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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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7 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

And... as I spec'd yesterday, this is when the faction currently supporting Jensen in all this brouhahah will turn on him.

Dean has no reason to tell Cas the story - Cas already knows. I think the suggestion that it could be Dean relating it to someone while awaiting Sam's arrival in Heaven is the most likely. Or if he decides to ignore 15x20, narrating to a school of hunters or such.

They might not frame it at all and just have him narrate it. Not pinning it down to a time, place or context. And I really think it will just a loose framing device anyway to not take away from the "present" happening of young John and Mary.

I don’t watch too much young Sheldon, some Goldbergs which also has an "grown up kid narration" device and the show is 99 % focused on the actual happenings.

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59 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

But Dean grew up with John. They knew a lot about John's life even before he was a hunter. They met army buddies over the years. They know how John felt about Henry (now early MOL's would have been a fun spinoff). They know how John and Mary met. I just can't see what else there is to explore about him.  And Dabb pretty much ruined Mary's character for way too many fans to care anything about her.

Unless John goes on all kinds of hunting adventures with Mary and then at some point has his memories wiped I just can't wrap my head around what they could possibly do with these two that would fit with canon.

I don't agree, I think there are lots of possibilities and honestly I doubt John actually told them THAT much.  There were years if they are starting from when they are teens, then Dean was born in 1979, that's nearly a decade before he was born, at the least it's 7 years if it starts in 1972 as Danneel suggested.  You really think he or WE know that much about them during those 7 years?  I don't.  And I doubt Dean does either.

And as he said "it wasn't perfect until after she died" John told them things, doesn't mean they were honest things.  There's a big difference between saying in a conversation "well such and such a thing about my father" and actually SEEING how that affects someone's life.  Seeing how young John was affected by Vietnam, etc. 

And then there is Mary's life, she wanted to leave hunting so badly, so why didn't she?  Or at least why couldn't she permanently?  Did she feel an obligation?  She just couldn't ignore things that she saw and knew how to help, etc?  Was she possibly forced into it?  Let's face it they don't seem to have really talked that much when she was back, she was always running away trying to be "her own woman", maybe this could help us understand why?

There is actually a lot of story to be told for both characters.

Plus mind wipes are canon, so them not remembering certain things because they were mind wiped would not contradict canon. 

16 minutes ago, Myrelle said:


Heh. I would love it Dean's first ever VO started out with

"After Jack sent us back here..."

And wouldn't it then be great if we never see or know who he's talking to until the end of the series, when we find out that it's Dean's own son.

I'd love that.

And I'm sure that there would be plenty of spec concerning that, and spec is what made this show turn at the beginning, IMO.

Ooh I like that idea!

54 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

I didn't get the impression that Jensen would be onscreen, just a VO narrator. (Not that I would mind seeing him!)  

Same I didn't get that impression, it's an off screen narration, he can do it where ever he happens to be working at the time.

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For my own amusement, what I'd like would be Cas narrating the Winchester Gospels.  It could start back before John met Mary, run through their lives together (so it would be seen from both POVs without blaming/demonizing one or the other), could put heaven's  interference into context, and then continue on through the entire series of SPN, with clips from the show and new material added to fill in the blanks from Cas's POV.  (That would maybe also appease Jared and his fans so it wouldn't appear that Dean is getting more air time than Sam.)  

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The press release said "The first story we tell..." so I think the idea may be to do a different story each season.  Like one season of Mary and John, the next season focusing on something else, they probably haven't decided yet so that's why they wouldn't mention it.  Or maybe they wanted to see how much they could come up with for John and Mary before deciding how long that story would last.

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9 minutes ago, tessathereaper said:

Same I didn't get that impression, it's an off screen narration, he can do it where ever he happens to be working at the time

But he could still be talking to someone, and one of the biggest gripes from the Dean fandom concerning the finale was that Dean never got to enjoy/have a life of his own and I know that meant different things to different fans, but if Jensen was producing, it would be what he wanted for Dean, more than anything else.

That would be a big part of his needing creative control, too-and that's the biggest reason that I'd be willing to give a shot.

  • Love 8
40 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

But he could still be talking to someone, and one of the biggest gripes from the Dean fandom concerning the finale was that Dean never got to enjoy/have a life of his own and I know that meant different things to different fans, but if Jensen was producing, it would be what he wanted for Dean, more than anything else.

