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S05.E10: Who's Your Buddy?

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1 hour ago, PityFree said:

 Wow so apparently the rest of the Hawaii trip after the race sucked so badly they couldn’t even get any more show material out of it!! 

And, Heather. Really?  Wedges are the easiest type of heel to walk on.  Why are you walking like Frankenstein‘s monster in them? 

I cut Heather some slack here, I look like a drunk trying to walk in any heels. I am a ballet flats kinda gal, even on my wedding day.

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2 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I cut Heather some slack here, I look like a drunk trying to walk in any heels. I am a ballet flats kinda gal, even on my wedding day.

Yes, I caught my reflection today in FLATS. Oh dear.

I'm on the west coast, so seeing last week's ep now. When Twit was wading in the surf, I wondered what would happen if she just stood there. Would she tunnel to China? Or since it's Hawaii, maybe it would be Madagascar or somewhere farther west?

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4 minutes ago, Kvv9862 said:

I feel like Todd is fed up with Whitney's shit and he really just doesn't like her.

I think so too. In fact I think several of her "friends" are just there for a TLC paycheck, and when that's gone, they'll be gone too. 

Buddy seems pretty sick of her sometimes. I don't buy that Ashley thought Twit was the best choice for a birthing coach - that was just a story line - so I don't think Ashley's as close with her as they try to make it look. I mean really, Ashley has a child now - she's going to be very busy. She isn't going to have time for Twit's nonsense, like her total emotional implosion over Avi, a guy she barely knew who she thought she was going to marry and was ready to convert to Judaism for - she's not going to want to drop everything and rush to comfort poor Whitney.

I suppose some of her barnacles may stay as emotionally stunted as Whitney is, but some of them are starting to actually grow up and seem to be getting sick of her needy, "I have to be the center of attention all the time" bullshit.

I sure as hell wouldn't want to be friends with her. She's an emotional black hole - she sucks up attention and affection but gives nothing back, and it will NEVER be enough. 

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I hope that the problems with the 8K will be a wake-up call for Whitney.


If Zach was house-sitting/pet-sitting, and found the stray...why did he not do some leg work with finding whether the cat had an owner? I understand keeping him in, since the house was already equipped for cats, but there was no indication that he had checked.


Im not going to hate on Whitney’s cats.  That new kitty is totally adorable.  My husband and I have four cats ourselves, and I’m typing this right now with one cat in my lap purring up a storm and alternating between scent marking my hand and making biscuits, one cat sleeping on the couch behind my head, one sleeping on the opposite end of the couch, and one sleeping in the pet bed. But I do have to wonder about the level of care she was giving Wanda and Henchi, given that one or both of them were eliminating outside the litter boxes at some point last season.  It is instinctual to them that they want to bury their pee and poop.  Main reason they go outside the litter box?  Not clean.  If she can’t keep her litterbox(es) scooped regularly for 2, what’s she planning on doing with 2 more?  Also, never mind the can of worms with introducing a new cat to three more.  Especially an intact male.    Territorial issues are a problem even with spayed/neutered cats.  She’s gonna end up with a cat that’s pissing all over her house.


Glenn, we get it:  too many pets.  That’s a point well-made.  But for fuck’s sake, let her get into a healthy, steady relationship before mentioning kids.  Never mind the self-inflicted cycle of PCOS.  Don’t put the cart before the already-crippled horse.  


Of course Whit sees wedges as a form of torture. She can’t wear even small heels for more than 3 minutes at a time without bitching incessantly about it. 


Heather?  Closure is a myth. He made it clear that he doesn’t want to get back together.  Move on. 


BGDC on the road?  Whitney has WAY too much quit in her to legit make it happen.  Todd can see it through, but she won’t. 


Babs hasn’t driven for 7 months. Not 40 years. Let her re-acclimate. That’s why you start with the drive around the block. If there was concern about her ability to grip the steering wheel and her reaction time, her fucking neurologist would probably not have signed off on driving again. 


