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S08.E22: The Hangover

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58 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:


Little 8 year old Jace has learned how to play Barb and Jenelle off against each other. This is not going to end well.

right?  I thought Barb had about four more years until she'd have to start worrying about that.

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16 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

I think she has a much higher risk than any other from both shows. Between drugs and DumbFuck#2, it could very likely happen. And they are piling on kids. 

 Yeah. I'm not into children and phones unless its a basic 5 number emergency thing. I gave my kid shit about a cell phone and active social media where her son  FOLLOWS me! I don't really want my tween Grand on my SM. I talk shit. My child knows this. SMH.

Back in the day you ran back home when your Mama called you from the porch. Ass in SEAT rule!

Barb is under a microscope, as are all these DumbFucks. Plus, if she has never beat the shit out of Jenelle, which Jenelle would CRY ALL DAY about, I don't believe it. I believe Barb would swat his butt & that's about it. 

Briana's dumb sister needs to stop looking directly into the camera & saying things she thinks are clever. 

All of these people are so uninteresting, I'm actually looking forward to Spencer Pratt's show.

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3 hours ago, blueorchid said:

Chelsea is still boring. Don't announce to people that you stopped birth control and are going to be busy raw dogging your husband soon. TMI. Tell everyone once you succeed in making the baby, IMO.

While she appears to have turned out the best from this bunch of losers, I still don't understand why birthing child after child is celebrated in these young girls. Ok at least she has a husband,  but take away MTV cash, would supporting their ever expanding family be so easy? Is there some sort of race going on?

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42 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

I’ve seen enough of Javi playing daddy to Briana’s daughters to last more than a lifetime. Javi was trying desperately to give the coven nothing to complain about but Brittany and Roxanne will always find something to be assholes about. They’re all just so repugnant, Briana definitely included.

I think Javi has psychological issues, more than just being a famewhore. He had that moony, stupid, wide-eyed “in love” look he had right away with Kailyn too. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with him? And I know we “know” Javi and he hasn’t shown to be a creepy perv in this regard but he shouldn’t be changing Stella’s diaper. I’d feel that way about any random new guy, Javi shouldn’t be different.

Leah is 12 (with a smelly butt). I’m gonna call yer daddy!

Jenelle is the devil. Actually, David is probably the actual devil and Jenelle is the whore of Babylon...

In the car with Britnee I could really recognize the growth in Chelsea. She expressed herself well and there were no stupid voices, whining or fakery. She sounded like an adult woman and mother. I’m usually kinda hard on her but I can’t deny she’s matured a lot from the twit she used to be. 

Kailyn’s baby is not facially blessed.

Lol lol lol??????

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42 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

I think she has a much higher risk than any other from both shows. Between drugs and DumbFuck#2, it could very likely happen. And they are piling on kids. 

 Yeah. I'm not into children and phones unless its a basic 5 number emergency thing. I gave my kid shit about a cell phone and active social media where her son  FOLLOWS me! I don't really want my tween Grand on my SM. I talk shit. My child knows this. SMH.

Back in the day you ran back home when your Mama called you from the porch. Ass in SEAT rule!

Omg. I used to work with this woman , we're not really friends but we are Facebook friends lol. Anyway all 3 of her daughters follow her on Facebook. The ages are 9-13 and I'm So embarrassed for her and them. She puts the most pathetic things on there. How she can't find a man and she's ugly, just really depressing shit. I had unfolllow her she was depressing the hell out of me lol. I can't imagine reading all that stuff and being her kid.  Sorry it has nothing to do with the show. I just unfolllowed her today and it was fresh on my mind.

Janelle gave me a good giggle "we co parent well with our ex's" lol, wtf?

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1 hour ago, lovesnark said:

First off, why does Jace have a phone? He's 8 years old. Secondly, I sure hope Barb took the phone away after he used it to lie to his egg donor because he was mad at his real mother. I also hope the cop that had to respond gave him a very stern talking to. I could understand Barb giving him a phone to use in case of emergency when he has to go the swamp, but that's it. Jenelle probably gave him the latest, greatest iPhone in her quest to try to buy his affection. If I was Barb, Jace's phone would suffer a tragic accident.

