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6 hours ago, silverspoons said:

I am the jokers updater. Ari is afraid to be alone. She does not want to be alone with Shannon or James before noms. She asked for someone to be with her. Omarosa was ok doing it. Brandi wanted to do her makeup and Ross and Marissa and wanting to talk game or watch others. 

Thanks mutely for the clarification, @silverspoons - I'm still confused, but in an entirely different direction now. :>  What the hell is Ari afraid of?  James is going to steal her lunch money?  Shannon is going to sit on her chest and force her to talk game?

This sort of behavior sets my back up more than a little, because social interaction is the single biggest element of the game.  Isolating yourself is fine when you're one of the plebes - hey, feel free to trash your game however you want - but cowardly and shirking when you're HoH.  Just my opinion.

The house guests have still not been let outside, even though they were told they could go out at 8 p.m.  They were talking about how they didn't quite realize how limited the backyard would be, and how they would have no sun.

They want to go to sleep now (before 9 p.m.).  Metta says he will stay awake to give the Pop TV (After Dark) viewers a show.

Omarosa says she has to be ready for tomorrow (POV comp) in case there is wind and water involved.

Mark seems to be in an odd funk.  

Last I saw of Shannon, she was eating by herself in her bedroom.

Edited by TVFan17
14 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Thanks mutely for the clarification, @silverspoons - I'm still confused, but in an entirely different direction now. :>  What the hell is Ari afraid of?  James is going to steal her lunch money?  Shannon is going to sit on her chest and force her to talk game?

This sort of behavior sets my back up more than a little, because social interaction is the single biggest element of the game.  Isolating yourself is fine when you're one of the plebes - hey, feel free to trash your game however you want - but cowardly and shirking when you're HoH.  Just my opinion.

She is 24 and English her second language.  I think she didn't want to be alone because she did not have the skill to finesse any conversation that.might happen. This is my best guess.  She just did not know how to handle it.

  • Love 1

Lord help us all.  Brandi got her hands on an innocent piece of produce again.  She put it on the kitchen counter.  Hopefully, that will be where it stays.


9:03 p.m. :   

Shannon and James are talking.  Shannon is telling James that Marissa and Ross voted with the group (as to who to nominate).

Shannon says that Omarosa is outright lying, and that it's obvious what she is doing.

9:08 p.m.:  They were finally let outside.  Marissa, Ari, Mark, Brandi, Ross and Oma  are there.   

James finally joined them. 

Edited by TVFan17
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Big Brother Junkie ? 
2m2 minutes ago 
Mark told James he has a good shot tomorrow(bc of the players) James says Ross would take him off.  
Mark "I dont think anybody would take you off"  
James "Ross would" #CBBUS

Oh Brother James. Although moments later Shannon tells him that Marissa and Ross were in on the decision too. I think he knows that cause Ross talked to him in lunge and said Shannon was the target.

  • Love 3
20 minutes ago, Wings said:

She is 24 and English her second language.  I think she didn't want to be alone because she did not have the skill to finesse any conversation that.might happen. This is my best guess.  She just did not know how to handle it.

Yeahhh... uh, no.  

Poor Little Foreign Girl's English skills were apparently serving her just fine when she and Brandi were verbally carving up Shannon to the other HGs.  I doubt Ari was suffering any lapses in enunciation when she was declaring her Block noms, either.  So I'm not really inclined to cut much slack if Ari's mouth suddenly lacks the ability to cash the checks she's been writing with the group.

A large part of my irritation with Ari at this point is, I see her fraidy-cat routine as a significant partial abdication of the role of HoH.  Ari wanted the job, she went for it, she won it, and her and Brandi and Omarosa danced in the GVG BR celebrating afterwards - Yay for Ari, she won HoH!

But the HoH job entails more than sleeping in a bigger bed and having a private bathroom.  You're Head of House for the whole House, not just the HGs you like.  You don't have to like every HG, you can blow off any discussions you have with them as soon as they walk out that beautiful lockable door - but you have to allow the discussions to happen.  It's part of the job.