Not surprised at all about Buddy being advised against returning to Greensboro.  It’s generally recommended that a recovering addict stay away from the known environment that they had been in while in the throes of addiction. Too comfortable and too easy to fall back into old ways. 


Charleston!  The Cooper River Bridge is so recognizable, that I knew it from the first shot on the Next Time segment. Charleston is a nice area, and I can imagine there would be a decent rehab community there.  I should probably spend some more time in Charleston.  My husband and I only really just spent the night there last summer at a B&B before boarding a cruise ship for our honeymoon.  If Glenn really wants to troll bribe Whitney to do more fitness stuff, he could get her to do the Cooper River Bridge Run.  She can do something active and see her Boo Bear. Of course, Glenn would conveniently forget to tell her it’s a 10K...

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2 hours ago, PityFree said:

 Wow so apparently the rest of the Hawaii trip after the race sucked so badly they couldn’t even get any more show material out of it!! 

And, Heather. Really?  Wedges are the easiest type of heel to walk on.  Why are you walking like Frankenstein‘s monster in them? 

Walking like Frankenstein's monster in wedges. ...so funny.  Thanks, Pityfree.  I ll be smiling all day tomorrow about that.  

Coincidentally, I bought a pair of wedge sandals today. ..similar to Heather's but lower heel.  Plantar fasciitis is a bitch...kind of like Twitney,  but my pain is real if I go barefoot, and I NEVER wesr flipflops. Orthotics are my friend.  

Now I have Frankenstein shoes. Woohoo!  Anyone know where I can get an obese, recovering addict to glomb onto?   

Speaking of plantar fasciitis....um, how is Twit going to "guest lead" BGDC dance classes all around the country with her poor, aching feet that started hurting BEFORE she got into the car to drive to the race in Hawaii?  

We know, Todd will dance lead,  while Twit critiques him from a chair,  or pushes, I mean  signs copies of her book or NBS merch.  What a joke(r) she has become.  

Twit leaving North Carolina to "tour" would be the best thing to ever happen to her mom and dad.  Demanding and ordering her dad around with the phone was abhorrent, not to mention shrieking at her mom in the car. I would have aimed for the garbage cans on purpose. Despicable human being.

Edited by Tosia
Heather looks cute somedays, and other days. ..not so much.
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I started noticing sometime last season...every time we come back from a commercial break, they always show people jogging/biking/generally being fit and healthy. Another producer dig at Whiney?

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Ummm...what have you ever done that's been a "success"? You lost 100 lbs but gained it all back and then some, you tired to go on tour with the FM and went crying back home because you couldn't keep up, you signed up with trainer Will and did so poorly that he had to "fire" you...

At what point did she get "used to always succeeding"? Because it sure seems to me like she NEVER has.

Lest we not forget how successful she was at skiing.......when they practically had to get a crane to get her back up on skis that is.

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2 hours ago, Maricopa said:

I wondered what would happen if she just stood there. Would she tunnel to China? Or since it's Hawaii, maybe it would be Madagascar or somewhere farther west?

If you're curious, and I'd wondered where I'd really end up, try this.
I haven't finished it all yet, so back tomorrow.

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4 hours ago, Maggienolia said:

I do love seeing Glenn go off on Twit. While I don't endorse the "give me a grandchild" spiel, looks like Daddy darling isn't as enamoured of Twit's BS as he has been. And what a CHILD on the ride home from the airport. 

My favorite line was "I know you don't make it happen by getting more cats!"  :)

3 hours ago, aliya said:

Did anyone catch the phone call in the preview?  Was it about the pig? : (

My thoughts too.  Someone ate him for dinner.

1 hour ago, Yajmele said:

BGDC on the road?  Whitney has WAY too much quit in her to legit make it happen.  Todd can see it through, but she won’t. 

