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S01.E10: When Right Feels Wrong

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 I couldn’t believe how rude and disrespectful that ugly-ass Stephon was to Kayla’s Mom. She would have been justified in calling the police to come remove his punk ass from her home. Who the fuck does that kid think he is? 

 Other than that....I really liked Danae’s Mom and her down-to-earth approach. Good for her for being a voice of reason.

   And it was nice to see Jade smiling at and really enjoying little Kloie. 

  • Love 17

I can't believe that Stefan STOLE money from her and she didn't call the police on his thug ass. Then she let him talk to her like that in her own house where she has been housing and feeding him and his child for free. Nope. I see where Kayla gets her meek attitude. This isn't going to end well. I see Stefan going to prison for something and loyal, stupid Kayla taking the baby to see him every week like a good little dog.

  • Love 19

Kayla is an IDIOT. I cannot believe what I saw. She's scared of him, but she clings to him. And he does not care one bit about that baby, except as a club to beat Kayla and her mother with. Kayla's mother should get a restraining order. That guy is a powder keg. He stole from her to see if he could get away with it. When called to account, he went on the offensive. And he just kept ramping up. Has he already raised his hand to Kayla? I'm guessing yes. 

  • Love 14

Kayla.. you can not be serious! 


I can see that she has no control over his mouth. But she can have control on how he treats her mom. She probably talks shit about her mom to Stephan, so he talks to her with no respect. His own son is going to look at this one day and hopefully it breaks his heart the way he speaks to his grandma.

Unless he gives him a messed up mentality that women can't tell you NOTHING.

  • Love 11
19 minutes ago, simple said:

I can see that she has no control over his mouth. But she can have control on how he treats her mom. She probably talks shit about her mom to Stephan, so he talks to her with no respect. His own son is going to look at this one day and hopefully it breaks his heart the way he speaks to his grandma.

Agreed. She was already going against her mother's wishes for him not to be there when she isn't home. She lets Stephan disrespect her mother, and her son will disrespect her in time, egged on by his father. 

  • Love 8

Looking so forward to reading everyone's thoughts on this week!

So the theme this week was: Call a female by a male nickname:
Danae called her mother "bro."
Sean called Jade "dude."
Bar called Ashley "bro."
Stephon called Kayla's mother "bro" or something. I forget.

Props to Danae's mom for telling it like it is and not being overprotective of her own little snowflake. I'm sorry but punching holes in walls and breaking doors in a fit of rage is just something that I would run away from in an instant. 

Danae saying in what seemed to be an attempt to seduce: "You can't just go. Can't we talk about it," and getting so close to Brianna was so creepy. Good for Brianna getting out of there. She needs to cut off all contact between Danae and the baby. He has no claim to the child and I think it's best to break it off now before the baby understands and feels a large loss.

Kyler is the lowest of the low. Just a total piece of shit. He enjoys torturing Lexi and her participation in it seems to thrill him. It's cruel and mean and I just cannot stand him. Obviously there is no story line with Lexi so we had to sit through a Mommy and Me class? I forwarded through that part. Not interested. I did see the last few seconds and am glad that she might be able to enlarge her circcle and not spend 24/7 chasing and wallowing about Kyler but it was a snoozefest. I also don't think talking about your attempts to win Kyler back should be taking place in front of her young brother. Do kids really need to be part of the drama and watch his sister describe how she desperately tries to woo him back even though he treats her like shit?

Sean was a jerk again. These two have a lifetime of this kind of misery if they stay together.  There is something about Jade that I like now. Wasn't wild about her at first but she really does seem like a very responsible person that wants to do the right thing by everyone. Considering her low life parents, she really seems like a good person. I wish she'd get away from all the drama and misery. Sean must be using or something. His mood shifts are off the charts. He was so mean about the dinner. He knew it was important to her but was so callous about it being "only a dinner." I crossed him off my "I like" list.

It's so hard to watch Kayla. Kayla's mother should have called the POLICE on Stephon for using her debit card without her permission. But there goes the "I don't want to hurt my daughter.... he's the baby's father... My daughter will be mad at me" bullshit at work. Sorry, I'd be on the phone to the cops in a heartbeat and if Kayla does not like that she can get her ass out the door into Section 8 housing or whatever with that loser. Saying, "I messed up," is not an excuse for being a THIEF. He should not be allowed in that house EVER again. I don't care if he tried to pay her back. He didn't have malicious intentions, Kayla? Right. He only STOLE with good intentions. And you let him in the house? Against your mother's rules? You know, the mother that has done everything for you? OMG. I just can't. You know what Kayla? I don't give a fuck what you feel like. If you feel like having that asshole there, get the fuck out. How dare that low life talk to her mother like that in her home. I'm seriously enraged that Kayla's mother didn't send them both out the door and let them learn to sink or swim. And since when it is okay to steal from someone and it's all fine as long as you throw the money on the table and pay it back. Not in this house. 

