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S12.E08: Picture Perfect


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11 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

Do you think they got to choose who they sat with at 'etiquette'?

No. Only rookies and 'entertaining' vets were there.

10 hours ago, SSAHotchner said:

Could that whole lash thing have been just a ploy to mention their lash place on TV? A little advertising? It was odd. 


24 minutes ago, Calicocats said:

I think the red hair looked like Stephanie too.  

Theyre going to have to cut a lot at the end.  

That was on purpose, but Holly is the one in trouble.

  • Love 1

I finally saw the episode, some thoughts:

Unpopular as this may be, I do not blame them for the eyelash 911.  Alexandria looked like she had tarantulas coming out of her eyes, the lashes she got were just too much.

Melissa disagreeing with Judy about Keyra was stupid.  Yes, Keyra is very good, but Judy was right, on that one routine she was 1/2 count behind.  So Melissa in her infinite wisdom was like nope, you're wrong, she was the one I was looking at throughout the whole dance.  Well, Melissa, if she was the only one you were looking at & you weren't looking at the whole group, maybe that's why you didn't see that she was 1/2 count off.

Gina's (paraphrasing) "I'm used to this, when I took dance in the past girls were jealous of me" certainly was lame, but in a later talking head, Kelli sure seemed to buy into it!

I've had to take a class in etiquette, and I have never heard of the "rule" of breaking off pieces of bread and buttering each bite.  Besides, in the restaurants I've been to where people would care how mannerly the patrons are, the bread in the basket is usually so small that breaking it up would be unnecessary.

  • Love 9

I like Alexandria a lot, but I think her look is way off.  I don't blame them for calling her in.

I feel like they're making the case to cut Keyra- she is off, now she has thick, short legs (kiss of DCC death and largely unfixable in the time they have).  Poor kick already mentioned.  I will be so pissed if they cut her!

I'm over Gina.  I make it a policy not to comment on girls' looks, but I will make an exception.  She is not that great, and to me, her dancing is average.  To make it to DCC as, to me, what amounts to an average candidate and imply that everyone is jealous of HER- is she SERIOUS???  Has she SEEN some of the DCCs?  If girls like Ashton, Sasha, Brittany Evans, Lacey, Erica (wherever she may be) and Carsten can make it and be beautiful AND killer dancer AND accomplished women AND no one is jealous of THEM...sweetheart, sit your tired, Recycled Paris Hilton butt down.  For real.

  • Love 12

I really like Keyra a lot.  I would rather see some muscle tone than string beans like Kat was.  But not ripped like Stephanie was when she looked like a fitness competitor.  I think the dark skinned girls look so beautiful in the uniform. 

Re: Schram, I thought she auditioned at least 4 times before making it?  I think she was only featured on the show the year before she made the team.  I don't know if she made it all the way to TC every time, but I'm pretty sure she tried a bunch.


ETA: Another poster pointed this out. Keyra did The Worm. She's now my favorite ? 

Edited by RedDelicious
  • Love 4
8 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

Something personal doesn't mean "her deepest darkest secrets". When she froze, Kelli said tell me something about Tara's family. She was obviously after something like she's a huge dog person, she has 3 sisters and she is still driving the car her beloved grandpa bought her as a graduation gift. Not that she accidentally killed someone her senior year.

Exactly. Kelli wasn't asking her to dig deep, she just wanted to her to give any small indication that she had some sort of relationship with these girls outside of training camp. "Some of us girls went and had a pedicure yesterday and Tara couldn't decide between pink or red polish." It didn't have to be information that revealed a great deal of information, she just wanted to know she was connecting with them somehow. 

  • Love 13
15 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

I thought at some moments Heather O. looked kind of thick in the middle in some shots during the dance party.  

I don't like Heather O's dance style.  But watching Maggie hooting and hollering for her was super cute!

22 minutes ago, sugarplum said:

Exactly. Kelli wasn't asking her to dig deep, she just wanted to her to give any small indication that she had some sort of relationship with these girls outside of training camp. "Some of us girls went and had a pedicure yesterday and Tara couldn't decide between pink or red polish." It didn't have to be information that revealed a great deal of information, she just wanted to know she was connecting with them somehow. 

Seriously!  And I don't even mind Gina but come on, girl. I'm at work and just had a conversation with a co-worker (we're on diff teams and we don't sit anywhere near each other and don't talk that often) for about 10 minutes and I can tell you ten things I learned about her.