She doesn't do BGDC in Greensboro unless they are filming - on the road will be a one city special for filming and that's it!

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So lemme get this straight...Heather hasn't heard from Buddy in ages, but she's gonna now dump him and *block his number.* Cause, you know, he's desperately trying to contact her, he's such an annoyance and all. How did this chick ever get preggers in the first place?

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The orange cat was not loving Whitney. His body language was showing he was pissed off. (The tail snap). She really needs to learn to respect animals and not treat them like her toys.

Gotta love Babs snark in the car from the airport when Twit said she missed her cats and that it was probably similar to missing a child. Twit: “How soon do you start missing me?”  Babs: “A very long time.”  ???. That shut Twit down real quick. 


Also, Glenn, please stop encouraging Twit to have children. This would not be a good idea. She can barely manage basic life skills like being able to put on shoes, or bending down to clean a litter box. There is no way this idiot could manage diaper changes, and late night feedings.

Edited by Ravenna
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7 hours ago, PityFree said:

And, Heather. Really?  Wedges are the easiest type of heel to walk on.  Why are you walking like Frankenstein‘s monster in them? 

I didn't even notice that.  I couldn't get my eyes off the Twit walking in those flip flops - The worst thing she could possibly wear!

7 hours ago, LordOfLotion said:

An unsnipped male cat in addition to the three she has is exactly what she needs.

I thought for sure she would try to pawn it off on her mother like she tried with the curly haired cat.  Her mother seemed taken with this cat unlike the other one so it would have made more sense. 

6 hours ago, PityFree said:

 I have mixed feelings on the Babs’ driving thing.  I remember how my parents, uncles, and aunts had to struggle to get my grandfather to stop driving when he was in his late 70s and no longer had the reflexes and coordination to drive.  It is a huge loss when you no longer have the independence to drive yourself so I totally understand Babs’ concerns.  My own mother is Babs’ age and she hasn’t driven for about 10 years (due to issues with multiple sclerosis). Luckily, she remembered her father’s driving issues and  voluntarily stopped driving—so wasn’t a fight. 

However, the way Whitney is talking to her mother as though she has suddenly become the parent and Babs is her child  is incredibly disrespectful. I want to slap Whitney.

I feel exactly the same.  It looks like her hand/eye coordination is off as a result of the stroke.  I almost question the doctor giving her the OK to drive so soon, especially if she's going to hit garbage cans.  Then again I totally agree about hating Twit's disrespectful attitude toward her mother!  My Dad is 90 and still driving, God bless him, although he only goes a couple of miles every day on easy streets.

Speaking of the stroke - I feel like that was so long ago last season that how could we be seeing Babs just now and it's only 6 months later?  And she went to Hawaii not even 6 months after the stroke?  Yikes!

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Why was Buddy back at the house? I thought he was supposed to go straight back to rehab after Hawaii? 

Too much Babs this episode. I can only take her in small doses. Mostly because of the way she lets Whitney talk to her. Like she's the child and Whit's the mother. 

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So Whitney is now the voice of reason/authority regarding her mother's driving abilities? This is a grown woman who calls her parents "mommy" and "daddy," agrees to go on vacation because she was bribed, pouts and responds to her parents with "DUH!", cries and screams and needs Daddy to drag her around a park to finish an 8k, and whose father obviously is in a role where he can scold her for taking in another cat (reminded me of a parent telling a kid to clean up their room)- and now Daddy entrusts HER to take Mommy out for her maiden voyage around the neighborhood?  And all the histrionics, the criticism- nope. That is not real life. 

I am continually flabbergasted by her skewed view of reality.  Her description of the race to her Big Girls: (paraphrasing): "It was hard, but I MADE IT!"  (nevermind that you blubbered your way through the second half). I re-watched the race scene and her face when she got halfway around: "I can do it one more time!! One more time, right, Daddy?" with the quivering lip. The faces. The roaring/panting.  But yes, she is a Warrior, people. This is what would have been cheer-worthy:  Someone who had battled an illness/injury coming in last over the finish line- slowly, but NOT crying/whining, and triumphant. But this is how she views it. "I had an injury but I stuck it out!  How I persevered!"