Either that or I'd say to Jace, next time you try something like this, I'll take you at your word and you can go live with your feral bio mom and UBT on THE LAND.  And I'd mean it, too.

(I understand why it would be REALLY hard for Barb to say something like that and mean it, don't get me wrong.  But Jace can't go on putting the both of them in that position.)

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Jenelle seems to have replaced dude with you know. When she was telling Lurch what stellar coparents they are, she said you know eleventy seven times. I think the last time Jenelle posted pics of Jace was on Mother's day. We know she  never misses an opportunity to pretend being a happy family on social media and it's making me wonder if something is happening behind the scenes. The tidbit we saw last night showing how being forced to spend time at the swamp is having such a negative impact on Jace and Jenelle's recent road rage incident with Jace in the car has me hoping Barb was able to at least temporarily stop visitation. I'm most likely wrong, but I can hope! Since the formal visitation schedule and rules relating to it was put in place:

The police and CPS have been to THE LAND multiple times.

The swamp things have continued to badmouth Barb in front of Jace (she admits it on camera)

Guns have become standard issue on THE LAND. Lurch is shown in pics with a handgun tucked into his waistband while holding Endtable. Jenelle poses with an assault rifle. Jenelle joins the NRA and tells the world she carries and will 'protect her family'

Lurch's crazy behavior escalates to the point of him losing his job

Jenelle allows Jace to ride in the passenger seat. While he's in the passenger seat, she  becomes enraged in traffic and chases a man to his home, runs over his mailbox, hits his car and pulls out a gun.

This is just the shit we know about. There is probably a whole lot more we aren't aware of. Doesn't is seem like a rational human being, like Jace's therapist, would agree that being forced to spend time with his egg donor has a very dangerous and highly negative impact on him?

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2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Kail, with her coy giggling and "I don't know how to answer!" was such a WTF moment. Seriously Kail?

All I kept thinking was, either she really wanted Dom to let her know what their arrangement was because Kanal wanted to hear from HER that they were dating and not just fuck buddies or Kanal was just amping up her usual stupidity which came off worse than a 12 year old girl who has been kissing the neighborhood boy and trying to figure out if the boy really likes her.

Dom's name kept reminding me of Dom from RW Los Angeles/Venice/California - which one did you call it?

@lovesnark I don't remember exactly what was said, but I do remember the reason given for why Jace has a phone in a previous season. My recollection was that Barb gave him the phone because when she would call Jenelle's phone so she could talk to Jace, Jenelle wouldn't answer. Don't hold me to it, but that is what is in my memory bank.

Gracie and Ali - siblings. Poor Gracie was accused of something by Leah right off the bat. Leah didn't see what happened. Ali fell back after trying to hold onto the book that Gracie was trying to take from her. What scared me was seeing what appeared to see Ali hitting her head on the floor. Gracie did immediately ask Ali if she was alright right after she fell and she was reaching for her to help pick her up, but Ali kicked her and caused her to fall back. Leah better get her shit together and stop relying on the other parent to handle the shit she should be dealing with in her home. It wasn't even something she needed to call Cory about if she had just taken the time to figure out what exactly happened.

Edited by Kazu
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14 hours ago, druzy said:

Briana is allowing Javi to change her daughter's diaper/clothes? He is still a stranger and this is their first date. 


I think it's pretty clear that Briana isn't into Javi but is going with the attention and the possibility that a "good guy" will fit the father figure role she has available.

Is Becky also a girlfriend/ ex-gf of Kail?

Chelsea is boring af. Discussing her ovulation in front of Aubree was hella inappropriate urgh. If Cole squeaks "WELL, YEAH" in response to her one.more.time. 

Jenelle should be punished for wasting the time of the emergency services, there could've been an actual emergency. Hard to listen to her on the phone telling David about how the therapist wants David to give Jace regular reassurances "you know you're safe here? You know I'm not gonna hurt you right?" ... Does Jenelle not read through the lines there and wonder what Jace has been telling his therapist about David that would warrant those reassurances? Clearly that is code for - your child is terrified of your husband !!! smh I wish she'd get it together but she's deluded af and Barbara is right, it's always the guy Jenelle is seeing that is the problem. 

