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Season 1 - 3 Discussion

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Just now, roughing it said:

"I love long, slow, deep, soft wet kisses that last all night"  Kevin Costner had me for life from that line in Bull Durham.

Hotter than hell in For Love of the Game too!

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This is my first season watching and it took me a while to realize this is really a soap opera and not meant to be a realistic western drama. Which is fine, and now I can enjoy it more, even with absurd shit like Mia mounting Jimmy in a hospital bed after major surgery and serious neck/back injuries, and the puke-worthy Monica: "Choose lake sex with me over killing one of god's creatures!!" Rip taking charge of the biker situation was hot. Although the "punk biker gang" is soooo cliche. Still, way better acting and production value than my other soap! 

The show does need to utilize Josh Holloway more! I hope they don't make him a single-faceted villain. 

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I might be the only one but I found the tent scene with John and Kayce hysterical!!  All 4 of them must have sex very quietly since their tents were within spitting distance and the guys seemed to have no clue the other one wasn't alone.

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My sister broke her back (her horse threw her) and she certainly wasn’t having sex in her hospital bed.  They put you in a clamshell brace and you move pretty gingerly for six weeks.  The whole Jimmy/Mia storyline is another bit of crazy in this show...it’s a great show, but it makes absolutely no sense.

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It sounds like Beth and Angela are going to team up to fight Roarke.    If Angela is as much of a badass as they made her out to be, this should be fun to watch 😜

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Did the doctor or nurse talk to only Jaime and not inform Beth about "sterilization" before performing the procedure?  She could have backed out  or didn't know and was real trusting of Jamie's decisions at that time. 

Ok! For that long wait, I can see why Beth and John hate Jamie but Beth can't take some blame herself and why no animosity towards Rip from her?

That nurse must have bit her lip for not spreading gossip around town. It was done at the Indian Health Services, Rainwater probably knows.

Most of those horses didn't flinch when the gun went off as if they knew what he had planned and didn't care.

What is Kayce's and Jaime's relationship (they hardly have any interaction)? Kayce can't lean on him for advice (he went straight to John)?

I can see the power of Attorney General getting to Jamie's head. I think he is "interim".

Monica virtue task this week is to crack down on "profanity" around Tate.  A few weeks ago, she proudly put an end to all students spending way too much time on their nasty cell phones. Her next project, is to have people stop chewing tobacco.

Real smart "Boy" to jump over a fence into Rip's waiting fist.

Second time Rip has a gun pointed to him and isn't fazed.

Colby is warming up to Teeter now. 

Now Mia and her friend are infiltrating the ranch. Something is up, when one goes straight for Lloyd and pass the younger men.

Edited by mxc90
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5 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

Beth can't take some blame herself and why no animosity towards Rip from her?

I don't think he knows, she lied to him that the test was negative and then broke up with him.  Unless he knew she was lying to him? Either way, we need to talk about it in a scene hopefully soon. 

We finally know what Jamie did, he in his own twisted way thought he was doing the right thing for the family by keeping her from going to town.  He didn't think or care of Beth's future at all. 

"The best we came up with sir, is fuck it." That plan was hilarious. Really enjoyed that scene with John/Kaycee/Rip.  John seemed to expect one of them to have more of a plan. lol I think Rip he expected since he asked him first. 

Monica being judgy over cowboys swearing at work. If she wants Tate to not pick up things, they she shouldn't have him there and basically being raise by them while she spent the summer in a tent with Kaycee. 

Kaycee's a lot better when not in any Monica scenes.  I enjoyed him being the commissioner scenes, with Rip and with John. I kind of would have liked to see him go to the barn dance. 

You are the trailer park, I am the tornado. Beth isn't scared and I don't think Roarke gets she doesn't need to pay a hit man. She's living with one.

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5 minutes ago, Artsda said:

I don't think he knows, she lied to him that the test was negative and then broke up with him.  Unless he knew she was lying to him? Either way, we need to talk about it in a scene hopefully soon. 

