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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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10 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

I never read the original comics, but I think it's very possible that this is dialogue in the show because when I looked into people's reactions about the original comics about Overman (basically evil Superman instead of evil Oliver), I stumbled on someone mentioning that Overman said in comics:
"I'm not ashamed of anything. That happened decades ago, before I was born. My family had good reasons for everything it did"
which sounds a lot like what dark Oliver's POV might be to justify the world they live in.

Sounds like it could creadibly be dialogue in the show. Gross. 

18 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I kind of interpreted the snippet shown in the promos between Kara-X and Kara as a sign that they may be totally sidestepping the ideological motivations in regards to the Arrowverse-X characters specifically. If those spoilers are correct, Oliver-X and Kara-X personal motivations will be explored and if that is the case then why have them be Nazis at all? Just make them generic fascists or space vampires or zombie vikings in love. In addition to being Nazis, they are willing to kill a bunch of innocent people to save Kara-X so I don't think they are going to be portrayed as good guys but again why did they need to be Nazis to tell this story? It's lazy at best, it's just a costume they can wear that means "evil". 

This is where I'm at. I don't think they are going to go in depth or look closely at the Nazi ideology or their bigoted hatred on what will likely be watched by children and will still fall in the PG category. For all the focus they'll put on to it they could have just done the Smallville thing and called them dark mirrors and it probably wouldnt have changed the story. It feels like they just want to include Nazis insignias into the equation to be "edgy" or "political" or worst "cool" which screw them. 

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Yeah, I think a lot of it is because comics - the nazi world, the nazis wearing our superhero faces...  From the reviews/comments about the story, the original comic seems to question what happens when a superhero is raised in an evil world - would he still become a superhero because he is a hero at his core or not - and the answer was no, he would not be a hero and meet a terrible end.  

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2 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

Let's hope it's his own personal interpretation of what's going on in the crossover and not something that he repeated because it's actually in the script.


2 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Maybe it's the "real people in relationships" comes off as making them sound nice or it's approval but I'm not seeing it that way.  I'm giving him the benefit of doubt that he's not saying these were GOOD people. I think he was saying they are BAD people who still had relationships with other BAD people. 

I am reminded of the old rules for standard and practices in Hollywood.  They allowed bad guys to be humanized but the rule was they always had to get what was coming to them in the end.  So I'm guessing the show runners figure they can do whatever they want as long as they punish the evil versions in the end.  

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1 minute ago, BkWurm1 said:

I am reminded of the old rules for standard and practices in Hollywood.  They allowed bad guys to be humanized but the rule was they always had to get what was coming to them in the end.  So I'm guessing the show runners figure they can do whatever they want as long as they punish the evil versions in the end.  

Yup. I think this is exactly what's going to happen.

I saw this on Twitter. 

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11 hours ago, catrox14 said:

I think it's more like within the context of being born into the only system available to them in that situation then he opts to become a leader which likely brings much better life benefits to those under that system than being in a lower rank.

Does SA know that you didn't have to join the Nazi party?  It was a choice.  Yes you had a better life, just as you had a better life being part of the Communist Party in the USSR but you didn't have to belong.  Many didn't.

7 hours ago, WindofChange said:

I thought this was an interesting article. I agree with a lot of it, but I don't think they shouldn't necessarily get married... They just have a few issues to resolve. 


Kelly Townsend | November 21, 2017

They delve deeper into each point and they touched upon a lot of what I've been feeling watching the Flash this season.

I think their biggest problem is partly that Iris doesn't have a life apart from Barry but mostly that Barry and Joe don't care.  She is the ultimate handmaiden to them.

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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Does SA know that you didn't have to join the Nazi party?  It was a choice.  Yes you had a better life, just as you had a better life being part of the Communist Party in the USSR but you didn't have to belong.  Many didn't.

I think their biggest problem is partly that Iris doesn't have a life apart from Barry but mostly that Barry and Joe don't care.  She is the ultimate handmaiden to them.

I may be wrong but I am pretty sure that SA is talking about within the context of the show. Nazis rule the US and force people to join on E-X.

