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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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Not getting why everybody is protecting Brianna now. Bitch didn't pay her publicist and her disgusting husband is at it again, even worse this time, trying to live out his fetishes. But that's all ok. Funny how last season that's all they could talk about, fight about, and jump Brianna's shit about.  These women suck. 

Dancing with the Stars must be  really, really desperate for participants.  

  • Love 4

Glad to see I'm not the only one wondering what is up with the "Evil Christy/Immaculate Terra" binge. Terra is more and more the mean girl of the group while no matter what Christy does, it's wrong, no matter her motive. Terra opens her mouth, proclaims things as she sees them, and no one disagrees, no matter how far fetched what she's saying is.

I want to see Terra off Dancing early as well. She's wearing really thin on me.

Terra just proved to me what I've been suspecting - it doesn't matter what anyone says, her version of the Julie/Brianna paper-serving incident has no intention of being actually informed by the truth any more than anything else she throws out there about Christy. Julie tells her flat out that "100%" Christy had nothing to do with it. But Terra "catches her in a lie" because she states that *after the fact* Christy knew about it. Huh? Who's on pills now? The rest of the girls, except Elena, just jump on the bandwagon.

I find Christy rather clueless as a friend, but I don't think she is ill-intentioned. It seems everyone else has learned not to poke Brianna's sacred elephant except her. As someone said in last week's thread, how is it different when Terra goes off to Tonya's daughter with her concerns than when Christy talked about her concerns with Brianna's family.

  • Love 5

Terra is a piece of work, she blatantly misrepresented what Julie said to the other girls to imply that Christie was lying. Also she will believe what's she wants to believe no matter what Julie told her. WOW, talk about the delusional. 

I ffwd Brianna and Matt, I have no interest in seeing them on my tv, she's delusional and he's just trash. 

Edited by bluvelvet
  • Love 6

I absolutely agree that no matter what Christy says, Terra is going to accuse her of lying. Even when Christy told Jasmine that they found out her dad does have cancer in his esophagus and is dying, and Jasmine told Terra, Terra said something to the effect of, "Yeah right, she is just using that excuse to get sympathy. Last time I heard, she said her dad might have cancer, and now suddenly he's dying of cancer? My dad...sniff sniff...died of cancer, so she better not be playing this up for attention!" Umm...why is it so hard to believe that Christy's dad is dying of cancer? That's exactly how it happened with my dad. One day he told me he might have cancer, and about a month later, he told me it was cancer and it was terminal. Terra is a callous brat and a terrible "friend".

Oh, and I forgot to add, why was Plastic taking offense to literally everything the girls said when Christy brought her in? Let's face it, Matt's gonna do what Matt's gonna do, and everyone (including Briana) has chosen to look the other way. They don't want to hear it from Plastic or anyone else. That automatically makes them transphobic? Tonya said, "She needs to go! I have limited time here, and you bring this person here to talk about Matt?" Plastic gasps and says, "Person?!" Get over yourself, Plastic. We're all "people", it's not offensive. And please, pick another name. Or does even suggesting that make me transphobic?!

Edited by shoovenbooty
  • Love 6

Ok, first of all, Why was Elena pouting and crying at her surprise party? Good god, I can't stand that woman.  Then they said she was downstairs eating with her mom and sister. How rude. Poor Preston. It was funny, though, watching all of them climb up those winding stairs with their little legs that could barely reach the next step. Hell, I'm not even a little person and I would have a hard time doing that!  Preston wasn't thinking on that one...

How stupid do these producers think we are? When you close on a home, you do a final walk through with your agent. You make sure the place is vacant or you don't close on the damn house until it is! That was the most rediculous story line ever.  Joe and Terra couldn't possibly be that naive for real, could they? 

  • Love 4

Some people agree to let the previous owner stay there for a short period of time and they agree to pay rent. I'm guessing Joe and Terra had some agreement where she would be out in 30 days and she wasn't. Not all realtors come to the closing or do walk through these days. When I closed on my home 22 years ago, our agent was not there and we had no walk through. The keys were left with the title company.

Elena is very self centered so I thought she would like a party celebrating herself and getting presents. But these woman are never happy with anything. I don't think any of them are likable.

