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S01.E07: All About the Bunny Hunny

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I think I like all the men on this show. 

I really like Jeff though.  He's got a love for dogs, openly admits to a ticking baby clock and is completely open and positive about therapy. 

He's endearing and I want good things for him and no football brain damage. 

Was it my tv screen?  Because on my TV I thought the color was representative on the drawing.

Susan has the right idea.  Comfortable clothes and pulling the heads off of shrimp (no crawdads in the Pacific Northwest!).  But she should understand.

Casual and comfortable knows no color.  And quite frankly.  Neither do fancy dress up parties.

15 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Jeff is such a good househusband.  Floors in his Gucci’s! 


Forgot about the mopping!

Fans self!

  • Love 12

Barrie and Tamica need to get Rani into Jack and Jill or a similar group where she can meet other black girls her age. I hope none of what Rani heard came from a teacher--that could be devastating.

Tamica is an asshole. So what happens if Gian tells her peers Barry is a bad bet--that could jeopardize his long-term goals for his business. It's a really bad move to approach someone you have a business relationship with in this manner.

Jeff is the sweetest guy.

  • Love 8

I find everyone on this show so likable and a nice effortless chemistry. It's light years different than Southern Charm Charleston, that Beach House show, and the 2 Ski Lodge series. 

I don't see the problem with what Gian did. She has a right to who she chooses to do business or be chummy with. Perhaps he felt used but I don't think it was intentional. The guys on this Southern Charm are much more attractive than OG SC lol. 

  • Love 7
43 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

I find everyone on this show so likable and a nice effortless chemistry. It's light years different than Southern Charm Charleston, that Beach House show, and the 2 Ski Lodge series. 


This. I find that I do not hate anyone on this series. Tamica annoys me and the others do have their faults, but I do not hate any of them. There are moments where I like them and moments where I do not. It varies from episode or even scenes. It is probably the reason why I enjoy this version so much. This cast seems to genuinely have fun together and not everything is drunken shenanigans. Also, I may like it more because the drama seems fairly light. This group seems more adult than the SC cast, if that makes any sense. I may have had too much wine.

I did love the adult Easter egg hunt and the croquet game complete with more laughing at Jon not being good at it, like golf. I liked Jeff's TH with bear Justin. Oh and the editors version of horror movie clips when Justin was talking about seeing wedding stuff everywhere made me laugh.

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 9
5 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Barrie and Tamica need to get Rani into Jack and Jill or a similar group where she can meet other black girls her age. I hope none of what Rani heard came from a teacher--that could be devastating.

Tamica is an asshole. So what happens if Gian tells her peers Barry is a bad bet--that could jeopardize his long-term goals for his business. It's a really bad move to approach someone you have a business relationship with in this manner.

Jeff is the sweetest guy.

Considering what was said by Tamica and Barry in that article when the show premiered, I'm not at all surprised she chose not to have her daughter around people who look like her. 

I really can't with Tamica. I can't. Jeff gave this great toast about friends and family, and Tamica takes that moment to make it about her.  She also seems to project a lot. She said Gian leaves when she doesn't get her way -- I seem to remember Tamica jumping from a table when her friends confronted her on her "truth-telling."

So Gian obviously cancelled her credit card with Barry's gym. Well, guess what? Both husband and wife got in Gian's face in one night. Yeah, I'd probably cancel my membership, too.

  • Love 9

I'm kinda bummed that next week is the finale.  I certainly like this cast far more than Charleston or Savannah.  On paper, Ashley's and Kelsey's stories are similar: both work in health care, both want an engagement ring, both inexplicably sit on vanities to do their makeup.  But Kelsey, even from the little we've seen, is SO much more likable and is completely hydrated.  She didn't move across country to be on a reality show and Justin (son of a long time elected official and socialite-ish mother, where the similarities with TRav begin and end) is beyond a million times better than TRav, even absent TRav's drug conviction and sexual assault allegations (and that's a whole lot of discounting).  

