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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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So the spoilers were true, and they really did write out (or make recurring) every male character other than James? Wow.  

21 minutes ago, Oreo2234 said:

I'm annoyed that the show is indicating that Alex will spend even less time on the field when they already sidelined her from the field enough this season. And Mehcad Brooks said we'd see Guardian at the DEO next season so we can look forward to James getting Alex's action scenes. Why?

That doesn’t sound good at all.  Honestly, if I was getting rid of cast members, I would have cut James before J’onn and Winn.

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3 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

So the spoilers were true, and they really did write out (or make recurring) every male character other than James? Wow.

I don't think J'onn was written out, just given a "leaving town" ending for hiatus to come back since as of now DH is still a series regular.


“The plan for Chris was always to have him on the show for two years,” executive producer Robert Rovner explains to TVLine. “We’ve loved telling Mon-El’s story, as well as the story we’ve told for him and Kara. We hope the fans felt that it was a satisfying conclusion.”

What the what?  Why did they start pushing Karamel again in the last few episodes if they knew he was going to leave?

9 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

That doesn’t sound good at all.  Honestly, if I was getting rid of cast members, I would have cut James before J’onn and Winn.

Jeremy wanted to go back to do Broadway. He's going to be recurring.  Given how much they seem to love Mon El, I assume Chris Woods wanted to leave too.

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That doesn’t sound good at all.  Honestly, if I was getting rid of cast members, I would have cut James before J’onn and Winn.

A smarter show would have cut James two seasons ago. His best relationship was with Winn and now that's gone. I don't know if I will continue to watch next season. The new showrunners are incompetent and have written both Kara and Alex horribly and Lena not knowing that Kara is Supergirl is getting ridiculously stupid. At least Kara has a chance to recover with all the changes for her next season but their sending Alex in the wrong direction and are continuing the kid stuff next season. 

Edited by Oreo2234

I hate that they saddled Alex with Baby Fever.  It got to the point that she had a disappointed look on her face every time Sam started to get better, she just assumed she'd get Ruby if/when Sam died (rather than, say wealthy Lena, or someone Sam's known for at least a year), and she didn't seem even a little happy that Sam healed.  If Sam had died I think Alex would have done a dance since she would have gotten (according to Alex logic) to raise Ruby.  That's what this stupid story has done to an awesome character.  They should just have her fall for a widow with a couple of kids next season, marry her, and then we can focus on her running the DEO with the occasional family scene.  Just bypass babies or an Alex pregnancy.  I BEG YOU SHOW. 

I'm not opposed to Alex running the DEO, since they weren't putting her in the field as much anyway, but it can't just be another reason to keep her out of the fight.  I want to see her in charge, making hard decisions, problem solving with Kara, and focusing on the bigger picture. 

J'onn better be off doing something cool.  Maybe he goes and hangs out with Clark (thanks for checking in!) during the hiatus.  Superman and Martian Manhunter are friends, after all.

The Kara clone showing up in Siberia at the end has me thinking/hopeful that the show plans to do their own version of the Red Son story.  Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease! 

Nice touch with Brainy making reference to The Evil One, heh.

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7 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

The Kara clone showing up in Siberia at the end has me thinking/hopeful that the show plans to do their own version of the Red Son story.  Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease! 



“For fans of the comics, I think they might recognize that the story we want to tell is inspired by the iconic DC Comics’ Red Son, which told an alternate origin story for Superman,” Rovner tells TVLine, to which Queller adds, “What happened if — as a baby — Superman landed in Russia and became a hero there instead of in America. It’s an homage to that.”

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Also I love how Kara is all "I DON'T KILL!!!!!!", "I WENT INTO THE FIGHT WITH REIGN, KILLED HER, AND SHE KILLED SAM, MOM, AND MON-EL AS SHE WENT DOWN SO THIS PROVES THAT I SHOULDN'T KILL!!!", AND "I SHALL TIME TRAVEL TO AVOID KILLING REIGN AND, THIS TIME I'LL BRING SAM INTO THE FIGHT AND LET HER KILL REIGN FOR ME!!!".  Oh, brother, Kara.  You don't want to kill your enemies, fine.  You think you're above that, fine.  It's against your hero code or whatever, fine.  But don't throw a hissy fit about how This Isn't You and then set up a situation where someone else does the dirty work.  That's not wanting to spare your enemies because there's always another way.  That's you not wanting to get your hands dirty because you're A Hero and it may tarnish your image.  It really seems like Berlanti and his producers had a big meeting at some point where they decided that Kara and Barry would be Heroes while Oliver and the Legends would not.  Joke's on Supergirl and Flash because every time Kara and Barry (or a supporting character) make a big deal about being A Hero it really comes across like it's the title they want rather than what it means.  Like if no one knew who they were they wouldn't do it because then there wouldn't be anyone to call them Hero.  Meanwhile OTA have things to do and don't give a shit about being A Hero and the Legends actively reject the title so I'd rather hang out with them.

