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3 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

I just think the reasons for her weight gain are irrelevant.  Weight gain is weight gain.  You need to be thin to be a DCC and if you can’t be cause of a medication, have a thyroid condition, or are just a lazy bum who can’t stop eating cheese fries, etc. you need to be cut.  They can’t have a fat cheerleader regardless of the reason.

I guess they can be nicer to a girl who has a good reason than the one who doesn’t, but they can’t put either one of them on the field.  VK is a TCC, not a 3rd year vet.  When TCC Rachel (who was doing well) got hurt in TC, they cut her and she needed to re-audition - they didn’t put her on the team and wait for her to heal.   To me it’s a similar situation.    Perhaps Kelli had hope the doctor would give VK a pill/treatment or something that would fix her thyroid condition in time for the first game, but that’s pretty far-fetched.

It can take six to eight weeks for the medication to work its magic if she was hypothyroid. Plus it can take a while to find the right dosage along with blood testing and followup appointments. Some patients can bounce back quickly while others can take awhile before feeling better again. Like I said, if Victoria did have a real thyroid condition, she could have went to her doctor and ask for a note or letter stating her condition is causing my weight gain, and we are working on a treatment plan. Instead she would not get together with Jinelle who was willing to work with her on better nutrition ideas to tone up and lied about seeing the Cowboys doctor.

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14 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I was told the same thing. I hate to see Jinelle get in trouble for what Victoria did. Jinelle might have been told to cover for her. *cough Kelli, Charlotte and CMT cough*

Covered for her how exactly? 

There are pieces to this story that don't add up. It's clear VK is gaining weight. Even her latest instragram post shows the same problem. If she tried to explain her weight gain as being do to a thyroid condition then where was her own doctor's note? Or did she just say I don't know why I'm gaining weight and then she was sent to the cowboys doctor to find out why? If she had a known thyroid problem she would not need a cowboys doctor. Her PCP is more than capable of addressing it and managing it. 

I agree that lying is unacceptable however I don't really understand why she was made to go in the first place. I also don't see how Jinelle could cover up a missed appointment. It's on the record and likely HIPPA doesn't apply because she probably signed a waiver regarding health issues as she entered TCC. 

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1 minute ago, DCC.Style.fan said:

Maybe this is because the 1st regular season home opener is today/tonight .   I wonder who the game day girl will be.   Dallas better win dangit!

Amy was the first game day girl - who was the second one?  Did we ever find out?

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Jinelle could have thought Victoria went to the appointment because Victoria said she went to the appointment. Victoria said her weight gain was caused by a thyroid disorder. Usually if a PCP suspects a thyroid condition he or she will send a patient to an endocrinologist who treats patients with thyroid conditions. Have other TC Candidates who gained weight been sent off to a Cowboys doctor in the past? Where was Jay in all of this since girls with weight issues are usually sent to him? Were Kelli and Charlotte desperate to get Victoria on the team so they sent her to the Cowboys doctor in the first place? Kelli and Charlotte may not want the news of Victoria not going to the doctor and working with Jinelle coming out, so they ask Jinelle to keep it a secret or use poor Jinelle just like they use Denise in last week's episode as the bad guy.

I have the weird feeling there is someone in the CMT Headquarters reading all of our posts and having a field day. Do they think they hit the jackpot or are they thinking damage control mode is needed and fast.

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Just now, scorpio1031 said:

Amy was the first game day girl - who was the second one?  Did we ever find out?

I don't know about the pre season games.  Since the first game in season was in NC this is the first game at home that I really pay attention to.  I bet it will be either KaShara or Lacey. I would like to see Lauren, Lexie, or Tess get GDG

36 minutes ago, go4luca said:

Does Alexis ever take a bad photo?

alexis copy.jpg

Stunning!  This sounds weird but if my ex boyfriend was a woman this is what he would look like  LOL

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23 minutes ago, Donna S said:

 For professional teams, health and injury information is considered criteria for employment, because of the nature of the job. Therefore, an injured athlete would not be able legally to withhold injury information from a team to whom he or she is contractually obliged. This also means that health and treatment information could be shared with coaches and team owners (Magee, Almekinders, & Taft, 2003).

