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S14.E18: Hold Back the River

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44 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Richard's AA sponsor is admitted to Grey Sloan with a DNR.

Didn't she already die years ago?  On another "very special AA promo episode"?  Or was that just his AA "bestie", and now this is his official "sponsor"?

I suspect a "quotation mark intervention"  is in the works for me.  Don't bother - I am hopelessly irredeemable.   ;-)

  • Love 5

I love Alex, but I'm so over him resorting to violence every time something upsets him. He needs to take an anger management class or do whatever else he has to do to finally get a handle on that. He was lucky that Koracick didn't report him to HR and his best friend co-owns the hospital. 

Speaking of Koracick, he was the MVP of the episode for referring to DeLuca as "Blandrew."

The rock star mice references were cute. Of course Meredith The Sun is so brilliant that her invention don't need no stinking polymer. *eyeroll*

  • Love 23

That was a fantastic episode!!

Loved the Arizona/cancer patient/Owen/hell doctor storyline.  My heart dropped when Arizona's scan showed cancer.  It didn't occur to me that hell doctor would rig the scan.  Was very happy to see that Owen had called the police there at the end.

Good story with Alex/Amelia/Allie McBeal Doc.  

I know nothing about intern hellmouth, but enjoyed when she and Jo were hugging and Meredith is "stop that" and then Jo turned disapproving to hellmouth as well! Ha!  I hope they keep that intern around long enough for me to remember her name.

Mary Kay Place is always a favorite of mine, as is James Pickens. Nice to see Maggie learn from what she did wrong in her mother's treatment and remind Richard that this wasn't about him.    

Finally, whoever is in charge of BBC America's advertising campaign for Killing Eve deserves an A+ for buying an ad during Grey's and showing us Sandra Oh in her new role.  It was already on my DVR to record, but what a fantastic buy to reach her old fans.

On to next week!

  • Love 13

I liked this episode quite a bit. I was surprised at the Arizona/Owen subplot with the other doctor faking cancer for patients. I did have a thought about Arizona's scans from the doctor being real when that scene started, but I didn't expect a double fake out, so they really got me there. I was worried about Owen going too far with scaring the doctor, especially when the siren lights started flashing, but I'm super glad things turned out well. Plus, I actually enjoyed Owen scaring the doctor; the doctor deserves to be in jail for his stunt. What an awful piece of shit. I'm so glad Arizona didn't have breast cancer after all; Jessica Capshaw did a really good job at displaying Arizona's relief. 

I did also like the Richard's sponsor subplot. I'm not a fan of Richard typically, but I was in this episode. I also liked Maggie's speech to him, which did seem to help. 

I was glad to see April's Apology Tour this episode. Of course I'm pretty sure she has no idea about Jackson or Maggie being a thing (it only happened after Game Night and April's been a total mess since then), so her slip was accidental. But why Maggie seems to be getting upset with Jackson about it is a little odd. I guess she's mad that Jackson didn't tell her right away? I guess I'm not really like people like Maggie, because I really wouldn't be that pissy about it. I'd just simply ask for the story and that's it. Jackson probably should have told her, but now it seems like it'll turn into this huge blowup. 

Yeah, Amelia has to be pregnant, right? I guess third time's a charm for Owen with his wanting kids plot. This'll be the second time with Amelia, I gather. I will say, I did like her stuff with Tom and DeLuca. Alex, on the other hand, needs to go to anger management before he actually kills someone.

I also really ship Tom and April. 

  • Love 14
2 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

Because Jackson “declared” himself to her right after Game night, so to find out he slept with his ex after that was a punch to the gut.

But April didn't say that Jackson slept with her; she mentioned that she jumped her ex husband in the storage room. Though, if Maggie misinterpreted that to April/Jackson having sex, then I guess I could understand her anger. But still, she's jumping to conclusions here. I've just seen this exact scenario play out about a thousand times on so many TV shows. 