Just my opinion.  YMMV.


31 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

Lord help us all.  Brandi got her hands on an innocent piece of produce again.  She put it on the kitchen counter.  Hopefully, that will be where it stays.

Brandi named it Peter.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

... Omarosa has come in to talk to Shannon.   She just compared Shannon's sunglasses (sulking) look to the Unabomber.  lol  ...



LOL!  I'm glad someone finally said it in there because they all look like the Unibomber every time they wear sunglasses inside.  Especially when it is paired with a hoodie that the Unibomber also favored.

3 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

 ... Shannon tearfully says she doesn't love the game anymore.  It's too stressful and she is not having fun.

Brandi says that Shannon is taking things too seriously.  It's just a game.

Shannon says she has no one to talk to because everyone else is always huddled up together.  ...



Gag me.  Geesh, Shannon was fine with the game when she was the Big Kahuna.  And she was all for totally isolating and keeping at bay the four guys too and hanging with her own alliance.  Shoe is on the other foot and she becomes some cry baby moaning about how it all isn't fair.  She's the kid in the neighborhood that when the game goes against them takes their bat and ball and walks away sulking.  She seemed so more mature when she held power but who you really are in this game comes out when you are on the block.

Smart of Ari not to want to run into her alone.  Who wants someone throwing an emotional guilt trip at you constantly.  Very VERY smart move to have someone with you at all times. 

And a major secondary benefit is that you show transparency to your alliance so no one thinks you may be making a secret deal to save someone and will then flip on them.  So it keeps things on more an even keel  and prevents some of the last minute paranoia an HOH's alliance-mates often fall into.  More HOH players should learn from this strategy.  Ari is showing some real game smarts here.

Edited by green
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7 minutes ago, green said:

Gag me.  Geesh, Shannon was fine with the game when she was the Big Kahuna.  And she was all for totally isolating and keeping at bay the four guys too and hanging with her own alliance.  Shoe is on the other foot and she becomes some cry baby moaning about how it all isn't fair.

Exactly!   Miss Superfan sucks at playing the game.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, green said:

LOL!  I'm glad someone finally said it in there because they all look like the Unibomber every time they wear sunglasses inside.  Especially when it is paired with a hoodie that the Unibomber also favored.

Gag me.  Geesh, Shannon was fine with the game when she was the Big Kahuna.  And she was all for totally isolating and keeping at bay the four guys too and hanging with her own alliance.  Shoe is on the other foot and she becomes some cry baby moaning about how it all isn't fair.  She's the kid in the neighborhood that when the game goes against them takes their bat and ball and walks away sulking.  She seemed so more mature when she held power but who you really are in this game comes out when you are on the block.

I hate to agree, but I do.  Sigh.  I’d hoped Shannon was made of sterner stuff.

Now to see how well/badly Ross and Marissa handle it when it’s their turn in the crosshairs of the Block.  Somehow I don’t see Marissa handling it very well, either.


2 minutes ago, green said:

Smart of Ari not to want to run into her alone.  Who wants someone throwing an emotional guilt trip at you constantly.  Very VERY smart move to have someone with you at all times. 

If by “smart” you mean “cowardly as fuck”, I’m with you 100%.  

If by “smart” you mean “intelligent” - just my opinion, but I don’t think cutting any lines of communication is ever a good idea in this game.

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, green said:

Smart of Ari not to want to run into her alone.  Who wants someone throwing an emotional guilt trip at you constantly.  Very VERY smart move to have someone with you at all times. 

Very smart. I wouldn't want to run in to any of them if I had put them up for eviction! Can you just imagine the whining ?!

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11 minutes ago, Nashville said:

If by “smart” you mean “cowardly as fuck”, I’m with you 100%.  

If by “smart” you mean “intelligent” - just my opinion, but I don’t think cutting any lines of communication is ever a good idea in this game.