I understand Rip doesn't know. (I am no expert) but for her to go through that at that age, I would think she would hold some grudge against Rip for getting her pregnant. She is taking her anger out on the Jamie and the alcohol.

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The bank's loan against the horse breeder's property would almost certainly include the horses as collateral.  When they foreclose, won't they wonder what happened to the horses?  A few questions around town, (and, yes, Billings is 100+ miles away from Bozeman) and something might just turn up.  That's theft, pure and simple, and Kayce (for that matter, the entire Yellowstone staff) might be in a serious jam. 

I did get a laugh out of the widow's response to Kayce's sympathy.  Not what you were expecting, eh, Kayce?

I wonder what's up with the buffalo herders.  That seemed like an unnecessarily harsh confrontation unless it was meant to telegraph some future problems.  Apparently not everyone in the valley is under the Dutton thumb.

On another note, today, 7/20, is Josh Holloway's birthday.

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9 hours ago, mxc90 said:
9 hours ago, mxc90 said:


Second time Rip has a gun pointed to him and isn't fazed.


The scene involving Rip & a gun that was stunningly impressive IMO was last season when he rescued Beth from the monsters sent by the Becks. He destroyed the glass wall, came straight thru at the guy & was shot twice in the abdomen & didn't even slow down!  He was on complete override to save Beth & didn't stutter even one step -only gave a small grunt! 

Rip's  been overwhelmingly in love with Beth since they were kids. She feels the same but because of what happened with the abortion has felt unworthy to be with him as fully as they both actually want. She was dreading admitting infertility. Took her this many years to say it to him. She's been driven by self-recrimination for her mother's death and for trusting Jaime.  So she ran from Rip and later the ranch only coming back when her father needed her special skills to save the land. 

 The connection between Rip and herself is so deep & strong (karmic it could be said) it was inevitable / unavoidable they would be together.  Two damaged beings that fit  together in all the hurt places & together each of their pains lessen-- they are each other's source of healing.

I can envision a scenario in which perhaps an orphan child comes in proximity to them and becomes theirs as fully as a genetic child. Rip may be a killer but he has fierce tenderness for Beth and would also protect and love a child who would need him--and Beth would be just the same. She's always avoided kids because it's too painful for her but if she and Rip would marry/ stay together permanently, and she was secure in that, she could unclench, her heart would open and she would be a tremendous mother.

Also, why would she have been angry w. Rip because she was pregnant? He didn't treat her badly or callously. Didn't toss her away or disparage her or give her reason to be angry/hateful to him. They got pregnant. He didn't do it to her any more than she did it to him. I'm sure they were both terrified albeit for a few different reasons but he loved her too much even way back then to be horrible to her-- which would be the only reason for her to have animosity toward him. Teenage-hood  is so, so difficult and painful and fraught. Awful, awful time to have to have to deal w   these huge things. It's a wonder any of us live through adolescence...

I love this show, flaws  and all and hope it lasts for years. And hope when its time is done they give us a decent ending that includes Beth & Rip permanently together.

During scenes with Rip --and Rip & Beth especially -- Linda Ronstadt's version of "Desperado" always starts playing in my head...😍



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Such contrivance at the medical centre on the reserve. I understand they're doing this all for a major plot point but - a white girl getting an abortion on the reserve? It's already a shady situation, just hand over some cash and tell the doctor not to sterilise her. Good grief.

Even if they somehow swing the notion that the father sold the horses before receiving the foreclosure letter, the money would belong to the bank. Horses on a horse farm don't just disappear - this should come back to bite Kayce in the ass.

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Well we finally know why Beth hates Jaime. I however don't completely understand. He was a teenager as well as only acting to help her in the best way he knew at the time. I'm sure it is also because he didn't tell her and she found out after the fact. Would she have declined if she knew? Not sure. He clarifies the scene in the car with the gun when Jaime tells Beth ( and I'm paraphrasing) if hating me keeps you going then hate me.