  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

But April didn't say that Jackson slept with her; she mentioned that she jumped her ex husband in the storage room. Though, if Maggie misinterpreted that to April/Jackson having sex, then I guess I could understand her anger. But still, she's jumping to conclusions here. I've just seen this exact scenario play out about a thousand times on so many TV shows. 

Maggie has a thing with 100% transparency from the people in her life and I get it to a point. This situation is different though cause april was going through something and he knew that and in that regard it’s none of her business. Honestly if he explains it as such she shouldn’t have a big fit about it. 

  • Love 3
Just now, moonorchid said:

Maggie has a thing with 100% transparency from the people in her life and I get it to a point. This situation is different though cause april was going through something and he knew that and in that regard it’s none of her business. Honestly if he explains it as such she shouldn’t have a big fit about it. 

Unfortunately, what I see happening is Maggie being pissed that Jackson didn't tell her right away. I get feeling maybe a little jealous and hurt that Jackson didn't tell her right after it happened, but she's clearly going to blow it completely out of proportion to cause a tiff between her and Jackson, and I'm not really impressed with this predictable subplot. Because, we know what happened: April was going through some shit, she came onto Jackson, and he gently pushed her away. That's it; but this is going to turn into an irritating subplot, whether just for one episode or for the rest of the season. 

I'd love to be wrong, but the fact they ended the episode on this seems to not be in my favour. 

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

Jackson/April had more chemistry in their little scene - even after being divorced for a year and a half - then Jackson and Maggie have all season.

Yeppppp. I have such a huge problem with jaggie besides my usual gripes with them. They don’t seem exicted to be together. I don’t buy Jackson is sexually attracted to maggie even if the writing wants me to believe otherwise. That elevator scene should be smoking. It’s meh. 

Edited by moonorchid
  • Love 11

Did the patient who, it turns out, didn't have breast cancer find out that her doctor was deliberately faking her diagnosis and poisoning her with cancer drugs?  She was so happy when Arizona told her she didn't have cancer, but she assumed she had been magically cured and was excited to tell her doctor.  Arizona only told her that Owen was, ahem, telling her doctor right now.  But did she ever tell her the truth, that she never had cancer?  Did I miss a scene?

  • Love 1

I loved the Arizona Owen dynamic with the fake cancer sl. This happens so much these days and I actually appreciate the fact that Greys threw some light that way. Jessica is a gem when it comes to delivering a myriads of emotions in a single episode. Kudos to Arizona to make Owen bearable for a change. I kind of like it when old patients reoccur, so seeing the pregnant lady Arizona helped deliver with her fiance was actually cool. Not to mention it was a same-sex couple so I just enjoyed their progressive dynamics.

Glad that April find some semblance for herself. That Jackson praising was unnecessary and not required at all but I guess it was to emphasise that how great of a dad Jackson is and how he can handle Harriet all by himself. Ookay Greys ookay.

Looking at the promotional photos, it looks like few scenes got cut and of course Jolex got the short end of the stick.IMG_20180406_131449-1-1.thumb.jpg.1d2398fe8226032da9ab2302f864b9e4.jpg

Nope I didn't needed one more scene declaring Meredith's surgical skills but whatever. 

I'll never understand why these writers always show Alex as violent and aggressive just to show his 'caring for patient' nature? Why they always throw his character development to trash. How is his behaviour ever justified when his fiance is a domestic violence victim herself? Ugh Krista this is not season 1.

Maggie's reaction to April's info dump was funny for me. Like april clearly said 'she' jumped her ex and not the other way around, why was it bothering for her anyways?

Ben & Bailey the only couple that will survive Shondaland. Yep.

  • Love 2

Owen can just be so perfectly likeable with April and, this week, Arizona. It’s amazing. (And in many of his non-romantic storylines in general, but it really stands out to me in his pairings with a very few characters.) Loved him with Arizona in both exam rooms, and great job by Jessica Capshaw. Loved the triad with April and “oh, we’re way past that.”

Going to track down the Station 19 boards, or Ben’s thread here, because now I’m paranoid I might be missing threads of Ben/Bailey’s relationship storyline by not watching the spinoff. I kept wondering if he had any questionable female friendships forming or if it was purely being freaked out due to Bailey’s heart attack and surgery.