Gian is still a weird character, in that she's the "enemy" of now 2 central cast memebers, yet we really don't know a whole hell of a lot about her.  I hope if there's a second season and she's still a thorn in Tamica's and Barry's sides, she gets filled out a bit more.  And, of course, do something with that hair line or donate some of her forehead to Theresa Gudice.

The Easter party was nice and it was good to see someone "make it nice" without getting shitfaced at her own party.  But there's no way Reagan just finished up her exams by Easter.  Loyola doesn't have exams until May.  There was no real reason for that bit of fiction; the mere fact that she had a long weekend off school for the holiday would have sufficed as a reason to hold the party up on the Northshore. 

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Oh and the editors version of horror movie clips when Justin was talking about seeing wedding stuff everywhere made me laugh.

Agreed that was a very funny scene. I’m glad the editors chose to add a bit of humor (as well as the nod to horror shows) and it shows so much more creativity than just editing to focus on tongues wagging and spewing insults. 

I agree with the other posters that this show seems to be a step up from the original Southern Charm. I hope that this franchise gets renewed. 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Gian is still a weird character, in that she's the "enemy" of now 2 central cast memebers, yet we really don't know a whole hell of a lot about her. 

We know that Gian makes more money than anybody who was at that table. We know she invests in small businesses and mentors entrepreneurs. We know that she doesn't tolerate hate speech. If some clown called someone the f-word or n-word I don't care how sincere of an apology they issued, we'd never be in business together. Tamica is a public figure so she should understand that what Barry said could be problematic if she ever wants to move beyond local morning TV. 

I could give a shit about Gian's hairline as long as her integrity remains fully intact and so far it has.

Edited by Drumpf1737
  • Love 15

I am enjoying this cast a lot more than the other Southern Charms.  I like that it’s not a single ethnicity franchise.  I watch the others but Charleston always makes me feel a little dirty like there’s something hanging in the background when they talk about their established families and Gentry and such because I can’t help but think about the history.

I’m glad Jon wore a shirt and pants that weren’t too tight to the party.  I hated the ripped up leggings the other woman was wearing when they were looking at the venue.  I’ll be so happy when we can get back to non-skinny cut and natural fibers.

I think Gian just has a lot of face and weave or not, she would still have a lot of face.  That said, she has every right to pull out of dealings with Barry if she thinks Tamica is a loose cannon (which she is...you can’t just say whatever you want to people whenever you want).

Can’t wait to see Kelsey speak up next week.  I hope she and Justin work out.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Drumpf1737 said:

We know that Gian makes more money than anybody who was at that table. We know she invests in small businesses and mentors entrepreneurs. We know that she doesn't tolerate hate speech. If some clown called someone the f-word or n-word I don't care how sincere of an apology they issued, we'd never be in business together. Tamica is a public figure so she should understand that what Barry said could be problematic if she ever wants to move beyond local morning TV. 

I could give a shit about Gian's hairline as long as her integrity remains fully intact and so far it has.

I really respected Gian for taking the stand she did.  Tamica should understand if it were a white person using the n-word, would she expect that to be forgiven?  And Gian owned Tamica in that argument, in my opinion.  

13 hours ago, nexxie said:

Reagan put together a really nice party, and did the cooking herself - good on her!

Her voice annoys the fuck out of me, but I'm liking her more and more as the episodes go along.  She's pretty funny.

I do feel bad for Jeff though.  He loves his wife.  I think she's only in love with Jeff during his football years.  He's saying he misses and loves her.  She's like, "I missed the pets...I missed you...I missed the house...oh yeah, I love you too."  The "I love yous" didn't come off as very sincere.

