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44 minutes ago, BBHN said:

I don't know, KFB. I like to think LVP would do a much better job taking care of Ken's future toupees.

Well, perhaps that is what she did - shaved the poor dog except for what we can see and saved them for Ken's Toupees.

I know people and dogs that suffer from alopecia - it doesn't conveniently not affect certain areas (as in Giggy's not affecting his face , back butt area and paws)

I don't doubt LVP loves Giggy, but I think her fitting him in those ridiculous outfits further exacerbates his problems only because she wants him to be the perfect accessory.

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17 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Well, perhaps that is what she did - shaved the poor dog except for what we can see and saved them for Ken's Toupees.

I know people and dogs that suffer from alopecia - it doesn't conveniently not affect certain areas (as in Giggy's not affecting his face , back butt area and paws)

I don't doubt LVP loves Giggy, but I think her fitting him in those ridiculous outfits further exacerbates his problems only because she wants him to be the perfect accessory.

Here are the facts. https://www.merckvetmanual.com/dog-owners/skin-disorders-of-dogs/hair-loss-alopecia-in-dogs

Edited by WireWrap
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I have a budget brand Giggy of my own -- he has this condition as well. It started out as patchy hair loss and then progressed to where he is bald everywhere except his head and lower legs. He looks exactly like Giggy's wrong side of the tracks cousin.  He wears a sweater now, but the clothes came after the hair loss, not before.  He does not have a sailor suit ...yet.

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Kyle’s blog title, “What grade are we in?” is kinda perfect imo.

LVP likes her “friends” to be loyal sidekicks like every mean girl in middle school - but they are absolutely not supposed to create a bond between themselves because the queen bee is actually too insecure for that.

imo LVP’s abrupt exit showed her discomfort at the interaction between Kyle and Dorit, because their connection was a possible threat, because LVP’s lack of empathy had been outed, or both.

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7 minutes ago, Jel said:

I have a budget brand Giggy of my own -- he has this condition as well. It started out as patchy hair loss and then progressed to where he is bald everywhere except his head and lower legs. He looks exactly like Giggy's wrong side of the tracks cousin.  He wears a sweater now, but the clothes came after the hair loss, not before.  He does not have a sailor suit ...yet.

We rescued our Malt when he was 5 weeks old. He suffered low blood sugar which caused his hair to fall out, it was temporary though, and he lost all the hair on his torso and upper legs as well. While he went through this, we dressed him every day and put sunscreen on him (per our vet's instructions) even though he had clothes on. Also, he wore his clothes all the time, it didn't matter if he was inside or out, he was always dressed until his hair came back in when he was about 9 months old.

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Just now, nexxie said:

Kyle’s blog title, “What grade are we in?” is kinda perfect imo.

LVP likes her “friends” to be loyal sidekicks like every mean girl in middle school - but they are absolutely not supposed to create a bond between themselves because the queen bee is actually too insecure for that.

imo LVP’s abrupt exit showed her discomfort at the interaction between Kyle and Dorit, because their connection was a possible threat, because LVP’s lack of empathy had been outed, or both.

If anyone showed "lack of empathy it was Kyle and Dorit, not Lisa. Both Kyle and Dorit were disrespectful to Lisa by being late and then not apologizing for keeping her waiting and they put their need to argue over petty stuff above Lisa's need to celebrate the lawsuit's dismissal. 


1 minute ago, Jel said:

But does he have a sailor suit, WireWrap?!

No sailor suit but he did have a purple "pimp" outfit, including a hat, that our son/dil bought him! I loved his yellow rain slicker the most though, he looked so cute in it. For the most part he wore T shirts and sweaters until his hair grew back and after he was clipped/groomed. When he got older, he wore sweaters most of the time, we lost him 4 months ago at 16 1/2 years old, we still miss him so very much. 

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6 hours ago, dosodog said:


Doso is a 99 pound dog.


Now that's a lap dog!


