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BiP Season 5: Speculation & Spoilers

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5 hours ago, RealitytvLover said:

And not even 2 weeks! This season was filmed in only 10 days! 

There's no way you'll get me to believe their affection or engagement was legitimate. 1 or 2 couples this season showed genuine feelings for each other. J&J talked like they were characters from a Young Adult novel. There was never any emotion from their faces or voices; only over-the-top, obvious acting. 

This drama should've been with Kendall and Joe. Now THAT would've made me actual care and feel sympathy for one half of the couple. 

If I were Kevin and Astrid (two people who appear sane) I’d realize that it’s dumb to propose at the end of this, so why not have a big “break up” on air to get screen time and then resume a normal relationship outside of paradise. That actually makes sense and seems healthier than what the other couples did. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, hnygrl said:

I listened to Jordan's nonsensical ramblings on Reality Steve's latest podcast.

I. Don't. Believe. Shocked? Broken hearted? Gutted? Nah fam, I'm not buying it

Maybe he was upset that their little scam was being exposed and he was not going to come out of it looking good?  

Just a thought.  Jenna said her relationship with Jordan was all an act.  Maybe he was ALSO acting.  He sure seemed like some of his over-the-top stuff was staged.  

And again, if it were, it would be the greatest scam of a reality tv show ever.  Maybe they had more "drama" planned, considering they thought they had another week in paradise.  

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I love all the discussion on this forum but I have to say that I do not get the Jordan love at all. I think he’s a colossal asshole with narcissistic personality traits. His actions and weird, aggressive demeanor during the After Show were OTT. And this is coming from someone who thinks that Benoit is an annoying famehore. Just because Jordann got played by a demented, melting Barbie doll with a rictus grin doesn’t make him any more appealing (or sympathetic). He’s like a bloated Ken doll who’s only a shade more tolerable than Robbie. JMO.

Edited by Tipsymcstagger
Also - Astrid is just gorgeous.
  • Love 16
On 9/14/2018 at 1:01 PM, Tipsymcstagger said:

I love all the discussion on this forum but I have to say that I do not get the Jordan love at all. I think he’s a colossal asshole with narcissistic personality traits. His actions and weird, aggressive demeanor during the After Show were OTT. And this is coming from someone who thinks that Benoit is an annoying famehore. Just because Jordann got played by a demented, melting Barbie doll with a rictus grin doesn’t make him any more appealing (or sympathetic). He’s like a bloated Ken doll who’s only a shade more tolerable than Robbie. JMO.


I have only ever seen Jordan on BIP, but I think he is a colossal asshole too. And on the video they showed of he and Jenna planning the wedding and naming their kids? His comments regarding impregnating Jenna were cringworthy. If he was serious? Ewwww. If he was being funny? Ewwww. He makes my skin crawl. 

I posted earlier that I thought Kevin and Asrid's "reunion" was fake, and all for Kevin to save face. I now also think that Astrid is in on it. At the end of their segment he mouths what looks like "Thanks" and she nods her head a few times. I think they cooked this up so that he could come out not looking like he was leading her on, and she saves face by it appearing that Kevin realizes he made a mistake and wants her back. I would be surprised if they really are back together. In any case I am beginning to think Kevin is on his third time on a Bachelor franchise to get out of mandatory Sunday dinners at his mother's house. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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UsernameFatigue, You might want to edit to change "Kendall" to "Jenna."

I,  a female,  think Jordan is witty, personable,  cute (moreso than handsome,  IMO), and even genuine.

David was a bothersome stalkerish pest (here AND in Becca's "journey") who had to be dealt with;  and Benoit was a threat to Jordan's romance with Jenna, so he,  too, had to be confronted.

IN THEIR TV UNIVERSE. One cannot ignore the isolated hot-house these young(-ish) adults in skimpy clothing are in; the egging on by the show; their own egos, needs,  wants,  and goals; and everyone's knowledge that friends,  family,  colleagues, neighbors, employers,  and total strangers will be able to watch the edited version of all the BiP participants.

But no matter what,  Colton remains a lousy choice for "The Bachelor"! 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
  • Love 9

To add:

I believe that Jordan was blindsided by Reality Steve's revelation of Jenna's perfidy. THE text portion that convinces me that Jordan is NOT "in on it" is this one of Jenna's referring to Jordan:

"I don't even like him." 

That cruel dagger is the most hurtful of all, the kind allowing no apology,  no retraction, no "walking back";  and is thus completely unnecessary to forward any "conspiracy" between Jenna and Jordan. 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
  • Love 5
9 hours ago, phlebas said:

Is there evidence suggesting Jordan was in on some scam relationship to fool us/ABC?  Or is that fan fiction?  (I mean, nothing would surprise me about these people. Just curious.)