 And her comments about how the past few months have been so crazy and it's time to focus on her career...? Crazy how? Sleuthing her con-artist boyfriend and his numerous other women? Traveling to Hawaii? Being unaware that your supposed BFF who lives with you is an alcoholic and drug addict?  Standing by while your friend pushes out a baby?  I just don't get it. 

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9 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Wait you guys, didn't Whit complain about Todd teaching barefoot classes and that it was "dangerous "? Well most of the dancers including Twit were barefoot during the lesson. I guess it is a okay when she does it.

The thing about plantar fasciitis, which is what she had during the 8K, is that later going barefoot or in flat shoes is a HORRIBLE idea. You need that support in the shoe after such a trauma.  And how would she recover from that kind of injury in such a short time?  When I had a bout of it, (and I was thin when it happened), it took me about a year for my foot to really recover. This makes me question if that is really what was wrong during the 8K.  Was it really her feet that hurt or was she just too tired? OR, was it in the script that she have that meltdown? lol  I support her being tenacious, but, she really does need to be upfront about what her REAL issues are.  

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6 hours ago, Maricopa said:

So lemme get this straight...Heather hasn't heard from Buddy in ages, but she's gonna now dump him and *block his number.* Cause, you know, he's desperately trying to contact her, he's such an annoyance and all. How did this chick ever get preggers in the first place?

Heather strikes me as extremely needy and clingy. She should focus on rebuilding a stable life for her children, the divorce was probably difficult for them. As Buddy has repeated time and time again, their relationship was ALWAYS rocky. Let it go.

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I wish this show would just stop trying to make Heather happen. I am not emotionally invested in Heather’s life. I feel like every year they add another “friend’ in order to make up for the fact Twitney had nothing going on other than her love of smelling any and all things. She has no love life so let’s follow Heather making a fool of herself chasing an addict trying to stay in recovery. Heather seems to be more concerned with whether Buddy will throw her a bone than whether this man she is supposedly in love with actually stays healthy. 

I say we just have a Todd and Tal show, with special appearances by Babs and Glenn, and follow them on new adventures as they enjoy and appreciate life. Twitney is like Carrie on Sex in the City. The lead character is the least interesting person on the show. 

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47 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

The thing about plantar fasciitis, which is what she had during the 8K, is that later going barefoot or in flat shoes is a HORRIBLE idea. You need that support in the shoe after such a trauma.  And how would she recover from that kind of injury in such a short time?  When I had a bout of it, (and I was thin when it happened), it took me about a year for my foot to really recover. This makes me question if that is really what was wrong during the 8K.  Was it really her feet that hurt or was she just too tired? OR, was it in the script that she have that meltdown? lol  I support her being tenacious, but, she really does need to be upfront about what her REAL issues are.  

I agree that Twit doesnt have plantar fasciitis. I had it first about 20 years ago and Dansko shoes and orthotics helped so much so that it went away....after about 1-2 years. Now I have it again mostly on my left heel, for the past 3 months at least,  so I'm back to orthotics and finding better shoes again. Thanks to all about the recommendations for Vionics and other brands. I'm still deciding what kind to buy online and shopping around town try them on in real time. Icing my heel nightly does help.  I walk up and down stairs like Twit does because of hip bursitis, being 63, and 50 lbs overweight,  not my plantar fasciitis which  developed fairly recently. I do make an effort to take steps normally as often as I can (with a strong bannister), and keep moving, in order to....um, keep moving. 

Twit's REAL issue is 400 lbs., on a body designed for 150 lbs at the most (before fat stress on muscles/bones/other organs/ flexibility kick in, and the body hurts to inform her of said discomfort. PCOS can be managed without weight gain.  