I hope that Lena continues to do her own thing in the best interest of Earth and its inhabitants and Kara inevitably finding out about the Black Kryptonite results in Lena giving her the most epic of smackdowns about her sanctimony, god-complex, AND reveals that she's known Kara is Supergirl this whole time.  The kind of smackdown that Kara doesn't come back from by episode's end but actually forces her to reflect on who she is and how she approaches people and situations.  That would earn a fist pump. 

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1 hour ago, ruby24 said:

I want Lena to go evil, because I think Katie McGrath would be a good villain. 

Katie played good villain in the show Merlin. Well, she played a good villain when they made her stop smirking every time her character Morgana did something devious or evil. 

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2 hours ago, ruby24 said:

I want Lena to go evil, because I think Katie McGrath would be a good villain. 

That’s so cliché. I’d much rather she be gray. Working towards her own goals that may or may not align with the “heroes”. But the Arrowverse doesn’t really do nuance, you’re either working with the heroes or against them, so I guess her heel turn is inevitable.

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Turning Lena into a villain seems like a repeat of Lex on Smallville. There's been no real set-up for it other than her last name is Luthor.  And turning evil just because she's a scientist is Dick Wolf levels of simplistic. Winn wants to explore further and he's a hero; Lena wants to do the same and save the day but she's a villain.

It would be nice to see her gray, working with the DEO occasionally but going beyond what they do as she did with Sam/Reign because she doesn't care what limits Supergirl arrogantly and arbitrarily sets down.

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I kind of saw it as Lena going down a "greater good" path rather than a necessarily "evil" path. The set up for that is there in that she was willing to keep Sam secretly and hold her and experiment on her practically against her will because she thought it would ultimately help and that her judgment was better than Kara's (she wasn't necessarily wrong, but it becomes a slippery slope). It's still all in that "Lena is grey" mentality.  

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Spoilers for X-Men Gold #30...

Two Say ‘I Do’ in X-Men Gold, but Not the Pair Fans Were Expecting
By George Gene Gustines   June 19, 2018

Edited by tv echo

Jeremy Jordan Addresses Winn's Future on Supergirl: 'I'm Once Again Ready to Begin a New Chapter in My Life'


Fate may be taking Winn Schott away from present-day National City, but Jeremy Jordan wants to assure Supergirl fans that they haven’t seen the last of their “favorite little cardigan-wearing Hobbit.”

As TVLine exclusively reported last week, Jordan will no longer be a series regular when the CW drama returns for its fourth season this fall — Monday’s finale sent his character on a journey to the distant future — but in an emotional Instagram post on Tuesday, the actor promises, “This is not goodbye.”

“Although you may not see him putting around the DEO every week, I love everyone in National City too much to stay away forever,” Jordan writes. “Winn WILL return in season 4.”

Jordan also offers an explanation behind his shift in status: “It’s been the adventure of a lifetime, and breathing life into that brilliant, quirky, puppy dog nugget named Winn has been a true joy. But lately, my gut has ben telling me that I’m once again ready to begin a new chapter in my life… and if I’ve learned anything, it’s that you gotta listen to your gut. So I want to thank everyone behind the scenes at Supergirl for understanding it was time for me to return home… to spend time with my wife and friends, and focus on crafting the next stage of my career.”

And the above mentioned Instagram post:

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3 hours ago, tv echo said:

Spoilers for X-Men Gold #30...

Two Say ‘I Do’ in X-Men Gold, but Not the Pair Fans Were Expecting
By George Gene Gustines   June 19, 2018

I have to wonder if the crossover wedding put this idea in their heads, lol. I can’t believe MG is involved in two of these twists in less than a year.

1 hour ago, lemotomato said:

I have to wonder if the crossover wedding put this idea in their heads, lol. I can’t believe MG is involved in two of these twists in less than a year.

