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S07.E11: Unconfuse Your Brain

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12 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

The same. I know, just thought I would share ?

That's the only one I saw too :)

His mother owns it. It has a Trust Deed Assignment of Rents for 150k. It's valued at $570,886. I looked up Trust Deed with Assignment of Rents because I have no idea what that is.

From Homeguides.com


What Is a Deed of Trust With Assignment of Rents?

A trust deed with rent assignment clause empowers your lender.

A deed of trust with assignment of rents is the document that underlies the loan on a rental property. The lender's security interest in the property gets created by the deed of trust. The assignment of rents puts teeth in the lender's security interest by giving it the right to collect rents.




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8 hours ago, bounnatalie said:

Sick of Mac and her "drama." Agree with others that they left Bentley high and dry, so his "brother" could go to his father's. Here's an idea. Drop the kid off and come back. Or maybe Ryan stays, gets a ride home from his parents and spends time with Bentley. 

Maybe it's in Mac's caretaker wife of Ryan contract she signed with Jen & Larry that she won't leave Ryan unattended with cameras around, lest he need to run to the bank for a few hours or go out collecting oars.... 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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1 hour ago, butterbody said:

Now that I've seen Tyler's sister, I understand why Dr. Butch had to take that poor child's cast off. She was never going to take him to a doctor and I can only assume the original injury must have happened in someone else's care or he might not have gotten medical attention in the first place.


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2 hours ago, Lusterleaf said:


I can understand why Ryan/Mac were upset that Maci changed the time, but I feel Mac always has to play up the drama. Ryan could have stayed there with Bentley while Mac dropped Hudson off to his father's house.

No shit. He's Bentley's father first, and Hudson's step-dad second. Mack could have come back to get him. Welcome to the life of a blended family. 


1 hour ago, butterbody said:

Now that I've seen Tyler's sister, I understand why Dr. Butch had to take that poor child's cast off. She was never going to take him to a doctor and I can only assume the original injury must have happened in someone else's care or he might not have gotten medical attention in the first place.

Yea, that girl is like Jenelle's twin sister without the money. I felt so sad for those kids. 

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The grandparents don't have to go trick or treating with the kids. I understand they enjoy it and want to but it seems the more people involved the more messed up it gets. Too many schedules to work with. The kids are the losers in this situation.

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16 minutes ago, Quilty said:

The grandparents don't have to go trick or treating with the kids. I understand they enjoy it and want to but it seems the more people involved the more messed up it gets. Too many schedules to work with. The kids are the losers in this situation.

The grandparents (at least Jen) are their sober chaperones. 

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57 minutes ago, druzy said:

That's the only one I saw too :)

His mother owns it. It has a Trust Deed Assignment of Rents for 150k. It's valued at $570,886. I looked up Trust Deed with Assignment of Rents because I have no idea what that is.

From Homeguides.com





Druzy I <3 you.  You have SKILZ.  The house looks pretty nice.  

I still don't understand what a Trust Deed Assignment of Rents is.  


20 minutes ago, Quilty said:

The grandparents don't have to go trick or treating with the kids. I understand they enjoy it and want to but it seems the more people involved the more messed up it gets. Too many schedules to work with. The kids are the losers in this situation.

I actually think it is really nice that the grandparents go.  When kids are little they love to have the grandparents around.  They get older and want to spend more time with friends - it is nice to do things together when they are little and excited about that.

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39 minutes ago, Quilty said:

The grandparents don't have to go trick or treating with the kids. I understand they enjoy it and want to but it seems the more people involved the more messed up it gets. Too many schedules to work with. The kids are the losers in this situation.

They could have done something like dressing up the kids in costumes the weekend before Halloween (or day before, or whatever) and visited the grandparents.  My sister used to do that that and her kids loved dressing up twice.  (Plus the grandmoms gave them nice treats!)   Bentley is older and wants to go trick-or-treating with his friends.  Maci and Taylor should have just stayed in their neighborhood and let Bentley drive the trick or treat agenda since he is the oldest one.  He didn't really look like he cared all that much if he saw Ryan and the gang.  And Maverick and Jayde (so cute in their costumes) are too little to do much trick or treating anyway.  A few close neighbors and call it a night.  Why do they have to get some many people involved and cause a problem?