That would be a big part of his needing creative control, too-and that's the biggest reason that I'd be willing to give a shot.

     I would kind of like it if Dean was sitting around a dinner table with John and Mary (maybe Sam) and talking about the old adventures. Another big advantage with Jensen are all the people that love working with him. I  don't think  it would be hard at all to get JDM to do a cameo in the pilot to launch this. 

     As for the voiceover, I suspect we will see Dean in front of the camera at least a little bit. It would be too big a draw and they could use it in advertising. Just to be slightly negative though, haven't really talked about Robbie's involvement. The is a very good  chance that Dean is telling all of this to Charlie Bradbury.

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I guess what I'm not sure of is how Dean can narrate his parents story other than as strictly that, a narrator.  Unlike Young Sheldon, or the Goldbergs' kid, he wasn't there. So he can't have a POV on the story itself. He can't be telling it. Maybe he's found diaries and is reading them. 

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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4 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I guess what I'm not sure of is how Dean can narrate his parents story other than as strictly that, a narrator.  Unlike Young Sheldon, or the Goldbergs' kid, he wasn't there. So he can't have a POV on the story itself. He can't be telling it. Maybe he's found diaries and is reading them. 

I think they`ll just not explain it and just have him be an omnicient narrator. I`m sure he`ll identify himself in relation to them aka call them his parents and their story but I don`t imagine they`ll go into the logistics of why/how he would know details of a story he wasn`t privvy to and for the sake of narration he is just gonna know.

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7 hours ago, Katy M said:

People trying to drag other people into their drama is kind of a pet peeve of mine.

This is one thing IA with.  If they are great friends, they'll work it out.  I do ignore the "Blame game" or "poor victim game".  Both are used to manilupate emotions.

I get that many celebrities think that any kind of press is good PR.  I don't.  This kind of thing can destroy a career too.

I'm not sure if I like the sound of the spin off.   Even though I am a fan of Jensen's...I won't be watching any more horror stuff.  So a spinoff would have to make me change my mind on that.

Also, I know of a writer/producer of another show that when it ended they thought they had a new show in the works.  It never happened. 

Look at all of the rewrites before Supernatural got produced.  Sometimes even the pilots get a remake, Numb3rs was one that I can think of.  The first pilot was very poor, the remake made it 6 seasons. 

How many shows that actually is pretty good gets canceled after one season.  So Jared having hurt feelings seems like a lot.  Jensen could have egg on his face if it doesn't make it.  (Not really)  But Jensen is taking the risks on this adventure not Jared.  Otherwise Jared should share in the burden.  This is why his complaint seems hollow to me.  I don't know and really I don't care.

I'll wait to see if the pilot gets more interesting, but right now I'm not sure if I like the concept or not.  I do think young Dean and Sam growing up would be interesting or going back to the days of the colt. 

Smart actors know not to burn bridges.  It's the business.  It's designed to make money.  Actors can lose jobs over being too emotional and hard to work with.  I do think at one point Jared and Jensen had a strong friendship.  But I'm not sure if I believe that is still true.  But both are adults and if they want to make the relationship work or give each other space...that is their issue to work out. 

I'll keep an eye out for Jensen as I respect his work so much more than Jared's.  I haven't given Walker a try and well I doubt I will.  Jared's acting isn't one that draws me in. 

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5 hours ago, tessathereaper said:

The press release said "The first story we tell..." so I think the idea may be to do a different story each season.  Like one season of Mary and John, the next season focusing on something else, they probably haven't decided yet so that's why they wouldn't mention it.  Or maybe they wanted to see how much they could come up with for John and Mary before deciding how long that story would last.

Oh an Anthology show? That would be cool, maybe then I could still get my Rufus/Bobby spinoff. 😁

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

When she said "The first story we tell..." I took it to mean the first show that Chaos Machine is producing.

That could be it too, but I think if it's successful, it would be natural to do other SPN stories too.  You don't do all that work and then go "John and Mary is enough" I don't think.

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Danneel posted on Instagram a picture of herself with some Mantra product going for a run a couple of days ago, tried to post here but file was too big or something.  I didn't think Danneel was the sort of person who went for runs!  Jensen also liked Jared's post of him in their pool with the children, so they are interacting with the Padalecki's on SM.