58 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

How stupid do these producers think we are? When you close on a home, you do a final walk through with your agent. You make sure the place is vacant or you don't close on the damn house until it is! That was the most rediculous story line ever.  Joe and Terra couldn't possibly be that naive for real, could they? 


We didn't.  We closed at our attorney's office, and they previous owners had 30 days to vacate. 

I can relate. When we bought our house the woman didn't want to leave either. She related through her lawyer that she needed more time. We agreed to a week. At the end of the week the lawyer said she still needs more time. We said OK then let's discuss rent. She was out the next day. Sometimes these things can be brutal but I assume they have a lawyer for this? Let him handle it. 

I hadn't watched this show in a long time, I got sick of all the fighting. I watched this episode and remembered why I quit watching...all the fighting. None of these women are likeable at all. And what do they do every season, assign someone to be the woman to gang up on and hate? Last time I watched it was Breanna and her pervert husband, now it's Kristy. I know this show is scripted but they could make a little more pleasant to watch ! 

  • Love 6

Every time these "girls" get together, the end result is fighting, screaming and sometimes throwing things.  Every freaking time.  Yet for the life of me I can't understand why Preston would think, "Hey, it's Elena's birthday, let's have another PARTY!  And we'll make it a surprise party, on the upper deck of a huge yacht.  Yeah, that's a great idea!"  I'm disappointed in Preston (although something tells me it was more of a production idea than his own idea).  

  • Love 1

Poor Preston. That whole surprise birthday party was producer-driven to give the girls a venue to fight at. If I were Elena, I would have cried on my birthday too, if I knew I had to spend it on a yacht I couldn't get off of, with a bunch of ladies fighting about the same old crap they always fight about, in front of my visiting relatives who were the ones I really wanted to spend my birthday with. When they said Elena was "downstairs having dinner with her family", and never showed her again, I'm betting in reality that she, her family, and Preston got off the yacht and went home.

During the car wash scene, Terra kept referring to Elena as "Yelena". She did it at least twice. Weird.

I totally forgot about this and had to come back and edit my post to add it! Someone on the show mentioned Plastic's full name (Briana, maybe?). Plastic's name is Plastic Martyr?! Seriously?!

Edited by shoovenbooty
  • Love 1

Tonya already saw Elena crying at her own party (and for good reason, being stuck with these people), and then thought it was a good time to bring up Plastic to Christy? She was so out of line with her comments about Plastic and just wanted to backpeddle a bit on all of her insults, but Christy would have let everything go that day for Elena's sake. WHY do these idiots keep thinking confrontation is wise at a freaking party. They are all nuts, and I change my mind weekly about who sucks worse and who is lying, lol. 

  • Love 2
On ‎9‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 10:10 AM, shoovenbooty said:

Poor Preston. That whole surprise birthday party was producer-driven to give the girls a venue to fight at. 

Exactly.  I found it rather interesting that Preston was never shown discussing or planning the party.  All we got was a throw away line from one of the ladies.   I felt sorry for Elena, because all she wanted was a quiet dinner with her family, instead the occasion was used as an excuse to get them all together and stir up drama.  That was horrible!

Does Terra pronounce Elena as "Yelena"?  Is that the proper Russian pronunciation?

Shouldn't Terra's realtor know how to handle the problem?  She stands there like a moron, offering no suggestions, other than Penny will live in that house "someday".  How reassuring.

If I have to choose between Christy and Brianna/Matt - Brianna can just fuck right off.  She's embarrassing at this point.  And Matt and his self-righteous indignation . . . .  And I'm not a bit surprised that Brianna, who claims to hate drama, had her big smug face smackdab in the middle of Tonya's and Christy's argument on the boat.  And Terra had to stick her nose in, too.  And Jasmine - who's appalled that Christy called Tonya a "mad dwarf" - quickly forgave Matt for calling her an "oomp".  And Matt, already drunk, is all "wow, wow, you're sick" for saying Bri had autism.  Well, Matt, what were you for calling the women "oomps"?  Oh that's right, you were a poor victim of childhood molestation, which magically erased all your misdeeds.  I just cannot stand him.  And oh boy, Brianna loves that she's suddenly beloved.  "So who invited the bitch?"  I don't know Bri, probably the same person who invited you, bitch.