Kayce really is not smart. Its jarring in relationship with his siblings who are both scary smart. I hate to break it to Kayce but those horses for 300 a piece are going to slaughter most likely. Also 16000 is pocket change for the Dutton's so all they have to do is give the money to the bank. Not sure why they just didn't pay the foreclosure and keep the land.

Beth and Roarke. " you are the trailer park I am the tornado" truer words never spoken.

Monica. Ugh. Well she's going camping alone with Tate. That should work out well.

Loved the scene with Rainwater and John. Cant wait for the two women to meet up and wreck havoc.

5 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:


On another note, today, 7/20, is Josh Holloway's birthday.

mine too!

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15 minutes ago, NeenerNeener said:

Did I understand that scene at the clinic correctly? Going to the clinic on the Res for an abortion meant automatic sterilization? That's horrific.

Yes! Why wasn't Beth informed of being sterilized before agreeing to the abortion? Let's just blame Jaime for everything that goes wrong with this family. Beth was being a bitch to Jamie before he took her to get the abortion but she had no problem asking him and only him to help her. Stupid, unrealistic story line.  A lot of the story lines on this show are stupid. Yet, I love it, I can't quit it, the cinematography takes my breath away and I will continue to watch every episode!

Edited by bichonblitz
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1 hour ago, rhygirl720 said:

Also 16000 is pocket change for the Dutton's so all they have to do is give the money to the bank. Not sure why they just didn't pay the foreclosure and keep the land.


I thought that too!!  Why not just pay for the funeral anyway??  $16 G is nothing to them!

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Based on her level of rage and her repeatedly saying Jamie is disloyal and untrustworthy,  I don’t think Beth knew she was going to be sterilized. She was a terrified 15 year old who I’m sure thought her beloved daddy was going to kill her boyfriend for getting her pregnant and she went to her older brother for help. He betrayed her by not telling her the truth.  I wanted to know more about that horrific rule! How did that come to be? I think maybe that wolf might kill Monica. Tate will be left with his dead mother in the wilderness just like Kaycee was. They are making Kaycee into John.  

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38 minutes ago, holo37 said:

wanted to know more about that horrific rule! How did that come to be?

At first I thought it was just a plot device, and that wouldn't happen in real life.  However, a quick search brought up this story from a Minneapolis paper:

The U.S. Indian Health Service (IHS) later applied forced sterilization to American Indian women in the 1960s and 1970s, (bolding mine, to illustrate that it wasn't ancient history) sterilizing 3,406 Native American women between 1973 and 1976. In 1976, the U.S. General Accounting Office admitted that this took place in at least four of the 12 Indian Health Service regions. The numbers include women in Minnesota as well as 36 women under age 21, despite a court-ordered moratorium on sterilizations of women younger than 21. Their study, however, was very limited and the actual numbers are likely considerably higher. 

The article goes on to say that doctors thought they were doing a service to the tribes by limiting births in low income families.  Frightening.

"I thought that too!!  Why not just pay for the funeral anyway??  $16 G is nothing to them!"  (Sorry couldn't quote it)  I got the feeling that John didn't really think too highly of the other rancher, but was willing to let Kayce break the law in order to help him out.  I think his objective was to stick it to the bank.

Edited by Dowel Jones
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19 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Josh Holloway is 51? Wowza, hot hot hot!


I can’t get past his hair, tho 😩.

I’m loving this season.  Last season was too graphically violent for me, this one has a much better storyline.  

Last night’s scenery and cowboy scenes did not disappoint!  

Jamie was kind of put into a bad situation with teen Beth.  Without a mom to turn to, and John Dutton as their father, I figure he just did what he thought would solve Beth’s problem.  I’m sure the long term ramifications of that decision were not in the front of his mind.  So sad for all involved, but damn.  At least Jamie didn’t try to remedy the situation himself at home! I was worried they would go that direction for a minute. That clinic is the really where the blame should fall.