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On 6/28/2021 at 1:33 PM, tessathereaper said:

The press release said "The first story we tell..." so I think the idea may be to do a different story each season.  Like one season of Mary and John, the next season focusing on something else, they probably haven't decided yet so that's why they wouldn't mention it.  Or maybe they wanted to see how much they could come up with for John and Mary before deciding how long that story would last.


On 6/28/2021 at 6:55 PM, Morrigan2575 said:

Oh an Anthology show? That would be cool, maybe then I could still get my Rufus/Bobby spinoff. 😁

I agree an anthology series would be fun, but I don't think Jensen's "The first story we wanted to tell" comment was about the first story in The Winchesters.

From Deadline:



Before Sam and Dean, there was John and Mary. Told from the perspective of narrator Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles), The Winchesters is the epic, untold love story of how John met Mary and how they put it all on the line to not only save their love, but the entire world.

This the context for the "The first story we wanted to tell" comment:



“After Supernatural wrapped its 15th season, we knew it wasn’t over. Because like we say in the show, ‘nothing ever really ends, does it?'” Jensen Ackles told Deadline. “When Danneel and I formed Chaos Machine Productions, we knew the first story we wanted to tell was the story of John and Mary Winchester, or rather the Supernatural origin story. I always felt like my character, Dean, would have wanted to know more about his parents’ relationship and how it came to be. So I love the thought of having him take us on this journey.”


In other words, Chaos Machine's first story will be a Supernatural/Winchesters origin story.

It still could turn out to be an anthology, but the "we" in that comment wasn't talking about which story they wanted The Winchesters series to tell. It was talking about this series being the first story i.e. production out of their company.

Edited by General Days
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1 hour ago, General Days said:


I agree an anthology series would be fun, but I don't think Jensen's "The first story we wanted to tell" comment was about the first story in The Winchesters.

From Deadline:


This the context for the "The first story we wanted to tell" comment:



In other words, Chaos Machine's first story will be a Supernatural/Winchesters origin story.

It still could turn out to be an anthology, but the "we" in that comment wasn't talking about which story they wanted The Winchesters series to tell. It was talking about this series being the first story i.e. production out of their company.

Yeah like I said "I THINK, MAYBE..."

9 minutes ago, tessathereaper said:

Yeah like I said "I THINK, MAYBE..."


I replied because the quote you offered in support of that maybe was in reference to the production company's first story, i.e. the series itself, not the first story in the series.

I'd still like an anthology, though. I'm willing to give whatever they try a chance. I'd like to see them succeed.

2 hours ago, Diane said:

How do we know that they sold their home?

After the Architectual digest tour, they started posting pics from with a background that looked nothing like the lake house.  

So while there is nothing to state outright they sold it, it makes sense. 

  • Love 1
26 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

After the Architectual digest tour, they started posting pics from with a background that looked nothing like the lake house.  

So while there is nothing to state outright they sold it, it makes sense. 

I thought I read somewhere that someone looked it up. That it was public knowledge that anyone could look up, although I can't recall where I read it, but yes it was after the pics of them in the middle of another move came out, I believe. 

5 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Nice that they don't mention Jared's hateful tweet to Robbie. Even they see how transparently mandated the makeup tweet was. It's also sad that they are taking their 'facts' from Twitter.

The depths of my disdain for Jared over this knows no bounds.

And they also assumed everything Jared said was true and didn't give any benefit of the doubt to Jensen, so he was the only villain.  (And the "mandated makeup tweet" seemed to imply that Jared was forced to say it, while he was still the injured party, so he comes out the victim again.)

This is/would be just a minor fuss, but unfortunately, for those who don't know Supernatural or anything about the boys (which seemed to include the whole audience there) it's what they're going to take away after the details are forgotten:  Oh, the Supernatural guy.  Isn't he the one who screwed his friend?  

1 hour ago, ahrtee said:

And they also assumed everything Jared said was true and didn't give any benefit of the doubt to Jensen, so he was the only villain.  (And the "mandated makeup tweet" seemed to imply that Jared was forced to say it, while he was still the injured party, so he comes out the victim again.)

This is/would be just a minor fuss, but unfortunately, for those who don't know Supernatural or anything about the boys (which seemed to include the whole audience there) it's what they're going to take away after the details are forgotten:  Oh, the Supernatural guy.  Isn't he the one who screwed his friend?  

