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Kevin (Probably) Saves The World - General Discussion

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8 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Wait . . . Jason Ritter was also in Joan of Arcadia, playing Joan's brother? So now he's starring in a series that is essentially a rip-off of Joan of Arcadia with less overt references to God? That's . . . odd. 

I never watched Joan of Arcadia before. I wonder what (if any) involvement Jason Ritter had in launching Kevin Saves. Surely he realized at some point it was basically the same show.

It has a very different tone from Joan of Arcadia. It has a very similar concept, of an average person dealing with messages from the divine, but JoA was a pretty dramatic show and it was also centered on a teenage girl and the issues teens have.  Kevin has different issues to deal with and different obstacles to fulfilling his mission. I think it is also much more of a comedy than JoA was.

But from Jason Ritter's POV he gets to play a very different character, so it probably doesn't feel like a redo to him. I think it was also his most successful show, so maybe he thinks the similarities are a good thing.

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Yvette has her reservations when Dave, another celestial being, pops up looking to join her and Kevin on their latest mission: Reconciling Kristin and her mother under the most challenging of circumstances. Elsewhere, Nate tries to work up the nerve to ask Amy out, completely unaware of her budding chemistry with a potential beau.


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Yvette: Wait, you forgot Amy's birthday?
Kevin: Yup.
Yvette: It's the same day as your birthday.
Kevin: Um, yeah. I was a jerk.

Kevin: Do I smell nachos?

Kevin: I feel like this should go without saying, but the bathroom is private times for me.

Amy: Look at this place. It's disgusting.
Kevin: Are you kidding? I went to like twenty parties here in high school.

Amy: What are you doing here?
Reese: This is where I come here to think. You wouldn't know that since I didn't write it in my journal.

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Awwww, poor Kevin. That fantasy sequence where he imagined being able to tell Amy the truth and then teaming up with her to find the other souls was silly but sweet. We know he wants to stop lying to her but he can't, but it was still fun to see his idealized version of how things could change.

Love how everyone was giving Amy the side eye for reading Reese's diary. Even Nate couldn't hide his judgment about it despite his crush on her. Like I said last week, that shit is sacred. You don't get to invade someone's privacy like that and then start punishing everyone as if you're the righteous one.

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The thing parents need to keep in mind regarding teenagers and diaries or journals before overreacting to their contents is that not everything they write is factual. Often, that's the point of keeping a diary, to explore thoughts and emotions, not just to record experiences. Also, acquiring a sense of personal space is an essential part of becoming an independent adult. Adolescents are especially sensitive to violations of that space and the degree of privacy that it provides. Ruthless violations of that personal space, from grabbing and hugging to sharing personal information with others to reading private journals, are ultimate betrayals. (Note: teens usually don't mind being hugged, they just want to be asked for permission first. Sometimes that's even true of sharing access to a diary.)

For an hour program (OK, 50 minutes), it seems that Kevin could manage to help more than one person at time, given how many connections and stories "Touch" could manage at a time. Or at least add more back-story details for the central characters. I do like the concept that Kevin does good in the world just by being a good person, no special skills or knowledge required.

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Yvette finally had some nice moments 1) when she liked and acknowledged in spite of herself Kevin's compliment that he liked her clothes and that she always looked very nice and well put together and 2) when she woke up in the cell and looked so forlorn and disappointed when she asked 'Was I asleep?' 3) the end where she talks about her home and when she humored Kevin about the BBQ because she was trying to be nice to his being nice to her.

On 10/29/2017 at 8:28 AM, justmehere said:

This show seems like the perfect vehicle for Jason Ritter, where his natural charm can and does shine. But it's so... wobbly in the execution. Totally agree with @Good Queen Jane in the mixed feelings. This episode was no different.

I wanted to smack Yvette in the beginning of the episode. Can Kevin not even have breakfast before she's on him about his mission? And then the sarcastic slow clap when he figured out he needed to stay in the diner... made me so mad. Yet he's so nice to her, trying to help her feel more at home and sharing his own experience of homesickness. He's already more like Tyler than he realizes. But Yvette continually rags on him, is clueless, and is zero help. In fact, she often overtly hinders him -- unless his life needs saving -- by making him look crazy. 

So much this. I get Yvette going against type of being the sunny positive helpful angel on your shoulder, but her overbearing, sarcastic, aggressive approach isn't rootable either. It seems like she's the vehicle for Kevin to get punished for his past life while also guided on the road to redeeming himself and getting his second chance to be a better person.