Maybe she was just caught off guard?  Who knows? I'm still rooting for her bc as said, I'm not bothered by her just yet.

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, Collette1104 said:

I have lots of thoughts on this episode, but want to catch up on the rest of the posts first, but for now.... the next time someone tells me 'this isn't a sorority, it's a job' I am going to point them right to season 12 episode 8.  It SHOULD NOT MATTER how "nice" these women are to each other or how much they bond outside the dance studio/football field.   

Do you want people that work 100% or people that work 90% and then spend 10% of their energy learning everything about everyone else?  Jesus.  I just don't get it.

I think though that DCC is meant to be a sorority AND a job.  It absolutely matters to Kelli etc how the girls get along or at least pretend to get along.   She's always talked on the show about meeting her BFFs like Tina Kalina when she cheered and encouraged that type of lasting friendship.   And I think they do a lot of sorority type business like decorating each other's lockers and other game day stuff amongst themselves.  Of course not everyone is going to be true friends but a general level of approachability and civility is understandable.

I think it is possible to work 100% and be a good colleague- some would argue that not doing so makes for a crap workplace.    That what Kelli was getting at with the "toxic locker room atmosphere stuff".  So I get it.

  • Love 4

I liked this episode---the cameos, Nick, etiquette... And then Melissa Rycroft rolled up and it was like *record scratch*...

Can Melissa wear something else to the studio besides a tank and shorts looking like she just came from playing with her kids at a playground?  So over her.  I get the DWTS winner cachet, but honestly she got on that out of sympathy for being spectacularly dumped on The Bachelor.   She was a fair to middling DCC at best.   

Kelli's shoulder cutouts were next level at cameos.  Gina's face called "jokery" and later "mean"... Ouch.   But she seems to have enough self esteem to  ride that out.   She could have handled that office visit better!

I compare how Selina reacted to a body critique to Holly.   The difference comes down to humility and maturity.  

  • Love 5

I have a policy to talk about any body's looks but didn't a couple of judges at finals commented on Alexandria's Looks so why is Kelli acting surprised about it now. 


Honestly, my problem about her is I think her dancing is kinda spastic, I agree with Judy that she needs to be more Feminine in her dancing !! 

Edited by mmm
On 9/23/2017 at 8:36 AM, ByTor said:

Gina's (paraphrasing) "I'm used to this, when I took dance in the past girls were jealous of me" certainly was lame, but in a later talking head, Kelli sure seemed to buy into it!


Ugh, same thought. Kelli, everyone but you sees this girl is arrogant, shallow and self absorbed. You worried she might be "toxic," then gave her a pass to keep being toxic??? Way to drink the kool-aid. You're creating a monster.

Edited by SunshineSally
  • Love 8

In the promo, the hair looks darker and shorter than Stephanie's or Savannah's so I think it has to be Holly.  Otherwise, what has Stephanie done that they would be calling her in about a contract violation?  Holly has gained weight.  She knows it and seemed to hope that it would get overlooked throughout Training Camp.  The weight gain could be if she's truly too busy to workout with a job, Training Camp and whatever else she does or it could be from staying out late, drinking, eating bar food, and not putting in the time in the gym like she should and staying away from the drinks and the bars (and the guys).

As for Alexandria, whoever did her lashes screwed up big time because the girl had far too many on.  From what I gather (and anyone who does hair, lashes, makeup and the like, please correct me if I'm wrong), but don't people tell their clients that certain looks just don't work for them or that what they're asking for isn't going to happen and do it in such a way that the client actually listens and accepts it?  I know that there are some clients who want what they want and they think it will turn out the way they "see it" in their heads despite what anyone tells them.  Like they want to look like Morticia but end up looking like Elvira or want to look like Jennifer Aniston circa Friends but end up looking like a used mop or an Old English Sheep Dog (think "The Shaggy Dog" movies).

