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S03.E22: In Memory

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I'm a little disappointed because I loved Roman as an antagonist. Blake so far hasn't been interesting enough to be boring. I don't love the idea of her as the antagonist next season because she's never shown that she was more than a sweet pampered princess who had half a dozen brain cells. And Hank Crawford was played by David Morse, which is always going to make him more compelling than the writing did. Textually he was very "muh ha ha" as I twirl my mustache. Morse made him interesting.

Jane resetting to Remi might be interesting.

I'm hoping Tasha is deep undercover because being evil kind of came from nowhere.

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Oh, I don't know about this.

I figured Jane and Roman were both suffering from some kind of brain/ZIP issues but I never expected her to lose her memories and revert back to Remi. But I guess it makes sense. I don't know why Roman would split up his research on the disease (other than for storytelling purposes). Like, who gives a shit, put it all in one place.

The more I think about it, the more I warm up to seeing Remi in action, not just in flashbacks. It changes the dynamics with every character. And her daughter! I wonder who will be the first to realize what's happened. But I don't know what she's gonna do when she realizes Roman's dead, Shepherd's in custody, and all the plans have been foiled. Unless she had some other plan going on that didn't happen.

I figured Roman was gonna die but I kept hoping that somehow he wouldn't. I'm glad he and Jane were able to make up in the end but I loved them together, so I'll miss that. Absolutely wild that Crawford built the orphanage and was raising him and Jane and the other kids for his army. Wow. I wonder who Roman was leaving a message for... Jane, because he didn't think he'd see her? Or maybe Avery?

I guess we're stuck with Blake, y'all. And Zapata?! What?! She has to be super, ultra, 4 real undercover... or maybe she went rogue as a fuck you to the CIA? What even.

There were some really great shots in Cape Town... the colors were so beautiful!

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If Roman just wanted revenge on Crawford, couldn't he have killed him a dozen times?

I also want to thank NBC for putting a big promo over the scene as Roman dies. Really helped the mood.

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13 minutes ago, omgsowicked said:

I guess we're stuck with Blake, y'all. And Zapata?! What?! She has to be super, ultra, 4 real undercover... or maybe she went rogue as a fuck you to the CIA? What even.

I assume Remi/Blake are the new Roman/Hank like antagonists for next season, Zapata is probably undercover like she has been all season long.

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Awww...... I was sad to see Roman die - even though I was expecting it. At least he reconciled with Jane at the end. Crawford building the orphanage was quite a twist. Also, what is Zapata up to? She compromised the entire team, and gave Blake the information during the Dubrovnik-island operation. I hope Zapata has truly turned EVIL. Why would she expose ROMAN, who was at that time, working with the FBI?? Her being undercover is getting to be an old story, and not all that interesting.

1 hour ago, HerkyJerky said:

Patterson said one of the side effects of too much ZIP is hallucinations.  Could the ending be all in Jane's mind?

This possibility also occurred to me. There was something a little weird about when Jane woke up at the end - and also Kurt's sudden relapse. After getting ZIPped, Roman had flashes of memory come back to him, but never lost memory. Why would Jane lose the last so many years?

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Kudos to the actor who plays Roman. He made me feel so sad and so sorry for him. I cried as he died. I felt for him, for the fact he never really won over Remi, that he never was loved, that he never had a family. I never thought I'd care for evil Roman... But wow, the actor really brought it home and changed my mind.


Remi, Zappata... WTH show?

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What three words? Answer: WTF!

Roman spent the entire time/energy kidnapping his sister to plant new tattoos, chasing the team, stealing Tom's identity, dealing with Avery, infiltrating Crawford's group, planting the map to the cure across the world and falling for Blake instead of just focusing on curing him and his sister.  

If Zapata is undercover, who is left in Crawford's organization to take down? Blake? The lawyer?

If Zapata and Remi are truly evil, the rest of the team don't have a chance. They are not smart enough to stop them.

On the car phone from Cape Town, Roman told Blake he'll be in New York in a "minute". So true on this TV show!