The effects of Kevin's side of the car being broken away from the rest of the car were pretty cool.

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I also enjoyed the beginning a lot. It's bugging me that he just can't tell his family, but the more things he does with Yvette, the weirder he appears to people. Now Amy might have almost seen Reese hovering in mid air or at least be suspicious of Kevin catching Reese from 10 feet away, and all Yvette can do is...give him guilty eyes? I mean, they even presented this whole thing as Kevin saving everyone, but also being responsible for sending Yvette home (in Kevin's imagination, his actions led her to get to go home). Because apparently, it's his fault that she's stuck on earth alone? 

It really would be better for Amy and Reese to know. Watching that opening scene, it was so fun to watch Kevin imagine how supportive Amy would be, to the point where she's following him around the world to help. Come on, show! That's what I want! Not everyone treating Kevin like shit and him having to apologize over and over and over again before he continues to look like a crazy person. What next, are we going to see Kevin locked up in a mental hospital by Amy? 

1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

That said, I don't know why Amy's daughter couldn't have a dog or cat for that matter.  Reese should have asked for both (not just a dog) and her mother should have let her have both. 

Maybe because Amy would have to look after the pet and she doesn't want to? I totally got Amy saying no to a pet. Reese may be old enough for a pet of her own, but teenagers can also be horribly irresponsible, which would leave Kevin or Amy to take care of said pet. 

Also, this was Reese's way of pushing the boundaries and seeing what she could get away with. 

I do agree that Amy violated Reese's policy and I'm glad she apologized eventually. I'm also glad the show actually presented Amy as the wrong one.

Man, I'm really sticking through this for Jason Ritter and the Kevin/Amy/Reese relationship, at this point, as well as some of the comedic moments. Everything else isn't done very well. 

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Kevin: (eagerly) I'll have s'mores with you!

Amy: Thanks

Man, the power of little brothers being alternately annoying and then being so sweet and emotionally aware and eagerly volunteering to do something to make their big sib happy is always striking. Just the way Kevin said that and Amy's little smile and thanks and his grabbing the bag of marshmallows and scooting closer was perfect.

Germaphobe Nate protecting his pudding was hilarious. Between him and Dan on Lucifer, pudding seems to be the new choice dessert of law enforcement. Donut shops must be so sad.

Kevin walloping deadbeat dad's ass with an assist from Yvette was great. But also great that Kevin called her out on puppetteering him. It was funny in this instance but yeah, not cool.

Edited to add: Didn't realize Amy and Kevin were twins. He seemed so wee in the flashbacks, but then boys so lag for a bit before jumping up in height.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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10 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Maybe because Amy would have to look after the pet and she doesn't want to? I totally got Amy saying no to a pet. Reese may be old enough for a pet of her own, but teenagers can also be horribly irresponsible, which would leave Kevin or Amy to take care of said pet. 

Plus Reese is in high school so she will be leaving for college in a few years which means the dog will become solely Amy’s responsibility. Kevin only came home because he tried to commit suicide. I don’t think he or Amy plan on him living with her long term so he isn’t really an option for taking care of a dog in the long term  

A dog is a long term commitment so Reese getting a dog now really means Amy having to take care ownership of this dog for at least a decade. If she works late hours or disappears when military helicopters show up on her lawn late at night, it’s not really fair to get a dog and then leave it alone for most of the day.

I love dogs but I won’t get one because Mr. EB and I both have full time jobs. Although we have a yard, I feel it would be selfish for me to get a dog, leave it alone all day, and only spend time with it for a few hours in the evening. 

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Although Yvette's finally mellowed a bit, her floating off into space waving bye was a nice sight, LOL.

Amy going on her righteous rampage and flagging down Nate was a bit much. Kevin later doing the same thing was too funny.

Christopher Cousins (Suit guy) has been suddenly popping up everywhere. The Exorcist for the past two weeks, Designated Survivor last week and now this. Wonder if the three shows all use the same casting director, LOL.

I love Nate. Big of him to keep looking out for Kevin like he does. I know it's for Amy but still Kevin can be a mess, LOL. Looking forward to an ep that centers on him.

Well now Amy has seen the weirdness around Kevin with Reese hovering in mid-air so Kevin could catch her so...baby steps.

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Amy had no business reading Reese's diary.  Reese's bullshit demands she was making to her mother at the end of the episode were out of line.

