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S09.E04: Meri's Crazy Idea

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33 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Is that what it is?  I've noticed that Mykelti seems to smirk a lot. IT's like she is just so smart, so great, so all over things, that it's a turn off.  I know teens can be know it all, but, hers is different.  IT's like a 45 year old woman know it all.  It's odd.  ??? Plus, she looks very mature to me.  At times, she looks quite pretty, but, then she appears so pious. but without the religion. If that makes any sense. 

I thought at her bridal shower, Mykelti looked liked a middle-aged woman.  It was so at odds with her maturity level.

This wedding has to be the epitome of tacky!  Yes, FT, TACKY!  He is so damn lazy, and smart-assy, I am just appalled.  Did they focus on him to make Kody look good?  

1 minute ago, gunderda said:

I was wondering the same.... like could they even actually use those???? 



It kind of fits, considering this collection of dildos.  I fill that they have gone on well past their expiration date.

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:


This wedding has to be the epitome of tacky!  Yes, FT, TACKY!  He is so damn lazy, and smart-assy, I am just appalled.  Did they focus on him to make Kody look good?  

DING, DING, DING......we have a win-nah!


And I'm sorry, but in the TH's, which were clearly taken recently, Mykelti looks pregnant. From the grown out, blond roots, to the way she was sitting, and there seems to be additional weight in her face.  Please. tell me I'm wrong. Please.  FT reproducing....just no. 

  • Love 10

WTF was up with Mykelti's eyebrows in the THs? I have never seen eyebrows that start out high over the inside of the eye, and slant straight downward to the outside of the eye. She looked like she had two caterpillars over her eyes that just happened to be crawling up to meet in the middle of her forehead, and had stopped to rest. 

  • Love 15
11 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

WTF was up with Mykelti's eyebrows in the THs? I have never seen eyebrows that start out high over the inside of the eye, and slant straight downward to the outside of the eye. She looked like she had two caterpillars over her eyes that just happened to be crawling up to meet in the middle of her forehead, and had stopped to rest. 

I have just started using an eyebrow pencil and these people make me super paranoid that I look like an idiot every day.  But I at least have eyebrows to follow as a guide..they're just light so you can't see them very well without. this crew went a bit plucking crazy!

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I have just started using an eyebrow pencil and these people make me super paranoid that I look like an idiot every day.  But I at least have eyebrows to follow as a guide..they're just light so you can't see them very well without. this crew went a bit plucking crazy!

I am very dark-haired, but I have hardly any eyebrows. I never really have. I have to draw most of mine on with a pencil and I get paranoid too! But then I watch this show, and I feel better. The eyebrows here are BAD. My mantra is - less is more. And don't try to make them perfect; that's how they end up getting too filled in!

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I've lost count of all the benefits of having a sister wife they have expounded over the years that they just don't even live. The biggest being raising each other's kids. Robin has a family member living with her as a nanny and Meri flat out said she is here NOT for babysitting. So what is the point of all this again? 

Where is Meri's mom's sister wives?

The wives share in raising the kids - except when they don't. They lean on and support and trust each other - except when they don't. They provide safe harbor for each other - except when they don't. They love and respect each other - except when they don't. They share the burdens of managing large households - except when they don't. They rise above jealousy and favoritism - except when they don't.

The crazy-making cherry on top of this dysfunctional cake is how they refuse to admit to any of the above. Polygamy is a multi-level marketing scheme. MLM sellers recruit others to join the company as fellow salespeople so that they can become the recruiter's down line distributors. Meri had a good, long run as bottom bitch until her down liners rebelled and bolted. Which always happens, eventually.

And yes, where are Bonnie's sister wives? Did they give her the boot?

  • Love 24
15 minutes ago, DeeReynolds said:

There was so much clutter in Mykelti's apartment it was making me twitchy. And I'm not even a neat freak! I also noticed that there were wooden letters on top of her fridge that spelled out Paedon. Paedon doesn't live with her, does he?

I caught a quick glimpse of the P.......n, I thought it stood for Padron, FT last name.  They are wearing wedding bands before ceremony, doesn't surprise that they would jump the gun on decorating too. 

Unless, as I suspect, FT is already resident there, that would explain the undue wear on the Lazy-Boy where Mykelti sat making her fake flowers.

  • Love 18
5 hours ago, greekmom said:

I was wondering during the TH if she's isn't trying to look more latina.

Mykelti was dying her hair before she met Tony.We know Maddie dyes hers, too.  In a sea of blond sisters and mothers and to some extend father (yuk), I think they are just trying to stand out. They stand out, alright. And not in a good way. 