  • Quote

    Which leads to tiny dog, barking, leaping up and grabbing Doso by throat or muzzle and occasionally drawing blood 


That is terrible!

  • Quote

    Which leads to me politely saying, "I'm pretty confident if the roles were reversed, this would not be funny to you.  One day, your dog will bite the throat of a dog who hasn't had training and could possibly be killed by a dog who is protecting themselves.  Will it still be funny then?


Do they get it -- or still laugh or act like you're overreacting?



I love dogs of all sizes. 

Come sit by me and be my friend.

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On 2/9/2018 at 10:07 AM, breezy424 said:

The dinner was planned before she found out about the dismissal.  Supposedly, she found out that day from the guy at the their shelter and he asked her out to celebrate.  She told him she couldn't because she already had plans to have dinner with Kyle and Dorit.  I don't think we even heard who planned the dinner.  Probably production but it had nothing to do with the case being dismissed.

I don't know what Lisa expected the other women to do.  It was dismissed.  Congratulations.  How much more can they say or discuss?

I have a friend who can expertly turn every conversation into one about:  her daughter, hair, gym or upcoming vacation.  It gets annoying.  That's how Kyle ended the LVP lawsuit convo:  "We don't need any more negativity.  Speaking of negativity . . ."  It annoyed me and she's usually my favorite.  And Lisa was already annoyed at being kept waiting for half an hour with no apology or acknowledgement of the fact.

10 hours ago, renatae said:

I didn't think she was a villain because she cared. I thought she was a jerk because her tone of voice when speaking to the server was snappish and she didn't keep her volume down to keep others from overhearing. Perhaps she feels it is fine to treat servers in such a way, but in any event, I felt she went out of her way to make a point of her disapproval to the other guests.

Right!  Just like her screaming about the limo driver being lost and it was the worst trip of her life right in front of him on tv!  Rude and impolite.

5 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Have any of the HW hosted all of their wives under their home roof or vacation home ? I’m thinking Palm Springs for Kyle but maybe not all the wives slept over, just Kim etc. 

The only one I can think of was Joyce and they treated her so badly that maybe it scared the rest of them off!  ("You are da hostess!  You must get in da pool!  Now!")

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17 minutes ago, princelina said:

Right!  Just like her screaming about the limo driver being lost and it was the worst trip of her life right in front of him on tv!  Rude and impolite.

6 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I think what actually turned me off from the beginning with Dorit was one of the first episodes last season where she told her nanny to "hurry it up" in a really rude and condescending way. I can't remember her exact wording but it wasn't the kind way that Rinna chats with her help (yeah I know she has her issues but I dig that she treats her staff like friends.)

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Just watched the episode again and I think Kyle’s instincts are right about LVP not really caring about her - at least as a real person; she cares plenty about Kyle as a bit player in her drama.

A big tell was those words Lisa said about leaving - that it (the encounter) was nothing about her; that what was about her was more important than anything else spoken about.

Lisa’s apology to Kyle was an “if” cop out, while Kyle’s had no “if” - interesting that Lisa didn’t qualify her apology for leaving, which included Dorit. Kyle fell for the apology but she’s right that Lisa scapegoats her, something Kyle’s family probably set her up for.

Lisa really wanted Kyle to give her the more comfortable chair, and took it when Kyle got up for something. She gets off on fucking with people, and tailors her tricks to the personalities and weaknesses of her victims, oops, friends - scapegoating and belittling Kyle and, since Dorit is all about her own glam squad and look, purposely not telling her about the photo shoot.

Glad these women are finally seeing through LVP’s pretty pink facade!

Edited by nexxie
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4 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I don't doubt LVP loves Giggy, but I think her fitting him in those ridiculous outfits further exacerbates his problems only because she wants him to be the perfect accessory.

The way Lisa handles the puppies is odd too, gushing about them but holding them in the air and petting them in a rough way rather than cuddling them so they feel secure like Ken. Everything is a big show!