Edited by Marisagf
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16 hours ago, Maire said:

The look on Andrew's face as the truth of his future with Amber dawned on him was priceless. Hope it's worth it to drive the Range Rover and be a short order cook for Amber.

When they were discussing dinner, I noticed that Amber said something like, "Can we get spaghetti?"  It made me think they were ordering out, but no, Andrew was cooking.  Who says "getting" in that context?  At best, she should say, "Can I get spaghetti?"


2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Why was it so dark in there? It was daytime! Open the damn blinds! Why are people stumbling around with candles??

TV shows often close drapes when filming inside during the day, I guess to better control the light, or to not have to deal with huge contrasts between dark and light, which wreak havoc on video.  But I also noticed that when Tyler was in the driveway originally, it was broad daylight, but by the time he was leaving, it was pretty much dark outside.  (Assuming we're not dealing with MTV's usual elastic version of time passage.)


35 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Tyler and Cate absolutely made the best, most selfless decision by placing Carly. A lot of it on Tyler's part was indeed because he didn't want to be strapped to a kid or Catelynn as a teen, but it also made me remember that it's believable that at least some small part of him didn't want any kid to have to grow up like he did (or like his niece/nephew do now).  I felt for Tyler. I still think he's a self-absorbed douche, but I felt for him. 

I do think Tyler saw the writing on the wall for Carly, but even if he didn't, everybody else (outside his immediate family) did.  I didn't like the way he strong-armed Cate into agreeing to the adoption, but to me, the end justified the means so completely that I could overlook it, and actually endorse it. 



It isn't Tyler's responsibility to pay the light bill for Amber so that her kids have electricity. But would it kill Tyler to do it anyway so that his niece/nephew have power? I wouldn't give Amber any money, but maybe Tyler could pay the bill himself, for his nephew & niece. Yeah, I know they're not his responsibility, but I feel for those kids. 

I assume they're living in that house without paying rent, so it's possible he's already paying for them to have a roof over their heads, so they're not living in a car.  I get what you're saying, but there has to be a stopping point.

I like for my charitable donations to benefit kids and not necessarily their parents, and it's hard to find things that don't also benefit the parents either directly, or by freeing up money that they would have had to use for whatever I'm providing.  I'm pretty sure his sister is more vexed by not having electricity than the kids are.


13 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I still don't understand what a Trust Deed Assignment of Rents is.  

It's not actually called a "Trust Deed Assignment of Rents."  It's probably a "Trust Deed with Assignment of Rents," or maybe two separate documents:  a deed of trust, and an assignment of rents.

In very general terms:  A deed conveys an interest in real property.  A deed of trust is used when there's a mortgage involved--it gives the lender an interest in the property.  In that arrangement, if the borrower defaults, the lender gets the property.  An assignment of rents is further protection for the lender--if the borrower is earning rent from the property, the assignment of rents gives the lender an interest in those rents, and if the borrower stops paying the mortgage, the rents belong to the lender.

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1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

It isn't Tyler's responsibility to pay the light bill for Amber so that her kids have electricity. But would it kill Tyler to do it anyway so that his niece/nephew have power? I wouldn't give Amber any money, but maybe Tyler could pay the bill himself, for his nephew & niece. Yeah, I know they're not his responsibility, but I feel for those kids. 

I feel for the kids too.  From what we saw though, and I'm pretty sure Tyler has seen worse, I wouldn't pay it.  She said the bill was $500 behind, they wouldn't just swap the service to her name, and she had to pay $5 to get it reconnected.  That doesn't add up to me but hey, welcome to being an adult and a parent.  I would offer to have the kids come to my house.  Sister would be on her own, though.  I think letting her stay in my other house is enough. 

It's all just so sad.

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31 minutes ago, hoosiermom said:


Loved when Farrah referred to her mother’s wedding as a circus and said she would “send a clown”.

I loved that too. Maybe she could send the one from Amber's haunted hayride. 

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4 hours ago, eskimo said:

I think he was hoping MTV would pick up the tab for Butch, but if they've been paying for Cate then they'd be less likely to cover Butch, too.  Does anybody know if MTV is paying for her?

MTV is paying for Catelynn.  I do not believe that MTV is paying for Butch, but next week's episode shows Butch and Tyler at the TX facility --- so the facility is either reducing the treatment costs or providing it for free.

