.  I can handle this better than last year bc Paul was so awful and Tyler has much more charm.  But come on

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Just now, Victim Noises said:

Angela and Brett likely safe this week? I'm here for it.

I've never liked Scottie so I hope he gets the boot.

I wouldn't say they're likely safe at all. Haleigh or Scottie would have to win veto (as I think Fessy's stupid enough to actually keep his target as Scottie), but with Scottie's back against the wall here, he could pull out a win. Angela seems to be safe, though, as Fessy was insistent on not putting her or Kaycee up since they're not coming after him. He wants a guy out this week.

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29 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

Fessy can't see past his cloud of jealousy. He wants one of Scotty/Brett gone hell or high water - even entertaining a stupid deal with the "Trio" when that makes no sense. JC just gave him the extra push for something he already wanted to do. I really hope Scotty ends up on the block come this Thursday so L6 can take him out on Foutte's HOH. 

Fessy definitely wanted Scottie out from the jump. Had nothing to do with who voted to save RS. Why Haleigh is all the sudden fine with it is mindboggling. "I trust Scottie 100% but sure target him. Also let's make a deal with Tyler because he hasn't lied to us every single week or anything." 

It's hilarious to me that Tyler did nothing last night but lay in bed with his two goats while JC did all the work to keep him safe.

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10 hours ago, Cutty said:

This board is actually less of a Lv4 circle jerk than other BB online communities. Reddit and Jokers are absolutely unreadable. Well, Jokers is unreadable every season. 

Reddit is a cesspool every season. There's way too many racists over there.

5 minutes ago, Neveragain said:

Right?  I agree, he’s the best player but at least make him PLAY.  He’s just sitting there on his throne while they peel his grapes and fan him.  I can handle this better than last year bc Paul was so awful and Tyler has much more charm.  But come on

Yea really. I'm sorry, but I do not see how this is fun. It's no different than BB12/16/19.

1 minute ago, Cutty said:

Fessy definitely wanted Scottie out from the jump. Had nothing to do with who voted to save RS. Why Haleigh is all the sudden fine with it is mindboggling. "I trust Scottie 100% but sure target him. Also let's make a deal with Tyler because he hasn't lied to us every single week or anything." 

Haleigh is such a disappointment. Faysal is a fucking idiot and he always has been and we all knew he'd wanna go after any man that Haleigh has touched, but Haleigh is smarter and better than this. I don't understand what is happening.

I'm just sad the DE isn't this week so we can move this process along. It's time to bring over BBCan's triple eviction, Production!

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6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

The only way him being the target matters is if Fessy would take him down otherwise. This is just so, so dumb.

But not surprising at all. This is The Hive we are talking about! We've known what The Hive was for weeks now. 

Faysal has said time and again that he doesn't care about the game. He only cares about getting with Haleigh.


6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

JC is SO into Tyler. It's kind of adorable. I mean, Tyler put the work in on him, so it isn't like this is out of nowhere, but it's still funny.

Well JC has flatout told Tyler that Tyler is his Ride or DIE. JC thinks they have a solid F2 Deal. Tyler has not disabused  that notion.

I do love that Fessy listens more to JC than Haleigh in a game sense. Has Fessy even stopped and realized that JC also voted against Fessy's side in the RS vote? And JC was basically telegraphing it all week?!

Noooooo. Fessy could care less. All he knows is JC is like his own Mini-Me who just loves his Big Fessy!

Edited by vb68
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3 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Faysal has said time and again that he doesn't care about the game. He only cares about getting with Haleigh.

It's pretty strange to me. I mean, Haleigh isn't ugly by any means but a former D1 football player shouldn't have a problem picking up girls, even one as dumb and boring as Fessy. 

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20 minutes ago, Cutty said:

It's pretty strange to me. I mean, Haleigh isn't ugly by any means but a former D1 football player shouldn't have a problem picking up girls, even one as dumb and boring as Fessy. 

I think that's a big part of the appeal - you can bet he's never had to work nearly this hard to land a target.

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Oh, these people.  These stupid, stupid people.  I can't believe this is happening, this is like a nightmare.  I was SO looking forward to this week, and now all I have to hope for is Scottie winning POV.  

WHY do they still think they can make a deal with Tyler?  They tried just last week!  

Damn it, I can't have nice things.

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Whether you like him or not or think this is good for his game or not, can we all just admit that JC misting both Haliegh and Fessi last night into nominating and betraying Scottie is a top 10 misting of all time?  As I am typing this, I still can't believe that happened.

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3 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

Whether you like him or not or think this is good for his game or not, can we all just admit that JC misting both Haliegh and Fessi last night into nominating and betraying Scottie is a top 10 misting of all time?  As I am typing this, I still can't believe that happened.

It ain't over til the fat lady sings....and I ain't step to the podium yet!

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6 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

Whether you like him or not or think this is good for his game or not, can we all just admit that JC misting both Haliegh and Fessi last night into nominating and betraying Scottie is a top 10 misting of all time?  As I am typing this, I still can't believe that happened.

I want to wait until Fessy actually does it. If he does, then yeah, I'd call it that.

JC really IS good at this game. If he gets to the end, I would be fine with him winning because, like Tyler and Brett, he's worked really, really hard. And I do NOT like JC as a person.

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I don't think he misted Fessy. He wanted Scottie on the block the second he won HOH, and it has nothing to do with the game. 

JC was pushing KC/Brett noms and wanted Scottie backdoored. 

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I can't stand Angela. She is a real mean girl. I hope somebody takes her out. If she is sitting next to Tyler in a f2 she could win. I will be as angry as the season when Maggie won. 

Fessy is a fool. Rockstar gave them good parting advice: to break up that trio who will carry each other to the end. I get so aggravated with this show.

Edited by DakotaLavender
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4 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

Scottie has GOT to win POV then.

He almost won HOH (came in second) and, is capable. That said, it all depends what the POV is. I'm sure there are BB Super Fans who already know what the next POV would be but I don't. Time will tell.

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6 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Fessy gets voted out during his own HOH.

I regret that I cannot give this post 75483253 hearts.


43 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Do I root for Scottie to win veto so I still have someone to root for or for him to get evicted so I can stop caring all together? Decisions, decisions.

ROOT.  FOR.  SCOTTIE!  &^&&*&$$&*aarghhhhhhFessy&^###  *sigh*  All this angst is just pointless on my part, I fear.  Fessy gonna Fessy.  Crapcrapcrap.

I have never been glued to a thread in any season of BB like I am to this one.  

Edited by laurakaye
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Just now, DakotaLavender said:

I can't stand Angela. She is a real mean girl. I hope somebody takes her out. If she is sitting next to Tyler in a f2 she could win. I will be as angry as the season when Maggie won. 

Fessy is a fool. Rockstar gave them good parting advice: to break up that trio who will carry each other to the end. I get so aggravated with this show.

I get the impression that she doesn't care much if she's liked and/or wins. She pretty much talkes to everyone on some level but does the bare minimum in the conversations. She even laughed when production asked if she wanted to redo the harsh RockStar goodbye and was fine with it and just laughed. Yup! She doesn't really care. LOL!!!

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