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S06.E16: The Thanatos Guild

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53 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

Did Lance just leave BS alone in his apartment to go to Thea's party? It seems like a bad plan.

The worst plan was welcoming her into his home in the first place, but the man has custom made bad idea jeans. 

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Ok. The moment that actually made me laugh loudly was Felicity popping into screen with the box on her shoulder saying "you didn't tell me this was the box from hellraiser".  Hahahaha.  Love it.

I like having the noobs in a separate storyline. Easy to FF and pretend they aren't even here.  Except I liked Dinahs outfit in the alley with the dead body. All the ladies leather jackets were on point in this episode actually. Shallow. 

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I am holding on to a hope that Digg's obsession with being GA is tied to the drug he was taking earlier in the season and possibly left-over alien hallucination brain-washing bececause otherwise it makes no sense at all. Even Oliver in the preview was all, "John's not going to be mad about a costume." Right. HE'S NOT, show

I do think it's interesting that it feels like the writers are still holding on to previous seasons' explanations for plot stupidit, which was, "Well, Oliver is dumb so he's making these ridiculous decisions with these plotty, plot, plot consequences," even as they are writing him as mature and grounded. So, while the official line seems to be "Arrow Civil War! Everyone has a point! Oliver is too controlling and isn't giving the other group a chance!" they've written the newbies as entitled jackasses and OTA as thoughtful and reasonable. And while the official line seems to be "Diggle wants to be Green Arrow! Oliver is holding out on him!" they've written Diggle as completely out-of-character over this "issue" and Oliver as the one who is speaking for the audience, all, "Uh. What? That's dumb." 

They've actually written a mature, loving Oliver Queen who I really like, but seem to be laboring under the delusion that they're still writing idiot-Oliver and using him to justify dumb plot points. 

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So I watched Live for the first time, ever. And though I tried to post during commercials, clearly I missed some funny stuff, and STFU stuff. So I will watch it again since I also did record it. Hopefully, it won't have any blitzes or frame freezes for the hilarious lines. So I'll post about the episode as a whole in its entirety later.

But I will say that the scenes with Stutterbark and Pouty could have been excised as they didn't do shit, and we could have gotten more of Thea, Felicity, Roy.

The New League of Assassins were boring as shit, and Athena must have sat by Ra's al Ghoul, because she boringly assed monologued just like he did.

SHOW needs to seriously STOP with Diggle wanting to be Arrow again as if it's something he's ALWAYS wanted to do. No, those stupidass Alien Dominators didn't know shit.  First of all, if Oliver had never gone to the island, then he would never have known or learned to be Arrow to right his father's wrongs, because, hey, Robert was still alive, and there was no "wrong" in that dream world. Just like in B:TAS's "Perchance to Dream." Bruce became Batman as a result of his parents' murder. But stupid ass Mad Hatter didn't KNOW who Bats was, and in that dream, parents alive, so there shouldn't have been a Batman.

So, by that logic, there shouldn't have been a Green Arrow, so Diggle shouldn't have been Arrow, and shit, I've now given myself a fucking headache. I'll end it by saying that the Arrow IS Oliver's mantle, and if he wants to keep it and stay Arrow, Diggle has no fucking say in it. He does more than fine as whatever the name he was given. That whole business with Diggle wanting to know when he could be Arrow again came off as if the costume was some toy, and Diggle was starting to resent that Oliver wasn't giving it to him to play with again.


I LOVED that Roy didn't break up with Thea, when she realized she had a purpose now. And that neither of them were killed. So much goodness with Nyssa, Felicity, Thea. And YES! to finally getting that sham marriage annulled!

And the whining, whining, WHINING from Curtis not being at or invited to Thea's going away party. I cackled that he was imagining the food they were all eating that HIS betraying and hypocritical ASS wasn't getting to eat. But then giving him serious eye rolls that he's upset he wasn't invited? Please take a gazillion seats, asshole.

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I loved the OTA/Thea/Roy scenes. I liked the Nyssa scenes. Everything else was meh.

Diggle continued to exhibit his strange new obsession with being the Green Arrow. #ContrivedDrama. Hey, maybe Curtis is the real Big Bad of this season, and the chip he inserted in Diggle's arm has been slowly leaking a toxin into his system that makes Diggle irrational, paranoid and distrustful. Curtis being a villain, working with Diaz, would also explain Diaz' inexplicable IT expertise. Unfortunately, I doubt that's the reason.

