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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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How do we know it's Franco?


But if it is, is Liz really that dumb to think bonding with the serial killer/psychopath that made Sam and Jason's life a nightmare and made Sam think she was raped is the best way to help herself re: getting back into Jason's life?


I saw claims on another board that there's a separate spoiler out there detailing Franco eavesdropping on Carly and Liz's conversation.


And...seriously, this makes no sense for Liz.  Presumably, Laura and Nikolas and off-screen Grams won't completely abandon her in the aftermath.  Why does she need to be friends with Franco?!?!

Edited by TeeVee329

What is wrong with you people?  Franco is fucking goodness and light.  IT WAS HIS TUMOR.   He is perfectly normal now....except for the occasional homicidal urges and attempts at matricide, but hey who doesn't have those? 


God you guys are judgy.  pffft.


What should we call them?  LiFranc?  Lanco? Fiz? 

  • Love 16

What is wrong with you people?  Franco is fucking goodness and light.  IT WAS HIS TUMOR.   He is perfectly normal now....except for the occasional homicidal urges and attempts at matricide, but hey who doesn't have those? 


God you guys are judgy.  pffft.


What should we call them?  LiFranc?  Lanco? Fiz? 




LiCo? Franz? LiCa? LizO?


I feel sick already.


Could the secret "friend" also be Michelle perhaps, aka the Nina? I don't believe she and Becky have ever shared scenes except perhaps in passing.

Franco and Liz. If that's for real they're impossibly stupid and even more blinded by their ego about these hires than I thought. If this was an outsider we'd say they were deliberately trying to get the show cancelled.



I am ready to say that they pretty much are at this point. They just don't seem to care a single iota about what is happening and how it's all hurting them from every angle.

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Franco and Liz. If that's for real they're impossibly stupid and even more blinded by their ego about these hires than I thought. If this was an outsider we'd say they were deliberately trying to get the show cancelled.

I fear that Frank's love for Roger, which seems to be as obsessive as Ron's for the Spencer kid is going to destroy what could be a great story. The person who needs to over hear the Carly/Liz confrontation is Ric. The redeeming arch is Ric and Liz both saving each other.  Shoe horning Franco in there because you are enamored with Roger's acting ability (which face it peaked during the Marty gang rape years ago  and then has drifted slowly but surely down hill ever since) does a disservice to the show, BH as an actor (not to mention RH) and the viewers. The problem with Frank (and Ron) is that from the get go he saw GH as his personal playground, instead of realizing that his role is caretaker of a 50 year legacy that many folks have decades invested in

Edited by Fylaki
  • Love 6

It will be Franco, because Show still can't admit defeat with the character. He'll probably bond with Liz over being the town outcast. Right, because a liar and a SERIAL KILLER are totes the same.

So Frank is going to the well again, and semi-re-creating the moment when Lllanview town outcasts Blair Cramer and Todd Manning met at Rodi's and commiserated over being outcasts.  She, who broke up Max and Luna's marriage. He, because he was ring leader of a gang rape.


Where are they spinning Nina o..... oh, nevermind, I don't care.

  • Love 3

It will be Franco, because Show still can't admit defeat with the character. He'll probably bond with Liz over being the town outcast. Right, because a liar and a SERIAL KILLER are totes the same.



Liz kept Jason's identity a secret and Franco kept killing people until he got bored, got a brain tumour, got laid by the mother of the kid he got raped, faked raped his former twin's wife until he came clean, and then decided to teach kids how to finger paint away their pain.


They may as well be long lost cousins.

  • Love 2

It will be Franco, because Show still can't admit defeat with the character. He'll probably bond with Liz over being the town outcast. Right, because a liar and a SERIAL KILLER are totes the same.

No, clearly Liz is worse. She's the Evilest Evil That Ever Eviled, didn't you get the memo?

GH really does have no interest in bringing Liz fans back to the show. They make that more and more clear with every passing day.

  • Love 2

Franco and Liz. If that's for real they're impossibly stupid and even more blinded by their ego about these hires than I thought. If this was an outsider we'd say they were deliberately trying to get the show cancelled.


Sadly, I've seen this idea suggested on Twitter long before now. There are bloggers or maybe friends of bloggers who are still so in love with RH that they completely bought the tumor excuse. And Nina and Franco have a disturbingly popular following in places. I feel like Jamey wouldn't be opposed to the idea either.


Sometimes I feel like this place is the only bastion of sanity out there.