I dunno.  I can definitely see this for a physical injury, but something like reasons for weight gain seems a little personal and off limits to me.   There could be lots a very personal reasons a woman is gaining weight and not sure TPTB are entitled to know all the details.   If she’s too heavy to cheer, cut her - she’s a TCC, not a 3 year vet, the reason doesn’t really matter.  If VK wants to explain how she can get things under control in time, then they can listen and evaluate, but don’t see how the excuse really matters (even if it’s a good one) if she isn’t field ready.

And if Kelli is concerned as a friend for her health she could always have just reached out to TK - no need to involve the Cowboys Dr.

Just my opinion on it all.   We really don’t know the full story at this point and maybe never will.

Edited by MyFavShows
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6 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

Sheesh. Is anyone else ready for a break from the Victoria thing? Between the insiders here (who conflict with each other), the rumors here (which conflict with each other), and the people speaking on the show (who conflict with each other), I've had about enough. I can't figure out what's going on with her and I need to get off the VK merry go round for a minute.

I have long wished that someone would invent a Kardashian/Jenner filter for my internet browser so I could go days, weeks, maybe even entire months in blissful ignorance of their lives. I'm starting to wish for a Kalina filter as well.


On to another topic, does anyone know why Caroline is going by Caroline B (Brock) instead of Sundvold? Is she recently married? Is Brock her middle name?

I thought Brock was her dad.

And you're right, I was just thinking that we don't know who got game girl last time.  Did anyone listen to the "Boots are Talking" podcast?  We are behind on our usual gossip:/

OOps, never mind the podcast is next week.  But are they still doing the Q&A on Facebook?

Edited by scorpio1031
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3 minutes ago, DCC.Style.fan said:

It's called the ignore button : )

Ahhh if only. I don't want to ignore people. I just want to ignore the topic. ;-)

There's the rub. If you want DCC, you have to take Kalina along with it. But I'm putting my mental filters on.

Edited by sleepyjean
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3 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

I dunno.  I can definitely see this for a physical injury, but something like reasons for weight gain seems a little personal and off limits to me.   There could be lots a very personal reasons a woman is gaining weight and not sure TPTB are entitled to know all the details.   If she’s too heavy to cheer, cut her - she’s a TCC, not a 3 year vet, the reason doesn’t really matter.  If VK wants to explain how she can get things under control in time, then they can listen and evaluate, but don’t see how the excuse really matters (even if it’s a good one) if she isn’t field ready.

And if Kelli is concerned as a friend for her health she could always have just reached out to TK - no need to involve the Cowboys Dr.

Just my opinion on it all.   We really don’t know the full story at this point and maybe never will.

I admit I do not understand the Cowboys doctor thing either. Victoria knew weight gain can cause a girl to get the ole DCC axe during TC. I wonder if the Cowboys doctor appointment was a way to say hey we still think Victoria deserves a spot on the team and we will prove to you nonbelievers. I would not put it past Kelli, Charlotte and CMT to do something like that.

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4 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

Ahhh if only. I don't want to ignore people. I just want to ignore the topic. ;-)

I hear ya!  I am the same way but this past episode has generated way too much focus on the negative and the gals who are really standing out barely get mentioned.

Edited by DCC.Style.fan
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3 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

Ahhh if only. I don't want to ignore people. I just want to ignore the topic. ;-)

There's the rub. If you want DCC, you have to take Kalina along with it. But I'm putting my mental filters on.

If other TCC's were featured, it would be different.  And do any of the cut girls even get warnings anymore?  

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8 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

I thought Brock was her dad.

And you're right, I was just thinking that we don't know who got game girl last time.  Did anyone listen to the "Boots are Talking" podcast?  We are behind on our usual gossip:/

OOps, never mind the podcast is next week.  But are they still doing the Q&A on Facebook?