  • Love 8

Jeff seems like such a sweet guy who really seems committed to developing substance in his marriage. He wants a true partnership and I wonder if the fractures in their marriage began rearing its head after he retired and they were spending more time with one another. I felt really bad for him when he confessed his realization that he's barely seen his wife and when he finally sees her, it's because she's come back to throw a big party for their family and friends, not to actually spend time with him....he absolutely has every right to feel slighted by that.

I have to say of this cast, the main female cast are hard to get behind but the men on this show are quite likeable to me. Jon is probably my least favourite in terms of personality but that's because he's got the 'I'm a sexy artistic genius' thing going on which is a bit too much pride but he's also young so I'm not annoyed by it the way I would be if he was trying to pull that off as a guy whose 30+ and suffering from Peter Pan syndrome.

Love Tamica's friend. She's not afraid to spit truths out, including her idea of a comfortable BBQ. When I host, my theme is really for the sake of decor and figuring out the menu. You can come as dressed up or dressed down as you like. I do think it's great that Reagan cooked herself!

Feel really bad for Tamica's daughter. She's such a beautiful little girl and it's such a shame that she has to deal with people who would tell her otherwise because of their own insecurities and prejudices that they've learned elsewhere. It makes me so sad that any child should ever be made to feel less than because of the colour of their skin, or having a learning disability or looking different from others. People need to do better with their parenting. Kids making a mess, being loud and breaking things because they're too curious for their own good - that's kids being kids. Kids that say discriminating and racist things isn't a kid thing, it's an asshole thing and people in their lives are failing them if these kids think it's every okay to be that kind of person.

Gian's hair was bugging me. Tamica really comes across as a horrible person to deal with. Gian's parting words with her seemed fitting. To tear a woman down because her marriage didn't work out while it's no secret that your marriage isn't perfect is beyond cruel and nasty. Tamica's brother seems like such a level headed person. As does her cousin. As does her friend. How is she surrounded by that many seemingly good people who fairly call her out on her shit and yet she still hasn't learned how to be nicer and more considerate?

Edited by RHJunkie
  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, nb360 said:

I think Gian should consider getting bangs. Even something that is just “wispy” could make a big difference. Tamica’s mother also has a large forehead, but she covers it w/ bangs. 

Funny. I was just thinking that same thing a few minutes ago. Aisha Tyler on the Talk had them and everyone said how brave she was cutting her hair into bangs. She laughed and stated that they were clip ons. Gian could do the same thing. I’d also like to say that I was fooled and also thought that Aisha had cut her hair. Good call @nb360

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, nb360 said:

I think Gian should consider getting bangs. Even something that is just “wispy” could make a big difference. Tamica’s mother also has a large forehead, but she covers it w/ bangs. 

She would look better with bangs.  Surprised that a woman who makes so much money wouldn't have a stylist. 

I don't think Tamica or Barry got what Gian was telling them.  It wasn't what Barry said, it was that he said it on camera for all the world to see and hear.  I think Gian was breaking the fourth wall, and the unwritten rule in reality TV that everybody's supposed to pretend that they're not on a TV show.

Tamica and Barry also have to realize that Gian was never Barry's friend.  She was just his business partner.  I mean Gian didn't make all the money she's made by being nice.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

She wasn’t his business partner. They had just started discussing going into business when the incident happened. He was her trainer and they got close but she had no business interest in the gym.

My point was, she wasn't his friend.  He was her trainer, she was his client.  They had discussed going into business, but Gian was NEVER Barry's friend.  And that's what he failed to realize. 

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

My point was, she wasn't his friend.  He was her trainer, she was his client.  They had discussed going into business, but Gian was NEVER Barry's friend.  And that's what he failed to realize. 

Didn’t Gian just this episode say they were friends? I could have sworn she said that. But apparently they did hang out when he wasn’t training her so it was not just a professional relationship.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Didn’t Gian just this episode say they were friends? I could have sworn she said that. But apparently they did hang out when he wasn’t training her so it was not just a professional relationship.