Well how did it work out for Keisha when she went and talked one-on-one to Chuck?  Shannon got paranoid and thought she had made some super secret deal and the next thing Shannon flips on her and Keisha is on the block.  Had she avoided Chuck and had someone like Shannon shadowing her the whole time she would have been sitting very pretty in the game barring her "milk crisis". 

So yeah I mean by "smart," "smart."  Better hiding behind the wall with the Minutemen then marching in scarlet-colored ranks in the open and just asking for it any day.  And I recall the British thought the American colonists were total cowards for "playing" that way as well and not coming out to meet them mano e mano.

As far as her personal feelings go aside from the game angle, I don't think Ari was scared to talk to Shannon so much as not wanting to be put through the tears and guilt-ringing exhausting soap opera that is Shannon right now and I don't blame her one bit.  I wouldn't want to deal with that either.

And yes sometimes it is very good to cut a line of communication so as to keep the trust of your own alliance.  It's a trade off.  And if Shannon wins veto and stays she has bigger fish to fry than Ari as you pointed out regards Ross and Marissa.

I still don't like James as yet but I am coming around on him because boy does he handle the pressure of being on the block well by comparison.  I certainly can't fault him his game play at this point.

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4 minutes ago, green said:

Well how did it work out for Keisha when she went and talked one-on-one to Chuck?  Shannon got paranoid and thought she had made some super secret deal and the next thing Shannon flips on her and Keisha is on the block.  Had she avoided Chuck and had someone like Shannon shadowing her the whole time she would have been sitting very pretty in the game barring her "milk crisis". 

So yeah I mean by "smart," "smart."  Better hiding behind the wall with the Minutemen then marching in scarlet-colored ranks in the open and just asking for it any day.  And I recall the British thought the American colonists were total cowards for "playing" that way as well and not coming out to meet them mano e mano.

As far as her personal feelings go aside from the game angle, I don't think Ari was scared to talk to Shannon so much as not wanting to be put through the tears and guilt-ringing exhausting soap opera that is Shannon right now and I don't blame her one bit.  I wouldn't want to deal with that either.

Makes for boring television, though.  And ain’t nobody in the House toting a rifle, so I don’t think the Minutemen parallel applies.  :)

Edited by Nashville
44 minutes ago, green said:


As far as her personal feelings go aside from the game angle, I don't think Ari was scared to talk to Shannon so much as not wanting to be put through the tears and guilt-ringing exhausting soap opera that is Shannon right now and I don't blame her one bit.  I wouldn't want to deal with that either.

Can you imagine. I would hide under the bed to avoid her.

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I'm actually happy that Brandi is doing so well in this game.  She really is playing a good game. I'm rooting for her and Mark at the moment, and neither of them seem to have pissed anyone off or come across as the threats they are yet.  I wonder how long they will be able to stay off the radar.  I think the US version of Big Brother is far more suited to her strengths than the BBUK format.  Shannon, James, Ross, and Marissa are all more concerned about taking each other out.  With Keshia gone, even Omarosa has wiggle room now to make new inroads.

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So, we got a spoiler from Reddit reliable source vegasforsure on what the veto will be today. It's going to be the Black Box veto, one of my personal favourites. I'm thinking James or Shannon have a real chance to win this. I don't think Ari or Brandi are going to be excited to stick their hands into unknown substances, Ross will likely throw the comp because he's already screwed up his game so he probably won't want to continue, and who knows about Omarosa.

Man, my hope for the rest of this week is that Shannon wins veto, Ari decides to put Ross up, and a surprising twist of events has Ross leaving. Sadly, my dream will likely never be realized. 

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I don't really dislike anyone in the game. Maybe Marrisa but thats just because she gets on my nerves and has a disingenuous feel.

This morning, shade is being thrown every where. Great Big Brother.

Oma now telling Ari she is going to wi. They need to get her to finals and she will win. Talking to her in a very earnest and sincere way. Oh sure !

