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12 hours ago, Blergh said:

Give me  the 'Crazy Like a Fox' Wilder Wonka over Michael Jackson Neverland Wannabee Depp Wonka ANY day, IMO.


 As long as I'm here, I might as well express my UO re Something About Mary (which seems to have drawn some derision on the News Forum): I don't care how big a box office draw it was, how successful it may have been as a rental, how many awards it may have won, I STILL dislike it very much and will do so as long as I have a breath in me!

  IMO, it was a meanspirited, vile, crude,vulgar, nasty and humorless spectacle  and I also haven't forgotten how its fans dissed those of us who didn't worship it- sometimes in the most vile ways! 

I haven't watched that one in years, but I do remember being disgusted by the portrayal of the brother.  I find zero humor when disabilities are played for laughs by able bodied/minded writers and actors.  I hate the late 90s "edgy" humor which was all about punching down.  

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On ‎01‎/‎01‎/‎2020 at 3:58 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

I'm sorry but I think Beyonce is a million times better of a singer than J.Lo

I don't.

Jennifer Lopez was terrific in Out of Sight.  If she'd stuck with roles like that one, she'd probably be considered a good actress.


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On 1/5/2020 at 9:16 AM, starri said:

I prefer Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  The former has quite good performances (even if it's just Depp doing Depp) and good cinematography.  The latter has awkward performances from child actors (Veruca excepted) and quite a few singers who can't sing.  It has a good performance from Jack Albertson, one good song, two good memes, and the boat ride scene and the collective scar it left on the psyche of Gen X as the only things going for it.


Johnny/Tim's is incredibly funny.  The star of the movie is Johnny/Willy.  The music is amazing.  The factory workers and their choreographed dances are amazing (well I know it's really one actor).  It's definitely one of my favourite movies.

Gene Wilder's movie is cute, but the star of the movie for me is the crazy British townspeople at the beginning.  Their reactions are so over the top and it really makes me laugh.  Once Charlie actually gets to the factory, it's quite boring.

I love Cameron Diaz, but "Mary" is definitely one of her weaker movies.  For those that hate her, she retired from acting in 2014.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I'm sick of the invincible horror franchise villains: Freddy Kruger, Chucky, Michael Myers, etc. I realize that I should find them scary because-oh nos! They're basically immortal!- but I'm just exhausted and bored with them. They're less like terrifying villains and more like an annoying neighbor who won't leave you alone.


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18 minutes ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

I'm sick of the invincible horror franchise villains: Freddy Kruger, Chucky, Michael Myers, etc. I realize that I should find them scary because-oh nos! They're basically immortal!- but I'm just exhausted and bored with them. They're less like terrifying villains and more like an annoying neighbor who won't leave you alone.


Nothing unpopular about that. At least, as far as I'm concerned. I don't like horror movies in general, but the horror franchises that revolve around ridiculous figures who are either unkillable or geniuses who outsmart everyone all the time, really are the worst.

It's such formulaic pap - psycho killer kills a bunch of people, just change the setting slightly and pick a few victims out of the 'generic character archetype' hat. The only thought involved seems to be in how to make things more gruesome, each time.

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There are a lot of JB fans out there.  When Robert Forster died I definitely found that out on social media.  It's one of his least violent movies, along with OUATIH, so if you don't really like violence (I certainly don't), that puts JB up there.

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For the life of me, I do not understand the hype for Jo-Lo or Hustlers in general or for BooksmartHustlers bored me and Booksmart was just another raunchy comedy, but with teenaged girls this time.  Yeah, I get that the story line for BS a bit more profound/serious, but still, it didn't move me as much as apparently did other people.

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I keep seeing all these headlines that JLo got snubbed, and for the life of me I cannot understand how anyone has seen this woman do anything and think to themselves, “She deserves a huge award for that!”  

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19 hours ago, Crs97 said:

I keep seeing all these headlines that JLo got snubbed, and for the life of me I cannot understand how anyone has seen this woman do anything and think to themselves, “She deserves a huge award for that!”  

I haven't seen Hustlers, but back when she did Out of Sight, I wouldn't have argued with some award recognition for her performance.  She was seriously good in that film.

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On 1/14/2020 at 1:49 PM, proserpina65 said:

I haven't seen Hustlers, but back when she did Out of Sight, I wouldn't have argued with some award recognition for her performance.  She was seriously good in that film.

Out of Sight is currently showing on HBO, and if I stop to watch, I end up watching almost the whole thing unintentionally. She’s magnetic in that movie.