Curtis was acting like he's still Felicity's business partner and that he didn't tell Felicity just in the previous episode that he was completely done with her. He was also wistfully wishing he was at Thea's goodbye party and crushing on a young cop who looks like he just graduated from high school. It doesn't help that he and this cop have zero chemistry.

Also, if Curtis is now babysitting Zoe while Rene is in the hospital, when who was staying with Zoe when Curtis was out with Dinah, snooping around the SCPD? As for Dinah, even though she got the B plot, there was still too much of her for me. (Also, tone down the eye makeup.)

Still, I'll give this episode a general thumbs up because it primarily focused on the characters I care about, working together to solve a problem.

FYI, the Fibonacci Sequence is a real thing:

Edited by tv echo
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I'm gonna miss the Queen sibling interactions. I still remember the "Carter Bowen is the greatest" scene from S1 as one of my favorite early moments on this show.


12 hours ago, Soulfire said:

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tumblr_p6d8d5qf441upkpglo9_400.gif tumblr_p6d8d5qf441upkpglo2_400.gif

I've never enjoyed the LOA marriage jokes, but the above sequence was very amusing -- as was Oliver's face in this one:

12 hours ago, Soulfire said:




5 hours ago, Featherhat said:

 BS being a better cook than E1LL did make me giggle in the way Q said it, but he's deluding himself if he thinks a couple of weeks makes it less crazy to trust her just yet. 

I chuckled at the cooking line too -- it reminded me of Tommy's birthday gathering in S1 when he and Oliver were so relieved that Laurel had ordered in food instead of cooking herself.

I don't know that it felt like a send-off, but there were a few nice nostalgic moments in this episode, even intentional ones.

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I'm at a place with Arrow where I know that I am not going to fully enjoy a whole episode so I try to go into it skipping and ignoring the parts that are particularly aggravating. As such, I did enjoy this episode. 

I thought that the send off for Thea was as good as we were going to get. I'm glad that she's not just disappearing off into the wind like Roy did, there's a very solid opportunity for her to come back as both Thea and Speedy. Whilst I don't like the idea of Thea having, once more, to deal with the consequences of Malcolm's actions, I'll let it slide because at least it gives her a bit more of a purpose. 

I wasn't a fan of Nyssa's 'husband' teasing at first but it did grow on me. I especially liked the sister wife line (and actually the entire scene). Felicity is usually the lone female in the bunker, so having those conversations is a nice bit of fresh air. I only wish we got more of them whilst Thea was still being Speedy. 

The Diggle of it all will never make sense to me. At the moment there's only three of them in the bunker, Felicity, Oliver and Diggle. I think that they have enough respect for each other that whilst Oliver is the de-facto leader, Diggle still gets a massive say in how things are done. What would swapping costumes change? They can't exactly only have one of them looking after the city, so it's not like Oliver can stop being a vigilante. What is it about being Green Arrow and being in charge of a team of one that is so appealing to Diggle? It's not like the noobies are still there to boss around, it would literally just be Diggle on his own. What's the point? 

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15 minutes ago, garnetarden said:

I'm gonna miss the Queen sibling interactions. I still remember the "Carter Bowen is the greatest" scene from S1 as one of my favorite early moments on this show.

That was the best. It showed what close siblings they had been despite the 10 year age gap an Moira's questionable parenting plan and love in one scene, and also Moira's knowledge and affection for her kids but also wanting to paper over the cracks of the last few years. 

16 minutes ago, garnetarden said:

I chuckled at the cooking line too -- it reminded me of Tommy's birthday gathering in S1 when he and Oliver were so relieved that Laurel had ordered in food instead of cooking herself.

That's the scene I was also thinking of. A pretty good one of all three from S1 and the Oliver/Tommy "thank god she's not cooking herself" is actually an understandably funny moment from them where you can believe that they were all friends once. Also introduces the concept of Sara as Canary (Black). 

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7 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

So the canon that Laurel couldn’t cook was transferred to Felicity? Apparently women are only good as the main character’s love interest?  This whole men are better in every area is so boring and wrong. 

I don't mind the cooking thing. I loved that they actually had Oliver be the one who enjoys and is good at cooking, not Felicity. For as long as we've known her Felicity's been a pretty busy person - it makes sense to me that someone who's focused and overloaded wouldn't waste time on cooking when she could just pick something up that's already made. Gives her time to do something else. 

And I think they've shown that Felicity's better than Oliver at quite a few things. Math, sciences, computers, emotional intelligence. Common sense. 

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22 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

So the canon that Laurel couldn’t cook was transferred to Felicity? Apparently women are only good as the main character’s love interest?  