And Tonya acted very transphobic with Plastic.  I remember she basically said - he, she, or whatever you are.  Anyone with tons of LGBT friends would know that calling Plastic's identity a "preference" is implying it's just something you choose on a whim, rather than being born that way.  And there is never an appropriate time to call someone, "whatever you are".  It's dehumanizing.

On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 1:25 PM, bichonblitz said:

Ok, first of all, Why was Elena pouting and crying at her surprise party? Good god, I can't stand that woman.  Then they said she was downstairs eating with her mom and sister. How rude. Poor Preston. It was funny, though, watching all of them climb up those winding stairs with their little legs that could barely reach the next step. Hell, I'm not even a little person and I would have a hard time doing that!  Preston wasn't thinking on that one...

How stupid do these producers think we are? When you close on a home, you do a final walk through with your agent. You make sure the place is vacant or you don't close on the damn house until it is! That was the most rediculous story line ever.  Joe and Terra couldn't possibly be that naive for real, could they? 

I do feel bad for Preston, but since this was probably pure producer manipulation, I think Elena's insult was for production, not Preston.  She seems very image conscious and maybe protective of her family.  Being surprised about her birthday - which she doesn't like to acknowledge - could easily push her over the edge.  It's normal for women to be a little emotional post-partum, and who knows if Elena is suffering from PPD.  I don't think Elena would want the others to know.  That would be admitting to normal human emotion.  And I'm irritated by everyone stressing how wrong it was for Preston to invite Christy.  They know production invited Christy.  They should also know that signing the contract requires they interact with all of the cast.  It's beginning to look like they're trying to ice Christy out in an effort to get her off the show.  And Brianna is very self-important about the whole thing.  They're only accepting of Matt because he's Christy's enemy.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend type of thing.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

And Tonya acted very transphobic with Plastic.  I remember she basically said - he, she, or whatever you are. 

That is exactly what she said. I was shocked. People usually know to hide their prejudice on TV but Tonya put it out there for all of us to see. And nobody called her out on that comment. 

  • Love 3

And why do these ladies always have to air their grievances with each other when they are with the rest of the group?! Jasmine, who has no pets, tells Tonya that Terra hurt her feelings by saying she typically doesn't like people who don't have pets. So does she call Terra on the phone, have a one-on-one conversation, and say, "Hey, girl. I wanted to ask you about the comment you made about pets the other day. It kind of hurt my feelings. Maybe I misunderstood."? No, she makes a point to tell Tonya that she'll bring it up at the stupid belly-dancing class where all the other ladies are. Which we all know means that "an argument erupts".

I'm also tired of the constant fake activities these women are doing on every. single. show. Soap making. Flight simulation. Belly dancing. Mobile spa. Butt-stretch-mark rejuvenation. And that's just in one episode! Between the fake drama and fake activities, this show is losing me quickly, too.

  • Love 5

Tonya's reaction to Terra's discussion about how she should devour her placenta was exactly like mine.  Hey Tonya, I am an old bitch too and that new age stuff of eating your placenta, raw, in a milkshake, or pill form, is utterly distasteful to me.  I could never have done it.  If it is good for you to do such a thing, then my hats' off to those of you who can.

  • Love 2

Jasmine's constant goal of being offended by any offhanded comment by anyone is getting old. She wants to be everyone's friend, but she wants everyone to owe her as well, so she puts wedges between people and keeps the upperhand. This "little people can't raise normal sized kids" argument is so funny, because Jasmine's own mother came to visit and told her she should not have another kid, because it was obvious her son, Mason, was walking all over her and exhausting the both of them. Even her own mother didn't think she could manage two kids, with one being average sized. I think Tonya's comment and theory just freaked her the heck out, because it was dead on. And yet, it wasn't even about Jasmine.

Christy asking Jasmine to help her make amends was a dream come true for Jasmine. Back in control....

As wacky as all of these girls are, I am not understanding why Christy seems worse to them than the rest. And I am really grossed out seeing Brianna now on the inside, and the girls acting like Christy is the only one who had a problem with Matt and interfered. It's bizarre, seeing her as the ultimate scapegoat for all of them. Matt continues to remember he is on television and act perfectly. And I continue to think Christy might be on to something about him..

I see Terra's Little Family did not score a second season, instead they scored an episode in this series. I am glad Joe made it back for the birth, considering how intense it was. I assume the epidural was not complete because of spine curvature. But the bedside manner from the staff was very kind.

