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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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8 minutes ago, Runningwild said:

I wouldn’t use any of those words. But, you don’t see men saying “the B word.”  They just say the word. And they certainly use the other words. 

I think taking something and saying it’s only for one race is inherently racist. Why can’t we all just get along? Why do we have to have derogatory words for a certain type of person? Just be nice to everyone.

I have heard men (and women) refer to “the B word” and “the C word.” Mileage varies, apparently.

Regarding the rest of your comment, a few posters have already explained the issues at play here more eloquently than I ever could, so I’ll leave it at that and agree to disagree.

ETA: Actually, I believe the in-depth explanations I’m thinking of are in the Live Feeds thread.

Edited by link417
17 hours ago, Runningwild said:

I wouldn’t use any of those words. But, you don’t see men saying “the B word.”  They just say the word. And they certainly use the other words. 

I think taking something and saying it’s only for one race is inherently racist. Why can’t we all just get along? Why do we have to have derogatory words for a certain type of person? Just be nice to everyone.

You think it’s RACIST that you’re not supposed to say the N-word? With everything going on in the world, the fact that you think the racist scourge in our midst is that black people don’t like it when you say the N-word is....telling. 

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50 minutes ago, Theredone said:

You think it’s RACIST that you’re not supposed to say the N-word? With everything going on in the world, the fact that you think the racist scourge in our midst is that black people don’t like it when you say the N-word is....telling. 

They said the exact opposite you are accusing them of.  Re-read their post again and please quit attacking people who say we should be nice to one another.  When is being nice to each other a crime?  This is getting way too crazy.

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6 minutes ago, green said:

They said the exact opposite you are accusing them of.  Re-read their post again and please quit attacking people who say we should be nice to one another.  When is being nice to each other a crime?  This is getting way too crazy.

She said “taking something and saying it’s only for one race is racist”. We’ve been talking about whether only black people should be allowed to use the n-word. What was she referring to, if not that?

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Theredone said:

She said “taking something and saying it’s only for one race is racist”. We’ve been talking about whether only black people should be allowed to use the n-word. What was she referring to, if not that?

And she or he concluded with Why do we have to have derogatory words for a certain type of person? Just be nice to everyone.  Sounds good to me as in get rid of every single offensive word (they discuss the B word above) and start over as human beings being nice to each other again.  I vote for that 100%..

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3 minutes ago, green said:

And she or he concluded with Why do we have to have derogatory words for a certain type of person? Just be nice to everyone.  Sounds good to me as in get rid of every single offensive word (they discuss the B word above) and start over as human beings being nice to each other again.  I vote for that 100%..

White people not using derogatory terms for other races sounds great to me too! White people deciding that they should get to determine how members of an oppressed group are allowed to speak to one another (and that excluding white people from using the same words is somehow racist)seems like something else entirely. 

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I think you are reading WAY too much into this.  They said the world as a whole should get rid of all the negative name calling.  Not some white group making some rule out of thin air.

When someone who just asks why can't we all live together in peace and harmony gets personally attacked for saying that this whole world has gone completely crazy.

Edited by green
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19 hours ago, Theredone said:

You think it’s RACIST that you’re not supposed to say the N-word? With everything going on in the world, the fact that you think the racist scourge in our midst is that black people don’t like it when you say the N-word is....telling. 

I certainly don’t mean to offend you or imply that African-Americans have not been the victims of racism. I was merely pointing out that “racist” means to show discrimination against another race. In this case,anyone who is not African-American is not allowed to say a certain word. 

I will continue to not use the word. And I prefer to not hear or read it also. I feel it’s a derogatory term no matter who is saying it. I would rather lift people up than put them down. 

Sorry if I offended anyone. I shouldn’t have said anything. 

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"Kissing and touching" 20 years ago? Give me a break. Weinstein, yes, but these are pretty weak charges against Moonves.

 Years ago I had a job where my 1st task of the day was to get 20 male truckers off on their routes. My boss always had Playboy and Penthouse on my (front) desk. One driver would always pick up the Playboy, flip to the centerfold and say  "O my God, look at the xxx on her! "  One day I slipped a Playgirl, with a nude male centerfold into the pile.  The next morning he did the same thing until he got a good look and threw the magazine across the office yelling, "Oh my , that's disgusting!"  Never had a problem with him after that.

There is sexual harassment (annoyance),  and sexual harassment that and should be legally actionable.  These charges against Moonves strike me as very petty (given the culture of the times).   And may I add, that no job is worth putting up with that shit if you don't want to.