2 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

Normally I can’t stand Owen, but I loved his scene with the so-called cancer doc. (Did this plot - oncologist treats patients who don’t actually have cancer in order to have a miraculous “cure rate” - get lifted directly from The Resident?)

Haven’t seen The Resident, but it was “ripped from the [health section] headlines” - a doctor/practice has actually done it to bill insurance companies for the chemo. “Treating” some patients who never had cancer at all and grossly over-treating some who did. https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/10/us/michigan-cancer-doctor-sentenced/index.html

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I love Alex, but I'm so over him resorting to violence every time something upsets him. He needs to take an anger management class or do whatever else he has to do to finally get a handle on that. He was lucky that Koracick didn't report him to HR and his best friend co-owns the hospital. 

I think Koracick would have done Alex a favour by reporting him. Not to HR, because then he could have gotten fired and I don't want that. But I wanted him to report Alex to Bailey so badly after seeing the promo. And then I wanted Bailey to order him to take some counseling sessions if he wants to keep his job. Because he needs to face some consequences already and more than that I want him to finally confront his issues.

Alex grabbing Koracick as such didn't bother me so much. Alex has always had a temper and I wouldn't want him to turn into some mellow goody two-shoes (we've basically had that during s11 and 12 and I didn't like it) but ever since the DeLuca thing got so out of hand any sort of violence coming from Alex reflects so badly on the character that I don't wanna seeait ever again. Even him "just" grabbing a guy by the collar and pushing him against a wall is too much for me.

But I knew I wouldn't get to see any consequences for Alex yet again as soon as the scene was over. Because that's exactly what it was. Just scene. Just another random scene for Alex like pretty much everything else he gets these days. We don't even get an explanation for why Kimmie is so important to Alex that he would threaten a guy for her. Surely he's had many cute longterm patients with bleak prospects over the years, so why is this one so important? But who cares, right? It's just Alex. All he ever gets is random. He and Jo only had 2 real conversations all season and apart from those they're just... there.  Not even the 1 storyline he had in years - the DeLuca/jail story - was meaningful in any way. All we got was jail angst and Alex redeeming himself over being a great doctor. Bailey let him come back based on nothing more than a promise and we never got to see Alex actually deal with and overcome his issues. That would have made for such an interesting story.

Alex is my absolute favourite character on the show and I'm so beyond tired of his stories only being as deep as a puddle.

  • Love 13

I liked this episode… I always like and want more of Richard, Mags & Mer together… Jackson was a good supportive boyfriend or whatever those two are tho I’m sure I’ll see post after post complaining about Jaggie somehow… As heartfelt as her apology was to Jackson and to Maggie.. April most definitely dropped that “jumped my ex husband” bomb on purpose then scurried off… You ain’t slick April… We see you out here… Don’t mind it as long as it doesn’t end in a fight for Jackson… I don’t wanna sit thru that

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, Amelia has to be pregnant, right? I guess third time's a charm for Owen with his wanting kids plot.

I absolutely think Amelia is pregnant. Now, didn't she also sleep with Koracick, or am I completely hallucinating that? I thought they had...which could set up a great soap opera classic story line of not knowing which of two men could be the baby's father. But either way, yes, I think she's pregnant. Although only something like 15% of women experience morning sickness during pregnancy, you'd never know that from TV - it's more like 100%! Isn't there an old theater adage that if a gun is shown in Act I, it will be used by Act III, or something like that? In other words, it's shown for a very specific reason. That's how I see the vomiting on any show like this - just a massive anvil to indicate that a character is pregnant. No subtlety whatsoever...it's like they hired Captain Obvious to write that part of the script.

As mentioned up thread - I do hope that the woman who did not have cancer was eventually told that it was all fake.

