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S04.E01: Winds of Change

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Yeah, Jazz is really not mature enough to have that kind of major surgery, imo.  I'd be very wary of her protest.  It's permanent and very drastic.  I believe dad when he says he sees trouble signs.  I mean, the food issue is concerning and the self isolation?  Plus, she is still wanting to look like a mermaid (hair color scene she said that's the look she wanted.....nothing wrong with that, but, it's more along the lines of a child thing, not an adult woman.)  All factors to consider in such a huge decision.  But, if mom signs for the surgery, can dad veto it?  I think dad is the person paying, so, I suppose he will be the one who decides.  I hope he holds his ground.  Jazz's argument about not having privacy in college for post surgery recovery is so lame.  It is possible to get a private dorm room.  You have to pay extra, but, it might be worthit for a semester.  It beats having it too soon and the risks involved there.  Also, I can't imagine that Jazz would actually go away to college.  She seems to be rather stunted in her development and I would expect her to enroll in community college and stay at home for a couple of years.  Nothing wrong with that. 

I wonder if they have considered that the surgery may not be such a panacea.  It may not bring Jazz all of the happiness that she thinks it will.  And she may be very disappointed should that happen.  I wonder if she is still in counseling, like the doctor require for the surgery.  It just seems like there are a number of things that need to happen before surgery that Jazz doesn't seem to focus on. 

Can someone tell me what you can do for your house in a hurricane? Besides ward off looters afterwards?  I've been through one hurricane and it was brutal.  The only thing you could do was sit in the dark and sweat.  I wish I had gotten out.  Based on what I have seen, it's just foolish.  Get out to safety, should be the motto, imo, especially, when you have the means.  Like if you can afford to fly out of the state, get a hotel, etc. Why not do it?

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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5 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

I wish Jazz the best in her journey but....she does come off as being very spoiled. 

I was wondering where she got the money to buy all that takeout food. Does she even have a job? Her mom seemed shocked to find it but she is obviously giving her lots of money to buy it.

This episode was really trying to build up the drama about Hurricane Irma but I think we would have heard something if her dad had gotten swept away in it.

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At least Jazz is upfront about her eating issue.  She's not in denial and claiming that she barely eats anything.  That's hard to deal with.  Still, I hope that she can get a handle on it. 

 There are so many activities that she could be doing and for some reason she isn't.  Like what about swimming?  Florida has great weather for that, almost year round AND they have a pool in their back yard. Also, didn't she used to play soccer and do gymnastics?  Recall how adapt she was on that jumping thing last season?  I just can't figure out why she's not more active and why she's sitting in her room and watching tv so much?  I wonder what Dr. Bowers will have to say about it.  She's a super smart lady, imo.  If you look around here, I posted about why they didn't consult with her a long time ago.  (Before it came out on the show.)  I hope that she will see things for what they are and really insist that things are right for the timing of the surgery.  She's been doing this for a long time, though, I'm not sure how many she has done on teens.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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27 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I wonder if they have considered that the surgery may not be such a panacea.  It may not bring Jazz all of the happiness that she thinks it will.  And she may be very disappointed should that happen.  I wonder if she is still in counseling, like the doctor require for the surgery.  It just seems like there are a number of things that need to happen before surgery that Jazz doesn't seem to focus on. 

Can someone tell me what you can do for your house in a hurricane? Besides ward off looters afterwards?  I've been through one hurricane and it was brutal.  The only thing you could do was sit in the dark and sweat.  I wish I had gotten out.  Based on what I have seen, it's just foolish.  Get out to safety, should be the motto, imo, especially, when you have the means.  Like if you can afford to fly out of the state, get a hotel, etc. Why not do it?

I agree.  I think it's been fairly clear for at least a season, to me at least, that bottom surgery isn't going to address and cure all of Jazz's issues like she thinks it will.  She needs intensive counseling before any surgery happens to avoid any post-surgery letdown which will only exacerbate the problems she already has.  Like you say, her father sees all the warning signs, so he would be a fool to allow them to move forward.  Jeanette, during that part in Jazz's room, got hit in the face with a big red warning flag as well.  Hopefully, she doesn't just brush it off.  That was alarming that Jazz was hiding food like that.  Also alarming was that she was just chilling in her bed with a mini-crockpot like it was no big deal.  She could have at least put some in a bowl.