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When Kyle complained that Dorit knew personal stuff about Lisa and she didn't, I thought it was odd and sort of telling about her intelligence that she didn't even think that perhaps Dorit had asked Lisa about her parents. It might then occur to Kyle that she had never asked LIsa about her parents. That would take about 5 additional seconds of thinking. Maybe what Kyle is upset about is that she's just dumb.

Edited by bravofan27
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9 hours ago, dosodog said:

This!  Little dogs that receive training, discipline and guidance are generally confident and secure enough that they are NOT yappy.  Yappiness comes from insecurity and fear most of the time.

I say most of the time, because like people, some dogs just like to be heard.

Doso is a 99 pound dog.  The 2 of us spent money and time training.  Partly because we knew he would be big and mainly because he's a dog!  They need boundaries.  So many little dog owners don't understand the value because when their dog gets agressive, they look like ferocious teddy bears.  Cute, but still ferocious. 

There have been too many occasions while walking Doso where he is attacked by a smaller dog.  It usually starts off with,

  • "My dog is friendly and just wants to play"
  • Which leads to tiny dog, barking, leaping up and grabbing Doso by throat or muzzle and occasionally drawing blood 
  • Small dog owner laughs and says, "Look how tough you are, he could eat you".  No apology, no concern for Doso whatsoever 
  • Which leads to me politely saying, "I'm pretty confident if the roles were reversed, this would not be funny to you.  One day, your dog will bite the throat of a dog who hasn't had training and could possibly be killed by a dog who is protecting themselves.  Will it still be funny then?"

I love dogs of all sizes.  Most pet people try to do right, but so often can be very lazy about the training of their dog.  It's a lifelong process. 

This a thousand times.  When we got our first, I signed him up for puppy kindergarten, my husband thought I was crazy.  Then we went.  When we were getting our second he asked me if I had signed the new puppy up.

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1 hour ago, bravofan27 said:

When Kyle complained that Dorit knew personal stuff about Lisa and she didn't, I thought it was odd and sort of telling about her intelligence that she didn't even think that perhaps Dorit had asked Lisa about her parents. It might then occur to Kyle that she had never asked LIsa about her parents. That would take about 5 additional seconds of thinking. Maybe what Kyle is upset about is that she's just dumb.

I will fully admit that no Bravolebrity is really likeable. It’s all pretty much shades of horrible and pick your poison. And many of the lines we draw in the sand about these people are completely arbitrary and subjective. So why Lisa V doesn’t really bug me, but Kyle has worked every nerve I have since day one likely says a great deal more about me then either of them.

so disclaimer aside, I would have Thrown Kyle in the ocean after she had talked over me trying to tell her why I was upset so she could lecture me about how I really feel. Controlling bitch says what? Kyle’s special combination of overly maternal with adults AND hyper competeivness AND the fact that she’s wildly insecure AND her just basic mean girl self is too much for me for any length of time. I can not. But that’s just me.

Also, Mauricio orders for her? Okay, I guess if you like that sort of thing...

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11 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Potluck... I think when you have  a group at your home for 24 hours it’s nice not to eat out, get in the car, get dressed up etc. I think Teddi provided the main meals and their potluck offerings were to make it a nice day of several meals of grazing . Help yourself , enjoy the beach. Casual. Have any of the HW hosted all of their wives under their home roof or vacation home ? I’m thinking Palm Springs for Kyle but maybe not all the wives slept over, just Kim etc. 


I believe Camille hosted everyone at her vacation home in Aspen.  It was the trip where Taylor climbed into a suitcase while weeping and ranting.  Camille had a chef to cook all the meals.

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1 hour ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I believe Camille hosted everyone at her vacation home in Aspen.  It was the trip where Taylor climbed into a suitcase while weeping and ranting.  Camille had a chef to cook all the meals.