I want to see the conversation with Lacey and Robin then was shown.  We saw part of Robin's conversation in the office that wasn't shown so what was deleted or edited out?   Given what was said, I think Gina can be quite the little suck up.  I wonder if she saw/experienced people getting parts that she wanted/thought should have been hers and found that sucking up/being teacher's pet got her what she wanted and just hasn't been called on it.  Sad because the girl can dance (I'll giver her credit for that).  If she had a better/healthier attitude about the whole situation, the conversations we've been seeing wouldn't be happening because there wouldn't be any question about it.  It sounds/looks like Gina is sucking up to her group leaders (and other veterans) as well as Judy and Kelli then turning around and being somewhat of a bitch to the other Training Camp candidates.  There was a scene in a previous episode where she was given a correction about something and, in her TH, we heard her say something to the effects of "I thought I was doing everything right but evidently I'm not."  Then this week, we heard evidence that she's telling other girls that they're doing things wrong when they're actually doing them correctly.  Could she be sabotaging them because she thinks she's not going to get on the team otherwise or does she still think she's doing things correctly and she's still not?  Just a thought.

Edited by EricaShadows
  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

Then this week, we heard evidence that she's telling other girls that they're doing things wrong when they're actually doing them correctly.  Could she be sabotaging them because she thinks she's not going to get on the team otherwise or does she still think she's doing things correctly and she's still not?  Just a thought.

I think what Lacey meant is that she would correct the other TCCs when they were doing things wrong and then show them how to do it correctly. Lacey made it sound like Gina did know the choreography and was doing it right. But it sounded like the other girls didn't like how she was always correcting everyone.

On 9/22/2017 at 0:45 PM, PBSLover said:

Regarding the cameos:  I think the DCC could use a new makeup artist.  The girls foundation was flat, heavy and overly dark.  There was a big gal, a blonde back in the day who did flawless make-up.  Where’s she these days I wonder?  



18 hours ago, SSAHotchner said:

Could that whole lash thing have been just a ploy to mention their lash place on TV? A little advertising? It was odd. 


8 hours ago, ByTor said:

Unpopular as this may be, I do not blame them for the eyelash 911.  Alexandria looked like she had tarantulas coming out of her eyes, the lashes she got were just too much.

Yes, Alexandria's lashes were terrible.  I know they do make-up lessons during makeovers, so K&J....NOT impressed with your "world-class" make-up artists.  Of course, we did get the plug for their lash place, so...

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, ByTor said:

Gina's (paraphrasing) "I'm used to this, when I took dance in the past girls were jealous of me" certainly was lame, but in a later talking head, Kelli sure seemed to buy into it!


1 hour ago, SunshineSally said:

Ugh, same thought. Kelli, everyone but you sees this girl is arrogant, shallow and self absorbed. You worried she might be "toxic," then gave her a pass to keep being toxic??? Way to drink the look-aid. You're creating a monster.

I can see how K&J didn't immediately agree Gina was a 'problem' that needed to be more strongly 'addressed' at this point.

I was glad K&J didnt automatically believe second-hand information from Kitty without seeking follow up information from Lacey and Robin. But then although Lacey and Robin (based on what was shown) acknowledged there were situations where Gina likely rubbed her fellow TCC's the wrong way, they didn't give Kelli a totally damning report; Robin even qualified her observation by giving Gina the benefit of the doubt noting that 'I'm not even sure [Gina] realizes what she's doing' ...

I also was thinking about how Kelli handled Ashley Pro when she told her how some of Ashley's references from other dance teams had said negative things about Ashley's attitude. Even though in contrast to Gina, Ashley had strong support from her group leader (Emma?), Kelli also told Ashley that she (K) knew what it was like to be 'misunderstood' because K had also had people misunderstand her as well. 

Maybe K&J are giving Gina more of a benefit of the doubt for the moment (without more evidence) because they've both had firsthand experience with people misjudging them...? Maybe once Kelli was that 'misunderstood' seemingly arrogant dancer among her peers!?  ?

Edited by Blndee6
1 hour ago, Roo22 said:

I think what Lacey meant is that she would correct the other TCCs when they were doing things wrong and then show them how to do it correctly. Lacey made it sound like Gina did know the choreography and was doing it right. But it sounded like the other girls didn't like how she was always correcting everyone.

Your comment confused me as I thought Lacey said that Gina is correcting people doing the right thing. I'll have to rewatch the scene now!