Bar looked puffed and exhausted again this week. Their story is getting boring. Pastor T is upset with him. Bar doesn't care. Pastor T expects an apology. Bar isn't ready for that. Ashley gets angry. Bar says, "I will but not now." Ashley says, "Okay." Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  • Love 15

I just wanted Kayla's mother to stand up from that table and put Stephan through a damn wall.  Ain't no way, some punk would curse me out IN MY OWN HOME after he had already stolen money from me.  The first time he balled his fist we would have bounced off of every room in that house.  Say what you want about Pastor Tea, but Stephan's antics would have been met with a swift ass whooping. 

And let's evaluate how Stephan was able to use her debit card.  Kayla must have given him the pin.  I cannot see mom being dumb enough to let him have it.   

  • Love 21
2 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I just wanted Kayla's mother to stand up from that table and put Stephan through a damn wall.  Ain't no way, some punk would curse me out IN MY OWN HOME after he had already stolen money from me.  The first time he balled his fist we would have bounced off of every room in that house.  Say what you want about Pastor Tea, but Stephan's antics would have been met with a swift ass whooping. 

And let's evaluate how Stephan was able to use her debit card.  Kayla must have given him the pin.  I cannot see mom being dumb enough to let him have it.   

Oh, they attempted to explain that away by saying that Stefan "must've seen her type it in" at some point. How did he get the actual card? It was referred to as Kayla's mom's card, so I didn't get the impression that Kayla had her own. Hell no. That's straight-up theft and the police should have been called. Meanwhile, Kayla just mumbles how she doesn't want to talk about anything and stares at her lap. Fool.

  • Love 14
9 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

Oh, they attempted to explain that away by saying that Stefan "must've seen her type it in" at some point. How did he get the actual card? It was referred to as Kayla's mom's card, so I didn't get the impression that Kayla had her own. Hell no. That's straight-up theft and the police should have been called. Meanwhile, Kayla just mumbles how she doesn't want to talk about anything and stares at her lap. Fool.

That was such a crock of shit. I loved the way she said "we use it ALL the time for food and stuff." So essentially, Kayla's mother pays for everything and her pig ass is letting this lowlife into the house when Mom is not home. Mom needs to be more pissed about all that is going on and stop with this Brady Bunch tone she uses.

  • Love 12
18 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

Just in case anyone was unable to pause on the phone message Brianna got, here it is.


In other words, if you really loved me you would keep dealing with my bullshit. 

I get so tired of the narrative that to truly exhibit love, one must endure all matter of fuckery for as long as possible. 

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 13

Danae is a classic gaslighter and good on Briana for leaving. The longer she's away from him the better. She'll have her baby and her new life to occupy her and maybe she won't have time to go trolling for mentally unstable twits with anger issues on the internet. Its creepy the way he talks about that baby. 

Kyler. WHAT does Lexi see in him? He's almost as ugly and mean as Stephan. Possibly stupider. He's such a smug little shit. That scene with his mother. Mama dispensing her wisdom, oy. I usually snark on people who bring tiny infants who can't even sit up to Mommy and Me but I was glad Lexi did. Maybe if she meets some other people she won't feel like Kyler is the be all and end all. Make some friends! Go to school! Move on! 

Jade and Sean should just cut their losses. They can't communicate and their fights are so frustrating to watch, its just mindless yelling, accusations, flouncing, door slamming. 

  • Love 12

Kayla: Like many of you, I very much wanted to reach through my tv and slap the shit out of Stephan. Kayla's mom had every right to call the cops with someone refusing to leave her home! Who knows why she didn't. Best of luck to Kayla in the future, meaning I think her future will be the shittiest out of all the girls on the show, thanks to her sperm donor.

Briana: I'm glad briana and the baby are back home with her mom and sister where they belong. Danae still sucks, but not quite as much as Stephan. Some distance probably made their breakup easier.

Lexie: WTF is Kyler's problem???? He is ugly, Lexie is way out of his league!!! Am I to believe that there are a bunch of other girls lining up outside his mom's house to lay under his massive body weight?? I hope Lexie takes her stepfather's advice, yet I think that neither she nor Kyler will leave their small town so sadly, she may never get over him.

Jade: I'm glad she kicked Sean out of the house. I agree that his giving her a ring but not changing anything about himself does not a healthy marriage make. Jade's parents are pretty big screw ups but I am now really curious about Sean's.

Ashley: When I first watched this show I assumed that Ashley and Bar would be the most cuckoo bananas because of his mom, but their drama has fizzled out these last few episodes, aside from fighting about each other's moms (get used to doing that forever, kids) Good for them.

Edited by blueorchid
  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, blueorchid said:

Lexie: WTF is Kyler's problem???? He is ugly, Lexie is way out of his league!!! Am I to believe that there are a bunch of other girls lining up outside his mom's house to lay under his massive body weight?? 