 Oh yes, Taylor in the suitcase! That’s when it really became obvious that she was a wreck - hopefully she’s doing well now.

Edited by nexxie
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I really liked this episode because I like it better when there isn't a clear cut winner/loser in the action. I could completely understand why LVP was hurt that her news wasn't getting more traction. It was a big deal to her and she wanted to talk about it. She doesn't open up that often, and when she wants to, folks want to talk about something else. On the other hand, I could completely see where Kyle was coming from, and LVP's actions in abruptly leaving when Kyle was clearly upset hurt her feelings. They were both wrong and they were both right. Kyle said as much in her blog.

IMO these ladies really care about each other. It is deep, but it is complex. They are both forever haunted by past betrayals, rather real or imagined. Kyle is forever going to feel like she cares more about LVP than LVP cares for her. She always feels like the friendship doesn't exist on a level playing field. Might be true, might be all in Kyle's head. Might be that Kyle expects to much from LVP, although I don't think this is true.  LVP is forever haunted by accusations that she is manipulative in her relationships and looking to keep control of the narrative. She longs for loyalty, but loyalty doesn't always look the way she thinks it should. 

The only person that was really in the wrong all the way around is Dorit, IMO. It seems clear that she wants to play both sides, and likes the fact that she is in the middle. I think that LVP in particular will regret the fact that she ever trusted Dorit. 

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I really don't care for Teddi trying to play as if she's so down to earth. I find her stupid potluck passive aggressive. She shouldn't try to force her style on others. Clearly this group is not the type who would enjoy that kind of party. When new housewives say they never watched the show, I usually roll my eyes in disbelief, but in Teddi's case it might be true. A good hostess would try to make her guests comfortable. 

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As much as I like LVP and Kyle, separately or together, I always thought their relationship was best summed up by this bit from an old TrashTalkTV recap:


These two are gonna try to just accept that each are assholes in their own way and focus their wrath on others. It’s called teamwork, and it’s very sweet. Kyle will turn again eventually, but Lisa gets off on being betrayed so you go, you two.

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18 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

LVP didn't mention the condition until later on.

I'm still giving her the side eye. It is a condition she didn't mention on the show until people were giving her negative comments.

Notice how the "skin" condition only affects where poor Giggy is CLOTHED. His face and paws don't seem to be an issue because these are "uncovered"

I think she caused it, the abrasion or allergic reaction to the fabric could be one cause. Dogs shed, more so when overheated to bring their core temperature down, Putting that dog in velvet, the fabrics chafe the skin and make him hot.

UMMMM That is the way the Alopecia effects him. That is not an unusual presentation of the condition.

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2 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

One of my friends just posted that he went to school, with LIsa V and that he had dinner with her last night. I’m dead.

A close friend, JennyMominFL? Any chance you could get us some deets?

(Vicariously dying here too!)

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15 hours ago, FozzyBear said:

Also, Mauricio orders for her? Okay, I guess if you like that sort of thing...

I thought it was cute. It wouldn't necessarily be cute with just any couple. But I, in no way, think Mauricio is a controlling ass of a man or that Kyle is his little doormat. They'd probably eaten there before and he knew what she liked. 


12 hours ago, gundysgirl said:

I really liked this episode because I like it better when there isn't a clear cut winner/loser in the action. I could completely understand why LVP was hurt that her news wasn't getting more traction. It was a big deal to her and she wanted to talk about it. She doesn't open up that often, and when she wants to, folks want to talk about something else. On the other hand, I could completely see where Kyle was coming from, and LVP's actions in abruptly leaving when Kyle was clearly upset hurt her feelings. They were both wrong and they were both right. Kyle said as much in her blog.

Took the words right out of my mouth. I enjoy that more as well, because it makes them seem more human and not just characters. We're all flawed and we do "bad" things from time to time. I could empathize with both of them, and also find fault with their behavior. Life is messy. It's not always black and white. I find them more relatable in these moments. 