3 hours ago, EricaShadows said:

In the promo, the hair looks darker and shorter than Stephanie's or Savannah's so I think it has to be Holly.  Otherwise, what has Stephanie done that they would be calling her in about a contract violation?  Holly has gained weight.  She knows it and seemed to hope that it would get overlooked throughout Training Camp.  The weight gain could be if she's truly too busy to workout with a job, Training Camp and whatever else she does or it could be from staying out late, drinking, eating bar food, and not putting in the time in the gym like she should and staying away from the drinks and the bars (and the guys).

As for Alexandria, whoever did her lashes screwed up big time because the girl had far too many on.  From what I gather (and anyone who does hair, lashes, makeup and the like, please correct me if I'm wrong), but don't people tell their clients that certain looks just don't work for them or that what they're asking for isn't going to happen and do it in such a way that the client actually listens and accepts it?  I know that there are some clients who want what they want and they think it will turn out the way they "see it" in their heads despite what anyone tells them.  Like they want to look like Morticia but end up looking like Elvira or want to look like Jennifer Aniston circa Friends but end up looking like a used mop or an Old English Sheep Dog (think "The Shaggy Dog" movies).

I want to see the conversation with Lacey and Robin then was shown.  We saw part of Robin's conversation in the office that wasn't shown so what was deleted or edited out?   Given what was said, I think Gina can be quite the little suck up.  I wonder if she saw/experienced people getting parts that she wanted/thought should have been hers and found that sucking up/being teacher's pet got her what she wanted and just hasn't been called on it.  Sad because the girl can dance (I'll giver her credit for that).  If she had a better/healthier attitude about the whole situation, the conversations we've been seeing wouldn't be happening because there wouldn't be any question about it.  It sounds/looks like Gina is sucking up to her group leaders (and other veterans) as well as Judy and Kelli then turning around and being somewhat of a bitch to the other Training Camp candidates.  There was a scene in a previous episode where she was given a correction about something and, in her TH, we heard her say something to the effects of "I thought I was doing everything right but evidently I'm not."  Then this week, we heard evidence that she's telling other girls that they're doing things wrong when they're actually doing them correctly.  Could she be sabotaging them because she thinks she's not going to get on the team otherwise or does she still think she's doing things correctly and she's still not?  Just a thought.

It is odd that instead of Lacey and Robin starting out with Gina is team player etc, they started out with "I (take this is an emphasis on the I meaning they had known others who have had problems) have not had problems with Gina".  Who starts out on a sort of negative tone?

  • Love 2
On 9/23/2017 at 2:14 PM, EricaShadows said:

Then this week, we heard evidence that she's telling other girls that they're doing things wrong when they're actually doing them correctly.  Could she be sabotaging them because she thinks she's not going to get on the team otherwise or does she still think she's doing things correctly and she's still not?  Just a thought.

Oh, you might be on to something here!  Gina certainly comes across as someone who would do/say backhanded things in order to get what she wants.  If she's going to show her (probably tamed-down) snottiness in proper company and in front of the camera, I can only imagine the things that come out of her mouth when no one is watching, especially to those she considers beneath her.  I think she's a huge "ambassador risk."

Edited by 123DCCWoooo
  • Love 3
52 minutes ago, cherryblossom said:

It is odd that instead of Lacey and Robin starting out with Gina is team player etc, they started out with "I (take this is an emphasis on the I meaning they had known others who have had problems) have not had problems with Gina".  Who starts out on a sort of negative tone?

Probably editing. There's no way Lacey and Robin hadn't heard about Gina's attitude and they both seem very cordial and wouldn't say something negative first, ya know, sisterhood and all that (eye roll). I'm sure CMT didn't air the entire conversations so we're getting what they want to spoon feed us.  

  • Love 3

My impression is that Gina is a Little Miss Perfect - I don't think she's had many people criticize her and is used to constant praise. So it caught her off guard when she got negative feedback from Judy and Kelli. 

I watched the scene a second time and it seemed like Gina wasn't really getting the point of Kelli's questioning. When Kelli asks Gina to tell her something about Tara, I don't think Gina understood that Kelli was trying to see how close she was to Tara. My impression is actually that Gina started to wonder if Tara was the one who said something mean about her behind her back - it's like Gina is trying to process who could have said something about her.  That's why she says "Tara is... great!" like she is trying to take the high road instead of saying something bad or critical about Tara.  It wasn't until later when Kelli said she should focus on developing relationships where I think Gina  understands the point that Kelli is trying to make.  