Mykelti's apartment was nasty. That ripped up recliner and old dirty looking couch. Just yuk and depressing. Did she and FT live together before marrying? 

I don't remember hours and hours of Maddies wedding prep footage. I remember cake tasting, wedding dress shopping, and not a whole lot more. This is going wayyyy too far. Show the effing wedding day already!

  • Love 6

Did FT's greasy head make all the wear on the Kody chair in "Mykelti's" apt.?  Kody has greasy looking shitty hair too, but it's hard to believe he's a frequent visitor, since the state of UT is so down on polygamists.  Maybe they just found it outside near the apartment garbage dumpster.  

I have used and passed down furniture too, but that recliner just looks like a goner.  They could at least put a cover on that sad sack.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, gunderda said:

I have just started using an eyebrow pencil and these people make me super paranoid that I look like an idiot every day.  But I at least have eyebrows to follow as a guide..they're just light so you can't see them very well without. this crew went a bit plucking crazy!

Right there with you. I am so ultra careful with my own brows!

Mykelti appears to be part of the Sharpie Eyebrow fad. I have been chortling over pix online. 

I think the whole storyline about Meri’s Mom was grafted on by the writers. We know she really did buy the house and keep it as a B&B. That is boring so I think the Mom storyline was added for controversy. 

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

So I spoke to a friend of mine who sells for LulaRoe and has done well enough that she can pay her mortgage (under $1,000 a month) without using money from her full-time job. If Meri is as successful as it's been said (I read elsewhere that she's a top seller), I bet she could pay for the home without everyone contributing.

According to a quick public records search, it looks like the sales price was $346,500.  I seriously doubt that Meri’s legging sales could cover a mortgage on that. ?

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, Jazzhands said:

According to a quick public records search, it looks like the sales price was $346,500.  I seriously doubt that Meri’s legging sales could cover a mortgage on that. ?

Okay. It was just a thought since a lot of MLM sellers with huge customer numbers tend to live comfortably. No need to eye roll. 

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Jazzhands said:

According to a quick public records search, it looks like the sales price was $346,500.  I seriously doubt that Meri’s legging sales could cover a mortgage on that. ?

Exactly!  And let's not forget that there are a LOT of other expenses involved with a house.  You have to heat that old thing... water... etc. etc.

2 minutes ago, kicotan said:

Exactly.  The voice coach is an alleged professional, whom somebody paid for those 11 lessons.  They should get a refund.

I'll bet they NEVER let a soul know that they were the voice coach for her.  lol

  • Love 3

Me 20 minutes ago: Oh, hey, look!  I can buy Sister Wives on Vudu for only $24.99!  SOLD!  Hahaha now I can properly snark!


Me now: ZOMG I just watched Kody bitch about table arrangement and listened to FT's phlegm-talk and $24.99 would buy me like 7 coffees I want my &^%$ money back.


sigh....brb, I have some binge-watching and self-loathing to do right now.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 17
7 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I must live in an alternate universe. Meri has a home with a mortgage, has been selling LuLaRoe for how long? That qualifies one for a $350,000 mortgage? I have to know what her down payment was and I need to know now!!!

AND she has an existing mortgage already!  How in the world did she qualify - unless she put down TLC as a source of income?

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

AND she has an existing mortgage already!  How in the world did she qualify - unless she put down TLC as a source of income?

The bits of information I have gleaned, (thanks to investigative posters on this site), is that the purchase price was $346,500.  If Meri's mother sold her house and gave whatever she had to Meri this might have reduced the mortgage amount to a manageable amount for Meri.

 Only guessing on this aspect, as I haven't heard figures on how much the mothers house in Lehi sold for, or if she did contribute to the purchase.

  • Love 3
41 minutes ago, Jazzhands said:

According to a quick public records search, it looks like the sales price was $346,500.  I seriously doubt that Meri’s legging sales could cover a mortgage on that. ?

That place is seriously overpriced, income property or not. And fuck any sentimental value. You can buy a newly constructed, absolutely stunning McMansion with a home warranty for less than that in Utah. Chalk up another incredibly stupid/delusional Brown family financial decision.

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I was impressed with Kody just coming out with the truth about he and Meri......they are just a typical divorced couple who live on the same street.  

well, kinda.  He said they're "like" a divorced couple who live on the same street.  No Kody, that's actually what you are.  Really.   Although, to be fair, he is sounding more level headed lately.  

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Why IS that, do you think?  Are they just defensive?  Or just miserable?

