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Andrea & Lamar: These Arm(ed Robber)s of Mine

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Coming from very different backgrounds; Andrea is a Mormon and single mother of 3 kids, while Lamar is a former up-and-coming rapper who is finishing up an 18 year stint in the big house. Andrea has not shared Lamar’s past with her Mormon community for fear of being scrutinized. Will she be able to introduce Lamar into her strict religious community, while Lamar attempts to pick up his rap career where he left off 18 years ago?

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I know incorporating Lamar into her community is a real long shot for Andrea, but really, how much of a dating pool does she have available locally?   In the first place, she wants her man to adhere to the rules of the Mormon faith.  I don't know her personal preference for race/ethnicity or the Mormon position on inter-racial union, but there probably aren't a lot of men available to her, particularly if she wants an age-appropriate single Mormon man who is A-A.

I can kind of see her thought process that she might have a better chance shaping a guy to suit her needs when he hasn't really made all that many decisions for himself since he turned over his pager to the authorities 18 years ago.  She's thinking it might be possible to channel him in the direction she wants him to go while everything in the whole world is still new to him except the familiarity and trust he has with his pen-pal/girlfriend.


On the other hand, maybe the fact that Lamar still identifies as a Crip should be more of a consideration.  Wooogah.

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Ok, Andrea is all into saying NO SEX berfore marriage because of her Mormon "faith", but it's totally ok to get naked and do other stuff cuz "it's alright as long as it ain't  sex".  Ok, sweetie, when your convicted felen gang banger  boyfriend takes off all his clothes, and does everthing BUT actual intercourse with another woman (or man...hey 18 years is a   l o n g   time, then you can't be upset about him having an affair, or "gettin' wid sumbody" or "hookin up" cuz, hey, according to you it ain't sex. Yeah.... right.... I'm thinking after you having a hissy fit over some car wash attendant being nice to your man, and you get all freaked out about it, and giving him all kinds of hell about it "yeah, you just go get it from her" attitude it won't be long before he "ain't having actual sex" with somebody else. Lamarr...you just got a view of your new cellmate equipped  with a hypocite deluxe edition. 

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I'd heard that Andrea was going to object to Lamar flirting with someone, then I didn't even catch it when asking for "the works" at the car wash was his hanging offense. 

I lol'ed when she scolded him with:  "You ain't gettin' none of this tonight."  Bad news, Lamar, now it's 18 years plus one more night.


But I kind of softened up when she admitted she'd portrayed herself as a sexual gymnast when in reality she's pretty darn clueless.   That's a tough spot to be in--trying to avoid sex with a giant man who's been waiting 18 years for sex with a woman, when you're sharing his bed and you've bragged about your skillset.

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Andrea is a hot mess. I’m still stunned she got mad and threw such a fit when Lamar’s daughter and baby mama came to his Welcome Home party. The man has been gone for 18 years. She’s a mother herself, yet she can’t envision why the daughter would need a ride from her mom to the party? Why is she so threatened by Lamar’s ex of over 2 decades ago? Take a chill pill Andrea, it’s not that serious. 

Moving on, next she takes her kids on a 10-hr drive just so they can meet Lamar, even against their own wishes. She has brainwashed her youngest into thinking Lamar is her daddy. Not even realizing the little girl be heartbroken when her “papa” shows her little to no interest? 

At least her teens have some sense to be cautious. I feel bad for them though. Nyla (older daughter) has good reason to be worried and wary. Why is Andrea no concerned that Lamar might rage on her son, molest her daughter, or hit her kids? She  thinks she ‘knows’ him so well to put her kids in the lions den. Wow. How well can you get to know someone without physically being in their presence?  Lamar was in a controlled environment spinning his web. He definitely has some prison PTSD. Who knows who the real Lamar is?  That doesn’t mean he’s ready for all the rigors of marriage, parenting, and raising kids. 

Andrea is so desperate to have a Wedding that she is ignoring everything, all the red flags. She is ignoring everyone’s thoughts and feelings, her own children, even Lamar’s. He doesn’t even have a job or any worthwhile prospects (he wants to resurrect his rap career, remember?). How can he do that and be a good Mormon, Andrea? I’m willing to bet that Lamar will never convert, so what then Andrea? Are you really going to uproot your whole life and kids to LA for Lamar? California is expensive, how will you afford that while you are studying for the real estate exam Andrea? Think, think,  you dumb bitch!