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Good casting on the young version of Beth.

Required sterilization? WHAT THE ACTUAL FCUK? Ugh, I guess I can't say more though without violating the no-politics rule.

Of course, Jamie was wrong not to have told Beth and now her treatment of him makes sense. But maybe if he'd told her together they could've figured out a way to go to another state, say CA, where their names were less likely to be recognized. (And kudos to Sheridan. I doubt any viewers saw that particular plot twist coming.)

Heh, Rip's like, "Did I stutter?" to that buffalo herder. He's amazing.

The guys running those horses reminded me of this:

Wait, what? The first thing Jamie does as the brand new AG is make a spite call to an old ex? This guy. And his weak double entendres. 😒

The beer-stealing buckle bunnies show up and it's a party! Seriously though, I think they're up to something against the Duttons and used Jimmy to get inside.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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38 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

At first I thought it was just a plot device, and that wouldn't happen in real life.  However, a quick search brought up this story from a Minneapolis paper:

The U.S. Indian Health Service (IHS) later applied forced sterilization to American Indian women in the 1960s and 1970s, (bolding mine, to illustrate that it wasn't ancient history) sterilizing 3,406 Native American women between 1973 and 1976. In 1976, the U.S. General Accounting Office admitted that this took place in at least four of the 12 Indian Health Service regions. The numbers include women in Minnesota as well as 36 women under age 21, despite a court-ordered moratorium on sterilizations of women younger than 21. Their study, however, was very limited and the actual numbers are likely considerably higher. 

The article goes on to say that doctors thought they were doing a service to the tribes by limiting births in low income families.  Frightening.

"I thought that too!!  Why not just pay for the funeral anyway??  $16 G is nothing to them!"  (Sorry couldn't quote it)  I got the feeling that John didn't really think too highly of the other rancher, but was willing to let Kayce break the law in order to help him out.  I think his objective was to stick it to the bank.

It's true that sterilization significantly increased in the 1970s, but forced sterilization of indigenous women goes all the way back to the 30s.  It's been going on for almost 100 years 😐 

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5 hours ago, holo37 said:

They are making Kaycee into John.  

It looks like, it would have been interesting to see him go to the barn dance as he called it, instead of just sitting there and being his dad.  Rip has no problem leading them and being there. He has their respect as a leader/boss. 

But Kaycee has to sit up at the main house and be king of manor when he used to live with them in that bunkhouse.

I'm getting tired of John just praising everything Kaycee does, i saw one recap call it that John praises Kaycee again for his "awesomeness" and is surprised his hat still fits his head. May be they're building him up so high on a pedestal to fall? 

Edited by Artsda
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37 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

The beer-stealing buckle bunnies show up and it's a party! Seriously though, I think they're up to something against the Duttons and used Jimmy to get inside.

I’m fearful of this, too. 😢

And the brown haired one who is after Jimmy looks like Jenelle Evens from Teen Mom 2, so I automatically do not like her for that reason!

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Ok, I'm all in on suspension of disbelief, but if they gave 15 year old Beth a tubal ligation, she could still have children through IVF.  Women who've had ectopic pregnancies and lost a fallopian tube do it all the time.  Especially possible since money wouldn't be an issue.  Again, these plot devices make NO sense.

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41 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

I’m fearful of this, too. 😢

And the brown haired one who is after Jimmy looks like Jenelle Evens from Teen Mom 2, so I automatically do not like her for that reason!

She's the real life daughter of Josh Brolin which I didn't realize. I too am concerned about the Buckle Bunnies. 


Mia is in for the next 5 episodes!


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22 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

She's the real life daughter of Josh Brolin which I didn't realize. I too am concerned about the Buckle Bunnies. 

  Reveal spoiler

Mia is in for the next 5 episodes!