4 hours ago, WalrusGirl said:

Haven’t seen The Resident, but it was “ripped from the [health section] headlines” - a doctor/practice has actually done it to bill insurance companies for the chemo. “Treating” some patients who never had cancer at all and grossly over-treating some who did. https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/10/us/michigan-cancer-doctor-sentenced/index.html

I'm a breast cancer survivor myself and I do recall the situation in Michigan. I'm in an online support group and at least one other member of the group was a patient of that doctor in Michigan. She was traumatized but thank goodness she survived. 

I wasn't terribly interested in Bailey's story line. 

I liked Ollie very much. One thing, though - when she threatened Richard that she'd break his anonymity - doesn't every single person in the hospital already know that he's a recovering alcoholic? Is it really a secret? 

  • Love 4

The single best thing about this entire episode was finding out what a marshmallow Koracick is. He is going to use his vacation time to take Kimmie to New York to see all the Broadway shows before she dies? I legit teared up when I heard him say that.

But he was cracking me up this episode too! When April called him by his last time and he said, "April, we've had sex. Call me Dr. Koracick," I was totally laughing. Even though I am not a fan of when Amelia does her Super(wo)man stance, it cracked me up when Koracick saw Amelia and Deluca doing it so he said through the glass door, "Awww, you know I love doing that too!"

I laughed my ass off when Owen couldn't get the luggage sticker off his bag and he had a fit. It reminded me of the scene in Wonderfalls when Sharon was so angry that she couldn't buckle her seatbelt because she was puling on it so hard.

Oh, Weber. Why can't you respect that Sharon Cherski's mom is ready to die? FFS.  You shouldn't need people to convince you to respect her DNR and her CHOICE not to seek treatment.

Owen is so much more tolerable/less of an ass when we aren't dealing with his love life. His undercover caper with Arizona was good. Loved when he started reaching into his pocket to gt his phone and without even looking up, Arizona told him, "You have three and a half stars on Yelp, just like my dry cleaner." When Owen and Arizona were speed walking into the hospital and grabbed April, I really felt Arizona's fear. But I loved when Owen came over to look at the scan and April tried to tell him that Arizona wasn't completely covered up and they dismissed her with "We're way past that." More of this Owen and less of the ragey hypocritical face eating relationship Owen!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 18

I enjoyed Maggie this episode since she was talking like an adult. I truly wish they would write her as a competent human consistently. I loved her conversation with Richard. Please no more stumbling, mumbling 14 year old Maggie. I still don't see sparks between her and Jackson. I expect we'll get a one episode "why didn't you tell me?" conflict with Jackson, some patient interaction will make her want to get past it and we're back to where we are. Silly.

I liked Arizona and Owen going undercover--all their interactions were funny and clever. I did not like Owen going after the doctor. It was too over the top and took me out of the scene. Why were the cops showing up? they don't come with sirens for nonviolent crimes like that esp where you have no solid evidence to give them. I realize this is a show, though, so too much to expect some reality.

Dr. K is so awesome; he gets the best lines and delivers them so well.

I was glad we are past April being a mess. I generally enjoyed her apologies. I don't think we are meant to think she dropped the "jumped my ex husband" line on purpose. That's just not how the scene played to me--though I think there was enough info available to her for the character to be aware and to have avoided saying that or have explained it better. But the scene still read to me as "April accidentally upsets Maggie." Maybe later episodes will take a different track.

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I don't think we are meant to think she dropped the "jumped my ex husband" line on purpose.

I agree. We the viewers know what happened in that closet/supply room: April came on to Jackson and he rebuffed her and it went no further. However, when Maggie hears "I jumped my ex-husband," well...she puts 2 and 2 together and get 7. Jumps immediately to the wrong conclusion and thinks that Jackson and April had sex.

It remains to be seen whether she confronts Jackson about this and uses adult words and complete sentences to get clarification, e.g., "Jackson...April apologized to me for her behavior at game night and said she's really been going through a rough time. She even said she 'jumped my ex-husband.' What exactly happened between you? Are you guys sleeping together?" And then of course Jackson could tell Maggie what happened (namely, nothing!). Whether Maggie would believe him is another story - and that's even assuming that she actually asks him about this right away, rather than simmering and assuming the worst. 

