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Spoilers And Shockers

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15 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

Claire seems to have a habit of going after Ciara's men. First Theo and now Tripp.  

Tripp and Claire were close friends before Ciara even entered the picture and he liked Claire before he moved onto Ciara. Then Ciara broke up with him.    I still can't comprehend why either girl was so invested in Theo, but again, Ciara threw Theo away when she decided to go after Chad, then Theo and Claire became close.

So to me, it isn't "Claire going after Ciara's men" but rather, Ciara throwing men away.  After that, Ciara doesn't have a say in what happens.

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2 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

Tripp and Claire were close friends before Ciara even entered the picture and he liked Claire before he moved onto Ciara. Then Ciara broke up with him.    I still can't comprehend why either girl was so invested in Theo, but again, Ciara threw Theo away when she decided to go after Chad, then Theo and Claire became close.

So to me, it isn't "Claire going after Ciara's men" but rather, Ciara throwing men away.  After that, Ciara doesn't have a say in what happens.

I find both girls to be unlikable. I find their rivalry to be contrived and boring. 

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Ciara...dumped Tripp, right?  I mean, sure, it's not cool for him to jump on her aunt/friend like six seconds later, but...he's not your boyfriend, girl, by your choice.

Also...isn't it a little gross that the show used Ciara's rape as a quick wedge between her and Tripp so they could throw her at Ben? 


Eve is determined to find a way to thwart her sister.

Fuck off, Eve.  Maybe you should be raging about your daughter's killer being released from prison?  Just a thought.

Edited by TeeVee329
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9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I wish Ciara wasn't the worst and/or that she was played by a much better actress because this Ben/Ciara shit is right up my alley. But I hate her and her acting sucks so it won't be good dammit!

I may be asking for too much but I'm hoping RSW can bring some life to her. I find him to be extremely charismatic.. I mean, he even made me tolerate Kate Mansi heh.

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4 hours ago, howmanywords said:

I may be asking for too much but I'm hoping RSW can bring some life to her. I find him to be extremely charismatic.. I mean, he even made me tolerate Kate Mansi heh.

He wasn't able to make it work with his dud love interest on PP AMC, though he was, to be fair, greener than.

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On 6/2/2018 at 9:23 AM, peachmangosteen said:

I wish Ciara wasn't the worst and/or that she was played by a much better actress because this Ben/Ciara shit is right up my alley. But I hate her and her acting sucks so it won't be good dammit!

It almost makes me want to start watching again. I returned but couldn’t take whenat was happening to Kayla and Steve.

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So Ben is going to take Ciara to the cabin where Wendy the dead midwife delivered Thomas.  Isn't that cabin on Smith Island, and isn't there a public ferry that runs between Smith Island and Salem?  Did nobody on the ferry see him carrying an unconscious girl?

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2 hours ago, Harmony233 said:

Wonder where Ben will get money at I've just been curious how he's going to live lol.

Maybe his father the former drug kingpin left him a stash of cash.

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On 6/1/2018 at 3:23 PM, superdeluxe said:

But who is Ron to tell someone to lose weight?  He’s the head writer, right?  I’ve never heard of the head writer telling an actor that they need to lose weight.  If he has a producer credit, I would understand a tiny bit.

There's also the opposite. Gail O'Grady is on record saying that she was told by the writers of American Dreams that they would stop writing for her if she lost any more weight. She had lost a bit of weight (it was actually due to morning sickness) and the writers were concerned that she was going to go for the Lollipop head look that was so popular at the time.

Anyway, I can't help but think there's a reason why Ben is being brought back, and that's his abs.

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13 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

I can envision an entire episode of Xander and Ben trying to outflex each other.

Okay.  There are episodes of this show in recent weeks that I would prefer this to. 

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I read a spoiler in TV Guide that Theresa, with Victor's help, dangles Titan/Bella in front of Brady, but the catch is he has to sleep with her.  Not even break up Eve or start a relationship with her, just sleep with her once.  That's...not cool.  It could be interesting if they linked that behavior with the trauma she suffered being a sex prisoner for over a year, but I think this is just supposed to be spicy bad girl antics.