As for the hurricane, there isn't much you can do other than hunkering down and waiting it out.  As a South Floridian, I live about 20-30 min north of Jazz's family in Palm Beach County, I really identified with the anxiety they all felt about Irma.  I mean, it all came flooding back watching them.  Irma was an absolute beast of a storm and to watch a Category 5, never before seen in the recorded history of storms, aiming right at you was anxiety-inducing, to say the least.  And the track was all over the place.  No one knew until hours before when it was almost on top of the state what it was going to do.  The track shifted from both coasts of Florida and back again, up the spine of the state before it ended up coming up the west coast.  As for getting out, that's easier said than done in Florida, especially South Florida.  If you're in South Florida (either coast), even if you have the means, there's only a few routes up and out of the state and those got jammed pretty quickly.  I remember people leaving up to a week before the storm because it was forecast to be so bad.  And the only real option was to get out of the state by going North, so everyone, if you were leaving, had to go that direction.  For some hurricanes, just going to the opposite coast would get you out of the danger zone, but that wasn't an option since Irma was way bigger than the state is wide and it was forecast to curve up the entire state.  My family and I have never evacuated, but we did seriously consider it for the first time with Irma because it was such a strong storm.  Irma came through during the daytime as well which makes a difference.  When hurricanes come during the nighttime, you can just go to sleep and wake up and it's over.  With this one, you were up and anxious the whole time.  I really felt for Jeanette to be worried about her kids and husband and not be able to do anything.

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yeah, Jazz is really not mature enough to have that kind of major surgery, imo.  I'd be very wary of her protest.  It's permanent and very drastic.  I believe dad when he says he sees trouble signs.  I mean, the food issue is concerning and the self isolation?  Plus, she is still wanting to look like a mermaid (hair color scene she said that's the look she wanted.....nothing wrong with that, but, it's more along the lines of a child thing, not an adult woman.)  All factors to consider in such a huge decision.  But, if mom signs for the surgery, can dad veto it?  I think dad is the person paying, so, I suppose he will be the one who decides.  I hope he holds his ground.  Jazz's argument about not having privacy in college for post surgery recovery is so lame.  It is possible to get a private dorm room.  You have to pay extra, but, it might be worthit for a semester.  It beats having it too soon and the risks involved there. 

I wonder if they have considered that the surgery may not be such a panacea.  It may not bring Jazz all of the happiness that she thinks it will.  And she may be very disappointed should that happen.  I wonder if she is still in counseling, like the doctor require for the surgery.  It just seems like there are a number of things that need to happen before surgery that Jazz doesn't seem to focus on. 


Maturity isn't one of the listed criteria for this surgery, given its nature and end goal, but yeah, both parents need to sign off on it, if I recall correctly what Dr. Bowers has told me when asking her this, given the USA's legal age of health consent. Jazz needs to also know that a lot of us who wound up having it, yes, feel complete, but you really get a sudden onrush of, "Oh shoot! I did this! Yay! But what am I going to do now?" That can hit pretty hard and be something of a letdown, just in general, not even talking general post-surgical depression which can happen to anyone, in any number of procedures.


The privacy argument tells me Jazz does not know enough about dilating, which, no easy way to put that tactfully, I suppose, though would like to tell her, if receptive to it when I see/chat with her next (we're long distance friends). Dilation for life, it's not a recovery process, it's a maintaining process. Even if she had this surgery right this second, she still would be doing so at college in a dorm; Bowers has you do it 3x/day for 15 minutes a session the first 3 months, 2x/day for 15 minutes a session the next 9 months, and then once daily past that point, subject to change if you need to dilate more or less frequently, person depending. Granted, as the numbers stated, that is not nearly as much, but it's not as clear-cut as it was made out to be at the dinner table. Also very surprised Skyler didn't mention in response to the pee feeling question that you actually feel like a garden hose going everywhere for the first few weeks, given the urethra re-routing and positioning, which can be a bit awkward.