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On 1/14/2020 at 12:30 AM, Crs97 said:

I keep seeing all these headlines that JLo got snubbed, and for the life of me I cannot understand how anyone has seen this woman do anything and think to themselves, “She deserves a huge award for that!”  

I get that, but since Brad Pitt got an award for playing "calm, cool and charismatic" in Once Upon by smiling 90% of the time in the movie, then I think JLo definitely deserved it more than him for playing the same type of role with many more layers and gravitas. 

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38 minutes ago, shireenbamfatheon said:

I get that, but since Brad Pitt got an award for playing "calm, cool and charismatic" in Once Upon by smiling 90% of the time in the movie, then I think JLo definitely deserved it more than him for playing the same type of role with many more layers and gravitas. 

Yeah, I don't think he deserved a nomination for this particular role.  Others, yes, but not this one.

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My UO is that I could not get through Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I found it offensively self-indulgent (even for Tarantino), and I stopped watching after the scene where Bruce Lee is depicted as a loathsome douchebag who gets his ass handed to him by Brad Pitt's character.

Yeah, uh-huh, sure, 20-something, top-of-his-game martial arts god Bruce Lee gets successfully beaten up by a washed-up stuntman twice his age. Great googily-moogily, did Pitt blackmail Tarantino into including this scene just so he wouldn't look bad?

Also, I have no idea what Bruce Lee was like in real life, but I'm amazed his surviving family members and friends didn't threaten legal action over this needlessly ugly depiction.

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
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Glad I skipped that one, Wiendish!  I suppose they thought getting into a suit would be more trouble than anything they might have gained.

Let's not forget that Olivia De Havilland LOST her suit  on appeal despite the fact that  a TV movie series (Feud: Bette and Joan) put forth her as having made statements  about her colleagues for public record on a talk show  despite being  no evidence she actually  ever having uttered such statements. Thus, if Miss De Havilland who is still living was ultimately unable to have legal recourse against a movie depicting her (and not an 'Olivia De Havilland-type') having said things there is no record of her having said, how much chance would the Lee family have of getting legal vindication over their late loved one being depicted the way he was in that movie and how would they be able to prove he had NOT said or done what the movie claimed with him not living? Yep, it's quite infuriating and I don't believe  it's fair by any means but that's the reality that needs to be considered here. 

Edited by Blergh
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9 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

My UO is that I could not get through Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I found it offensively self-indulgent (even for Tarantino)

I was going to say... is there any movie where Tarantino hasn't been offensively self-indulgent? Even with Pulp Fiction, approximately a third of the movie is just him indulging his own pet interests, whether the audience wants it or not.

I find him staggeringly overrated as a filmmaker, though I do get why he's so popular. He's good at dressing up popcorn nonsense as worthiness.

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13 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

I was going to say... is there any movie where Tarantino hasn't been offensively self-indulgent? Even with Pulp Fiction, approximately a third of the movie is just him indulging his own pet interests, whether the audience wants it or not.

I find him staggeringly overrated as a filmmaker, though I do get why he's so popular. He's good at dressing up popcorn nonsense as worthiness.

The only Tarantino movie I thought worth the time was Reservoir Dogs.

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I thought The Irishman was BORING AS FUCK.

And I'm someone who loves DeNiro and was excited at the thought of DeNiro and Pacino sharing more substantive scenes together--they only had like, one or two in Heat, which reunited them to actually have scenes together since Godfather II. And someone who has enjoyed the movies Scorsese has put out over the years.

But this? BAH!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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On 1/17/2020 at 1:37 AM, Danny Franks said:

I was going to say... is there any movie where Tarantino hasn't been offensively self-indulgent? Even with Pulp Fiction, approximately a third of the movie is just him indulging his own pet interests, whether the audience wants it or not.

I find him staggeringly overrated as a filmmaker, though I do get why he's so popular. He's good at dressing up popcorn nonsense as worthiness.

I didn't really think that about Pulp Fiction, which is one of my favorite movies. But his next movie, Jackie Brown, is the first of his movies where I noticed he really needs someone to rein him in. That movie just drags. And Death Proof is a serious contender for the most boring movie ever made.

I was really disappointed with Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Tarantino seems more interested in how the movie looks rather than telling a good story. It all seems to have no point other than to just set up the ending which is a bizarre mix of slapstick humor and horrible violence.

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On 1/16/2020 at 4:01 PM, Wiendish Fitch said:

I stopped watching after the scene where Bruce Lee is depicted as a loathsome douchebag who gets his ass handed to him by Brad Pitt's character.