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46 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I think their biggest problem is partly that Iris doesn't have a life apart from Barry but mostly that Barry and Joe don't care.  She is the ultimate handmaiden to them.

How so?
Because some of this year's complaints is that's she's too "bossy".

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Is it the dude bros who are complaining that Iris is too bossy?  My complaint is that she doesn't seem to have a life outside of Team Flash.  They've dropped her as a reporter and all she seems to do is with Team Flash.  Does she really have no friends who could be bridesmaids or her maid of honour?  Does she belong to a choir, or amateur theatre group, or women's club?  Who is she when she's not helping Team Flash or with her fiance?

1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

I may be wrong but I am pretty sure that SA is talking about within the context of the show. Nazis rule the US and force people to join on E-X.

That doesn't make sense -- you can make people belong to the party but you can't make them strive to rise within it.

I think I'm not going to enjoy this very much.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Does SA know that you didn't have to join the Nazi party?  It was a choice.  Yes you had a better life, just as you had a better life being part of the Communist Party in the USSR but you didn't have to belong.  Many didn't.

I'm thinking whatever their version of the Nazis maybe they are chosen at birth to be SS or something else for whatever reasons. Like it's indoctrination/coersion from literal childhood so it's not like it's a total choice for them.

20 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

That doesn't make sense -- you can make people belong to the party but you can't make them strive to rise within it.

I think I'm not going to enjoy this very much.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

I think their biggest problem is partly that Iris doesn't have a life apart from Barry but mostly that Barry and Joe don't care.  She is the ultimate handmaiden to them.


Part of the current problem is they don't show Iris's life beyond the context of the team and Barry and her dad but we don't really know for sure that she doesn't still have that life going on completely independently from Flash stuff.  CP maintains the belief that Iris is still a journalist working for the paper and nothing yet contradicts that.  Nothing confirms it either but it's pretty common for this show to ignore Iris's life unless it's a plot point. I can buy that she hasn't maintained a lot of close friendships since getting involved with Team Flash, but I still believe that she has her own likes and dislikes and sense of her own individuality apart from Barry.  But the show doesn't care about that.  

I guess right now I'm holding onto hope that the writing room will get better with Iris now that Kriesberg is not there to undermine stuff.  I don't think that Iris is a character that lives to serve, but they don't show what balances her out, we are left to assume or not assume this stuff.  

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:


That doesn't make sense -- you can make people belong to the party but you can't make them strive to rise within it.

I think I'm not going to enjoy this very much.

He was forced to be a Nazi from childhood but he was just so good at it they had no choice but to promote him to Supreme Commander obviously. 

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Is it the dude bros who are complaining that Iris is too bossy?  My complaint is that she doesn't seem to have a life outside of Team Flash.  They've dropped her as a reporter and all she seems to do is with Team Flash.  Does she really have no friends who could be bridesmaids or her maid of honour?  Does she belong to a choir, or amateur theatre group, or women's club?  Who is she when she's not helping Team Flash or with her fiance?

Okay, I don't see how that's makes her a "handmaiden", though.
I agree, but nearly everyone else on the show is in the same boat with barely showing anything of their lives outside of STAR Labs. (Wally, Caitlin, Joe, etc. don't have friends either) 'Team Flash' is the show, so there's only so much they show outside that anyway. Caitlin ::deepsigh:: and Felicity count as friends; and Linda who has disappeared.

It would help a lot of things if they got out of STAR Labs.

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3 hours ago, Trini said:

Okay, I don't see how that's makes her a "handmaiden", though.
I agree, but nearly everyone else on the show is in the same boat with barely showing anything of their lives outside of STAR Labs. (Wally, Caitlin, Joe, etc. don't have friends either) 'Team Flash' is the show, so there's only so much they show outside that anyway. Caitlin ::deepsigh:: and Felicity count as friends; and Linda who has disappeared.

It would help a lot of things if they got out of STAR Labs.


