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S14.E06: Come on Down to My Boat, Baby

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Meredith and the handsome judge would have made a great couple, so of course he had to die.

A big no to Owen hooking up with DeLuca's obnoxious sister, and an even bigger no to Amelia hooking up with her mentor of many years. At least Jackson didn't drunkenly hook up with Maggie - I was worried there for a second.

Gun-gina looked way too old to be 18.

The intern whom DeLuca recognized is being played by the SYTYCD season 5 winner Jeanine Mason, so until I memorize the character's name I will refer to her as So You Think You Can Doctor.

Jo's divorce storyline promises to be juicy, and it will certainly give Alex more to do. I just hope it doesn't involve a near-death experience that this show is so fond of.

  • Love 21

I didn’t like it. Episode felt so blasé, and I said “ew”too many times. 

Jackson, if you call a woman you are thinking about sleeping with “sister”....it’s weird!!!!

beyond the fact that he’s going to hook up with Maggie and him and april act like the other doesn’t exist, I like that he’s trying to get back into surgery competively. 

Mers nom is so underwhelming to me. It doesn’t feel earned. We saw Cristina go through the steps, it was an injustice to us when she didn’t win. When mers wins hers...I’ll be like...ok. 

Amelia and Tom? Ew. Owen and carina? Ew.

carina...I am really bothered and grossed out by her. “What’s your specialty?” “Orgasms” if a male said that he’d be a freaking douchebag. And it’s not different with carina except that she’s a female and they are going to claim “cultural difference” which may be true but it still really bothers me cause the double standard is glaring.

Edited by moonorchid
  • Love 16
2 minutes ago, moonorchid said:

Mers nom is so underwhelming to me. It doesn’t feel earned. We saw Cristina go through the steps, it was an injustice to us when she didn’t win. When mers wins hers...I’ll be like...ok.

Wasn't the entire plotline of Cristina's nomination that she couldn't win because she worked at Seattle Grace and was on the board with an Avery? Yeah, Jackson's name isn't on the paper, but an Avery still works there and is still on the board.

  • Love 17

I have a feeling that the judge's associate will sue Jo for influencing the judge to have the procedure.  Even if he did sign the form.  And that will force Jo out of hiding and she'll face her husband again, blah blah.

If they're cleaning house, Carina would have been a good candidate.  Talk about broad.  Gun-gina? "My specialty is orgasms."  Girl, bye.  

I'm actually OK with Amelia and Tom.  They have more chemistry than Amelia and Owen did.  

Liked how Meredith handled the loss.  At least she's using it to try to help other people.

  • Love 7
28 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Jo's divorce storyline promises to be juicy, and it will certainly give Alex more to do. I just hope it doesn't involve a near-death experience that this show is so fond of.

You mean give Jo more to do. I don't expect Alex to be anything more than a supporting character to her story. And that's how it should be, I guess. This is an important and delicate topic  and it would be wrong to put the guy she's dating too much in the center. Besides, Jo has barely ever had her own story in all her 5 years on the show. Still, I can't help but be extremely bitter that Alex's feelings and his POV on everything that happened in s13 with him and Jo are being completely and utterly ignored. Guess we're supposed to just accept he's not hurt at all by Jo's lies and secrets, because she had valid and tragic reasons for those. Guess he's completely over the marriage topic too. Where do he and Jo actually stand right now? What does he want for their future together? Who cares? What matters is that they got a rushed reconciliation and cute scenes in every episode, before the appearance of Paul Stadler will bring all the drama and sadness for them.

  • Love 4

Ugh. I hate DeLuca's sister. For real, who does that?! I dont care that you want to sleep around, whatever floats your boat. But at the place your BROTHER works? That is so rude.

Go Jo for being brave. Cant live your life in the shadows, you're giving him more power. 

I wish we had seen more of the boys on the boat. Those scenes were hilarious. "Webber can give a great speech." Alex, you crack me up.

I wish the judge had survived. I would have liked him with Mere. I kinda hope she finds love outside of the hospital. It would be, refreshing.

  • Love 13

Carina Deluca is the most useless character. She's literally a sex ornament taking up precious space and time that would be better spent elsewhere.  

My eyes hurt from rolling them at Meredith's Harper Avery nomination.  

I didn't get why Jackson was babbling on about a new competition/award. For what, exactly? So the super rich boy isn't bored anymore? This one went right over my head. That money could be more useful for other hospital resources. 