That show was fascinating on many levels. First I was surprised that there were so few fans there but considering the audience they may have been people who gave up the show a long time ago. The second interesting thing is getting some non-fan views from people who actually know the business and the CW in particular. I think Smith got some of the facts wrong or has some office talk type information. I don't think Jensen owns the plane with Jared. I thought the plane was Jared's but he let the cast and crew use it. But the fact that he got if for the Con's (and that it basically paid for the plane) is interesting. It also wasn't great that Smith seemed to get his information on John (and the situation in general) from Twitter. Twitter is not reality and the reason everything fell apart is because Dabb and crew thought it was. The biggest thing for me was how quickly they recognized the bump in the road tweet was from PR or the CW and not Jared. It never even occurred to me that could happen but it makes sense. I did think someone stepped in the night of the controversy and told everyone to fix the mess but the fact PR could have written Jared and Jensen's tweets adds a new aspect to all of this. 

I don't think this mess makes Jensen look like the bad guy. Looking at this and watching the John Campea show's take, it looks like the consensus is it's very weird that Jensen is doing this without Jared but Jared was just as much to blame by putting this all on twitter and not picking up a phone to straighten it all out. 

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From what I've seen and read, amongst the adult audience(and the more adult-minded), Jensen has more support than JP, who seems to have the wincesters and the tinhats(those fans who think that J2 are secretly a couple and the wives are beards) and the fringe element of the bi-bro fandom(those fans who, in their own minds, can't separate the actors from the characters they played on the show) in his corner.

Personally, I don't feel that Jensen would be hurt one iota by losing the segments of the fandom following JP. 

In fact, I think he'd be far better off in numerous ways since from the hate they're still spewing, it seems like they never ever really were truly his fans at all, excepting in what he could do for and with JP, and again, I feel like Jensen is really doing JP yet another favor by saying very little.

Come what may, I think JP has far more to lose in all of this than Jensen, so in the end he'll wind up hurting himself more than anyone else, which is usually what happens eventually with people who exhibit the patterns of behavior that he's shown.

JMO going off of a similar type of experience with a loved one. 

Oh, and the show reminds me of every other clickbait rag out there that gets their "facts" from Twitter. 


Edited by Myrelle
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2 hours ago, Myrelle said:

From what I've seen and read, amongst the adult audience(and the more adult-minded), Jensen has more support than JP, who seems to have the wincesters and the tinhats(those fans who think that J2 are secretly a couple and the wives are beards) and the fringe element of the bi-bro fandom(those fans who, in their own minds, can't separate the actors from the characters they played on the show) in his corner.

Personally, I don't feel that Jensen would be hurt one iota by losing the segments of the fandom following JP. 

In fact, I think he'd be far better off in numerous ways since from the hate they're still spewing, it seems like they never ever really were truly his fans at all, excepting in what he could do for and with JP, and again, I feel like Jensen is really doing JP yet another favor by saying very little.

Come what may, I think JP has far more to lose in all of this than Jensen, so in the end he'll wind up hurting himself more than anyone else, which is usually what happens eventually with people who exhibit the patterns of behavior that he's shown.

JMO going off of a similar type of experience with a loved one. 

Oh, and the show reminds me of every other clickbait rag out there that gets their "facts" from Twitter. 


I think both Jared and Jensen have long since resigned themselves to all the hate they get from fans. It is a drama that becomes a  feeding frenzy constantly looking for a bone.  No one ever "wins" those feuds.

I agree that the two guys didn't know anything about SPN or the fans (sounded like only 2 people in the audience ever even heard of the show). Which is why I didn't pay a lot of attention to that part. I just thought it was interesting that Creation bought them a plane.


  • Love 3
1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

I swear he looks weird in that pic. Is it just me? Like it looks like him but not. I'm puzzled..

I think it's the selfie angle.  His chin is narrower than normal and jawline is foreshortened.  I don't know about the woman with him, but she also has an oddly narrow jaw and very wide cheekbones.  


6 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

I think it's the selfie angle.  His chin is narrower than normal and jawline is foreshortened.  I don't know about the woman with him, but she also has an oddly narrow jaw and very wide cheekbones.  


She looks the same in her other instagram pictures.

35 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

She looks the same in her other instagram pictures.

Maybe the angle is aimed at her and Jensen, being taller, is at a different (odd) angle.  

All I'm saying is that his chin and jawline don't look like they usually do, which makes him look a little weird.  

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