A little of both IMO. They won't make eye contact so there's no chance for a smile/head nod. I used to try making superficial yet genial small talk, maybe about something in their shopping cart while we're in line. "That is so cute! I've been looking for one of those." A grunt or a sigh in return, possibly, but nothing more. Nada, zip, zilch for me but they do chat up the cashiers.

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

well, kinda.  He said they're "like" a divorced couple who live on the same street.  No Kody, that's actually what you are.  Really.   Although, to be fair, he is sounding more level headed lately.  

Oh my goodness...that is one sentence I never thought I would ever see in these threads, ever!

And we have FT to thank for it.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, DeeReynolds said:

There was so much clutter in Mykelti's apartment it was making me twitchy. And I'm not even a neat freak!

The clutter was indeed bad. I hate clutter and fight against it all the time at home, which is tough because my husband likes a "lived-in" house and my sister, who moved in with us after her divorce, loves having stockpiles of things filling up the cabinets and spilling over onto the counters. Errrgh.

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Why was Truly rolling on the ground anyway.  I sometimes get the idea something might be wrong with Truly.  They don't show her much on the show.

Mikelti is the worst of both Kody and Christine.  Sometimes I feel sorry for FT!

I think Truely is simply starved for attention and acts out to get it.  When a child is one of 18, and not one of Robyn's spawn, you do what you have to do to be noticed.

Savanah seems to be another forgotten child, but she seems to withdraw and defensively chooses not to compete for attention.

  • Love 12

I felt so sorry for Ysabel this week.  I know exactly what she is going through.  I have scoliosis and wore a brace when I was her age.  The brace does not fix the curve- that is never going to go away.  What the brace does is stop it from getting worse as she is growing so that she can avoid surgery.  She will stop wearing the brace when a doctor deems she is done growing.  I do, however, think it may be beneficial to her that it is out in the open, because it was painful for me to have to discuss it everytime someone wondered why I was suddenly larger and wearing  oversized clothing.  I hope it doesn't damage her self-esteem.  I was naturally a size 3 but had to wear size 7 clothing with a brace.  I  know that a size 7 isn't large, but young girls are always touchy about their weight.  Hopefully she'll come out this as a strong young woman!

  • Love 22
10 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

I think Truely is simply starved for attention and acts out to get it.  When a child is one of 18, and not one of Robyn's spawn, you do what you have to do to be noticed.

Savanah seems to be another forgotten child, but she seems to withdraw and defensively chooses not to compete for attention.

Awe, I know! Savanah seems like such a little sweetheart too! 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

AND she has an existing mortgage already!  How in the world did she qualify - unless she put down TLC as a source of income?

Why not use TLC as a source of income. It is a legitimate job, after all. I would really like to know what each wife and Kody are paid per episode or season? Evidently enough to live comfortable in the cul de sac and buy a second home!  

  • Love 3
21 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

The clutter was indeed bad. I hate clutter and fight against it all the time at home, which is tough because my husband likes a "lived-in" house and my sister, who moved in with us after her divorce, loves having stockpiles of things filling up the cabinets and spilling over onto the counters. Errrgh.

Yes! And there was this weird, curtained off area with stuff stacked up. It took me awhile to learn less is more tho. I thought that about the pawn shop guys house too! It was a beautiful house but so much stuff everywhere.

  • Love 3
41 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Why not use TLC as a source of income. It is a legitimate job, after all. I would really like to know what each wife and Kody are paid per episode or season? Evidently enough to live comfortable in the cul de sac and buy a second home!  

I read $50.000 per episode, but please don't quote me on that as I don't know how reliable it was.  I don't fault Meri for using TLC as a source of income - but it certainly is not all her income to declare.  There is a large family it is divided between.

Edited by Kyanight
Oh! I thought I wrote it wrong.
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

A divorced couple who live across the street from each other and are on a reality show about 1 big happy family.  It’s like an old movie I saw where a  style/ homemaking columnist is forced to admit she can’t cook or clean house. A Barbara Stanwick movie, maybe?


Christmas in Connecticut!  I watch that movie every Christmas. 

They would have needed fewer flowers if Mykelti didn't have eight attendants.  I had one Maid of Honour and no bridesmaids when I got married, and we each had a small bouquet.  There were no corsages for the mothers, no boutonnieres for the men, as I really don't like people wearing flowers.  (And when I was told by a florist that I "had" to have corsages and boutonnieres, I chose another florist. The mothers each carried a rose, the men wore pocket squares. I gave in and my 92-year-old grandmother wore a corsage, as she was 92. But I digress.)