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5 minutes ago, Kazu said:

All I kept thinking was, either she really wanted Dom to let her know what their arrangement was because Kanal wanted to hear from HER that they were dating and not just fuck buddies or Kanal was just amping up her usual stupidity which came off worse than a 12 year old girl who has been kissing the neighborhood boy and trying to figure out if the boy really likes her.

Dom's name kept reminding me of Dom from RW Los Angeles/Venice/California - which one did you call it?

@lovesnark I don't remember exactly what was said, but I do remember the reason given for why Jace has a phone in a previous season. My recollection was that Barb gave him the phone because when she would call Jenelle's phone so she could talk to Jace, Jenelle wouldn't answer. Don't hold me to it, but that is what is in my memory bank.

Thanks! That definitely makes sense. I hope Jace learns that Barb giveth, Barb can taketh away. Realistically, he only needs to have the phone when he's at the swamp or on a sleepover with a buddy. 8 year old kids do not need to be plugged in 24/7.

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Best part: Watson smiling and his lil wave to the camera. Chelsea makes smart and beautiful children. 

Worst: I think it was the last scene with Barb that made me tear up. I kinda wanna move down and be a good neighbor.  Janelle just doesn't care what her mother has sacrificed for HER son.  She's not perfect but she truly loves Jace to bits. Even if it means pitching! 

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14 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

How do I say this without it sounding problematic? I am sorry, I find Discount Ruby Rose playing daddy to Lux and interacting with Kail's older children just as wrong as Javi playing daddy to Stella and Nova. Keep your romantic partners away from your kids until things get serious!

"Discount Ruby Rose"!!!! LOVE!!! 

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14 hours ago, Linny said:

I felt really bad for Gracie during her disagreement with Ali. I don't think she meant to knock Ali over or hurt her, but Leah gave her no benefit of the doubt by immediately calling Corey and using him to threaten Gracie with punishment. It sounds like this is a pattern of behavior (note Corey's "I know how you are" comment) but I don't necessarily think it's fair to Gracie. Siblings argue, it's totally natural, but Leah and Corey seem to come down unduly hard on Gracie without acknowledging that Ali is also culpable in their fights.

Speaking as the mother of (now grown) siblings where one has a serious disability, I can tell you that Leah is in a tough place.  Of course she has to protect Ali from harm, but because she has to be alert *all the time* to what is going on with Ali, Gracie is growing up without the opportunity of doing the small misbehaviors that are normal in childhood.  She's going to grow up fixated on being good.  Because the girls are twins, they are always going to be with pretty much the same group of kids, so Gracie is always going to be the one whose mother is the one the others run to to "tell" when Gracie does anything wrong.  This is not fair, and it is psychologically damaging.  Gracie will also need good therapy--which I hope she is getting--to help her deal with the fact that Ali is always going to get more attention and time from Leah, through no fault of her own.  This puts Gracie in a real bind--she understands that Ali's disability means Ali's needs are greater than hers, but she is human, and she feels cheated.  This leads to anger, which she really can't express (because she understands that it's not Ali's fault), which can lead to serious depression.  Classic double blind--Gracie is in an untenable position, and she's going to need lots of help to deal with it.

I agree, btw, that threatening to call Gracie's dad--and then actually calling him--is not good parenting.

ETA:  I fully agree with Leah's decision not to force Ali to use her wheelchair *until she needs it*.  Among other reasons, it's important for Ali to feel control over her own disability as far as is possible, and allowing her to decide when she needs to use her equipment is important.  After all, what was going to happen?  If she got tired, she would get in the wheelchair..  If she didn't, she got to be like the rest of the kids who were trick-or-treating, which is also immensely important.  I think Leah's decision was responsible and caring.

Edited by Mothra
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31 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

How do I say this without it sounding problematic? I am sorry, I find Discount Ruby Rose playing daddy to Lux and interacting with Kail's older children just as wrong as Javi playing daddy to Stella and Nova. Keep your romantic partners away from your kids until things get serious!

