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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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I feel like Terra was putting her issues with Joe onto Travore and Tanya


Oh yes, so very much. Trevore commenting on a dancer's butt, and from the sounds of it all of their butts, but Joe has basically drooled over Elena every time they are in a room together. She knows she can't trust Joe so she doesn't any Tanya to trust her guy either. 

Watched Sin City episode last night. 

Confirmed my opinion that Christy is ADD---very impulsive (Briana said "spontaneous,") and attention-grabbing.  She and Tara need to let the others--Tracy and the Boss--do their own things, and not insist they be like them or like they used to be--wild, angry, etc.  I really hated that Christy wanted to 'share" being a bride with Tracy; I figure Christy realized they wouldn't do anything for her alone cuz she's such a beeotch.  What does Todd see in her??????/

I assume the whole "let's get married!" "wait, let's not get married" part was scripted (at least by Christie and Terra/ the producers.)  Not sure about her husband, who I liked for the first time this episode.  If he was acting, he's the best actor on the show.


The dramatic tension was ruined by running the ads for next week's season finale (with the actual wedding!) in the commercial break before revealing that they wouldn't get married in Vegas.

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I don't know, I kind of like Christy.  Yes, she's a pain in the ass and a big attention whore, but bitch has the best lines.  She makes me laugh.  The toilet paper bit was the funniest.


I also laughed at Terra talking about the people seeing a group of little people. *Drinking, Heh, Heh, Stop*.  But, again, I question the show.  These women have no other friends?  No average height friends?  None that would go to Vegas to their friends bachelorette party?


Another fake part:  "The guys are here!"  The girls run down to all the guys standing in a row by the limo waiting for their women.  It's Vegas, the Golden Nugget.  You pull up, the attendees are getting you out of your car, trying to valet park yours, or keep the limo going. There's just too much traffic for a limo to stop and let out a few guys and let them stand there.


I agree, cut to commercial on the will they or won't they Vegas wedding, and they show the real wedding at commercial!

The over-the-top drama of this show is formulaic, but I enjoy the "little" glimpses into their lives--Elena worrying about her future children, Christy talking about death by falling toilet paper packages, the weight of bowling balls--these looks like real looks into the lives of these people who deal with their size differences on a daily basis. There's an ironic honesty that I don't find in the Little Couple, for example. That's why I watch. Well, I do find Christy witty, and there's a Sex and the City "let's meet for drinks" girlfriend-vibe that's fun. 

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When the ladies first got to Vegas one of them said they don't like to be stared at but yet they are on television. Also they go and do things that cause attention to themselves. I'd be staring at anyone that hopped up on a table and danced, had loud arguments with each other in indoor establishments or just being loud in general.

  • Love 3

I think the girl touching Brianna on her head was scripted. I can't see anyone walking up to a little person and patting them on the head.

I'm 4'9" (no dwarfism, just really short) and it's happened to me (along which guys making suggestions as to what I could do while I was "down there"), so I can *totally* see it happening.

  • Love 2

Wow - the Golden Nugget is looking real rough.  I know that the Golden Nugget looks at this as free advertising (well, for the cost of putting the girls up for free), but that can not be the best suite they have, everything looked so old and dusty and ragged.  It did not make me want to stay at the Golden Nugget ever.  I can't believe that they couldn't get a classier casino/hotel to put them up for their stay.  There are so many casinos in Vegas, all vying for business, it just seems like they could have at least gotten the Flamingo or the Rio or something.


I think the girl touching Brianna on her head was scripted. I can't see anyone walking up to a little person and patting them on the head.


I think so too...I understand your point Lovecat, but are you seriously going to go and pat a total stranger on the head?  And this isn't someone you're at a party with or even know in passing, just some stranger walking around in Vegas.  And are you really going to do it while there is a camera crew around?  And Brianna's response was a little too fast, like it had been scripted, it didn't sound natural at all.

I'm 4'9" (no dwarfism, just really short) and it's happened to me (along which guys making suggestions as to what I could do while I was "down there"), so I can *totally* see it happening.

It's happened to me too and I'm 5'1". It felt humiliating. It was by a random guy who was like 6'4" and he patted me on my head as I walked by him. I gave him a look of death and a "WTF?"

Sometimes people are shockingly insensitive.

  • Love 2



but I enjoy the "little" glimpses into their lives--Elena worrying about her future children, Christy talking about death by falling toilet paper packages, the weight of bowling balls--these looks like real looks into the lives of these people who deal with their size differences on a daily basis.

I mostly enjoyed this though feel like it was one of the more scripted reality TV shows I've seen and what you mention is one of my main disappointments. Outside of the few instances you listed we could have been watching Real Housewives. Whenever they shopped there were more glimpses (like they can only go to one shoe store; the challenge of finding clothes). 


I wish it had been done in more of a MTV True Life documentary-style (like Terra did way back when) vs. scripted reality drama. I feel like there's so much potential. 

  • Love 1

Christy was never going to get married in Vegas. She just wanted the limelight on her again during the conjoined bachelorette party weekend. The whole cold feet thing was just another attention whoring move. Gag. I'm so glad that her wedding was first so it's done and over with, so Traci doesn't have to keep sharing events with her. Now Traci can go at her own pace, and the limelight will be on her alone when she is getting married. At least, that's what I wish would happen. Knowing Christy she would keep blabbing on and on about how her wedding was at Traci's wedding. I just could not understand why Christy had this undying desire to turn the weddings and engagements into a competition. I thought they were friends?

And what is up with Terra being in Tonya's relationship 24/7? She needs to take a chill pill and focus on her own train wreck of a relationship. If she is so miserable, and the guy isn't even trying, she needs to evaluate what she wants out of the relationship. It's obvious she wants to settle down and he still wants to live the bachelor life. They are not on the same page at all.