Okay, I literally laughed out loud at this.  Kyler has nothing going for him but still acts like he’s some kind of prize.  I already knew he sucked but after last weeks episode when he rejected Lexi I lost any hope I had left for him. 

Let’s talk some more about Stefan.  Like all of you I could not believe what I was hearing from his mouth.  How could he treat any human that way... especially someone who has taken care of his pathetic ass.  What disturbed me the most was the physicality of his anger, balling his fists, the look on his face... I’d be shocked if he hasn’t hit Kayla before.  That is some seriously disturbing behaviour.  Did anyone else notice him talking in 3rd person “Stephan ain’t no hoe” ? Seriously so bizarre. 

  • Love 16
35 minutes ago, woot said:

Okay, I literally laughed out loud at this.  Kyler has nothing going for him but still acts like he’s some kind of prize.  I already knew he sucked but after last weeks episode when he rejected Lexi I lost any hope I had left for him. 

Let’s talk some more about Stefan.  Like all of you I could not believe what I was hearing from his mouth.  How could he treat any human that way... especially someone who has taken care of his pathetic ass.  What disturbed me the most was the physicality of his anger, balling his fists, the look on his face... I’d be shocked if he hasn’t hit Kayla before.  That is some seriously disturbing behaviour.  Did anyone else notice him talking in 3rd person “Stephan ain’t no hoe” ? Seriously so bizarre. 

For me, as the baby dads go Bar is the only one who doesn't have red flags all over the place.  At the other end of the spectrum is Stephan, he is so scary. Run, Kayla, run!  That baby is so beautiful.  Maybe (long shot) in five years Stephan will have some growth and maturity (or maybe just five more babies).

  • Love 9

You know the "logo" thing, where they have the drawing of the ipad or whatever (not a TV any more) and some items around?  I have a crappy TV that cuts off the sides and I cannot figure out what the pink thing is over on the left.  It looks like a bra, or clip-on sunglasses, or maybe two mis-shapen diaphragms?  Anybody know?  It's driving me crazy.

2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

You know the "logo" thing, where they have the drawing of the ipad or whatever (not a TV any more) and some items around?  I have a crappy TV that cuts off the sides and I cannot figure out what the pink thing is over on the left.  It looks like a bra, or clip-on sunglasses, or maybe two mis-shapen diaphragms?  Anybody know?  It's driving me crazy.

That object way over on the right is a pair of pink earbuds.

Oops sorry I next post after me is correct, I was looking at the right.

Edited by JasminePhyllisia
2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

You know the "logo" thing, where they have the drawing of the ipad or whatever (not a TV any more) and some items around?  I have a crappy TV that cuts off the sides and I cannot figure out what the pink thing is over on the left.  It looks like a bra, or clip-on sunglasses, or maybe two mis-shapen diaphragms?  Anybody know?  It's driving me crazy.

On the left is a pair of cat-eye-ish sunglasses.

(it does look like a bra!)

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 1
7 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Looking so forward to reading everyone's thoughts on this week!

So the theme this week was: Call a female by a male nickname:
Danae called her mother "bro."
Sean called Jade "dude."
Bar called Ashley "bro."
Stephon called Kayla's mother "bro" or something. I forget.

Props to Danae's mom for telling it like it is and not being overprotective of her own little snowflake. I'm sorry but punching holes in walls and breaking doors in a fit of rage is just something that I would run away from in an instant. 

Danae saying in what seemed to be an attempt to seduce: "You can't just go. Can't we talk about it," and getting so close to Brianna was so creepy. Good for Brianna getting out of there. She needs to cut off all contact between Danae and the baby. He has no claim to the child and I think it's best to break it off now before the baby understands and feels a large loss.

Kyler is the lowest of the low. Just a total piece of shit. He enjoys torturing Lexi and her participation in it seems to thrill him. It's cruel and mean and I just cannot stand him. Obviously there is no story line with Lexi so we had to sit through a Mommy and Me class? I forwarded through that part. Not interested. I did see the last few seconds and am glad that she might be able to enlarge her circcle and not spend 24/7 chasing and wallowing about Kyler but it was a snoozefest. I also don't think talking about your attempts to win Kyler back should be taking place in front of her young brother. Do kids really need to be part of the drama and watch his sister describe how she desperately tries to woo him back even though he treats her like shit?

Sean was a jerk again. These two have a lifetime of this kind of misery if they stay together.  There is something about Jade that I like now. Wasn't wild about her at first but she really does seem like a very responsible person that wants to do the right thing by everyone. Considering her low life parents, she really seems like a good person. I wish she'd get away from all the drama and misery. Sean must be using or something. His mood shifts are off the charts. He was so mean about the dinner. He knew it was important to her but was so callous about it being "only a dinner." I crossed him off my "I like" list.