Andrea, I’ve done more thinking about your relationship in the last 6 minutes than you did in the last 6 years. He definitely has cheated on you already a dozen times (if not more) since he got out of prison. You live 10 hours away and he can’t or won’t move to Utah, not now, not ever. This is all a fantasy. The reality is, it’s not going to work out. Lamar is not your Happily Ever After girl, trust me, you can do better. For the sake of your children, before you bring them even further in this mess, listen to all the warning signs.  Cut your losses, go back home, and pick up the pieces. 

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12 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Somebody needs to open up a business, where desperate women like Andrea can have a wedding with all the frills.... but not really marry anyone. Just have the dress, the cake, etc. I’m serious, go on Shark Tank and pitch this idea and Mr. Wonderful would be all over it.

Oh, Gawd, this was too funny -- and a great idea, to boot!

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On 2/17/2018 at 7:01 PM, StayingAfterSunday said:

Oh, Gawd, this was too funny -- and a great idea, to boot!

but she doesnt just want the wedding...she wants the FAAAMMBBBILY...excited to see this lifelong gangbanger/rapper turn mormon?

Edited by Christi
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 That wedding was a farce.   Just as foolish as those FUBAR shoes she made everyone wait four hours for, cuz it was HER wedding, after all. Her dress was equally fugly, too.  

She didn't CARE about another living soul.  Not Lamar.  Not her kids.  Not friends or family who traveled to be there.  No one.  Never saw or heard such a bellowing, miserable cow in all my life and I've lived a looooong time.   She needs to go lay down by her dish.  

Andrea deserves whatever she gets, but the sad fact is that her kids will be the one's who'll pay the price of her stupidity and selfishness.   Pretty sure Lamar isn't  quite the prince she has in mind to spend the rest of her life with.   Hope the sex works out, because nothing else will. 

I seriously doubt she's what he was expecting, either.  Surprise you two morons!  I bet their reality will be a nightmare.   Hope we can get updates on this fiasco. 

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Watching this episode for the first time. This girl is full of shit. Strict Mormon, my ass. Does she not realize the cameras are rolling? Lol, what an idiot. First they get each other off in the car wash. Then they go to the hotel room and shut the door on the camera crew. No one cares what you do, dumb ass, but you make yourself look so fkn stupid, lying to the camera and then engaging in activities that directly conflict with your statements. It's probably best to just not say anything and go about your business. IF, and this is a huge IF, you are in fact part of a religious group that shuns pre-marital sexual activity, you would be definitely booted to the curb for what YOU just publicized to the nation on tv. Sigh. 

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On 3/10/2018 at 8:40 AM, cooksdelight said:

This show is getting faker by the minute. They knew each other from high school in CA.


Interesting, he seems a few years or at least a decade older than her.  Anyway - she will be back, cant wait to see her kids drink their soda or tang from champagne flutes again  

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7 hours ago, Spike said:

They are on the spin-off that starts June 14.

I always forget about this snark-worthy couple because of all the newer train wrecks, but now that I've been reminded, Andrea was the worst on that season. I thought her kids were amazing, though. Goes to show that some kids can turn out decent even if their parent(s) are total turd burgs. 

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I'm with Hannah94 re: being psyched to see the kids again. They were pretty terrific. While my memory is a lot clearer on the other couples, who were on the most recent season, my recollection is that I found Lamar one of the least offensive of pretty much ANY of the individual couple members I've seen on the show. 

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8 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

I'm with Hannah94 re: being psyched to see the kids again. They were pretty terrific. While my memory is a lot clearer on the other couples, who were on the most recent season, my recollection is that I found Lamar one of the least offensive of pretty much ANY of the individual couple members I've seen on the show. 

He was kind of chill and low-key, whereas Andrea was Queen Drama Turd Burglar (much like Scott and Lizzie, or Tracie and Clint). But yeah, he pretty much disappeared in the background compared to some of the others.

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But as far as the new spinoff goes, just narrowing down the individuals, Lamar and maybe (gasp) Marcellino are the only ones I could even imagine not wanting to punch out in the first 15 minutes of conversating. 

