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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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You know, I'm not dying to see her or anything, but if Heather wanted to pop in for an episode and stab Franco to death while screaming, "NOT MY SON NOT MY SON!!!" over and over, ...I'd allow it.

In fact, if/when they get rid of Franco, I reeeally would love them to retcon away Scotty being his dad. Free Scotty!

Maybe they reveal that he's really Sonny's son instead?

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Believe me, I get it about Franco.  The thought they could make a SERIAL KILLER into a romantic lead is so insane, it shouldn't have happened in the first place.


But as I said earlier, I don't understand the cries of "How can they kill Silas, he's a doctor!?!".  Silas...was John McBain with a stethoscope.  The doctoring I remember him doing was bribing Heather with BLT's to give a bone marrow sample.



I really don't care if they kill Silas regardless of what his job is or isn't, though I never really got a "John McBain" vibe from Silas probably because I didn't watch Michael in that role for very long, but my point was that keeping a SERIAL KILLER while being rid of a doctor for seemingly no reason on a soap that is supposed to be about a hospital is just ridiculous, imo.


Silas can just as easily go back to being back-burned if they don't want to write for him or whatever, but they are going to go through all this to kill him off but keep Franco? To me that's what is killing this show, they just keep making a point to focus on the trivial and on what isn't necessary and not bother fixing what is really wrong, like cerebrating a bloody SERIAL KILLER and treating him like a lead.  


I feel like there is an actual list of people who should be first in line to die on this show and Silas isn't even in my top 10. He's the sort of character, imo, that can fade away without anyone really noticing or caring and if he pops up every now and again whatever, who cares. I just don't find him offensive enough to get chopped so quickly when so many more deserving figures remain, most of them being Ron's "special pets".


Of course all of this is based solely on my own personal preference for whom I'd want buried alive or chopped down with an axe or dropped into a vat of acid. Decisions, decisions, decisions....

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 6
Maybe they reveal that he's really Sonny's son instead?


That reminds me of the time on Ron and Frank's OLTL used their time travel story to pull off a bizarre, one-day gag that was ridiculous yet still hilarious to me. Rex and Bo had time traveled back to the year 1968, where Bo had assumed the place of his father, Asa, and Rex had taken the young Bo's place. Rex/"Bo" then slept with Asa's mistress, Emma Bradley, siring David Vickers. Cut to 2009, when they run a paternity test and twentysomething Rex is initially mistaken for fortysomething David's father - cue everyone's boggled reactions - before they realize oh, sorry for the 'error' at the lab, it's Bo. I laughed, I don't care!

Edited by jsbt
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Again, CPP83, I'm not disagreeing about any of your points about SERIAL KILLER Franco.  But him being awful doesn't cancel out Silas being a pointless waste of space who shouldn't be saved just because he has an MD after his name.  And Silas got plenty of pushing and propping early last year.  That's where Nina and Nathan and Magda all came from!


It looks like they're taking the time to kill Silas to set up even MORE story for Franco and Nina, which the new writers should cut short.  But like I said, I didn't care how he went out - died, moved away, turned invisible.  I'm just glad he's dunzo.  Michael Easton could be fun with the dry wit, but he and his characters too often lapsed into monotones and manpain.

That reminds me of the time on Ron and Frank's OLTL used their time travel story to pull off a bizarre, one-day gag that was ridiculous yet still hilarious to me. Rex and Bo had time traveled back to the year 1968, where Bo had assumed the place of his father, Asa, and Rex had taken the young Bo's place. Rex/"Bo" then slept with Asa's mistress, Emma Bradley, siring David Vickers. Cut to 2009, when they run a paternity test and twentysomething Rex is initially mistaken for fortysomething David's father - cue everyone's boggled reactions - before they realize oh, sorry for the 'error' at the lab, it's Bo. I laughed, I don't care!


Hee.  And I'm pretty sure Kyle Lewis was the lab tech, that scene with the Bukes was his first appearance, awww.


I think Franco should get a patented Skye Chandler Quartermaine retcon - Heather picked up some loser on the side of the road and, poof, Franco has a daddy.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I won't keep harping on this, heh, I'll just say I don't care about what happens or doesn't to Silas at this point, doctor or not, I care about what hasn't happened to Franco and apparently won't be anytime soon. I will say though that to me a doctor deserves to live over a serial killer even if it's just for a day or a week or whatever, imho, that's just my personal preference.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 4

To "fix" the show at this point, imho, would take way too much time and money and basically undoing the past three or so years of Ron's idiocy and culling about half the cast.