It's so hard to watch Kayla. Kayla's mother should have called the POLICE on Stephon for using her debit card without her permission. But there goes the "I don't want to hurt my daughter.... he's the baby's father... My daughter will be mad at me" bullshit at work. Sorry, I'd be on the phone to the cops in a heartbeat and if Kayla does not like that she can get her ass out the door into Section 8 housing or whatever with that loser. Saying, "I messed up," is not an excuse for being a THIEF. He should not be allowed in that house EVER again. I don't care if he tried to pay her back. He didn't have malicious intentions, Kayla? Right. He only STOLE with good intentions. And you let him in the house? Against your mother's rules? You know, the mother that has done everything for you? OMG. I just can't. You know what Kayla? I don't give a fuck what you feel like. If you feel like having that asshole there, get the fuck out. How dare that low life talk to her mother like that in her home. I'm seriously enraged that Kayla's mother didn't send them both out the door and let them learn to sink or swim. And since when it is okay to steal from someone and it's all fine as long as you throw the money on the table and pay it back. Not in this house. 

Bar looked puffed and exhausted again this week. Their story is getting boring. Pastor T is upset with him. Bar doesn't care. Pastor T expects an apology. Bar isn't ready for that. Ashley gets angry. Bar says, "I will but not now." Ashley says, "Okay." Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

??you have the absolute accurate description of this episode ! Couldn’t have said it any better except for a few things:

1. The way Kayla sat her ass there while Stephon throws a temper tantrum pissed me off soooooooo fuckinnnnn much !!!!! Because her mother wasn’t going to let him get away w. HIS actions of taking HER money w.o any permission that gives him the right to says all those vile things to her? And Kayla didn’t say a DAMN thing while he was ranting ! How in the hell could you let a man that you lay in bed w. every night disrespect your mother like that ?! Seriously , if her mother wasn’t going to do it , then Kayla should have had enough balls to tell Stephon to get the fuck out ! I used to “like” (and I use that very loosely) Kayla but after seeing that shit , I’ve lost all respect for her stupid ass !

SORRY FOR ALL THE CURSING ! I’m just fuming over that scene !

2. Ashley please ! You don’t respect , speak to , or even  breathe in the same direction of Bar’s mother and it’s quite obvious that his mom means a lot to him . And you have no problem letting him know that you will “smack the shit” out of his mother . However , you seriously parted your lips to say to him that he has to apologize to your mother and it’s important to you and all that other crap you said ?! How dare you ! If you can’t even PRETEND to play nice w. his mom why the hell should he bend over backwards for yours ?!

  • Love 13

Not you, motherfucker, and that's all you need to know!

There's nothing more to say about Stephon. HE STOLE HER DEBIT CARD??? OH HELL NAW. You KNOW that if Jaime helped herself to the cash in Stephon's wallet, he'd smash in her face. What a psychopath.


He didn't have malicious intentions, Kayla?

Wasn't that rich? As Louise told Thelma, there's no such thing as justifiable robbery. And then Kayla wants to pretend like her boyfriend abusing her mother has nothing to do with her! "I didn't want to have this conversation anyway!" Right, because if you don't talk about it, then there's no problem.


Has he already raised his hand to Kayla? I'm guessing yes. 

Mr. Ivyspice, who hates my reality shows, looked up from his computer at that scene and said: "He is going to hit her. Mark my words."

Let's all breathe for a moment and note that there was one parenting diamond in this shit show. This is what fatherhood is all about:

Bar to fussy Holly: It's all good. You gotta throw it up, throw it up on Papa.

  • Love 14
7 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

MVP of the night for me went to Lexi's stepdad.  Enough already!  Kylar said he didn't want to be with you.  Let it go! The boy does not want you. Move on and focus on your baby.   

And all this talk about co-parenting.  Bitch, please!  Kyler barely does anything for that kid.   Lexi should cut him out, forever.

Edited by Marisagf
  • Love 6
10 hours ago, Liamsmom617 said:


 Other than that....I really liked Danae’s Mom and her down-to-earth approach. Good for her for being a voice of reason.

Well, I totally side-eyed her when she told Danae something along the lines of, "just because you two break-up, it doesn't mean you can't see the baby."

Ummm, yes it does.

5 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:


Kyler. WHAT does Lexi see in him? He's almost as ugly and mean as Stephan. Possibly stupider. 

He is SO ugly. I couldn't help but notice his yellow, big-gap teeth as he talked with his mom. Ugly teeth, greasy hair, big gut...?

I don't think lexi is very pretty either, though. She's got weird eyebrows and her mouth is set weird. Her mouth reminds me of the mouth of an elderly lady with no teeth...sunken in. And who can forget her monotone voice.