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Blake, as Hank's sole heir, stands to make some serious coin now that she owns the land where the pipeline is supposed to go, if it ever does go through.

I liked Rich's response to Reade's 'thank you for finding the book'.  "Let me top off that drink for you, first."

If Jane was unconscious in the hospital, to everyone's knowledge, why would Weller's doctor come down the hall to give her the bad news? 

2 hours ago, mxc90 said:

If Zapata and Remi are truly evil, the rest of the team don't have a chance. They are not smart enough to stop them.

Quick!  Set up a perimeter!

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14 hours ago, edhopper said:

I also want to thank NBC for putting a big promo over the scene as Roman dies. Really helped the mood.

This. At least they didn't have some dancing bears or something moving across the screen.

I'm not sure I want Jane/Remi anywhere near me if I get shot. She sits down and has a convo with Roman instead of freaking PUTTING HIM IN HER CAR and driving him to an ER. WTH.

Nice fake with David Morse and the gun. Roman gives him the gun but keeps the bullets so he can't kill himself. Good move. But Jane needed to empty her entire clip into him at close range? Put a lid on it girl, and calm down.

The hospital scene was all kinds of weird. Everyone knew she was married to Weller but she's listed as "Jane Doe" on her chart? And she wakes up (alone, while Weller has a room full of visitors) and walks out into the hall. Where, you know, every place, including hospitals, has a PAY PHONE. When's the last time you saw one of those? And luckily for Jane, she had a dime in her hospital gown (one of those backless ones!) to make a call. Right.

Plus, when Jane is on the phone, she is wearing bright red lipstick. When she is taken to Weller's room, no lipstick. The heck? And the nurse knows she's Weller's wife? Not "Jane Doe"? Yeah, all kinds of weird.

Now Weller's in a coma with a respirator? Why didn't Jane have a respirator while SHE was in a coma? Comas and respirators are all the rage these days.

Is fainting a sign of being pregnant? Anyone?

Meanwhile, poor Reade, he's been dumped twice this month. First the broken up wedding, then his new squeeze uses and loses him. Guy's gotta be gun shy now for sure.

With Roman gone (flashbacks aren't good enough for me) and Jane being all evil, I'm not sure about next season. I guess if nothing good is on the other channels ...

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I don’t know how I feel about Jane and Zapata being the big bads next season. It will be interesting, but sucky as well. I tune in for the chemistry between the FBI team, and Roman’s hotness, and now both are gone. I figured that Blake was a CIA informant, not a big bad who would kill Roman. Poor guy never got a chance to be happy.

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3 hours ago, HerkyJerky said:

Anybody have any guesses as to who Roman was talking to on the phone at the end?  The person he left all his money to?

Not in any particular order.


1. Avery

2. Voice mail to Remi. She'll listen to it when she find the phone.

3. A new character.

4. Avery's biological father

5. Me!

Edited by mxc90
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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

Meanwhile, poor Reade, he's been dumped twice this month. First the broken up wedding, then his new squeeze uses and loses him. Guy's gotta be gun shy now for sure.

Rich is available...

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My dumb-as-rocks NBC station ran a "Royal Wedding" special at 8 last night instead of Blindspot. I thought it was a network thing, surely they wouldn't be stupid enough to preempt a season finale, would they ? Needless to say, I was pissed when I found out they did it, because this particular station does a lot of dumb shit. I can watch it On Demand, but I was home last night with nothing on at 8, so it just ticks me off a bit. I'd complain to the network, but it probably wouldn't matter to them.


I have to leave right now, or I'll read the comments and spoil it for myself !

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7 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Not in any particular order.


1. Avery

2. Voice mail to Remi. She'll listen to it when she find the phone.

3. A new character.

4. Avery's biological father

5. Me!

6-. Zapata

he said something about how the person had to finish what they started and I immediately thought either Avery or Zapata, and then we see Zapata with Blake.......