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2 hours ago, Jel said:

A close friend, JennyMominFL? Any chance you could get us some deets?

(Vicariously dying here too!)


1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

We all need a crumb of a detail, something...anything! 

He’s not my best friend but we are reasonably close. He’s actually a British actor who played a companion on Doctor Who and has done cool things like work with Charlie Chaplin and Omar Sharif. He’s regaled us with tales of meeting the Queen and riding on Iron Maiden’s personal airplane , but what really has me excited is Vanderpump. He hasn’t said anything more on Facebook but I’ll see him at an event in LA and then he’s coming back to Florida with us. I’m sure I can get some details

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37 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I thought it was cute. It wouldn't necessarily be cute with just any couple. But I, in no way, think Mauricio is a controlling ass of a man or that Kyle is his little doormat. They'd probably eaten there before and he knew what she liked. 


Oh I didn’t think it was controlling and I don’t think Mauricio is controlling. Although by nature I do think Kyle is maybe a bit more of a follower then a leader. Nothing wrong with that. Kyle is extremely maternal and I do think has a tendency to define herself by how she’s taking care of others. Which can be lovely. The ordering thing was more the cutesy-pie nature of it that irritates me.  It’s like a Jr High version of what marriage is like. Which is how Kyle’s inner world often seems to me, like she’s still after a Jr High version of the perfect life. Again this is more me then her. Kyle is my special hell.

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11 hours ago, Higgins said:

UMMMM That is the way the Alopecia effects him. That is not an unusual presentation of the condition.

I've seen early pictures of Giggy all fluffy and healthy. When LVP appeared on WWHL with Giggy and Grandma Wrinkles a "hairless" cat, she looked at the cat with disgust. Not a look you'd give another animal if your own suffers from a skin condition.

Someone mentioned LVP said that some expert told her to have Giggy put down. Said expert never appeared on the show, so this is just what LVP says occurred. Was said expert a vetenarian? Did said expert say this because Giggy is in pain or in the last stages of a terminal illness? I don't believe her.

I sure would believe if LVP chose to instead have Giggy wearing all different types of "hats" instead of clothing, his alleged alopecia would present itself on top of Giggy's head, just where the hat or brim would be covering his skin.

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3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

When LVP appeared on WWHL with Giggy and Grandma Wrinkles a "hairless" cat, she looked at the cat with disgust. Not a look you'd give another animal if your own suffers from a skin condition.

I dunno --  a hairless cat (bred to be hairless) could cause a different reaction, imo, versus someone's reaction to a beloved pet suffering from a condition.  It also might have made her think something like, "My dog suffers from no hair, so why would you breed an animal to live with that situation?"  (And  - to be clear -- I  don't think LVP is purehearted or above being manipulative, I just think her love of animals is 100 percent genuine.)

Edited by film noire
tripped over a tulip wineglass and had to clean up the mess
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33 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I've seen early pictures of Giggy all fluffy and healthy. When LVP appeared on WWHL with Giggy and Grandma Wrinkles a "hairless" cat, she looked at the cat with disgust. Not a look you'd give another animal if your own suffers from a skin condition.

Someone mentioned LVP said that some expert told her to have Giggy put down. Said expert never appeared on the show, so this is just what LVP says occurred. Was said expert a vetenarian? Did said expert say this because Giggy is in pain or in the last stages of a terminal illness? I don't believe her.

I sure would believe if LVP chose to instead have Giggy wearing all different types of "hats" instead of clothing, his alleged alopecia would present itself on top of Giggy's head, just where the hat or brim would be covering his skin.

KFB, I mentioned the thing about being being put down. I recall the episode ... Lisa read an email on screen from the breeder (Giggy's breeder) who was concerned Giggy was suffering from his skin condition and said s/he thought Giggy should be put down.  In that epi we saw Lisa give Giggy a bath -- he was bald on the back, and we also saw her telling him to stop scratching.  It was one of the few times I remember seeing Giggy walk, but as he was walking along he stopped to scratch. 

