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S01.E03: Stained Glass

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Tandy is on the run as Detective O’Reilly closes in on her, but the detective may not be after her for the reasons Tandy thinks. Tyrone is desperate for answers and turns to Evita and her Auntie Clarisse, a Voodoo priestess, for help.


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I really want to like this show, but the storyline is almost incoherent. Tandy was at the car crash scene with Tyrone. Now she’s at her Mom’s house washing the wound she got during the car crash. Later, it’s back to the same car crash with Tyrone. Why?


Also, voodoo in New Orleans on the nose much? Will it be a Mardi Gras parade next episode? 

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If the first two episodes felt sort of like Marvel  NetFlix with a slow burn towards the heroes origins this one seemed to jump around like Legion.

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Maybe because I'm not in a hurry to learn everything. But I really enjoyed tonight's episode. I enjoyed it more than I enjoyed last week's. The interaction between Tandy and Tyrone was so interesting and enjoyable. I really can't wait to see these two work together more. They have an interesting chemistry/dynamic that makes me want to see more of their characters together. 

I thought the writing for tonight was better than last week but I think they might lose audience cause it was kind of confusing if you weren't paying attention . 

Anyway, I can't wait for next week.

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1 hour ago, Athena5217 said:

I really want to like this show, but the storyline is almost incoherent. Tandy was at the car crash scene with Tyrone. Now she’s at her Mom’s house washing the wound she got during the car crash. Later, it’s back to the same car crash with Tyrone. Why?

Because the show was doing a bit of Rashomon storytelling, examining the same incident from different perspectives. The car accident was our inciting event. We see Tandy's perspective and what she did after that. Then we see what happened to Tyrone after the car accident. It's all done so that we can see that Tandy and Tyrone are always going to end up back together. There's a bit of a cheat as the show intercut between Tandy and Tyrone once he starts having his bath visions. But otherwise, it's pretty clear what's happening. The only issue is that you really had to pay attention. I wasn't watching super closely and when the show cut back to the accident, I thought the player was skipping. It wasn't. I just hadn't caught the storytelling convention.

Edited by HunterHunted
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I’m staying because the chemistry between Tandy and Tyrone is intriguing and so good. The weird cuts between the scenes is annoying but I can get used to it. Tandy is also irritating but she’s getting a little better. 

Edited by twoods
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I enjoyed this show.  I like that it's unfolding slowly.  It's a little frustrating, but I can wait.  I'm glad they used New Orleans more in this episode. If you're going to set a show in a town as distinctive as NO, you had better work the city into your show.  You don't have to go all The Originals with it, but use the character of the city.

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1 hour ago, Jacks-Son said:

This one was hard to follow.  I don't even know if a rewatch will make things clearer.

Short version: we started with Tandy's perspective and when we cut back to the crash it was from Tyrone's perspective. Tandy started tripping balls because she got a knock on the head (Voodoo Auntie said that was the other way to get there), Tyrone was tripping balls from the voodoo bath he took. They got a good but mostly metaphorical look at each other's traumas. Tyrone recognized the church Tandy lives in (from his vision) and decided to wait for her there so they could compare notes.

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20 minutes ago, dwmarch said:

Short version: we started with Tandy's perspective and when we cut back to the crash it was from Tyrone's perspective. Tandy started tripping balls because she got a knock on the head (Voodoo Auntie said that was the other way to get there), Tyrone was tripping balls from the voodoo bath he took. They got a good but mostly metaphorical look at each other's traumas. Tyrone recognized the church Tandy lives in (from his vision) and decided to wait for her there so they could compare notes.

Thanks, that helps, although Tyrone didn't get to look into Tandy's trauma.

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I guess they were implying that Tandy got thrown through the car windshield when she hit the tree.

1 minute ago, Jacks-Son said:

Thanks, that helps, although Tyrone didn't get to look into Tandy's trauma.

Maybe Tandy's trauma was how the Roxxon Corp. treated her father after his death (waterboarding while being restained with seat belts in a car seat). Her mother seems to be more on Roxxon's side than Tandy's father's side. All Tandy could do was watch and retreat.

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The cloak and dagger stuff is intriguing as hell. The rest of the characters? not so much. That being said I enjoyed the episode because that was a huge jump forward, they appear to be coming together now, so their stories should be coming together now.  which im very much looking forward to.


I believe their visions were about Tyrone helping Tandy take on Raxxon and Tandy helping Tyrone deal with the evil detective without using the obvious solution.

Edited by Oscirus
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This is running a bit slow for a show that is released weekly. Kinda seems like it was made for Netflix but then snatched up by somebody else.

4 hours ago, Jacks-Son said:

Thanks, that helps, although Tyrone didn't get to look into Tandy's trauma.

He did. Quite a bit even.