I have always been under the impression that weddings were traditionally held close to the bride's family home, so that the family that was paying for the wedding did not have to also fork out money for hotel rooms.  My husband's sister did not do this - we all traipsed several hours away for her wedding, spending two nights in a hotel, so she could get married near her in-laws, and 17 years ago I thought that was really odd and kind of selfish.  But Maddie got married in Utah, and now Mykelti as well.  I guess I was wrong?

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Pingaponga said:

Christmas in Connecticut!  I watch that movie every Christmas. 

They would have needed fewer flowers if Mykelti didn't have eight attendants.  I had one Maid of Honour and no bridesmaids when I got married, and we each had a small bouquet.  There were no corsages for the mothers, no boutonnieres for the men, as I really don't like people wearing flowers.  (And when I was told by a florist that I "had" to have corsages and boutonnieres, I chose another florist. The mothers each carried a rose, the men wore pocket squares. I gave in and my 92-year-old grandmother wore a corsage, as she was 92. But I digress.)

I have always been under the impression that weddings were traditionally held close to the bride's family home, so that the family that was paying for the wedding did not have to also fork out money for hotel rooms.  My husband's sister did not do this - we all traipsed several hours away for her wedding, spending two nights in a hotel, so she could get married near her in-laws, and 17 years ago I thought that was really odd and kind of selfish.  But Maddie got married in Utah, and now Mykelti as well.  I guess I was wrong?

I am thinking that it might be for the reason that TLC was covering the wedding and there is much more interest for the audience if they see familiar faces.  Imagine if all of Tony's family is as stoic as his parents.  Certainly nothing wrong with that, but it doesn't make for fun viewing.  TLC is not about to fly out tons of people and put them up in a hotel for a wedding.  That might have been part of this season's contract - that the wedding be a big part of the season (which it is) and it needed to be local.

2 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Christmas in Connecticut!  I watch that movie every Christmas. 

They would have needed fewer flowers if Mykelti didn't have eight attendants.  I had one Maid of Honour and no bridesmaids when I got married, and we each had a small bouquet.  There were no corsages for the mothers, no boutonnieres for the men, as I really don't like people wearing flowers.  (And when I was told by a florist that I "had" to have corsages and boutonnieres, I chose another florist. The mothers each carried a rose, the men wore pocket squares. I gave in and my 92-year-old grandmother wore a corsage, as she was 92. But I digress.)

I have always been under the impression that weddings were traditionally held close to the bride's family home, so that the family that was paying for the wedding did not have to also fork out money for hotel rooms.  My husband's sister did not do this - we all traipsed several hours away for her wedding, spending two nights in a hotel, so she could get married near her in-laws, and 17 years ago I thought that was really odd and kind of selfish.  But Maddie got married in Utah, and now Mykelti as well.  I guess I was wrong?

I'm completely annoyed and will complain to anyone who will listen when someone has what I think is a dumb wedding that puts people out. :P My husband has three cousins who live out of state, about five hours away. The first one to get married had a church wedding about ten minutes from the hotel, and a reception about ten minutes from the church - not too bad, I suppose. The third one to get married had a church wedding about 15 minutes from the hotel, then an outdoor reception that got rained on terribly, at a venue about 20 minutes from the church. Ugh. The second one got it right - wedding ceremony and reception both held at the hotel where the guests were staying - PERFECT! 

  • Love 5

Does Kody not realize he is a fool saying - we are acting like a divorced couple living on the same block?  That is exactly what you are idiot!?  What did you expect?

Mykleti's apartment was like an episode of Hoarders.  I wanted to send an interventionist over as soon as possible.

I am SO pleased that it is cold and windy and horrible at her wedding.  Well deserved.  How are these parents going to keep up with paying for all these extravagant weddings? I don't understand?  By the time they get to younger kids there will be NONE of this money left.  They have kids to send to college - which should be a priority over big weddings. 

Edited by jenifaohjenny
  • Love 19
17 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I read $50.000 per episode, but please don't quote me on that as I don't know how reliable it was.  I don't fault Meri for using TLC as a source of income - but it certainly is not all her income to declare.  There is a large family it is divided between.

$50,000 each person per episode? If yes, then no wonder she can afford 2 homes! If they split that between the 5 of them, it's still in the or close to 6 figures per season. I'd say these grifters are doing just fine for themselves. And here I spin my wheels trying to figure out when and how I can retire. Life just isn't fair sometimes.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, FakeJoshDuggar said:

Mykelti looked like she could have melted into that sofa when Tony said that Kody had been married four times that “they knew of.” I wonder what the Brown reaction was to that?

He is pretty disrespectful to her family and they seem to bend over backwards to accommodate him. Its really a huge red flag that I wish Mykelti would notice.

  • Love 20

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