I disagree with you about the time and money part - I think the show is fixable - but I absolutely agree that the cast badly badly needs to be slimmed down.  Getting a handle on that would solve about 90% of the show's problems right there.


I truly do believe that they waited way too long to be rid of that jackass and the show has been damaged beyond repair.


Gee, the exact same way I felt about Guza.  The show recovered (at least temporarily) from his fucknuggetry, it's possible it could recover from whatever the hell Ron was thinking these past few months.


,,, On the other hand, I remember making a joke a while back about being careful about wishing for Ron to be fired, because he could very well decide to spitefully wreck everything he could on the show on his way out the door.  given that's it's obvious his shitcanning was in train for a good long time before it was officially announced, I'm seriously wondering if the past 13 weeks hasn't been him doing exactly that.


Though I am a fan of Michael and have been for a long time, I really don't care if Silas is bumped off personally, but the very idea that the people left in charge of this show would actually cut a doctor while leaving a SERIAL KILLER free to roam and be considered a "main player" is just...really? They refuse to learn anything, not a good goddamn thing.


Actually, I gather that it has been confirmed that killing off Silas was one of Ron's last acts before he was shown the door.  It sounds right - I can imagine what a delicious joke Ron would think it would be to kill off the least offensive member of the OLTL 3, further decimate the hospital cast, and leave the SERIAL KILLER standing front and center as the de facto star of the show.

  • Love 2
I disagree with you about the time and money part




Really I wonder if the effort should even be put into this show at this point. I just have lost all faith that GH can ever truly recover, or bounce back, after all that's been done to it, and especially the veteran characters. All I really want is a half decent ending. Though the way Tony's exit as Luke was handled...I don't even know if that's a possibility at this point.



Gee, the exact same way I felt about Guza.  The show recovered (at least temporarily) from his fucknuggetry, it's possible it could recover from whatever the hell Ron was thinking these past few months.




As far as I am concerned, Ron's entire tenure on this show has been a horrible stint from start to finish. These past few months have been boring beyond words to me, but some of his worst ideas, imo, came last year and the year before. I haven't been impressed with anything he's done and every single character he's concocted has been an utter and total failure in my eyes.



I can imagine what a delicious joke Ron would think it would be to kill off the least offensive member of the OLTL 3, further decimate the hospital cast, and leave the SERIAL KILLER standing front and center as the de facto star of the show.




Oh I could most certainly see that as being true. Ron is nothing if not a spiteful wanker, and he has been determined to "redeem" and keep Franco at all cost. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if it's revealed right as Silas' body is laid out on a morgue slab that Franco actually is Kiki's dad after all anyways.

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Really I wonder if the effort should even be put into this show at this point. I just have lost all faith that GH can ever truly recover, or bounce back, after all that's been done to it, and especially the veteran characters. All I really want is a half decent ending. Though the way Tony's exit as Luke was handled...I don't even know if that's a possibility at this point.



Ironically, I think Ron probably could have pulled off a good series finale. But while it's damaged, GH isn't dead yet.  Obviously until Franco is dead (preferable) or retconned, the toxicity will just fester but there are some things the new regime can do.  While killing Silas wouldn't be my first choice, I agree with earlier posters that trimming the cast will help a lot. 


Personally I would give Laura a story at the hospital (she's a licensed social worker) and go ahead and make her the new Lila. Just that would bring back a lot of fans (including me). Kill Luke offscreen and give us our LnL closure at his funeral. These 2 things could balance so many things that have gone wrong.  

  • Love 2
But while it's damaged, GH isn't dead yet




I can only speak for myself so I am just not holding my breath that whomever they bring in next can manage the necessary miracles, imho, needed to help the show at this point, especially when I read over all the recent spoilers and heads up for what is to come.

  • Love 1

I can only speak for myself so I am just not holding my breath that whomever they bring in next can manage the necessary miracles, imho, needed to help the show at this point, especially when I read over all the recent spoilers and heads up for what is to come.

Yeah, I'm with you. I'm mostly just happy I won't have to watch any more of Ron's repetitive dialogue; BLTs, "adventure buddies", "Patrick deserves to be happy!", "it was just a kiss," "Jason and I have our chance", "Sam and Patrick are a family with Emma and Danny", "Nik is acting like a Cassadine!", HELENA!