Edited by missyb
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Just now, Wings said:

Just curious, why do some want Ross gone so badly?  I really like the guy. 

For me, partly because I like Shannon more. I did really like Ross until he completely betrayed Shannon and then began to flip flop on his decisions while HOH. I felt like he got HOH-itis, and I don't think he's played a very solid or loyal game. He's loyal to Marissa, but he can't seem to make up his mind about anything and is trying to ride the middle. Honestly, he just really turned me off with how quickly he threw Shannon under the bus. I mean, I'd rather Marissa left over Ross because I really can't stand listening to her and she's just as implicit as Ross, but I think there's no chance of her going, as Brandi's more suspicious of Ross. 

Also, I'm ashamed to admit that I've grown fond of Egoistical James, so I also kind of want him to stick around another few days. I won't be terribly upset if he leaves, but I think Ross has been disloyal. Plus, I root for the underdogs, and Shannon/James are the underdogs right now. I guess there's just something programmed in me to root for any underdogs on this show. 

Personally, though, my boot order goes like this: Ross, Brandi, Marissa, Metta, Omarosa, and have a Mark/Ari/James/Shannon F4. I like Brandi's honesty, but there is something that really does bug me about her otherwise. Plus, she's in a really good position right now and if she gets to the finals, I think she has a decent chance of winning. So if she does get to F2, I want her to win. I just don't love her personality. Though I don't really hate anyone left. Metta annoys me (I guess that's an unpopular opinion but he does), Marissa annoys me, and others bug me, but I don't downright hate anyone. Even Omarosa isn't the worst to watch, though I'm definitely not fond of her either.

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This is a great time for Brandi to plot further: 

Approach Shannon. Tell her that she and Ari made a mistake listening to others ( first shade)

She will try and convince girls that they need to keep Shannon for the edge over the guys.

She and Ari will help her win veto if they can.

I don't care if you tell anyone. No secrets. Ari and I would work with you to get further. Keep us off the block if possible.

Brandi is a good talker and I think she could negotiate this.

Lets get back to the good gaming. Help them out DR !!

Shannon for the VETO wn.

Note: I wish James and Shannon could both stay in game.

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I would like to see Shannon go next.  I don't want another day or two of her being the designated enemy and living under her covers.  This season is so short and I am bored with the get Shannon movement. 

Get Marissa out (annoying) and see where Ross goes.  I can see Ross, Brandi, Mark and James together.  Ari can go, too.  

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Omarosa/Brandi are thinking about possibly getting James out this week. It's why I'd be totally fine if he won veto. It might be interesting if Brandi convinces Ari to put up Ross instead. I mean, it probably won't happen, but there's at least a chance if they want to keep Shannon around. 

Listen; I just want James/Shannon in the game for as long as possible. Why? No freaking idea. I know both aren't getting to the end. The season's over in a week and a half. Why do I care who stays and who goes on Friday? 

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Listen; I just want James/Shannon in the game for as long as possible. Why? No freaking idea. I know both aren't getting to the end. The season's over in a week and a half. Why do I care who stays and who goes on Friday? 

I think this is the reason why I've been having so much trouble connecting to the celebrity cast versus regular BB players. The accelerated timeline has been great but I almost kinda miss those dull moments, where they would sit around and chill and joke. And it's not like these people don't, just that they don't do it as often or as long (or I'm picking the wrong feed times to watch). The gameplay, though. That's been worth it.

The grass is always greener, right?

  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Omarosa/Brandi are thinking about possibly getting James out this week. It's why I'd be totally fine if he won veto. It might be interesting if Brandi convinces Ari to put up Ross instead. I mean, it probably won't happen, but there's at least a chance if they want to keep Shannon around. 

Listen; I just want James/Shannon in the game for as long as possible. Why? No freaking idea. I know both aren't getting to the end. The season's over in a week and a half. Why do I care who stays and who goes on Friday? 