I really don't understand the logic in these conclusions. Maybe Laurel and Felicity both happen to be bad cooks because they've both been shown to be busy career women with interests that don't include cooking. And what does any of it have to do with being a love interest?

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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

I don't mind the cooking thing. I loved that they actually had Oliver be the one who enjoys and is good at cooking, not Felicity. For as long as we've known her Felicity's been a pretty busy person - it makes sense to me that someone who's focused and overloaded wouldn't waste time on cooking when she could just pick something up that's already made. Gives her time to do something else. 

And I think they've shown that Felicity's better than Oliver at quite a few things. Math, sciences, computers, emotional intelligence. Common sense. 

But she is good at baking!  I really like that nuance.  

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Speaking of cooking...I've been rewatching S1 and they have A LOT of food scenes/restaurant scenes. They need to bring that back.

But you can really tell how much TheCW just doesnt care about this show anymore. Any other network would be pushing the fact that someone from the show was leaving. They'd want that speculation and the media coverage. 

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I dunno... seems like Willa got the same amount of coverage that Colton got when he left back in season 3. Except I think Berlanti gave the post-episode interview instead of MG. I don't think the show pushed 3.19 as Colton's last episode before it aired. 

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On 30.3.2018 at 5:09 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:


I LOVED that Roy didn't break up with Thea, when she realized she had a purpose now. And that neither of them were killed.


With this having been Thea's send-off, I half expect Nyssa to show up next season and tell Olli that Thea and Roy died on their way to a Lazarus Pit. 

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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Cooking is art; baking is science.   :-)

I'm going to assume this is why I'm a better baker than cooking meals that take more than two pots or pans. Forget the 5 course meal in my life LOL

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6 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Cooking is art; baking is science.   :-)

Which is why my friends all yell at me because I demand detailed recipes....no pinch of salt, no eyeball it etc. Give me precise measurements.

I don't have a problem with Felicity not being able to cook, or even caring about cooking. I think it's perfectly in character for Felicity to be a take out/unhealthy eater. 

To be honest I'd find it a way more insulting if they made her be the homebody type (not that there's anything wrong with it, I enjoy cooking and baking...no cleaning) but, it's jist so typical on TV for the woman to be the home maker, it was nice that Oliver was/is the stay at home dad (type) while Felicity is the career/working type. 

This show already fell into that trap once (IMO), I'm glad they avoided it with this.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I think I'm gonna have to watch this entire episode if only to understand what is going on after seeing some FB posts still insisting that Oliver's marriage to Felicity is invalid because of Nyssa. I thought from the clips I saw it was pretty clear Nyssa was pulling Oliver's leg the entire time and that the "divorce" at the end was basically her still teasing Oliver and giving him a wedding gift. Haters will use every kind of excuse to try to invalidate the Olicity wedding.

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Felicity's marriage to Oliver would be valid even if Nyssa never ~annulled the League "marriage", since Oliver and Nyssa's union wasn't legally binding and was only recognized by the League of Assassins, which doesn't even exist anymore. But whatever makes people feel better, I guess. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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2 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I think I'm gonna have to watch this entire episode if only to understand what is going on after seeing some FB posts still insisting that Oliver's marriage to Felicity is invalid because of Nyssa.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I didn't like Nyssa ragging on Felicity in the sneak peek but by the time I saw in the episode that she was only doing it to yank Oliver's and Felicity's chains, I was "yeah, go for it".

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Does it even matter if their marriage is invalid? They are madly in love. They'd just have another wedding. I  don't see the win in trying to argue for invalidity.

If I woke up tomorrow and my marriage was invalid I'd bitch about  the paperwork I now have to do to get it sorted. I'm not going to be like "Ooh sweet, toodles Hubs we ain't legal!"

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5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

How did Oliver know that Felicity didn't like that Nyssa called him "my husband"?  I hope he just assumed it, I don't like the idea that Felicity would whine to him about that.

She wouldn’t have to tell him. Oliver would only have to look at Felicity’s face/expression whenever Nyssa would say it to know she didn’t like it.

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On 29/03/2018 at 10:10 PM, Primal Slayer said:

While I am glad that Curtis finally gets a love interest...I just fear it will go no where and majority of the relationship will be off screen. Don't give these characters relationships if you dont plan to commit to it. But his speed babble was atrocious.