I think in terms of how the show USES Iris, she's frequently a handmaiden.  I don't believe Iris lives to serve but the show, especially after the first season, tends not to allow Iris to do or react to anything UNLESS it is ultimately in service of a storyline for one of the guys or some kind of exposition.  So from that aspect, I'd say she suffers as kind of a handmaiden to the show, but as a character, I don't think we are supposed to believe Iris is a doormat or always waiting around to be of service to the men in her life.  It's just that Kriesberg's show tended only to give her material when she was doing that sort of thing.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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6 hours ago, statsgirl said:


That doesn't make sense -- you can make people belong to the party but you can't make them strive to rise within it.

I think I'm not going to enjoy this very much.

It makes sense if SA (or who wrote the crossover if he was repeating something he wasn’t told) doesn’t know what the SS were. If everyone was born into the SS the SS wouldn’t even have a reason to exist.

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8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Is it the dude bros who are complaining that Iris is too bossy?  My complaint is that she doesn't seem to have a life outside of Team Flash.  They've dropped her as a reporter and all she seems to do is with Team Flash.  Does she really have no friends who could be bridesmaids or her maid of honour?  Does she belong to a choir, or amateur theatre group, or women's club?  Who is she when she's not helping Team Flash or with her fiance?


The thing is, base on what we know about Iris it makes sense for her not to have a life outside of Team Flash, unlike the others who also don't have a life outside of Team Flash, because the most important people to her are part of team Flash, her dad, her brother, her best-friend and now her soon-to-be husband. We talk about her not having any real friends standing up for her at her wedding but the truth is if she was marrying someone else Barry would be the logical pick for her MOH/BM. The show made it clear that Barry and Iris were each others only real close friends before Barry's role as the Flash provided him with Cisco/Caitlin and others as friends. Same way it seems like Iris journalist job provided her with Linda as a friend, which the show was to damn cheap to hire back for the wedding or the actress was busying and now just like Barry, the writers use her position in Star Lab to provide her with other friends.

Iris journalist job is the only thing that could have allow us to see her outside of the lab and Team Flash but if the writers really took that seriously and started giving her airtime base on it, fans would get really irrated/annoy/angry the writers were "wasting" screen time on something that most of the time had nothing to do with the main narrative/ lead actor&character, with people who would be minor players in Iris' personal life because the important people to her are outside of that job and within Team Flash. So we would go back to seeing Iris make her guest appearance every other episodes, like we saw in the past. 


As an Iris fan, I hate, hate this situation and despite Iris getting more screen time, I'm not happy about it cause I really love seeing Iris interact with different people. I just keep telling myself that Caitlin/Cisco/Harry are different people that Iris rarely interacted with for the past few seasons, lol. But I get why the writers did things this way and I don't think it takes away from Iris characterization despite my dislike of the situation. 

Edited by SevenStars
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Warning: podcast includes spoilers...

Agents of GEEK Podcast Episode 96
Posted on 11/26/2017, by Craig Wack and Tatiana Torres

-- Craig and Tatiana saw Justice League. They thought it was nowhere near as good as Wonder Woman, but "way better" than Batman v. Superman, Suicide Squad, and Man of Steel. Tatiana "liked it for a DC movie," but thought that "everything looked so fake." Craig said that it didn't put him to sleep, but that the villain was "a total CGI villain" and was "just okay." Tatiana said: "Guys, I already saw this. It's called Ragnarok."  She found the villain "cartoony" and therefore "not scary."

-- However, Tatiana found Ezra Miller ("#NotMyFlash") a lot less annoying than she thought he would be. Craig thought that Jason Momoa did a "great job" of bringing that version of Aquaman to the screen. Tatiana found his green contacts distracting. They both liked Cyborg.  She "almost felt bad for Batfleck," because "they're kicking him off these movies," while Craig found him "serviceable" as Batman. They also talked about the Amazons. She added: "At least not all of the Amazonian warriors were wearing bikinis." Craig said: "You did notice that the camera lingered on Wonder Woman's ass a lot."