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:



It's not actually called a "Trust Deed Assignment of Rents."  It's probably a "Trust Deed with Assignment of Rents," or maybe two separate documents:  a deed of trust, and an assignment of rents.

In very general terms:  A deed conveys an interest in real property.  A deed of trust is used when there's a mortgage involved--it gives the lender an interest in the property.  In that arrangement, if the borrower defaults, the lender gets the property.  An assignment of rents is further protection for the lender--if the borrower is earning rent from the property, the assignment of rents gives the lender an interest in those rents, and if the borrower stops paying the mortgage, the rents belong to the lender.

Thank you!  Is there a reason the lending company would want to be sure they spell this out?  

I am just trying to figure out if his family is filled with deadbeats.  

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4 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Thank you!  Is there a reason the lending company would want to be sure they spell this out?  

I am just trying to figure out if his family is filled with deadbeats.  

I'm no expert--this is law-school type knowledge, not real-world knowledge. 

It's more than spelling it out--it's actually giving the lender the right to the rents, which he otherwise wouldn't have.  The borrower is supposed to pay the mortgage, but if he doesn't, having a right to the rents keeps the borrower from collecting and keeping them while finking out on the mortgage.  I'd never heard of a deed of trust with assignment of rents before this, but it makes sense if you break it down into its individual parts.

I would imagine getting an assignment of rents is a pretty routine thing, maybe depending on what part of the country you're in (local practices, type of real estate market you're in).  I'd do it if I were a lender, just because you never know--if you don't need it, you don't need it, but if you do...  Same with the lien on the property in the first place (evidenced by the deed of trust)--it gives the lender protection in the event of default.  The assignment of rents is also protection for the lender.

I wouldn't be inclined to read anything into the character of an individual borrower because of it, but that might just be me.  Heh--I was going to say that lenders don't lend money they don't think people will pay back, but that would be ignoring the events that led to the mortgage default crisis.  Let's just say that lenders who want to be paid back don't lend money to people they don't think will pay them back, and that would include deadbeats.  Much smarter not to lend the money in the first place.

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Every time I watch this show I can't help but think about these kids' former teachers. I teach high school, and every year I have some students who are lazy, unmotivated, full of attitude, and lacking in intellect. It seems like I'm always telling them that they will need these skills someday and that eventually they will have to show up to a job on time and do what the boss tells them -- even when they don't particularly want to. But then I watch Teen Mom and I see that apparently I'm wrong. You don't always need basic reading, writing, and math skills. You don't have to work well with others, show up on time, or put in effort in order to keep a job. 

Somewhere in the world are the former high school teachers of Amber, Farrah, Tyler, and Cate. I can't imagine how frustrating it would be to watch former students like that and know that these crappy people now make triple (quadruple?) what you -- an educated professional -- make. It would make me sick.

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Apologies if someone beat me to this, but I jumped ahead because my mind is beyond blown that the whole NuMatt/Amber baby's gender argument happened. And that it was aired for all to see.

I laughed SO hard when Amber and NuMatt IN FREAKIN' BED (I don't know why I thought they'd be standing upright for once. My own mistake!) and "talking" about the gender reveal. My eyes saw it, but I couldn't believe they were IN BED. 

She's making a big fuss about how "you've got to prepare...It's easier and better to know what the baby is to prepare...You've got to get the crib. You've got to get the clothes...You've got to get this...You've got to get that." 

Then after she browbeats NuMatt into submission, she spouted off with: "I just don't want to deal with petty dumb bullshit that has nothing to do with the baby's life."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't all the (stupid & lame) reasons she needs to know the gender to prepare for the baby (and its life) a direct result of being pregnant? With a baby. Who will eventually have some type of life.

Therefore, all of the ideas and suggestions that NuMatt brought up had everything to do with her baby's life.

JesusGod Amber!

If this scene alone isn't an advertisement for "don't go off your mental health medication because of _______________", I don't know what is!

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6 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I love how someone on here calls it "beef-before-haute" or something like that!  That cracked me up.


Same!  OMG!!  I think that scary hayride was a little too scary for Leah's age.  


Druzy - any deets on where his parents have the "family home" in the 'Bu?  I am very curious about this guy and where he comes from.  I feel like he knew what she was saying about "poor bread" or whatever, too.


Did anyone else hear Taylor say something to Bentley, after asking him what he was planning to be for Halloween, to say "I have to do this or they will fine me.."  Can't remember the wording.  What was that all about?