Not to mention when you can't handle REACHING the most personal areas to take care of yourself because your giant stomach is in the way, or your arms are so fat that they can't maneuver towards the back end, well, that's a big sign of what the issue is. How could anyone ignore that?  You have to go everyday. Denial and deeper psychosis have to be in play as well. 

Too bad Twit doesn't design a "dance" move that stretches her arms at least to take care of bathroom issues herself, no rag-sticks, because eww. Oh, and DIGNITY. 

She's a good diet aid. 

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8 hours ago, monagatuna said:

I started noticing sometime last season...every time we come back from a commercial break, they always show people jogging/biking/generally being fit and healthy. Another producer dig at Whiney?

I noticed a lot of producer digs this episode. Mainly the shots of her going up & down stairs one step at a time. One time she even seemed to have a little speed with it, probably to throw us off.  They spent a little extra time showing her bare midriff when she was lounging on the sofa in her sports bra. Wish they wouldn't show the shots of her bending over with her cleavages spilling all over. I'm sure it's hard to avoid, but the less we see of Twit the better. Same thing with the flip flops- it seemed they tried to show them as much as possible since they knew people were commenting about them.  I wonder how many pairs of flip flops she goes thru? She has to squish those poor things flat as soon as she stands up. What is she going to wear outside when the cold weather comes? 

6 hours ago, EctoGammat said:

Never fails to crack me up when her cats run away from her. 

And I loved Todd's comment that the room already smelled.

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

The thing about plantar fasciitis, which is what she had during the 8K, is that later going barefoot or in flat shoes is a HORRIBLE idea. You need that support in the shoe after such a trauma.  And how would she recover from that kind of injury in such a short time?  When I had a bout of it, (and I was thin when it happened), it took me about a year for my foot to really recover. This makes me question if that is really what was wrong during the 8K.  Was it really her feet that hurt or was she just too tired? OR, was it in the script that she have that meltdown? lol  I support her being tenacious, but, she really does need to be upfront about what her REAL issues are.  

Not only is it a horrible idea, it is excruciating.  I can't believe anyone would even TRY to walk barefoot or in flipflops with PF.  Walking is no fun in good support shoes, but it is almost impossible without them.  

I have PF insoles in my bedroom slippers and my good sandals in addition to a pair that I switch out to whatever other shoes I'm wearing.  I can't walk from my side of the bed to the bathroom without foot support.  

Whitney does NOT have plantar fasciitis.  


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I can't even imagine what Whitney must smell like.  She's clearly unable to wipe herself clean after using the toilet.  Between that, the humidity in Carolina, and her inability to wash, her stench must be vomit inducing.  And the flatulence...  nobody eats that much without secreting a steady gas purge.  Bet she drowns herself in perfume. 

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3 hours ago, KateHearts said:

So Whitney is now the voice of reason/authority regarding her mother's driving abilities? This is a grown woman who calls her parents "mommy" and "daddy," 

I'm 64. I still call my mother 'mommy,' as do my sisters. My father died awhile back, but I called him 'daddy.' Why not? 

On the other hand, my 40 yr old son calls me mom or ma. Don't like 'ma,' but his late father used to refer to me that way when our son was little. I find it a little country, but OK. 

I agree with the rest of your comments. And - what was with the dance class? All of a sudden Twit is an Hawaiian dance expert? I thought the class was supposed to be for exercise. I don't see those ladies doing much of a workout.

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For someone who had to rush back to NC and abandon her Fitness Marshall Tour due to worrying about her mother, Whitney sure couldn't be bothered to attend a fucking neurologist's appointment with Babs and Glenn. I hope the Parents Thore pull a Joan Crawford at the end of the line and cut Whitney out of the will.

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I do love seeing Glenn go off on Twit. While I don't endorse the "give me a grandchild" spiel, looks like Daddy darling isn't as enamoured of Twit's BS as he has been.