I can already hear the haters complaining about how Oliciters' Uncle Guggie ruined another comic with romance ... or is that complaint only with regards to Olicity? I do like the couple who ended up getting married.

So what's gonna happen with Karamel now? I admit I'm not a fan of the pairing but it seemed to be the only thing giving Supergirl buzz (and no, I'm not putting a female-led show down. It seems the only thing giving these CW shows buzz is their ships, if they're successful.)

19 hours ago, TwistedandBored said:

I expect Chris Wood to show up on another CW show. 

I fully hope so, as it'll keep him away from Supergirl.


18 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Surprising The Flash is the only Arrowverse show to retain majority of their regulars, only 1 person has left/been killed off since the first season. 

This is true, but I wouldn't say it's a positive thing necessarily. We don't need a new Wells (or multiple versions of him) every season, I think that's one main character that should get the boot.

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Marvel has canceled X-Men Gold/Blue so MG  will be done with the Marvel/DC -verse for the time being.

20 minutes ago, shantown said:

This is true, but I wouldn't say it's a positive thing necessarily. We don't need a new Wells (or multiple versions of him) every season, I think that's one main character that should get the boot.

I agree, though I think if anything they just need to stick to one Wells. But they also arent killing off/throwing away characters just for shock value which is refreshing coming off of Arrow.

20 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Surprising The Flash is the only Arrowverse show to retain majority of their regulars, only 1 person has left/been killed off since the first season. 

Is it, though? Most shows* tend to keep the cast they started out with. Maybe the question should be, why do the other DCTV shows keep losing people? What I do find surprising is how The Flash has hardly added new regulars - who have stayed longer than a season. Wally/Keiynan was it for a while; only now going into Season 5 they've held on to Ralph/Sawyer and Cecile/Nicolet.


*(depends on the type of show, and how long they've been around)

47 minutes ago, Trini said:

Is it, though? Most shows* tend to keep the cast they started out with. Maybe the question should be, why do the other DCTV shows keep losing people? What I do find surprising is how The Flash has hardly added new regulars - who have stayed longer than a season. Wally/Keiynan was it for a while; only now going into Season 5 they've held on to Ralph/Sawyer and Cecile/Nicolet.


*(depends on the type of show, and how long they've been around)

 In this 4 shows, it's a rarity, the why and how are practically the same thing lol

Though I think it mainly has to do with MG and his way of story telling, thinking you need constant turn over to keep things "fresh" where with Supergirl all these actors signed on for a show shot in Cali so Vancouver probably isnt appealing to them. Apart from Chris Wood who just got the short end of the stick.

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'What We Want From the DC/CW Shows Next Season'

I can only speak about 3 out 5, but I agree with the suggestions for Black Lightning; disagree with half of the ones for Flash - Ralph and Wells' aren't needed. For Supergirl, I don't think they'll ever really be able to do something completely unrelated to Krypton; James and Kara should work together, but not with James as Guardian, necessarily; Cat Grant is always welcome to come back!

@Proteus posted this in the Legends about two new characters:

4 hours ago, Proteus said:

Legends is casting two new roles. One a series regular:


First up is a new series regular Asian character whose name is “Ali”, potentially a cover name for a DC character, but you never know. She is somewhere in her 20s as a young woman who is searching deeply for her mission in life. Teased as a mega-intelligent and sharp as heck person, “Ali” tends to sometimes be a little aloof and being too distracted by her own imagination as well as romantic impulses. She loves YA literature as well as fantasy novels hence her hunger and curiosity for adventures. Despite her disappointment with the state of the world, “Ali” continues to keep an optimistic head as much as possible with any situation that she faces. “Ali” also has a deep love for animals as she believes each animal has a purpose to fulfill on our planet.

Next up is a recurring new player who is related to one of our Legends! After having met his superhero-y grandfather in Season 2, we’ll be meeting Nate Heywood’s (Nick Zano) father Hank Heywood! He is somewhere in his 60s and while he is loved by many, his son Nate is not one of them. Their relationship is a very mixed one as Hank is always on his son’s back for not doing more with his life. Having served in the military, Hank is now working for the Department of Defense. Carrying a Woody Harrelson-y charm, Hank takes traditional values very seriously such as patriotism and sacrifice. But he isn’t being a dick about his beliefs and while Nate may have had his list of failures in life; Hank loves his son as much as a father possibly could.