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One of the things I really liked about this show was that they'd never had the 'Jane forgets, becomes Remi again' storyline, because it's just so obvious and I have no interest in it, given 'Jane' will be back by mid season at the latest. I just find relationship drama in these type of shows boring AF, writers rely on it far too much. And why bring Remi back when you've also apparently just shown us Zapata has turned too.

This team is thick as pig crap aren't they, Borden infiltrated them, as did Hirst, apparently Zapata and now Remi. They're that stupid? Really?

Think I'll give next series a miss and pick up again if it gets a 5th.

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Question: If Jane is really Remi who is really Alice, and Roman was really Ian, why keep calling them by the Shepherd names?

Maybe I'm dis-remembering, but in Roman's (Ian's!) flashback, those kids were sleeping in squalor, mattresses on the floor. But when Jane (Alice!) goes to their old home, she says "This is our bedroom," and it's a nice room with real beds. What's real and what's Memorex?

I guess this episode really was shot in South Africa, so Rich complaining about why didn't he and Patterson get to go there could have been real complaints from the real actor. I'd feel stiffed too if all my co-workers got to go someplace that cool and I got stuck in Studio City, California.

I did wonder why everything hadn't been stolen from Jane's old home though. Maybe South Africans are more honest than Americans.

Will Roman's cure for the brain rot caused by memory erasing be found before Jane/Remi/Alice dies? Yeah, I'm guessing so.

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8 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Question: If Jane is really Remi who is really Alice, and Roman was really Ian, why keep calling them by the Shepherd names?

Maybe I'm dis-remembering, but in Roman's (Ian's!) flashback, those kids were sleeping in squalor, mattresses on the floor. But when Jane (Alice!) goes to their old home, she says "This is our bedroom," and it's a nice room with real beds. What's real and what's Memorex?

Jane and Roman were Alice and Ian Kruger, who lived in a wealthy estate and had a happy early childhood. Their parents were murdered, and Jane and Roman were sent to Crawford's orphanage where they lived in squalor and were tortured and trained as child soldiers. They probably called each other "Remi" and "Roman" because they've lived most of their lives as those names, from about age 8-10 into their late twenties/early thirties. Jane only currently prefers "Jane" now because most of those years had previously been wiped, so as far as she'd been concerned, she'd been known as "Jane" for all her known life (the however-many years she's been in the FBI).

Not sure if I'm looking forward to the next season. I did like the final reveal of Roman's motives against Crawford, and more details into his and Jane's childhood, but that end was just too into left field. My favorite characters Rich and Patterson are probably going to be side lined with Jane/Remi's whole Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde thing and Zapata's maybe evil/maybe undercover thing taking up most of the screentime. On the other hand, it might also make the otherwise bland Jane and Zapata characters more interesting. I'm willing to give it a few episodes before I call it quits.

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Nope...just NOPE. Too much convoluted BS. Pick one storyline and stay with it. Both the potential Zapata and Remi storylines are weak and just reflect people grasping for shock value. The upside is they are now justified in shooting Jane at the first sign of her Reminess.

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10 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I'd feel stiffed too if all my co-workers got to go someplace that cool and I got stuck in Studio City, California.

Then again, Capetown is in a serious water crisis, so swimming pools and movie stars probably isn't the order of the day.

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Was there some subtle retconning in this episode? I think the kids in the flashbacks of Roman/Remi were considerably younger than the kids shown here living in the Kruger household. And the kids we saw last week staying with Shepherd looked pretty much like the kids we saw this episode with their parents. I'm confused.

Also confusing: if the amnesia drug causes such massive problems why was Roman (who got injected much later) showing symptoms much sooner than Jane? Is this another instance of Jane just always being superior to her brother?

I was expecting Roman to die. Luke Mitchell did a great job throughout his whole run on the show and like others I'd rather see him in something new than being tied down in flashbacks.

The Zapata reveal was intriguing but somehow it also carries a bit of retconning (i.e. they came up with that idea just this season).

Who did Roman call? I'm betting some hypothetical bucks on Avery. She's family after all.