-- Bottom line: Craig saw Justice League as a matinee and he "didn't feel ripped off." Tatiana saw the movie on a gift card, so she also "didn't feel ripped off." Craig added: "These DC movies are always going to suffer because they didn't do the groundwork in the way that Marvel did... Like, Avengers makes sense in a way that Justice League just can't, because they introduced half of its cast in that movie." Craig also said: "Wonder Woman is still the class act [of the DC movies]... Wonder Woman had the least amount of Zack Snyder influence and it was the best movie... There was less Zack Snyder influence in Justice League, and it was okay... And everything that was sort of directly from the brain of Zack Snyder was bad... It'll be interesting to see what Warner Bros. figures out and maybe puts these movies in someone else's hands." Tatiana said: "If it's Joss [Whedon], then at least we know it'll be watchable." 

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"Wonder Woman is still the class act [of the DC movies]... Wonder Woman had the least amount of Zack Snyder influence and it was the best movie... There was less Zack Snyder influence in Justice League, and it was okay... And everything that was sort of directly from the brain of Zack Snyder was bad... It'll be interesting to see what Warner Bros. figures out and maybe puts these movies in someone else's hands." Tatiana said: "If it's Joss [Whedon], then at least we know it'll be watchable."

The thing about this is that I'd rather not go down the rabbit hole of Zack Snyder = bad rather than uncontrolled Zack Snyder = bad, since I think the real problem was not reining him in rather than his ideas period. The films he did all had themes and purpose and narrative, but no one seemed to step in to try to correct some obvious missteps (that and it looks like he and David Goyer just started on the wrong foot of how to deconstruct Superman as a character. The idea itself isn't a bad one, but doing it for Superman is a lot harder than Batman and they should have placed extra effort with that in mind). For WW, the movie was still Zack Snyder's idea (prequel movie introducing Diana and how she is the way she is using her interaction with war and Steve Trevor), but then tweaked by Patty Jenkins (who changed the style to focus on a theme of love rather than the more dour deconstruction route) and Allan Heinberg (who focused on making Diana a likeable protagonist above all else), so it's just more about how the pieces come together (kind of like how Marvel does it) rather than letting an in-studio director having a major creative control.  

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Now we know where SA got his "Super Bowl" reference from - or did the CW EVP in this Adweek article copy SA? I also eye-rolled the last paragraph quoted below (fyi, article mistakenly says that the crossover ends on Wednesday)...

Who Needs Justice League? The CW’s Annual Superhero Crossover Is the Network’s ‘Super Bowl’
By Jason Lynch   November 27, 2017


Justice League may have disappointed in the box office this month, but at least DC can still rely on its other major superhero team-up: The CW’s annual four-series superhero crossover, which kicks off tonight.
*  *  *
As usual, The CW has high hopes for this year’s crossover, entitled Crisis on Earth-X. “Maybe we’re a little bit too grandiose in this, but we call it the Super Bowl of The CW, because it is that big of an event for us,” said Rick Haskins, evp, marketing and digital programs. “It is the most important event for the entire year, and so we do look beyond the four shows to our entire [network] audience, and the DC world as well.”

Last year’s four-day crossover led to the network’s most-watched week ever, according to president Mark Pedowitz. The network is shaking up this year’s event by holding it over two nights instead of four. Supergirl and Arrow will air tonight, while The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow wrap up the event on Wednesday. Haskins explained that this year is blocked as two movies that are two hours long, which has “changed the structure of how we’re going to roll it out, and the way that we position it as well.”

Though shortening the ratings bumps from four days to two may seem counterintuitive, the network and studio opted to experiment with a condensed schedule this year. Pedowitz, who patterned the crossovers after the annual Doctor Who Christmas specials, said the decision followed a “healthy, vigorous discussion.”

“At the end of the day, we felt, we know what four nights look like; now we’ll see what two nights look like,” he explained. “[W]e could go back to four nights [next year], but you have to be careful in terms of how you spread that wealth,” he explained. “You don’t want to overkill it.”

This season, Pedowitz also debated moving the crossover to January; the shows might have enjoyed a longer ratings boost than in December, when each series goes on hiatus a week after the big event. Ultimately, his team decided that “we’ve staked out a week, we have momentum and we can make noise.”
*  *  *
Haskins isn’t worried that the producers will run out of ways to make the crossover deliver on the network’s sky-high expectations. “As a kid growing up, the thing I loved most of all is the comic books, once a year, that had them all together. So I think the fact that they’re going to be all together is enough fun for me, that I don’t really care who they’re fighting,” he said. “It’s them all together and either liking each other or hating each other, so I don’t think that’s going to be the case.”

