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S05.E22: A Weird Year

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An open feed from a camera mistakenly left on following a teleconferenced deposition between the lawyers of Florrick/Agos and Lockhart/Gardner reveals a threat to the firm that Alicia and Cary never saw coming. Meanwhile, Louis Canning vies for a larger role at LG; and Alicia entrusts plans for Zach's high-school graduation party to Jackie and Veronica.



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WHAT???   Surely that would be a conflict of interest.   But wow, what a way to give Alisha power in her own right. 


Drunk Jackie and whatever Alisha's mom's name is will never not be hilarious.   Those two love to snipe at each other -- and their children just stand back and roll their eyes,   If Peter and Alisha do get back together this will be why.   As for why it is never easy Eli, have you SEEN the Florrick's lives?   I think they do it just to see you work your magic fixing everything.


If Diane brings in $38 mill a year, why does LG always have financial trouble?  But her jumping ship is the best solution.   Why on earth would she take a set salary as a state's attorney that would be peanuts compared to what she makes at LG?  She is not politically ambitious.   She wanted a judgeship as the culmination of a legal career, not as a stepping stone to higher offer.  


Canning can have LG until he dies.  Sure his wife and kids are thrilled to find out that if he doesn't have work he doesn't have a life.  Or did the show forget he had a wife and kids.


Gosh Kalina not fun being sexually used is it.   Sucks to be you.   I would feel more sorry for you as a domestic violence survivor if 1) that storyline hadn't sucked beyond belief and 2) you had used so many people then discarded them.   BTW, not a flicker from Peter when Kalinda showed up with Diane?


BTW, not a flicker from Peter when Kalinda showed up with Diane?

I saw a definite flicker, a definite moment where he was uncomfortable, but Peter is too much of a pro to give things away like that.


I was hoping Diane would eventually come over to Florrick Agos, but not if it's so she can essentially take Alicia's place. That would mean there's no Florrick at Florrick/Agos and no Lockhart and no Gardner at Lockhart Gardner.


My overriding reaction to this was that there has to be some validity to the speculation that there is backstage stuff happening to stop Kalinda and Alicia scenes.

The minute Dianne decides to go to FA, Eli decides Alicia would make a good states attorney?

I'm looking forward to Eli running Alicia's campaign. But does the State's Attorney try cases? Because I won't be watching if they completely remove the courtroom stuff.

If Alicia does run for State's Attorney, it sure would create some interesting changes.  However, I should think that having the governor's wife run for such a position would be.....weird. However, it does look like they are writing Finn out of the show. If Florrick-Agos goes forward with Diane Lockhart, that may indicate that MJFox's character, Louis Canning, will be sticking around as a more regular cast member.  Not sure I'd be a fan of that, as his schtick is only tolerable in smallish doses.  I don't think we'd heard the last of Jackie's attitude about whatever Alicia and Peter's relationship has become.  Heh. With the emotional confrontation between Cary Agos and Alicia, there will likely be repercussions in their working relationship going forward.  Speaking of Cary, it was interesting to see "the other Cary" play such a prominent role tonight after being absent for so long.

Just wanted to add that someone upthread mentioned that there is backstage stuff  stopping Kalinda and Alicia scenes, but I'd bet Kalinda will come with Diane to FA, so I guess we shall see how that aspect plays out soon enough.

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It makes no sense to me that Eli would think Alicia is a good political candidate. He knows she had an extramarital affair, and IIRC, this is documented somewhere in grand jury testimony. And too many other people know. at this point.  It would come out. Any cache' and public good will Alicia had built up as the cuckolded political wife (St. Alicia) would be over once it got out. Plus her own brother recently gave a statement implying she drinks quite a bit, and her son may or may not be involved with drugs. This seems awfully impulsive of Eli.



However, it does look like they are writing Finn out of the show.


I got the exact opposite impression. If Alicia won the election, she would become Finn's boss. Or boss's boss? Not sure how the hierarchy works. They've just made it more plausible that they would spend more time together if she runs and wins. I'll be curious to see how Finn survives after dropping out of the race though, because that was the only thing that was keeping his boss from firing him. Now he has a real enemy there.