Holy crap!  So she is Barbra Streisand’s stepgrandaughter?  So cray (and now I feel SUPER old)!

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Are barrel racers really buckle bunnies?   I thought buckle bunnies were more like groupies.    Barrel racers have a skill and actually compete.   I hope they're not part of some devious plot.   They could be harmless and just out to have fun. ...."girls just wanna have fun"  😜


When did Jamie call his ex?   I watched this episode 3x and didn't see that. 


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Are barrel racers really buckle bunnies?   I thought buckle bunnies were more like groupies.    Barrel racers have a skill and actually compete.

¿Porque no los dos? 😉


When did Jamie call his ex?   I watched this episode 3x and didn't see that. 

My bad. I didn't recognize that guy Jamie was talking to on the phone as the county attorney (who Jamie now outranks). The conversation sounded to me like Jamie was calling to rub it in that he was now his ex's boss. I guess he was just rubbing it in period. Still seems to me like there's some other history there though.

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As to why the Duttons didn't simply pay off the bank for the other family-- From the first season it's been said that the Yellowstone is land rich & cash poor. The bank note on the other ranch was likely hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars-- no way to do that for John & co.

Beth keeps telling Roarke John doesn't care about having hundreds of millions-- he wants the Land. In the first season John referred several times to not being able to afford one thing or the other & worrying about the monetary costs of keeping it all (taxes, plus upkeep, worker salaries, veterinary costs ect.) 

Beth is buying land around the Yellowstone as a buffer against development. But she isn't using her own money she's using that of Schwarz & Meyer ie: "Bob". Bob seems very cool w this and obviously holds Beth in high regard. I do wonder if this might turn to conflict down the road,tho' money being so frequently the wheels of greed/ evil. So maybe, maybe not Beth & Bob's relationship continues to be amicable & syncronistic.

I think the barrel racer girls are there for the comic relief of continuing the joke told to Jimmy in the new barn. Someone asked Jimmy during the party if  he was getting the joke about a week with a barrel racer seeming like a lifetime yet. He's in for a wild ride for at least 5 episodes and then gets to shake his head over the whole thing after he's learned a bunch😁.


Edited by BlueHawk
Autocorrect is not correct!
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3 hours ago, BlueHawk said:

From the first season it's been said that the Yellowstone is land rich & cash poor.

Yet he had money, or the promise, to pay for Jimmy's surgery and hip replacement.  That's not cheap.

3 hours ago, BlueHawk said:

But she isn't using her own money she's using that of Schwarz & Meyer ie: "Bob"

Which is interesting in its own right.  S&M (heh) doesn't have a never-ending supply of cash to keep buying properties and selling off Roarke's fund at a discount.  Sooner or later they have to turn a profit, or their own investors will start moving to other funds with a better return.  Does Bob have a plan that he's not telling Beth?

8 hours ago, Artsda said:

But Kaycee has to sit up at the main house and be king of manor when he used to live with them in that bunkhouse.

But he's the Livestock Commissioner for the entire state, now.  He can't be seen with the common folk anymore. 😉

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

¿Porque no los dos? 😉

My bad. I didn't recognize that guy Jamie was talking to on the phone as the county attorney (who Jamie now outranks). The conversation sounded to me like Jamie was calling to rub it in that he was now his ex's boss. I guess he was just rubbing it in period. Still seems to me like there's some other history there though.


I don't speak or read Spanish. 

What ex?   The girl he knocked up who worked on his campaign?  And who would be his ex's boss?

Yes there is history between those two.   He's the one Jamie had words with after the two guys died in the horse trailer.  I don't know his title.   Is he the county attorney?   

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Once again the writers are inventing a world that does not exist.  Beth is not Indian.  She is not eligible for health services from the Indian Health Service Clinic, a federal agency, and, furthermore, I cannot imagine any white Montana teenagers attempting to access an abortion there.  Furthermore, abortions are not financed with federal money under the Hyde Act except when the mother’s life is at stake.  So forget that plot point completely, because no such services are provided on the reservation.  