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 14

I have stated before that I like where this season is going so far and the pace is tightly packed.

-The boat scenes were kind of awkward imo. The only friendship I found believable was Ben and Jackson's while the rest were just an awkward addition. More than Merder, I miss Sloane's and Derek's friendship. When they were together laughing and even fighting, you believed that were friends. Callie and Mark as well. 

-Well look at that, Maggie/Jackson aren't siblings and Jackson wants to sleep with her (I'm counting that Freudian slip as proof). I wish them nothing but the best, but I'm rooting for Maggie mainly. 

-The gun-in-vag case made me cringe with horror and disgust. 

-The ladies swiping on Tinder scene was funny. April's line about not dating anyone that works in the hospital was funny and much needed, but this is Grey's.

-eh about Jo still.

-Owen and Carina was a twist I wasn't expecting, but this will be interesting. Arizona has already been in a relationship with a Bi woman and had some... hangups about it. I want to see how they handle Round 2 with her.

-Amelia and whatshisface were kind of obvious. This reminds me of when Cristina's old professor from Stanford who was a candidate for Chief of Surgery visited the hospital. 

-Ben's jumping all over the place, but I wish him nothing but the best for his new career path. Wonder how Miranda takes it though.

-Jackson's eyes were jumping all over the place too, but I'm happy that he's choosing to build a different legacy than the one he was born into. Finally, he has a purpose!

-I liked this episode better than last week's and I hope (*crosses fingers*) they continue with this momentum.

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Carina Deluca is the most useless character. She's literally a sex ornament taking up precious space and time that would be better spent elsewhere.  

My eyes hurt from rolling them at Meredith's Harper Avery nominatiaon.  

I didn't get why Jackson was babbling on about a new competition/award. For what, exactly? So the super rich boy isn't bored anymore? This one went right over my head. That money could be more useful for other hospital resources. 

Didn't Jackson get a quarter of million dollars and offer Bailey half of that? $125,000 is drop in a bucket at a major hospital.  They spend more than that on gauze pads


Never mind. I just read it was a quarter of a BILLION dollars.  That makes more sense

Edited by aw86
  • Love 1
1 minute ago, kinnej5 said:

(Haven't seen the ep yet so I am basing my assumptions off posts in here, I will get around to it at some point)

So they're actually willing to acknowledge Jaggie is incest? Or is this foreshadowing to episode 300?

By the way, when does 300 air?

They're not incest, that was the whole point of the discussion on the boat. 

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, kinnej5 said:

(Haven't seen the ep yet so I am basing my assumptions off posts in here, I will get around to it at some point)

So they're actually willing to acknowledge Jaggie is incest? Or is this foreshadowing to episode 300?

By the way, when does 300 air?

Not incest but it’s weird and for me it will never not be weird.

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, katycat74 said:

Maybe I missed it, but since when  did Deluca and Alex feel comfortable hanging out as buds?  Their interaction on the boat seemed like buddies with no problems whatsoever.  I kept thinking it was weird, just hanging out drinking beers, etc..

I feel like this is another Krista hand wave casue...”It’s Alex, he’s a puppy”

  • Love 2

I HATE the stupid trope of putting a portrait on a medical journal. They did it with Derek and they're doing it with Meredith now. Medical journals don't have pictures on their covers or if they do, it's a yucky rash or some disease. Not a person.

I have a hard time believing that NONE of those surgeons remembered that they had to be back at the hospital to greet the new interns.

I'm going to come out in favour of Carina DeLuca.  She pushes plot forward without tying up characters.  She gives Arizona a sex storyline without looking for another gay woman on the show; she's a ONS/short term lover for Owen without the burden of his old girlfriend.

I'm pretty sure they're going to try Jackson/Maggie given him saying that Maggie is his sister and everyone else saying "no, that's not the relationship you have with a sister."

Owen/Carina and Amelia/GG felt like a palate cleanser for Owen and Amelia.

I'm looking forward to Jo finally getting rid of the burden of her fear of her ex.  And DeLuca getting a love interest.  At least I hope she's a new love interest and not yet another sister.

1 hour ago, funnygirl said:

I didn't get why Jackson was babbling on about a new competition/award. For what, exactly? So the super rich boy isn't bored anymore? This one went right over my head. That money could be more useful for other hospital resources. 