I don't know about that, but I do know Jordan said in an interview that his "feud" with David was manufactured.  He even said they texted each other while the shows were being aired laughing at it all.  So I would totally believe the Paradise relationship was fake.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, phlebas said:

Is there evidence suggesting Jordan was in on some scam relationship to fool us/ABC?  Or is that fan fiction?  (I mean, nothing would surprise me about these people. Just curious.)

Evidence?   NO.

  BUT - Jenna has been found to have sent texts and emails indicating that SHE was pretending to like him, and that it was fake, at least on her part.  Looking at how Jordan dramatically over-reacted to things - (How dare you give my girl a giant stuffed dog!  I'll throw it in the ocean!   Don't ask MY girl on a date! I'll fight you! )  it seems reasonable that it might have been a relationship that was faked for television on both their parts.  It seems more likely, to me, than thinking that Jenna was alone in faking it, and was able to string him along as far as she did in 10 days.    From what we saw of Jordan on the B'ette and on BiP, it seems he would rather go along with a fake proposal/engagement/breakup, than to fade into obscurity.


  • Love 4

I didn't like Jordan on the bachlorette either. He was just ridiculous with his egotistical ways, but I was looking forward to seeing him on paradise for the shear entertainment I knew he would bring. Turns out I found him to be extremely likable, witty and friendly to any other who was friendly to him. The guys just loved his hair products and other tips of the trade which he generously shared with all who treated him with kindness. 

When I saw his true love for Jenna, it melted my heart and made me love him for being so open, honest and vulnerable. Just plain as real as you can get. He truly is a golden retriever of loyalty. He also is so full of personality it's like he is a cartoon character compared to others. Then I remembered in my own life, one of my favorite people, an ex beau, and then lifelong friend, was a so over the top cartoon character of a person also. They are the best kind of friend when they are on your side. He passed away a year ago and nobody could ever fill his shoes. One of those who broke the mold when he was made. I see the same in Jordan.

Jenna should be ashamed of herself for hurting him the way she did. She is the kind of person that gives all women a bad name.

That's it.

  • Love 17

I get a kick out of Jordan, he could make reading the phone book entertaining. He was the highlight of the season for me. But I do wonder if he and Jenna agreed to stay together to get more publicity and when her ex boyfriend released those text messages Jordan had to change his game plan and break up with her sooner and act like he was betrayed. Then on the other hand with him saying he only wanted to get engaged once and because he is always kidding around it is hard to tell when he is being serious, maybe he actually was in love with Jenna. Hard to tell. 

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On 2018-09-14 at 11:03 PM, LennieBriscoe said:

To add:

I believe that Jordan was blindsided by Reality Steve's revelation of Jenna's perfidy. THE text portion that convinces me that Jordan is NOT "in on it" is this one of Jenna's referring to Jordan:

"I don't even like him." 

That cruel dagger is the most hurtful of all, the kind allowing no apology,  no retraction, no "walking back";  and is thus completely unnecessary to forward any "conspiracy" between Jenna and Jordan. 

I read the tweets too, and Jenna telling her lover that she is better than Jordan, was probably the most cutting of all to him.

21 hours ago, ByTor said:

I don't know about that, but I do know Jordan said in an interview that his "feud" with David was manufactured.  He even said they texted each other while the shows were being aired laughing at it all.  So I would totally believe the Paradise relationship was fake.

I think they're comparing apples to oranges, The feud looked fake, in both shows. I like Jordan and find him funny, but definitely not the best actor. All of his feuds and jealousies didn't look realistic to me at all, although I do think that he and Benoit innately, instinctively disliked each other. But I believe his feelings for Jenna were real, or at least he thought they were. Over the top, just like his personality, but not created for the show like his entertainer persona.

20 hours ago, SassyCat said:

I didn't like Jordan on the bachlorette either. He was just ridiculous with his egotistical ways, but I was looking forward to seeing him on paradise for the shear entertainment I knew he would bring. Turns out I found him to be extremely likable, witty and friendly to any other who was friendly to him. The guys just loved his hair products and other tips of the trade which he generously shared with all who treated him with kindness. 