Edited by Skycatcher
Because my auto-correct doesn't know the difference between through and threw.
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17 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

 Years ago I had a job where my 1st task of the day was to get 20 male truckers off on their routes. My boss always had Playboy and Penthouse on my (front) desk. One driver would always pick up the Playboy, flip to the centerfold and say  "O my God, look at the xxx on her! "  One day I slipped a Playgirl, with a nude male centerfold into the pile.  The next morning he did the same thing until he got a good look and threw the magazine across the office yelling, "Oh my , that's disgusting!"  Never had a problem with him after that.

Love it. Well played!

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I do not want to minimize true sexual harassment - "Fuck me or you lose (or won't get) your job!" - but there are times when it's just male/female interaction and my attitude is "Deal with it, snowflake."

 I love the gag sign that says "Sexual harassment will not be tolerated in this office, however it will be graded."

Edited by Skycatcher
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The article says, “The allegations are said in part to involve instances of unwanted kissing and touching that occurred more than 20 years ago, as well as numerous claims that occurred more recently.”  So, it doesn’t seem like it was all twenty years ago. I’ll have to see the actual allegations, but I don’t think there’s anything petty about nonconsensual kissing and touching, especially if this is in a work setting. I don’t think any woman should have to leave a job and give up income and set back her career because she just doesn’t want to be sexually assaulted at work, and yes, kissing and groping may not be rape, but it is legally assault. 

Obviously, the allegations could end up being trivial (i wouldn’t expect that CBS’s shares would be tanking if that was the belief, but who knows), but I don’t think that enough information yet to know.

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Does not sound trivial to me. Sounds pretty awful, if true. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/08/06/les-moonves-and-cbs-face-allegations-of-sexual-misconduct

An excerpt: 


As Douglas attempted to turn the focus back to work, Moonves, she said, grabbed her. “In a millisecond, he’s got one arm over me, pinning me,” she said. Moonves was “violently kissing” her, holding her down on the couch with her arms above her head. “What it feels like to have someone hold you down—you can’t breathe, you can’t move,” she said. “The physicality of it was horrendous.” She recalled lying limp and unresponsive beneath him. “You sort of black out,” she told me. “You think, How long is this going to go on? I was just looking at this nice picture of his family and his kids. I couldn’t get him off me.” She said it was only when Moonves, aroused, pulled up her skirt and began to thrust against her that her fear overcame her paralysis. She told herself that she had to do something to stop him. “At that point, you’re a trapped animal,” she told me. “Your life is flashing before your eyes.” Moonves, in what Douglas assumed was an effort to be seductive, paused and asked, “So, what do you think?” Douglas told me, “My decision was to get out of it by joking my way out, so he feels flattered.” Thinking that reminding Moonves that he was her boss might discourage him, she told him, “Yes, for the head of a network you’re some good kisser.” Moonves frowned and got up. She scrambled to find her briefcase. “Well, this has been great. Thanks,” she recalled saying, moving toward the door. “I’ve got to go now.”

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

I do not want to minimize true sexual harassment - "Fuck me or you lose (or won't get) your job!" - but there are times when it's just male/female interaction and my attitude is "Deal with it, snowflake."

 I love the gag sign that says "Sexual harassment will not be tolerated in this office, however it will be graded."


Thumbs up. 

  • Love 2

White people are also called the n word at times. To me it’s a universal word used when referring to someone a person don’t like or is mad at. The N word is a degrading word used by all colors towards different races. Its almost always used in anger.

It should never be used by any color in my opinion. It’s just as vile no matter what color is using it.

20 minutes ago, D.CBies said:

White people are also called the n word at times. To me it’s a universal word used when referring to someone a person don’t like or is mad at. The N word is a degrading word used by all colors towards different races. Its almost always used in anger.

It should never be used by any color in my opinion. It’s just as vile no matter what color is using it.

It *might* be used in anger now, but not always.  It used to be used as a way to differentiate a human being who was free from a human being who was someone's property.  In short, it was a degrading, humiliating, dehumanizing term.  If Joe Smith wanted to get the attention of his white free friend Jonathon, he could simply call out, "Jonathon."  However, if he wanted to get the attention of his slave Jonathon, he would call out, "N______ Jonathan."  It reminded Jonathon that he was Smith's property.  

It should not be used, but it is particularly repulsive when a white person uses it against a black person.  It's clear what their meaning is in doing so and it's repugnant.  

  • Love 8
23 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

It appears to have been deleted, but apparently Andy Herren sent out a tweet that Amanda Zuckerman had passed away.


It's not true.  She called him on it.  

Just found an image of the original.



Truly mixed feelings here.  