That said, I don't know why Amy's daughter couldn't have a dog or cat for that matter.  Reese should have asked for both (not just a dog) and her mother should have let her have both. 

Yes, my best friends have four paws.

I agree with @Lady Calypso, she was just testing boundaries and seeing how far she could go.  I have two dogs that I love (almost, and it's very close) as much as my own two actual children.  But, I know that not everyone can or wants pets so I can't get mad at her mom saying no for all the reasons already mentioned.

13 hours ago, ketose said:

Can I watch the show at the beginning of the episode instead of what I saw for the other 50 minutes?

I kinda liked that show!!

2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I mean, they even presented this whole thing as Kevin saving everyone, but also being responsible for sending Yvette home (in Kevin's imagination, his actions led her to get to go home). Because apparently, it's his fault that she's stuck on earth alone? 

Man, I'm really sticking through this for Jason Ritter and the Kevin/Amy/Reese relationship, at this point, as well as some of the comedic moments. Everything else isn't done very well. 

I actually took that more as wishful thinking on Kevin's part because he wants her to leave. lol

I am also sticking with this for the charisma and charm that is Jason Ritter and Joanna Garcia Swisher.

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6 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Kevin: (eagerly) I'll have s'mores with you!

Amy: Thanks

Man, the power of little brothers being alternately annoying and then being so sweet and emotionally aware and eagerly volunteering to do something to make their big sib happy is always striking. Just the way Kevin said that and Amy's little smile and thanks and his grabbing the bag of marshmallows and scooting closer was perfect.

Germaphobe Nate protecting his pudding was hilarious. Between him and Dan on Lucifer, pudding seems to be the new choice dessert of law enforcement. Donut shops must be so sad.

Kevin walloping deadbeat dad's ass with an assist from Yvette was great. But also great that Kevin called her out on puppetteering him. It was funny in this instance but yeah, not cool.

Edited to add: Didn't realize Amy and Kevin were twins. He seemed so wee in the flashbacks, but then boys so lag for a bit before jumping up in height.

Now we know she IS the older sister. By 2 minutes.

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I adore Jason Ritter.  The scene where Kevin comes back to the house with the ice cream and Amy tears a strip off of him while Reese eavesdrops.....the look on Kevin face when he left....I'm not crying, you're crying.  

But I do hate the aspect of it that Kevin looks like a crazy person all the time.  They need to fix that.  Also is everyone that needs fixing all live in this one town?  

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I am loving this show and it is all because of Jason Ritter! He is so good BUT I hope they stop having him take off of his clothes!! He looks like a normal guy but for some reason I think he should be more "built". I really want him to go to the gym. Sorry I am so superficial!

His physical comedy is so good though. Who else could have done that fight scene that Yvette made him like a puppet? Or the bumbling way he broke into that house to steal the clock....he kept stumbling across the front yard, or even the way he came out of the elevator dripping wet? That was a small scene but not everyone could have pulled that off. Then turns around with some touching scenes like the one at the lake when he explained why this was "home". Or when he saved Reese. One never knows which Kevin we are going to see and I like that.

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I think every town probably has a lot of people who "need saving" so I don't find it hard to believe there are so many wherever this show is set. People are stressed out and struggling all over. I think on any given day, anyone could probably find someone to do a good turn for, anywhere. And Kevin's getting specific directions, so he doesn't have to look too hard.

I hated how rude suit guy was when they were staying with Nate. Take your feet off the table! Don't commandeer the nachos! Say thank you. He was very polite and grateful to Kevin. He really ought to have been much more respectful and grateful with Nate, and it seriously bothered me that he wasn't.

---Do you have any idea how big Asia is? And how many people there are in Asia?
---How am I supposed to know that?

I actually like that Kevin doesn't have a six pack, but I also have no need for him to keep taking his clothes off. I think they do it to enhance the humiliation factor for the character, and to make him seem crazier to bystanders.

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On 11/8/2017 at 5:37 AM, Bobbin said:

I do like the concept that Kevin does good in the world just by being a good person, no special skills or knowledge required.

Kevin doesn't have any special skills or knowledge, but "the Universe" does provide him with the Right Item at the Right Time.  But I get what you're saying.  Kevin is definitely an "Everyman".

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It really would be better for Amy and Reese to know. Watching that opening scene, it was so fun to watch Kevin imagine how supportive Amy would be, to the point where she's following him around the world to help. Come on, show! That's what I want! Not everyone treating Kevin like shit and him having to apologize over and over and over again before he continues to look like a crazy person. What next, are we going to see Kevin locked up in a mental hospital by Amy? 