Yeah, uh-huh, sure, 20-something, top-of-his-game martial arts god Bruce Lee gets successfully beaten up by a washed-up stuntman twice his age. Great googily-moogily, did Pitt blackmail Tarantino into including this scene just so he wouldn't look bad?

Are you sure you didn't stop watching sooner than that?

It looks like a stalemate to me. Lee knocks the Pitt character down (point to Lee), Pitt tosses Lee into a car (point to Pitt), and then they just tangle for a while with no real advantage before it gets shut down. Everyone leaves the scene under his own steam. No one gets beaten up. 

Also, I have no idea what Bruce Lee was like in real life, but I'm amazed his surviving family members and friends didn't threaten legal action over this needlessly ugly depiction.

If the surviving family members of dead people sued every time a public figure received a less-than-flattering portrayal in a movie, there would be no end to movie-related lawsuits.

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I am putting this here because I don't feel like creating a topic for this movie, which I doubt would generate conversation.

I just recently got a new teevee (which I'm thrilled with and still figuring out how to tweak), and watched Girl With a Pearl Earring.

First, I wanted to watch it because I adore Colin Firth. Scarlett Johansen looked like a baby in this.

But the movie was boring as FUCK. I forced myself to watch this because I thought I remembered it getting a lot of buzz, if you will.

But it was boringboringboringboring.

And of COURSE they had to throw in an attempted rape.🙄😒

And Vermeer's inspiration and how he came to do this painting was a fictionalized version in this movie, because no one knows.

I did want to snatch Cornelia (one of Vermeer's daughters, and a snotty brat, at that in this movie) BALD.

This is two hours of my life I will never get back.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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A couple of UOs about Election:

I thought the novel was better. Don't get me wrong, the movie was a great dark comedy/satire, but the novel versions of the characters are complex and nuanced., whereas in the movie everyone was just an asshole except for Paul (FYI in the novel he wasn't so dumb). The ending of the novel was very different too, which is reflected in the original test ending of the film. Forgive the quality:

Yeah, it doesn't mesh as well with the darker, cynical tone of the movie, but...I like it. Whereas in the movie nobody learns anything, this version has Mr. McAllister owning up to his shit and apologizing and it humanizes Tracy more.

Of course the YT comments of the video were something else: "Tracy should have apologized and admitted to tearing the posters!" Which is my other UO: no. Tracy shouldn't have torn the posters, yes, and had she gotten caught she should have been disqualified, but compared to what McAllister did, it wasn't that bad. The posters didn't make any difference in her winning the election. The student body didn't like her, but the majority still voted for her.

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After seeing the commercial for the latest James Bond movie, here's a hot take of mine: I don't give a shit about James Bond.  I have no desire to see the movies, I don't like the character, and I only really like the themes, which can be pretty hit or miss.

There.  I feel better.

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14 hours ago, bmoore4026 said:

After seeing the commercial for the latest James Bond movie, here's a hot take of mine: I don't give a shit about James Bond.  I have no desire to see the movies, I don't like the character, and I only really like the themes, which can be pretty hit or miss.

There.  I feel better.

I used to like James Bond movies, and used to go see every one when it came out.  The humorless Daniel Craig Bond movies cured me of that.  I'd come back if the producers cast Idris Elba as the next Bond, but otherwise, I'm done.

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1 hour ago, BlackberryJam said:

I've never seen a Daniel Craig Bond movie. I stopped being interested in them during the Pierce Brosnan years.

That's nothing! I stopped being interested when Roger Moore opted out of them! LOL

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18 hours ago, bmoore4026 said:

After seeing the commercial for the latest James Bond movie, here's a hot take of mine: I don't give a shit about James Bond.  I have no desire to see the movies, I don't like the character, and I only really like the themes, which can be pretty hit or miss.

There.  I feel better.

I think I've seen six James Bond movies, all the way through. One of each of Connery and Moore, two of Brosnan, and two of Daniel Craig. They're just... not good. The formula is tired and boring, I have never found any version of the character charming or engaging. No matter what they do - go really camp or go really serious, use loads of SFX or make it gritty, I just can't engage with any of it.

With Daniel Craig, at least it seems like he gets that the character should be a dead-eyed killer that you'd want nothing to do with, but he still gets the absurdly young women and trots out the same trite, innuendo-laden dialogue. 