I’m very interested in who the new series regular might turn out to be.  Not so interested in more Nate storylines - I deal with Nate best as just a supporting character to the others. Any more than that and he tends to get on my nerves.

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Maybe all of you already knew this, but apparently there is an issue of the comics that came out last month where Peggy Carter is Captain America in an alternate reality.  Intriguing. :)

Peggy Carter is Captain America in new Marvel comic


Edited by Starfish35
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'Legends of Tomorrow': Caity Lotz on How Sara Will Handle Lance's Death
By RUSS BURLINGAME - June 19, 2018


How will the death of Quentin Lance, which took place in the Arrow season six finale last month, impact his daughter, Sara Lance?

According to Caity Lotz, who plays Sara on DC's Legends of Tomorrow, she does not know yet -- but she is hoping that she gets to go back to Arrow and exact some vengeance, even if in general the shows appear to be moving to a more stand-alone mode.

"I know, right? Everything is so sad. Why does everything that [Sara] loves die?" Lotz joked during a recent panel discussion, adding, "I’m hoping, I think they’re starting to try to steer away from one show affecting the other shows too much, because it gets really complicated. But I don’t know where they’re going to go with it, but I really hope that we get to deal with it more. I mean, I’d love to go back onto Arrow and have some vengeance, kick-ass, happen."

‘Legends of Tomorrow’: Caity Lotz on Why It’s so Important That Sara Is Captain
By NICOLE DRUM - June 20, 2018


Speaking at POPSUGAR's Play/Ground festival's Screen Queens panel earlier this month, Lotz opened up about her character, Sara Lance's, role as leader of the Legends -- a move that puts her in charge not only as a woman, but as a bisexual woman.

At first, I remember everyone being like 'Wow! She's a woman, and she's the leader of the group! It's this big deal!'" Lotz said. "And I'm like 'Yeah, of course she's the leader! Duh!' But I think another big deal about it is that she's a bisexual woman. And if you think about, specifically, bisexual representation on television, and how much it's lacking. And to see a female bisexual character as the lead, the captain of this ship, is I think a really really nice step in progress for representation."
*  *  *
And Lotz isn't alone in noting the importance of not just LGBT representation, but representation of women as strong, independent characters. The Flash's Candice Patton told those in attendance at the panel that it's important that women be shown as being more than just the love interest, specifically in the context of her character, Iris West-Allen.

"If you read the comics, [being a reporter is] her bread and butter," Patton said. "So, I think, story-wise, we've been separated from that for so long. I think fans, rightfully so, were a little irritated by that, I think it's also important see women doing what they love, instead of just being seen as a romantic love interest on the show."

"It's always been really important to me that Iris has agency, and that we see her at work, contributing," Patton explained. "I always say ' These characters, us as women, we're so much more than the man or the woman that we are in a relationship with.'"

Edited by tv echo
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POPSUGAR Playground Screen Queens Panel - Full
Published on Jun 11, 2018, by The Young Folks


Ashleigh Murray, Vanessa Morgan (Riverdale), Candice Patton (The Flash), and Caity Lotz (Legends of Tomorrow) attend the Screen Queens panel at the POPSUGAR Play/Ground festival on June 10, 2018.

Edited by tv echo
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8 pm The Flash
9 pm  Black Lightning

8 pm Riverdale (season premiere)
9 pm ALL AMERICAN (series premiere)

8 pm Supernatural (season premiere)
9 pm ALL AMERICAN (premiere encore)

8 pm Dynasty (season premiere)
9 pm Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (final season premiere)

8 pm Supergirl (season premiere)
9 pm CHARMED (series premiere)

8 pm Arrow (season premiere)

8 pm Supernatural (new episode)
9 pm CHARMED (premiere encore)

8 pm Arrow (new episode)
9 pm DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (season premiere)

8 pm Supernatural (new episode)
9 pm LEGACIES (series premiere)

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The CW reveals fall 2018 premiere dates: Arrow swaps with Legends of Tomorrow




8:00-9:00pm THE FLASH (Season Premiere)
9:00-10:00pm BLACK LIGHTNING (Season Premiere)

8:00-9:00pm RIVERDALE (Season Premiere)
9:00-10:00pm ALL AMERICAN (Series Premiere)