I think the fact she completely distanced herself from him proves to me, she wasn't really his friend.  I felt they were more acquaintances than close friends.  She didn't just say, "we can't do business because you used the f word," she basically cut him off.  Not a friend IMO.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I think the fact she completely distanced herself from him proves to me, she wasn't really his friend.  I felt they were more acquaintances than close friends.  She didn't just say, "we can't do business because you used the f word," she basically cut him off.  Not a friend IMO.

Yes, she doesn’t appear to be a true friend but Barry is just discovering that because of the incident but he thought she was his friend prior to the way she dumped him. 

9 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Yes, she doesn’t appear to be a true friend but Barry is just discovering that because of the incident but he thought she was his friend prior to the way she dumped him. 

Exactly.  He thought they were friends, but they weren't.  That's why he was shocked at her behavior.  He and Tamica both saw her as being "disloyal" and if she were a real friend, they would have been right. 

On 5/27/2018 at 9:42 PM, Neurochick said:

I feel for Tamica’s daughter.  But maybe if she saw more women with natural hair, she’d feel better.

Including her own mother. How can you show your daughter that being her natural self is beautiful when you're walking around with all that fake hair? Shut up and stop with the waterworks, Tamica.

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 6
26 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

How can you show your daughter that being her natural self is beautiful when you're walking around with all that fake hair?

Exactly!!! That’s so cruel and it really burns me up when mothers feed such hypocritical “do as I say, not as I do” bullshit to their daughters. It’s exactly the same as when mom’s won’t let their pre-teen/teenage daughters wear makeup, wear stylish hair/clothes or paint their nails even though those same mom’s do that themselves. And it’s not even like Tamica can’t afford to get her daughter’s hair done! 

  • Love 4
On 5/28/2018 at 7:28 PM, Neurochick said:

I think the fact she completely distanced herself from him proves to me, she wasn't really his friend.  I felt they were more acquaintances than close friends.  She didn't just say, "we can't do business because you used the f word," she basically cut him off.  Not a friend IMO.

If I had a friend making derogatory, offensive comments, including the "f" word or the "N" word I wouldn't be friends with them again.  If that word can roll out of his mouth so easily WHILE HE'S BEING FILMED FOR A TV SHOW, that says a lot about the character of the person.  You can apologize all you want, but a word that rolls off the tongue that easily from a friend speaks of that person's true homophobic feelings.  There are just some things that may be non-negotiable to a person.  You could be a close friend and decide this person isn't the person you thought they were and end the friendship.

I personally don't think that Barry really understands how offensive that word is.  He feels victimized that although he apologized, he has to face consequences -- and that involves his friend and potential business partner pulling out.  

I respect the hell out of Gian for doing that.  She took a stand and said, nope not going to associate myself with that.  Smart woman.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 9
On 5/28/2018 at 12:34 PM, RHJunkie said:

Jeff seems like such a sweet guy who really seems committed to developing substance in his marriage. He wants a true partnership and I wonder if the fractures in their marriage began rearing its head after he retired and they were spending more time with one another. I felt really bad for him when he confessed his realization that he's barely seen his wife and when he finally sees her, it's because she's come back to throw a big party for their family and friends, not to actually spend time with him....he absolutely has every right to feel slighted by that.

I have to say of this cast, the main female cast are hard to get behind but the men on this show are quite likeable to me. Jon is probably my least favourite in terms of personality but that's because he's got the 'I'm a sexy artistic genius' thing going on which is a bit too much pride but he's also young so I'm not annoyed by it the way I would be if he was trying to pull that off as a guy whose 30+ and suffering from Peter Pan syndrome.

Love Tamica's friend. She's not afraid to spit truths out, including her idea of a comfortable BBQ. When I host, my theme is really for the sake of decor and figuring out the menu. You can come as dressed up or dressed down as you like. I do think it's great that Reagan cooked herself!