Also saw Ron tweet that CB got a movie and that's why they had to extend Gabi being in prison a few weeks.

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34 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I read a spoiler in TV Guide that Theresa, with Victor's help, dangles Titan/Bella in front of Brady, but the catch is he has to sleep with her.  Not even break up Eve or start a relationship with her, just sleep with her once.  That's...not cool.  It could be interesting if they linked that behavior with the trauma she suffered being a sex prisoner for over a year, but I think this is just supposed to be spicy bad girl antics.

Also saw Ron tweet that CB got a movie and that's why they had to extend Gabi being in prison a few weeks.

I'd be okay with the sex thing once...IF they tied it to PTSD from being a sex slave. But they won't do that. 

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Are we sure Kyle Lowder is playing Philip?  I thought I read he was going to be Rex.

If he's Philip, that will be extra strange when Victor has scenes with Brady and ex-Brady.

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Week of June 18


Monday June 18:

Will has a flash of memory.

Tuesday June 19:

Eric, Jennifer, Lucas and Chloe have a celebratory dinner.

Wednesday June 20:

Ben confides to Ciara a disturbing moment from his childhood.

Thursday June 21:

Kayla is caught while snooping around Kate's room.

Hope is relieved when Ciara calls her, but is upset by her daughter's news.

 Friday June 22:

Kate makes a huge confession to Chad.

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On 6/5/2018 at 9:45 AM, methodwriter85 said:

There's also the opposite. Gail O'Grady is on record saying that she was told by the writers of American Dreams that they would stop writing for her if she lost any more weight. She had lost a bit of weight (it was actually due to morning sickness) and the writers were concerned that she was going to go for the Lollipop head look that was so popular at the time.

Anyway, I can't help but think there's a reason why Ben is being brought back, and that's his abs.

I read an interview with RSW where he said that Deidre Hall was instrumental in him coming back.  She told the top dogs at the show that RSW was so talented and that he deserved to come back and that it would be a shame to not bring someone so talented back to the show to paraphrase.

1 hour ago, BlackMamba said:

Week of June 18


I wonder if Ben's disturbing moment from his childhood is that Clyde sexually abused him.  He would then be able to relate a little to Ciara's rape and they will bond over that.  Just a guess.

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7 hours ago, jaylee-03031 said:

I wonder if Ben's disturbing moment from his childhood is that Clyde sexually abused him.  He would then be able to relate a little to Ciara's rape and they will bond over that.  Just a guess.

Fuck me. I just need Ron to stay away from sexual assault/abuse. That's literally all I ask of him!

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Fuck me. I just need Ron to stay away from sexual assault/abuse. That's literally all I ask of him!

Yeah I hope they don't go there they already got his father abusing him without bringing sexual abuse into it although Clyde did sexually abuse his sister.

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19 minutes ago, Harmony233 said:

It took me like five minutes to remember that Jennifer and Lucas were relea ted because I couldn't figure out why Chloe and Lucas were hanging out with Jennifer and eric.

lol I never remember they're related either. Every time they mention a sibling I'm all "What, who's the sibling?"

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I didn't know where to put this at but I haven't read any spoilers about eve finding out Ben was out.She seems more interested in fighting Teresa for Brady.I mean maybe it will happen on next week's episodes.

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OMG... How many times can one pregnancy be in jeopardy?  Here's the thing, I don't care about this story.  I want to like Lani and Eli, but they're both a little bland.  I liked them each in their respective pairings with JJ and Gabi; but together? Zzzzzzzzzzz......

I hate miscarriage and dead children stories.  So I'm generally super concerned and invested in difficult pregnancy/sick children stories hoping everything is okay.  But I just can't care about this one.  Heck, I don't even remember that Lani or her pregnancy exist until she appears on screen or her name is directly mentioned.