I can't speak for Jazz, but for me and many others who transitioned at a young age, it brought us feeling complete in that area. But that said, it doesn't solve everything in life on the whole, given from what I was told is unrelated (non-body related) depression. Therapy will be required to get a letter for the surgery stating Jazz is of sound mind to make such a decision. Has to be an MD as well, which is interesting given all of the therapists she sees, if memory serves, could not qualify for as much.

Edited by J. Matazz
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As far as the sitting around bingeing on snack food while bingeing on TV, a lot of us have that habit, but I didn't pick it up until I was in my 40's and was divorced and living alone with no job and my kids all left the nest. If I were doing that at age 16, well that is just sad! I do remember one time in college, having my period, and going to a drug store and buying magazines and some candy and lying in bad eating the candy. That sort of started a habit of eating candy while reading magazines when I had cramps. But in general I was living my life at 16 and in my 20s,  I was on the gymnastic team and in a few clubs and going to school or out with friends. I was not sitting in front of the TV eating. Well partly we only had 5 channels. I guess the streaming is really bad in a way because these young people can binge watch shows all day long. In the olden days you watched what was on, so laying around all day watching TV was not really a thing, you were stuck watching whatever came on. Your favorite show at night, not 8 hours straight of TV while snacking.  This is a terrible habit. And it is sad to be so sedentary at age 16. 

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Jazz needs to also know that a lot of us who wound up having it, yes, feel complete, but you really get a sudden onrush of, "Oh shoot! I did this! Yay! But what am I going to do now?" That can hit pretty hard and be something of a letdown, just in general, not even talking general post-surgical depression which can happen to anyone, in any number of procedures.

Gosh this is the same sentiment I have heard from amputees in my support group. I am preparing but haven't made the final decision but yes it really is a final decision, no going back.

I would think that someone who lacks the emotional maturity and has some depression would have a difficult time with the surgery.

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I think it's interesting how so many of the people who have eating issues on tv, have it with fast food.  Things like burgers, fries, pizza, etc. Maybe, it's just me, but, I have never found that food very appealing.  Even as a child, I wasn't crazy about it.  Having a weakness for sweets, I get, but when it comes to actual food, I can't imagine thinking the drive thru stuff is delicious.  I wonder what it is.  I mean, it can't be the taste, right?  I guess that I was pretty fortunate.  Growing up, my mom cooked a homemade meal every night for dinner, so we weren't dining on fast food that much.  It seems that Jazz's mom  focuses on healthy food.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I'm getting mixed signals with this show. Jazz (and her parents)  is portraying herself as being alone a lot, not having friends, being extremely shy and spending most of her time in her room. However, we are seeing her with many friends, going to social groups and interacting just fine, going to conventions, and doing public speaking engagements. She certainly is very opinionated and not shy. There is a disconnect somewhere. She needs to make up her mind as to how she wants to be perceived. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I think it's interesting how so many of the people who have eating issues on tv, have it with fast food.  Things like burgers, fries, pizza, etc. Maybe, it's just me, but, I have never found that food very appealing.  Even as a child, I wasn't crazy about it.  Having a weakness for sweets, I get, but when it comes to actual food, I can't imagine thinking the drive thru stuff is delicious.  I wonder what it is.  I mean, it can't be the taste, right?  I guess that I was pretty fortunate.  Growing up, my mom cooked a homemade meal every night for dinner, so we weren't dining on fast food that much.  It seems that Jazz's mom  focuses on healthy food.  

I love it. In fact, I had a Whopper for lunch 2 days ago, and pizza yesterday. The reasons may go back to my childhood (my mother was bulimic, she wasn't a good cook, etc.) but I really like the taste of them. 

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4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I think it's interesting how so many of the people who have eating issues on tv, have it with fast food.  Things like burgers, fries, pizza, etc. Maybe, it's just me, but, I have never found that food very appealing.  Even as a child, I wasn't crazy about it.  Having a weakness for sweets, I get, but when it comes to actual food, I can't imagine thinking the drive thru stuff is delicious.  I wonder what it is.  I mean, it can't be the taste, right?  I guess that I was pretty fortunate.  Growing up, my mom cooked a homemade meal every night for dinner, so we weren't dining on fast food that much.  It seems that Jazz's mom  focuses on healthy food.  

I think it’s the accessibility. They made it pretty clear that Jazz’s MO is to zip out, hit up whatever’s convenient, and bring back the food to eat at home. Fast food really lends itself to this routine.