Edited by bentley
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However, it does look like they are writing Finn out of the show. If Florrick-Agos goes forward with Diane Lockhart, that may indicate that MJFox's character, Louis Canning, will be sticking around as a more regular cast member.  Not sure I'd be a fan of that, as his schtick is only tolerable in smallish doses.

I took this exactly the opposite way. L&G and everyone that works there is gone. The is why Canning is dying. At best they'll be one of the "guest" firms that FA oppose in one-off cases. Finn is on the other hand now firmly entrenched in the show. This will be like the season where Cary and Peter were in the SA office only now its Finn and Alicia.

I haven't heard any speculation about why there are no Alica/Kalinda scenes....what is supposedly the issue?  Cause I did think it was weird we never see them together, even though they were some of the best scenes in earlier seasons.


I wouldn't expect Alicia to want to run for state's attorney, but it does give them a set up for next year.


If Diane leaves LG and Canning dies...what happens to the firm? Will it fall apart or will David Lee take over?


This seems awfully impulsive of Eli.

This didn't bother me. But only because there was this scene years ago when Alicia did an interview and Eli looked at her thunderstruck and you could see that he was thinking 'she'd be a perfect political candidate'. Eli had the same look on his face tonight. I always liked that scene. I liked the callback. I like Eli/Alicia scenes more than almost anything else on the show. I'm willing to suspend belief on this one because it has the promise of more of those.

Edited by ParadoxLost

Does Canning have to die now that The Michael J. Fox show got canceled?  

Canning was set to die after Fox's show got canceled, so that's not even a factor. And Kalinda confirmed to Diana that he wasn't lying about it, so who knows. I love Michael J. Fox, but I really hate him here, and the sooner Canning is gone, the better.


But I totally wanted to slap Alicia for her going on about not wanting to struggle, and blah, blah. What? Did she think starting a firm from the ground up was going to magically not have any problems? Puhleaze.  And Lockhart Gardner had promised her a managerial partnership, while she was still there, so what's so different? But, it appears moot, since Diane is coming aboard.


Yay I got what I was hoping for: Diane at Florrick Agos. It will be interesting how next season will be structured, because right now it looks kind of simplistic (the "good guys" - Alicia, Cary, Diane, maybe Kalinda if she makes the move too - fight the "bad guys" - Canning (?), David Lee, etc. At least with FA vs. LG there was a bit more nuance).


This was actually a really good episode. There didn’t seem to be a wasted moment – it was very jam-packed with drama.


I was firmly on Team Cary. The guy has been overlooked, underestimated, and disregarded many, many times. Alicia was very much in the wrong, and I was cheering for Cary’s position to prevail (not merging with an unwieldy, mismanaged, top-heavy firm they burned bridges with). I also really felt for Cary finding out the truth about Kalinda’s deceit. I’d love to see more angry, assertive Cary (that screaming scene with Alicia was intense). Matt Czuchry is really great when they give him meaty material.


I bet Alicia will decide to run for SA, but I wonder why she would, unless it’s just change for change’s sake. She is savvy in interviews, but she’s not a political animal by nature. Not to mention the optics look terrible (wife of the current governor gets SA seat?).

Edited by CleoCaesar
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I can see her doing it.   The move out of LG was to take some control over her life.   THen she found out all the decisions she would have to make as managing partner.  It was a lot of work.   Not that Alicia is lazy.   She will do the work.  But she wanted taking control of her life to be easy.   At the SA office there is more structure.   It's a bureaucracy.   Things go about happening whether she makes a decision about them or not.   Sure she will still be called on to do it, but at least she will have an office with a door that closes.   She will still be in charge, but it will be easier.  


The problem with Alicia running for anything is that the smart thing for the show would be to have her lose, but the fact that she's supposed to be on some huge series long character arc, with her getting further and further away from the titular "Good Wife" of Episode 1 means they're probably far to likely to insist she has to win to help fulfill that.


Realistically political spouses can and do often run successfully for office.  AFTER their spouses have finished serving.  Or I suppose, at the very least in different jurisdictions.  Alicia as a Federal judge?  Might seem credible in some senses (although she doesn't have the experience--I'm just talking about the necessary level of disconnection from her spouse).  Alicia serving in a State Office?  That seems ridiculous.  Maybe a Congressional race might have also seemed credible, except of course they can't take Alicia out of Illinois, or they ruin the show.