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17 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Lani's baby is gong to die, according to Soap Hub.

Aaaaaannnnnd... All I feel is annoyed that we had to go through this BS story at all.   Is it terrible that the only person I feel bad for in this situation, really, is JJ? He was the only person in this pregnancy story line whose feelings about the pregnancy moved me at all. 

Edited by RachelKM
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1 hour ago, RachelKM said:

Aaaaaannnnnd... All I feel is annoyed that we had to go through this BS story at all.   Is it terrible that the only person I feel bad for in this situation, really, is JJ? He was the only person in this pregnancy story line who's feelings about the pregnancy moved me at all. 

Because JJ is the only sympathetic character in this entire storyline.  We watched Lani lie to everyone without any sign of guilt or remorse, the only time she showed any regret was when JJ confronted her with the truth during Gabi's trial.  If it were up to Miss Lani Price, neither JJ or Eli would know the truth.  Eli was on the right track when he admitted to having sex with Lani on Christmas Eve out of a sense of revenge but then he lost any points he gained when he lied to Gabi about being the father.  I have zero problem with two confirmed liars being miserable and having to live with the horrible choices they made.  Plus, no one ever really felt invested in the baby storyline--it was kind of a huge waste of time,

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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This baby not making it makes no sense. What was the point of taking the pregnancy this far? I guess they figure we sympathize with Lani, and her predicament. Well, I know, for me, it's never entertaining to watch a miscarriage, and it's even less moving when it happens to a character I tend to care less for. Same with Eli. He's pretty, but totally meh. These writers suck. 

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1 hour ago, Rowan said:

This baby not making it makes no sense. What was the point of taking the pregnancy this far? I guess they figure we sympathize with Lani, and her predicament. Well, I know, for me, it's never entertaining to watch a miscarriage, and it's even less moving when it happens to a character I tend to care less for. Same with Eli. He's pretty, but totally meh. These writers suck. 

There are rumors that this story about the baby dying was forced on Ron...I thought for sure that the baby was going to be JJ's.. 

I too hate stories about dead babies and children. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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2 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

There are rumors that this story about the baby dying was forced on Ron...I thought for sure that the baby was going to be JJ's.. 

I too hate stories about dead babies and children. 

Actually that would have been a good twist, if the baby was born premature, but actually somehow turned out to be JJ's.  

I hate the idea of the baby actually being born, then dying. Lani might as well have miscarried back with the first scare.

What's the rumoured reason for this storyline being forced on Ron?

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7 minutes ago, buffynut said:

Actually that would have been a good twist, if the baby was born premature, but actually somehow turned out to be JJ's.  

I hate the idea of the baby actually being born, then dying. Lani might as well have miscarried back with the first scare.

What's the rumoured reason for this storyline being forced on Ron?

I have no idea, but, the rumor is that Ron did not want Lani to lose the baby.

I never understood why the show killed off Zack, it did nothing, at changing, the status quo of Bo and Hope. Zack's death, should have been the end of Bo and Hope and I say this, as a Bope fan. I never got over Zack's death..

Edited by Apprentice79
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I am not a fan of the baby dying. I'm still worn out from watching Nicole go through a bunch of these dead baby stories. 

They should've just made the baby JJ's. Now I feel like all of this [lackluster] Eli and Lani baby drama was for nothing, even moreso that the two characters don't seem interested in being with each other. I'm just wondering what the whole point of this baby storyline is. 

Now I am very curious why this dead baby story was forced on RC.

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18 hours ago, Chick2Chic said:

They should've just made the baby JJ's. Now I feel like all of this [lackluster] Eli and Lani baby drama was for nothing, even moreso that the two characters don't seem interested in being with each other. I'm just wondering what the whole point of this baby storyline is. 

They should have had them fall in love, while bonding over their baby. Then, they find out the baby is JJ's.. Not to mention, a vengeful Gabi, now in the mix, who is out, to get everybody who has ever harmed her. That includes Julie, Abigail and Lani..

Edited by Apprentice79
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