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, lexsaysso said:

 Ashley please ! You don’t respect , speak to , or even  breathe in the same direction of Bar’s mother and it’s quite obvious that his mom means a lot to him . And you have no problem letting him know that you will “smack the shit” out of his mother . However , you seriously parted your lips to say to him that he has to apologize to your mother and it’s important to you and all that other crap you said ?! How dare you ! If you can’t even PRETEND to play nice w. his mom why the hell should he bend over backwards for yours ?!

Preach. Does Ashley even hear herself? Honey. Two way street. Her self absorption is breathtaking. 

5 hours ago, IvySpice said:

Not you, motherfucker, and that's all you need to know!

There's nothing more to say about Stephon. HE STOLE HER DEBIT CARD??? OH HELL NAW. You KNOW that if Jaime helped herself to the cash in Stephon's wallet, he'd smash in her face. What a psychopath.

Wasn't that rich? As Louise told Thelma, there's no such thing as justifiable robbery. And then Kayla wants to pretend like her boyfriend abusing her mother has nothing to do with her! "I didn't want to have this conversation anyway!" Right, because if you don't talk about it, then there's no problem.

Mr. Ivyspice, who hates my reality shows, looked up from his computer at that scene and said: "He is going to hit her. Mark my words."

Let's all breathe for a moment and note that there was one parenting diamond in this shit show. This is what fatherhood is all about:

Bar to fussy Holly: It's all good. You gotta throw it up, throw it up on Papa.

Briana needs to block Danae's number and get on with her life. There is no reason on earth for her to hang on to any kind of relationship with him. 

Kayla "didn't want to have this conversation" because she knows Stephan will take it out on her later. She's scared of him. I don't know what I would do if I had a teenage daughter who was in an abusive relationship with a repellent rage ball. I hope I would not be as passive as Kayla's mother. He did not take a cookie from the cookie jar! He stole money! 

Bar made me laugh in that scene. That's the moment when you cross the line and join the parent club. When you willingly let your kid barf on you! 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Preach. Does Ashley even hear herself? Honey. Two way street. Her self absorption is breathtaking. 

Briana needs to block Danae's number and get on with her life. There is no reason on earth for her to hang on to any kind of relationship with him. 

Kayla "didn't want to have this conversation" because she knows Stephan will take it out on her later. She's scared of him. I don't know what I would do if I had a teenage daughter who was in an abusive relationship with a repellent rage ball. I hope I would not be as passive as Kayla's mother. He did not take a cookie from the cookie jar! He stole money! 

Bar made me laugh in that scene. That's the moment when you cross the line and join the parent club. When you willingly let your kid barf on you! 

It was clear that Kayla learned how to how to deal with an explosive partner from her mother. The way that woman quieted her voice and kept her head down while that CHILD berated her in her home let me know that wasn't the first time there's been violence in that house.

Notice she sent Kayla to put Stephan out. Yes, ill equipped teen, go deal with that ticking time bomb while she continued to hide in the kitchen.

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, lexsaysso said:

OMG. I just can't. You know what Kayla? I don't give a fuck what you feel like. If you feel like having that asshole there, get the fuck out.

That scene enraged me, Kayla is such a dullard. I hope she has many years of misery with this POS, it's a god damn shame they brought a child into this shit life they're living.

Quote is actually from CONFIGDOTSYS  

Edited by Mr. Minor
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

It was clear that Kayla learned how to how to deal with an explosive partner from her mother. The way that woman quieted her voice and kept her head down while that CHILD berated her in her home let me know that wasn't the first time there's been violence in that house.

Notice she sent Kayla to put Stephan out. Yes, ill equipped teen, go deal with that ticking time bomb while she continued to hide in the kitchen.

I'll be honest, I don't know what I would have done.  I might have shut down, too. I might be so taken aback that I couldn't react.  But this probably isn't the first time this kid went off on Kayla's mom.  Two people screaming at each other wouldn't have helped and it would have made the baby hysterical.  Yeah, it was wimpy, but maybe she didn't want to add fuel to the fire. 

I have no words for Kayla's silence.  She is siding with this a-hole over her mother.  Her silence spoke volumes.

She is another one who should cut the baby daddy out forever.  However, Stephan and his attitude about being a father might make things miserable for Kayla - as compared to Kyler, who couldn't care less about Lexi and the baby.

  • Love 8

The way that a guy treats others is the way that he's going to treat you someday (if he's not already). I see it so often -- women who think that they're special to some asshole, like he won't rage at them too at some point. I peeked at Kayla's IG and it appears that she's still trying to play happy family with this punk. If I were Kayla's mother, I wouldn't let him back in my house for any reason whatsoever. If Kayla can't abide by that, then her ass needs to be put out, too.

  • Love 13

CONGRATULATIONS to STEFAN for taking the title for WORST HUMAN ON THE PLANET away from Danae this week. So Kayla, you are a 19 year old mother who has the right to make her own decisions? Cool. Go live on your own and make your own money and pay for your own house and then you can make all the irresponsible decisions you want. I think I am in the minority here but I actually didn't mind how Kayla's mom handled the situation. Yelling and raising her voice would only have escalated the situation and Stefan might have become physical. She should have called the cops though.