I love a project! If I googled the right Caroline, her dad is Jon and played in the NBA.  Her moms maiden name is Gilmore.  And there’s no wedding of record for her.  So...I’m guessing it’s her middle name because of some reason that hasn’t yet been shared with google. Or I just learned about some random Caroline Sundvold.

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6 minutes ago, DCCme said:

I love a project! If I googled the right Caroline, her dad is Jon and played in the NBA.  Her moms maiden name is Gilmore.  And there’s no wedding of record for her.  So...I’m guessing it’s her middle name because of some reason that hasn’t yet been shared with google. Or I just learned about some random Caroline Sundvold.

LOL!!!  Now I'm wondering where I got Brock.

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It would be easier to not talk about Victoria if Kelli and the show weren’t so obsessed with her. I hope next year if she comes back, she just is in the background.

i don’t like that we don’t see much of the other dancers, some of whom probably have a compelling story. Almost everyone has something in their background that makes them interesting to get to know for a few minutes.

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25 minutes ago, MamaV said:

As long as there are no more fake graduation ceremonies, it will be ok. That was awkward and just plain embarrassing. It was actually painful to watch. Let’s hope they never inflict that on us again. ?

Next week's team bonding segment does not look all that great either.

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2 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Next week's team bonding segment does not look all that great either.

I missed the preview. What do they do? Sit around in a circle and take turns saying great things about Victoria?

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58 minutes ago, DCC.Style.fan said:

I don't know about the pre season games.  Since the first game in season was in NC this is the first game at home that I really pay attention to.  I bet it will be either KaShara or Lacey. I would like to see Lauren, Lexie, or Tess get GDG

Stunning!  This sounds weird but if my ex boyfriend was a woman this is what he would look like  LOL

I’ve always thought Alexis has a very masculine look.  But since I’ve got to hear her talk on the show more I think she is a lot prettier.

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10 minutes ago, AmyBabs said:

My daughter’s friend dances with Victoria at the same studio. Victoria told her classmates that she was cut because she was getting too much attention; taking away air time from the other training camp girls. 

It’s another indicator that she is not ready for a team sport. She couldnt accept her own faults and pointed blame elsewhere. 

Does she not think they will watch?

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18 minutes ago, AmyBabs said:

My daughter’s friend dances with Victoria at the same studio. Victoria told her classmates that she was cut because she was getting too much attention; taking away air time from the other training camp girls. 

It’s another indicator that she is not ready for a team sport. She couldnt accept her own faults and pointed blame elsewhere. 

lol - well, she’s not exactly wrong about that is she?  Cause that indeed has been happening.  Doubt it is a reason to cut her though - although there have been a lot of TCC over the years who got a lot of attention, got bad edits, and then were cut - Vivian, Auto Amy, Taylor who Cassie yelled at.   You could argue that most of them were the star of their season if you think about it.   For instance Vivian - what was the reason for her cut the second season?  It was kind of strange and ambiguous wasn’t it?  Maybe they just do that to some people - feature them a lot, make them look trainwreck bad and then cut them.   Remember that the producers/editors don’t have to show things they don’t want to show. 

Edited by MyFavShows
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On 9/13/2018 at 10:52 PM, scorpio1031 said:

There's enough of us to get a group discount.  

I’ve already booked a suite.  Join me!  I’ll have s’mores and wine. 

Rewatching the last episode.  I’m surprised how not graceful soooo many vets looked including Maddy.   AndLacey was not the superstar I expected in that.  Is lyrical very different from contemporary?  I need my dance tutors to help me with this.  

I was pleasantly impressed by Savvy in Travis’s style.  Her extensions and movements were beautiful.   Just not AS good as Kelli and Gina.  

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4 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

lol - well, she’s not exactly wrong about that is she?  Cause that indeed has been happening.  Doubt it is a reason to cut her though - although there have been a lot of TCC over the years who got a lot of attention, got bad edits, and then were cut - Vivian, Auto Amy, Taylor who Cassie yelled at.   You could argue that most of them were the star of their season if you think about it.   For instance Vivian - what was the reason for her cut the second season?  It was kind of strange and ambiguous wasn’t it?  Maybe they just do that to some people - feature them a lot, make them look trainwreck bad and then cut them.   Remember that the producers/editors don’t have to show things they don’t want to show. 