Curtis is the most human character on this show, much more relatable than the brooding "let me talk in a low monotone" attitude of most of the members of the main team of vigilantes. He does babble, but it is usually endearing as a sign of his insecurity. That being said, I think he may well be destined to have his heart broken, with his new love interest turning to be not really serious in the long term or being part of the Diaz team.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

She wouldn’t have to tell him. Oliver would only have to look at Felicity’s face/expression whenever Nyssa would say it to know she didn’t like it.

Even that bothers me.  Just the idea that Felicity would be bothered by it makes her seem very insecure. If there is any woman Felicity doesn't have to worry about, it's Nyssa, so why would the "my husband" bother her so much that Oliver can see it on her face?

To be insecure about Oliver's love at this point doesn't seem like the Felicity I know.  And one of the things I've really liked about Nyssa's relationship with Felicity is the mutual respect they had for each other ever since they met.

In my head canon, it's Oliver who is bothered by it on Felicity's behalf, not Felicity herself.

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But Felicity was clearly bothered by it throughout the episode. 

I don't think Felicity being annoyed by someone who seems to be holding her husband to a League ritual that the two of them were forced into = insecurity. It's probably not a great feeling to have someone repeatedly insinuate that your marriage isn't valid (which seems like it's one of Felicity's sticking points considering she mentioned Nyssa joking about her marriage) or that you're sharing your husband with someone else. It'd be annoying simply because Oliver isn't Nyssa's husband. And never really was. 

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So is season seven going to be the adventures of Roy, Thea and Nyssa with occasional help from guest star Felicity?  Because I'd watch the fuck out of that. 

I'm going to miss Thea so much,  my favourite character is gone,  I doubt it was Willa's choice,  i think its more likely she's been bummed recently because she knew what was coming.   I expect she costs more than the newbies.  I wish the producers would be more honest about shit like that,  it makes them seem gross to lie. 

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Even that bothers me.  Just the idea that Felicity would be bothered by it makes her seem very insecure. If there is any woman Felicity doesn't have to worry about, it's Nyssa, so why would the "my husband" bother her so much that Oliver can see it on her face?

To be insecure about Oliver's love at this point doesn't seem like the Felicity I know.  And one of the things I've really liked about Nyssa's relationship with Felicity is the mutual respect they had for each other ever since they met.

In my head canon, it's Oliver who is bothered by it on Felicity's behalf, not Felicity herself.

I'm trying to remember now if it was an actual scene or deleted scene in 3x23 where Felicity says maybe they go to a state where A League marriage can be annulled? Or did I just dream that up. Anyway, it did obviously bother Felicity because she commented on it at least once. I didn't see it as insecurity, more annoyance because who wants another woman to keep claiming YOUR husband? 

1 hour ago, Delphi said:

So is season seven going to be the adventures of Roy, Thea and Nyssa with occasional help from guest star Felicity?  Because I'd watch the fuck out of that. 

I'm going to miss Thea so much,  my favourite character is gone,  I doubt it was Willa's choice,  i think its more likely she's been bummed recently because she knew what was coming.   I expect she costs more than the newbies.  I wish the producers would be more honest about shit like that,  it makes them seem gross to lie. 

In this case, I do think it's Willa's choice to leave. But the reason may be because she'd been getting shitty storylines for years. I don't blame her at all for wanting to leave, if that's the case. Also, didn't she say she didn't want to do stunts, or something like that. If the Speedy role was designed to be GA's sidekick but the actress doesn't want to do stunts, I imagine that's a huge concern for the producers.

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If Nyssa and Oliver's 'marriage' makes Olicity's one invalid then I guess I'd better look up the 6 year old I 'married' in the garden when we were kids before I get real married because that has just as much validity.

Nyssa clearly said she just enjoyed yanking their chains. Oliver even thanked her for the "wedding present" having asked her to stop calling him husband because he had an actual wife now. Anti Olicity peeps have been calling Nyssa his real wife/first wife for years now and will probably carry on going, they've got to take what they can get I guess.

4 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Didn't Willa LOVE being Speedy? I feel like she was very excited about it in S4.

Si think so, which made it all the weirder when in the mess of masks in parts of S5 she was the only one not suiting up who could have but was strictly in the mayor storyline and then suddenly gone for half the season.

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2 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Anti Olicity peeps have been calling Nyssa his real wife/first wife for years now and will probably carry on going, they've got to take what they can get I guess.

I saw a meme floating around with Laurel, Nyssa, and Samantha’s pics on it with “Loved her first” Married her first” and “Had a kid with her first” written across each one and it made me laugh. As if  being the first if you aren’t the only or last means...anything at all. But enjoy the good feeling it gives you I guess? That’s all ya got. LOL. 

