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Season 5 Discussion


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How could Evelyn be a teacher?  She doesn't have a college degree- and that is usually a pre-requisite to teaching.  My state even requires substitute teachers to have a B.A.  Other states make subs have at least an associate's degree, and she doesn't have that.  I don't see how she would be 'teaching' anything...unless it's homeschooling to kids from church??

  • Love 2
Just now, magemaud said:

but she might as well be because on the last trip (and so far on this one,) she has done nothing to try educate herself and embrace the Moroccan or Muslim culture. 

That said, in Azan's TH he said that Nicole disrespected his culture when she did not want to eat the sheeps head, really Azan?  Any little thing that Nicole does that he does not like automatically goes against his culture like not wanting to eating something that would make you ill is disrespecting your culture? Also the foreign fiance saying I gave up everything for you excuse when they are unhappy about something, I see those being thrown around a lot in their marriages, good luck people. 

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, lucy711 said:

How could Evelyn be a teacher?  She doesn't have a college degree- and that is usually a pre-requisite to teaching.  My state even requires substitute teachers to have a B.A.  Other states make subs have at least an associate's degree, and she doesn't have that.  I don't see how she would be 'teaching' anything...unless it's homeschooling to kids from church??

She specifically stated teaching french as a school. As noted it' most likely a small private school who can hire anyone they want.

  • Love 3

Evil-lyn, you are inviting 150 people to your wedding. I’m going to  guesstimate that David will have 10 or so guests fly over from Europe.  So of the 140 people that Evil-lyn has coerced/blackmailed to be at her wedding, not one has a spare room, couch, fold out cot, etc. to help host David’s few guests??? Really??? 

  • Love 14
2 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

Take on another mouth to feed? Ha! It seems Annie will be the one working to support David, one way or another. She's already expected to cook meals, give Thai massages to his friends and do nails to earn her keep (since David has no job and no money).

Annie is pretty much fucked if she has gone through with this marriage.

Also, I can't believe we've gone this many episodes and no one has called David Poor, "BhatMan."

I am standing up and giving you the slow clap round of applause/respect you deserve for this AMAZING line. You're a genius.

  • Love 21

Okay, quick walk down memory lane with the husband and me.  We were married in May of 1996.

We had three large sheet cakes at our wedding.  Each sheet corresponded with a layer on our cake: one carrot, one chocolate, and one white.  The sheet cakes were identical to the tiered cake as to goodies and frosting and such.  Our reason for doing this was access, plain and simple.  There were plenty of people who got a piece from our bottom and middle tiers.  However, we had a LOT of people at our wedding (250+).  It was a matter of logistics, because let's face it, everyone wants at least ONE piece of delicious cake!  This way, our caterer could get it served much faster.  It's also a nice memory, because I asked my Grandma, who passed away last year, to help the caterer by passing out the slices of cake.  Grandma was thrilled and we have a great photo of her smiling in her fancy dress with her corsage, surrounded by yummy cake.

It was also much, much easier to box up for those who wanted to take a treat or two home with them.

Fun fact: you are never, ever supposed to give yourself better than what you give your guests.  If anything, you give better to your guests and you do without.

Didn't Jesus teach her anything?

Edited by bethster2000
  • Love 22

Andrei didn't bother me at all. Elizabeth & her over painted never shutting up mouth bothers me. If she's so intent on clubbing maybe she shouldn't get married. I think he's just concerned about where she is, if she's okay, & why she'd want to be somewhere that is often for hook ups, & he didn't keep to a double standard about it either. I think he was just very frustrated with her constantly interrupting (as was I just watching) while he was trying to express himself, so that came off as aggression to some. I like his self confidence & he seems to really care about her.

Luis deserves a one way ticket back to the DR, & he can take that useless uncle with him.

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:


ETA: how does one request that a new forum be created? I searched the FAQ and I can't find anything. There needs to be a forum for the craptastic show that followed 90DF, Unexpected. It's about a bunch of stupid teens who have babies. 

Go to the main page, then info.  Click on New Show Forum Requests.  It has been requested, already but you can comment (i did) http://forums.previously.tv/forum/166-new-show-forum-requests/

Edited by Momof2boyz
  • Love 4

Ok, someone needs to keep a running list of Molly' brother's nicknames. I know I'm forgetting some. Plz at to the list:

Uncle Jess

Uncle Cornpone

Uncle Useless

Brother Molly

Duck Dynasty 


Uncle Jughandle


Unemployed lout #2

One Who Stands There & Looks Like a Fool

Edited by balisticnikki
  • Love 6
20 hours ago, Nowhere said:

There is no excuse for Luis using those words with Olivia. I have an 18 yr old and a 16 yr old daughter and if my boyfriend of any age made my daughters feel as uncomfortable as Olivia was, he'd be out immediately.