Vivian got cut because of her memory and because she hadn’t done the jump split for them at all. Kelli met with her about it.

oh also she was bad on the entrance and she lost her power dancing she had the year before. The poem was an indication of how out of it she was during training camp. 

I still think she would have been ok if they had taken her that first year.

Edited by rose711
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7 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

We usually go to 3-4 a year! We aren’t local anymore so we have to travel. We aren’t going to the giants game tonight! 

Thats awesome!  I am way more not local, like half a country away, so that's still cool that you attend 3-4.  Do you go to any of the ones with special halftimes or just to the ones that you get tickets for?  Sorry about all the questions.

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3 minutes ago, English Teacher said:

I’ve already booked a suite.  Join me!  I’ll have s’mores and wine. 

Rewatching the last episode.  I’m surprised how not graceful soooo many vets looked including Maddy.   AndLacey was not the superstar I expected in that.  Is lyrical very different from contemporary?  I need my dance tutors to help me with this.  

I was pleasantly impressed by Savvy in Travis’s style.  Her extensions and movements were beautiful.   Just not AS good as Kelli and Gina.  

OMG I LOVE S'MORES!!!!!!  Actually I am drinking a homemade s'mores mocha right now:)

I like when they bring in other choreographers because then we get to see what else they can do besides the DCC style.  I realize that's the point of the show, but like I've said before, there is a lot of talent we haven't seen.

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5 minutes ago, DCC.Style.fan said:

Thats awesome!  I am way more not local, like half a country away, so that's still cool that you attend 3-4.  Do you go to any of the ones with special halftimes or just to the ones that you get tickets for?  Sorry about all the questions.

We’ve seen the old breast cancer awareness halftime, the new one, the Halloween halftime a few times, and the Christmas half time. I’ve also been to games where they’ve had three of the cheerleaders sing the national anthem both at Texas Stadium and AT&T Stadium. We also did the Thanksgiving Game once at Texas Stadium. It was AMAZING. We did the Thanksgiving lunch before the game at the old club right above the field. Jerry Jones came in and shook my hand and said hello. For the life of me I can’t remember who did the halftime performance... but I’m pretty sure that was the game it snowed. It was so flipping cold. We also went to the Dallas/Baltimore game which was the last game at Texas Stadium. They had a big show after the game which included the DCC and players past  and present. That game was the coldest I’ve ever been to. It was in the 20s and so windy. 

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24 minutes ago, 5678Pixie said:

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team | Sneak Peek | Episode 8, S...



I really want to know why Victoria is the whole show every week.  To quote Victoria "OH MY GOD"

We could STOP watching Season 13 Victoria show and review previous seasons when the show had its integrity intact. Otherwise the VK show will continue as she wasn't cut until the last episode

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5 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

We’ve seen the old breast cancer awareness halftime, the new one, the Halloween halftime a few times, and the Christmas half time. I’ve also been to games where they’ve had three of the cheerleaders sing the national anthem both at Texas Stadium and AT&T Stadium. We also did the Thanksgiving Game once at Texas Stadium. It was AMAZING. We did the Thanksgiving lunch before the game at the old club right above the field. Jerry Jones came in and shook my hand and said hello. For the life of me I can’t remember who did the halftime performance... but I’m pretty sure that was the game it snowed. It was so flipping cold. We also went to the Dallas/Baltimore game which was the last game at Texas Stadium. They had a big show after the game which included the DCC and players past  and present. That game was the coldest I’ve ever been to. It was in the 20s and so windy. 

It wasn't the one where Destiny's Child performed Lose my Breath and Soldier on Thanksgiving was it?????   I would have loooovvved to have been there! I love that one.   I hate to say this but the Turkey Day halftime shows these days kinda well, suck!

