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12 hours ago, Splithair said:

I'm not surprised Molly and Luis were already married. The preview from last week where she said Luis didn't have to go back to the DR was the major clue, and then I started thinking about previous episodes and it all made sense. If they're indeed broken up, I don't know how easy it will be to get an annulment (see Danielle and Mohammed). The difference with Molly is that she has a successful business and nice home that she most likely owns, so divorce might be devastating for her financially. Even with her obvious stupidity during this whole situation, I would hate to see this ruin what she's worked so hard for. 

I agree, I don't think she had the clarity of mind to make him sign a pre-nup

Luis is a user of the worst kind, he had a goal in mind and he wasn't shameful about it, he got married, probably waited long enough for his green card to get in the mail and then started showing his a@# in the worst way in the hopes to get kick out by Molly. In that way he can always say that he wanted to make it work but she kicked him out. 

I hate this guy with a passion of a thousand fires. Molly was always a mean to an end and he never cared that she was not only hurting her but also her daughters. I know Molly should have known better but this is still so messed up. 

Maybe it is time for USCIS to modify the rules/requirements of their K1 visa. If the marriage doesn't last, fine and dandy but the other party must then leave immediately, just as a way to protect financially and not impose a financial responsibility of 10 years on the other part. 

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12 hours ago, PityFree said:

 The most entertaining moment of the night was when Josh‘s mom grabbed Aika’s breasts.

I have never touched a woman's fake breast.  I do not know how silicone breast feel.

I know a doctor friend of mine who dated another gorgeous doctor and quickly dumped her when she got breast implants.  

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12 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

To those who say Annie should go home—- how can she?  She does not have any income, she is stuck. 

And I really feel sorry for Molly. No one deserves that kind of pain. It all makes sense now 


She has the handsome money that David (Chris really) had to pay to her parents to give permission. 

Christ has offered to pay for the airplane ticket, she would be back in a better position than before. 

Annie could actually work, she is a perfect healthy young woman who could find employment (a decent one) if she wanted in her country. 

Seems to me like Annie will find soon any excuse to leave David when she has the green card. She hasn't done all this to go back empty handed. She wants a green card and she will get one, that is the only way that she has Chris on the hook for the next ten years. She is not about to let that golden goose fly away.  If she goes back without marrying then the sponsorship doesn't apply and she can't get back in the USA with another sucker for the next ten years. 

David is an awful human being but Annie is no saint. She knows what is at stake and how to go about it. 

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11 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

And how could he chew the fillet he was eating at dinner with mom and step dad if he has no upper teeth?

Chewing is done with the back teeth.  Cutting is done with the front teeth . . . or a knife and fork.

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13 hours ago, Splithair said:

The difference with Molly is that she has a successful business and nice home that she most likely owns, so divorce might be devastating for her financially. Even with her obvious stupidity during this whole situation, I would hate to see this ruin what she's worked so hard for. 

The good news is that , from a monetary point of view, a divorce will NOT affect Molly and her business.  Georgia is NOT a "community property" state and as such, anything she acquired while they were married and is titled in her name, it's hers and hers only.   I hope that white Infinity truck parked outside is in her name.   Judges are not stupid and see this thing for what it is.   If Luis was working with Molly during this time and Molly acquired 3 or 4 new stores, then Luis will have a case because he directly contributed to the purchase of those assets.    Something tells me that her parents keep an eye on her finances and won't let Slick Luis take her to the cleaners.   Forgive me, but Molly doesn't strike as smart enough to start that business and fully fund it from scratch.

Also, since the marriage was so short, there's no alimony to consider at all.   Since Molly is employed, she will have to pay in full for their divorce, but in Georgia, this can be done for less than 2K with an attorney or less than $500 if she does it herself.   Luis can make a case for Spousal Support (Alimony) but he will need to spend money hiring an attorney and most likely, the most a judge will award is 6 months to a year of support.   Luis only lived in the US for 2 months and he cannot claim that he was used to a certain standard of living and that Molly  must now pay for that.  It's not that simple.

The bad news is that considering how long marriage petition cases take (approx a year), plus the time they were in Georgia while the show was filming, let's assume another couple of months, it will be very difficult, if not impossible for her to obtain an annulment.   