Heh, Mayor of Chicago. That could have been entertaining.  Then again, they might insist a mayoral candidate needed you know... experience in some previous city office, or some kind of executive experience in the corporate world or something like that.

Edited by Kromm

Grace is totally going to church it up even more now that Zach has hit the road.  


Alicia won't run - too much scrutiny for her marriage which only now exists on paper. And she'd have to report to Peter. Not anything she'd want.


Anyone can do whatever they want with whomever they want as long as Eli is there as the puppet master. Love that man. I hope his Cabaret job doesn't spill over into next season. 

I was struck by the majority of associates that would vote for a merger,when so many would lose their positions. I can't see this merger  as being  good for anybody but Alicia.

She has no respect for Cary with her; "we could try" to get your name on the letterhead.bull--t.  Wow what a selfish "partner.


I really thought Cary and Kalinda was trading information, just sealing the trade in bed instead of over coffee. You'd think when she'd  ask him questions about work,he would know she was not just being curious. I lost a little respect  for him letting Kalinda play him.


Poor Eli, when he got that look in his eye, I really thought he was going to ask Alicia to marry him. I think he'd stand a better chance at marrying her than getting her elected as State's Attorney.  

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I have to say I have enjoyed TGW more since Will was killed off that I have maybe ever before. Sorry, Will.


So if Diane moves to Florrick Argos, wouldn't Lockhart Gardner have to morph into another firm, since neither Lockhart or Gardner would be there? So glad Cary found out about Kalinda using him. MC is such an amazing actor.


I can't imagine Alicia would be interested in running for SA, and doubt even Peter would go for it.


Love the mothers drinking and snarking at each other. They really need to have more scenes with those two.

When Cary yelled at Alicia that the work at the firm was not the real reason she was tired, was he thinking of her family life? And, if so, in addition to that being correct, was he also wishing he had a family life himself instead of just dicking around (in every possible meaning of the phrase) with Kalinda? Or was he just thinking she must be tired out from all the wheeling and dealing she was doing behind his back?

I really thought Cary and Kalinda was trading information, just sealing the trade in bed instead of over coffee. You'd think when she'd  ask him questions about work,he would know she was not just being curious. I lost a little respect  for him letting Kalinda play him.

Or he knew she was playing him and only leaked info he wanted to get out. Did he anticipate the reveal via the video cam as a way to let Alicia know how angry he was about her planning the merger behind his back?

BTW, Alicia planning the merger behind his back seemed like an unlikely action for the writers to have give her character, no?

I haven't heard any speculation about why there are no Alica/Kalinda scenes....what is supposedly the issue?  Cause I did think it was weird we never see them together, even though they were some of the best scenes in earlier seasons.


Julianna Margulies was apparently adament that Alicia wouldn't remain friends with Kalinda after learning that Kalinda had an affair with Peter, so their relationship has remained damaged ever since.


There's a good interview with the Kings about the plans for S6 here: http://eonline.com/news/542870/the-good-wife-creators-on-alicia-and-diane-s-big-decisions-what-s-ahead-in-season-6


This bit was interesting:



What are you most looking forward to exploring next year?

Robert: I think a different structure. What i'm most excited about is I think CBS has always given us a pretty clear signal that we can explore the way we want. But I think we wanted to be the good kids, we tried to do self-contained stories…What i think we'll do this year is play with the structure of 22 episodes. The year is going to be divided in half, it's going to be 11 episodes and then we're off for a few months and then 11 episodes. That gives us an interesting dynamic for the year, but also the ability to jump between comedy and drama based on structure is fun for us.


So we're getting an ABC-style gap with two half-seasons?

I think the State's Attorney office they are discussing is the SA for Cook County, is that correct? Not the IL AG. So I can imagine the governor's wife running for that position to be elected or not by the people of Cook County. I think it would be a great story line for next year to have Alicia there with Finn her asst. SA and Diane at FA or whatever it would be called adding Lockhart. They could have so many cases with either Alicia or Finn prosecuting and Diane or Cary defending. Why wouldn't that be fun? 

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I want Alicia to stay at F/A - no merger with LG, no state's atty.  And I agree that Alicia was being selfish wanting to merge - they just split off, and a new firm takes time to gel.  You don't just cut and run at the first sign of trouble. 