Bravo!! Your kids shouldn't be exposed to your revolving door of randos. Our son has gone out with some young women with kids. One of them was a real winner. On their first date, she showed up with her baby and expected my husband and I to babysit! I said no and told her she really shouldn't leave her baby with strangers and she also shouldn't bring  guys around her kid until  she knew them. There wasn't a second date ?

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I felt bad for Gracie not only because she got in trouble for something she didn't do, she was humiliated in front of a house full of producers and camera crews.

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If Jeremy's last name is Cow Fart, doesn't that mean Addie's last name is Cow Fart too?  It also makes Leah the former Mrs. Cow Fart.  I know I'm being too literal,but that was the weirdest flirting I've ever seen.   Leah needs to work on that.  She also needs to work on her parenting skills.  Calling Corey just proves to the girlses that  she can't handle them and that they can walk all over her.  Watching Ali walk is heart wrenching.  Thank God Jeremy was playing a game with Addie.  It wasn't Yachtzee but it does give me hope that Addie won't turn out like Jenelle. 

I don't believe a word that comes out of Jenelle's mouth.  Not about what Jace said on the phone call and not about anything the counselor said.  

Poor Nova so desperate for male attention.  Stella probably will be too.  That is not going to end well. 

Watson waving was everything.  

Edited by Abmis
Stella and Nova are not the same person.
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1 hour ago, FairyDusted said:

Best part: Watson smiling and his lil wave to the camera. Chelsea makes smart and beautiful children. 

Worst: I think it was the last scene with Barb that made me tear up. I kinda wanna move down and be a good neighbor.  Janelle just doesn't care what her mother has sacrificed for HER son.  She's not perfect but she truly loves Jace to bits. Even if it means pitching! 

Barb telling Kristen about Jenelle calling the cops was so sad. And, made my disgust with Kristen even stronger.  Bitch couldn't even pretend to show concern for Jace or Barb and only sees the trauma that kid is exposed to as job security. She probably called her bestie, Jenelley, the minute they were done at Barb's.

Wouldn't it be cool if all of us PTVers all lived  near Barb and Doris and we could all pitch in and help and offer support with raising these boys? 

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20 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Barb telling Kristen about Jenelle calling the cops was so sad. And, made my disgust with Kristen even stronger.  Bitch couldn't even pretend to show concern for Jace or Barb and only sees the trauma that kid is exposed to as job security. She probably called her bestie, Jenelley, the minute they were done at Barb's.

Wouldn't it be cool if all of us PTVers all lived  near Barb and Doris and we could all pitch in and help and offer support with raising these boys? 

Fully agree.

I was taken back to the time when Barb informed Jenelle about Jace's outbursts in school and the time he hit Barb in her face. Jenelle didn't even raise a stink or have any cares about his tendencies to have moments where his anger was out of control. That was when Barb talked about Jace and his need for medications. Jenelle didn't have a problem back then about his need for meds. It wasn't until DF#2 was in the picture and suddenly, there was Jenelle on the war path (again) with trying to make Barb look like she was not capable of raising Jace and how she should have custody. That was when she made a big ol' stink about Jace seeing a psychiatrist and what meds was he taking. That was the scene with the  people watching her and Barb in the parking lot.  Then, there was the alcohol issue where the Dumb Fucks tried to capture Barb drunk on camera and claim she was driving the kids while under the influence. This time around, it is trying to lay claim that Barb is an abuser. All roads lead back to Dumb Fuck#1 trying to smear Barb's reputation while manipulating Jace into informing her when his grandmother is "abusing" him in the hopes that she can "win" and get Jace back in her custody. 

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3 hours ago, hottesthw said:

While she appears to have turned out the best from this bunch of losers, I still don't understand why birthing child after child is celebrated in these young girls. Ok at least she has a husband,  but take away MTV cash, would supporting their ever expanding family be so easy? Is there some sort of race going on?

I have no doubt that Chelsea has a big-ass investment or whatever account because Randylicous had a financial adviser taking care of her business. He probably supported her and Aubree in the first couple of years of this show before they started making the big bucks.  Also, unlike the other girls, Chelsea has never been into a lot of extravagances. She lives well but isn't rocking a lot of designer crap and going on an extravagant vacation every month. When all of her children are in school she will likely go back to being in the beauty biz.