When I saw his true love for Jenna, it melted my heart and made me love him for being so open, honest and vulnerable. Just plain as real as you can get. He truly is a golden retriever of loyalty. He also is so full of personality it's like he is a cartoon character compared to others. Then I remembered in my own life, one of my favorite people, an ex beau, and then lifelong friend, was a so over the top cartoon character of a person also. They are the best kind of friend when they are on your side. He passed away a year ago and nobody could ever fill his shoes. One of those who broke the mold when he was made. I see the same in Jordan.

Jenna should be ashamed of herself for hurting him the way she did. She is the kind of person that gives all women a bad name.

That's it.

Agreed, although I did like him on The Bachelorette. He was obviously cast as the villain, but was too funny not to charm me with his model and fashion talk.

3 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

How long will it take Kendall to realize that Joe isn’t that into her?  Seeing him do all the publicity this week for BiP and Dancing he just looks miserable and looks like he barely tolerates her.  She’s a smart quirky girl, find your equal Kendall!

I think Joe WAS into Kendall, but once he walked away from her and thought about everything that happened, he came to his senses.  Too bad he wasted so much time on her. I think Jacqueline would have been a much better match. Oh well, at least I will get to enjoy him on DWTS. I haven't watched it for a few seasons, but I definitely will with his inclusion.  I expect Kendall to quietly drift out of the picture after we've seen her in the front row for a couple of shows, then inevitably she will be back on BIP. And with a tarnished reputation, in my opinion.

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On 9/16/2018 at 9:21 AM, scenicbyway said:

How long will it take Kendall to realize that Joe isn’t that into her?  Seeing him do all the publicity this week for BiP and Dancing he just looks miserable and looks like he barely tolerates her.  She’s a smart quirky girl, find your equal Kendall!

She did.  His name was Leo.  

  • Love 13
8 hours ago, leighdear said:

We've got 2 people that tried to gaslight their "romantic" partners, Kendall and Leo.  Seems to me they are VERY suited to each other.  Can you imagine the head games they'd play in a sustained relationship?

Don't forget how Chris tried to gaslight Tia.  Now he's engaged to Kristal.  Wonder how long that will last.

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I don't think she's a hooker in the literal sense.  I think she seeks wealthy men, get's into an intimate relationship with them, and then asks for money to help her fund her business venture (whatever she's promoted it to be).  I don't think her "business" is sex.  I think she makes up some sort of business idea and needs seed money to get it started.  But there really is no business plan and she sleeps with multiple men at the same time getting money from them this way.

Why she went on The Bachelor and BIP is anyone's guess.  Maybe to get close to wealthy Hollywood producers?  Maybe to get into modeling or acting?  Her troubles started when Jordan became absolutely smitten with her and she played it up to stay in Paradise.  She stupidly accepted his proposal and one of her lovers got upset when it aired.  So he outed her to Reality Steve.

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Lol.  I don’t have a problem with hookers.  Just own it and make your bucks.

She’s fairly unkempt looking.  The sugar baby world is competitive.  Better have a plan B.  Sure she has Instagram followers, but she may not get the sponsorships the others are taking in.  Hell TIA is hawking Mac and cheese on hers. 

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23 hours ago, deSchenke said:

I don't think she's a hooker in the literal sense.  I think she seeks wealthy men, get's into an intimate relationship with them, and then asks for money to help her fund her business venture (whatever she's promoted it to be).  I don't think her "business" is sex.  I think she makes up some sort of business idea and needs seed money to get it started.  But there really is no business plan and she sleeps with multiple men at the same time getting money from them this way.

Why she went on The Bachelor and BIP is anyone's guess.  Maybe to get close to wealthy Hollywood producers?  Maybe to get into modeling or acting?  Her troubles started when Jordan became absolutely smitten with her and she played it up to stay in Paradise.  She stupidly accepted his proposal and one of her lovers got upset when it aired.  So he outed her to Reality Steve.

You just described a hooker in the literal sense. Getting into intimate relationships for money is prostitution. What she does with the money is irrelevant. 

  • Love 10
10 minutes ago, deSchenke said:

To me a hooker/prostitute is one who solicits sex for money.  A BJ is $100, all night is $1000.  You know what you are getting and how much you are going to pay for it.  What Jenna does is sleeping around and then swaying the guys to help her out financially.

Call it what you will. I think society tries to whitewash or excuse a lot of behavior by creating a lot of grey areas or try to justify their own actions. An escort is someone who offers their time in exchange for compensation (either goods or services). A prostitute offers sex in exchange for compensation. Jenna expects to be paid for either having sex or spending time with men. Whether she comes right out and asks for $100 for 1 hour of time or tries to coyly con a man into giving her money more subtly are simply different tactics used to achieve the same goal. If Jenna doesn’t get money, business opportunities, services I strongly doubt she stays with the guy because of feelings for him. Legally, she may not be guilty of anything but her intentions and goals are the same. 