ETA: sorry I jumped the gun; I was curious about that inside joke too!

Bentley was going as Marshawn Lynch. Taylor said: "Tell people when you're at the door you have to do this (speak to them) or they will fine you." I guess it's a running joke that Lynch will be fined unless he communicate or talk to the media. 

Thanks to the power of Wikipedia, this is what I found:

Lynch is known for being reluctant to talk to the media.[151] He was fined $50,000 by the NFL for refusing to talk to the media throughout the 2013 NFL season,[152] which inspired fans of the Seattle Seahawks to fundraise that amount. However, the fine was subsequently pulled back in an agreement that he would be fined another $50,000 if he broke the same rule,[153] after which he donated the money raised by Seahawks fans to pay his fine to charity.[154] Lynch was fined $100,000 on November 19, 2014, for once again refusing to speak to the media.[155] A few days later, after the Seahawks win over Arizona, he answered nearly every question from reporters with "Yeah".[156] On December 21, 2014, after the second Seahawks-Cardinals game, he answered nearly every question from reporters with some version of "Thanks for asking" or "I appreciate you asking."[157]

The only people to get an "extended interview" were Deion Sanders,[158] former teammate turned analyst Michael Robinson, and Michael Silver,[159] in which they discovered his reluctance came from his upbringing and the fact that he felt that he was "forced to do something." On January 27, 2015, during Super Bowl Media Day in Glendale, Arizona, Lynch continued the trend of declining to give detailed media interviews by showing up for five minutes, and answering every question with some variation of "I'm just here so I won't get fined,"[160][161] and the following day "You know why I'm here."[162]

@HoosierJen - I teach high school too. Lynch's answers are exactly why I strongly encourage/force my students to speak using complete sentences! I wonder what his HS teachers are thinking about his speaking skills! :)

Edited by Bridget
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2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

MTV is paying for Catelynn.  I do not believe that MTV is paying for Butch, but next week's episode shows Butch and Tyler at the TX facility --- so the facility is either reducing the treatment costs or providing it for free.

I heard Alan from the the rehab place in Austin say it's for patients who've been through rehab before.

The minute I heard that, I thought "I don't remember Butch ever going in for treatment before. Ever."

If I'm wrong, someone feel free to correct me. No ego here. Just curiosity! Thanks in advance!

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I wouldn't be inclined to read anything into the character of an individual borrower because of it, but that might just be me. 

I wouldn't either.  It sounds like something that benefits the bank in the event of a death until the estate gets settled.  Which would also benefit the children or renters so they don't lose the roof over their head/asset for the estate's debt while the details get ironed out .  I don't know though.  I'm just thinking after his father's death the house needed to be refinanced or his mother borrowed against it.  Maybe it's common in a reverse mortgage?  Again, I have no idea just my scatter brained thoughts.

In case I haven't griped enough about Mackenzie, let me take another jab.  I'm so sick of her smug face and crappy attitude.  She clawed her way onto this show, into Ryan's wallet, and his parents' life.  She wanted this and now she acts like it's such a burden.  Shut up!  Everyone somewhat had a routine going until she stuck her nose into things.  She needs to butt out of Bentley's business and worry about her son and his family life.  Her hatred towards Maci is hurting Bentley and his grandparents, not Maci so much because she looks practically sane thanks to Mackenzie.  I hope Jenn sees her what she is soon.  I seriously can't stand this chick.

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35 minutes ago, Bridget said:

I heard Alan from the the rehab place in Austin say it's for patients who've been through rehab before.

The minute I heard that, I thought "I don't remember Butch ever going in for treatment before. Ever."

If I'm wrong, someone feel free to correct me. No ego here. Just curiosity! Thanks in advance!

I believe he was in some type of program, either while incarcerated, or as a condition of release.

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The sister who is shown staying at Cate and Tyler’s house is the same sister who watched Nova, and the dogs over Thanksgiving. Any clue when the part with no electric was filmed? Great child care choices.

Video in Instagram link:

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12 hours ago, mamadrama said:

If anyone can find a free way for me to watch this, please share. It's not up on Vudu where I usually buy the episode. 