Edited by AmyBre
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12 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

Family Elizabeth, particularly the sisters, seem to be residents of Island Passive Aggressiva. Possibly no one has ever cut through their shit like Andrei has, and when he calls them out, they fold like a cheap suit. You'll notice Jen fell all over herself trying to smooth it over after she was called out. I am seeing more and more Andrei's appeal to Elizabeth. He  cuts through the clutter. Also he has great arms.

No way in hell would I want someone at my wedding who is a total shit stirrer. That's trash, as Andrei would say (my new pet phrase).

They are their father's daughters and one thing I've learned is that self-made millionaires think they know it all and they can pass judgment on everyone and that they have all the answers.  They are a pain in the ass to have a conversation with because you feel dumb, even if you are a 45 year old woman with children and a business.    Father Libby probably raised his daughters to think they are special and that they are God's Gift to Men and shouldn't marry unless their husbands can provide them with a Mercedes.  Poor girls....

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On 12/17/2017 at 11:10 PM, mamadrama said:

Sp Molly and Luis sneaked off, presumably in the middle of the filming schedule, and married without telling anyone? What was the purpose of that? Many people get married before the 90 days are up, nothing wrong with that. In fact, that's what the 90 days are for-to give you enough time to get things together for a wedding, not to see if you like living with each other. We married within 2 or 3 weeks of getting the visa (though we'd already been living with each other for several years by then). I feel bad for Molly. Luis still has a ways to go in the immigration process. He'll have to file to have the conditions of his greencard lifted, but that will be in 2 years. If they are divorced by then, then he can appeal to have the applications filed separately, rather than jointly. That generally makes the status lifting more complicated and they could deny it. When we went in for our 2-year meeting, we had to bring in a crapload of stuff to prove that we'd been living together and had formed a life together during that time. Of course, our 3-year-old son on his lap and my pregnant belly helped. 

MamaDrama, you are assuming that Luis came on a K9 fiance visa and that they got married in the US and resubmitted paperwork.

I'm assuming that they got married in the DR and that Molly petitioned him as a IR1 (or CR1).   Two different scenarios with different repercussions.

Edited by AmyBre
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2 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

I have a new theory on Poor David and Chris.  Maybe David isn't really broke. Maybe the money Chris is spending on David is really David's own money. We know David is a liar and a cheat.  David may have hidden assets from his ex and the divorce court, and Chris is in in the scam. So now, to maintain the fraud, Chris is pretending to be supporting David when he is really just spending David's own secreted assets.  The scam also works on Annie because she will not have high financial expectations of David, during marriage and in the eventual divorce .  It also explains why Nicole is not more pissed about all the resources being spent on David and why she seems so certain David will pay Chris and her back. 

That makes as much - or more - sense than any other theories, other than "David knows where the bodies are buried."

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5 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

I have a new theory on Poor David and Chris.  Maybe David isn't really broke. Maybe the money Chris is spending on David is really David's own money. We know David is a liar and a cheat.  David may have hidden assets from his ex and the divorce court, and Chris is in in the scam. So now, to maintain the fraud, Chris is pretending to be supporting David when he is really just spending David's own secreted assets.  The scam also works on Annie because she will not have high financial expectations of David, during marriage and in the eventual divorce .  It also explains why Nicole is not more pissed about all the resources being spent on David and why she seems so certain David will pay Chris and her back. 

I hope this is true, because I was disgusted when David and Annie accepted Chris' idea to fund the wedding.  Have some pride, people!  If you don't have money, get married at a courthouse and have Annie buy a nice dress off the rack from Macy's.

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2 minutes ago, AmyBre said:

MamaDrama, you are assuming that Luis came on a K9 fiance visa and that they got married in the US and resubmitted paperwork.

I'm assuming that they got married in the DR and that Molly petitioned in as a IR1 (or CR1).   Two different scenarios with different repercussions.

Luis arrived here in May.  According to what I've seen referencing court records, they got married on July 20th.  I maintain he talked her into marriage right after he "officially proposed."  She really wanted someone to love her enough to marry her, rather than impregnating her and leaving (again).

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Now that we know what really happened re:Molly and Luis, it now all makes sense, from Molly's increasingly agitated behavior to Luis dismissals and demands. They were already married and Molly was losing her shit because Luis wasn't stepping up like he said when they got married. I was wondering why she wasn't kicking him to the curb.   