But the part I found most revealing is when Gina leaves the building and the girls ask how it went. You can clearly hear her say "all good!" In that moment, Gina cannot admit that she's had negative feedback.  That would go against everything that Gina believes of herself.

I think Gina is truly one of those people who doesn't know how to be anything but perfect - she cannot accept criticism, she cannot open herself up to vulnerability, and she cannot express honest emotions... she'd rather project the idea that she is perfect all the time.

To be honest, she's not the first DCC to give me that impression, but definitely the most painfully obvious, and emotionally immature. It's a little bit Stepford wife and a little bit Taylor Swift. And incredibly inauthentic. 

Edited by Stee
  • Love 14

Now to add this to the mix, I'm wondering if Gina's going to be a one-and-done?  If she relaxes a bit and doesn't watch herself around people, then the facade might start to slip and the real Gina will come out.  After all, Chelsea talked her way onto the team and thought she had it made in her second year until the true snarky, catty Chelsea revealed herself and got herself cut.  That looks to be the direction Gina's headed to me.

  • Love 4

Alright two things, Gina makes Lacey Minchew look like Miss Congeniality. I am re-naming her --  Veruca as in Veruca Salt.

second, this meeting with Gina reminded me of the meeting with Vivian about her mirror adoring self because it too started out awesome where I was like " You let her have it Kelli!"  and then took a weird turn into the happy, its going to be OK type music and a little encouragement with some random comments that didn't fit like with telling Vivian about how self consumed she was to them telling her its OK to be fun????  Gina has been 100 percent consistent the entire time she has been shown,  Stuck up, spoiled, and is all about her!! She had almost zero emotion when talking about jealous thing. I bet she has had these issues in the past because she was the same way and it had nothing to do with jealously. There are plenty of young, beautiful, and talented dancers who are kind, and warm to be jealous of sand I was actually a little shocked that Kelli would be curious if one of the other TCCs were jealous and potentially "toxic" .  Gina/Veruca is exactly what Kitty said "Thinks she is the _____! Now she could end up having a complete awakening and warming up as well as recognizing she is allowed to have faults and even laugh at herself acting a fool every now and then.  But as of now not one thing has come out of her mouth that is likable and shows ability to be a true team player which requires at times being selfless and not just telling people they are doing it wrong.

  • Love 4
On 9/21/2017 at 9:25 PM, PrincessLeia said:

Alexandria is just not looking her best. Her hair color makes her look muddy, and the eye lashes are just bad. I thought she was a lot prettier at auditions. Not sure what's going on.


Dying over Kitty's Gina comments.... cracking up. Y'all were right about her!

I always thought Gina was sweet until I was behind her in line one day getting food. Her and Molly were talking about who they danced next to in their groups and said "I wish I could be next to someone that made me look good.. like Tara" and started laughing. I thought it was a disgusting comment for her to say! Then this episode airs and it really showed!

Edited by Dccstar
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Dccstar said:

I always thought Gina was sweet until I was behind her in line one day getting food. Her and Molly were talking about who they danced next to in their groups and said "I wish I could be next to someone that made me look good.. like Tara" and started laughing. I thought it was a disgusting comment for her to say! Then this episode airs and it really showed!

Oh my goodness, that's awful! Where was this?

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Dccstar said:

At chipotle in Frisco! It honestly just made me so disappointed especially since she was one of my favorites. It's not DCC culture to say something like that, especially since she claims Tara to be one of her best friends. 

Wow. That's just mean. I haven't peeked yet so I don't know if Gina makes the team or not (though I'm assuming she does). But if she did make it, I definitely don't think she will be on the team again next year. I'm sure Kelly and Judy have a much better picture of her personality by now

  • Love 3

For all the Kelli talk for this year being soo competitive, I actually think half of these girls wouldn't have made it into TC or would be cut already if the girls who retired last year were back. One of them being Gina. The only reason why they act like her resting bitch face, the way she talks (which is annoying to begin with) and her general attitude aren't an issue, is that they have no other choice. She is the only one who does have solid technique, even if she isn't 100% polished on dcc style. So imo she is safe because they have 'worst' candidates to cut first. And that makes me SO mad. I'd rather have cry baby back as she at least is beautiful, has great technique and seems to be the sweetest.