  • Love 2

Looks like Christy's folks ove and support her, so I can forgive the mother that one moment how many years ago (that being said she shouldn't talk about it like that). She owns up to it and it looks like it didn't affect her being a mother.


As for Christy, the whole "I want to text Tracy on her wedding day, we're pregnant", NOT a good look. That being said, I wish her and Todd good luck they do seem very happy together.


Terra, you may want to marry Joe but he obviously doesn't want to commit to you, she needs to cut her losses and leave him. Going to couples counseling before you are even engaged is not a good sign.  Honestly, she kinda grated in the beginning of the series but now I just feel sorry for her.

Edited by bluvelvet

I don't really care for Christy and I think she always has to steal the spotlight but I cringed when her mother described finding out she was a little person. I think Christy genuinely felt hurt. I loved the way Todd's folks responded how it didn't matter that Todd was. They were just happy he was healthy.

Yeah, I winced at that. It's not that she had the feelings that's the problem, but she expressed those memories as though Christy being a little person still bothers her. Todd's family, on the other hand, I wanted to hug. They seem kindhearted, as does he. 


I went back and forth with my opinion on Christy this season. She seems like she can be fun, sweet and loving. I wonder how much of her less appealing behaviors are amped up for the show.


To each her own beliefs, but I couldn't do what Traci is doing, keeping her relationship PG until marriage. 


I'll miss this show. It was a pleasant surprise and I appreciated the peek into the everyday lives of Little People (in L.A.). 

Edited by tvallthetime
  • Love 1

I can't figure Terra out.  She whines and cries about Joe, while she runs around making tasteless, non-talented Booty Dance videos, does some stupid dance in what appeared to be a strip club(Tonya's wardrobe malfunction),  generally carries on like a drunken fool in most scenes.   How is it that Joe is supposed to know she is ready for marriage?  They don't complement each other at all.  It's like she picked a little person that she liked the appearance of, and decided he was her soul mate. Not that I would cut him any slack. he practically drools over Elena (who is a married woman).

  • Love 2

I only like Brianna and Elena on this show, although Brianna doesn;t have to point out that her 5'9" man is big in other areas. 


Christy and Terra are messes.  Terra could do much better than Joe.  Christy better hang on to Todd, cuz he's the best.


Elena is sweet and calm.  She may not be drinking just to get ready for baby OR just in case. Everyone knows they are trying, but they could shut up about it and wait.  Idiots.


Traci?  Meh.  Don;t hang out with these beeotches if you don't like the lifestyle. 


 It is nice that they have good families to support them--those that we have seen.

  • Love 2

I love Christy. I don't know why, either. I think she's sort of funny in a shit-stirring, attention whoring, reality tv sort of way. I just don't like Traci at all. They kept showing one shot of her covering her ears when two of the other girls were arguing (Terra and Elena, maybe? In another episode)... Act like a baby much, Traci? And then her whole smug "Christy and I are talking but she's still not invited to my wedding" talking head at the end turned me off. She has 250 of her closest friends coming and Christy and Todd aren't invited? Lame. Also Terra needs to drop Joe. She could do better and he seems like a douche. He didn't even show up for the wedding. She should cut her losses. I thought Briana looked great at the end with the super straight hair and bangs. Is this show coming back for season 2?

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I can see why Christy acts the way she does.  Looks like she gets it from her mom.  Her mom is unbelievable.  Who meets people for the very first time and talks about the 25 stitches she got from childbirth.  Blech.  I don't like Todd but I loved his dad.


I think Terra needs to kick Joe to the curve. Maybe she feels stuck...maybe there isn't alot of little men to pick from.

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It was All About Christy, for me.


--First, that woman sharing all the bloody details of her episiotomy--caused by Christy's big head, no less.  Her incredulity that Todd would "take on" two kids that aren't his, plus throwing in a few choice remarks about Christy's shithead ex?   What the fuck, lady?!   No wonder Christy is always highjacking the spotlight--no one ever taught her about discretion or the art of self-restraint.


--All the scolding about Todd's vows and then his vows were heartfelt and loving, compared to Christy pawing around for her cellphone so she could read off what she wrote HERSELF.  Chalk up another solid for Todd.


--Finally, I'm split on Christy not being invited to Traci's wedding.  It does not bode well that Christy's already getting a kick out of turning T's wedding into her own pregnancy announcement event.  But with 250 people, she'd have to go to such extremes if she wanted to commandeer ALL the attention.  She'd have to go into early labor and pop out a baby in the middle of the father-daughter dance.  Hmmm...


--Felicitations, Christy; all good wishes for you and Todd.  See you next season.



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I would just like to see the show be a little more natural, everything felt just over the top.  I truly don't feel like these women are friends, so I don't know how it would be more natural.  I would love to see one of Elena and Terras "little Gaga or little Britney shows"  I never want to hear another song/video from Terra in my entire life.  And for the love of everything, if they do another trip, please stay somewhere a little swankier than the Golden Nugget, maybe the Howard Johnson's or even the Orleans, but seriously, put these women up at the Palms or something.

  • Love 1

Oh, I'm delighted these ladies got a second season.  I enjoyed the first season a lot more than I thought I would.


I agree, Lifetime needs to step up the budget and put these women up in nicer places.  If they earned a second season, they deserve a little more moolah on the books for events, too.  


Woohoo for season 2!

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Since I've been off work I've watched the reruns of this show (mostly because of the commercials for season 2) and I am addicted to it.  I love Elena, Brianna, and Christy.  The 3 T's I find tiring just a bit, especially Terra. I can't wait for season 2 to start now and to find out who is having a baby.  I'm happy for any of the ladies but I hope it's Elena who is.

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