Hahahah. Fracno/Liz GMAB.


Speaking of Franco are they ever going to mention the Franco/Sam/Jason mess. Or have the writers just completely forgot. Its all about Saint Franco now.

Franco had a tumor and some DVDs…it's water under the bridge.

I'm totally here to watch Vanilla Ice Jr. mourn Georgie.


  • Love 1

I guess I have the unpopular opinion of just not caring - or seeing how show destroying - it could be to put Liz and Franco together. I have no real love for the Franco character, but I don't think he's any worse than Sonny or Jason. And considering the idiot Liz just sold out her dignity all for the love of SERIAL KILLER Jason, Franco doesn't seem like much of a step down. The whole idea makes me laugh because I don't see those two meshing well, but might as well contain those two in the same storyline so they don't infect any other characters.

  • Love 1

I guess I have the unpopular opinion of just not caring - or seeing how show destroying - it could be to put Liz and Franco together. I have no real love for the Franco character, but I don't think he's any worse than Sonny or Jason. And considering the idiot Liz just sold out her dignity all for the love of SERIAL KILLER Jason, Franco doesn't seem like much of a step down. The whole idea makes me laugh because I don't see those two meshing well, but might as well contain those two in the same storyline so they don't infect any other characters.

I have a problem with it because Franco facilitated one rape (Michael) and faked another (Sam), and Liz was raped as a teenager. I remember her with AJ when Franco did his "DVDs of Truth" and she was horrified by Franco. Also, he kidnapped her son and gave the baby to his mother. Why would she give him the time of day, even if he is telling her she ain't so bad?

  • Love 14

Why would she give him the time of day, even if he is telling her she ain't so bad?


Sam got fake raped by him, then Carly got stuck with him, then Nina. Now it's Liez's turn. If the show somehow magically survives for another three years I expect Franco to have gone through most of the women on canvas. 


If only Soap Superstar RoHo could get a job somewhere else so this piece of shit would be killed off. 

  • Love 8

I have a problem with it because Franco facilitated one rape (Michael) and faked another (Sam), and Liz was raped as a teenager. I remember her with AJ when Franco did his "DVDs of Truth" and she was horrified by Franco. Also, he kidnapped her son and gave the baby to his mother. Why would she give him the time of day, even if he is telling her she ain't so bad?


Oh yeah,  I totally blanked on the Aidan kidnapping.  Then again, Liz had barely any words for Hells last month and she held on to Jake for YEARS.


And ditto on her supporting AJ.  Siiigh, they were so good together, it sucks not only that they pulled the plug, but that they had Liz later disavow the whole relationship to Monica as grief over Jason.  Guh-ross.

  • Love 7

I have a problem with it because Franco facilitated one rape (Michael) and faked another (Sam), and Liz was raped as a teenager. I remember her with AJ when Franco did his "DVDs of Truth" and she was horrified by Franco. Also, he kidnapped her son and gave the baby to his mother. Why would she give him the time of day, even if he is telling her she ain't so bad?


And even if they didn't have her take this angle, which they definitely should, Franco tormented Jason for how long? Now she's going to be totes okay with the guy who did everything possible to hurt the object of her obsession? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, so of course the show is doing it. Whatever, Frank.


Hoping for everyone including me, but especially the Robin fans that we get some good stuff with Anna and Robert.



Source Sneak Peek: December 21st

Sonny and Sam find themselves remembering their shared past.


VOMIT to the nth degree.

  • Love 5


I have a problem with it because Franco facilitated one rape (Michael) and faked another (Sam), and Liz was raped as a teenager. I remember her with AJ when Franco did his "DVDs of Truth" and she was horrified by Franco. Also, he kidnapped her son and gave the baby to his mother. Why would she give him the time of day, even if he is telling her she ain't so bad?


Oh yeah,  I totally blanked on the Aidan kidnapping.  Then again, Liz had barely any words for Hells last month and she held on to Jake for YEARS.


Franco's role in Michael's rape was excused by the tumor on-screen. Even though most fans haven't bought that, it seems most of the characters on the show have and no one brings it up (least of all the one who was raped - Michael) so I wouldn't expect Liz to. And I highly doubt Liz gives two shits about anything Franco did to Sam. And as TeeVee329 mentioned Helena held on to Jake for far longer than Franco had Aiden and she had no problem basically being in cahoots with her. Ric tried to kill her and she took him back and married him. I wouldn't put anything past Liz when it comes to accepting sympathy, especially if it comes from a man.

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