Not that long ago another show used 'what three words' in a plot. It's driving me nuts that I can't remember which show it was.

ETA: I finally remembered - it was NCIS:LA

Edited by MissLucas
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On 5/19/2018 at 7:32 AM, HerkyJerky said:

Anybody have any guesses as to who Roman was talking to on the phone at the end?  The person he left all his money to?

Whoever it is, it's someone that Roman thought of as family. In the previous episode he was also on the phone to this person - we were supposed to think it was Hank, but I noticed that Roman never actually said the name of the person he was on the phone with - recounting his deteriorating condition, and he closed with "We could've been a family." So my top three are:

1) Avery

2 & 3) One of Roman and Remi's parents isn't dead after all.

On 5/20/2018 at 12:29 PM, jaigurudeva said:

My favorite characters Rich and Patterson are probably going to be side lined with Jane/Remi's whole Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde thing and Zapata's maybe evil/maybe undercover thing taking up most of the screentime.

I wouldn't worry about that. First, TPTB clearly know that Patterson is the most popular character. They put her in jeopardy more than anyone else to get viewers invested in the drama. They will never backburner her. And when Ennis Esmer's schedule opened up, they also jumped at the chance to put Rich on much more often, so I doubt that'll change. Second, Patterson and Rich are the only ones smart enough to defeat Remi and see through Zapata. (With that latter, Patterson's already half there because she already knows Zapata can't be trusted.) So for both of those reasons I expect to see a lot of them next season.

Personally, I'm excited. Bringing Remi back is a great way to create drama. And while I enjoyed Roman, the character had run his course. One thing I really like about this show is that it's not afraid to keep moving forward with the story and to bring characters' runs to an end when it's time. So many shows have tanked themselves by refusing to let go of a particular antagonist, but this show knows not to spend more than a season on one of them.

Adding Zapata/Blake into that mix does feel like it has the potential to be convoluted, especially when we add in the person Roman was speaking to on the phone, but I think they'll tie these things together in unexpected and interesting ways. I trust these writers enough for that.

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I'm not sure I like the idea of Remi being back. I think it will bring drama for a few episodes, but I also like having the character of Jane around. If she is gone permanently I will be disappointed.

If Zapata is really evil, I wonder if she really did steal that phone  (or whatever it was) on her own , and the CIA director was telling the truth when he said he didn't order her to do it. Of she's deep undercover, and the firing was just for show. Blake described her as someone she trusted, so they have clearly had a relationship for awhile. I wonder how long she knew the truth about Tom/Roman?

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I’m guessing Zapata told her when they bumped into each other at the party. It makes sense that Zapata is deep undercover because after everything we have seen the past three seasons, this 180 makes no sense. It seemed as if she’s broke up with Reede because of this operation because she didn’t want him to get hurt. It didn’t seem like Blake was comfortable taking over her dad’s corrupt organization.

Luke Mitchell was the MVP this season. I hated what he did to the team, but there I was bawling when he died. He was so broken, and in the end the one person who thought loved him killed him. 

They better find the zip cure because Jane will definitely be missed. It’s going to suck watching her work against the FBI.

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Everyone knew she was married to Weller but she's listed as "Jane Doe" on her chart?

I think she has not taken her real name and is still known as Jane Doe. At least the others in the team still refer to her as Jane. So, if she did not take Weller's last name when they married, I guess her name is still officially Jane Doe.

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I don't think Zapata is supposed to be eeevil or Blake for that matter. I got the impression the CIA "firing" was a ruse and Tasha has recruited Blake to the CIA. Or Tasha's undercover and plans on steering what Blake does.

Obviously as somebody with a ton of money and a load of powerful friends all over the world, Blake would be an asset to the CIA.

I didn't mind most of this episode but secretly evil amnesiac again Jane was a step too far.

Edited by Beatriceblake
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A little late but just finished watching season 3 and my Roman's loving heart is broken.