Feel really bad for Tamica's daughter. She's such a beautiful little girl and it's such a shame that she has to deal with people who would tell her otherwise because of their own insecurities and prejudices that they've learned elsewhere. It makes me so sad that any child should ever be made to feel less than because of the colour of their skin, or having a learning disability or looking different from others. People need to do better with their parenting. Kids making a mess, being loud and breaking things because they're too curious for their own good - that's kids being kids. Kids that say discriminating and racist things isn't a kid thing, it's an asshole thing and people in their lives are failing them if these kids think it's every okay to be that kind of person.

Gian's hair was bugging me. Tamica really comes across as a horrible person to deal with. Gian's parting words with her seemed fitting. To tear a woman down because her marriage didn't work out while it's no secret that your marriage isn't perfect is beyond cruel and nasty. Tamica's brother seems like such a level headed person. As does her cousin. As does her friend. How is she surrounded by that many seemingly good people who fairly call her out on her shit and yet she still hasn't learned how to be nicer and more considerate?

I rewound this a couple times because it seemed so out of left field.    I think it was the other way around.   Tamica slick-mouthed Gian by saying last time I checked, I'm married, you're not.  Which, um, ok?  then Gian said at least I know/knew when my marriage was over.    I was like, what?   It sounded like Gian was trying to come back at Tamica with the implication that, because she'd sort of been Barry's confidante, that she knew something about the state of their marriage that Tamica didn't.   I was so confused there. 

If ^ is even slightly true, I totally get why Barry thought they were friends.   Gian has been operating on the periphery of their circle since high school right?  they know a whole heap of the same people, she and Tamica sit on a few of the same boards.   Barry was her trainer, sure, but they had a relationship that was beyond transactional.   Social, if not personal.   Now they know how business works so I'm shocked that they're shocked.   Barry looks at Tamica stepping to Gian as being protective of the people she loves.  Nah boo, your wife don't have any boundaries.  That was awkward af.   

It took me a minute to figure out that Rachel was the same lady at the lady chablis benny poppins lunch and then again on the African Queen river lollygag.  The one who's husband is showing signs of neurological deterioration, that's her right?   Ya'll that dress?  who shows up to garden party bbq in a body con titties out oscar gown?  That was worse than one of Jon's dates.  

Rainy is beautiful.  She's finna get teased by everybody, including other black girls.  What I don't understand is that given both sides of their entire family and all their friends, there's no opportunity to expose her to diversity or kids that look like her, ever.....in New damn Orleans??   Dance class, local girl scouts, nothing?   By the way, judging by pictures, Tamica had a gang of Oprah hair by the time she was 12, I don't think her hair is weave.   In any event, she needn't style it any differently to be an example.    We ain't never ever seen Beyonce's natural hair and Blue Ivy is the boss of the whole world lol. 

I really like Jeff.     I just can't help feeling like when he was playing, he was all about his career and he's clingy now that he's in that big ole house all day by himself with nothing to do but mop floors in his guccis lol.   Really, he couldn't be a more likeable guy and I'm sure she's not doing it out of some sense of turnabout, but it doesn't feel fair pointing at Reagan for doing exactly what he did.  All she did was wait her turn. 

  • Love 5
On 5/28/2018 at 11:34 AM, RHJunkie said:

Gian's hair was bugging me. Tamica really comes across as a horrible person to deal with. Gian's parting words with her seemed fitting. To tear a woman down because her marriage didn't work out while it's no secret that your marriage isn't perfect is beyond cruel and nasty. Tamica's brother seems like such a level headed person. As does her cousin. As does her friend. How is she surrounded by that many seemingly good people who fairly call her out on her shit and yet she still hasn't learned how to be nicer and more considerate?


Tamica is hopped on on pain killers.  You can see it in her eyes.  She also mentioned that she takes them on the jewelry party episode, I believe.  When people are popping pills, they tend to say things they would not normally say.  