Edited by Chewy101
  • Love 1

This show is a dragggggh. 

They all bring up the most negative viewpoints in any situation.

Terra especially when she constantly disagrees with Joe. Serious need for counseling to understand that they are different types who view thingg DIFFERENTLY-- and neither is wrong.  Terra didn't even crack a smile when talking about her healthy newborn at the end of the show.  Christ, woman,  thank God for something and enjoy your good fortune!  Not likable at all.

Christy is the same--as are all the girls,  except Tonya and Elena. Christy complains that her daughter might have to take meds the rest of her life-- no acknowledgement of the miracle of meds or modem medicine who are finding out Autumn's diagnosis.  I would recommend counseling,  but we know Christy does it already.  Lost cause cuz of a gigantic ego.  

The others? ?? Pftttt. The same.

Except Tonya who I am loving now for her strong sense of self!   Except stop using that old term heifers, cuz its passe and disrespectful-- especially from someone who demands respect.  

And excepting Elena as well cuz she's showing her strong identity and not going along with the crowd in ganging up on others plus I am pleasantly surprised about her intelligence cuz I didnt expect it from someone so beautiful. She's got the whole  package -- brains, groundedness, beauty, a wonderful husband and healthy kids.  Good for her!  

How low has this show reached? To make a thing about Jasmine being all butt hurt about Terra's comment that she normally doesn't like people that don't have pets!  I am a total pet lover, but I really don't care if you have one or not. Some people are too busy to care for a pet, are allergic, etc...whatever. 

Yes, it was a stupid thing for Terra to say, but she never thinks before she speaks. Jasmine should have let that one go. Pick your battles, Jasmine, and that was not one to pick. 

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Adeejay said:

This show needs to be revamped.  Keep Elena and Tonya; get rid of everyone else. 

What's funny is I generally like all of them, when they are each with their own families. But when the girls all get together, the hypocrisies and accusations make my head want to explode. I like Elena the most when the it's just the girls, but I actually like her the least when it's just her with her family. 

I feel a little bad saying this, but does anyone else feel Terra's nanny is a little off?  She creeped me out when she first cared for Penny.  She seems erratic - she had that fit with Penny/Joe and stomped out in a huff.  She always seems wasted or high, or maybe both.  She's kind of antsy and sedated at the time.  And she looks like she hasn't slept an hour in an entire year.  I'm a little shocked that Terra brought her back.

I liked Elena this episode.

Does Briana even believe the things she says?  They're getting threats of dismemberment because Christy gave Matt's number to Briana's family? The world already knew what a pig Matt is, and it's because they chose to be on this reality show, they chose to discuss his sexting in detail, talk about it at the reunion, and do their own short series on their marriage and his cheating.  And if she's got family members issuing death threats (which she seems to be indicating), she needs to turn them over to the police.  And weren't all of the "girls" worried when Briana suddenly disappeared and ignored texts and calls?  That was Matt keeping her away from everyone, and keeping people from reaching Briana at the hospital.  That was bizarre and unusual, way before Christy started telling Briana's family her concerns.

My guess - Matt is a cowardly little bitch, and he's hiding behind tiny dumb Briana to protect him.  She wants a license to CARRY.  So unless she straps on a holster, she will put it in her purse.  So while grappling with her daughter and new baby when they're out and about, she's going to make sure the kids can't get their hands on the gun, yet keep it close enough on hand to draw and use.  It's beyond ridiculous.  Hopefully somebody told her that when someone comes for her, she won't be standing on a block, and her target won't be standing still, exactly x number of feet away from her.  What is the point of standing up on an elevated platform?  So she'll have plenty of practice at shooting little people?  That will be her practiced range when she goes out in the world carrying.

To be perfectly honest, I just want her off this show.  Unfortunately, that will speed up the moment Matt dumps her, but I'm beyond caring at this moment.

  • Love 14

I feel like I am watching a program that's based on a reversed sense of justice. I don't get where most of these women are coming from vis-a-vis Christy. This has bothered me all season. I know Christy can be a pain, but it's like Terra has got her mean girl gang going and no one can see Christy's point of view, or, if they do, they turn it around 180 in a flash.