And why can't Kevin tell Amy and Reese the truth, exactly? Were we ever given a specific reason for it? Will he explode or something? I'm sure I remember Yvette telling him early on he couldn't tell anyone but for the life of me I can't remember the reason why, other than contrivance. That was made even more obvious in this episode because Kevin's increasingly bizarre behavior led to an estrangement from his family which Yvette felt needed fixing because Kevin needs his family. Well, how's that for a paradox? Now she wants Kevin to "fix" what she herself has essentially broken but without telling the truth! How is he supposed to be "righteous" and help random strangers while lying to his family every day?

That's why this whole premise just really doesn't make a whole helluva lot of sense. Yeah, I keep watching because of Jason Ritter too, but the story itself is really bullshit.

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10 hours ago, icemiser69 said:




Depends on the dog.  There are a lot of older dogs that have a difficult time getting adopted that are in shelters.

As a side note, black kittens/cats are among the most difficult to adopt, due to the old bad luck nonsense.

The astronomical numbers of dogs and cats that get put down each year, because they can't find homes are so depressing.

If Reese really cared about animals, and she still couldn't find a way to make it work by adopting one, she could always volunteer at an animal shelter.


Doggy daycare type businesses are incredibly popular.

Not trying to push you or anyone into anything, just that there are world of options for anyone that may want a pet.

Yeah, three of my cats are black (former ferals, brought to me by their mum, four years ago). I've always had black cats. My two dogs are from the pound, as well. 

I don't see why they couldn't get a dog - the mum doesn't seem to spend that much time away from home, the daughter is there after school, and Kevin is around. 

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

And why can't Kevin tell Amy and Reese the truth, exactly?

Maybe this is an homage to "The Millionaire," where the benefactor was not allowed to ever tell where the money came from. And if Kevin did tell Amy the truth, she is just as likely to have him committed. Kevin has led a pretty rotten life, which he hasn't fully come to terms with yet; no easy path to redemption for him! He doesn't just have to do good, he has to be good. And to earn Amy's trust in spite of a lifetime of reasons for her not to.

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19 hours ago, suebee12 said:

I am loving this show and it is all because of Jason Ritter! He is so good BUT I hope they stop having him take off of his clothes!! He looks like a normal guy but for some reason I think he should be more "built". I really want him to go to the gym. Sorry I am so superficial!

His physical comedy is so good though. Who else could have done that fight scene that Yvette made him like a puppet? Or the bumbling way he broke into that house to steal the clock....he kept stumbling across the front yard, or even the way he came out of the elevator dripping wet? That was a small scene but not everyone could have pulled that off. Then turns around with some touching scenes like the one at the lake when he explained why this was "home". Or when he saved Reese. One never knows which Kevin we are going to see and I like that.

The physical comedy really reminds me of Jason's father. John Ritter was just finishing up Three's company when he was Jason's age.


3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

And why can't Kevin tell Amy and Reese the truth, exactly? Were we ever given a specific reason for it? Will he explode or something? I'm sure I remember Yvette telling him early on he couldn't tell anyone but for the life of me I can't remember the reason why, other than contrivance. That was made even more obvious in this episode because Kevin's increasingly bizarre behavior led to an estrangement from his family which Yvette felt needed fixing because Kevin needs his family. Well, how's that for a paradox? Now she wants Kevin to "fix" what she herself has essentially broken but without telling the truth! How is he supposed to be "righteous" and help random strangers while lying to his family every day?

That's why this whole premise just really doesn't make a whole helluva lot of sense. Yeah, I keep watching because of Jason Ritter too, but the story itself is really bullshit.

The reasoning is pretty much "the universe wants it that way." Kevin has tried to tell "the truth" but it comes out as some other truth that Kevin was hiding, like reading Amy's diary or trying her birth control pills.

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The reasoning is pretty much "the universe wants it that way."

Well that's convenient to the plot isn't it? It's tantamount to saying "the reason is because . . . reasons." 


Kevin has tried to tell "the truth" but it comes out as some other truth that Kevin was hiding, like reading Amy's diary or trying her birth control pills.

You seem to be implying that if he tries to speak the truth some force changes his words, like he's magically/physically prevented from doing so. Did this occur in some previous episode? Because his mention of reading Amy's diary when he was a kid had nothing to do with him trying to tell Reese the truth about himself. He was just making an analogy about Amy reading Reese's diary. 