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39 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I'm a little uncomfortable with calling Jenna a prostitute based on the information we have so far. The only thing we know for sure is that she was seeing another man while engaged to Jordan and lying to both of them. Millions of men do the same thing every day, without being labeled prostitutes. 

I don’t think anyone is calling Jenna a prostitute because she’s dating a lot of guys. The “prostitute” term came up regarding her potentially having sex with men purely for financial gains. The debate seems to be about how she goes about obtaining money. 

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

I don’t think anyone is calling Jenna a prostitute because she’s dating a lot of guys. The “prostitute” term came up regarding her potentially having sex with men purely for financial gains. The debate seems to be about how she goes about obtaining money. 

The important word is "potentially". We don't know that she sleeps with men for money (or help with her business, or any other financial motivation), and IMO it's offensive to make that assumption about a woman, when the same assumption isn't usually made about a man who is caught cheating.

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I would definitely think the same of a man I found out has a habit of dating rich women and getting them to fund his "businesses". Has nothing at all to do with cheating. 

I don't know if she's dating men for money or not, nor do I care, and I doubt she gives a shit what I think either as long as we keep her relevant so she can keep making money. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, chocolatine said:

The important word is "potentially". We don't know that she sleeps with men for money (or help with her business, or any other financial motivation), and IMO it's offensive to make that assumption about a woman, when the same assumption isn't usually made about a man who is caught cheating.

This is all based on her text messages in which she clearly states she’s with men for business reasons and money. This has nothing to do with cheating on Jordan. I’m not sure why you keep thinking this discussion is about cheating. 

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

This is all based on her text messages in which she clearly states she’s with men for business reasons and money. This has nothing to do with cheating on Jordan. I’m not sure why you keep thinking this discussion is about cheating. 

I've read the text messages RS posted and she doesn't say she sleeps with men for money. She said her relationship with Jordan on BIP was for "business", i.e. Instagram shilling. That doesn't make her a prostitute, or else everyone else on that show is also a prostitute.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, chocolatine said:

That doesn't make her a prostitute, or else everyone else on that show is also a prostitute.

Well, they are called fame whores for a reason. lol 

Regardless of what we call her, she admitted to using a guy to get money (Instagram shilling isn't for fun, it's for profit, so she pretended to be in love with a guy so she could sell shit on the interest. I think I'd have more respect for her if she was an actual prostitute. At least that's an honest living)

  • Love 6

I think Jenna is a “sugar baby,” which is basically a “freelance hooker”: young pretty girl dates rich, older (oftentimes married) men and takes whatever they can get from them financially quid pro quo. It’s not like $X for X sexual activity, but they’ll date and the guy is going to lavish the girl with designer clothes and accessories, a car, rent, maybe college tuition. Lala Kent on Van Der Pump Rules is probably the poster example.She managed to keep her sugar daddy’s identity on lockdown for a full season while her castmates were accusing her of being a hooker, because how else was this restaurant hostess driving these luxury cars, etc. But then the next season she doubled down on how her BJs get PJs (private jets). And now (in real time not on TV yet) the sugar daddy left his wife and now they’re engaged. So I guess dreams do come true, lol. I suppose the sugar baby thing is the mistress equivalent of being the trophy wife. Lala jumped from sugar baby to trophy wife. If Jenna married Jordan, I guess she’d be giving up that opportunity. Trade your youth and looks for the money now, then when you get traded in for a younger model, marry for love then, lol.

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, chocolatine said:

The important word is "potentially". We don't know that she sleeps with men for money (or help with her business, or any other financial motivation), and IMO it's offensive to make that assumption about a woman, when the same assumption isn't usually made about a man who is caught cheating.

A man who sleeps with other people for money is also a prostitute.  It’s not a bad thing, IMO.  I just hate the hooker caste system where the escorts/ sugarbabies look down on the street girls and guys. 

I was a hooker twice. Both guys were clean and decent, but the sex with someone I’m not attracted to didn’t work for me.  Believe me there is opportunity out there. Even if you look like a shoe.  But I think the competition is much fiercer today.

Edited by Mu Shu
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On 2018-09-21 at 7:16 PM, thehepburn said:

I believe Jenna is into S/M. She calls the dude 'princess' in her texts. Whether she does that for a living as a dominatrix is up for debate.


3 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Now that is a fun profession. Lots of stories to tell, and fun nightlife.

And generally no sex involved. ( I know someone whose sister is a dominatrix)

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