My dog is a rescue and we got him when he was about five. He was starting to lose his hair a little bit at that point, (maybe that's why he ended up at the rescue?), but still had lots on his back.  It was patchy loss, but he was very far from bald.  He'd lose a bit, then regrow some, but eventually it all went away, except for the hair on his head (and face) and his lower legs.  

I understand your skepticism, and might share it myself if I didn't have my own dog who has the same condition. I know I didn't cause it, and would honestly prefer my dog had fur.  And also, I just don't think Lisa would feel the need to cause hair loss in her dog just so she could dress him up -- I think she'd do that anyway, without even blinking an eye.

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48 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I've seen early pictures of Giggy all fluffy and healthy. When LVP appeared on WWHL with Giggy and Grandma Wrinkles a "hairless" cat, she looked at the cat with disgust. Not a look you'd give another animal if your own suffers from a skin condition.

Someone mentioned LVP said that some expert told her to have Giggy put down. Said expert never appeared on the show, so this is just what LVP says occurred. Was said expert a vetenarian? Did said expert say this because Giggy is in pain or in the last stages of a terminal illness? I don't believe her.

I sure would believe if LVP chose to instead have Giggy wearing all different types of "hats" instead of clothing, his alleged alopecia would present itself on top of Giggy's head, just where the hat or brim would be covering his skin.

Giggy developed Alopecia very early, so early that the breeder wanted him back (to destroy him) and exchange him for another pup. It is a practice that some breeders do, kill any pup that has a genetic/severe/permanent health condition and exchange it for a healthy one. When we rescued our Malt, he had all his hair as well, he lost it about a month later (luckily, his all grew back).

I posted a link a little while back, read it please, do a little research. It will give you the correct information about dogs suffering from alopecia. Wearing clothes does not cause alopecia nor does it make it worse/better. 

There is no alleging, Giggy has alopecia and is an ambassador for the National Alopecia Foundation helping to ease children suffering from it. I have no doubt that they, NAF, required the proper paperwork/proof that he does in fact have the disease/condition. 

Oh, and per Dina, Mrs. Wrinkles smelled bad, even Andy disliked holding the cat because of it.

Edited by WireWrap
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6 hours ago, WireWrap said:


I posted a link a little while back, read it please, do a little research. It will give you the correct information about dogs suffering from alopecia. Wearing clothes does not cause alopecia nor does it make it worse/better. 




Maybe kungfu already did research and it differs from yours. Its kind of presumptuous to tell someone "do a little research".

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On 2/7/2018 at 12:30 PM, SnarkAttack said:

We have a weekend camping place in the midwest too. 

Potlucks are like a box of chocolate:  You never know what you're gonna get! 

I like the variety and it's a good way to obtain new recipes.  I do think it's cheating to pick up prepared food from the store; it's not as fun but I do understand that people may be short on time. 

I had a neighbor that wouldn't eat other people's food at a potluck because she didn't know under what conditions the food was prepared and that eeked her out.   Totally valid.

I'm the same way. I've seen way too many episodes of Hoarders and I will never, ever eat food at a potluck unless I personally know the person who brought it.  There's just too many nasty people out there. 

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Wait,  LVP has a lot of dogs,  large and small.  Yet the only dog I have seen wearing clothing is Giggy. So, not sure why his diagnosis is in question.   I can tell you that clothing does not cause a dog to lose hair. My rescue Bichon was almost bald on his back and rear when I got him, due to untreated allergies.  Poor fella had been eaten up by fleas and had a flea allergy.  He had to wear clothing until his hair grew back.  I am in TX,  so no way was the little guy going outside without coverage. After about a year,  his hair came back with a vengeance.  He is now a huge fluff ball at 15. So, no.  Clothing doesn't cause hair loss. If anything,  it prevents damage to the skin when they try to scratch and helps the raw skin to heal. 

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