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
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On 5/27/2019 at 12:18 PM, PamelaMaeSnap said:

But as far as the new spinoff goes, just narrowing down the individuals, Lamar and maybe (gasp) Marcellino are the only ones I could even imagine not wanting to punch out in the first 15 minutes of conversating. 

I'd go bananas if I had to have a conversation with marcellino.  He is just one of those guys who is convinced he is the smartest guy in the room and will try to show off with big words he doesn't know how to use.

Id talk to Lamar though.

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I’m new to this show and I can’t believe it took me so long to watch this! So Andrea is all about the wedding and family thing but wasn’t she married before? Is she a new convert to Mormonism or did she grow up in the church? She seems to only be concerned about her religion when it comes to the full act of sex. 

I had to laugh at the irony of her not letting her kids cut their own food because she was concerned for their safety, even though they are old enough, but she is willing to bring a convict into her home. Okay... Of course it was news to me that she knew him from high school. 

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On ‎12‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 9:02 AM, Drogo said:

Lamar is a former up-and-coming rapper

I didn't watch season 1, and just read back to the start of this thread, and this surprised me. Lamar is almost as inarticulate as Michael (though not as mush mouthed) and I see no sign of the verbal agility or imagination rappers need to display.

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38 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

Andrea was on Instagram spilling the tea earlier tonight. I found this one screenshot that pretty well sums it up.


*sigh* I don't know if I believe all of this, because I've been to the worst parts of LA and people generally were not that bad.  

But I feel bad for people who say they need help, she probably does.  I'm glad she is safe.  SLC to LA is a big change, even though I don't think it's as bad as she paints it.  

She has probably been led to believe that her life is only worthwhile if it's a black version of the Andy Griffith show.   And she must marry a fellow mormon or someone willing to convert.

I bet it is hard for her to meet someone who would make the family life she wants in SLC.  I'm not going to go to deep, but an older rubenesque black woman with three kids who is slightly crazy and controlling is probably a hard sell in SLC.

I hope she takes it easy for a while.  Maybe she will find a future husband and maybe she won't, but she shouldn't go this insane either way. 

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There were some other screenshots I didn’t bother to save as it was pretty much more of the same. One the one hand I feel sorry for her and her kids. On the other, she should not go looking for love in all the wrong places ... mainly, stay away from prison dating sites.

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18 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

I'd agree, except that Priscilla is 7, which means she got pregnant with her 8 years ago. Her  kids are now, what, 16 and 14? so it'd be ridiculous to tell them something like that now, but back when she was pregnant, they were 8 and 6. so, it makes sense she'd tell them some bullshit like that at the time and then she probably just never bothered to follow-up with the truth years later and they never asked, so she stupidly just thought "well maybe they still think that's how i got pregnant." Or maybe she just felt awkward having that convo w/her kids (and it is, indeed, an awkward conversation to have). 

I do agree it's a bit hypocritical of her to be so offended and intolerant of people smoking and drinking and meanwhile paying a trustee to fuck her prison boyfriend (boyfriend, at that, not husband, so pre-marital sex, a big no-no in the mormon church) in the closet. But given that it was 8 years ago, is it possible she was less religious/devout at the time? IDK, I'm just saying, 8 years is a long time.

I'm unclear on Andrea's background, like whether or not she grew up Mormon or if she's a convert. 

I'd be interested to know more about how Andrea came to the Mormon church too.  

Was it through an ex-husband who fathered nyla and Tennyson?  If so, it seems odd that he would be a Mormon man and accept being completely out of their lives upon divorce.  

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1 hour ago, not you again said:

Except that they're not.  It's been documented that they knew each other in high school and she's been panting after him ever since.  Until she got him and he wouldn't be bossed around, lol.

I'd love to know where her older 2 kids' baby daddy(ies) are, and when she moved to Utah and took up with the Mormon community.  If that's been reported, I missed it.

I hate this whole season so far.  I do a lot more fast forwarding than watching, it seems.  90DF is no better this time, either.  Lots of fake storylines and baloney.  I want to watch real idiots, not fake ones!  ha

Are we sure about that? I thought that was just a rumor, but if you have an actual link that confirms it, please share 🙂 

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