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4 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Former DCCs helping out at finals.

Way to go @ShellyB doing the split in the second picture.

OMG! I just saw Nicole this afternoon at her Bar Method studio! I was taking the 2pm class that her sister and Co-owner Erin was teaching and she was in the class too! I got to talk with her afterwards and seriously, she is so incredibly sweet! She's much tinier in person too! She looks awesome and so beautiful! Oh and Ashton Torres Little was also in the class and was helping me out as I worked next to her. She's much tinier in person too but very strong! She and Nicole are like #GOALS! Ashton was also very nice :) Loved being able to meet them and work alongside them. Very encouraging ladies!

  • Love 15
30 minutes ago, TeacherWoman said:

Please pardon my ignorance here, but what/where is list thread?

.1. Alanna Tarango @yomamaalanna / Los Angeles Lakers
2. Amber McMillan @amber_nicole74 / Kilgore Rangerettes
3. Ashlee Ford @ashlee_nobanks (private) / Louisiana Tech Regal Blues (captain)
4. Brennan Cook @brennanashley / 2016 and 2017 DCC Training Camp
5. Briana Baisden @ / Tennessee Titans, 2017 DCC finalist
6. Bridget Jacob @classic_bridge (private) / San Diego Chargers
7. Caroline Sundvold @carolinesundvold (private) / U. of Missouri Golden Girls
8. Cianna Levi @cicilevi (private) / Portland Trailblazers
9. Daphne Janes @daph7 / UCLA Dance Team (captain)
10. Dayton Bramhall @daytonbramhall / 2017 DCC Finalist
11. Erin Sauerhage @erin__margaret / 2017 DCC Training Camp
12. Gabby Goduco @gabbyluise / U. of Arizona Pomline
13. Hannah Anderson @hannah_anderson95 / Chicago Bulls, 2016 DCC Finalist
14. Jalyn Stough @jalynstough / New York Jets
15. Jasmin Marie (Ammons) Orians @jasmin.marie26 /
16. Kristin Dodd @kdodd_10 / Allen Americans, 2017 DCC Finalist
17. Lily Johnson @lilyjay21 / U. of Kentucky Dance Team
18. Lindsay Brady @lindsay.nicole.brady / TCU Showgirls  
19. Madeline Molloy @madeline_molloy / Notre Dame Pom Squad, 2017 DCC Training Camp
20. Malena Brown @malenaa__b / New York Jets
21. Rachel Wyatt @rachelyukiwyatt / Clemson Rally Cats
22. Taylor Johnson @taylorjohnsonj / Texas A&M Aggie Dance Team
23. Taylor Tauss @taytauss (private) / U. of  Arizona Pomline
24. Victoria Kalina @victoriaakalina /

Veteran DCC
1. Alexis Peterson @alexispetersonn / 1 year
2. Amy Leonall @amy_nicole_l / 3 years (2017 Group 1 second)
3. Christina Riccelli @christina_riccelli / 1 year
4. Gina Ligi @ginaligi / 1 year
5. Heather  O'Conner @heathertherese94 (private) / 2 years (2017 Group 4 second)
6. Jessika Palmer @jessikapalmer / 2 years
7. KaShara Garrett @kashgarrett / 3 years (2017 Group 4 leader)
8. Kelli Sullivan @tinydancerkqs / 2 years
9. Khalyn  Cole @khalyn_larke (private) / 2 years
10. Lacey Munoz @lacemunoz / 4 years (2017 Group 3 leader)
11. Lauren Parker @lamaparker / 1 year
12. Lexie Sullivan @lexiesullivan26 / 1 year
13. Madeline Massingill @madeline_massingill / 2 years
14. Miranda Tims @mirandatims / 1 year
15. Molly Neumeister @mollyneumeister / 1 year
16. Rachel Alexander @rachelalexander / 1 year
17. Savannah Heineken @saaavy / 1 year
18. Tara Szybillo @taraszy / 1 year
19. Tasha Cruz @tasha.lee.cruz / 2 years
20. Tess Guidry @misstessguidry / 2 years
21. Yuko Kawata @yuko_kawata / 2 years

 Edited 4 hours ago by sleepyjean.


There ya go :) 

  • Love 5
20 hours ago, Teresa said:

OMG! I just saw Nicole this afternoon at her Bar Method studio! I was taking the 2pm class that her sister and Co-owner Erin was teaching and she was in the class too! I got to talk with her afterwards and seriously, she is so incredibly sweet! She's much tinier in person too! She looks awesome and so beautiful! Oh and Ashton Torres Little was also in the class and was helping me out as I worked next to her. She's much tinier in person too but very strong! She and Nicole are like #GOALS! Ashton was also very nice :) Loved being able to meet them and work alongside them. Very encouraging ladies!

I don't know how old she is but she looks more youthful than VK.