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6 hours ago, kacesq said:

during the show TLC tweeted that David's groomsmen were from Spain, Mexico, the Netherlands and the US. I kept wondering how he met them all.

They might be friends from college or high school who happen to come from different parts of the world.   With the cost of US higher education getting more expensive by the minute,  people travel all over to find the best deals.

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14 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

I have a new theory on Poor David and Chris.  Maybe David isn't really broke. Maybe the money Chris is spending on David is really David's own money. We know David is a liar and a cheat.  David may have hidden assets from his ex and the divorce court, and Chris is in in the scam. So now, to maintain the fraud, Chris is pretending to be supporting David when he is really just spending David's own secreted assets.  The scam also works on Annie because she will not have high financial expectations of David, during marriage and in the eventual divorce .  It also explains why Nicole is not more pissed about all the resources being spent on David and why she seems so certain David will pay Chris and her back. 

My theory is that the money is Chris'. I view the relationship as Chris throwing David a bone when they first met, but now I think He is Chris' errand boy. If Chris says jump, David says how high. It's a power trip for Chris. I also think it's a bit godfather-esque in that David will or already has done some bad shit for Chris. Chris asks for nothing in return, they are just friends. Next thing you know David will be muling drugs for Chris, if he hasn't done so already. 

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6 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Haven't watched the full episode yet (it's on late here, and I'm old and go to bed early).  But I'm wondering if the courthouse wedding took place pretty quickly after Luis proposed and put that "little ring" (Molly's words) on her finger.  He's manipulative enough to say (right after the cameras left), "Let's go to the courthouse tomorrow and get our license."  Then three days later, "Let's go pick up our marriage license and get married at the courthouse.  We can still film . . . but we'll pretend we're not married yet."

That's my theory, too! According to the projected timeline, Luis arrived mid June and they apparently got married at the courthouse July 20th although the 90 days weren't up until mid September. The cameras probably aren't with them 24/7, so at some point they were legally married in secret. Molly was still planning her dream wedding for the public at the end of the 90 days but instead Luis pulled a fast one and staged that crazy scene that resulted in her kicking him out, which got him exactly what he wanted! She did say the "girls were in school" which made me think it was late August or September. I thought it was interesting that just last week we learned Luis had a brother in NJ, now he has at least two brothers in the US. Maybe that was the plan to get him to the US and reunite with them by marrying an American woman and instead of the brother coming to GA for the wedding, he was actually there to pick him up. They could all be "Sanky Brothers" and not biologically related at all, just in on the same scam. 

Edited by magemaud
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3 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

So when the bridal shop declined David Poor's card, they said it was because it was foreign. Huh? When I travel out of the US, my Visa and Amex work all over the world. Why wouldn't the same be true for a credit card issued by a foreign bank? I thought all banks were part of a network. But with David Poor, who knows? And it was totally shitty of him to not make sure the card was working in the US. 

Speaking of the bridal shop, if that dress Annie picked out only cost 318 (including tax), I'll eat my hat. That looked easily like a thousand dollar dress. What kind of games is TLC playing?

Many banks restrict their credit cards to only work in a certain city or country to reduce fraud.  If that's the cause, David sure knew about it when he handed it to her.  That makes him double a scumbag.

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1 hour ago, brillia79 said:

I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think they've been married even close to long enough for him to make claims on her home or business. She had both of those before she married him and any income/equity earned in the 3 months they were married isn't going to net him much.

But he can make life really uncomfortable for her. And if he is able to stay, there's the possible 10 year financial obligation if he requires any public assistance.

I can't believe she did something so stupid... oh, wait... I can believe it.

She may have cried her eyes out for a couple of months, but what Molly doesn't realize is that her real troubles are just beginning.

And that a$$hole dad of hers will never let her live it down. "I told you, 'buy 'Murican!'"

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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3 minutes ago, AmyBre said:

Many banks restrict their credit cards to only work in a certain city or country to reduce fraud.  If that's the cause, David sure knew about it when he handed it to her.  That makes him double a scumbag.

Right, that's why you file a travel plan with the credit card company, so they don't block the card. David has traveled enough that he must have known that. I don't understand why he sent her shopping if he knew that the card wouldn't work, for whatever reason it was. Unless TLC prompted him to do it.  