Now with these other bitches on both shows, that's a whole different story

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2 hours ago, Mothra said:


ETA:  I fully agree with Leah's decision not to force Ali to use her wheelchair *until she needs it*.  Among other reasons, it's important for Ali to feel control over her own disability as far as is possible, and allowing her to decide when she needs to use her equipment is important.  After all, what was going to happen?  If she got tired, she would get in the wheelchair..  If she didn't, she got to be like the rest of the kids who were trick-or-treating, which is also immensely important.  I think Leah's decision was responsible and caring.


I disagree because Dr Tsao wants Ali in the wheelchair 24/7. Actually, where the heck is the motorized wheelchair?? 

Edited by missy jo
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4 hours ago, hottesthw said:

While she appears to have turned out the best from this bunch of losers, I still don't understand why birthing child after child is celebrated in these young girls. Ok at least she has a husband,  but take away MTV cash, would supporting their ever expanding family be so easy? Is there some sort of race going on?

She waited 8+ years between her first two. 

Some people want their kids to close in age. Mine are all 19 months apart, roughly. It's hard at times, but I love that they're all at basically the same stages in life so we can do a lot together. 

4 hours ago, Kazu said:

Leah better get her shit together and stop relying on the other parent to handle the shit she should be dealing with in her home. It wasn't even something she needed to call Cory about if she had just taken the time to figure out what exactly happened.

No kidding. Leah chose to ruin/leave her marriage with Cory. She doesn't get to just call him up any time she can't handle the girls. Yes, he's still their father, but you don't live together! The girlses need to know that Leah means business too. And I'm sure Corey has better shit to do than answer her phone calls every other day. 


1 hour ago, kicksave said:

Rumors swirl around the status of Leah and Corey's relationship...hook ups and more.

Do you mean Germy?

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6 hours ago, Rebecca said:


Kailyn’s baby is not facially blessed.


Understatement of the year.


5 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

How do I say this without it sounding problematic? I am sorry, I find Discount Ruby Rose playing daddy to Lux and interacting with Kail's older children just as wrong as Javi playing daddy to Stella and Nova. Keep your romantic partners away from your kids until things get serious!

You have made my DAY!!!!  HAHAHAHAHA



4 hours ago, Mothra said:


ETA:  I fully agree with Leah's decision not to force Ali to use her wheelchair *until she needs it*.  Among other reasons, it's important for Ali to feel control over her own disability as far as is possible, and allowing her to decide when she needs to use her equipment is important.  After all, what was going to happen?  If she got tired, she would get in the wheelchair..  If she didn't, she got to be like the rest of the kids who were trick-or-treating, which is also immensely important.  I think Leah's decision was responsible and caring.

I do not!  Her disability is such that the more she uses her muscles, the more they will deteriorate.  The consequences are not just being tired, but death.  Her heart is a muscle - her heart will deteriorate, and she can die.  She should not be pushing herself at ALL.



3 hours ago, kicksave said:

Updates: Kail and her lesbian lover broke up...Kail is now talking about having a fourth child via sperm donor. Javi and Brianna broke up and things got nasty on Twitter between them. Jenelle is close to being fired herself from the show and she's still bashing Barb. Chelsea is pregnant with baby girl. Rumors swirl around the status of Leah and Corey's relationship...hook ups and more.


What's that now???

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5 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Understatement of the year.

I know... but he’s just a baby and already totally fucked in a lot of ways so I was trying to be diplomatic ? Isaac was hella fug as a baby so maybe he’ll improve with age, like Isaac has.

Just now, Kazu said:

They mistakenly posted Cory instead of Germy.

I freaking hope so...I will die ? if Cory is cheating on Miranda with Mother Pillses again.

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4 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

I know... but he’s just a baby and already totally fucked in a lot of ways so I was trying to be diplomatic ? Isaac was hella fug as a baby so maybe he’ll improve with age, like Isaac has.

I freaking hope so...I will die ? if Cory is cheating on Miranda with Mother Pillses again.

Mother Pillses ??????