I thought Glenn was a dick in this episode. There are many reasons that Whitney isn't in a relationship but her Kat Kollection isn't among them. I also wanted to punch him when he told Babs to "watch her language." She's your wife, not your child and she can say whatever she wants.


Whitney may be bordering along cat hoarder

I don't think she's even a borderline hoarder. I have three dogs. We had four and when we were fostering for a rescue, we would have five here at times. So I'm in no position to talk on this.



I hope Babs can get better at driving. I had a great aunt who was 90 something before she stopped driving. She swore to me that if they took her license for being old, she was going to drive anyway. It's hard to be dependent on others just to go to the store or church.


A medical doctor has approved your mother's ability to drive. You don't get to decide that.


I disagree. I sympathize with how difficult it may be to lose your independence but they have enough money to take a passel of near strangers to Hawaii for vacation so they have plenty of money for Babs to call an Uber or a cab when she wants to go out. Babs lost her license pre-stroke; I'm not sure how she got it back in the first place. And I didn't hear the doctor "approving her to drive." What I heard was him quoting NC state law which says that post-seizure, she has to go six months seizure free to be legally allowed to drive. If she really does drive the way she drove in the episode and that wasn't exaggerated for the show, she needs to be off the road. Her reflexes are shot and she has too slow a response time to be safe on the road. Sure it's hard to lose your independence; it's harder to kill someone when you shouldn't have been driving.

Off my soapbox now.


This is a grown woman who calls her parents "mommy" and "daddy," 

I find many things about this family disturbing but this isn't one of them. Referring to parents as "mother and daddy" or "mommy and daddy" or "momma and daddy" is a Southern thing. My mother is 79 and her parents are long departed from this earth but she still refers to them as "momma and daddy" as do her siblings.

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Heather is starting to make me sick.  I get that she's sad that Buddy has basically rejected her, but it's way past time for her to return her focus to her young children and let him go do his own thing, whether that's crack or sobriety.  The scene with her and Whitney on the bench was just pathetic.  Buddy hasn't been contacting her and has purposely removed himself from her life, yet she feels the need to text him this long message of closure, then feels "forced" to block him when he returns her message with a cursory response that affirms his intention to break up with her?  Haha, okay, sweetie.  Sorry, but that's the kind of stuff I hear about from my teenaged daughter.

Also, I have to agree with everyone re: Whitney's incredibly disrespectful tone toward her mother.  At what point do Babs and Glenn remind her that they're the parents and they, in conjunction with Babs' doctor, will make their own decisions regarding driving?  Babs is not a doddering old woman living alone with no support.  She is very well taken care of by her doctor and her physically and mentally capable husband.  Whitney is in her 30s and still can't take care of herself or her ever-expanding menagerie of pets.  If she were my daughter (God forbid), she would be invited to have several fucking seats before telling me what I'm not permitted to do.

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13 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

2. What career? Before you focus on "your career", dumb ass, you first have to GET a career. You don't have one.

Her career is disability and unemployment.  She's a sickening disgrace.

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1 hour ago, Tosia said:

I agree that Twit doesnt have plantar fasciitis.

I agree too.  She especially wouldn't have been able to walk in those flip flops without pain if she did.  I couldn't walk without arch support when I had it!  That's yet another reason this episode doesn't match up so well with the Hawaii trip.  I think some of the clips in this show were filmed before the trip but made to look like they were afterward.  I can't figure it out unless that's the case.

I think her problems were more to do with her painful chub rub and other factors in the 8K.  Speaking of that, she would have been a wreck after that 8K for the rest of her Hawaii trip.  No wonder we didn't see any scenes after that on their way home.  I think the scenes we saw that was supposed to be right after they came home were filmed either before or way after the trip.