The CW’s marketing campaign for the crossover initially began mostly over social media a month and a half ago. The network didn’t release a trailer until last Monday, which happened to be right after Justice League’s opening weekend; however, the network said there was no DC directive to separate the marketing campaigns for its two big superhero groupings, and that the trailer simply wasn’t ready until then.

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Code of conduct coming for union actors and workers in B.C.
KEVIN GRIFFIN  November 26, 2017


The union representing professional actors in B.C. is looking to improve protections for young performers from sexual harassment.

A task force is exploring how to improve safety and reduce barriers to reporting for vulnerable young actors, said Sue Brouse, the union's director of member services and human resources,

“We’re drafting a code of conduct that all of our members would voluntarily sign off on,” she said.

“We know that students, brand new actors, can be vulnerable when they want an acting career. We know that they can be vulnerable when they’re training with somebody who may be more established.

“We’re looking to protect young and emerging performers in teaching settings.”

Brouse is with UBCP/ACTRA, the acronym for the Union of B.C. Performers and the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists. UBCP is an autonomous branch of ACTRA.
*  *  *
Women who have experienced workplace violence can get contact with Battered Women Support Services by sending an email to communityengagement@bwss.org and/or phoning 604-652-1010.

Men who have been sexually assaulted and/or harassed can get in contact with B.C. Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse at education@bcmalesurvivors.com and/or 604-682-6482.
*  *  *
“There is passion to drive forward change,” Brouse said.

“The whole industry needs to come together on solutions to improve the culture around all kinds of harassment but specially sexual harassment. Almost every woman has a story but certainly some men have stories too.”

On Thursday, the national office of ACTRA issued a news release saying that it was one of 16 organizations and groups developing an industry-wide response to sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying and violence.

Kendrie Upton, executive director of the B.C. district of the Directors Guild of Canada, said all groups agreed on immediately stepping up enforcement of existing policies. As well, the plan includes a more effective reporting mechanism that takes into account fear of retaliation and industry-wide training and awareness.

“There is not a specific time frame but our intent is to move quickly,” she said from Toronto.

“We definitely want to capitalize on the momentum that is out there. It is equally important that we do this right.”

Earlier this month, Andrew Kreisberg, executive producer of Supergirl Arrow, The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow was suspended by Warner Brothers. There have been allegations by 15 women and four men of inappropriate touching and sexual harassment. All three shows are filmed in whole or in part in B.C.

Edited by tv echo
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I still don't get the hood versus no hood pics. If it's for special effects, shouldn't the hood be green and tighter around the head? If it's just for blocking, couldn't any guy stand there - or have SA's stunt double stand there without a hood?

Or maybe the Earth-X Nazis consider our Green Arrow like a hooded falcon who will rabidly start fighting as soon as you remove his hood?

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30 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Or maybe the Earth-X Nazis consider our Green Arrow like a hooded falcon who will rabidly start fighting as soon as you remove his hood?

LOL. This is probably it. They are worried he'll just take off and return home to Felicity. 

I think they wanted (more) shots of all the heroes in a line so if O-X is in the shot they need to cover up the face of the body double standing in for O-1' so they can show the other actors who are lucky enough not to have to play Nazi dopplegangers. 

They can't pass up an opportunity to show all the heroes in a line. 

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3 hours ago, tv echo said:

Now we know where SA got his "Super Bowl" reference from - or did the CW EVP in this Adweek article copy SA? I also eye-rolled the last paragraph quoted below (fyi, article mistakenly says that the crossover ends on Wednesday)...

Who Needs Justice League? The CW’s Annual Superhero Crossover Is the Network’s ‘Super Bowl’
By Jason Lynch   November 27, 2017

Great, now I can totally expect this cross-overs to happen every season. I was hopping for a miracle cause, unpopular opinion, but I hate these crossovers. 

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The union representing professional actors in B.C. is looking to improve protections for young performers from sexual harassment.