I was really surprised to see that her meal out with Skylar was just drive through food eaten in a car. It makes sense that Skylar might not want to talk about her bottom surgery experience in public, but the whole setting was very My 600-Pound Life.

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I think it's interesting how so many of the people who have eating issues on tv, have it with fast food.

There is significant scientific evidence that processed food activates some of the same areas of the brain as heroine. In fact, processed food (of which fast food is one) has been engineered to enhance cravings for the sugar/salt/fat combination.  Since learning this I have become aware that something as benign as white bread kicks in the craving in me for more than I need to satisfy my hunger. There are studies where drug addicted rats chose processed food over  cocaine or heroine. I envy people who can eat just a little and not want more since I have tend to avoid that kind of food completely.  So great that you grew up eating healthy food. (I did too - at least 2 vegetables every night. Actually, that lifestyle allowed both my parents to outlive their siblings by 30 years each.)

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I love good healthy meals, but, I am a sucker for sweets. That's my weakness.  (Pies and cake.) I have to limit treats to once a week.  I pick one day that I just eat pretty much anything that I want for one meal. (Within reason.)  And I have a desert if I like. I prefer homemade dishes though.  I'm not crazy about processed food.   It's served me pretty well and I've lost about 47 pounds. 

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On 1/3/2018 at 1:23 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

At least Jazz is upfront about her eating issue.  She's not in denial and claiming that she barely eats anything.  That's hard to deal with.  Still, I hope that she can get a handle on it. 

 There are so many activities that she could be doing and for some reason she isn't.  Like what about swimming?  Florida has great weather for that, almost year round AND they have a pool in their back yard. Also, didn't she used to play soccer and do gymnastics?  Recall how adapt she was on that jumping thing last season?  I just can't figure out why she's not more active and why she's sitting in her room and watching tv so much?  I wonder what Dr. Bowers will have to say about it.  She's a super smart lady, imo.  If you look around here, I posted about why they didn't consult with her a long time ago.  (Before it came out on the show.)  I hope that she will see things for what they are and really insist that things are right for the timing of the surgery.  She's been doing this for a long time, though, I'm not sure how many she has done on teens.  

Jazz has no desire to be active and do things she once enjoyed because she doesn't know who she is or what she likes anymore. From a very young age she has been given hormones and god knows what else that have totally fucked up every aspect of her natural development. She will never be satisfied.

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I'm not sure what effects the hormones have, but, certainly, she's not the only person who is in that situation.  Do all teens who take those type of hormones behave similarly?  And, if she didn't take them, then how much worse would she feel, considering how her body would not look like she thinks it should.  If she stopped taking the hormones now, what would happen to her development? 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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In the context of all Jazz's other issues with weight, self-esteem, depression, etc., the mini crock pot in bed is not good. 

All that aside, I thought it was friggin hilarious. That is some ultimate introvert luxury right there. Buffalo chicken dip and Netflix in bed: hashtag goals!!! 

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19 minutes ago, PupCal said:

I love Jazz just chilling out eating fondue in bed. I was a fat kid all throughout my life and fondue never  would have been a snack of choice.

Lol!!! Pretty badass. Not healthy but funny regardless. (Not judging her AT ALL on this.  Food can be a bitch).

Jazz needs her privacy. This show should be done. I'll continue to watch though.

Also way too many nonsense conversations:

Where's Jazz? 

I don't know. Is her car here? 

Really was any of that necessary?

Jeanette's brother looks just like their mom.  

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HRT isn't given at a "very young age"; it's given around when they would start puberty, usually after puberty-blockers which by the way studies have shown are safe.

I love Jazz just chilling out eating fondue in bed. I was a fat kid all throughout my life and fondue never  would have been a snack of choice.

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On 1/3/2018 at 1:14 PM, Jadzia said:

I was wondering where she got the money to buy all that takeout food. Does she even have a job? Her mom seemed shocked to find it but she is obviously giving her lots of money to buy it.

This episode was really trying to build up the drama about Hurricane Irma but I think we would have heard something if her dad had gotten swept away in it.