I thought he was setting up a research foundation for Bailey to play with.  Which will of course fund Meredith's new research.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Meredith and the handsome judge would have made a great couple, so of course he had to die.

A big no to Owen hooking up with DeLuca's obnoxious sister, and an even bigger no to Amelia hooking up with her mentor of many years. At least Jackson didn't drunkenly hook up with Maggie - I was worried there for a second.

Gun-gina looked way too old to be 18.

The intern whom DeLuca recognized is being played by the SYTYCD season 5 winner Jeanine Mason, so until I memorize the character's name I will refer to her as So You Think You Can Doctor.

Jo's divorce storyline promises to be juicy, and it will certainly give Alex more to do. I just hope it doesn't involve a near-death experience that this show is so fond of.

I did love the look of absolute shock!!! on all of the doctors' faces when they figured out what had happened.  I laughed. 

I could actually see the little thought bubbles over their heads...."THE HORROR!". 

The show's least defined characters, in general, are its men. This was an episode, like several before it, that made this unfortunate point quite clear. However, the entire thing wasn't a wash; the narratives inched forward at a logical pace and several key players, including Meredith, had moments of great character-based truth. 

  • Love 3

I'm continuing to really enjoy the fun, breezy tone of this season. The patient stories were good, there was a lot of heart, some silliness, some sexiness... it was pretty much typical Grey's. I really like that they're focusing on medicine again. We're finally seeing Jo excel as a surgeon, Meredith has been badass all season, and I like Jackson's idea, too. I thought the guy's scenes were pretty funny. It's nice to see them all just smiling for once, and there were a few really good lines. I chuckled at Alex's "He makes good speeches" line while Webber was talking. 

I don't mind Carina. I'm not sure she has potential long-term, but I have no problem with seeing some of the doctors have some fun, and that's basically what she's brought. It was great see both Amelia and Owen with other people tonight. It's hard to believe that was only episode 6, because last season all of this movement would have taken ages. 

I'm so thrilled to see them approaching Jo's storyline in a way that empowers her rather than making her the victim again. I feel like coming into her own as a surgeon has helped to push her to realize her worth, and with having the secret out there + Alex by her side, Jo is easily the most confident she's been since she was introduced in season 9. There's a lot of growth there, and potential for more. I'd love to see her keep working in general with Meredith, too. They play well off each other. 

  • Love 9

Poor DeLuca.  First his sister shows up at his place (rooming w/Arizona).....and then he spies her slobbering all over Owen, his NEW roommate.  I had to laugh at his horror, too.  Seems he dislikes Carina as much as we do!  And then DeLuca apparently ran into his old girlfriend, one of the new interns!  Dump on DeLuca day.

AAAAAAAAAAND.....as we expected, Sophia is coming back aged up as "5 minutes from being a teenager", which means, of course, that Zoe and the rest of Meredith's imaginary children will be aged up appropriately as well.  

So, Grey's fans, how badly have the writers mind-f'd us regarding the whole series timeline THIS week?  I suppose time is fluid in Seattle.

On the whole, I saw this as a reasonably adequate transitional episode.  I think the new crew is trying to streamline and eliminate some old/badly written story lines.  But they've once again introduced a whole bunch of new and extraneous things to deal with....5 new interns, Allie McBeal Doctor (I hope he stays), Jackson with a hole in his pocket.

Speaking of which, how pathetic was it that five men couldn't figure out how to run that boat?  Seriously!  I've never run a yacht that size, but I've got some experience with one about 2/3 that big.  I'd have said "hand me the keys, boys, we're going for a ride".  Truthfully, a boat that big has two engines and is easier to handle than a small one with only one engine.  Kind of lame that Jackson would buy something so big he couldn't run it by himself.   And a bit out of character, too.  He's never been ostentatious.  But I WAS glad to see him get re-engaged with his profession. 

I really did like the ending Jo/Mer scene, where Meredith realized how out of character she'd been with Jo, and asking "serial killer smile?".  It's really nice to see some silly humor back in the show.

All in all, okay episode, but the improvement over the last two miserable seasons is fantastic!  We've got potential again for great "moments", and much better stories this season.  I'm happy. 