I do too, but one of them has to go this week.  I would almost rather James stay because he means business. He is pretty straight forwards and willing to challenge statements rather than say nothing ( like Mark, Meta Ross Mari).Shannon has kind of laid down and given up. Unless I hear a diary room saying differently, I do believe she has.

I like the idea of Mari and Ross being on the hot seat. I can see panic in Ross's eyes through the screen. And I like it !

12 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I think this is the reason why I've been having so much trouble connecting to the celebrity cast versus regular BB players. The accelerated timeline has been great but I almost kinda miss those dull moments, where they would sit around and chill and joke. And it's not like these people don't, just that they don't do it as often or as long (or I'm picking the wrong feed times to watch). The gameplay, though. That's been worth it.

The grass is always greener, right?

Interesting thoughts. At this point in my BB life ( from season 1) I like the accelerated  action. BB has become so repetitive in regards to strategy, shaming, blaming, shunning voting that each week plays out like a month ! It appeals more to my diminshing attention span !

Edited by missyb
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4 minutes ago, missyb said:

Interesting thoughts. At this point in my BB life ( from season 1) I am like the accelerated  action. BB has become so repetitive in regards to strategy, shaming, blaming, shunning voting that each week plays out like a month ! It appeals more to my demising attention span !

I do like it. To a point. I guess what I learned about this shortened season is that personally, I like the long game. I like feeling like I'm getting to know the contestants - really know them - over the course of the game and it becomes a little personal to me. I feel the wins and the losses and while the game talk can circle around endlessly, if you're patient and dig through it, there's always the chance of that undiscovered nugget of information that just lights the live feed discussion up.

This time around, I thought I would be like "Nooo! Not Shannon!" but meh. It's almost over. Why get attached when it's gonna be done?

And today I learned that I thought I was an instant gratification person but apparently not. If nothing else, a season of Big Brother teaches me something about myself or my life (that I conveniently forget and relearn again next season).

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Note to Production: if I switch camera away from the Marissa feed it means I don't want to listen to her. It does not mean I want her on all 4 cameras.

It's funny how she thinks no one is ever allowed to be mad at her. 

Please Brandi I am begging you to summon your evil powers down on Ross aND Marissa.  I so nauseous from their constant damage control with the whole house act.

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I like that it's fast because it's not getting boring and I love that every person is playing and the game talk is nearly constant, but the pace makes me not invested in any of them and I do miss being super invested. But I have the summer season to become consumed by who will win veto and whatnot so I kinda like being able to just sit back and enjoy it without it eating my brain entirely.

Shannon is talking to Marissa and Ross now, so she hasn't given up completely. 

My best case scenario would probably be Shannon winning veto and James going with Ross/Marissa becoming the next big target. I just want James gone because his manner of speaking is so condescending and it drives me insane plus I still just find him so embarrassing to watch. But Shannon going is fine too because I'm tired of her sniffling lol. 

I just want Ross and Marissa to be targeted soon! Or Brandi because I'm hoping she'd go crazy. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Oh man, Marissa/Ross are not in a good position at all.

I am now feeling positive that Ross is a backdoor option, if James or Shannon win veto. Hell, if Ross doesn't win veto, he could go up, even just to scare him. 

James also called the two out for being the reason him and Shannon are on the block. Well, also Brandi, but he's not wrong that they had a hand in it.

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So much scrambling. I haven't been able to watch since Ross and Ari talked to Shannon and James told them Oma told him he is becoming the target. Can anyone sum up ? Could the target turn to Oma for spilling the beans. Of course it was self serving because she want s Shannon out and Brandi was starting to change her mind.

Edited by missyb

God, Ross just told James about the Backdoor Shannon plan that was supposed to happen when Ross was HOH. Dear Lord, Ross is going to get demolished by so many people today. Brandi's planning to confront Ross and Marissa.

I also gotta respect James for not holding grudges and wanting to focus on the present. It's nice to see that he'll likely not be a bitter juror.

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