I was hoping they would at least mention what they are doing to protect their cats from this hurricane. I know there are limits to what is said on camera , time wise. But Jazz seemed to be into her pets and did not seem concerned for their safety at all. 

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They’ve indicated on his show the Jazz  has had problems with depression. In my opinion, she is now self-medicating with food.  People who do not have a food addiction, do not hide food and try to eat in secret.

Quilty has a point:

On 1/4/2018 at 9:42 PM, Quilty said:

Jazz has no desire to be active and do things she once enjoyed.

Edited by Kid
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Jazz has no desire to be active and do things she once enjoyed because she doesn't know who she is or what she likes anymore. 

Normal teenage behavior, in my experience, and not necessarily related to Jazz's gender concerns, hormones she may be taking, or "god knows what else" as you put it. Perhaps do a bit of research into what actually are normal developmental stages of adolescence; "finding yourself" is one of their primary tasks. 

My cis kid would have happily eaten buffalo dip in bed at 16 if mini crockpots existed then. She also struggled with depression and body image. And getting her license meant getting as much fast food as she wanted. It was a stage. People assign a lot of Jazz's behavior to her being trans based on their own prejudices, IMO. 

Edited by bref
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On 1/3/2018 at 5:07 PM, calpurnia99 said:

As far as the sitting around bingeing on snack food while bingeing on TV, a lot of us have that habit, but I didn't pick it up until I was in my 40's and was divorced and living alone with no job and my kids all left the nest. If I were doing that at age 16, well that is just sad! I do remember one time in college, having my period, and going to a drug store and buying magazines and some candy and lying in bad eating the candy. That sort of started a habit of eating candy while reading magazines when I had cramps. But in general I was living my life at 16 and in my 20s,  I was on the gymnastic team and in a few clubs and going to school or out with friends. I was not sitting in front of the TV eating. Well partly we only had 5 channels. I guess the streaming is really bad in a way because these young people can binge watch shows all day long. In the olden days you watched what was on, so laying around all day watching TV was not really a thing, you were stuck watching whatever came on. Your favorite show at night, not 8 hours straight of TV while snacking.  This is a terrible habit. And it is sad to be so sedentary at age 16. 

I think that must be a generational thing, because everyone I know (I’m 32) does the “snack food movie binge” at least a few times a year (not every weekend or anything like that) especially if they aren’t feeling well or have the blues (not depression just a funk). And double YES YES to the snacking with chocolate on your period and hiding under blankets while watching tv. Of course I would expect a young woman to get her school work and/or chores done but after that more power to you @calpurnia99 or anyone else taking a few hours to just “chill”. 


If Jazz was doing that every Saturday or even once a month I would worry about her, but a couple times a year even at 16 is okay with me. I think this generation of teens is often over scheduled. 

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On 1/7/2018 at 11:38 AM, Scarlett45 said:

I think that must be a generational thing, because everyone I know (I’m 32) does the “snack food movie binge” at least a few times a year (not every weekend or anything like that) especially if they aren’t feeling well or have the blues (not depression just a funk). And double YES YES to the snacking with chocolate on your period and hiding under blankets while watching tv. Of course I would expect a young woman to get her school work and/or chores done but after that more power to you @calpurnia99 or anyone else taking a few hours to just “chill”. 


If Jazz was doing that every Saturday or even once a month I would worry about her, but a couple times a year even at 16 is okay with me. I think this generation of teens is often over scheduled. 

I didn't mean a couple of times a year, I meant all the time at age 16 like Jazz is doing. But yeah I think you are right that some of it is generational because we didn't have hardly any channels - like 5 channels- and we couldn't rent movies or have VCR or DVD player or anything like that. Plus all the channels went off at midnight, lol.  There was maybe a special movie on and you could sit home and watch it and maybe get some popcorn- LIke they would play the Sound of Music once a year! It is totally different now with the streaming and more junk available too then back in the 70s I think and easier to get your hands on.  I worry that this type of thing becoming a hobby during your teen years is sad when there is a whole world out there. It IS comforting to sit home and stuff your face and watch TV. I do it myself so I totally get it.  Poor Jazz! I feel sorry for her having this habit. 