Lexi-I was happy to see her get out of her house and make mom friends! Good for her! So many of these girls from the whole franchise should do that.

Ashley-I like these two, and Holly is ADORABLE.

Jade-Sean seemed so attentive when the baby was first born, I wonder what happened to him. They seem like they could be a decent couple if they got some counseling and communication skills.

Brianna-YAY BRIANNA! Delete Danae's number and keep your kid far far away from him. Breaking doors and punching holes in the walls is not something any baby should be around.

  • Love 11

On a lighter note, I laughed pretty hard when Danae flounced out, slamming the door behind him, then came back in ten minutes later so he could flounce out again and slam the door. I think even Briana rolled her eyes.

Between Kyler and Stephan, I just can't. Its as if these dumbells searched high and low for the worst possible person to procreate with. And the saddest thing? Both Lexi and Kayla are the neediest of the bunch. You can tell they were really hoping their trap babies would tie these losers to them with bands of steel. WHY?? The pickings must be slim where they're from if these dirtballs are such prizes.

Edited by Pepper Mostly
  • Love 9
21 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Oh, they attempted to explain that away by saying that Stefan "must've seen her type it in" at some point. How did he get the actual card? It was referred to as Kayla's mom's card, so I didn't get the impression that Kayla had her own. Hell no. That's straight-up theft and the police should have been called. Meanwhile, Kayla just mumbles how she doesn't want to talk about anything and stares at her lap. Fool.

At first I thought he stole it too, like from her purse.  But then Kayla was telling a friend that she has her mom's debit card so she can buy gas and groceries "and stuff" - so either Kayla has her own of has her mom's quite often and I'm sure Stefan took it while Kayla had possession of it.  And I'm not entirely sure that kayla didn't know he did it. Part of me thinks she just placed the blame on him.  Taking $70 from someone else's bank account should be a BIG DEAL to Kayla and she was just kinda like eh, whatever. 

12 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Well, I totally side-eyed her when she told Danae something along the lines of, "just because you two break-up, it doesn't mean you can't see the baby."

Ummm, yes it does.

I feel bad for Danae's mom.... she looked like she would make a great grandma :(  But yea, she's delusional in thinking that Danae has any parental rights due to the few weeks of them co-habitating after the birth.

  • Love 6

I think Kayla and her mom were both scared of Stephan. And I don't blame them. He was extremely volatile and physical in that scene. It appeared he could have hit or pushed either one of them at any minute. Maybe he has already done that to Kayla.

I am surprised that Brianna dumped Danae. I didn't think she had it in her. I am thrilled that she did though.

Aside from the cash from the show (and deposit from Dad), where do you all think Ashley and Bar will get the money to live on their own? Does Bar have a job? I am still curious about the nice black VW wagon they are driving. Wonder how much their insurance is each month - they are both young and Bar is male, so insurance is not cheap.

One of my biggest pet peeves, going back all the way to the first 16 & Pregnant bunch, is when people scream at each other around babies. Why don't people think about how that is damaging their child????  There is research that shows that very young babies (under the age of one) are already able to assess social interactions and dynamics.  They are not a blank slate at that age at all.  Ugh. I can't stand watching it. Jace is probably one of the kids on this series that has the most serious long-term exposure to yelling and screaming, starting at birth.

Edited by ChristmasJones
  • Love 8

Here is a video segment on some research on how babies react to "good" guys vs "bad" guys:


Two other articles-

1. Babies Prefer Good Samaritans -



2. Babies Make Quick Judgments About Adults' Anger


"Our research suggests that babies will do whatever they can to avoid being the target of anger," said lead author Betty Repacholi, an I-LABS faculty scientist. "At this young of an age, they have already worked out a way to stay safe. It's a smart, adaptive response."

In one of the studies, published in the March issue of Developmental Psychology, Repacholi and co-authors wanted to see how exposing babies to an unfamiliar adult's anger toward another adult would affect the babies' behavior in a new situation. Do the babies assume that the initial negative encounters would happen again?

"Our research shows that babies are carefully paying attention to the emotional reactions of adults," said co-author Andrew Meltzoff, co-director of I-LABS.

"Babies make snap judgments as to whether an adult is anger-prone. They pigeon-hole adults more quickly than we thought," added Meltzoff, who holds the Job and Gertrud Tamaki Endowed Chair at UW.

  • Love 6
49 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:


Aside from the cash from the show (and deposit from Dad), where do you all think Ashley and Bar will get the money to live on their own? Does Bar have a job? I am still curious about the nice black VW wagon they are driving. Wonder how much their insurance is each month - they are both young and Bar is male, so insurance is not cheap.

