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S36.E14: LIVE DISCUSSION: It is Game Time Kids

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Oh wow, Dom is talking about giving up his immunity necklace. So that's why Jeff is apologizing to Erik and James. Wow, talk about over thinking this game. It's funny that Dom thinks this will make him seem like such an amazing player when even if he does take Wendell out, it would still be one of the dumbest and most fucking pointless moves ever. In my opinion, if your game was so good to begin with, then let Wendell make fire and let the chips fall where they may. If he wins then make your case against him for why you were better. Dom doesn't realize that this move, rather than show him to be an amazing player, would instead show how terrified of Wendell he was. So terrified that it led to a bonehead decision. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Survivor: Ghost Island 2.0.  Dom's cursed immunity necklace that guaranteed him final 3, yet he gave up to be a big man and beat Wendell in fire.  It's on Ghost Island, you know how that turned out.

Somewhere backstage Erik is screaming "do it!  I won't be the dummy anymore!"

Edited by LadyChatts
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She looks like a young Vanessa Redgrave, like in Camelot.

41 minutes ago, LanceM said:

Is this the most attractive jury ever?  Chelsea is absolutely stunning.

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So what difference does it make what urn is used?

Well, Dom, which one do you most look like?

Dom, are you going to be that stupid? It would be fun to watch but a dumb move.

Funny he picks Cagayan because at the beginning of this season people were comparing him to Tony.

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1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

Survivor: Ghost Island 2.0.  Dom's cursed immunity necklace that guaranteed him final 3, yet he gave up to be a big man and beat Wendell in fire.  It's on Ghost Island, you know how that turned out.

I'm too old to get my hopes up  :)

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1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

Seabass/Jenna (definitely a real couple), Kellyn/Bradley and Libby/Michael (not sure if they are legit or not).

Kellyn and Bradley...figures.

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I’m sure Dom just threw that idea out for laughs, right? He can’t be that crazy can he? That said, I always like the Australian Outback Urn. Although, his reasoning for picking Cagayan makes sense. He’s even been compared to Tony from the beginning. 

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Aww, Donathan looks so adorable.

Jenna always looks pissed off.  For a non entity it'll be funny if she's a bitter juror.

You know, I just realized, I didn't realize there were different urns for each season.  Just torch snuffers.

Not sure if Laurel is going to win any jury points here, saying that she can't make fire and that's why Dom should take her to the final 3.  Angela's argument was better.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I f--king hate the illustrations of huge Survivor mistakes.  Colby taking Tina and Culpepper taking Sarah.  In their seasons Tina and Sarah played the best games.  Even though they did not give Jeffy a man crush.

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Okay we really have to waste time on where they are sitting?  

I kind of hope Wendell wins, only to make the FTC interesting, and he does deserve it more than Angela.

Edited by LadyChatts
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It’s absolutely mind-boggling that watching people make fire can be so nerve-wracking.

I’m cheering for Wendell like it’s the bottom of the ninth inning, the Yankees are down by three and Aaron Judge is at the plate with the bases loaded.

Edited by mojoween
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1 minute ago, Straycat80 said:

Kellyn  didn’t even say anything but I yelled shut up at my TV anyway. 

Having to sit there silently is probably driving her bonkers.  I'm sure she will be a very vocal juror.  

Angela's out.

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Just now, mojoween said:

It’s absolutely mind-boggling that watching people make fire can be so nerve-wracking.

Unlike previous seasons, not as bad for me.  I like Wendell more than Angela and want him in the final 3, but if Angela won it wouldn't be the end of the world.  Some seasons I'm screaming at my TV for someone not to win.

And Michael just said that final 3 deserves it.

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6 minutes ago, susannot said:

I f--king hate the illustrations of huge Survivor mistakes.  Colby taking Tina and Culpepper taking Sarah.  In their seasons Tina and Sarah played the best games.  Even though they did not give Jeffy a man crush.

Tina did play a good game.  Which is why Colby should have sent her right to the jury.  He would have beaten Keith by ten in a seven member jury.

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1 minute ago, Lamb18 said:

Now I wonder if Jeff will say the stupidest move ever was Angela not caring where she sat and letting Wendell take the purple seat.

Well it was dumb. As was telling Dom about SeaBass's plan to take him out.

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