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31 minutes ago, AmyBre said:

Spot on!!!

Agreed. Molly really would have run down to the vineyard that day and said her I-do's, save the fact that they may have already been I-did's.

She probably started feeling insecure and wanted to get him tied down when Luis's cocky ass started getting bored and discontent. Lazy f*cker.

Also, I suspect that may be the reason the "sending money home" theme didn't come into play. Luis's brother already does that. And, his brother does that because Luis's family knows what a screwup he is.

His days might have passed more quickly if he'd gone out and mowed the lawn or even read a book, but I suspect that he rivals Nicole in terms of motivation and intellectual curiosity.

She seems desperate, but that's because she's shallow. Introduce her to a man that's her age and her fitness level and doesn't mind a steady stream of braying, and she'll be about as interested in him as an unflavored rice cake.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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14 hours ago, eggsnbacon said:

Its  sweet to see how much Josh's mom likes Aika. Poor lady knows he will probably screw it up. 

She was really sweet. SO not what I expected. She seems like a warm hearted truck stop waitress who always gets taken in by low lifes who say they have no money so she buys them a sandwich from her own pocket.

14 hours ago, peaceknit said:

I think she was wearing her mother's 1980's Gunne Sax wedding dress. 


Evelyn's dress could be her grandma's--her parents probably married in the 90's, and those dresses must have peaked by the early 80's.

I liked that she did her own makeup. I did mine for my wedding (in 1987), it never occurred to me to hire someone.

5 hours ago, Lizz said:

I could have missed this, but has anyone mentioned May’s biological father?  If he’s in her life, but not on the show, he would probably question the long trip (among other things.)  Since Nicole has May calling her boyfriends “Daddy,” he might not be in the picture at all.  If Azan wasn’t so vigilant at keeping her off him, there would probably be a little Azan. Girl doesn’t think beyond the moment. 

May's bio-dad is another mark Nicole found online--she chased him down to Texas, apparently he didn't want to marry her (shocking, I know), and Nicole crept home with her tail between her legs. And pregnant. If the guy is involved in May's life at all I will eat my hat. With gusto.

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:
1 hour ago, Desert Rat said:

And how could he chew the fillet he was eating at dinner with mom and step dad if he has no upper teeth?

Chewing is done with the back teeth.  Cutting is done with the front teeth . . . or a knife and fork.

That steak looked like it would melt in your mouth, like "buttah." A true test would be watching Josh eat a slice of pizza or corn on the cob, but thank you TLC for sparing us that scene. Nicole's "finger lickin' good" was gross enough (but no french fries for a change unless she cleaned May's plate for her) 

Edited by magemaud
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4 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

May's bio-dad is another mark Nicole found online--she chased him down to Texas, apparently he didn't want to marry her (shocking, I know), and Nicole crept home with her tail between her legs. And pregnant. If the guy is involved in May's life at all I will eat my hat. With gusto.

I suspect that another reason Azan refused to have sex with Nicole was because he was terrified of getting her pregnant. And he would never trust her to take birth control pills or do whatever she said she was doing. (Let alone the diseases from her imaginary boyfriends.)

No doubt Nicole will run off with some other guy, and her mom will say, "Nicole, you're just going to get knocked up again! Please tell me you will use birth control this time." And, Nicole will grin, yes grin, and say, "Oh, don't be dumb mom..." Until she returns home a month later, pregnant.

That will happen three or four times.

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5 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Evelyn's dress could be her grandma's--her parents probably married in the 90's, and those dresses must have peaked by the early 80's.

Now I feel ancient. I realize that in those circles, the women marry young and procreate quickly, but  I am now realizing that Evelyn's mother is probably young enough to be my daughter. I remember that everyone wore Gunne Sax dresses to my high school prom, lol. 

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Just now, CoachWristletJen said:

I suspect that another reason Azan refused to have sex with Nicole was because he was terrified of getting her pregnant. And he would never trust her to take birth control pills or do whatever she said she was doing.

Nicole was 100% planning to get pregnant in Morocco. I'd stake my life on that.

Just now, poeticlicensed said:

I am now realizing that Evelyn's mother is probably young enough to be my daughter.

Right? Evelyn's parents also married young, and if they had Evelyn right away, its possible she's not even 40 yet!