In this episode Ashley admitted that she was very spoiled by her dad.  I wouldn't be surprised if he helps her with most stuff.  That car is her's I think so I would be surprised if Bar is even on the insurance. (which he SHOULD be no matter if it's hers or theirs but they're young and stupid... so you know..)

  • Love 3
23 hours ago, configdotsys said:

That was such a crock of shit. I loved the way she said "we use it ALL the time for food and stuff." So essentially, Kayla's mother pays for everything and her pig ass is letting this lowlife into the house when Mom is not home. Mom needs to be more pissed about all that is going on and stop with this Brady Bunch tone she uses.

This.  Her mom says, all calm, "did you get a chance to talk to Stephan about using my debit card?"  No.  I actually questioned my own parenting for a minute thinking if my child's s/o used my debit card am I wrong that I would have been so pissed, I'd have said, "get their ass on the phone NOW" while completely losing my shit.  I'd have been hot.  Where's this kick ass aunt of his?  How did he turn out like that?  Why hasn't his aunt knocked him clear into Nebraska yet?  I really hope she has MTV and is watching this bullshittery.  

  • Love 12
16 hours ago, lexsaysso said:

1. The way Kayla sat her ass there while Stephon throws a temper tantrum pissed me off soooooooo fuckinnnnn much !!!!! Because her mother wasn’t going to let him get away w. HIS actions of taking HER money w.o any permission that gives him the right to says all those vile things to her? And Kayla didn’t say a DAMN thing while he was ranting ! How in the hell could you let a man that you lay in bed w. every night disrespect your mother like that ?!

Because she also disrespects her mother.  Her mother said she didn't want Stephon in her house when she's not there, and Kayla ignored it.  (Let's not even get into that her justification was that she wanted to make her own decisions.)   She's not as over-the-top as Stephon, but going against the wishes of the person whose house you're living in, especially when she wasn't saying Stephon couldn't ever be there but just that she didn't want him there when she's not there because he stole from her?  Nah, that's 100% disrespect--just without the yelling, which I'm not sure makes it that much better. 


13 minutes ago, Quilty said:

So...Denae is acting like this BEFORE testosterone treatment?

I know!  That's the last thing this miniature ball of rage needs.



Bar was so fucking stoned in one of the scenes.

Remember, it's just as legal as alcohol. 

If he was stoned, maybe that's why he was so chill about the kid throwing up on him.  I'll take that over a drunk any day.

  • Love 10

I just noticed that while Kyler was having this conversation with his mother about Lexi, he was smiling with glee at the torture he's putting Lexi through and his young brother is sitting there (looks like he's smiling). Way to teach your bro, Kyler. You fat, disgusting pig.

A couple more things on a rewatch:

Kayla telling her friends that her mother is just overreacting about stealing and using her debit account just because she wants him out of their house. Ugh.

Ashley said that Bar is not allowed in the house because of all the drama with Pastor T. She said during their conversation something about "we never would have gotten that dresser out of there," which implied that Bar was allowed in just to get help them. 

Just saw the Stephan scenes again. Terrifying. He took the money back. Then at one point he glared at Kayla's mother and said something like, "Come deal with my anger." Kayla's mom should high tail it to court with a copy of the tape and get a restraining order. If Kayla doesn't like that, she can get the hell out and start making her own decisions.

Edited by configdotsys
Added a couple more thoughts to this trainwreck.
  • Love 7

On the after show (yeah, I watched it... hard to actually admit I bothered to do that, but here we are!!) Kayla explained that Stephan got access to her Mom's debit card when he borrowed her car, and she'd left her purse in the car. So he a.) borrows her car b.) notices her purse is in the car c.) goes INTO her purse and fishes out her Mom's debit card, and d.) uses it to withdraw cash. That's a whole lot of boundaries to cross, not an "oops- I 'borrowed' money and it'll be fine" kind of thinking. All while he's crashing at their place because he can't manage to actually pay his own bills. 

She said that both she and Stephan have used the card before WITH MOM'S PERMISSION to buy groceries, gas, and other things, and that they both knew her PIN number because in order to use the card at the grocery store, you'd have to put the PIN in. So it shouldn't have been a big surprise to Mom that they both know the PIN. That said, he didn't have permission to withdraw cash. She said he did pay her back- that he ended up leaving the cash on the table after that fight (even though he took it back DURING the fight), so that part has been remedied. 

I just can't believe the balls on that asshole to sit there and scream at Kayla's Mom for being upset about him breaking every rule she has for her household. How she kept her cool I'll never know, but Stephan's true colors shine through like a laser beam. Run, Kayla- RUN!

Also- how does one withdraw exactly $70???? I haven't seen an ATM with anything but $20 denominations since I was in college- and let's just say that was in the last century.

  • Love 12

I don't have a debit card. My husband (RIP, babe) had one that at one point there were some bogus charges for clothing purchased from a store in Mexico so he ditched the card and just got a plain old ATM card. He never used the debit card in stores anyway but I remember hearing many times cashiers asking people paying with-- what I thought were credit cards-- "Do you want any cash back?" Is that asked on debit purchases? If so, that would explain the amount he took not being a multiple of $20 like an ATM withdrawal.