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

For all the Kelli talk for this year being soo competitive, I actually think half of these girls wouldn't have made it into TC or would be cut already if the girls who retired last year were back. One of them being Gina. The only reason why they act like her resting bitch face, the way she talks (which is annoying to begin with) and her general attitude aren't an issue, is that they have no other choice. She is the only one who does have solid technique, even if she isn't 100% polished on dcc style. So imo she is safe because they have 'worst' candidates to cut first. And that makes me SO mad. I'd rather have cry baby back as she at least is beautiful, has great technique and seems to be the sweetest.

Yup, this year they can't get picky about personality. Lost too many good vets. 

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, Dccstar said:

I always thought Gina was sweet until I was behind her in line one day getting food. Her and Molly were talking about who they danced next to in their groups and said "I wish I could be next to someone that made me look good.. like Tara" and started laughing. I thought it was a disgusting comment for her to say! Then this episode airs and it really showed!

Lol!  Omg - such "mean girl-ery"...  Sadly, that's exactly how many dancers are :(.   Most of them just manage to hide it and portray an image of a perfect little sweetheart.

  • Love 5

Finally got to watch this! My thoughts:


1) Holly. Holly, Holly, Holly. I am sad for you. You are my favorite but I think you got a little comfortable here. I think that's going to bite you at some point in the end. 

2) I liked the guest choreo portion. I loved how he did some DCC moves. They should consider having him as point guy sometime (this would mortify some but I'm totally open to it ???)

3) Celinda is so beautiful but when she dances her face freezes in this expression that looks--expressless? Idk. I think she is soooo close. 

4) Gina--I was rooting for her because she went to my hometown university. But she does come across as that toxic person. It's week five--how do you not know anything about those you say are closest to you?? Also, I took Lacey's comments as Gina giving corrections to other TCCs -but- the corrections weren't correct! Eek! Gina needs some humble pie, indeed. Seeing someone's comment up there about what she and Molly were saying at Chipotle? Smh toxic and petty. I cheered in high school--75% of the girls were snobby and mean, hypocritical and gossipy. Every dance studio I've ever danced in has had the best people in it. Rarely any pettiness-but maybe that was the environment? Ok sorry--off topic off topic...back to episode!

Kashara is so cute and I love how everyone there was in good spirits and having fun while trying to learn a little something about etiquette. 


I love how Judy yells "Y'ALL!?!?" during next week's preview and they are working on across the field stuff. Like she cannot EVEN??? 

Christina dances too damn soft for me.  I'd cut her, the newbie brunettes who all look the same to me I'm sorry they do ? See you in unpopular? 


Dang--This is as long as Vivian's poem  I'm sorry.

  • Love 11

I guess I'm swimming upstream because I like Gina. She sure is gorgeous, more so when she doesn't smile. She seems to be someone who is focused on getting what she wants, and I don't see anything wrong with that. She may be more intense than other TCCs, but that doesn't make her unapproachable or unfriendly. I thought she seemed genuinely taken off guard by Kelli asking her personal details about Molly and Tayrn. I so get that. (I imagine she was ready to hear something to correct about her dancing.)  These girls have known one another for a little over a month. I've worked with people longer and didn't know much about their personal lives!  These girls have moved, gotten new apartments and roommates, started TC and are practicing several hours a day.  They're reading and memorizing things about the DCC and the Cowboys organization as well. I imagine those are the things that have dominated their conversations.

Neither Robin nor Lacey seemed to think Gina was unfriendly, and from the reception Gina got when she walked out, seems like the girls like her. I do too.

I thought this was a fun episode, but admit I'm looking forward to next week! FINALLY!

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Cappuccinagina said:

I took Lacey's comments as Gina giving corrections to other TCCs -but- the corrections weren't correct!

I just rewatched the scene.  Lacey says (quoting from closed captioning) "She picks up choreography quickly, but I have heard that sometimes she takes charge within the training camp candidates .  She'll be like "No, you're doing it wrong" but it's actually, you know, the right thing."  So yes, by her adding the "but", I definitely see this as her saying that Gina is telling people they're doing the wrong thing when they're not

  • Love 11

Alexandria is good but I get what they are saying about her aesthetic being off.   The thing is though that is a DCC makeover FAIL because they could have done something more with her particularly HAIR COLOR to make her eyes hair skin tone and makeup harmonize better.   I wonder if a future episode will include her lash emergency appointment as a paid placement for their "DCC lash partner".