Edited by Danny Franks
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18 hours ago, bmoore4026 said:

After seeing the commercial for the latest James Bond movie, here's a hot take of mine: I don't give a shit about James Bond.  I have no desire to see the movies, I don't like the character, and I only really like the themes, which can be pretty hit or miss.

I'm with you - I've never seen any of them, because I don't care who's playing him (even Pierce Brosnan, whom I find one of the most attractive people on the planet), I just do not have any interest in James Bond.  Spy stories, gadgets, guns, cars -- these recurring themes of the trailers aren't my jam, and nothing I've ever heard about the films, especially their treatment of the various "Bond Girls", leads me to believe there's anything in them for me. 

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17 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I've never seen any of them, because I don't care who's playing him (even Pierce Brosnan, whom I find one of the most attractive people on the planet),

My dad's a huge fan, so I watched a handful. I will admit, while being first generation American, I still have a lot of love and pride for my heritage, so watched Octopussy (God, what a horrid name) just to see how India would be reflected. Eh. I did like the location shoots. Then of course, I watched View to a Kill, another Roger Moore one, because Duran Duran (who I was totally into as a teenager) were doing the theme song.

And as for Pierce, well. Yes, I watched them because my teen self thought he got screwed over by NBC when it looked like he'd been approached to take on the mantle when Remington Steele was cancelled. But then they invoked the 7 year contract and made a hideous fifth season/movie, and so it would be another 10 years before he would get the role, which I thought he was perfect for. He did a commercial for Diet Coke in 1985, where he played a spy. So yeah, I watched his Bond movies. Sue me.

The man is just sex on a stick when he's in a tux. And I melt into a pile of goo.

But I'm not really a fan of the franchise.

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I once gave my best shot at getting into the James Bond series, during one of its periodic revitalizations when a new actor had been cast and everyone was acting excited about it again. I started with the first one and I had no desire to go any further by #4, Thunderball. It just didn't take. Goldfinger was pretty good, relatively speaking, but in general the movies seemed dated and poky, like something you had to be there for in the '60s. I just couldn't make myself watch another one.

I had seen a couple of the later ones before that, so we'll say six.  

That and Star Trek (any and all Star Trek) are two things I just left to my father and brother. Those two had it covered for our family. I do like Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan in some other roles.  

Edited by Simon Boccanegra
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1 hour ago, Simon Boccanegra said:

I once gave my best shot at getting into the James Bond series, during one of its periodic revitalizations when a new actor had been cast and everyone was acting excited about it again. I started with the first one and I had no desire to go any further by #4, Thunderball. It just didn't take. Goldfinger was pretty good, relatively speaking, but in general the movies seemed dated and poky, like something you had to be there for in the '60s. I just couldn't make myself watch another one.

As a Bond fan, I really don't like Thunderball. I particularly dislike its campy remake, Never Say Never Again. But Goldfinger is one of the best. It's where all the Bond tropes clicked into place.

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15 hours ago, Anduin said:

As a Bond fan, I really don't like Thunderball. I particularly dislike its campy remake, Never Say Never Again. But Goldfinger is one of the best. It's where all the Bond tropes clicked into place.

Goldfinger and From Russia With Love are by far the best.  I like Diamonds Are Forever despite how cheesy it is.  Thunderball is rather dull, but I actually liked Never Say Never Again because it actually acknowledge that Sean Connery was getting a bit too old for it.  Plus, Barbara Carrera made a wonderful henchperson.  And that (liking Never Say Never Again) is probably quite unpopular.

But hey, they're not everyone's shaken martini.

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On 2/3/2020 at 12:08 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

And as for Pierce, well. Yes, I watched them because my teen self thought he got screwed over by NBC when it looked like he'd been approached to take on the mantle when Remington Steele was cancelled. But then they invoked the 7 year contract and made a hideous fifth season/movie, and so it would be another 10 years before he would get the role, which I thought he was perfect for. He did a commercial for Diet Coke in 1985, where he played a spy. So yeah, I watched his Bond movies. Sue me.

The man is just sex on a stick when he's in a tux. And I melt into a pile of goo.

But I'm not really a fan of the franchise.

I could have written this word for word.   That teaser with "Were you expecting someone else?" had me, and a lot of others in the theater, cheering.

20 hours ago, Crs97 said:

Daniel Craig had me at this scene:  


What can I say?  I’m shallow.


And, I could have written this, as well.


I've seen a total of 4 Bond films.  Two with Pierce and two with Daniel.  If the audience reviews are good for the new one, I'll see it, if not, then I won't. 