19 hours ago, Smplsimon said:



She needs a facelift.

Do y'all think DCCs, Kelli, Judy, Kittty, and Charlotte read these posts.

3 hours ago, TeacherWoman said:

It seemed like she devoted a lot of time to improving if the number of dance class videos is any indication.  Being cut from a NBA dance team would definitely be a wake-up call, and it looks like she heeded it.

She is one who would benefit from some makeover tips that would be easy to implement: tan a little less, hair a lighter color or highlights, and a little less contouring.  I can't see her making it through TC without changing those things, IMO. 

Sorry to say something not positive, but Lindsey W was never going to make it. Her look is too severe, definitely, but can anyone think of an example where someone was cut from another team and then joined DCC? I can’t see it happening. With all the dancers they have to choose from they would take someone that has been tainted by being cut? Obviously you can get better, but still, it’s there. 

7 hours ago, PrincessLeia said:

Those girls who need to lean out need to watch everything they put in their mouth. One of my friend was a TCC in 2012 and she was at a bbq with a mutual friend. They tried to get her to eat a burger. She ate fruit and raw veggies and no alcohol. She’s built like Dayton. It’s all in what you eat. You cannot out train a bad diet. These young girls don’t get that. 

I heard it’s 90% diet, 10% training. If you can’t get the 90% part going, there’s no point wasting your time on the 10%. 

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, GreyLensman said:

Rachel Yuki Wyatt (IG @rachelyukiwyatt) was a cheerleader for the 2015/2016 Clemson Tigers.  She was also crowned as Miss America Outstanding Teen in 2013, Miss South Carolina in 2016 and was the 1st runner-up for Miss America in 2017


1st Runner-Up in Miss America 2017.jpg


She's going to make it for the sole purpose of the Miss America title.  They will use that title and the connections she has.

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

That seems to be the one NFL team that's had the most former cheerleaders audition and/or make the DCC. 

I’m sure it has to do with the show.  These ladies want to use it as a platform for other things, what a way to get seen by millions quickly :-) 

Edited by ales-ya

My thoughts thus far:

YAY TITANS BRIANA!!!!!!!!!!!!  so glad she made it into camp - I really liked her last year and I'm so glad she came back and rocked it.  She's beautiful, her body looks amazing, and she has a sweet, down-to-earth attitude I really like.

VK is beautiful and absolutely looks like a DCC to me - I'm a lot less concerned about the possibility of her being "soft" than I am about her ability to adapt her style or having a potentially toxic attitude.  That said, I'm hoping for good things from her dancing, and that the attitude rumors are unfounded.  I am also hoping very hard for more Tina Kalina - love her!

I am so happy Dayton made it to camp this year - she seems sweet, dedicated, and humble, and has such a beautiful smile.  I think she's gorgeous and her interview outfit was bomb.

I love Brennan's attitude and I am so hoping for her sake she'll have it this year.  I'm honestly kind of surprised they took her to camp again - not because she's not capable, or because she wouldn't make a fantastic DCC - but because she had such a great audition last year, and then had the same persistent problems with her facials she did the year before.  I could tell Kelli especially was getting aggravated trying to help her work around it and not making any progress, so they must have seen something very promising during auditions.  I think it shows real dedication for her to keep at it the way she has, so I really admire her courage in coming back again.  I hope third time is a charm for her, especially given how hard it must have been to see three girls leave during the season (however appropriate their reasoning), and knowing that if they'd left prior to the end of camp, she'd have almost certainly had a place on the squad.

I'm happy for Christina that she made it back again, although frankly I thought that given some of the problems with her dancing and flexibility, she was at risk of being cut.  I'm also side-eyeing some of the things that have been said about her attitude overall and hoping they aren't true.  I know you aren't automatically an angel when you become a DCC, but I think of them all as being aspirational both in character as well as dance ability, so that's the kind of thing that would aggravate me if she isn't on point for.

I wasn't surprised about Selina or Keyra's cuts, although I'm sad for them both (especially Keyra).  I'm taking it for granted a bit that it was figure (although there may have been other factors at play we'll see later), and that was the results of the judges being far less lenient about weight from returning veterans than they are about TC hopefuls.  Jay has said multiple times during auditions that he would rather work with a rookie that needs help with weight rather than a veteran who comes back, knowing the standards, and gives the "same lame game."  Selina was on weight warning her rookie year, and was pulled into the office several times during last season as well.  I think that, coupled with Kelli's comment that she and Judy "helped her get here" for last year's season was why she was ultimately cut.  I wish they could have given Keyra a little more time though, the way they did with Selina.  I know there's no way of knowing all the factors that went into it, and that the frequency of warnings or how far the issue went are likely at play, but I really did like her and she seemed like she would be a ton of fun to be around.