A task force is exploring how to improve safety and reduce barriers to reporting for vulnerable young actors, said Sue Brouse, the union’s director of member services and human resources,

“We’re drafting a code of conduct that all of our members would voluntarily sign off on,” she said.

“We know that students, brand new actors, can be vulnerable when they want an acting career. We know that they can be vulnerable when they’re training with somebody who may be more established.

“We’re looking to protect young and emerging performers in teaching settings.”

Brouse is with UBCP/ACTRA, the acronym for the Union of B.C. Performers and the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists. UBCP is an autonomous branch of ACTRA.

UBCP represents entertainment workers such as actors, dancers and puppeteers in recorded media. It has about 6,000 members in B.C.

UBCP/ACTRA is offering confidential, free professional counselling to its members if they  have been sexually assaulted or harassed.

Women who have experienced workplace violence can get contact with Battered Women Support Services by sending an email to communityengagement@bwss.org and/or phoning 604-652-1010.

Men who have been sexually assaulted and/or harassed can get in contact with B.C. Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse at education@bcmalesurvivors.com and/or 604-682-6482.

Brouse said union members sense that now is a moment when things could change for the better. People, she said, are no longer willing to accept the status quo.

“There is passion to drive forward change,” Brouse said.

“The whole industry needs to come together on solutions to improve the culture around all kinds of harassment but specially sexual harassment. Almost every woman has a story but certainly some men have stories too.” 

On Thursday, the national office of ACTRA issued a news release saying that it was one of 16 organizations and groups developing an industry-wide response to sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying and violence.

Kendrie Upton, executive director of the B.C. district of the Directors Guild of Canada, said all groups agreed on immediately stepping up enforcement of existing policies. As well, the plan includes a more effective reporting mechanism that takes into account fear of retaliation and industry-wide training and awareness.

“There is not a specific time frame but our intent is to move quickly,” she said from Toronto.

“We definitely want to capitalize on the momentum that is out there. It is equally important that we do this right.”

Earlier this month, Andrew Kreisberg, executive producer of Supergirl Arrow, The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow was suspended by Warner Brothers. There have been allegations by 15 women and four men of inappropriate touching and sexual harassment. All three shows are filmed in whole or in part in B.C.


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Good for them for coming up with a code of conduct.  People will break it, but at least they know where the boundaries are.

13 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

  CP maintains the belief that Iris is still a journalist working for the paper and nothing yet contradicts that.  Nothing confirms it either but it's pretty common for this show to ignore Iris's life unless it's a plot point. I can buy that she hasn't maintained a lot of close friendships since getting involved with Team Flash, but I still believe that she has her own likes and dislikes and sense of her own individuality apart from Barry.  But the show doesn't care about that. 

I'm not asking for "a lot of close friendships" but zero?  At least they could have thrown in a line about asking her best friend from grade school to be her maid of honour but she was unavailable.

6 hours ago, SevenStars said:

The thing is, base on what we know about Iris it makes sense for her not to have a life outside of Team Flash, unlike the others who also don't have a life outside of Team Flash, because the most important people to her are part of team Flash, her dad, her brother, her best-friend and now her soon-to-be husband. We talk about her not having any real friends standing up for her at her wedding but the truth is if she was marrying someone else Barry would be the logical pick for her MOH/BM. The show made it clear that Barry and Iris were each others only real close friends before Barry's role as the Flash provided him with Cisco/Caitlin and others as friends. Same way it seems like Iris journalist job provided her with Linda as a friend, which the show was to damn cheap to hire back for the wedding or the actress was busying and now just like Barry, the writers use her position in Star Lab to provide her with other friends.

I can buy that the show is too cheap to get a day player to be her bridesmaid because it's Iris, why should they value when they got a brand new metahuman to feature?

I don't buy that she doesn't have any friends though.  I have my best friend but I also have friends from high school and university and work and some of them were my bridesmaids.

12 hours ago, LeighAn said:

He was forced to be a Nazi from childhood but he was just so good at it they had no choice but to promote him to Supreme Commander obviously. 