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I personally don't think that Barry really understands how offensive that word is.  He feels victimized that although he apologized, he has to face consequences -- and that involves his friend and potential business partner pulling out.  

I think Barry and Tamica felt that Gian was a "ride or die" type of person.  Meaning, we're friends through thick and thin.  But everybody has a breaking point and maybe Barry's comment was Gian's.

10 hours ago, sasha206 said:

 Is reality TV that much more lucrative than her current career?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say, YES. Yes, she is getting more money from Bravo than she did as a "TV anchor."  Keep in mind she was a traffic reporter and did the entertainment news segment for a station. This is not Gwen Ifill (God bless her soul).

Also, and this, of course, is not verified and is only hearsay (fortunately, I make no claims to being a journalist): Their house in Old Metarie is rented, according to this comment on this website. Scroll all the way down: http://uptownmessenger.com/2018/05/kristine-froeba-on-bravos-southern-charm-new-orleans-authentic-as-canned-gumbo-from-texas/. There's nothing wrong with a rented house and I'm sure other reality TV people do this as well. But I'm sure we'l never hear Tamica stating this. Also, Barry apparently is not the "owner" of Fuel but the manager. Again, nothing wrong with this -- but somehow, someone gave viewers the impression that he owned the gym.

Edited by nb360
forgot to paste website
  • Love 6

I’m sad that next week is the last episode already. Aside from Tamica, this is the only reality show that i’d actually want to be friends with these people—even Reagan has grown on me. Loved in particular the scenes with Jeff acting out the bear from Justin as Justin, interspersed with whatever that was Justin always says; the horror music as Justin looked at the wedding flowers; Barry saying “I pick the blue, so i’ll See you in the yellow” and then Tamica comes down in the yellow; John Moody talking about painting on the roof for full affectation. So many little moments like that made me genuinely chuckle. It’s a nice change of pace from these Bravo shows that are about forced friendships between people who can’t stand to be around each other and just cut each other down for 2/3 of the episode. 

  • Love 9
On 5/30/2018 at 3:49 PM, ZaldamoWilder said:

I really like Jeff.     I just can't help feeling like when he was playing, he was all about his career and he's clingy now that he's in that big ole house all day by himself with nothing to do but mop floors in his guccis lol.   Really, he couldn't be a more likeable guy and I'm sure she's not doing it out of some sense of turnabout, but it doesn't feel fair pointing at Reagan for doing exactly what he did.  All she did was wait her turn. 

Awww...damn you @ZaldamoWilder! I have been happily hating on Reagan and pitying Jeff and you gotta go make me think about balance and compromise and mature marriage stuff. Between you and the fact that Reagan is cum laude (summa? magna?) and law review and that she threw that fab grown folks Easter party that she cooked for herself AND that she is always straight with her crazy ass friend Tamica...sigh I kinda like Reagan???

On 5/30/2018 at 8:00 PM, Neurochick said:

I think Barry and Tamica felt that Gian was a "ride or die" type of person.  Meaning, we're friends through thick and thin.  But everybody has a breaking point and maybe Barry's comment was Gian's.

Bump Barry and his self-pity party. Despite Jared's tearful story of struggle, this mf Barry is still making his disgusting, hateful outburst and his half-ass apology all about him. What 40 yo man doesn't know how offensive that word is? Gian's supposed to just be like "Oh ok. Since you didn't know." Y'all know good and damn well if Reagan or Jeff called somebody a ninja in a fit of rage, all "friendships" would be over.

  • Love 8
On 5/28/2018 at 11:09 AM, nexxie said:

Agree with all the comments about Jeff being a sweet guy and missing his wife - I was glad that she pulled him into the house by the tie when the party was over; hopefully it wasn’t just for the cameras.

You know damn well it was .... she’s a self centered spoiled child.... she needs to be the center of attention.... Jeff is better off without that annoying New Orleans Fran dresher version ... that fucking condensation voice 

  • Love 3

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