Also, I called BS on the LG partnership agreement allowing Canning to dissolve the firm. Also, I can't believe that many partners would support Canning, who has only been at the firm for FOUR weeks, over Diane.


Finally, I kept cracking up when people kept talking about Alicia's "empty nest" -- ummm, she does have another child, remember?

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"Kalinda, I'm not one of your women." lol, love that line, even if it was a shade sexist, perhaps, in that it seemed to imply she could control women, but not him. I also loved the obvious, but enjoyable symbolism of Carey finally getting "on top" of things. I love MC on a rampage. His chin gets all handsomely firm. Maybe he'll go oaver to LG. Really, Alicia deserves for him to desert her; she's been such an ass to him.


Kalinda is overdue for a come-to-Jesus meeting with herself. I hope she gets it, and that it involves throwing a change of wardrobe, too.


Love the fun of Eli asking Alicia if she'd like to be State's Attorney, but surely it will accur to her that with the husband she has, chances are she'd end up having to either prosecute him or at least make a conflicted decisioin about whether to proseute him for something. If she thinks the divorce was hard for the kids, just image how prosecuting their dad would go over. I hope that doesn't happen; it's jsut too obvious a conflict at this point, and besides, I'm back to kind of enjoying him again.I like it when they work together at least a little bit.

Love that Alan Cumming in the final scene.  You could see the gears turning in Eli's head, and I knew what he was going to say before he said it, just by the way he looked at Alicia.


The argument between Alicia and Cary seemed somewhat contrived.  I didn't really understand Alicia's point of view.  If they merged, most of the staff at Florrick-Agos would be out of a job, which is a pretty shitty thing to do with people that you've been relying on, day-to-day, for months.  And I thought most of the associates that came with Alicia and Cary from LG were partners in the new firm.  They probably wouldn't end up as partners back at LG, or FLG, or FLAG, or whatever the merged firm would have been.

Jackie was partially right about Alicia, she wants the power of being a Governor's wife but also wrong in that Alicia gives Peter something, politically. Which is why there's a bit of sense why she'd run for SA. But on a personal level, I can't see how she'd abandon FA right now. With Diane on board, bringing along Kalinda, FA can survive without Alicia. And the drama will work better if Alicia becomes a hands on SA, trying cases against the new Lockhart Argos firm. After that I'd worry about being repetitive and all the efforts made to make FA and LG distinctive will go down the drain. No, I think FAL is a much better option, the new firm fits Diane much more naturally (I always felt she was never fully on board with Will's expansion drive) and, if I remember correctly, Alicia left LG pretty much for the way Will treated Diane after the fallout (they later made up but Diane was left too weakened to oppose Will effectively). 

I also felt that the Alicia/Cary fallout was too forced, it brought them to the brink too easily I think. A difference of opinion? Sure but a sudden fight to the death? I didn't like it. Ohh, I'm probably one of the few who's going to miss Zach, his story lines always had more potential than Grace's. 

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I loved AC in that final scene too.  I never saw that coming.  I actually thought he was going to ask her out on a date.


The scenes with the mothers were priceless.  We definitely need to see more of them interacting together.


I'm tired of the scenes showing Alicia taking a bunch of phone calls at once simultaneously with people running after her demanding her attention.  OK, we get it ... she's very busy and overwhelmed.  I know that's the point they are trying to convey but it's getting old.


Does Kalinda even own a pair of shoes?  All I ever see on her feet are boots.

Please no more Jackie and Alicia mom scenes.  Once in awhile is fine but other than that, no.  Jackie is a fine one to talk about Alicia.

Too bad Zach is the one who left and Grace is still around.

I don't know if I buy Alicia running for SA but as soon as Eli got that look in his eye I knew he was going to ask her.  I agree the affair with Will could come back to bite her.  I can't see her wanting to answer to Peter either.

As for the law firm shuffle.  Wasn't shocked when Diane went to F/A but it's obvious that Alicia and Cary have issues and that they'll more than likely build up even more going forward.  I understood Cary's anger.  Alicia was too willing to jump back into L/G without regard to the folks who were now working under her.