8:00-9:00pm SUPERNATURAL (Season Premiere)
9:00-10:00pm ALL AMERICAN (Encore of Premiere)

8:00-9:00pm DYNASTY (Season Premiere)
9:00-10:00pm CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND (Season Premiere)

8:00-9:00pm SUPERGIRL (Season Premiere)
9:00-10:00pm CHARMED (Series Premiere)

8:00-9:00pm  ARROW (Season Premiere)

8:00-9:00pm SUPERNATURAL (Original Episode)
9:00-10:00pm CHARMED (Encore of Premiere)

8:00-9:00pm ARROW (Original Episode)
9:00-10:00pm DC’S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW (Season Premiere)

8:00-9:00pm SUPERNATURAL (Original Episode)
9:00-10:00pm LEGACIES (Series Premiere)

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I know they won’t but since LOT is a week later they should do a two hour Arrow premiere. 

Legacies on Thursday? They’re determined to make that show happen. It probably will but I’m so over the Vampire Diaries verse. Just end it and move on. 

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I’m not sure why the later start for Legends, but I guess it will allow them to split the season nicely in half - 8 & 8. 

Marvel Eyes Female Helmers For ‘Black Widow’ Film: Watch For Cate Shortland


Marvel is moving forward with a Black Widow film with Scarlett Johansson. While they are looking at female filmmakers, Deadline hears keep an eye on Australian helmer Cate Shortland on the short list. Her recent credits include Lore and most recently Berlin Syndrome. Stay tuned.

Disney Ups Bid For Fox To $71.3 Billion, 10% Higher Than Comcast’s


The Walt Disney Company has boosted its bid for the studio and cable network assets of 21st Century Fox to $71.3 billion in cash and stock.

The offer is nearly $19 billion richer than the one Fox accepted last December, and it’s close to 10% ahead of the $65 billion one Comcast submitted last week. Most analysts and industry observers had expected Disney to match Comcast, but not go so much higher.

Edited by Starfish35
57 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

I know they won’t but since LOT is a week later they should do a two hour Arrow premiere. 

Legacies on Thursday? They’re determined to make that show happen. It probably will but I’m so over the Vampire Diaries verse. Just end it and move on. 

Came in here to say the same thing. I miss the days of 2hr premieres/finales. Arrow would be well suited for it.

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On 6/18/2018 at 10:18 PM, Starfish35 said:

So the spoilers were true, and they really did write out (or make recurring) every male character other than James? Wow.  

That doesn’t sound good at all.  Honestly, if I was getting rid of cast members, I would have cut James before J’onn and Winn.

I think one of the reasons James is staying is because of Dating Lena, along with being one of Kara's friends and he has a Mask 

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25 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

That’s the new series regular mentioned on the last page.  I didn’t know about the werewolf part though.


First up is a new series regular Asian character whose name is “Ali”, potentially a cover name for a DC character, but you never know. She is somewhere in her 20s as a young woman who is searching deeply for her mission in life. Teased as a mega-intelligent and sharp as heck person, “Ali” tends to sometimes be a little aloof and being too distracted by her own imagination as well as romantic impulses. She loves YA literature as well as fantasy novels hence her hunger and curiosity for adventures. Despite her disappointment with the state of the world, “Ali” continues to keep an optimistic head as much as possible with any situation that she faces. “Ali” also has a deep love for animals as she believes each animal has a purpose to fulfill on our planet.

On 6/19/2018 at 12:07 AM, ruby24 said:

I want Lena to go evil, because I think Katie McGrath would be a good villain. 

I don't cause it's cliched lazy writing and defeats the purpose of Lena not wanting to be like her Mother and Brother. She's already Judged being a Luthor and I don't want her proving those Judging to be right 

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So Legends' crossover episode will be #7, right?

And Flash is going to be an episode ahead for a few weeks, and Legends an episode behind. I know they'll all line up for the big crossover, but I wonder if any of that will affect any small crossovers between the shows.

21 minutes ago, Trini said:

And Flash is going to be an episode ahead for a few weeks, and Legends an episode behind. I know they'll all line up for the big crossover, but I wonder if any of that will affect any small crossovers between the shows.

Since production hasn't started yet I don't think it would take too much work to be aware of the differences, if it even changes/they have crossovers at all. The most at this point would just be if Felicity crosses over to Flash again and by the time that happens Flash and Arrow would either be caught up or it would just be a throwaway line in either of the shows anyway.

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