I agree Luis was inappropriate, but it's not the first time Olivia has heard that word.  Luis should never under any circumstances refer to Olivia's sex life, period.  However, he seems to have a very healthy attitude toward sex, and about a woman's choice of what to do with her body.  I admire that, but he needs to dial down the creepy.  

Edited by Sprockets
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Sinead said:

 David's face makes me think of when a man gets older and has hormonal issues and starts looking almost like a woman. Not feminine exactly but kind of Paul McCartneyish? (God love Sir Paul).


Yes! He looks like a creepy old time ventriloquist's dummy w the marrionette mouth, pink circles for cheeks and a little red gash for lips. Always kind of slouched awkwardly like he doesn't have full control of his lower body. Asexual, impotent.


  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

but I'm on Team Luis for his enlightened "she can do what she wants with her body" attitude.


7 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

However, he seems to have a very healthy attitude toward sex, and about a woman's choice of what to do with her body.  I admire that, but he needs to dial down the creepy.  

A truly enlightened attitude would be to STFU about his soon to be stepdaughter's love life.    A lot of the sex scandals in Hollywood would not be happening if the men did NOT see women as sex objects but just as other human beings whose business was their own and not to be commented on.

  • Love 10
12 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I wonder if it occured to Azan to turn his phone off while he's working.  Now we hear Nicole is sending him money. Something's not right. I thought she had no money which is why her parents have to sponsor Azan. 

Exactly.  Azan should have a job.  So what if Nicole wants to talk to him all day?  Have we see anything else that Nicole wants matter to him?  He needs to man up.  And the money is coming from the show.  This would not be sufficient for the visa, because they want to see continued employment.  

  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

You can't.  The smirk goes all the way through to the back of her head.  

But I'll watch you try.  

It's a "rictus, like that of a ballet dancer...." Not a smirk.

26 minutes ago, Sprockets said:

Luis didnt have to say "fuck," but I'm on Team Luis for his enlightened "she can do what she wants with her body" attitude.  Obviously Molly doesn't agree, even though she is doing what she wants with her body.  

Even tho she is a minor living under her mother's roof? Until she turns 18, Molly owns that P! Lol

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I think it should be noted that Andrei works as a bouncer in a bar in Ireland.  Ireland!!! Not to be stereotypical but he probably has gotten the impression that going to a club is all about drunken hookups and fights. 


I think Andrei has the body, mind and soul of a bouncer, and that is why he got the job as a bouncer.  He oozes menace, and while I do think Elizabeth likes to make hersefl moist by irritating him, he is basically just a thug all the way through.  She is playing with fire.  

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

Who was it that said (in the last episode's thread) that Elizabeth's mouth deserved a show of its own?  Pure gold! It kept playing, like a mantra in my head, the whole time she was on camera.   

Oh, until I saw her very wet underarm stains while waiting for Andrrrrrrrei to come back from his interview.  She must have really been nervous.

I couldn't even with her after seeing that her lip color, nail color, AND HER SHIRT were all the SAME SHADE OF DARK PINK.   It screamed "It's 1986 and it's my very first date so I'm going to look super cute and matchy!"

The rest of us screamed different things at her. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, gingerella said:

By 'not so cute feature' were you referring to her face or something else?

I've spent a lot of time in Thailand and there are a shit ton of legit jobs in tourism, restaurant industry, shops, etc. that Annie could get with her English language skills in Bangkok that don't include, well, banging cock (sorry, it was there and I had to do it, it was too easy). Her intended is a 'fat fuck' (tm Susie, Curb Your Enthusiasm) with no money, no prospects, no job, no home, no plan, and a drinking problem. With all the opportunities in Bangkok and throughout major Thai cities, Annie doesn't need this shit. She has options but it seems like she wants to grab the gravy train gold ring - marry an American expat and never work again. If you go to BKK, you will see a never ending parade of old, fat fuck foreign men with pretty or mediocre ladies like Annie on their arms. It's like they both know whats up but they pretend they're a legit couple in love. Puke.