  • Love 6
58 minutes ago, deaja said:

Does April know about Jaggie? I know some people know, but has April seen them together?

I know April was joking on Games Night about them being a couple, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't know that they're actually a couple. Jackson never told April he was with Maggie when she jumped him, and April's been too preoccupied to be paying attention to the people around her. So, she may know they were interested in each other, but not that they're actually together. That's why I consider it more of a slip from April since she doesn't know that Jackson's with Maggie now, or that the jumping her ex husband wasn't a silly quip as she thinks it'll be with Maggie. Again, I'm of the mindset that since Jackson pushed April off and recognized that it was because she was messed up, he didn't need to tell Maggie....because nothing happened. Jackson's already told Maggie several times that April hasn't been herself in weeks, so it feels like Maggie is going to overreact based off of her own jealousy and insecurities, rather than Jackson being the sole problem. They're in a new relationship, which means these issues probably feel bigger than they actually are, as they're still figuring out what their relationship is. It just means that neither of them are quite at the in love with each other stage to the point where they have trust. 

4 minutes ago, Biggie B said:

It remains to be seen whether she confronts Jackson about this and uses adult words and complete sentences to get clarification, e.g., "Jackson...April apologized to me for her behavior at game night and said she's really been going through a rough time. She even said she 'jumped my ex-husband.' What exactly happened between you? Are you guys sleeping together?" And then of course Jackson could tell Maggie what happened (namely, nothing!). Whether Maggie would believe him is another story - and that's even assuming that she actually asks him about this right away, rather than simmering and assuming the worst. 

Judging by the death glare she was giving Jackson at the end of the episode, I'm leaning toward the conversation not going well at all. 

I just know that I'm going to hate it if Jackson is shown as the bad guy as Maggie bemoans to her sisters about how awful Jackson is and they back her up, followed by Jackson apologizing to her and Maggie maybe apologizing to him. Like I said, I'm more annoyed by the predictability since this plot has been done to death on television. 

3 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

Why were the cops showing up? they don't come with sirens for nonviolent crimes like that esp where you have no solid evidence to give them.

True on the lights, but Owen did call them to arrest the guy, and probably did give them proof before storming over (or told them that he has proof, which he does). The lights thing was only for dramatic effect....which did work on me, because I thought someone was still in the building, heard Owen come in all angry, and called the cops. 

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:


True on the lights, but Owen did call them to arrest the guy, and probably did give them proof before storming over (or told them that he has proof, which he does). The lights thing was only for dramatic effect....which did work on me, because I thought someone was still in the building, heard Owen come in all angry, and called the cops. 

the thing is they have no proof. If you show up at the police station and say "hey, this doctor is faking mammogram results and treating healthy people" your accusation alone is not proof for them to go running off with sirens to arrest somebody. Got a copy of the mammogram? no. Here is a copy of my healthy one that I took myself.

I think a better explanation is Owen's assault gets reported.

anyway, it was just too unrealistic to me but we've all got our things that pull us out of a scene. I would have preferred them figuring out a way to get copies of the record--which is not exactly riveting TV I know.

  • Love 2
37 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

the thing is they have no proof. If you show up at the police station and say "hey, this doctor is faking mammogram results and treating healthy people" your accusation alone is not proof for them to go running off with sirens to arrest somebody. Got a copy of the mammogram? no. Here is a copy of my healthy one that I took myself.

I think a better explanation is Owen's assault gets reported.

anyway, it was just too unrealistic to me but we've all got our things that pull us out of a scene. I would have preferred them figuring out a way to get copies of the record--which is not exactly riveting TV I know.

didn't owen found some proof online first to go after the bad doc? I don't remember what exactly he showed to arizona but he did said 'guess who's not a member' or something. He can use the same to call the cops on the bad doc I suppose. that wasn't realistic at all imho.

2 hours ago, deaja said:

Does April know about Jaggie? I know some people know, but has April seen them together?

Yes and no, based on the same incident: she came through Meredith's door on Game Night, saw Jackson happening to stand there next to Maggie, said something like, "So you two are a thing now; your parents must be so proud," and sailed past them, pretty much into Clive. In this ep, April's remark about jumping Jackson came immediately after Maggie told her that later on Game Night, she discovered Clive was married. 