Terra hits Christy with a plastic glass. Christy claims an injury and reports the incident to the police. Who is the bad guy? Well, apparently not the person who assaulted the other person - it's the victim, who "shouldn't have taken it to another level by calling the police because the assailant was pregnant." This sounds like the thinking pattern of a battered wife, not a reasonable person. Yet, they all are now on this bandwagon.

Terra refuses to believe Christy was truly injured. So Christy presents medical records, because she has been badgered about this ever since the incident. Does this satisfy anyone? No. They won't even look at them, because "who does this?" Well, I suppose a person who has been accused of lying and become an outcast on account of it. What exactly do they want of her?

Again, she is a pariah because she said Matt was still communicating with the transsexual. No one believes her. She chooses to bring the person along as proof. Will anyone hear her out? No. She is again cast out for "ruining Tonya's event." I agree that her timing could have been better, but since all these "events" turn out to be disasters anyway, I'm not seeing this as a cardinal sin.

Now Brianna is getting threats (actually Matt is) and this is Christy's fault for telling Brianna's parents. Come again? In addition, *all* these women were suspicious of Matt for not allowing Brianna to communicate with *any* of them while she was in the hospital. When he finally did allow it, it was for a short period of time and he was calling all the shots, just like an abusive husband. It was weird, suspicious, and downright wrong.

But now, everyone but Christy wants to pretend this never happened because it has become de rigueur in order to have a relationship with Brianna. Matt is calling the shots, and I believe this nonsense about the threats being Christy's fault came straight from his mouth. It will be interesting to see what happens in this group when Brianna either finds out Matt is still up to his old stuff and she either kicks him out or he decides he no longer is benefiting enough from the relationship and leaves. My guess is they will go on acting as though this is a huge surprise to them and Christy will still be on the outs.

As I said, I think Christy can be a pill, but I think I would be as well if this group kept insisting that every wrong thing that happened was all my fault, that I was always lying, and that my motivations are always suspect. I think she told Brianna's parents out of concern for both Brianna and her parents. Everyone else was concerned for Brianna at the time as well.

  • Love 11
On 10/5/2016 at 11:54 PM, Chewy101 said:

As wacky as all of these girls are, I am not understanding why Christy seems worse to them than the rest. And I am really grossed out seeing Brianna now on the inside, and the girls acting like Christy is the only one who had a problem with Matt and interfered. It's bizarre, seeing her as the ultimate scapegoat for all of them. Matt continues to remember he is on television and act perfectly. And I continue to think Christy might be on to something about him..

Yes! I feel like I'm crazy every time I see them all making Christy the scapegoat, and pretending as though Matt was just folks. Brrrr.

  • Love 1

Brianna, shut up! She has become a real asshole since Matt has taken over her life. Maybe she should stop worrying about buying a gun and worry more about how she is going to pay the people she has screwed over, like her publicist for starters. She married a grifter and now she's turning in to one herself.  And, if by saying they are being threatened, I hope they mean that the family has told Matt: Hey, we're watching you and if you hurt Brianna or the kids in any way, we're coming after you and we are gonna cut your dick off for starters, then I say go for it! 

Way too much time spent on naming Terra's baby. Terra is going to make sure she remains star of the show, even if we have to endure her crying over Joe putting a stop to that rediculous name for the baby. Sigh. I guess it's either that or watching these women yell and scream at each other.

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 7

I completely agree with everything said above. Round of applause for all of you!!


I have one question though unrelated to all above. Since Elena had her twins I've noticed that there has only been 1 shot of her actually holding them or engaging with them in anyway. It was last week's episode where she was complaining to her mom about the difficulty of taking care of 2 babies. 

I remember she was all worked up and sad about not being able to take the babies home with her immediately after birth. But once the babies came home we only see them with Preston, his family, her mom and basically anyone and everyone except Elena.

What's the deal with that? She seemed like she was so excited to have kids, then went right back to her only concern being her looks and figure again. I wonder if she just feels too intimidated that there are 2, so she's just keeping her distance entirely? 

Edited by lilsadone
  • Love 4
55 minutes ago, lilsadone said:

I completely agree with everything said above. Round of applause for all of you!!


I have one question though unrelated to all above. Since Elena had her twins I've noticed that there has only been 1 shot of her actually holding them or engaging with them in anyway. It was last week's episode where she was complaining to her mom about the difficulty of taking care of 2 babies. 