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I'm still not very sold on this yet. At least the two were together more. One thing that grated: you are not allowed to mark the tombs, whether its Madame LaVeau or not. (and that was not) People sneak in and do it but a regular tour group like that, no way. The group that take care of that cemetery are probably so pissed.

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So far, so excellent.

The music is fantastic.  Whoever has the job to pick the music, holy crap, you are killing it.

Right away making O'Reilly smart, and not an idiot, is a great thing.  She doesn't need to be convinced, she won't hunt down Tandy and Tyrone only to help them at the last minute.  She knew that Tandy was attacked, and that guy was slinging bullshit.  She also knows that the vice cop is full of it and dirty.  And there's no doubt the handcuffs Tyrone picked up, are a symbol of her.  Tandy and Tyrone will need O'Reilly to get justice for the shit that's been done to them.

Acting continues to be damn good.  Finally, next episode we get Tandy and Tyrone together.

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I liked seeing the different perspectives then the trips they took from Tyrone's bath mixture and Tandy's blow to the head. They got to see each other's trauma and wanted to help. 

I'm okay with the slow burn three eps in, if lasts until the end of the season I may have issues then. I like getting to know Tyrone and Tandy separately before we see them together. I also like seeing their connections and watching them figure out their connections. They now found each other and know they both have powers they don't understand. It will be an interesting journey to see them figure it out and what they will do with them. 

I loved that O'Rieiley was a good cop, she knew Tandy was attacked and was the victim defending herself. They'll need a good cop on their side since the rest of them are corrupt. Tandy's mom is a piece of work. I wonder if the cop said she thinks Tandy was sexually assaulted would her mother have had more of reaction. 

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Tandy and Tyrone are intriguing, they have chemistry, everyone else... not so much.  I'd just like a little more of a hint as to what scarface is up to...

I'm with Raja... first two episodes seemed to follow the Netflix MCU blueprint and this one took a left turn into Legion.

And I'm with Sakura above...I was pleasantly happy to find O'Reilly pieced/was piecing together Tandy was attacked.  This also goes back to scarface, that I'd like to know how the rich kid... or more likely his family... is involved in the eventual upcoming mess.

I'm glad it at least ended with the namesake characters coming together.

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This is losing me. I understood what they were going for, and it was still losing me. The progress is almost non-existent and the pace is too slow to me. Especially when billed as Marvel TV. This was an interesting way to do the episode, but way more important at the beginning of a series if you ask me is hooking the audience, making me care about the characters. I care about Tyrone. I don't care a bit about manipulative Tandy and the show isn't doing anything to make her much more sympathetic. The supporting characters are largely meh. People talking about the great chemistry between Tandy and Tyrone are seeing something there that I don't. We've seen minimal interaction between them that tells me of future chemistry. They've bounced off each other okay, but I mean, it's been limited so I'm not sure what has everyone so intrigued on that end. This is a tough sell so far, and it seems like they want me to stay the season for them to flesh that out and turn into a more exciting show. The show will be cancelled by then I think if it doesn't catch hold with streaming or social media in a big way because this is not resonating with viewers yet and it's very easy to see why to me.

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On 6/15/2018 at 12:48 AM, HunterHunted said:

Because the show was doing a bit of Rashomon storytelling, examining the same incident from different perspectives. The car accident was our inciting event. We see Tandy's perspective and what she did after that. Then we see what happened to Tyrone after the car accident.

When it switched to Tyrone's pov, I had a split-second where I checked the time bar to see if I had accidentally hit the back button, then I noticed that Tyrone's words which were muffled from Tandy's PoV - were clear, and it clicked. Maybe it's just me but I liked the way we followed their different storylines, and had them eventually dipping, so to speak, into their different traumas. 


Having Billy's shooter be the mustache-twirling obviously evil and corrupt cop is kind of eye-rolling because the real-life issue of cops shooting black people is far less palatable than that. I don't even know why they bothered framing it as an accidental shooting; if they were going to go this route, they might have written Billy's death as a deliberate murder.

I enjoy leisurely-paced story-telling so I have no problems with the episodes so far. I do worry though that the show might be spending a little too much time building up characters and relationships that are going to fall to the way side when the titular Cloak and Dagger get together. On the other hand, this is still an interracial relationship and experience has taught me to keep my expectations very low on that regard. It's just as possible that C & D are being built up to be platonic soulmates i.e. parabatai for those who'll get the Shadowhunters's reference. 

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2 hours ago, ursula said:

I don't even know why they bothered framing it as an accidental shooting; if they were going to go this route, they might have written Billy's death as a deliberate murder.

The shooting might have been accidental. The policeman has his gun trained on a suspect when a loud noise (explosion) occurred, startling him to fire. How easy this was to cover-up, probably started the life of corruption the policeman went down.