If you google dailymotion teen mom episodes the newest one comes up. Druzy shared the link with me last time and it worked great. I just watched the new episode a bit ago.  Just saw the link was shared earlier on this thread.  Funny enough this time I had no ads at all. Last time I had some but it was less than watching on mtv website. 

Edited by alexa
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4 hours ago, CofCinci said:

MTV is paying for Catelynn.  I do not believe that MTV is paying for Butch, but next week's episode shows Butch and Tyler at the TX facility --- so the facility is either reducing the treatment costs or providing it for free.

When Catelynn went to rehab the first time after Boogie Town fiasco, didn't a black screen pop up with words to the effect of the cameras not being allowed to film anything related to the rehab place? Why is it different this time around? 



Now that I've seen Tyler's sister, I understand why Dr. Butch had to take that poor child's cast off. She was never going to take him to a doctor and I can only assume the original injury must have happened in someone else's care or he might not have gotten medical attention in the first place.

Oh I am sure she got him medical attention, but it likely took several days before she took him to be seen or another family member took him. 

As for the cast on that child's leg, I am sorry, but I still am wondering why Tyler or Kim, at least, didn't take that child to get the cast taken off. I fully understand not wanting to enable drug addicts, but this is a child who had a cast that needed to be removed and have a doctor ensure that the bone had healed. That is not enabling a drug addict, that is helping out a child in need. Lights be damned. The worst thing there is that the kids won't watch television. Assuming there is a television. Once you help an addict with paying their utilities, you will find that the addict will continue to hit you up to pay for it again and again. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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1 hour ago, alexa said:

If you google dailymotion teen mom episodes the newest one comes up. Druzy shared the link with me last time and it worked great. I just watched the new episode a bit ago.  Just saw the link was shared earlier on this thread.  Funny enough this time I had no ads at all. Last time I had some but it was less than watching on mtv website. 

Druzy shared the link above a few hours ago and it worked. 

Glad I got to watch!

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My heart breaks for Tyler’s sister’s kids and their living situation/fucked up family.


How sad that Ryan is more concerned with Hudson than his own son.  Say what you want about Taylor but I have never noticed him treat the 3 kids differently. Obviously Hudson and McKenzie are more important to Ryan than his little brother Bentley will ever be.


Michael, Sofia should be able to ride her scooter ahead of you without running behind her. $10 says that’s one of Farrah’s demands he blindly follows.


Amber is Amber. 

Edited by Purerockfury
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45 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

When Catelynn went to rehab the first time after Boogie Town fiasco, didn't a black screen pop up with words to the effect of the cameras not being allowed to film anything related to the rehab place? Why is it different this time around? 

I don't remember that.  I thought a little was filmed at first but I could be wrong.  Ryan's Texas rehab didn't allow filming though.  I wonder if Butch is at the same facility and they reconsidered the free advertisement opportunity?

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1 hour ago, MissMel said:

I don't remember that.  I thought a little was filmed at first but I could be wrong.  Ryan's Texas rehab didn't allow filming though.  I wonder if Butch is at the same facility and they reconsidered the free advertisement opportunity?

We saw when Cate was dropped off at the rental house after her stint, but nothing at the facility was filmed. This time around MTV has made it clear they are filming her at rehab as they received permission. I am wondering what is the difference this time around? I actually don't think it is a good idea to film her at the facility. 

17 minutes ago, bethster2000 said:

I've been trashing Tyler a lot lately.

I felt terrible for him on this episode.


It is not that Tyler is unworthy of receiving sympathy. It is that what he puts out there and what MTV chooses to show, shows him in a negative light for the most part. 

We can only go by what is shown by MTV. A lot of information is withheld, not shown, edited out, or so distorted with the editing that we can only base our feelings and opinions on what is shown. It isn't as if we didn't know Butch was an addict, but how could we know about Tyler's sister? She isn't a regular on this show. Tyler doesn't speak about her or if he does, MTV edits it out. So much is not mentioned on camera or is left on the cutting room floor. We have gone back and forth defending Tyler from Cate's behavior and we have also ripped him apart for how he has treated Cate and what is put out there on social media. Lately, Tyler has been the target because of his social media tweets and rants. It is not unusual to have moments of compassion or sympathy for some of these cast members at times depending on the situation and depending on what is revealed or shown. We also have the real-time information which can cause opinions to change. Opinions have changed about Farrah, Amber and even Maci. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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7 hours ago, Marisagf said:

They could have done something like dressing up the kids in costumes the weekend before Halloween (or day before, or whatever) and visited the grandparents.  My sister used to do that that and her kids loved dressing up twice.  (Plus the grandmoms gave them nice treats!)   Bentley is older and wants to go trick-or-treating with his friends.  Maci and Taylor should have just stayed in their neighborhood and let Bentley drive the trick or treat agenda since he is the oldest one.  He didn't really look like he cared all that much if he saw Ryan and the gang.  And Maverick and Jayde (so cute in their costumes) are too little to do much trick or treating anyway.  A few close neighbors and call it a night.  Why do they have to get some many people involved and cause a problem?

Normally I'd agree but I didn't get that Jen and Larry caused any of the scheduling problem. I think they got to the area when they were supposed to -- called Maci and said they were getting to her neighborhood. Maci was still getting the other kids ready and said she had to run to her mom's for the golf cart -- which is why I presume she pushed it back to 6. Jen and Larry weren't seen bitching or anything. I think they stayed in the area and made themselves scarce -- and then at 6 they roll up and Jen has coffee in her hand so I suspect they just killed some time at Starbucks. It was their son that pitched a fit bc he had to leave with "Huddles" at 6 and then bitched at his mom with "don't start with that I need to see Bentley crap." Jen and Larry looked like they were ready to roll with whatever the plans were and treat it is a lite hearted fun holiday . . . .

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1 hour ago, Purerockfury said:

My heart breaks for Tyler’s sister’s kids and their living situation/fucked up family.


How sad that Ryan is more concerned with Hudson than his own son.  Say what you want about Taylor but I have never noticed him treat the 3 kids differently. Obviously Hudson and McKenzie are more important to Ryan than his little brother Bentley will ever be.


Michael, Sofia should be able to ride her scooter ahead of you without running behind her. $10 says that’s one of Farrah’s demands he blindly follows.


Amber is Amber. 

Taylor reminds me a lot of Cole from Chelsea's season. Both guys seem like they were born to be fathers. Both seem to genuinely like kids -- and thus don't differentiate between bio kids and stepkids. Which is kind of a quality you need if you're going to have a solid blended family and not leave any kid needing therapy in adulthood crying about how their stepdad loved their half siblings more and their mom sided with the stepdad and their druggie dad rarely came around so they kind of raised themselves..

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1 hour ago, kit.kat343 said:

Was Tyler's sister dressed all in black sitting on the porch looking like the Grim Reaper a cry for help?  Good god, she needs to be sent to rehab.  I hope some of the teen mom money can help her kids.

She has meth skin and meth eyebrows.  

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I think Amber is lying about the date of conception and due date. (I know, we've been over all of this.) But I think that's why they were casually talking about finding out the gender. Rather than being 13-14 weeks here, I think she was closer to 16-18. I fully expect the baby to be a few weeks "early."

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15 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I think Amber is lying about the date of conception and due date. (I know, we've been over all of this.) But I think that's why they were casually talking about finding out the gender. Rather than being 13-14 weeks here, I think she was closer to 16-18. I fully expect the baby to be a few weeks "early."

The amount of weeks pregnant should be on this sonogram screen. This is the best screenshots I could come up with if anyone can edit to zoom in.





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17 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I think Amber is lying about the date of conception and due date. (I know, we've been over all of this.) But I think that's why they were casually talking about finding out the gender. Rather than being 13-14 weeks here, I think she was closer to 16-18. I fully expect the baby to be a few weeks "early."

Yep. 8 to 9 lb. healthy “premie.”

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9 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

In the clip, the tech says 17 weeks 4 days...


So unless this scene was filmed 4 weeks later... (And it very well could have been). Yeah, I think she was further along. I don't believe she's lying because the baby belongs to anyone else-I full believe that the baby is NuMatt's but that she doesn't want to admit that she got pregnant within a week or two of really dating him. 

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Yeah the timing was off she said she was about 13 weeks and going to the doctor to get prenatal vitamins, on return from the doctor she said she was booked in for an ultrasound on Monday and she thought she was far enough along to find out the sex. At the ultrasound she was suddenly 17 weeks so considering she has had shocking morning sickness according to her I think she just didn't want to admit how quickly she fell pregnant. I think this is why she has been cagey about her due date until NuMatt announced it.

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