1 minute ago, Elizzikra said:

I thought Glenn was a dick in this episode. There are many reasons that Whitney isn't in a relationship but her Kat Kollection isn't among them. I also wanted to punch him when he told Babs to "watch her language." She's your wife, not your child and she can say whatever she wants.

I know, we really saw a whole 'nother side to Glenn in this episode - I used to think he was more like my own dad but now I see his is not.  He is insufferable, meddling and abusive too!  Thank goodness my own dad is nothing like that!

How old is the Twit now?  The clock is ticking, but I don't even believe she is physically capable of having a child much less should anyone push her into it.  Geez, she can't even wipe her own ass, plus she is not mature enough to be a mother.  I'd say it's a blessing on her potential children that it's just not happening.

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Heather is TV gold.  She's a world class struggler without an independent thought in her box-shaped head, hopelessly clinging to an even dumber, unemployable junkie.  Her self esteem is lower than Buddy's IQ. 

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7 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Not only is it a horrible idea, it is excruciating.  I can't believe anyone would even TRY to walk barefoot or in flipflops with PF.  Walking is no fun in good support shoes, but it is almost impossible without them.  

I have PF insoles in my bedroom slippers and my good sandals in addition to a pair that I switch out to whatever other shoes I'm wearing.  I can't walk from my side of the bed to the bathroom without foot support.  

Whitney does NOT have plantar fasciitis.  

You have my sympathy and a high-five of PF solidarity!  If Whitney had PF, she wouldn't be wearing those cheap Old Navy (or equivalent) flip-flops around the house, much less for walks around the block on hard sidewalks.  This woman is creating her own alternate reality and expects us to believe it. 

Edited by SuzyLee
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7 minutes ago, SuzyLee said:

Heather is starting to make me sick.  I get that she's sad that Buddy has basically rejected her, but it's way past time for her to return her focus to her young children and let him go do his own thing, whether that's crack or sobriety.  The scene with her and Whitney on the bench was just pathetic.  Buddy hasn't been contacting her and has purposely removed himself from her life, yet she feels the need to text him this long message of closure, then feels "forced" to block him when he returns her message with a cursory response that affirms his intention to break up with her?  Haha, okay, sweetie.  Sorry, but that's the kind of stuff I hear about from my teenaged daughter.


I agree. It all seems seems rather immature considering the serious nature of Buddy's situation. Heather needs to give Buddy space and understand that he's focused on sobriety, and not getting mixed up in drama of Heather being butt hurt over lack of closure. Furthermore, you gotta wonder the extent of this relationship in the first place. Myself and many of the viewers could tell long ago that Buddy was dealing with a serious drug/alcohol issue. I don't get how Heather didn't even noticed that was happening. Is she that dense? And then there is Twit: silently basking in the afterglow of the break up. 

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I'm confused.  Instead of advising Heather that she may never get the closure she wants, and that she needs to just let go . . . why wasn't she stalking Buddy, tracking him down, and both of them confronting him when he goes to a coffee shop?  Isn't that more Twit's speed?

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12 hours ago, Yajmele said:

I hope that the problems with the 8K will be a wake-up call for Whitney.


If Zach was house-sitting/pet-sitting, and found the stray...why did he not do some leg work with finding whether the cat had an owner? I understand keeping him in, since the house was already equipped for cats, but there was no indication that he had checked.


Im not going to hate on Whitney’s cats.  That new kitty is totally adorable.  My husband and I have four cats ourselves, and I’m typing this right now with one cat in my lap purring up a storm and alternating between scent marking my hand and making biscuits, one cat sleeping on the couch behind my head, one sleeping on the opposite end of the couch, and one sleeping in the pet bed. But I do have to wonder about the level of care she was giving Wanda and Henchi, given that one or both of them were eliminating outside the litter boxes at some point last season.  It is instinctual to them that they want to bury their pee and poop.  Main reason they go outside the litter box?  Not clean.  If she can’t keep her litterbox(es) scooped regularly for 2, what’s she planning on doing with 2 more?  Also, never mind the can of worms with introducing a new cat to three more.  Especially an intact male.    Territorial issues are a problem even with spayed/neutered cats.  She’s gonna end up with a cat that’s pissing all over her house.