Edited by configdotsys
Left out a word.
  • Love 3

I'd be interested in knowing what was so urgent that he needed to steal the $70. That's not some Chipotle takeout.

I was wondering that too, and then I thought that maybe this is just a power play. A abusive narcissist might do this kind of thing just to prove that he could. It's a way of peeing on Kayla's mom, and also on Kayla, since this forces her to take sides and become complicit in the abuse of her mother.

I'd like to know how he explains it, either way.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

(Let's not even get into that her justification was that she wanted to make her own decisions.)

Right? I damn near fell off the couch. Honey, if you want to make your own decisions, give your mother back her debit card and move out of her house. When your mother is no longer supporting you you'll be free as a bird to make all the bad decisions you want. Meanwhile, I hope Kayla's mother is smart enough to cancel her card and change her locks. 

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:Here is a video segment on some research on how babies react to "good" guys vs "bad" guys:


Two other articles-

1. Babies Prefer Good Samaritans -



2. Babies Make Quick Judgments About Adults' Anger


"Our research suggests that babies will do whatever they can to avoid being the target of anger," said lead author Betty Repacholi, an I-LABS faculty scientist. "At this young of an age, they have already worked out a way to stay safe. It's a smart, adaptive response."

In one of the studies, published in the March issue of Developmental Psychology, Repacholi and co-authors wanted to see how exposing babies to an unfamiliar adult's anger toward another adult would affect the babies' behavior in a new situation. Do the babies assume that the initial negative encounters would happen again?

"Our research shows that babies are carefully paying attention to the emotional reactions of adults," said co-author Andrew Meltzoff, co-director of I-LABS.

"Babies make snap judgments as to whether an adult is anger-prone. They pigeon-hole adults more quickly than we thought," added Meltzoff, who holds the Job and Gertrud Tamaki Endowed Chair at UW.

I’ve seen this research before too. Very interesting stuff! Also proved we are inherently bias to those “like” us. Makes me think of teen mom 2 and Jenelle and Jace’s reactions to Jenelle and Barb. I think Jace definitely looks toward and prefers  Barb although I have seen him crying at the door for Jenelle too when he was a baby. He may not have been able to differentiate between who was in the right or wrong between the two because of all the anger and yelling from both sides. Just terrible to think about what these kind of environments do to babies as they grow up. Definitely some long term damage to the baby if they constantly see it. 

Now to get back to the topic of this show. Danae is definitely way out of line and is being abusive towards Brianna even if he never actually touched her. She needs to get and stay far away from him. She need some counseling to help her see the red flags and to completely remove herself from him. Also, the temper tantrums and emotional abuse he displays has nothing to do with him being a trans boy. Yes transgender people are going through unimaginable mental pain trying to deal with their dysphoria but that does not make all of them act like him. His being a transgender person and his abusive tactics are completely separate things. I feel Danae still would’ve been an abusive asshole even if he never experienced gender dysphoria. It does make it even more scary that he is acting like this before even starting testosterone. He is definitely in no state to start that kind of treatment. Anyway, pleasantly surprised Brianna quietly and calmly left that shit show and appears to not be looking back. I hope she’s able to continue to completely stay away. 

As for Stephan, don’t even get me started! I think everything has already been said but I still have to rant. Kayla’s mother should have called the cops immediately and got him out of her house and a restraining order against him. I don’t care if this is where his child is. He’ll have to see him at a neutral location. He should’ve thought about that before he stole money from her and then preceded to unleash a violent outburst on her and her daughter in front of said child! I’m also wondering what happened to the aunt that set him straight at the baby shower. Of course, it’s not her fault he turned out this way. It just seems like he has some really good family members that have tried to teach him right from wrong. His behavior is not just inexcusable but scary and abusive. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already hit Kayla either. If he hasn’t yet, he will. It’s only a matter of time. Abuse always escalates.

One reason I hate these teen mom shows is that they film all of these abusive situations but do nothing to try to help the girls being abused. They even placate them and allow them to rationalize it all like how Kayla made all those excuses for him on the After show and the stupid hosts (looking at you specifically Nessa) just go along with it and act like this is all normal behavior. Like this happens in all homes. No! This is an abusive situation, and Kayla needs to be met with appalled looks at how she just glosses over it all. This is not funny! It’s not some situation you joke about later. Someone is going to get hurt and badly. Not to mention the long term problems abuse will have on the victim as well as the child that has to witness it. This show and its producers need a special place in hell reserved for them for not only serving up domestic violence and child abuse/neglect as entertainment but profiting off it as well. Makes me sick. I think it’s time I stopped contributing to their ratings and stop watching the shows. 

  • Love 13

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