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On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 6:03 PM, bethster2000 said:

*waving hand*  Husband is unemployed over here, too.  We have hope for the new year.  In the meantime, Merry Fucking Christmas.

On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 7:28 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

Am hoping for a better year for us all. Husband will be out of work nearly 4 years.  I’ve been unemployed or had unsteady work since 2015.  I sat out thus year after a Stage 4 cancer diagnosis.  Harvey laid about 20% of Texas’ 254 counties to waste, and hubs’ native Puerto Rico  was devastated. This year has sucked big green donkey balls, but I’m thankful to still be able to be beating the odds. Hoping I will feel well enough to get some work going once I get my strength back. After nearly 8 months of being bedridden, it’s been a lot tougher than I imagined.

I e never seen so many obstacles to finding work as we have now. Used to be, you could walk into any business and say you wanted a job or call someone who was a friend of a friend and get a way Inst least to an interview. Now, you are told to apply online and nobody ever contacts you, and they complain they can’t find qualified help. I know engineers who couldn’t get a job at Starbucks, Home Depot, or local grocery store chains.

I totally feel for ya, and everyone else dealing with this. 2017 has been a rough year for too many people, particularly for those in Puerto Rico who still don’t have reliable water or power.  

So back to our couples. Sorry, Drogo, I got sidetracked. Only 2 more episodes left of this shit show.  I’m already going through withdrawal symptoms! Of course, we all know the outcome of the couples if we’ve been peeping online. Personally, I have really enjoyed the snark and community here.  Does anyone know when the next crop of couples is coming?

We got some good news today.  The state approved his funding for school.  He only needs to go for one week, then do a driving test (he needs to "upgrade" his license - he has 20 years experience driving larger non-tractor trailer trucks, but none of them had air brakes or hauled hazardous materials) and then he'll be good.  We're also waiting on the results of a background check by the feds.  We were told 1-3 weeks, and we're almost at the 1 week mark, so hopefully that comes back by the time he finishes up his training.  The people who offered him the job (back in October - they're being incredibly patient) said that when his letter comes to come over and fill out his paperwork and they'll start him training while we wait for the state to update his license.

Still, everything is hanging by a thread, and I hate that.  I'll hopefully be feeling better in about 2 weeks.  And I'll keep sending prayers to both of you.  

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13 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

No doubt Nicole will run off with some other guy, and her mom will say, "Nicole, you're just going to get knocked up again! Please tell me you will use birth control this time." And, Nicole will grin, yes grin, and say, "Oh, don't be dumb mom..." Until she returns home a month later, pregnant.

"I'm just not a birth control usin' kind of girl." 

Edited by magemaud
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On 12/10/2017 at 5:22 PM, Cementhead said:

So surprised to read in the various threads that some of you think Andrei is hot.  How do you see past that horrible haircut? 

He reminds me of D.J. Blu-ray aka Ivan Dochenko in Eastbound and Down. 

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12 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:
14 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I suspect that another reason Azan refused to have sex with Nicole was because he was terrified of getting her pregnant. And he would never trust her to take birth control pills or do whatever she said she was doing.

Nicole was 100% planning to get pregnant in Morocco. I'd stake my life on that.

Yes, and you could see how frustrated she was on both trips that there was no opportunity to have sexy time with Azan. I think it was partly because she was lusting after her boy toy, but she also wanted to seal the deal by getting pregnant. That way, he would have to do the honorable thing and marry her and her parents maybe wouldn't object so much to the marriage. I can just hear her whining, "mom, but I'm pregnant, Azan has to marry me!" (adds whining and sighing for effect)

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12 hours ago, Samurai X said:

Where are the stacks of tapes David has on Chris though? This is excessive.

I've been wondering that for a long time.  I have friends, really good friends, but not good enough for me to fund their life.  Puddles (David) must have some really good blackmail that has to involve Nikki too.  Otherwise, i cannot see a wife going along with any of it.

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1 hour ago, Desert Rat said:

I have a new theory on Poor David and Chris.  Maybe David isn't really broke. Maybe the money Chris is spending on David is really David's own money. We know David is a liar and a cheat.  David may have hidden assets from his ex and the divorce court, and Chris is in in the scam. So now, to maintain the fraud, Chris is pretending to be supporting David when he is really just spending David's own secreted assets.  The scam also works on Annie because she will not have high financial expectations of David, during marriage and in the eventual divorce .  It also explains why Nicole is not more pissed about all the resources being spent on David and why she seems so certain David will pay Chris and her back. 