I meant her odd lips, :O        not so cute.    I didn't realize that there are opportunities that Annie could take advantage of, I wonder why she hasn't. Maybe she is counting on David to be lying that he is broke.

I don't see a lot wrong with a girls' night once in a while. As you get older, the clubbing life loses its appeal.  Too many drunks, too much loud music.  And with Elizabeth's friends getting married at some point, those nights will be far and few between. Andrei, being a bouncer (for now), may have some concerns, but until he has any reason to really have them as exhibited by his new wife's behaviour (drunk, high/stoned, etc.), for the most part, a night out with Elizabeth's friends is most likely harmless.

If I was married and my husband liked to go to football games with his friends (I am not a fan of it), and a couple of drinks and some wings - fine. Enjoy yourself. I get a few hours of 'me' time.

  • Love 5
Just now, Sinead said:

I meant her odd lips, :O        not so cute.    I didn't realize that there are opportunities that Annie could take advantage of, I wonder why she hasn't. Maybe she is counting on David to be lying that he is broke.

There are opportunities all of these foreign spouses who claim abject poverty could take advantage of. In theory.

2 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

I don't see a lot wrong with a girls' night once in a while. As you get older, the clubbing life loses its appeal.  Too many drunks, too much loud music.  And with Elizabeth's friends getting married at some point, those nights will be far and few between. Andrei, being a bouncer (for now), may have some concerns, but until he has any reason to really have them as exhibited by his new wife's behaviour (drunk, high/stoned, etc.), for the most part, a night out with Elizabeth's friends is most likely harmless.

If I was married and my husband liked to go to football games with his friends (I am not a fan of it), and a couple of drinks and some wings - fine. Enjoy yourself. I get a few hours of 'me' time.

He said drinks & dinner is fine. But no to the meat market type places.

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

I don't see a lot wrong with a girls' night once in a while. As you get older, the clubbing life loses its appeal.  Too many drunks, too much loud music.  And with Elizabeth's friends getting married at some point, those nights will be far and few between. Andrei, being a bouncer (for now), may have some concerns, but until he has any reason to really have them as exhibited by his new wife's behaviour (drunk, high/stoned, etc.), for the most part, a night out with Elizabeth's friends is most likely harmless.

If I was married and my husband liked to go to football games with his friends (I am not a fan of it), and a couple of drinks and some wings - fine. Enjoy yourself. I get a few hours of 'me' time.

A football game is different than going clubbing. People go to clubs to hook up. That's why I go to gay clubs or bars if it's truly necessary. The men hit on each other and we can dance or sit and talk without being bothered. But I really don't blame Andrei for not wanting his wife to go to a club where men will almost definitely try to dance with her or something. I wouldn't want my husband going to a club without me A football game is fine though. People don't go to sporting events  to rub up on other people. 

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

People go to clubs to hook up. That's why I go to gay clubs or bars if it's truly necessary. 

Some people do but that is not why everyone does. I get felt up more in gay clubs than I do at clubs that skew straight. I have never had a partner who objected to me going out to clubs with my friends because they trust me.

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

For all of Evelyn's fixation on the dress, tuxes, cake, on a minimal budget, my best guess is that the wedding budget is going mainly toward those things and not so much about things having to do with the guests. I am picturing a lavish ceremony complete with princess bride dress, an army of attendants in matching outfits, flowers all over the sanctuary. FF to the reception, it's cookies and punch in the social hall  of the church or in Evelyn's parent's back yard. Or the women get together and cook up a mass of sandwiches or pasta. I have been to weddings like this. Does anyone remember the show "four Weddings"? They had a super religious woman who was having a massive wedding at her church, complete with the groom dressing like a prince and she was wearing a crown and they sat on thrones on stage. For the reception, the bride loved desserts, so they had a desserts only reception and punch. After an hour, some of the guests were literally nauseous from sugar overload. The bride contestants called out for pizza and had it delivered to the reception. I can see Evelyn not giving a crap about the food, so no one eats. 

Right? Super tacky. Hubby and I decided on a budget first, then planned a small wedding ensuring the catering was able to accommodate all food preferences and allergies and everyone got a slice of cake and an open bar. I bought my dress off the rack at a sample sale (those sales are glorious). If you are hosting a party it is not entirely about you, it is about making sure your guests have a good time helping you to celebrate the beginning of your marriage. Evelyn doesn't get it, with her attitude once the party is over and reality sets in and she is no longer the centre of the universe thing will deteriorate quite quickly. I once went to a dry wedding (not even a cash bar) as the bride and groom don't drink. I thought that was pretty thoughtless considering all the guests kept asking where the bar was located.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Some people do but that is not why everyone does. I get felt up more in gay clubs than I do at clubs that skew straight. I have never had a partner who objected to me going out to clubs with my friends because they trust me.