Glenn, we get it:  too many pets.  That’s a point well-made.  But for fuck’s sake, let her get into a healthy, steady relationship before mentioning kids.  Never mind the self-inflicted cycle of PCOS.  Don’t put the cart before the already-crippled horse.  


Of course Whit sees wedges as a form of torture. She can’t wear even small heels for more than 3 minutes at a time without bitching incessantly about it. 


Heather?  Closure is a myth. He made it clear that he doesn’t want to get back together.  Move on. 


BGDC on the road?  Whitney has WAY too much quit in her to legit make it happen.  Todd can see it through, but she won’t. 


Babs hasn’t driven for 7 months. Not 40 years. Let her re-acclimate. That’s why you start with the drive around the block. If there was concern about her ability to grip the steering wheel and her reaction time, her fucking neurologist would probably not have signed off on driving again. 


Not surprised at all about Buddy being advised against returning to Greensboro.  It’s generally recommended that a recovering addict stay away from the known environment that they had been in while in the throes of addiction. Too comfortable and too easy to fall back into old ways. 


Charleston!  The Cooper River Bridge is so recognizable, that I knew it from the first shot on the Next Time segment. Charleston is a nice area, and I can imagine there would be a decent rehab community there.  I should probably spend some more time in Charleston.  My husband and I only really just spent the night there last summer at a B&B before boarding a cruise ship for our honeymoon.  If Glenn really wants to troll bribe Whitney to do more fitness stuff, he could get her to do the Cooper River Bridge Run.  She can do something active and see her Boo Bear. Of course, Glenn would conveniently forget to tell her it’s a 10K...

What is your opinion on the dynamic between Glen and Whit? He urged her to go on the this 5/8K run when she clearly was sufffering through it.  I thought she was going to have a heart attack.  He should not have encouraged her to take on such an ambitious run, it clearly was too much.  As a parent I would be afraid for my kid.

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1 minute ago, muffpuff said:

What is your opinion on the dynamic between Glen and Whit? He urged her to go on the this 5/8K run when she clearly was sufffering through it.  I thought she was going to have a heart attack.  He should not have encouraged her to take on such an ambitious run, it clearly was too much.  As a parent I would be afraid for my kid.

He kept trying to pull the plug and get her to stop.  He said things like, "You've done 5K; that was the goal.  We need to stop this now."  But she hadn't finished making him feel guilty yet.  She had lots more screaming and moaning to do.

Notice that once the cute doctor got there, she went into warrior goddess mode and suffered silently . . . and then "ran" across that finish line with doc and dad holding her up.  I wish he'd done the whole stroll with her; it would have saved US from listening to her drama.

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How old is the Twit now?



He should not have encouraged her to take on such an ambitious run, it clearly was too much.  As a parent I would be afraid for my kid.

What was it he said in the car - that he thought she would win and would dance across the finish line? I can't imagine why he would think that could happen. Maybe some part of him is in as much denial as she is?


If Zach was house-sitting/pet-sitting, and found the stray...why did he not do some leg work with finding whether the cat had an owner? I understand keeping him in, since the house was already equipped for cats, but there was no indication that he had checked.

He said the cat didn't have a chip so he at least took it to a shelter or a vet to be scanned. 

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2 hours ago, aliya said:

I'm 64. I still call my mother 'mommy,' as do my sisters. My father died awhile back, but I called him 'daddy.' Why not? 

Point taken. Perhaps it's the petulant, whiny, childish tone she uses to address them? (especially when she's either complaining or wanting something.) Then suddenly she's the "adult" when she calls her mother "Babs" and says with such authority that Babs does NOT belong behind the wheel of a car; no sir, no ma'am.

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