Great, plausible theory.

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Just finished watching the second half.  I don't think that producer had any idea that Molly and Luis had actually gotten married.  Nor did anyone else.  It's bad enough to have to call all your guests and tell them the "wedding" is off . . . but it's going to be a whole 'nother thing when folks find out just how stupid she's been to marry to that guy.  

Please, Father Molly . . . try to love her enough to NOT say "I told you so."

ETA:  I'm glad that the producer was there to kind of keep an eye on what Luis was carrying out.  He might have wanted to take some owls or Buddah statues!!!

Edited by AZChristian
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14 hours ago, gingerella said:

Its ironic that you 'cant imagine poverty that profound' and yet you're more than happy to publicly state on the internet that you assume Annie's mother encouraged her into prostitution. Seriously? No culture 'sells its children into [prostitution]' willingly, and Thailand is probably the last country in SE Asia that would do so. As someone who considers Thailand a second home country, I find your comment incredibly uninformed and offensive.

Perhaps not Thailand, but this definitely occurs in Cambodia which is a neighbor to Thailand. There are endless stories and news articles, including one that was a special on TV, about mothers selling their 7 year old daughters' virginity to pimps for $500, and then after that first initial encounter, the prices decrease dramatically. There is a district in Phnom Penh called Svay Pak, which is known for multitudes of brothels full of girls ages 7-15 that cater to pedophile sex tourists. A lot of these girls are sold to these brothels by their own parents who are in deep poverty and owe massive debts to loan sharks. 

Maybe selling your children into prostiution isnt a "cultural" thing per say, as this kind of stuff happens in every corner of the world. I believe that when people see their neighbors doing something, such as selling their underage daughter to pimps, it becomes almost "normalized" to them. On the news special about the girl from Cambodia who talked about being sold into prositution by her own mother, she later went back to her village to confront her mother, who bluffed that she assumed she was selling her 7 year old daughter to be a maid to a 50 year old American man, for the $500. Regardless, the daughter forgave her and moved on. 

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47 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I suspect that another reason Azan refused to have sex with Nicole was because he was terrified of getting her pregnant. And he would never trust her to take birth control pills or do whatever she said she was doing.

I am pretty confident that in Muslim culture you marry the pregnant woman.  That is enough to scare Azan right there.

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1 minute ago, Mrs. Hanson said:
50 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I suspect that another reason Azan refused to have sex with Nicole was because he was terrified of getting her pregnant. And he would never trust her to take birth control pills or do whatever she said she was doing.

I am pretty confident that in Muslim culture you marry the pregnant woman.  That is enough to scare Azan right there.

Or he didn't want to suffocate.  I'm no prize, nor am i the fittest human being on the planet but damn that's a lot of woman to be rasslin with.   No wonder he spends so much time at the gym.

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1 hour ago, Desert Rat said:

I have a new theory on Poor David and Chris.  Maybe David isn't really broke. Maybe the money Chris is spending on David is really David's own money. We know David is a liar and a cheat.  David may have hidden assets from his ex and the divorce court, and Chris is in in the scam. So now, to maintain the fraud, Chris is pretending to be supporting David when he is really just spending David's own secreted assets.  The scam also works on Annie because she will not have high financial expectations of David, during marriage and in the eventual divorce .  It also explains why Nicole is not more pissed about all the resources being spent on David and why she seems so certain David will pay Chris and her back. 

This makes so much sense. This would explain why he was wearing the suit too. I was wondering who has run the most successful scam so far this season, and I'm thinking it's the Bahtman. Forget Aika, Azan, and Luis. David Poor is a professional fraudster compared to those amateurs. His entire life is one giant lie.

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Just now, jmonkey said:

This makes so much sense. This would explain why he was wearing the suit too. I was wondering who has run the most successful scam so far this season, and I'm thinking it's the Bahtman. Forget Aika, Azan, and Luis. David Poor is a professional fraudster compared to those amateurs. His entire life is one giant lie.

See, this is why I lerve you all, thinking of this kind of stuff! This makes so much sense.  