Edited by HeatLifer
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'Cause there's no way the ratings are going to get better. If anything, I see it getting worse. I'd think ABC would want new shit pronto.

Long time lurker, here, just stepping out to suggest that it's possible ratings could surprisingly get better--at least for the short term--to show support for the firing of that idiot who created this current train wreck. Also, killing off Silas/McBain with a stethoscope could give hope to so many who have left that this is just the first of many useless characters' exits. That hope could entice them back to see if a parade of exits soon follows. Add in better story lines, and the show might be safe to see another day. 


Why, yes, I am an eternal optimist, at least for today. ;) 

  • Love 7

Since one of the rumors I remember reading when KA left was that her character was going to die soon, I'm hoping that Kiki's bachelorette party visit will be the last we see of the character. Offscreen crane can make another non-appearance!


I'm all for one last OLTL pick up - Chandelier.  Chandy can take out Kiki and Franco. 

  • Love 11



Nik's only a temp pit stop for Hayden. RBu's JT bound. Hayden get a personality makeover so Patrick can feel sorry for her.


I'm not gonna lie, I brought that rumor over (usually I try to resist bringing over rumors that don't seem to have much basis) just to see Heatlifer's reaction :)


actual spoilers:


August 4: Carly pays Denise a visit

August 5: Carly is suspicious of Morgan, while Sonny is setting up an important meeting

August 7: Morgan is called into question by his parents, while Ava prepares to drop a bomb.

August 10: Scott makes a decision that could have major impact on his future as district attorney, Nik also takes on a house guest that day, Sonny decides to send Julian a message

August 11: Lulu is deeply moved by Dillon's script, which leaves her with a lot to think about with the troubled state of her marriage.

August 12: Something startles Dr. O, Nathan and Dante make a grim discovery

August 13: Someone unexpected shows up at Dante and Lulu's door, Sonny makes a mysterious call

August 14: Sonny assure Carly he is not responsible for the recent mob activity.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3



Nik's only a temp pit stop for Hayden. RBu's JT bound. Hayden get a personality makeover so Patrick can feel sorry for her.


I'm not gonna lie, I brought that rumor over (usually I try to resist bringing over rumors that don't seem to have much basis) just to see Heatlifer's reaction :)


I still wish the Robin stuff will be resolved, one way or the other. But if this rumor has any basis in reality, assuming Patrick's character lobotomy is forgotten, I'm not against this! (And really, did anyone think this fling with Sam was really going anywhere?)

  • Love 4

I'm all for one last OLTL pick up - Chandelier.  Chandy can take out Kiki and Franco. 



Long live Chandy!



Viva la Chandy!


Every house should have one!


And if Chandy can't take Sonny out, then he should hire Chandy as his hitman.  Chandy has better aim than anyone else he's ever had.

Edited by boes
  • Love 5

Emma: Daddy, where's Sam?

Patrick: She doesn't live here anymore, sweetie.

Emma: Why, Daddy?

Patrick: Sometimes grown ups grow apart, baby. She has her own bed now.

Emma: In Paris, like mommy?

Patrick: Exactly.

Emma: And now Hayden shares a bed with you?

Patrick: Yes! See how this works?

Emma: I miss Guza.

  • Love 15


Nik's only a temp pit stop for Hayden. RBu's JT bound. Hayden get a personality makeover so Patrick can feel sorry for her.

I'm not gonna lie, I brought that rumor over (usually I try to resist bringing over rumors that don't seem to have much basis) just to see Heatlifer's reaction :)

So they end Sam/Patrick before the November Jason reveal? What about Patrick 's feeling about Sam. When will the Robin storyline be resolved. Why should I the GH viewer, care about random Greenlee?

Adding and/or expanding newbie random roles is the last thing this show needs, IMO.

That's way to much fucking Sonny and Carly in those spoilers. Maybe these asshats think showcasing S&C will save the show or stop the ratings slide, just thinking this made me laugh out loud.

  • Love 7

So they end Sam/Patrick before the November Jason reveal? What about Patrick 's feeling about Sam. When will the Robin storyline be resolved. Why should I the GH viewer, care about random Greenlee?

Adding and/or expanding newbie random roles is the last thing this show needs, IMO.

That's way to much fucking Sonny and Carly in those spoilers. Maybe these asshats think showcasing S&C will save the show or stop the ratings slide, just thinking this made me laugh out loud.