I don't care about Cary and Kalinda as a couple so I don't care who's feelings are getting hurt.  Cary already knew Kalinda was using him but knowing that Diane and the others knew it seemed to hurt his pride.  Frankly, he had no business barking up that tree but that's on him so I don't feel bad for him.  Though, assuming they agree to take Diane on as partner, Kalinda is probably part of that deal.

I'm wondering what happens with Finn?  He was added to the cast but that doesn't mean he'll be back next season.  Maybe it'll just be another dangling thread that shows in general tend to do.

The Kings have said repeatedly that they want Matthew Goode to return next year and have been singing his praises, but his presence in this ep felt like an afterthought. They've spent weeks building up his campaign storyline only to drop it with an "oh, yeah, he bribed someone" throwaway line. If I hadn't read statements to the contrary, I would assume they'd had high hopes for the character only to drop him at the last minute.

I love Goode, so I am happy to see him stay. I think Finn's been a bit of a cipher, but I think there's some depths to be plumbed there. I am hoping he isn't such a Boy Scout next season. MG does well with a little darkness, whether it's just snarky or full on sociopathy. And he brings the pretty.

I was firmly on Team Cary. The guy has been overlooked, underestimated, and disregarded many, many times. Alicia was very much in the wrong, and I was cheering for Cary’s position to prevail (not merging with an unwieldy, mismanaged, top-heavy firm they burned bridges with). I also really felt for Cary finding out the truth about Kalinda’s deceit. I’d love to see more angry, assertive Cary (that screaming scene with Alicia was intense). Matt Czuchry is really great when they give him meaty material


I echo what you said CleoCaesar.  I think Matt Czuchry is frequently overlooked and underrated, and I'm glad that he was finally given his chance to truly shine this season.  I'd like to see TPTB have him continue in this vein next season; I almost see him as as a "What-Will-Could-Have-Been" type of character.




The Kings have said repeatedly that they want Matthew Goode to return next year and have been singing his praises


I didn't get the "Finn is leaving" vibe that many people did. I fully expect him to be back next season, and I'll be happy to see him if that is indeed the case.

Edited by ShadowDenizen
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I kept cracking up when people kept talking about Alicia's "empty nest" -- ummm, she does have another child, remember?

Seriously this. The writers must've been drinking the same Koolaid as my sister and mom when my 3rd and last child went to college. They kept calling to see if I was "all right." It took about a year for me to convince them I was blissfully loving the absence of door slamming, inconvenient car borrowing and ride sharing, stinky work out clothes in unexpected places, etc. And yes. An empty nest means there is no younger sister still at home.

Exactly how I saw it. A combo of WTF? and: Well done, Show!

Hey @Inquisitionist that isn't far fetched since the governor of IL usually spends most of his time in Chicago IRL so Peter being in Chicago is actually realistic.


Oh and the question people raised about Alicia being SA keep in mind that the IL Speaker of the House is Mike Madigan and his daughter is the IL Attorney General. Alderman Dick Mell gave his seat to his daughter former State Rep. Deb Mell who inherited her state rep seat from her dad years earlier and Deb Mell's sister is Patti Blagojevich the former governor's wife. Check out this article for more information about IL political family dynasties from 2012 http://www.examiner.com/article/chicago-s-political-family-dynasties. I live in Chicago and was raised in the western suburbs so we are used to this.

  • Love 1

Hey @Inquisitionist that isn't far fetched since the governor of IL usually spends most of his time in Chicago IRL so Peter being in Chicago is actually realistic.

Given that the two cities are over 3 hours apart, as I recall, this show still stretches credibility with how the address the situation.


It's not too different from implying that the Governor of NY bounces daily between Albany and NYC, or the Governor of California between Sacramento and L.A. Are they in those places often? Sure.  But "often" is probably "every few weeks".

The governor of IL has two offices http://www2.illinois.gov/gov/pages/contactthegovernor.aspx and the IL House and Senate don't meet year round. Also, we don't see Peter Florrick in every episode so I imagine that he is in Springfield during those times.


Anyway, that's the least of the show's problems with getting Chicago and how it operates correct. They've messed up street names, the plausibility of Zach and Grace going to a private school in the suburbs when it would take them at least an hour to get there in good traffic, where Kalinda moved (that neighborhood is not sleek and sophisticated enough for Kalinda) and of course the outdoor scenes are laughable like the ones in last night's episode because the Chicago skyline is very distinct.