(sorry for the "stream of conciousness"....I've had a rough day, and it's nice to have something to be happy about)

Edited by Blonde Gator
five is not "give", sorry
  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, upperco said:

The show's least defined characters, in general, are its men. This was an episode, like several before it, that made this unfortunate point quite clear. However, the entire thing wasn't a wash; the narratives inched forward at a logical pace and several key players, including Meredith, had moments of great character-based truth. 

It was fine but you’re right. You look at that group...when’s the last time Jackson interacted with any of them? He’s the closest to ben and Jackson and Alex get dropped constantly by the writers. Their interactions were awkward when it was about anything personal coughgivingjacksonthepermissionhewasloomimgfortosleepwithmaggiecough

  • Love 1

Well, I thought last week would be a waste of time, but it was good.  Then this week I was looking forward to Male Bonding::The Next Generation, and it was a snooze. 

I wonder if the Derek/Mark/Richard group was really richer, more developed and more interesting, or I'm just old and crotchety now.  (I still smile thinking about everyone pounding out their frustration on that deck--and then the beer bottle rolled right off the slant.  Hee.)


One more callback:  Meredith's 3D printing project of yore was more interesting than LLDA or whatever it is.  Every time I see the commercial where the woman prints a 3D beak for the cockatoo and a new hoof for the little amputee pony, I think about Mer. <3

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, Blonde Gator said:

AAAAAAAAAAND.....as we expected, Sophia is coming back aged up as "5 minutes from being a teenager", which means, of course, that Zoe and the rest of Meredith's imaginary children will be aged up appropriately as well. 


Zola is in the promo for next week and it's the same actress who played her since season 11. I have a feeling Sofia will be the same actress that appeared during season 12. 

5 minutes ago, candall said:

Well, I thought last week would be a waste of time, but it was good.  Then this week I was looking forward to Male Bonding::The Next Generation, and it was a snooze. 

I wonder if the Derek/Mark/Richard group was really richer, more developed and more interesting, or I'm just old and crotchety now.  (I still smile thinking about everyone pounding out their frustration on that deck--and then the beer bottle rolled right off the slant.  Hee.)


One more callback:  Meredith's 3D printing project of yore was more interesting than LLDA or whatever it is.  Every time I see the commercial where the woman prints a 3D beak for the cockatoo and a new hoof for the little amputee pony, I think about Mer. <3

Deck episode was one of my favorites ever.  All bitchin' about their wimmen.  Heh.

  • Love 7
30 minutes ago, BaseOps said:

Zola is in the promo for next week and it's the same actress who played her since season 11. I have a feeling Sofia will be the same actress that appeared during season 12. 

Same. I took 'five minutes from being a teenager,' more in the sense of '9-is-the-new-12' than that they'd actually age her to 12ish. 

  • Love 2

Ugh! Just when I thought Greys was rid of the Italian orgasm, she's with Owen! How lucky are we , that she's bisexual.

I did enjoys the boys on the boat, mostly because I think Jackson is gorgeous.

My father had the same operation that the judge had, I'm sorry the Judge died. 

Edited by NeverLate
  • Love 3

The scenes on the boat were stupid and awkward because those men have almost no bond with each other (I mean, I love looking at a shirtless DeLuca, but what was he doing there?).

I so don't care about DeLuca's ex-chippy and immediately wanted to slap her.  Oddly, If it had been the hot South Asian (I think?) (male) intern, I would have been...intrigued and delighted.  I guess I'm just a hypocritical conundrum wrapped in a shallow enigma.

  • Love 7

OMG, scientific journals are not People magazine or US Weekly. They don't put photos of people on the cover! They also don't include information like whether you're a widow.

And Mer, if you hate the picture, you have no one to blame but yourself since you got to choose a photo and send it to them.

For the record, scientific journals don't publish research that quickly - especially print journals. How long has it been since that surgery? A few weeks? No way.

I know that Jackson has a serious amount of fuck you money, but even if I had that much money, I wouldn't buy something like a yacht without at least going to see it in person once before I clicked on the "buy" button.

I'm all for Maggie letting go of some of her control issues, but having your tinder date meet you where you work? DUMB. Pick a bar that you don't normally go to. If things don't work out, you'll never have to worry about running into this guy again. But if you have him come to your place of work on the first "date" and things don't work out, he could end up stalking you there! [/paranoid]

  • Love 7

Poor DeLuca.  First his sister shows up at his place (rooming w/Arizona).....and then he spies her slobbering all over Owen, his NEW roommate.  I had to laugh at his horror, too.  Seems he dislikes Carina as much as we do!  And then DeLuca apparently ran into his old girlfriend, one of the new interns!  Dump on DeLuca day.