I don't care if it's wrong, but I rooted for Roman since day one- I wanted him to win and not only because he is "ridiculously good looking" but because he is the real "hero" here. He was used and abused his whole life, mostly by the women he loved the most and whom he though loved him. He just wanted a family and to be loved- he never wanted to be a killer. Even this revenge plan was all about his painful past. 

Luke Mitchell did an amazing job showing that Roman is not just a typical bad guy, that deep down he always had a heart. He added so many layers, charm and sensitivity to Roman and made him such an interesting, complex and compelling character. BRAVO!

AND, Roman IS the one who helped the FBI solved all these crimes. Without him (and Patterson to solve HIS clues)- they know nothing, Jon Snow.

I know he is dead but it's really easy to bring him back from the dead- Remi was with him, alone! and they showed us during the last two seasons that they can't kill each other no matter what. So maybe there is hope.

I think Blake knew the truth since the Dubrovnik event when Zapata saw her in the bathroom. I hope both die a slow and painful death for killing Roman.

It was great watching this show- will come back if Roman is back. Off to "The Code" I go.

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"I feel like I'm dying. Guess I must be pregnant! No need to see a doctor!"

That was a beautiful place to die.

Did Zapata really go to the dark side for seemingly no reason or is she just super deep undercover?

Jane really kept the name Doe? I just kinda assumed after she married Weller she would have taken his name. Not because in this day and age women can't keep their names, but because Jane Doe isn't exactly the greatest name, given the context and because it was never really her's. I know she identifies with Jane, but probably not with the Doe-part, right?

And now all the Remi-memories are back but the Jane-memories also mysteriously disappeared. Sure show, sure. Wondering how long this will last.

We all know Weller will be fine by next episode.

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On 5/19/2018 at 4:13 AM, omgsowicked said:

I figured Jane and Roman were both suffering from some kind of brain/ZIP issues but I never expected her to lose her memories and revert back to Remi. But I guess it makes sense. I don't know why Roman would split up his research on the disease (other than for storytelling purposes). Like, who gives a shit, put it all in one place.

It really doesn't make sense that she would get all her Remi memories back and lose all her Jane memories at the same time. New memories don't get overwritten when you get your old ones back and she never had problems with new memories. That was even the premise from the start.

I agree with Roman splitting up his research being a pretty dumb plot-contrivance though.

On 5/19/2018 at 4:39 AM, HerkyJerky said:

Patterson said one of the side effects of too much ZIP is hallucinations.  Could the ending be all in Jane's mind?

I doubt it was intended that way, but there is a shred of hope that the writers realised that was an out for this stupid idea between seasons...

On 5/19/2018 at 10:26 AM, Dowel Jones said:

Blake, as Hank's sole heir, stands to make some serious coin now that she owns the land where the pipeline is supposed to go, if it ever does go through.

The pipeline is only going to go there if she kills the leaders of the countries where it's currently planed to be built and then destabilises the reagion, so that their sucessors can't pick up the plans. I don't think she has been shown to have the stones for that so far. But I guess this show is more than willing to twist her character so she suddenly has.

On 5/19/2018 at 6:53 PM, saber5055 said:

I'm not sure I want Jane/Remi anywhere near me if I get shot. She sits down and has a convo with Roman instead of freaking PUTTING HIM IN HER CAR and driving him to an ER. WTH.

That was a gut shot and they were far, far away from a hospital. There was no coming back from that. TV has given us unrealistic expectations of what is survivable. This show is usually part of the problem. But not here, for a change.

On 5/19/2018 at 8:32 PM, paigow said:

Rich is available...

I would weirdly love that pairing.

On 5/20/2018 at 8:52 PM, saber5055 said:

I guess this episode really was shot in South Africa, so Rich complaining about why didn't he and Patterson get to go there could have been real complaints from the real actor. I'd feel stiffed too if all my co-workers got to go someplace that cool and I got stuck in Studio City, California.

They actually did film this show in New York, not California. If they did film in Cali, Ashley Johnson wouldn't have had to miss all those Critical Role sessions. If you ever watch the Legend of Vox Machina (new season in January), that is the reason for all of Pike's spiritual quests.

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