On the one hand - the notion of Zuckerman being removed from the gene pool before her psycho hosebeast horseshit can get passed on to more future generations than it already has, would (or should, anyway) give the rest of humanity a shining beacon of hope for the future.  

On the other hand - anything which makes Andy Herren look like a total fucking moron is simply acting in compliance with existing Truth in Advertising laws, and is therefore good.  

So I don’t know exactly how I do feel about this.


Edited by Nashville
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Just noticed that a Big Brother/Survivor edition of Fear Factor is coming up tonight on MTV at 9E/8/C.  I think it’s a rerun (but from 2018), but I haven’t seen it. I just happened upon it on accident. I haven’t really watched MTV since they took music out of the equation.  No mention of names in the guide description, but obviously no one from BB20.

Wow, I would imagine it's somewhere in the contract that the HG's sign that acting in an aggressive, harmful manner towards fellow HGs is not allowed.  Also sexual misconduct should specifically be put into the terms, especially on a show such as this.  I'm not sure why CBS isn't taking any action; they must feel they have the legal wiggle room to allow it for the publicity.  That's pretty despicable if true imo..

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18 minutes ago, Merrilin said:

I'm not sure why CBS isn't taking any action; they must feel they have the legal wiggle room to allow it for the publicity.

Given the very positive edit they've given to Tyler, I doubt they'd want to milk his being sexually molested for "publicity".  Ditto for Haleigh and her appealing "underdog" edit; having to put up with JC's "antics" only makes her seem hapless.

I think CBS just doesn't want to have to deal with expelling a HG who "represents" so many minority communities; they might be worried about some blowback.  Especially as they let Frankie Grande get away not-too-different behavior four seasons back.

(OT: the linked content on Yahoo tells me that Ariana is being criticized for wearing a "club dress" to perform at Aretha Franklin's memorial.  My thought is that as long as she keeps Frankie far, far away, she can wear a thong, for all I care.[/OT])

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BB has given JC the cute and funny edit this whole season despite him having trouble with "personal boundaries" as they like to call it from the very first week.  If Tyler ends up in the final 2 and thus not eligible for it, JC could even win America's Choice the way he has been edited for the TV show.  So BB has gone out of their way to protect him like they have protected past HGs.  

Not only that but they (BB) have doubled down wit his "cute and funny" edit knowing what they have there from the get go and knowing some of this live feeds stuff is out there.  But with Me Too alive and well, BB will be hard pressed to keep this up.  The times have changed.

Both Hay and Tyler were in difficult situations.  If they filed an official complaint and BB decided to keep JC either in the House or put him in the Jury House then they would have lost a vote (Jury House) or he would try to get them out (House).  So both their games and the chance to win a half million dollars would suffer and maybe even crash and burn.  Just like real life where someone can't speak up for fear of losing their job.  Not as bad as losing your job and home/apt but the principle is the same anyway.  The power always is in the hands of the offender backed by the higher ups it seems.

So it is up to BB and CBS to act and not put the onus on them.

Note:  I hope this thread doesn't get closed or just moved to the JC thread where most people won't bother to look at.  But I do think the mods need to label this with a different title so that "spoiler" may be part of it.

Edited by green
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On 8/31/2018 at 3:54 PM, Halting Hex said:

Given the very positive edit they've given to Tyler, I doubt they'd want to milk his being sexually molested for "publicity".  Ditto for Haleigh and her appealing "underdog" edit; having to put up with JC's "antics" only makes her seem hapless.

I think CBS just doesn't want to have to deal with expelling a HG who "represents" so many minority communities; they might be worried about some blowback.  Especially as they let Frankie Grande get away not-too-different behavior four seasons back.

(OT: the linked content on Yahoo tells me that Ariana is being criticized for wearing a "club dress" to perform at Aretha Franklin's memorial.  My thought is that as long as she keeps Frankie far, far away, she can wear a thong, for all I care.[/OT])


In one of the last few issues of Entertainment Weekly there was a comparison chart of Ariana and, I think, Mariah Carey. The last category was Negatives and Frankie was hers!

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I think this last paragraph from the article is pretty telling:


The controversy comes in the wake of allegations of sexual misconduct against CBS chairman, president, and CEO Les Moonves. Moonves is married to the host of Big Brother, Julie Chen, who has stood by him in the weeks since the the New Yorker published the accusations.

I'm sure CBS is cringing at this stuff getting out because JC's actions will cause news outlets to mention Mooves who has basically been hiding and off the radar now for well over a month.  So I think decisions are being made just not entirely isolated regards JC but what all this is going to do to put the spotlight back on Mooves as well.

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