(I do seem to recall some incident in an earlier episode but not the specifics. In any event, Yvette has never adequately explained the reason why him telling his family the truth would be so detrimental to his job.)

Edited by iMonrey
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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Well that's convenient to the plot isn't it? It's tantamount to saying "the reason is because . . . reasons." 

You seem to be implying that if he tries to speak the truth some force changes his words, like he's magically/physically prevented from doing so. Did this occur in some previous episode? Because his mention of reading Amy's diary when he was a kid had nothing to do with him trying to tell Reese the truth about himself. He was just making an analogy about Amy reading Reese's diary. 

(I do seem to recall some incident in an earlier episode but not the specifics. In any event, Yvette has never adequately explained the reason why him telling his family the truth would be so detrimental to his job.)

Yeah, it happened several times. Maybe the first or second episode? He tried to tell her and blurted out that he took Amy's birth control pills when they were teens. Then he immediately tried to explain again and blurted out that he slept with someone at her wedding (or something similar. Both times he seemed totally shocked at what came out of his mouth. Basically things that made Amy angry at him instead of explaining his recent actions.

There was another episode where it happened too., maybe with someone other than Amy.

But you are correct, Yvette has never explained why this is the case. I think it's a bit annoying, because surely he'd be better at saving the world if people understood why he was acting weird.  I can see why he can't tell everyone, but he should be able to tell his sister that he's living with. But, basically, it is one of the rules of the show and we just have to accept it. Until they decided to change things up and the rules....season finale, maybe?

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There is no reason needed for Reese getting shut down for a pet. None. Animals suck and I hate that I'm stuck in a world where so many people feel the need to have one (because it makes it hard to get away from them). I'm also being over the top. I just don't ever want animals in my presence. So, the no was all I needed. Everytime a pet is introduced into a show I roll my eyes much like many do for babies on shows.

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On 11/8/2017 at 9:21 AM, icemiser69 said:

Amy had no business reading Reese's diary.  Reese's bullshit demands she was making to her mother at the end of the episode were out of line.

That said, I don't know why Amy's daughter couldn't have a dog or cat for that matter.  Reese should have asked for both (not just a dog) and her mother should have let her have both. 

Yes, my best friends have four paws.

i agree.....my children have four paws! fur babies.

7 hours ago, Racj82 said:

There is no reason needed for Reese getting shut down for a pet. None. Animals suck and I hate that I'm stuck in a world where so many people feel the need to have one (because it makes it hard to get away from them). I'm also being over the top. I just don't ever want animals in my presence. So, the no was all I needed. Everytime a pet is introduced into a show I roll my eyes much like many do for babies on shows.

wtf? animal hater? says a lot. i personally think animals are better than (most) people.

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Yes, Jason Ritter was on Joan of Arcadia, but he was also in About Alex. Good Dick, A Bag of Hammers and The Steps. As to the premise of this show, formally it's identical to the premise of The Messengers, not Joan of Arcadia. Its soul appears to be borrowed from Harvey.  

This episode sold me on Reese actually caring about Kevin. 

The question is, does Yvette the meteor get her ideas from Kevin?

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On 11/9/2017 at 2:43 AM, icemiser69 said:

Probably, because I didn't like what she was hinting at with Kevin and his ex (Kristin).  Kevin didn't pick up on it, but he never seems to pickup on anything.  Yvette said something like: "the person that Kristin was seeing wasn't Kristin's type".  Kevin totally ignored that comment.  Clearly that would imply that Kevin is Kristin's type.  Which would logically head down the path of Kevin and Kristin getting back together.  I would hate that, because I don't like Kristin.

I didn't take that line as an implication that either Yvette or the show meant to imply Kevin really is her type and they ought to go in that direction. I thought it was Yvette doing a very human thing of basically boosting Kevin's spirits by saying don't worry the new guy's not her type. Not that she had all-knowing knowledge, just cuz that's a thing people might say to a sad and slightly jealous dude. On the other hand, if the show does go in the direction of trying to get them back together, there's a lot more to point in that direction than just that line. Why else have her keep coming up in plots after the one-night stand earlier in the season if they weren't going to do something with her? I'm not interested in the show going there, but they've laid the groundwork anyway.

20 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Well that's convenient to the plot isn't it? It's tantamount to saying "the reason is because . . . reasons." 

You seem to be implying that if he tries to speak the truth some force changes his words, like he's magically/physically prevented from doing so. Did this occur in some previous episode?