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32 minutes ago, rose711 said:

Vivian got cut because of her memory and because she hadn’t done the jump split for them at all. Kelli met with her about it.

oh also she was bad on the entrance and she lost her power dancing she had the year before. The poem was an indication of how out of it she was during training camp. 

I still think she would have been ok if they had taken her that first year.

Funny I just finished re watching that season. It was the last week of training camp and she was having trouble with the entrance. She was doing the jump splits again by that point though. There were 4 girls on the border. Chandler (aka grandma), Breelan, Ashley and Vivian. They keep Ashley and Breelan (wrong decision). Vivian made less mistakes than those two. They cut her because of the "fame pressure" and likely because she was not a team player - too much of a distraction. Familiar?

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Rookie headshots from Twitter. Some more successful than others.

Alanna and Amber



Ashlee and Brennan



Briana and Bridget



Caroline and Cianna



Daphne and Erin



Gabby and Hannah



Jalyn and Madeline




Rachel and Taylor


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58 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

My daughter’s friend dances with Victoria at the same studio. Victoria told her classmates that she was cut because she was getting too much attention; taking away air time from the other training camp girls. 

Honestly I could see Tina or even Kelli telling VK this was why she got cut.

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5 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Honestly I could see Tina or even Kelli telling VK this was why she got cut.

They should both be slapped if that were the case. 

VK is an immature little girl trying to play in the big girl world and it isn't working. 

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8 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

They should both be slapped if that were the case. 

VK is an immature little girl trying to play in the big girl world and it isn't working. 

Victoria should be smart enough to figure it out though. If she isn’t cut until the last episode then how is that giving more time to other candidates? The show is over. At that point they’d keep her if she was good enough (or even if she was close enough that they felt they could hide her). 

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3 hours ago, go4luca said:

Does Alexis ever take a bad photo?


This warms my heart.  I swear seeing "@DCC_Brennan" makes me as happy as it makes her.  Sorry, Brennan, I'm really not a creeper :)


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I don't get why their "dreams" are so short sighted. Shouldn't the dream be a professional dancer - with being a DCC just a stepping stone towards that goal ?

I feel for the HS guidance counselor who meets with them with a fistful of post-HS options and all they say is " I just want to be a DCC". 

I think that is why I am drawn to those when asked to share their story, as they what they are doing or plan to do with their lives after DCC - which is at best a 7 yrs reign, right ? It doesn't have to be an elaborate plan, like finishing/starting a degree, going to medical or law school, but come in the door realizing your "dream" needs to be bigger. 


Reminds me of one of my favorite scenes from "Parks & Recreation":

Leslie Knope: "But City Council was my dream!"

Jen Barkley (political consultant): "Then DREAM BIGGER!"

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20 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

Some (but not all) of the vets have new headshots on Twitter as well.

Amy and Heather



Jessika and KaShara



Kelli and Khalyn



Lacey and Maddie


Tasha and Tess




Thanks for posting.  Khayln looks really pretty.  So does Heather.  I’m not a fan of that shot of Tasha - just know she’s a lot prettier than that pic makes her look.

Jessica started to remind me of Cassie in that footage from interviews and now I can’t unsee it - ahh!  Lol.

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Unless there's a bloodbath and Tara, Victoria, Lily and Malena are all cut in the last episode, I think Tara and Victoria will be cut in the 2nd-to-last episode and Lily and Malena cut in the last episode.  I remember people thinking that Training Camp ended on either a Thursday or Friday night (I'm thinking Thursday) and that the team would be announced that night.  Instead we find out that both Tara and Victoria were not only cut, but that Training Camp was still going on.  Then we find out that Training Camp ended the next Monday, but that Lily and Malena were cut as well.  I suspect that we'll see two episode with 2 cuts a piece.

Given Victoria's perceived attitude issues (and, granted, there's a lot to go on that says that she's both arrogant and tactless as well as being pretty clueless about being both), I kind of see her going into that last practice thinking the team was going to be announced that night and that she made it (all the while being smug and arrogant about it), only to be called into the office and cut.

Edited by EricaShadows
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