@druzyadd this to the Leah thread title list. Are we making one for her??

1 minute ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

No one mentioned Soapy's birth certificate! So, I take Chris refused to sign Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity papers at the hospital? Not shocking that he wants to play daddy off the books. 

Or he thought he was not the father since Kanal is a dick-hopper. lol

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4 hours ago, politichick said:

I have no doubt that Chelsea has a big-ass investment or whatever account because Randylicous had a financial adviser taking care of her business. He probably supported her and Aubree in the first couple of years of this show before they started making the big bucks.  Also, unlike the other girls, Chelsea has never been into a lot of extravagances. She lives well but isn't rocking a lot of designer crap and going on an extravagant vacation every month. When all of her children are in school she will likely go back to being in the beauty biz.

Now with these other bitches on both shows, that's a whole different story

I wouldn't be willing to bet on any of that unfortunately. She's happily married and supposedly living the perfect life with all those kids. She really has very little if any part of this show anymore except announcing her next pregnancy. She's doing it for a reason ($$).  If they were so comfortable why continue to expose your family to the bullshit that is Teen mom? I would have taken my investments and run after the last pregnancy. Instead Daddy Randy is making YouTube videos now. 

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1 minute ago, hottesthw said:

I wouldn't be willing to bet on any of that unfortunately. She's happily married and supposedly living the perfect life with all those kids. She really has very little if any part of this show anymore except announcing her next pregnancy. She's doing it for a reason ($$).  If they were so comfortable why continue to expose your family to the bullshit that is Teen mom? I would have taken my investments and run after the last pregnancy. Instead Daddy Randy is making YouTube videos now. 

I think Chelsea and Cole are being financially smart in continuing to film even though they'd be fine without it. It's an easy gig with a huge return and they're building up a nice nest egg to use for college for the kids. Chelsea has been at this for 8 years and hasn't blown through money like the others. She bought a house and last year bought a new car. Other than that, she lives a pretty average life in a low cost of living area. 

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21 hours ago, druzy said:

Briana is allowing Javi to change her daughter's diaper/clothes? He is still a stranger and this is their first date. 

Well she allows men access her to diaper ass after one date so she doesn’t know any different.

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28 minutes ago, Mambo Gladys said:

Well she allows men access her to diaper ass after one date so she doesn’t know any different.

Haha!!! Spot on. PS-  I love your username! Mambo Gladys was awesome?

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“Tee hee, I’m soooo guarded with men! I am a shy, modest, easily frightened woodland creature! Please give me time to trust you and come out of my shell. Speaking of things coming out, if I have a nip slip just let me know.” 

Keep it Klassy. 

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Noticed that Janelle said Janelle Evans instead of Eason in her bogus 911 call. Do we know if she legally changed her name after the wedding of the century on The Land? Also, Jace seems awfully young to be pulling that kind of shit already. Poor Babs. Poor Jace. Fuck off Janelle.

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7 hours ago, hottesthw said:

I wouldn't be willing to bet on any of that unfortunately. She's happily married and supposedly living the perfect life with all those kids.

No one has a perfect life. If her life was so perfect, she wouldn't be dealing with a deadbeat who owes her more than $10k in child support and who files court motions to fight her every step of the way. Not that Cole or Chelsea mind, but Adumb not paying support means they are financially responsible for his portion. He is also a meth addict. Surely not the kind of thing a perfect family has to deal with.



She really has very little if any part of this show anymore except announcing her next pregnancy.

Thank god for small favors. It gives me a break from the rest of the heifers of both TM shows who freely share their drama, sex lives, and criminal behavior for MTV. I also can watch her children live in a happy home unlike most of the kids on the show. 


She's doing it for a reason ($$).

Yeah, it's called holding up her end of the contract. They all are getting paid, not just Chelsea.


If they were so comfortable why continue to expose your family to the bullshit that is Teen mom?

Other than the reunion debacle, what bullshit is she exposing her family to? Her screen time is not filmed with any of the rest of the cast members. You inferred her family life is perfect and nothing much is happening. I am confused as to what it is her family is being exposed to? Surely it can't be anything worse than dealing with a dead-beat meth addict who drags her ass to court only to not show up.