The reasons so far are "because Yvette said so" and the magic preventing him from saying it is her magic. It's unsatisfying at the moment because it feels like the show saying "...reasons" but they can later reveal what Yvette was really up to, assuming there is anything more to it. There may not be. It might just be crappy writing, but it's been set up in such a manner that Yvette is telling him "the universe wants it this way" but all we know for sure is that she does.

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14 hours ago, Racj82 said:

There is no reason needed for Reese getting shut down for a pet. None. Animals suck and I hate that I'm stuck in a world where so many people feel the need to have one (because it makes it hard to get away from them). I'm also being over the top. I just don't ever want animals in my presence. So, the no was all I needed. Everytime a pet is introduced into a show I roll my eyes much like many do for babies on shows.

I'd like to interject that I am pretty neutral on pets. I don't own one because they require maintenance and I feel bad when they die. My family has had them. I prefer human interaction to the animal kind, but I don't mind being around them. It does seem funny when animal people encourage others to get shelter pets because an ill-chosen pet adoption is a good way for an animal to wind up back in a shelter.

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29 minutes ago, ketose said:

I'd like to interject that I am pretty neutral on pets. I don't own one because they require maintenance and I feel bad when they die. My family has had them. I prefer human interaction to the animal kind, but I don't mind being around them. It does seem funny when animal people encourage others to get shelter pets because an ill-chosen pet adoption is a good way for an animal to wind up back in a shelter.

i think  mean, if you are going to to bring a pet into your family, adopting is the way to go. won't go into details or my feelings on the pet trade. but i totally agree. nothing wrong with encouraging people to adopt a shelter pet. if someone runs out and gets a pet just because you mentioned adopting a shelter pet, they are idiots, so in that rare instance, true, not good for the animal.

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On 11/10/2017 at 3:06 AM, Racj82 said:

There is no reason needed for Reese getting shut down for a pet. None. Animals suck and I hate that I'm stuck in a world where so many people feel the need to have one (because it makes it hard to get away from them). I'm also being over the top. I just don't ever want animals in my presence. So, the no was all I needed. Everytime a pet is introduced into a show I roll my eyes much like many do for babies on shows.

Pets are also good for your health, and a dog would be a good companion for a girl grieving the loss of her father. My dad said something about our dogs helping, after losing my mother last year. 

22 hours ago, ketose said:

I'd like to interject that I am pretty neutral on pets. I don't own one because they require maintenance and I feel bad when they die. My family has had them. I prefer human interaction to the animal kind, but I don't mind being around them. It does seem funny when animal people encourage others to get shelter pets because an ill-chosen pet adoption is a good way for an animal to wind up back in a shelter.

And a lot of adoptions are successful. Too many dogs end up at shelters, after having been bought from bad breeders/pet stores. Rescues and shelters usually encourage meet-and-greets, with other pets and children. They don't want to adopt the wrong dog out to the wrong people. 

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I can totally see why the man could not get a job.  He was a mess.   Hopefully his wife did get the job.   They had a really nice house so he must have had a really good job at one time.   

Hoping that the show isn’t going to pit Amy against Kevin.    He still seems fragile to me. There has to be a reason for her top secret job.   JMHO I think Amy’s job is why he can’t tell her.  We have seen what happens when her daughter keeps Kevin’s secrets. 

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Yes, Amy's job is like Chekhov's gun. No way did they have to give her anything which was so "special" that she would not only have to go in on an emergency basis in the middle of the night, but that if she did go in, she wouldn't just drive herself but would instead actually be transported by helicopter from her front lawn, if they weren't planning to do something with it. She's not a run of the mill professor, researcher, engineer, or garden variety physicist. Something is definitely "up" with her. She probably has a secret just as intense as Kevin does. And she's kind of boring other than that. Reese and Yvette are more developed than Amy is. Even cheerful dude who works at the diner is more developed than Amy is, as a character. It's suspicious as hell at this point, unless they're just crap writers (always possible with TV) and totally retconned the show after the pilot.

Edited by possibilities
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I mean, even if Amy has no secret, she can still be boring. Her job could easily be "doing math most people don't understand all day". Why you'd write a television show about such a person, I don't know. From a narrative standpoint, it makes no sense, but from a plausible humans standpoint, she is one? But yeah if they're not intentionally dropping the government plot, they need to touch on it again sooner than later.