2 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

April most definitely dropped that “jumped my ex husband” bomb on purpose then scurried off

I'm not so sure. April had just spoken in depth with Jackson, outside the day care center (where she picked up Harriet, now with her, in the stroller). That conversation, which was emotional, would still be working on her.

One interpretation: On her way out the door, April saw Maggie in the lobby and seized the moment to put paid to all her apologies. When Maggie brought up her own shame about sleeping with a married man, April countered with confessing to sleeping with the "douchey" intern and with Koracick, following that up with "jumping my ex-husband in a supply closet."  She scurried because she saw Jackson coming down the stairs and was embarrassed all over again about coming on to him, and, having been rejected -- and because, at the same time, she knew they'd come far and parted well that day, and should keep it that way.

Another interpretation: On her way out the door with Harriet, after speaking with Jackson, April saw Maggie and found herself compelled to speak with her. April was the first person to note and speak out about Jackson and Maggie's growing closeness, and that was almost a year ago. People do have heightened perceptions about those they know well. Along with reflexive reactions to elbowing out competitors for the time and consideration of someone they love, regret losing, and (in April and Jackson's case) deal with almost daily at work and as parents. April's written as a blurter, and also, as someone prone to passive-aggressive moves. I think the scene plays either way.

Of course April really scurried because having done her bit, she needed not to be there to clear up any misunderstanding. I hate that contrivance. Everyone's least favorite dramatic device: the anguish-of-false-assumptions. But is it possible that the show will have Maggie speak up at once, and avoid the fallout? Or even, have Maggie be inspired to say, (Seeing April with Harriet reminds me that) "We haven't talked about how you see the future. Not with me but with Harriet. And her mother."  Maybe no couple in lust needs to talk through their future before they have a present. But that would be such a relief from a pre-finale arc of huffiness and injured explanations.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, beautifulGA said:

didn't owen found some proof online first to go after the bad doc? I don't remember what exactly he showed to arizona but he did said 'guess who's not a member' or something. He can use the same to call the cops on the bad doc I suppose. that wasn't realistic at all imho.

the fact the guy is not a member of an oncology standard group is not proof of anything besides "maybe his credentials are lacking." A doctor doing cancer treatment would be expected to be a part of the Oncology Society or whatever it is called--but there is no law saying he has to be. And certainly failure to be a member (if there was such law) wouldn't result in the police taking off to arrest you. It would mean the licensure board may investigate and impose sanctions or pull your license. Maybe a fine. Anyway, I felt like the show expected me to be deeply inspired by Owen taking off to fix this. Instead I was distracted by "Owen's about to commit assault."

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Pallas said:

Of course April really scurried because having done her bit, she needed not to be there to clear up any misunderstanding. I hate that contrivance. Everyone's least favorite dramatic device: the anguish-of-false-assumptions. But is it possible that the show will have Maggie speak up at once, and avoid the fallout? Or even, have Maggie be inspired to say, (Seeing April with Harriet reminds me that) "We haven't talked about how you see the future. Not with me but with Harriet. And her mother."  Maybe no couple in lust needs to talk through their future before they have a present. But that would be such a relief from a pre-finale arc of huffiness and injured explanations.

I really hope that's it.  I am also tired of the false assumption Bear mauling storylines and characters when a quick adult conversation would clear up the misunderstanding... If whatever scene is to come was written somewhat lately then maybe they know that many in fandom don't really need or want a reason to be anti-jaggie so giving them a full-on blowup would sour ppl to the pairing.  So with that in mind maybe they just let Maggie be the smart woman she is and her and Jackson have a little chat.. It could then lead to a deeper convo about a future and how the 3 of them would interact.   Just plz no long drawn out conflict which would only damage Jackson and Maggie. 