I would have taken my investments and run after the last pregnancy.

I guess everyone has a price.

I would never be on a reality show.


Instead Daddy Randy is making YouTube videos now. 

And this is Chelsea's fault?

Don't watch them. :-) I don't.


7 hours ago, Mambo Gladys said:

Well she allows men putos access her to diaper ass after one date so she doesn’t know any different.

I fixed it for you.

Edited by Kazu
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6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

She waited 8+ years between her first two. 

Some people want their kids to close in age. Mine are all 19 months apart, roughly. It's hard at times, but I love that they're all at basically the same stages in life so we can do a lot together. 

No kidding. Leah chose to ruin/leave her marriage with Cory. She doesn't get to just call him up any time she can't handle the girls. Yes, he's still their father, but you don't live together! The girlses need to know that Leah means business too. And I'm sure Corey has better shit to do than answer her phone calls every other day. 


Do you mean Germy?

OOPS! My bad! I get her ex's mixed up! Yes Germy...

5 hours ago, heatherchandler said:


Understatement of the year.


You have made my DAY!!!!  HAHAHAHAHA



I do not!  Her disability is such that the more she uses her muscles, the more they will deteriorate.  The consequences are not just being tired, but death.  Her heart is a muscle - her heart will deteriorate, and she can die.  She should not be pushing herself at ALL.



What's that now???

Sorry..I meant Leah and Jeremy...

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Holy shit. Who else thought watching DF#2 talk on the phone while she was parked and continually saying “you know” as painful as I did??? 

I must have counted over 15 times...

Thank God I got some comedy relief when she mentioned that she and mouthbreather knew how to co-parent... ? “DAVID WOULD BE ESCTASTIC TO GO TO THERAPY with Jace! “ was another laughable statement. Janelle =Gone Girl Crazy

I think Chelsea talking about her family planning was a bit too much. Not everything has to be on cameras. Idk why but I felt awkward as she was eyefuckin Cole with the cameras behind her.

Kanal really pissed me off when she said she refused to talk about Javi on camera anymore. ??‍♀️  Also, how many girlfriends does she keep on a shelf? Like Lux is 2 months and she has a new girlfriend comfortably lying on her couch while Jo the ? plays with her “not facially blessed” baby? 

Edited by Emjayisfoolish
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5 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

No one mentioned Soapy's birth certificate! So, I take Chris refused to sign Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity papers at the hospital? Not shocking that he wants to play daddy off the books. 

Here's my theory on that. I think Chris wanted a paternity test before he'd sign anything. I also think his hesitation at acknowledging paternity had something to do with Hulk dragging out naming Lil Soapy for weeks. If Chris had signed off on being his dad straight away and gone home with Hulk to play happy family, that kid would have been named before they left the hospital. And, probably an average, every day name instead of the unfortunate moniker he's stuck with.  After Chris bounced back to his girlfriend and made it clear he wasn't interested, she petitioned to change Soapy's last name to hers to create drama with  Chris and that didn't work, either. He knows Lil Soapy is his no matter what his last name is.

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I know so many of us, including myself, have been onto Ali constantly setting up Gracie to get in trouble. I’m so glad the camera finally caught it. My heart broke for Gracie. Ali steals her book like a little brat, Gracis goes to grab it and get it back and Ali falls. Then Ali KICKS her. Gracie even says she’s Sorry she fell and Gracie is the one in trouble???

poor Gracie. Maybe she needs to be separated from her twin for a while. It’s always all about Ali, never Gracie. It’s reLly sad and that’s why she acts out! Get it together Leah! Stop letting Ali play you and everyone else like a fiddle. Just because she’s disabled doesn’t mean she’s an angel who can do no wrong she deserves punishment! 

Ali played into it too like Gracie pushed her even though addie was even saying “she fell!”

poor gracue, she can come live at my house!

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6 hours ago, heatherchandler said:




I do not!  Her disability is such that the more she uses her muscles, the more they will deteriorate.  The consequences are not just being tired, but death.  Her heart is a muscle - her heart will deteriorate, and she can die.  She should not be pushing herself at ALL.



THIS! Exactly. 

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