Finally, I'm so sad about Brittany Elle not making it - she was really beautiful and just looked like she sparkled - I'd have loved to see her at camp.  I know an injury likely played into her not making it through, so I'm really hoping she'll come back next year.

Seriously can't wait for the coming season ?

  • Love 12

Okay I went to VK twitter and watched her dance videos and looked at pics.  Still don’t understand why people think she shouldn’t have made TC?  Her dance videos were good - she’s got a little bit of an issue w/ shrugged shoulders, but she’s certainly not the first dancer w/ less than perfect ballet technique that’s made DCC - she has a lot of power and expression.

And wow her face is just gorgeous and she doesn’t look old at all IMO.   Her stomach comes off as a little thick, but goodness there have been people much worse - very similar build to brunnette Megan from San Deigo the year she made it, but VK is much prettier facially IMO.

Edited by MyFavShows
  • Love 7
13 hours ago, Cheerocracy said:

Kitty is such a freakin' HYPOCRITE, remember when she got on Tasha's and Stephanie's cases for weight.

Well to be fair, VK has probably paid her thousands in the past two years to attend all of her classes (and private classes i'm sure). Imagine how much more she will get by having a struggler in tc! Smart business move!

13 hours ago, TinyHands said:

I think Victoria is way prettier than tons of girls they’ve taken to camp. Chandler? Elizabeth Reuter? Mallory? Cassie? And she’s a way better dancer/performer than a ton of people, too. Is she Erica or Abigail? No, but she’s clearly someone who belongs in camp. I think shes young and enthusiastic and a legacy and its coming off as awkward, but not entitled. 

Can you name one current dcc she is outdancing? Even Yuko won me over with her solo this year.but hoe many Yukos do they need on the team to replace powerhouses?

13 hours ago, TinyHands said:

Dayton was up for debate. Heck, even Cassie was “up for debate” her final season. Remember Jay saying we wouldn’t give that exception to anyone else? He was outvoted by Kristi and everyone else, but we’ve seen even hardcore legacies are at least debated. 

And they’ve totally taken non-legacies to camp at the same weights as Dayton and Victoria. Kashara was not leannwhen she came in wearing the pink outfit on the wrong day.

Kashara, Rachel and Keyra are built bigger, they are not soft. Especially rachel. Kashara did gain weight last year but so did Danielle who was a fan favorite. You can forgive upper vets who happen to be your last remaining top performers, but not a random tcc.

13 hours ago, TinyHands said:

Rachel was another super-thick non-legacy TCC. It happens pretty frequently.

Again, Rachel is absolutely bigger (in her thighs area only), but she is toned. That's completely different. Both VK and dayton are actually bigger in built like Keyra so they have to be pretty much skinny to compete with the rest.


10 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

Yeah - barf is right, but VK does have a really pretty face IMO - why are people upset she made it?   Figure/out of shape?  Can’t dance?   Are there links someone can share so I don’t have to dig though old threads?

just check her vids. She can't control her movements, when she tries to dance with power she looks out of control and doesn't complete her mpves and can't do sexy. And that's after two years of going to all prep classes. Maybe in a few more years she would get closer to dcc standards, but right now she's not anywhere near it.

  • Love 9
51 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

Well to be fair, VK has probably paid her thousands in the past two years to attend all of her classes (and private classes i'm sure). Imagine how much more she will get by having a struggler in tc! Smart business move!

Can you name one current dcc she is outdancing? Even Yuko won me over with her solo this year.but hoe many Yukos do they need on the team to replace powerhouses?

Kashara, Rachel and Keyra are built bigger, they are not soft. Especially rachel. Kashara did gain weight last year but so did Danielle who was a fan favorite. You can forgive upper vets who happen to be your last remaining top performers, but not a random tcc.

Again, Rachel is absolutely bigger (in her thighs area only), but she is toned. That's completely different. Both VK and dayton are actually bigger in built like Keyra so they have to be pretty much skinny to compete with the rest.


just check her vids. She can't control her movements, when she tries to dance with power she looks out of control and doesn't complete her mpves and can't do sexy. And that's after two years of going to all prep classes. Maybe in a few more years she would get closer to dcc standards, but right now she's not anywhere near it.

Edited by viccib
wrong post sorry
10 minutes ago, Lmr29 said:

All of the vets who made It through finals are saying that “round 2, glad to be back” does this guarantee them a spot for next season? Are the vets done with tryouts ?

They still have to make it through training camp. The majority of the time, vets are safe after finals unless they really screw up during camp

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Collette1104 said:

Sorry to say something not positive, but Lindsey W was never going to make it. Her look is too severe, definitely, but can anyone think of an example where someone was cut from another team and then joined DCC? I can’t see it happening. With all the dancers they have to choose from they would take someone that has been tainted by being cut? Obviously you can get better, but still, it’s there. 

DCC Kelli was previously cut from the Mavs. After being cut from the Mavs, she made Ice Angels then auditioned for DCC. 