As I was growing up, I spent quite a bit of time wondering what I would have done if I had been born  into a society that was obviously bigoted and unfair, for example if I were born into a slave-owning family.  How would I have behaved, what would I have done?  Would I have had enough personal sense of right and wrong not to fall into the standard thinking?  It's bothered me.

But there are enough people in history to show that you don't have to follow blindly just because you're told to.  Oliver doesn't have to be good at it.

Margaret Atwood's speculative fiction is so scary because it's so realistic.  I'll know better tonight but it doesn't sound like the actions of people in the crossover are.

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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Good for them for coming up with a code of conduct.  People will break it, but at least they know where the boundaries are.

I'm not asking for "a lot of close friendships" but zero?  At least they could have thrown in a line about asking her best friend from grade school to be her maid of honour but she was unavailable.

I can buy that the show is too cheap to get a day player to be her bridesmaid because it's Iris, why should they value when they got a brand new metahuman to feature?

I don't buy that she doesn't have any friends though.  I have my best friend but I also have friends from high school and university and work and some of them were my bridesmaids.


The thing is, Iris never mentioned having any other friends outside of Barry in the 4 seasons that we have known her. If she suddenly had a group of friends close enough to be included in her wedding, most people would call b.s on it, cause there was never any sign of that before the wedding. Iris having other friends would have been great in S1 during the whole Barry/Iris/Eddie storyline. Maybe we would have gotten more of her pov in that storyline if she had one.  

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I hope that Superhero Walk looks better after editing.

I just watched the Girls Night Out episode of The Flash.  I can't think of any characters in the Arrowverse who have been a bigger waste of time than Ralph Dibney and that includes Vandal Savage and the Hawks.  Douchey white boys are just not interesting, Arrowverse.  Why did Iris feel that she needs to hide from Barry about fighting a meta?

2 hours ago, SevenStars said:

The thing is, Iris never mentioned having any other friends outside of Barry in the 4 seasons that we have known her. If she suddenly had a group of friends close enough to be included in her wedding, most people would call b.s on it, cause there was never any sign of that before the wedding.

I'm having a vision of a teen-age Iris trying on make-up at hairstyles and manipedis in her bedroom with Barry. Barry  trying out make-up and hair too.

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9 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I hope that Superhero Walk looks better after editing.

I just watched the Girls Night Out episode of The Flash.  I can't think of any characters in the Arrowverse who have been a bigger waste of time than Ralph Dibney and that includes Vandal Savage and the Hawks.  Douchey white boys are just not interesting, Arrowverse.  Why did Iris feel that she needs to hide from Barry about fighting a meta?

I'm having a vision of a teen-age Iris trying on make-up at hairstyles and manipedis in her bedroom with Barry. Barry  trying out make-up and hair too.

Lmao, I can totally see Iris convincing Barry to have a make-up/hairstyles party. 

Couldn't agree more with you on Ralph. As for Iris trying to hide her fight with the meta, the only reasoning I can come up with is that she didn't want to have to tell Barry that she put herself in danger trying to fight that meta. That is still a stupid reason to me but whatever. Anyway, that episode was so stupid, I try to act like it and everything that happened in it never happened. 

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I'm guessing from the way Oliver didn't even react to Felicity mentioning metas crashing bachelorette parties that he'd heard about it before, probably as soon as she came back from Central City. Reminded me of the last time she went mano-a-machine gun with Doubledown and Oliver's incredulous reaction when she told him she fought him off. 




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If Overgirl landed in naziland, why would she still have a sister? Wouldn't it be more logical if she was raised by the state? I guess I can kinda buy that Dark Oliver and Dark Tommy ended up as Nazis and Alex didn't because she is gay? 

BTW, yet another praise from Stephen in the direction of Melissa and once more Melissa talking about everybody except Stephen. 

And he posted a picture of the Oliver/Kara kiss. 


But I am curios as to why you deem it embarrassing if Stephen seems excited to be working with Melissa. 

Because of the lack of mutality. If it was Stephen gushing about Melissa and Melissa gushing about Stephen, I would just assume they had a great time. Instead he constantly brings her up, but she posted stuff mostly with her and the other ladies in the crossover and a bit on Grant, same for her interviews on the crossover. There hasn't even been the token "praising him for being a good actor" or thanking him for his compliments stuff one would expect. 