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9 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

The shooting might have been accidental. The policeman has his gun trained on a suspect when a loud noise (explosion) occurred, startling him to fire. How easy this was to cover-up, probably started the life of corruption the policeman went down.

I've wondered if Billy's shooting was the straw that broke the camel's back for Connor, the corrupt police officer. It's possible that he was always a crappy officer, but turned to outright villainy when he pulled strings to cover up Billy's death.

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Then "straw that broke the camel's" back would be the wrong term because that would imply that his own act of murder pushed him into villainy. T.v. Trope would probably call this his Moral Event Horizon but honestly? I have zero interest in Scarface's white manpain and/or how stealing the life of a black child ruined his own.

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Like others, I enjoyed the first two episodes quite a bit, but this episode just veered too into experimental mystic psychoanalysis for my tastes. Maybe an episode like this would work better further into the season, when the characters and their relationship are more established, but it just went too far into dream territory for my tastes. I would rather see more real-world interactions between Tandy and Tyrone than this.

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I don't think this was a straw that broke the camel's back situation as much as it was a gateway for more crimes in the future. For the four star to cover up something that big likely means that he can blackmail  scarface nto doing anything he wants from here on out, hence all the shady stuff we see him doing every time he's encountered by Cloak.


I'd argue these are nothing like the marvel shows which seem to be more media res. Heroes with their established powers playing cat and mouse games with a villain until the inevitable backstory slows everything down culminating in a final clash between heroes and villains. This is a true origin story which begins slow and seems to build up, which may or may not work depending on the patience of its audience. Freeform was smart to put its first two episodes in the first week in an attempt to speed up our journey to the good stuff.

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I get how some people might think this was massively slow paced.  And kind of weird storytelling.

But I thought this was massively ambitious.... and that it worked. It was totally unchained from conventional storytelling, but I was still able to interpret a clear narrative.

I don't want this to be a cookie cutter show. If this is what they're bringing, I'm fine with that. As long as the overall story arcs are advanced consistently as well. As I'd argue happened here. This explained how and why they moved from revenge and escape into new phases.  It showed a valid bond, even if at this point it seems mystical in nature. It even, and this was really clever in my opinion, explained the role the female cop is going to play here. She's the white knight, while the evil vice cop is the black knight. They're opposites every bit as much as Tandy and Tyrone are. 

Clearly this particular form of alternate storytelling isn't likely to be repeated. But lets see some other similar stuff. Episodes from the POV of one, or both of those cops.  Flashback episodes told totally from the POV of our two dead characters.  Stuff happening inside Roxxon, with Tandy and Tyrone only peripheral for an episode.  A semi-flashforward episode to a time where Cloak and Dagger are actual established superheroes, intercut with parallel sequences from the present day.  Bring it on.

On 6/15/2018 at 12:48 AM, HunterHunted said:

Because the show was doing a bit of Rashomon storytelling, examining the same incident from different perspectives. 

Yup. I'm glad someone else saw that comparison.

On 6/14/2018 at 11:39 PM, Athena5217 said:

I really want to like this show, but the storyline is almost incoherent. Tandy was at the car crash scene with Tyrone. Now she’s at her Mom’s house washing the wound she got during the car crash. Later, it’s back to the same car crash with Tyrone. Why?

This isn't linear storytelling. But admittedly alternative narrative structures like this aren't for everyone. We're very conditioned to try and only see what's being presented as literal, and this definitely wasn't literal.  We weren't seeing things in real time order, and we weren't always seeing real things... period.

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I’m trying with this show but it’s losing me. The slow pacing feels like watching paint try, but I told myself to give it at least three episodes. Welp here we are and I still don’t care. I feel like the characters have two or three traits and are otherwise just sort of flat. It doesn’t help that the stereotypical parents are playing right into a cookie cutter mode. It feels so stale and I expected the opposite. Ah well... expectations will do one in. 

The most interesting part of the premise, the literal name of the series, feels like it’s a side piece. Like someone mentioned above, when they switched perspectives I thought I’d rewound instead of fast forwarded. Then I realized I didn’t really care since I had already relegated this to background noise as I played tug of war with my dog. Maybe if it was a Netflix type show and could be sped through I would  be more interested but I feel like they’re all stuck in glue. And that’s not even mentioning convenient girl being the convenient voodoo tour guide with handy dandy convenient family member doing the voodoo thing. Serious eye roll. 

Edited by ramble
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@Kromm 100% agree with your post. I really hope we see more creative story-telling choices. Not every week because it would then become gimmicky but things you mentioned like alternative PoVs would be really cool. Also, good call on the white/black knight dynamic of the 2 cops. 

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18 hours ago, ursula said:

Then "straw that broke the camel's" back would be the wrong term because that would imply that his own act of murder pushed him into villainy. T.v. Trope would probably call this his Moral Event Horizon but honestly? I have zero interest in Scarface's white manpain and/or how stealing the life of a black child ruined his own.