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9 hours ago, tribeca said:

I can totally see why the man could not get a job.  He was a mess.   Hopefully his wife did get the job.   They had a really nice house so he must have had a really good job at one time.   

Hoping that the show isn’t going to pit Amy against Kevin.    He still seems fragile to me. 

Ha, On one hand, yes, the person in need was a mess, LOL. But on the other and in his slight defense he had been at the same  job 10/15+ years so he'd never had to continually refine his brand and update to the new ways of networking and job search. He was chugging along until he was fired and was literally a dinosaur awakening in the modern age. He still had linen paper resumes, bless his heart! The one person he'd have asked for help, his wife, was the one person he couldn't go to to strategize andyet because she had been stay at home, no doubt she had begun checking out how to reenter the work force and was  more up to speed and thus the exact person he should've gone to. His pride and noble but misguided attempt to honor their deal dug him in deeeeep but as soon as he knew that she wanted to jump back in the work world he couldn't have been more supportive. But again the look on her face when Kevin told her what job her husband was going for said a lot. She knew he was waaay out of his element, LOL.

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On 11/12/2017 at 4:30 PM, TobinAlbers said:

he had been at the same  job 10/15+ years so he'd never had to continually refine his brand and update to the new ways of networking and job search. He was chugging along until he was fired and was literally a dinosaur awakening in the modern age.

30 years and suddenly laid of for me.  I got on LinkedIn and Indeed and Hired fairly quickly and learned how to tune a resume for the job I'm applying for, but it's still an uphill battle 2 years later (my wife knew as soon as I was laid off -- I wouldn't keep something like that from her).

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Dave: Sweet murder board. Solid yarn work.

Yvette: Take those stupid ass sunglasses off your stupid ass face.

Kevin: What are the chances of the universe granting me the strength of a thousand men?
Yvette: Slim to none.

Iggy: Ketchup is the unexplained. Ketchup is wormholes. Ketchup is meridian lines. Ketchup is miracles.

Dave: Stop. Nail gun.
Kevin: The universe wants me to buy a nail gun?
Dave: No, I do. Why hammer when you can bust a nail all up in that wood?

Dave: I don't know why you're doing this. You know this lady hates you, right?
Kevin: I'm well aware.

Kevin: Wow, I can't remember the last time I was in this house.
Susan: August 12, 1999. You snuck in and spent the night with Kristin before you went off to college.
Kevin: That does ring a bell.

Kevin: They always return to the scene of the crime - serial killers, arsonists, sophomores.

Yvette: Was Susan always this...
Kevin: Icy? Rigid? Uptight?

Yvette: We are not genies, Dave. Fixing [Kevin's] mess is not our job.
Dave: Huh, well, that's odd. I thought our job was to help Kevin. This is helping. He's got enough on his plate without having to fix a bunch of stuff the universe broke.
Kevin: That is a good point.

Nate: I don't mind if [Reese] gets another clue. We're just having fun.
Kevin: Fun is playing correctly. You can't just throw out all of the rules to make up for giving a terrible clue.
Amy: Do you see what I mean? This is why he's the worst to play board games with.
Kevin: Oh, it is awesome playing games with me because I actually remember the rules.
Amy: Maybe my memory is shot because I'm so busy because I'm a single mom trying to raise a teenager and a toddler.
Nate: Hey, take it easy on your sister. It's not her fault she stinks at all games.

Yvette: Free will is the greatest gift to humans.

Dave: Today's lesson is math. Simple equation. Fear minus death equals what, Kevin? Thrills.

Amber: Coconut water, Nate?
Nate: Jazzing things up a little bit today, Amber.

Kevin: Is that a penis?
Susan: Yeah, it is!

Amy: My experience wasn't a miracle. Miracles aren't a thing. They're just events that science hasn't explained yet.
Iggy: That's the beauty of a miracle. It's not about religion. It's about mystery.
Amy: Oh, I hate that. That's literally why I became a scientist.

Kristin: What are you doing?
Susan: Day drinking with your high school sweetheart.

Yvette: You have talents, Dave - skills that I don't have.
Dave: This is true. Trivia night, origami, interpretive dance, sensual massage, welding, drawing circles.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I loved Dave's disdain for Amy's backsplash. I like having him around because now we get to see that although he and Yvette have the same role/position, how they choose to use their powers to help Kevin varies greatly.

I found it weird that of the two, Kevin is the one who wants to follow the rules for board games and Amy is the one willing to break them. Given her nature, I would have thought they'd be the opposite.