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53 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I saw a meme floating around with Laurel, Nyssa, and Samantha’s pics on it with “Loved her first” Married her first” and “Had a kid with her first” written across each one and it made me laugh. As if  being the first if you aren’t the only or last means...anything at all. But enjoy the good feeling it gives you I guess? That’s all ya got. LOL. 

I imagine that's what people who have never been in real relationships think. Or the mentality of people who post "first!" in every comments section. I'm sure those two groups overlap.

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She loved being Speedy, but in the same way Colton loves being Arsenal.   Neither are stunt actors .  I think they like the characters. 

Edited by Delphi
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10 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I think I'm gonna have to watch this entire episode if only to understand what is going on after seeing some FB posts still insisting that Oliver's marriage to Felicity is invalid because of Nyssa. I thought from the clips I saw it was pretty clear Nyssa was pulling Oliver's leg the entire time and that the "divorce" at the end was basically her still teasing Oliver and giving him a wedding gift. Haters will use every kind of excuse to try to invalidate the Olicity wedding.


I saw it kind of that way as well. She said it was how the league annulled marriage but clearly in the words spoken during the "wedding" the marriage was impossible to end once the ceremony was complete.  So any kind of ceremony that she came up with now had to be just something she made up.  

I do think that forced or not, until Nyssa dissolved the League, she probably saw the union as semi-valid since Leauge rules were what she had been brought up to know even if neither of them would ever treat it as such.  She was still IMO mocking the "marriage" when she first called him husband, but using the League rules (that a husband could act on wife's behalf) was what then let her dissolve the Leauge and thus remove any validity of the union in her eyes, but once she dissolved the LoA, she expanded the gag.   Which Oliver tolerated even as it clearly drove him nuts.  ( I love that she also filled Slade in about the mess, lol)  Now that he said stop, you are upsetting my actual wife, she complied but did it with a flourish, creating a ritual that symbolized her finally dropping it.   Got to admire her commitment to the joke.  


4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Even that bothers me.  Just the idea that Felicity would be bothered by it makes her seem very insecure. If there is any woman Felicity doesn't have to worry about, it's Nyssa, so why would the "my husband" bother her so much that Oliver can see it on her face?

To be insecure about Oliver's love at this point doesn't seem like the Felicity I know.  And one of the things I've really liked about Nyssa's relationship with Felicity is the mutual respect they had for each other ever since they met.

In my head canon, it's Oliver who is bothered by it on Felicity's behalf, not Felicity herself.

I think that it bothered Felicity.  But I also agree that it bothered Oliver both for himself and on behalf of Felicity.  

I don't think it is about insecurity though.  Jealousy can be really negative, but I think there is a reasonable level of possessiveness that can be acceptable between marriage mates or people that are committed.  It feels disrespectful for others to not acknowledge what they are to each other.  It's not about guarding what they have or worrying someone will take it away, but just looking to have the truth accepted and not mocked. 

It kind of is like self-esteem.  You can be totally secure in knowing you are a not poopy head, but when someone just won't stop calling you one, you are going to be annoyed.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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I actually wonder if part of Oliver and Felicity's discomfort with 'husband' thing is about how unhappy a time Oliver's time with the league was for them. Would anybody really appreciate being reminded of the time they pretended to be evil and temporarily lost everyone they loved/the time their spouse pretended to murder them and all of their friends? 

Edited by JamieLynn832002
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4 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

I saw a meme floating around with Laurel, Nyssa, and Samantha’s pics on it with “Loved her first” Married her first” and “Had a kid with her first” written across each one and it made me laugh. As if  being the first if you aren’t the only or last means...anything at all. But enjoy the good feeling it gives you I guess? That’s all ya got. LOL. 

You might just as well use "Cheated on her constantly" "Forced marriage or Death" and "Lied about the kid dying". And for Felicity "Love of his life" Desperate to marry her" "Currently co-parenting the kid together". But yeah, first isn't so important in a relationship as last. Felicity herself had a different first love and look what happened with him. 

2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I don't think it is about insecurity though.  Jealousy can be really negative, but I think there is a reasonable level of possessiveness that can be acceptable between marriage mates or people that are committed. 

Yeah I don't think it was insecurity as such just possessive annoyance at this played out "joke" by Nyssa. She doesn't think they're suddenly get together or anything. I imagine if Sara ever found out her ex had managed to marry the love of her life whilst she was dead she might not be too pleased. Mostly I just think the writers think its funny and wanted them trading banter, hopefully now it's been fully played out. 