  • Love 5

Alex's limited and back to the violence role was the other annoying part of this episode. He's a grown up so even though I get he loves his patient and wants to advocate for her, it shouldn't be a shocker to know medicine has limits. If people you respect are telling you that, who in their right mind gets angry and physical? You can be sad and push some on how they reached their conclusion, but that was so over the top. It wasn't endearing to me. I wish they'd give him a real storyline that is fit for an adult doctor.

  • Love 17
19 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

Alex's limited and back to the violence role was the other annoying part of this episode. He's a grown up so even though I get he loves his patient and wants to advocate for her, it shouldn't be a shocker to know medicine has limits. If people you respect are telling you that, who in their right mind gets angry and physical? You can be sad and push some on how they reached their conclusion, but that was so over the top. It wasn't endearing to me. I wish they'd give him a real storyline that is fit for an adult doctor.

They need to figure out what to do with him. This is his go to move, always. Or it’s what the writers go to and it’s not okay. 

23 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Just once, I want Alex to collar the wrong guy, and that guy beats the shit out of him. 

Well the thing is, Alex has had consequences due to his first instinct to punch someone as a reaction and gotten into trouble. Granted the show realized they can’t put Alex in jail and he didn’t even get  a slap on the wrist for what he did to DeLuca, but I would have liked if the show had him have to do some sort of mandatory counseling for his behavior. But nope. It just went away.

  • Love 5
30 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

Alex's limited and back to the violence role was the other annoying part of this episode. He's a grown up so even though I get he loves his patient and wants to advocate for her, it shouldn't be a shocker to know medicine has limits. If people you respect are telling you that, who in their right mind gets angry and physical? You can be sad and push some on how they reached their conclusion, but that was so over the top. It wasn't endearing to me. I wish they'd give him a real storyline that is fit for an adult doctor.

I hate how much Alex has been put on the backburner this season and now he's being written as a violent child yet again. Krista's characterization of so many of people seems to be stuck in the early seasons. Alex is only violent and petulant. Jackson is just hot and rich. April only thinks about God all the time. Arizona is just the fun-loving lesbian. It's like she didn't bother to go back and watch any of the trauma and subsequent growth these characters had over the last half of the series.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, craziness said:

I'm guessing their undercover op will not be enough evidence to get him prosecuted.

Dr. Five Stars committed patient abuse and insurance fraud. The evidence was on hand in his office: the machine that created the phony ultrasounds. Along with the patient files that probably contain either no scans, or the same one. Coupled with depositions from former patients who explained his MO, from phony diagnosis, through "stages of recovery," to cure. 

  • Love 7

I am not a Maggie/Jackson fan at all (for one, I just think it is kind of disrespectful to be dating another co-worker where your ex-spouse is also employed) but I think it is Jackson I have more of a problem with than Maggie.  I actually like her as a character but Jackson, not so much.  I didn't love him with April and I like April, I liked Stephanie as well but again, not with him.  I mentioned in another thread that I like Owen by himself but I cannot say the same about Jackson.    

We haven't seen DeLuca's sister in a couple of episodes right?  Maybe she is gone. 

Owen was funny with telling Glasses his career will be as short as he is (cannot remember the rest).

I am glad April is back on track and I really like her with Dr. Koracick and I hope he stays on the show - love him. 

What about Meredith's guy from last week? Did he get discharged into oblivion?

Alex....Come On!  Stop!

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, AnnieHeights said:

I am not a Maggie/Jackson fan at all (for one, I just think it is kind of disrespectful to be dating another co-worker where your ex-spouse is also employed) but I think it is Jackson I have more of a problem with than Maggie.  I actually like her as a character but Jackson, not so much.  I didn't love him with April and I like April, I liked Stephanie as well but again, not with him.  I mentioned in another thread that I like Owen by himself but I cannot say the same about Jackson.  

Could you elaborate about what your issue is with Jackson? Im really curious to know. 

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26 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I doubt she is. I'm sure during some serious crisis she will pop up to discuss sex.

Heh. Anyway, Viva DeLuca!'s teaming with Arizona on what's been accurately depicted here as their public library research project. They'll need to include a full-page bibliography, and format their footnotes properly. Spelling counts.

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