  • Love 1

Hey @Inquisitionist that isn't far fetched since the governor of IL usually spends most of his time in Chicago IRL so Peter being in Chicago is actually realistic.


Oh and the question people raised about Alicia being SA keep in mind that the IL Speaker of the House is Mike Madigan and his daughter is the IL Attorney General. Alderman Dick Mell gave his seat to his daughter former State Rep. Deb Mell who inherited her state rep seat from her dad years earlier and Deb Mell's sister is Patti Blagojevich the former governor's wife. Check out this article for more information about IL political family dynasties from 2012 http://www.examiner.com/article/chicago-s-political-family-dynasties. I live in Chicago and was raised in the western suburbs so we are used to this.

Exactly. Clearly I've spent too much of my life in Chicagoland, because it's like you described my sister's personality to a T. But perhaps the writers shouldn't just assume that the crazy politics of Chicago will be familiar to the majority of viewers; they could at least throw in a line or two like what was posted here. Like Eli telling some out-of-stater that Alicia might run, the listener objects, and then Eli points out the local precedent of the Madigans or even, heck, the frickin' Daley dynasty.

Matt Czuchry was made of win in this episode.  I have been solidly Team Cary since the beginning of Season One - I'm one of those contrary people who always root against the titular character - but so often they've wasted his potential and relegated him to the background, even in his own storylines.  It was so awesome seeing him take ownership of his firm and refusing to back down, no matter the consequences.


As for Alicia being pissed that Cary went to Canning - suck it, Alicia.  I don't see how what he did is just so much worse than Alicia going to Diane after Will's funeral and making a handshake agreement to merge, without any thought to Cary.  Also, I thought it was interesting that Alicia, who I believe thinks of herself as a supporter of the downtrodden, was all for abandoning their firm because she's "tired", while Mr. Pocket Square was the one concerned about their employees losing their jobs.


I'm excited by the possibility of Diane (and Kalinda) joining Cary at FA, and seeing that whole Diane/Cary dynamic from the early seasons flipped on it's head.  I think it could really be interesting to watch them interact as equals.  Alicia can stay or go, I don't have a preference.


I go back and forth on Finn.  The actor does a good job, but sometimes the character seems so shoehorned in.  It makes me feel like he's just there because they need a hot, age-appropriate male to do the will they/won't they dance with Alicia.


I like Eli, and I like Eli and Alicia together, but Alicia would be a nightmare as a political candidate.


The Clarke/Carey and Jackie/Veronica pairings were fun.  I don't give a crap about Zach graduating or Alicia's half-empty nest.

  • Love 5
Is anyone else seeing quite a bit of hypocrisy on Diane's side? She has spent months and months demonizing Florrick Agos for leaving and "stealing" clients...and then she goes to Florrick Agos and says she can join and bring her clients with her. Uh, pot calling the kettle black much?


I don't see hypocrisy. I see a woman who lost her frantic (and ruthless) little brother, who's hurt deeply and is attacked on all parts, while grieving, defending the cadaver of a company they built from the vultures. L&G was also a firm with a defined spirit and this spirit has left the building two times : when Cary and Alicia quit and when Will died. 


Diane, rightfully pissed as she was by the "traitors" when Will was alive sees that what she needs the most, her values, are now better served elsewhere, where Will's legacy (and hers) is alive and kicking : with their protegés at Florrick/Agos.

Edited by Pollock
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I'm glad I'm not the only one who was confused by the "empty nest" theme.  I thought I maybe missed an episode where Grace ran off to do missionary work or joined a convent, then she popped up for a minute. I won't miss Zack, but really show?  Is that a realistic portrayal of a 1st child going off to college?  I get that he has a summer job, but he didn't look like he packed everything he'll need for living in a dorm once college starts.  He looked like he had a backpack.  That's supposed to last until Thanksgiving?  And wouldn't his doting parents be present to help him move in, get settled, etc?  Peter & Alicia are supposed to be great, involved parents.  I don't care how much you trust your kid's independent spirit- every mother of a son shows up on Move In Day to make their "little boy's" bed, albeit probably the only time it gets made.


I like the idea of Diane joining their firm.  I don't like the idea of Alicia running for office.  She's tired, people!

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