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, bnn said:

Her eye makeup here is rough compared to picture we saw of her sitting in the car with TK before finals started (which I thought looked pretty), she almost looks drunk lol 

She likely has not yet learned the art of applying makeup to last through sweat and tears.  Her mom probably doesn't have the ability bc the products were not available when she was a cheerleader.  I teach at a Title I Elementary School, I know a thing or two about a rough day. Trust me when I say my makeup is not going anywhere until I scrub it off!!

  • Love 2

1: This is not a fan site. Posters do not have to be supportive. 

Which leads to 

2: Folks can say whatever they want, however they want, about dancers etc. Do not tell posters how to post or that they shouldn't judge. 

This seems to be an ongoing issue and if it continues, warnings are going to be next. Disagree without making it personal. Report don't engage if someone is breaking the rules. And use the Ignore feature for posters whose posts are not against the rules but rub you the wrong way as it will make your reading experience more enjoyable. 

  • Love 15
On ‎5‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 2:28 PM, fan1999 said:

Also, just because you don't feel the energy from a dance on a video doesn't mean there is none. I remember when my daughter was in HS there was a soloist a few years younger than her who won everywhere she went and people gushed on about her. I watched a few videos and thought people were mad because she had blah technique in general but horrible feet specifically, her choreography seemed plain and pretty easy and she was boring to watch. We competed against her studio eventually and I kid you not, the girl was stunning to watch in person. I didn't notice her choreo, her feet or if she did any tricks. She was captivating and drew me into her story and I forgot to even pay attention to the rest. Later I went to show the video to someone and all the same thoughts I had before seeing her in person came flooding back. The video was awful. It took seeing her a few more times in person before I realized her energy, her "it factor" was not translating through the screen. Didn't matter though because the judges were watching her live. And now she dances on an NFL team and, again, people see her live. I've realized since that experience a decade ago that it's pretty common. 

This!  Watching anything in person is so much better because you are experiencing the energy, music and excitement of everyone in the venue.  If you want to see the exact opposite, watch any of the solos on mute (without the influence of the music) and you will more than likely be more critical of their performances. 

  • Love 3

Kelli loves tall blondes with long legs. VK looks like her “type.” Not to mention, she is her BFF’s daughter. 

In that clip, she does look sloppy. Again, I find most dance clips to be underwhelming of her. I’m not a trained dancer, but her placements seem sloppy and she doesn’t finish moves. 

I improved so much when I was in cheer and drill team camp. Perhaps they think she’ll be a fast learner and improve in camp.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

Well to be fair, VK has probably paid her thousands in the past two years to attend all of her classes (and private classes i'm sure). Imagine how much more she will get by having a struggler in tc! Smart business move!

Can you name one current dcc she is outdancing? Even Yuko won me over with her solo this year.but hoe many Yukos do they need on the team to replace powerhouses?

Kashara, Rachel and Keyra are built bigger, they are not soft. Especially rachel. Kashara did gain weight last year but so did Danielle who was a fan favorite. You can forgive upper vets who happen to be your last remaining top performers, but not a random tcc.

Again, Rachel is absolutely bigger (in her thighs area only), but she is toned. That's completely different. Both VK and dayton are actually bigger in built like Keyra so they have to be pretty much skinny to compete with the rest.


just check her vids. She can't control her movements, when she tries to dance with power she looks out of control and doesn't complete her mpves and can't do sexy. And that's after two years of going to all prep classes. Maybe in a few more years she would get closer to dcc standards, but right now she's not anywhere near it.

Good insight about Kitty 's classes. Money and connections will get you places. 

Does anyone know where I can find Yuko's solo?

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

Well to be fair, VK has probably paid her thousands in the past two years to attend all of her classes (and private classes i'm sure). Imagine how much more she will get by having a struggler in tc! Smart business move!

Can you name one current dcc she is outdancing? Even Yuko won me over with her solo this year.but hoe many Yukos do they need on the team to replace powerhouses?

just check her vids. She can't control her movements, when she tries to dance with power she looks out of control and doesn't complete her mpves and can't do sexy. And that's after two years of going to all prep classes. Maybe in a few more years she would get closer to dcc standards, but right now she's not anywhere near it.

Thank you for this.  All of it.  A breath of clarity and sanity.

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, go4luca said:

Thank you for this.  All of it.  A breath of clarity and sanity.

Yes. Thank you. We will see how they do on the field. I think that is the one prerequisite K&J won't comprise, if they can't hit their lines and make their marks that will negatively reflects back on K&J.

1 minute ago, Cheerocracy said:

Yes. Thank you. We will see how they do on the field. I think that is the one prerequisite K&J won't comprise, if they can't hit their lines and make their marks that will negatively reflects back on K&J.

The field is a beast. The girls who have college and NFL field experience have an advantage.

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