You guys-- how hilarious would it have been, when Gina came out of the locker room after the office talk, if all the girls waiting would have gasped with dismay when she gave a thumbs up that she was safe.   That is all I could think of when I watched that bwahahaha 

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, Rubyslippahz said:

Alexandria is good but I get what they are saying about her aesthetic being off.   The thing is though that is a DCC makeover FAIL because they could have done something more with her particularly HAIR COLOR to make her eyes hair skin tone and makeup harmonize better.   I wonder if a future episode will include her lash emergency appointment as a paid placement for their "DCC lash partner".

Kelli - "We've sent them an email and said we have a 'lash 911.' Those people are standing by to help you." (emphasis mine)


Alexandria to Lash Loung stat! Get the crash cart! Lash melting in 3, 2, 1...clear!!

  • Love 6
38 minutes ago, Rubyslippahz said:


You guys-- how hilarious would it have been, when Gina came out of the locker room after the office talk, if all the girls waiting would have gasped with dismay when she gave a thumbs up that she was safe.   That is all I could think of when I watched that bwahahaha 

Girl, I was TOTALLY watching the other TCCs faces when she came out for anything: a snippet of "noooo", a glimmer of "are you f-ing kidding me" or "thanks K & J". ? I didn't catch anything so hopefully if I watch it again or if someone else catches it, share share SHARE ?

  • Love 2

I wouldn't put a ton of credence in to what the girls looked like when Gina came out of the meeting.  Remember she was followed directly by a tv crew and unlike some of the rehearsal footage, the girls may or may not know when they're being filmed, but when a crew was literally over her shoulder no one was going to act any  differently than "yay...she's still here"! 

There are a few girls in the left hand-corner (one was Amy for sure) that I noticed didn't get up right away and Amy definitely wasn't smiling. I only saw the show once and don't have it recorded so can't check again. Robin was sitting with the small group and she did get up right away. 

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3 hours ago, KatebytheSea said:

I guess I'm swimming upstream because I like Gina. She sure is gorgeous, more so when she doesn't smile. She seems to be someone who is focused on getting what she wants, and I don't see anything wrong with that. She may be more intense than other TCCs, but that doesn't make her unapproachable or unfriendly. I thought she seemed genuinely taken off guard by Kelli asking her personal details about Molly and Tayrn. I so get that. (I imagine she was ready to hear something to correct about her dancing.)  These girls have known one another for a little over a month. I've worked with people longer and didn't know much about their personal lives!  These girls have moved, gotten new apartments and roommates, started TC and are practicing several hours a day.  They're reading and memorizing things about the DCC and the Cowboys organization as well. I imagine those are the things that have dominated their conversations.

Neither Robin nor Lacey seemed to think Gina was unfriendly, and from the reception Gina got when she walked out, seems like the girls like her. I do too.

I thought this was a fun episode, but admit I'm looking forward to next week! FINALLY!

I imagine it is a bit of culture shock for some of the non-Texas area girls. I have to imagine girls like Gina, Alexandria, etc were taken aback at first by just how extra DCC is. 

I mean if I was working hard for what was supposed to be a prestigious job in my field, only to discover a key part was minding a teddy bear each week, I would be taken aback.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Dccfan126 said:

I imagine it is a bit of culture shock for some of the non-Texas area girls. I have to imagine girls like Gina, Alexandria, etc were taken aback at first by just how extra DCC is. 

I mean if I was working hard for what was supposed to be a prestigious job in my field, only to discover a key part was minding a teddy bear each week, I would be taken aback.

Is that the Abby Bear?

2 hours ago, Blndee6 said:

Kelli - "We've sent them an email and said we have a 'lash 911.' Those people are standing by to help you." (emphasis mine)


Alexandria to Lash Loung stat! Get the crash cart! Lash melting in 3, 2, 1...clear!!

Lol - Alexandria probably thinking in her head "omg - are these people for real?, I get it, they don't like my lashes, but did she really just say a lash 911?   Maybe I should get the hell out of this bizarro sorority and go back home before I go insane?"...

  • Love 11
7 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

Lol - Alexandria probably thinking in her head "omg - are these people for real?, I get it, they don't like my lashes, but did she really just say a lash 911?   Maybe I should get the hell out of this bizarro sorority and go back home before I go insane?"...