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Although I can agree with Bref that alot of what we see in Jazz's behavior is likely typical teen angst and adolescent depression, etc., the fact that nobody in her family says, "Jazz, get dressed, we're going to the gym/for a walk/insert any activity here", is telling. To me, her biggest problem is her mother because no matter what Dad would say/do/suggest, Mother Jazz overrides it all. Jazz should be the master of her universe and we shall smite anyone who dares suggest that Jazz should actually get up of her ass and DO something once in a while. Uch. Janine...she's a nutter. I can appreciate what it must be like for her as a mother, trying to navigate something like supporting a trans child and ensuring you are advocating for and making the correct choices and providing the right sort of guidance for the unique issues your child is dealing with but FFS, Janine needs to get a fucking life. AND she needs to discipline Jazz once in a while. Jazz looked like a dog that got caught shitting all over the laundry room with the food refuse hidden in drawers and under her bed. How the hell does that amount of garbage pile up unless nobody ever cleans Jazz's room?! Disgusting.

I still wish this show would go away, but I assume the money their getting from TLC is going to pay for her surgery so I guess I can understand why they still do it.

Oh, and I still would prefer a show about Nicole and that new blond girl we met last week, both of them seem like they would be infinitely more interesting to watch, because Nicole transitioned so late and really has trouble looking as feminine as it seems she wants to look, but she's such a great person and an interesting perspective; and blondie because she 'passes' so well and I'd like to know what her life is like because it must be the total opposite of Nicole's life because she looks like your above average looking surfer girl. Jazz is the least interesting in the bunch, to be honest.

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11 minutes ago, gingerella said:

Oh, and I still would prefer a show about Nicole and that new blond girl we met last week, both of them seem like they would be infinitely more interesting to watch, because Nicole transitioned so late and really has trouble looking as feminine as it seems she wants to look, but she's such a great person and an interesting perspective; and blondie because she 'passes' so well and I'd like to know what her life is like because it must be the total opposite of Nicole's life because she looks like your above average looking surfer girl.

You mean Noelle?

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13 hours ago, gingerella said:

Although I can agree with Bref that alot of what we see in Jazz's behavior is likely typical teen angst and adolescent depression, etc., the fact that nobody in her family says, "Jazz, get dressed, we're going to the gym/for a walk/insert any activity here", is telling. To me, her biggest problem is her mother because no matter what Dad would say/do/suggest, Mother Jazz overrides it all. Jazz should be the master of her universe and we shall smite anyone who dares suggest that Jazz should actually get up of her ass and DO something once in a while. Uch. Janine...she's a nutter. I can appreciate what it must be like for her as a mother, trying to navigate something like supporting a trans child and ensuring you are advocating for and making the correct choices and providing the right sort of guidance for the unique issues your child is dealing with but FFS, Janine needs to get a fucking life. AND she needs to discipline Jazz once in a while. Jazz looked like a dog that got caught shitting all over the laundry room with the food refuse hidden in drawers and under her bed. How the hell does that amount of garbage pile up unless nobody ever cleans Jazz's room?! Disgusting.

I still wish this show would go away, but I assume the money their getting from TLC is going to pay for her surgery so I guess I can understand why they still do it.

Oh, and I still would prefer a show about Nicole and that new blond girl we met last week, both of them seem like they would be infinitely more interesting to watch, because Nicole transitioned so late and really has trouble looking as feminine as it seems she wants to look, but she's such a great person and an interesting perspective; and blondie because she 'passes' so well and I'd like to know what her life is like because it must be the total opposite of Nicole's life because she looks like your above average looking surfer girl. Jazz is the least interesting in the bunch, to be honest.

Jeanette should have made Jazz clean her room instead of tossing the take out cartons away herself.

Does Jazz even wipe her own arse or does she call on her mom to do that too?

I am a high school teacher and can sadly confirm how lazy most teens are today. The kids in my classes are getting bigger and bigger each year as a direct result of inactivity, streaming entertainment and a shitty diet. 

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Jazz is just very spoiled....she has been given everything she wants with minimal effort on her part.  I believe that is why she is having difficulty being told she had to lose weight and get therapy....right away she looks to her Mom...as ifJanine can just tell Dr Bowers that won't be necessary and to just do the surgery anyway....if Jazz does not deal with her eating issue now can you imagine how she will deal with post surgery complications?

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