Also, I truly wonder where this ranch is supposed to be.  I thought they were supposed to be near Bozeman, where I am guessing there was a Planned Parenthood Clinic in the 90s.  The show mentions the one in Billings, which is still there, but supposedly the kids would be recognized.  Get real.  That is ridiculous.

Edited by luckylou
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1 hour ago, Dowel Jones said:

Yet he had money, or the promise, to pay for Jimmy's surgery and hip replacement.  That's not cheap.

Which is interesting in its own right.  S&M (heh) doesn't have a never-ending supply of cash to keep buying properties and selling off Roarke's fund at a discount.  Sooner or later they have to turn a profit, or their own investors will start moving to other funds with a better return.  Does Bob have a plan that he's not telling Beth?

But he's the Livestock Commissioner for the entire state, now.  He can't be seen with the common folk anymore. 😉

Pretty sure Yellowstone has really good insurance for their wranglers. Pretty stupid not to with that kind of operation and the inherent risks to the workers. 

Also a business like S&M (good catch👍😁) while not as huge as Roarkes op wouldn't be foolish enough to risk their profits. Business at those levels have enough resources/levels and on & on to conduct the business Beth is doing and not touch profits. They wouldn't do it if they weren't turning profits the whole time. They've been indicated as smart (or Bethey wouldn't be working with them!)

I thought Kayce was depressed over having to become Livestock Agent. That position got his brother killed. And Kayce  already turned it down, made his feelings clear & now here he is--  in an office, stuck in town, instead of living out on the Land with his family in that idyllic dream that he knows can't ever manifest but he longs for anyway. Him sitting on the porch instead of going to the bunkhouse where the music and fun were just felt as tho' he sank into the heaviness of his new unwanted situation as he sank into that chair. Total Bummer.

Edited by BlueHawk
Sigh. Typing with one finger is hard...
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I am all about John and Rainwater.  It's the primary reason I watch.  I was so looking forward to the "Yalta" meeting.  I was so disappointed with the script and the acting.

Sheridan had to walk a fine line between basic exposition and profundity.  His writing did not work for me.  The choice to have Rainwater be so jovial throughout the meeting was a poor one.  I never once got the sense that they were outlining a truly existential war.  The emphasis on the women they each were choosing was unseriously handled.  The tone was very much like the "Fuck it" scene (which absolutely worked in context).

The bar meet up was all over the place.  It made little sense to me that it devolved into a pissing match.  Yes, it was fully in Beth's character to be stupidly bombastic.  Roarke pleading with her to change the timing of her shorting was silly.  He also would not have shown her anger.  She acknowledged perfect lucidity and understanding of the economics.  She was pleasant.  Heck, in what may be a first, she said he was right!  To me, that's meeting over.  It's already really well established that each are ruthless and capable of fighting to the death.  The parting threats were worthless and cheap.

The horsey deal was fun.  As previous posters have noted, it was all kinds of whack.  They netted a paltry $35/horse.  I did truly love the moments Kayce had with the son at the wake.  That apple won't ever even fall from that tree (Dad).  He's permanently attached.  His bravado and pride in his choosing that life path was classic.  A beautiful moment.

So, too, John teaching Kayce about real leaders not being able to be one of the boys no mo.  Real truth.  Deep.  Earned.  


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I was just a little underwhelmed with the Beth/Jamie reveal. It sorta just went down the way I expected without no other twist than that Jamie knowingly let Beth be sterilized. I thought it would be an infection or something. But I was hoping for more spark I guess. Like a fistfight between Jamie and Beth or Jamie and Rip. Well it can still happen down the road. Just that they (the cast) build up this episode to be something unlike any other when it to me wasn't, bar from that we now know for sure. 