And @JamieLynn832002 might have a point about being reminded of a sucky time in their lives, whilst this is Nyssa's coping mechanism of same. 

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Samantha actually lied about miscarrying. Which was no great shakes, but I think in the end could have been something I explained away by her being young, scared and cowed by Moira. What I will never forgive nor foget is her blackmail 10 years later. So my choice would be "Holier Than Thou Emotional Blackmailer". 

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I don't like how Oliver gets no credit for being the one to kill Ra's al Ghul amongs all these fanatics.

Like... The League/Thanatos guild should fear Oliver by now. But they pretend he's not even there.

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Sad to see Thea gone.

Found Felicity terribly irritating this episode.

Nyssa and Roy were great.

I quite liked Athena, hope to see more of her in the future.

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7 hours ago, DeadZeus said:

I don't like how Oliver gets no credit for being the one to kill Ra's al Ghul amongs all these fanatics.

Like... The League/Thanatos guild should fear Oliver by now. But they pretend he's not even there.

Like most fanatics, they ignore whatever doesn't fit into their narrative.  

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I didn't view Felicity as insecure in this episode at all. She was just fed up with Nyssa calling her husband "husband." Can't say I blame her, especially as the "joke" is well and truly overplayed by now, even more so in this ep, and Oliver is actually her husband now so it must be annoying. Seemed pretty accurate to me.

I do wish Nyssa and Felicity could have just interacted as normal without all the "teasing" over sister wives or whatever. But this is what we get with these crappy writers tbh.

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8 hours ago, DeadZeus said:

I don't like how Oliver gets no credit for being the one to kill Ra's al Ghul amongs all these fanatics.
Like... The League/Tharnatos guild should fear Oliver by now. But they pretend he's not even there.

It seems like Malcolm was R'as for one hot minute (although it was probably close to a year) so I really don't get all the veneration of Thea while they're dissing Nyssa.

Personally I don't care if we never see the Thanatos Guild again. The LoA overstayed their welcome for me and I don't care about these wannabes.

13 hours ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I actually wonder if part of Oliver and Felicity's discomfort with 'husband' thing is about how unhappy a time Oliver's time with the league was for them. Would anybody really appreciate being reminded of the time they pretended to be evil and temporarily lost everyone they loved/the time their spouse pretended to murder them and all of their friends? 

  This makes a lot of sense to me.  Realistically given Ollie's past, Felicity should be meeting women he banged all the time and who know her husband naked intimately. If she can handle that, Nyssa's teasing shouldn't irritate her.

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27 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

It seems like Malcolm was R'as for one hot minute (although it was probably close to a year) so I really don't get all the veneration of Thea while they're dissing Nyssa.

Given that Nyssa is the one who dismantled the League, her side of it makes sense to me. Not focusing more on Oliver, the dude who killed one Ra’s and installed another, and then beat and cut off the hand of that other, thereby directly allowing for the dismantling of LoA doesn’t make much sense either for that matter. Although I admit I’m glad they didn’t in the context of this episode. This was much more of a woman focused episode than plenty of those advertised as such, and I appreciated that. The guys were mostly playing back up. 

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37 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

It seems like Malcolm was R'as for one hot minute (although it was probably close to a year) so I really don't get all the veneration of Thea while they're dissing Nyssa.

Personally I don't care if we never see the Thanatos Guild again. The LoA overstayed their welcome for me and I don't care about these wannabes.

I suspect we will see them again, they can't seem to let the LOA go, and especially with Athena being Captain Singh's IRL wife I wouldn't be surprised to see her again. 

37 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

  This makes a lot of sense to me.  Realistically given Ollie's past, Felicity should be meeting women he banged all the time and who know her husband naked intimately. If she can handle that, Nyssa's teasing shouldn't irritate her.

That's a good point. Especially as their big public engagement/break up would bring all the past gossip up, as well as their surprise wedding. She got on well with Sara, the most scandalous part of his past affairs. I don't really want an episode on it, but it might be interesting to have a line or two about that in an ep, like "oh yet another woman his claiming to have a sex tape with Mayor HandsomeGreenArrow". They did bring it up a bit in the context of Sara and Laurel when he was campaigning but that was mostly so Thea could push him into being friends with Laurel again right before she died. I was always a bit annoyed we never got any of Felicity's perspective of everyone at QC and probably therefore gossip columnists assuming she was being bedded by the boss. 

Edited by Featherhat
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