If they wanted to reintroduce Rebecca Budig as a completely different character, sure, have her go Patty's way. But sex-crazed, liar, scam artist Hayden? With Patrick? Who this show portrays as the best father ever who has ever fathered? Are we sure Ron was fired?

  • Love 1

So they end Sam/Patrick before the November Jason reveal? What about Patrick 's feeling about Sam. When will the Robin storyline be resolved. Why should I the GH viewer, care about random Greenlee?



If Patrick is roadkill to Jasam, they need to put him with another "new love" before Robin can come back so he can have conflict. Has the existing half ever been available when a lost love returns?

So they end Sam/Patrick before the November Jason reveal? What about Patrick 's feeling about Sam. .

There's really no point in extending it. I think RC is the only person who believes that a relationship that has lasted a few months can compare with a beloved back from the dead spouse who is the mother/father of the couple's only child.
  • Love 1

There's really no point in extending it. I think RC is the only person who believes that a relationship that has lasted a few months can compare with a beloved back from the dead spouse who is the mother/father of the couple's only child.

I see what you are saying but all the stories are a mess. Isn't one of Nik's excuses for not revealing who Jakeson is because Sam is happy with Patrick.

I still don't see how Patrick moves on so quickly without his character being even more damaged.

I swear, I'll hurt someone if Robin returns and still wants PatPrick, for gives him, Liz, Nik or takes the blame. She needs to go scorched earth on several people.

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Oh Lord.....not Budig.  I don't care how she is "reimagined", unless they reimagine her as lunch meat.   We've got Franco, Nina, Dr. O., and now THIS?  


Budig??  Really, Show?  


it's a huge rumor. Take it with a huge grain of salt.


I think the S/C spoilers sound more interesting than all the Denise/Morgan/Ava/Kiki/Franco/Ric/Madeline stuff. Like LeftPhalange, I too am trash.

  • Love 4

it's a huge rumor. Take it with a huge grain of salt.


I think the S/C spoilers sound more interesting than all the Denise/Morgan/Ava/Kiki/Franco/Ric/Madeline stuff. Like LeftPhalange, I too am trash.

It's a lose/lose situation for me lol I don't really care about nina and company but I'm really not interested in sonny/Carly either.

  • Love 3

Better yet, have Lauren die from alcohol poisoning at the bachelorette party.


No need to be melodramatic.  Turn one of Kiki's biggest liabilities into an asset and have Ava get a quick phone call that Kiki came across a great job opportunity that she couldn't turn down.


If they wanted to reintroduce Rebecca Budig as a completely different character, sure, have her go Patty's way. But sex-crazed, liar, scam artist Hayden? With Patrick? Who this show portrays as the best father ever who has ever fathered? Are we sure Ron was fired?


The new writer's stuff won't start airing until September/October.  These are all Ron spoilers.

I have no doubt Dillon's script is a thinly disguised reflection on Dillon's feelings for Lulu back in the day.

August 14: Sonny assure Carly he is not responsible for the recent mob activity.


Like she would care.  Are they seriously gonna try to spin some shit where Carly wants out of the mob life?

But sex-crazed, liar, scam artist Hayden? With Patrick?


Maybe she has a brain tumor, that would make it okay.

  • Love 5
I have no doubt Dillon's script is a thinly disguised reflection on Dillon's feelings for Lulu back in the day.


For which I call shenanigans. Dillon sucked ass for schtupping his stepsister, but I recall him loving Georgie - even as they drifted apart - 'til the end. I can still clearly recall when SC's Dillon came back to town to tell Georgie about his film only to discover she died. I even remember the scenes took place at Kelly's. He was devastated.


So GH can sell Lulu/Dillon 'til the sky rains blood. But they were NEVER some unrequited love of the ages.

  • Love 18

For which I call shenanigans. Dillon sucked ass for schtupping his stepsister, but I recall him loving Georgie - even as they drifted apart - 'til the end. I can still clearly recall when SC's Dillon came back to town to tell Georgie about his film only to discover she died. I even remember the scenes took place at Kelly's. He was devastated.


So GH can sell Lulu/Dillon 'til the sky rains blood. But they were NEVER some unrequited love of the ages.

*fist bump*

Dillon/Lulu plays so weak because they're recasts and don't really have that history or connection.

I don't mind the recasts, though I prefer Emme over whatshisname. Then again, I didn't like JMB's Lulu during at least 90% of her run, so there you go.

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