It's not why everyone does, I agree,  but the majority of people going to clubs are single and looking. I've never been felt up at a gay club but I have had to deal with stage five clingers in every straight club I've been to. When I was married, we sometimes went to clubs together but I would feel uncomfortable going alone, knowing that men are trying to get laid and possibly looking at me as an option. I trusted my husband but I'd wonder why a club was necessary for a guys' night. Even a bar is better than a club IMO.  I didn't mind when he sat at a bar with friends. Luckily, he was never the clubbing type of guy. Isn't clubbing for dancing? And if you're dancing then there's a good chance somebody will start grinding up on you. Gross. 

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

Josh just looks weird to me....like a 40 something teenager, who would be more comfortable wearing baggy "down to your a$$" jeans, a baseball hat worn bakcwards, and a skateboard under his arm. It's like he never grew up.


He looks like a 90s musician who's still waiting for the day the band gets back together. 


Maybe he could start a new one with Evelyn's dad. They could call it Mystik Spiral.

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Some people do but that is not why everyone does. I get felt up more in gay clubs than I do at clubs that skew straight. I have never had a partner who objected to me going out to clubs with my friends because they trust me.

That's the thing - my partner would trust me. And I know to use the word 'no'.


10 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Right? Super tacky. Hubby and I decided on a budget first, then planned a small wedding ensuring the catering was able to accommodate all food preferences and allergies and everyone got a slice of cake and an open bar. I bought my dress off the rack at a sample sale (those sales are glorious). If you are hosting a party it is not entirely about you, it is about making sure your guests have a good time helping you to celebrate the beginning of your marriage. Evelyn doesn't get it, with her attitude once the party is over and reality sets in and she is no longer the centre of the universe thing will deteriorate quite quickly. I once went to a dry wedding (not even a cash bar) as the bride and groom don't drink. I thought that was pretty thoughtless considering all the guests kept asking where the bar was located.

With the increasingly strict drunk driving laws, I am understanding of the 'cash' bar for weddings. Or at least giving guests X number of tickets for free drinks.  Or at least have some sort of paid cab or Uber or whatever for them to get home. I wouldn't want to be sued.

I may choose not to drink but would not have a dry bar for guests.

Evelyn needs to clue in that catered events aren't cheap - I do a number of them for work and do my best to stay within a budget, while accommodating various people's food preferences and known allergies. A fancy cake is not cheap and can easily run in to hundreds of dollars. A lot of people don't like fondant either. One or two layers may be real and the others Styrofoam. You are to celebrate the joining of lives and not to basically bill the guests for their own dinner.

Evelyn will be on the wedding 'high' for a few weeks and will tumble down really quickly. Until she gets pregnant and becomes the centre of attention again.

  • Love 4
47 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

That's the thing - my partner would trust me. And I know to use the word 'no'.

Me too. It doesn't make it less annoying to have to say no in the first place. I think I'm talking about Elizabeth not putting herself in the position to have to say no, by not going in the first place, and you're saying, "But if I go, I'm trusted and I say no." I'm not questioning her ability to say no and I'm not even saying that Andrei doesn't trust her. I'm just saying why would she want to fight off drunk men all night for "girl's night"? And why would Andrei feel comfortable with the thought of her having to do that? 

Neither of us is right or wrong. We're saying two different things. It's not a "No clubs under any circumstances" issue for me. But it's an easy compromise if all he's asking is that she not go to a club on GNO. And he said he wouldn't either. 

Honestly, I think it's unfortunate that women have to worry about men disrespecting them when they want a night to themselves, no matter the location. There are a lot of good men out there and I hope they start to hold each other accountable for the things they say and do to women. 

  • Love 5

I can't for the life of me understand how people turn their nose up at something an elderly person spent hours making, or making in their honor - simply because it's unusual.


If you eat meat, you should not have any issues eating sheep head.


If you eat gummy bears or anything else with gelatin you have eaten every disgusting part of every animal you can imagine - including boiled skin, hooves and horns. Same with sausage. 


Grow the F up. 

Edited by lilsadone
  • Love 6

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