I remember she was all worked up and sad about not being able to take the babies home with her immediately after birth. But once the babies came home we only see them with Preston, his family, her mom and basically anyone and everyone except Elena.

What's the deal with that? She seemed like she was so excited to have kids, then went right back to her only concern being her looks and figure again. I wonder if she just feels too intimidated that there are 2, so she's just keeping her distance entirely? 

I go back and forth on Elena.  It's weird about "babies", but every time we see Maverick, he's in Matt's arms, too.  Terra did most of the handling with Penny, but Joe was so useless back then, and she had little choice.  I remember Terra coming home fresh from the C-section.  She had to hold the baby and drag the portable crib at the same time.  She was in such obvious pain, but Joe was heavier then, and as I said, useless.  He's much more involved now. 

I think Elena is probably connected to her babies, but conscious about always looking great on camera.  Plus, since Preston is average size and not recovering from a C-section, they probably got in the habit of him doing all the lifting and holding.  Plus, I wonder if Elena has always been the princess of the family, and they fell into old patterns.  We did see her angry about her birthday, and saying it's wasted time away from babies.  And last night she got up from the table to go to one of the crying babies.  Those are cute babies who look just like their father.  I'm interested in the genetics, because one of them seems significantly smaller, and I wonder what triggered Elena to want to know now.

  • Love 5

Elena really was the voice of reason on that gun issue.  It's exponentially more likely that Brianna is only going to get one of her kids or herself shot accidentally.  


Just what a little boy needs who may have dwarfism.....to be named D'Artagnan.  What in the world is wrong with her???

Yeah.  I kind of feel like a dick for it, but that's exactly what I thought.

  • Love 6

Tanya's face when she heard D'Atagnon!

Brianna just keeps digging. She was wearing a Bonnie and Clyde, Ride or Die T-shirt.  Matt knows precisely what buttons to push with her.

There is always something under the surface with her. A couple of weeks ago Matt said something that reinforced a suspicion I had that the daughter was not living with them. Maybe she was with Dad for the summer/end of pregnancy. But then she was apparently with Brianna's family when Brianna was in the hospital... and not telling her family where she was.

Now this week she says Matt "had" a ccp. As in he doesn't now. Maybe you need residency for a while in CA or maybe he doesn't qualify in CA.  Does a 6' man need his 4' wife to protect their family? She didnt talk about feeling safe when he was away or wanting to be comfortable with her own gun because he already has one. She just kept saying SHE intends to keep her family safe. Is she just the means to get him a gun?

How long before he sleeps with it under his pillow?  Puts it to his head and cries next time she catches him cheating until she takes him back?

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, kassa said:

Tanya's face when she heard D'Atagnon!

Brianna just keeps digging. She was wearing a Bonnie and Clyde, Ride or Die T-shirt.  Matt knows precisely what buttons to push with her.

There is always something under the surface with her. A couple of weeks ago Matt said something that reinforced a suspicion I had that the daughter was not living with them. Maybe she was with Dad for the summer/end of pregnancy. But then she was apparently with Brianna's family when Brianna was in the hospital... and not telling her family where she was.

Now this week she says Matt "had" a ccp. As in he doesn't now. Maybe you need residency for a while in CA or maybe he doesn't qualify in CA.  Does a 6' man need his 4' wife to protect their family? She didnt talk about feeling safe when he was away or wanting to be comfortable with her own gun because he already has one. She just kept saying SHE intends to keep her family safe. Is she just the means to get him a gun?

How long before he sleeps with it under his pillow?  Puts it to his head and cries next time she catches him cheating until she takes him back?

How long before she accidentally shoots herself, after which Matt collects insurance and .... wistfully tears up during his Keith Morrison / "Dateline" interview, swearing he had nothing to do with it--despite his affair with a plastic TG dwarf.

Oh, and I just bet the gun was Matt's idea.

23 minutes ago, Gyproselee said:

Hate to tell Tara ,Grayson is not unique. There are two in my granddaughters 4th grade class. and its 27th for rank in baby names 2016.

I rolled my eyes when she said the name Grayson is unique (sure it is...along with Brayden, Nevaeh, and  whatever godforsaken version of Maddyscynn the pageant moms come up with). It is, however, better than Dar'tan-yan. ***


***(Because  D'artagnan is so bourgeois.)

Edited by Scorpiosunshine
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