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1 hour ago, AmyBre said:

banks restrict their credit cards to only work in a certain city or country to reduce fraud.

True; I learned to warn CC and banks I would be using my card before emnarking on a trip. You don’t have a warning, it just gets declined.

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9 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

See, this is why I lerve you all, thinking of this kind of stuff! This makes so much sense.  

When I saw him wearing the suit, I figured it was Sunday morning and he was headed to church to make business connections, I mean, to get more handouts, I mean, to worship.

Either that or she wasn't home to launder his white pajamas.

I think that he returned home because it's the only place he has a prayer of finding a job.  A relationship with his kids is a plus, but that's not his main reason for being home. Also, his parents won't live forever and I'm sure he wants to be around when those wills are read.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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@funky-rat, thanks for your prayers and good wishes. I’m sending up some to Mr Funky right now so good things happen in time for Christmas.  His employer has to wait on the background check, and there’s probably no budging on that since it’s a requirement. It’s unnerving to be so close you can taste it.  Please keep us posted.

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23 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Just finished watching the second half.  I don't think that producer had any idea that Molly and Luis had actually gotten married.  Nor did anyone else.  It's bad enough to have to call all your guests and tell them the "wedding" is off . . . but it's going to be a whole 'nother thing when folks find out just how stupid she's been to marry to that guy.  

Please, Father Molly . . . try to love her enough to NOT say "I told you so."

ETA:  I'm glad that the producer was there to kind of keep an eye on what Luis was carrying out.  He might have wanted to take some owls or Buddah statues!!!

Agree with all of this. The wedding ceremony is the big punctuation mark to the storyline. Will Father Molly make an appearance or not? Will the dress fit? Etc.

And yes, please, Father Molly, respond like a kind a loving father, just this once! If you're lucky, just maybe, maybe, that will affect the next decision she makes.

Copy that on supervision for Meerkat's exit. He's probably had it planned for awhile and been eyeing her jewelry as well as anything else he perceives to be of value.

30 minutes ago, Gigglepuff said:

Luis frauded Molly just like Mahammit frauded me! 


Molly's like the thinking person's Daniyell.

Except she doesn't think.

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6 hours ago, merylinkid said:

 Luis better be extremely good in bed to be worth losing a chunk of her business, possibly her house (please, please please let it all be paid for already so he has no rights to it), and probably have to pay that loser alimony for a huge chunk of time.   She didn't have to marry the guy.

Is any guy that good in bed?  Even if he is, Luis is such a creep.

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1 hour ago, poeticlicensed said:

but  I am now realizing that Evelyn's mother is probably young enough to be my daughte

ME TOO!!!!!   Great....I hadn't realized that before either.  Yikes!!!

1 hour ago, magemaud said:

"I'm just not a birth control usin' kind of girl." 


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Just now, Mrs. Hanson said:

Is any guy that good in bed?  Even if he is, Luis is such a creep.

As creepy as I find him, he strikes me as a very sexually charged guy. It seems like he radiates this sleazy aura everywhere he is. I cannot picture him working at a bank, or in a coffee shop, but as a bartender to tourists ? Absolutely. Personally, I like a man with a little mystery. Molly is probably at an age where she is hitting her sexual peak, and Luis is a young buck, so put them together and hot damn. 

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13 hours ago, mamadrama said:

In fact, I am trying to talk my husband into renewing our 20-year-vows there. I want to do something totally embarrassing to our kids-like marry in Excalibur and make them dress up as knights. 

I want to do this too! Mr. Elderprice and I have been married 33 years, we were married in a solemn Catholic ceremony. Time to embarrass the kids! But in my mind, I want Elvis to marry us as tackily as possible. He has to promise to "love me tender" and all that. And there are fog machines involved. Oh! And at the reception maybe those old time waitresses on roller skates. 

Aika didn't look like a bride as much as she looked like a stripper playing a bride. And did anyone catch when she said "I don't know what to expect, this is my first wedding"? Hmmmmm. 

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20 minutes ago, Granny58 said:
2 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

but  I am now realizing that Evelyn's mother is probably young enough to be my daughte

ME TOO!!!!!   Great....I hadn't realized that before either.  Yikes!!!

Evelyn's mother is 44, her father is 41 (both of them could be my kids) 

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