I think it showed how cowardly that cop was. He could have admitted the truth about what happened, that he shot a teen boy after chasing for a bunch of blocks because he thought he committed the serious crime of breaking into a car. A non-violent crime that ended up with extreme force being used as punishment.

He used his connection with his uncle to hide what he did. Then his uncle, straight out lied to the grieving parents about what killed their son despite a young Tyrone insisting on what he saw. And then made sure that they footage of Tyrone breaking into the car so that he could show his parents that he was really to blame.

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14 hours ago, ramble said:

I’m trying with this show but it’s losing me. The slow pacing feels like watching paint try, but I told myself to give it at least three episodes. Welp here we are and I still don’t care. I feel like the characters have two or three traits and are otherwise just sort of flat. It doesn’t help that the stereotypical parents are playing right into a cookie cutter mode. It feels so stale and I expected the opposite. Ah well... expectations will do one in. 

The most interesting part of the premise, the literal name of the series, feels like it’s a side piece. Like someone mentioned above, when they switched perspectives I thought I’d rewound instead of fast forwarded. Then I realized I didn’t really care since I had already relegated this to background noise as I played tug of war with my dog. Maybe if it was a Netflix type show and could be sped through I would  be more interested but I feel like they’re all stuck in glue. And that’s not even mentioning convenient girl being the convenient voodoo tour guide with handy dandy convenient family member doing the voodoo thing. Serious eye roll. 


It looks to be a 13 hour origin story. Compared to a two hour Iron Man and a 101 hour Gotham. But in Batman's case we are seeing stuff beyond young Bruce, a world, like the MCU was sold to be, and not just a comic book taken in isolation like the Bill Bixby Incredible Hulk. The next episode will be a quarter of the season so perhaps then the duo will have a handle on their powers and we can move on with the story

Edited by Raja
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I liked the more trippy stuff in the episode. With the whole magic powers thing, I guess thing inevitably had to get a little weird, as is kind of common in MCU magic stuff. It took me a little bit longer to get what all was going on (I honestly thought I missed an episode at first) but when I did, I thought it was a pretty cool way to establish the connection between Tandy and Tyrone. It helps that the actors have nice chemistry.

The big shock to me was Tandys moms lawyer fuckbuddy actually being a little bit helpful. Although, the non asshole cop being on the up and up was a nice touch, and she could be a decent Friend on the Force type. Especially with super evil corrupt cop guy.

Hey, the show realized that their set in New Orleans! Kind of cliche voodoo stuff, but the facts about it were actually pretty accurate (no one in Hollywood ever remembers that voodoo has a bunch of Catholic elements, and is more about faith than magic) and I was just thrilled to get some stuff thats actually based around New Orleans! I wonder if Voodoo Aunt and her niece will factor into this? I assume they will. One does not set up a voodoo queen without it coming up later. 

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I'm enjoying this so far, and this episode really worked for me. The non linear storytelling was well done, as was the mystical stuff. I am here for the next episode when Tyrone and Tandy probably, and finally, interact in the real world in a significant way.

On 17/06/2018 at 3:03 PM, Raja said:

The next episode will be a quarter of the season so perhaps then the duo will have a handle on their powers and we can move on with the story

This IS the story though, the origins of these characters. I hope it remains more character based rather than going for action and plot plot plot. Rushing through plots and villains ruins so much potentially good TV.

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2 minutes ago, ShowsILoveToHate said:

Does anyone know why this episode isn't available on OnDemand?  We just found this show and were able to watch eps 1 & 2 OnDemand, then it goes to Ep 4 (which we recorded last night).

Don't know exactly, my brother lives in Georgia, where I believe he has Spectrum, and it took him a while to get episode 3 of "Sirens" on On Demand. All I can say is it should eventually show up. I know, not a good answer. Sorry. Normally, it only takes 24 hours for a show to appear. Do you have a Freeform On Demand channel? A few channels have their own On Demand channel that is separate from their normal channel.

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I’m enjoying the series thus far—some of the flashes Tyrone sees as he repeats the same pattern to somehow fix the past, however, were hard to watch. I like Tyrone and his family and I enjoyed meeting Evita’s aunt as well.  I feel for Tandy—messy and sad situation—and I’m rooting for her.

I cannot say that the show is getting my full attention as I watch, but I do want to see where this goes. 

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On 6/14/2018 at 9:39 PM, Jacks-Son said:

This one was hard to follow.  I don't even know if a rewatch will make things clearer.

As a 5 years later rewatchable having seen the full Cloak & Dagger run and the guest appearance on The Runaways it seemed better than I remember. But then I knew going in the pace and beats of the show.  To watch a second time in preparation for episode 4 probably wouldn't be as effective in clearing things up.

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