Yeah, the man is just a punching bag, I can relate. Especially when an old girlfriend shows up where you have been working to start new. I'm pretty sure it goes to the fact they dated in medical school. she was a couple of years younger and they broke up for any reason. DeLuca was completely shocked to see her as in: "I live far away from last we saw each other, how the hell did you end up here?" So, Jo now is deciding to finally divorce her asshole of a husband and not worried about anything. You know, because you could have done that years ago and filed a restraining order. Duh!

  • Love 2

So, Jo now is deciding to finally divorce her asshole of a husband and not worried about anything. You know, because you could have done that years ago and filed a restraining order. Duh!

To be fair I don't think she is just suddenly deciding she doesn't care - she doesn't appear to have ever been in a position where she openly spoke about having even been married. Discussing it out loud and actually telling people about what happened to her instead of bottling everything would probably make her feel stronger about the situation. Knowing she has a supportive partner, is (finally) doing well and getting notice work wise has probably given her the confidence to file for divorce and not feel like it's the end of the world.

As for her Alex suddenly not wanting to get married I think that he just couldn't handle Jo not wanting to marry for him for no apparent reason. Now that he knows her reasons it's a moot point. Given the year they've had he's probably just happy they're on track again.

Edited by Chas411
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

'm all for Maggie letting go of some of her control issues, but having your tinder date meet you where you work? DUMB.

Oy, I forgot all about Maggie ducking down behind the desk.  I guess the character's description is supposed to be "brilliant cardio savant/socially unsophisticated" but there's been no evidence of the first part and all that ditzy immaturity is not charming to me, just stupid. 

Since she froze in place long enough for Tinder Dude to see her disappearing act, I imagine him thinking:  Okay, I dodged a vagi-bullet there.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, SL16 said:

How exactly did that gun go off? How did the trigger get pulled? It makes zero sense!

I believe they were palpating her abdomen.  Pushed too hard and ka-blam.  Safety must've been off.  Which is, shockingly, not the stupidest thing that girl did.

I did laugh a little at "Gun-gina."  Maybe it was the flood of lilting Italian that preceded Carina's pronouncement, but I thought it was funny.  I'll show myself out.

  • Love 4
32 minutes ago, Lovecat said:

I believe they were palpating her abdomen.  Pushed too hard and ka-blam.  Safety must've been off.  Which is, shockingly, not the stupidest thing that girl did.

I did laugh a little at "Gun-gina."  Maybe it was the flood of lilting Italian that preceded Carina's pronouncement, but I thought it was funny.  I'll show myself out.

This was just not believable. You have to apply pretty good force to pull a trigger. I guess another instance of just having to suspend belief to go with a story. Sigh. 

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, sadie said:

This was just not believable. You have to apply pretty good force to pull a trigger. I guess another instance of just having to suspend belief to go with a story. Sigh. 

that really depends on the gun, if it was something new from one of the big companies then yeah it stretches suspension of disbelief. But older guns with worn parts or guns that their owner have "improved" can have very light triggers.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

For the record, scientific journals don't publish research that quickly - especially print journals. How long has it been since that surgery? A few weeks? No way.

Ditto.  An article I wrote with my research fellow (now a professor) just got published this summer.  We submitted it at the beginning of the year, got reviewed, made revisions, and finally got published online this past summer.  STILL waiting for the print edition to come out so I can see my first article in hard copy form.  

JSA must be one of those predatory journals that you have to pay to get published.  No way she got published that fast.

Edited by GalvDuck
  • Love 8
13 minutes ago, GalvDuck said:

Ditto.  An article I wrote with my research fellow (now a professor) just got published this summer.  We submitted it at the beginning of the year, got reviewed, made revisions, and finally got published online this past summer.  STILL waiting for the print edition to come out so I can see my first article in hard copy form.  

JSA must be one of those predatory journals that you have to pay to get published.  No one she got published that fast.

Congrats!  That's got to be so exciting, getting published for the first time. 

  • Love 3

When Carina and Richard were talking about all the weird things they’ve removed from patients and she said, “They always ‘just fell on it,’” it made me think of the Seinfeld episode with fusilli Jerry. “It was a million to one shot, doc!”

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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