I haven't seen the promo for the next episode so I dunno how John reacts. But I'm hoping we will see a follow up on this. Rip still doesn't know so I can't see that go down without punching involved, preferably to Jamie's face rather than a wall. 

So far Roarke doesn't seem to be up to the challenge that is Beth. His little tantrum with the fishing gear is the most spark we've seen from him. Lame. The bar scene was okay, every line out of Beth was a great quote. She's my favorite villain and heroine rolled in to one spitfire character! 

Rip is great. I loved him coming in swearing in the bunk house until he saw Beth and his whole face just lit up with a smile. I love him on the porch whatever the scene is. That porch brings out the best in him. Yay porch. 

Colby is warming up to Teeter it seems. I liked the barrel girls duo better than lone bunny Mia. Liked that they got the bunk house rolling. 

Nice to see Sheriff Haskell again. And Rainwater & Mo Brings Plenty. Looking forward to the Beth & Angela meet-up next episode. Half way through the season now. Ugh. 

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This show has to be way expensive to make. I'm sure they don't expand the number of episodes due primarily to that. But boy  do I wish they would give us more!  Halfway through and so much left to know. Waiting till next June is an eternity.😢

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8 hours ago, MorbidPet said:

Rip still doesn't know so I can't see that go down without punching involved, preferably to Jamie's face rather than a wall. 

Hopefully it's bad enough that Jamie will have to finally get his teeth fixed.  I find the actor so unbelievable as a Dutton family member anyway, and I can't stop looking at how crooked his teeth are.  

I agree that something nefarious is up with the barrel girls.  No way Mia just jumps headlong into Jimmy.  There's a long game there.

Colby might be warming up to Teeter, but I certainly am not.  I still call her "Tater".

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1 hour ago, roughing it said:


I agree that something nefarious is up with the barrel girls.  No way Mia just jumps headlong into Jimmy.  There's a long game there.


Well I was thinking the same about Cowboy last year 

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16 hours ago, luckylou said:

Once again the writers are inventing a world that does not exist.  Beth is not Indian.  She is not eligible for health services from the Indian Health Service Clinic, a federal agency, and, furthermore, I cannot imagine any white Montana teenagers attempting to access an abortion there.  Furthermore, abortions are not financed with federal money under the Hyde Act except when the mother’s life is at stake.  So forget that plot point completely, because no such services are provided on the reservation.  

Also, I truly wonder where this ranch is supposed to be.  I thought they were supposed to be near Bozeman, where I am guessing there was a Planned Parenthood Clinic in the 90s.  The show mentions the one in Billings, which is still there, but supposedly the kids would be recognized.  Get real.  That is ridiculous.

However Montana is one state that uses its own state Medicaid funds to subsidize abortions so I think it might be plausible.

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Well I was thinking the same about Cowboy last year

Yeah, that character came and went like a ghost. Wonder if it was some kind of inside joke with the actor? I sure hope so because for the most part I don't think Black characters have fared well on Yellowstone. Right now they're doing something with Colby and Teeter but that's mainly comic relief IMO. (And probably wouldn't be considered as funny if the situation were reversed and he was pursuing her the way she comes at him.)


I don't speak or read Spanish. 

It is a reference to a well-known meme based on an Old El Paso taco shells commercial from about ten or so years ago. The commercial was in Spanish but dubbed over in English for the US viewing market. Google is your friend.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

It is a reference to a well-known meme based on an Old El Paso taco shells commercial from about ten or so years ago. The commercial was in Spanish but dubbed over in English for the US viewing market. Google is your friend.

Well, I've never heard of that "well-known" meme, so thanks for the info. 

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4 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

However Montana is one state that uses its own state Medicaid funds to subsidize abortions so I think it might be plausible.

Jamie also handed over cash.   I'm sure that bought them services.

1 hour ago, mledawn said:

Well, I've never heard of that "well-known" meme, so thanks for the info. 

I never heard of it either.   

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