It's that kind of scene that for people who don't watch the show but catch it while randomly channel surfing....well, it looks a tad silly. No, it looks a tad silly to us devotees; so it likely looks totally ridiculous to passers by. There's a lot of scenes like that in this show. But we live for those, right?!

Sometimes I think it would be fun to have the characters from Mystery Science Theater 3000 narrate episodes of the show...

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, KatebytheSea said:

I guess I'm swimming upstream because I like Gina. She sure is gorgeous, more so when she doesn't smile. She seems to be someone who is focused on getting what she wants, and I don't see anything wrong with that. She may be more intense than other TCCs, but that doesn't make her unapproachable or unfriendly. I thought she seemed genuinely taken off guard by Kelli asking her personal details about Molly and Tayrn. I so get that. (I imagine she was ready to hear something to correct about her dancing.)  These girls have known one another for a little over a month. I've worked with people longer and didn't know much about their personal lives!  These girls have moved, gotten new apartments and roommates, started TC and are practicing several hours a day.  They're reading and memorizing things about the DCC and the Cowboys organization as well. I imagine those are the things that have dominated their conversations.

Neither Robin nor Lacey seemed to think Gina was unfriendly, and from the reception Gina got when she walked out, seems like the girls like her. I do too.

I thought this was a fun episode, but admit I'm looking forward to next week! FINALLY!

Unfortunately in that moment many people (Kitty, Melissa, vets (*more on Lacey/Robin later because I know this point is debatable), the unnamed TCC’s, and the majority of this forum) found her unfriendly and unapproachable. So even if she’s just more ‘focused’ and ‘intense’ than others, but really isn’t an arrogant person, it doesn’t matter right now. It’s that whole ‘perception is reality’ argument. I would hope Gina watched that episode and said ‘omg can’t believe I came off like that bc I’m not that type of person’ & is working on it. My guess is she’s deemed it unworthy of her attention the same way she deemed K&J’s feedback as unworthy - both on her personality and dance.


Some one earlier mentioned Ashley Pro. Excellent comparison to draw. When Ashley is told people don’t like her, the girl immediately starts crying and is like ‘I don’t know why people perceive me that way because I’m a nice person.’ ie K&J determine she’s a nice girl who doesn’t always understand how she comes off in high pressure situations (I personally totally relate). But she seemed to take their critique very seriously, be genuinely hurt/concerned that’s how she was perceived, & even offer some potential explanations besides ‘I’m sure multiple dance coaches and colleagues called me stuck up because they’re jealous.’


Then we have Gina who is giggling off the whole conversation as nonsense because OBVIOUSLY the world is jealous. Sometimes yes girls are jealous and mean for no valid reason. Perhaps this did happen to her often growing up (because she was so talented/pretty), so now she’s got a defensive armor up for it. But at the end of the day, it came off like she had no interest in pursuing how she comes off to others. Can’t really be an ambassador or teammate that way. No matter how gorgeous and talented she may be. 


Earlier poster had excellent analysis of Lacey and Robin’s commentary. Yes neither comes out and says ‘Gina is toxic let’s cut her from the team.’ But neither says ‘Gina is a team player, liked by most everyone & a definite asset to our squad’ either... Again — Emma’s comments about Ashley Pro are a good comparison. Had Ashley told Emma girls were always jealous of her bc of how much better she was, I’m guessing Emma’s recommendation would have been slightly less glowing.


Just because Gina is correct when she gives her fellow TCC’s dance corrections, doesn’t mean the corrections were A) asked for, or B) delivered correctly. Sometimes the best intentioned feedback comes off as condescending.


And more importantly sometimes being insecure or defensive comes off as dismissive & arrogant. Personally I’d hate to see myself on national television for all these reasons, but joining the DCC you sign up for life under a microscope.


This my second lengthy post on Gina so I’m sure it comes off like I hate the girl lol. To be honest I think she’s more than qualified to be on the team — it’s just an interesting example of perception versus reality (especially on TV).

Edited by evasworld123
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5 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

Alexandria looked personally offended when Kelli was asking/laughing about her lashes. I think I would have been too. Thought it was tacky of Kelli.

Agreeded. I mean Kelli, you are the one who made her over in the first place. Stuff like that has to be eye rolly for the more experienced girls from out of state.

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