My dad had cancer and got a terminal diagnosis, so I understand Kristin. But ultimately, choosing treatment should be the patient's choice. She shouldn't try to pressure her mom into going back to chemo. When you're given a limited time to live, it's up to you how to spend that time.

Kristin said that she just wanted her mom to be happy, but she didn't want to accept that for her mom, that meant no more chemo. Kristin's mouth was saying, "I just want my mom to be happy," but what she really meant was, "I want my mom to do what I want her to do." I'm glad she finally let go of that at the end and quit guilt tripping her mom about chemo. What's the point in living another six months if you're going to be miserable and puking your guts out th whole time?

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Kevin is forced to choose between completing his mission – which involves helping a talented artist find the courage to believe in himself – and attending the opening night of Reese's play. Meanwhile, Yvette makes a startling discovery about Dave, and Amy prepares to go out on the first date since her husband died.


Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I don't trust Brandon Quinn's character... Maybe hes here to cause mischief or stop Kevin... Plus hes getting in the way if amy and nate..  Being a theology prof seems like too much of a coincidence 

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I like Dave. I think that he was a good foil to Yvette, but also allowed Kevin to see another side to his destiny that allowed him to grow. I think both Yvette and Dave are right and wrong about their approaches. 

I'll admit that I liked Brandon Quinn's character with Amy. I like Amy/Nate, but I also liked his character, so I'm feeling torn. I don't want him to be some evil guy for whatever reason (whether that's related to the comets or whatever). What a twist it would be if he was one of the righteous, like Kevin. That would be a neat twist to eventually get him away from Amy. 

Not a whole lot of Reese, but a whole lot of Kristin, which was great. I think it's tough for her because she wants to be able to fight for more time with her mom. She's simply not ready to let go and accept that she'd be dying (this time, a lot quicker than anticipated), so she lived in her bubble that if her mom got treatment, it could give her more time. But she also wasn't listening to her mom's wishes until the end. It's extremely understanding of what Kristin was doing and I cannot fault her for that, especially since she did come to the right decision by the end. She got to see her mom happy, which was good. 

I also found it weird that Kevin liked sticking to the rules for board games while Amy liked breaking them. I know they were trying to go for a twist with swapping their personalities, but it was a bit off.

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Wow, I haven't seen Brandon Quinn in anything I watch in ages. But really . . . a love triangle? Is that the best the show can do with Amy?

Kevin should ditch Yvette (assuming that's possible) and just stick with Dave. Dave seems far more helpful.

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Maybe, but if I had to pick one . . .

It irked me that Yvette said "We're not genies, we're not here to fix Kevin's problem." But Kevin wouldn't have those problems if it weren't for "the universe" screwing up his life, and Amy's house! Is it Kevin's fault the "universe" decided to send him some mystical but vague clue by giving him uncontrollable strength that made him ruin the staircase and the cabinet? If Yvette isn't there to help fix stuff like that then what the hell is she there for?

I know they just do it for the visual gag, but is there any reason Kevin had to break Amy's house in order to understand he was supposed to go to Home Depot? Couldn't the "universe" have sent him some less destructive clue? 

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Well, the theologian trying to convert Amy to supernaturalism because of Kevin doing a miracle suggests maybe he's another meteor, just working more subtly than Dave. 

Dave's interest in the high life/Italy is almost certainly a negative. The show is likely to commit to the proposition that only total selflessness is real virtue...except for the total commitment to the One True Love. 

This show's premises are changing faster than The Good Place, which is bewildering.

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10 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

I don't trust Brandon Quinn's character... Maybe hes here to cause mischief or stop Kevin... Plus hes getting in the way if amy and nate..  Being a theology prof seems like too much of a coincidence 

Now that I know it's him, all I can think of is "Big Wolf on Campus."

I get where Kristin is coming from. She feels like her mom taking care of her when her father left took time away from her life, so giving her mom more time would make Kristin feel less guilty. Her mom got what she wanted, though, She was able to have some fun getting revenge and showed her daughter that the house was worth having.

However, Kevin is still a meat puppet. It's hard to tell if he has any autonomy is his existence as a Righteous One or the Universe just puts things in his way to do its bidding. 

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Kinda of like amy and Kevin ways of playing board games.  One is we play by  the rules.  The other is rules are made to be broken. 

9 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I like Dave. I think that he was a good foil to Yvette, but also allowed Kevin to see another side to his destiny that allowed him to grow. I think both Yvette and Dave are right and wrong about their approaches. 


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