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On 2/3/2020 at 12:44 PM, Bastet said:

I'm with you - I've never seen any of them, because I don't care who's playing him (even Pierce Brosnan, whom I find one of the most attractive people on the planet), I just do not have any interest in James Bond.  Spy stories, gadgets, guns, cars -- these recurring themes of the trailers aren't my jam, and nothing I've ever heard about the films, especially their treatment of the various "Bond Girls", leads me to believe there's anything in them for me. 

I've watched a few with my dad and no matter who the actor is and some of them I've liked (I find Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig hot) I don't like James Bond.  I love spy stories, gadgets, guns and cars so I should have ended up loving the movies. But I just really hate James Bond. The only thing I ever liked was the 2012 Olympic Games with James Bond goes to Buckingham Palace to escort the Queen to the games. 

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On February 4, 2020 at 1:50 AM, Ravenya003 said:

I liked Jesse Eisenberg's neurotic, hyper take on Lex Luthor in Batman vs Superman. Sorry.

I'll be generous and say he might have been able to pull it off had he not been so spazzy and brought more of the quietly sinister egomaniac energy he gave Mark Zuckerberg.

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1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

I watched The Age of Innocence with Day-Lewis, Pfeiffer, and Ryder, and like @GHScorpiosRule's reaction to Girl with the Pearl Earring...I was left bored and unmoved.  I love period pieces and Daniel Day Lewis but this didn't work for me.

I would rather look at stills from that movie instead of watching it.  The movie is beautiful, but I question the decision to play it straight when it comes to Newland Archer.  I have always read the book as the true villain being New York Society and Newland is supposed to be a dilettante that we laugh at and not a romantic hero.  He is supposed to be smug, and think he is better than his contemporaries while we witness his hypocrisies.  I did like how Winona played May.  She had the right mix of innocence and cunning.

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2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I would rather look at stills from that movie instead of watching it.  The movie is beautiful, but I question the decision to play it straight when it comes to Newland Archer.  I have always read the book as the true villain being New York Society and Newland is supposed to be a dilettante that we laugh at and not a romantic hero.  He is supposed to be smug, and think he is better than his contemporaries while we witness his hypocrisies.  I did like how Winona played May.  She had the right mix of innocence and cunning.

She was one of the few redeeming things about the movie.  Her, and Stuart Wilson, who I will never not like in everything he's done, and the fact that the opera scenes were filmed at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia where a friend and I had opera season tickets for years.

Oh, and my friend and I refer to this film as "The Age of Ennui".  Because that is what we felt watching it.

Edited by proserpina65
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5 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

I watched The Age of Innocence with Day-Lewis, Pfeiffer, and Ryder, and like @GHScorpiosRule's reaction to Girl with the Pearl Earring...I was left bored and unmoved.  I love period pieces and Daniel Day Lewis but this didn't work for me.

Oh, I can't tell you how excited I was to watch The Age of Innocence, because you know, I was on a Daniel Day-Lewis Marathon in catching up on all his movies I hadn't seen. After the most PASSIONATE and AMAZING role he played in Last of the Mohicans, I get THIS DRECK? BLEAGH. And that's saying something because y'all know how I feel about my Daniel Day-Lewis!😍

45 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

I liked Winona as May too. And if we were supposed to hate her for getting in the way of the doomed love affair it failed because I didn't give two shits about Newland or Ellen.

In the end, May got what she wanted. And I loved it. You could tell...well, I could anyway, she KNEW, and she played Newland as he deserved to be played.

1 hour ago, proserpina65 said:

my friend and I refer to this film as "The Age of Ennui".  Because that is what we felt watching it.

I can't think of a more apt or fitting title!😆

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50 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

I liked Winona as May too. And if we were supposed to hate her for getting in the way of the doomed love affair it failed because I didn't give two shits about Newland or Ellen.

May was a good girl who knew what she wanted and played the game to get it all while keeping her reputation.   She wanted out of her mother's house, found Newland, played him like a fiddle to get him to propose, and broke free.  She got what she wanted.

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18 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

May was a good girl who knew what she wanted and played the game to get it all while keeping her reputation.   She wanted out of her mother's house, found Newland, played him like a fiddle to get him to propose, and broke free.  She got what she wanted.

This is one of my favorite Winona Ryder roles. The movie itself it slow and boring in parts but when Newland tries to finally break free and May slowly stands and says "that's not going to be possible" I just love it. Of course she knew! And I did not feel one ounce of pity for Newland and Ellen.

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