Edited by tofutan
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"You won't be able to tell which episode is which" -- Pshhsssttdd. The first hour did pretty good with mixing the casts, tones, and stories; but the Arrow episode was totally an Arrow episode. I hope the next 2 hours do better.

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3 minutes ago, Trini said:

"You won't be able to tell which episode is which" -- Pshhsssttdd. The first hour did pretty good with mixing the casts, tones, and stories; but the Arrow episode was totally an Arrow episode. I hope the next 2 hours do better.

Well the fact that the first hour was one endless music video that barely introduced the action it makes sense why the tone changed drastically once they introduced the plot. The first hour was wildly different in terms of content than the 2nd hour and the tone just followed the plot imo

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4 hours ago, tofutan said:

Because of the lack of mutality. If it was Stephen gushing about Melissa and Melissa gushing about Stephen, I would just assume they had a great time. Instead he constantly brings her up, but she posted stuff mostly with her and the other ladies in the crossover and a bit on Grant, same for her interviews on the crossover. There hasn't even been the token "praising him for being a good actor" or thanking him for his compliments stuff one would expect. 

I’m pretty sure he’s going on about her 1) because there was concern about the storyline and he’s more sensitive to that than she is for various reasons, and 2) I think he sees himself as the ambassador for Arrowverse shows since Arrow was the first and he hadn’t ever been on her show before, so he wanted to give her some praise. 

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You know that if they decide not to put all four parts on all the DVD sets or release it separately that once the crossover finishes airing tonight, we'll never hear "it's a four-part movie, you'll never be able to tell which episode is which show" again. Even though they have couples from two shows getting married on a show that's not either of theirs. 

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Thus far to me, the first two eps felt like a legitimate and well done full fledged X over event wherein each hour felt like an episode of the show it was in via tone and tenor whilst making good use of the visiting characters.

IMO the Supergirl hour felt like it honored Supergirl's tone and focused on Alex and Kara's recent romantic heartbreaks and supporting each other as they do on SG and the happiness of the WestAllen wedding fits in the SG theme IMO.

I like the set up for the battle between TeamArrowverse vs NaziArrowverse. It kept Alex and Kara central to the episode whilst reacting to and interacting with the visiting characters. And it did a good job IMO inviting folks that don't watch Arrow to stick around.  

IMO it was great choice to use Prometheus!Tommy's capture as the pivot to Arrow because of what Tommy represented for Oliver as friend and family. It didn't abandon the theme of family and love established in Supergirl hour but carried it over into Arrow's tone and then punched us Arrow viewers in the face with all the emotion when it's revealed that it's Evil!Tommy.  Putting Tommy in the Green Arrow outfit was a fantastic choice to visually signal the shift to the Arrow hour, which honored and maintained Arrow's sensibilities whilst keeping the visiting characters well used. And it was again a nice pivot to Flash and LoT with everyone being sent to Earth X and thus inviting Arrow viewers to find out what happens to Oliver now that he's been zapped to Earth X with the visiting characters. 

Some minor quibbles with why Thawne is around at all but in general I thought the first two hours were fantastic and I look forward to the next two hours.

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I'm glad they held the Tommy reveal for the Arrow hour, I think it's only appropriate that Colin came back to Arrow, it just felt right/earned.

I don't watch Supergirl mostly because I think it's cheesy as hell and not in a good way. Plus I don't think MB is a good enough actress to lead a show. Last night just proved to me how poor of an actress she is, nice singing voice though.

All that being said I can't tell if there was a tonal difference based on shows vs story. First part was more light/fun because it was mostly wedding/party/happy happy joy joy time. Part 2 was more angst action because the Evil Nazi's showed up and so the focus shifted. Of course they still left time in hour 2 to continue dealing with emotional connections (Alex/Kara, Alex/Sara, Olicity, Stein/Jax and WestAllen (to a much lesser extent then the others).

I have to admit I find it hilarious that they used the WA wedding as little more than a plot point for the crossover, while Olicity was more the heart/emotional focus of the first 2 hours.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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