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S06.E02: Let Them Eat Cake

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22 hours ago, MamaMax said:

yeah, I'm thinking she wouldve been happy to get married ina  sundress in the backyard with a bouquest of daisies and a barbeque lunch with cupcakes. For like, 50 people. The end.

Except she wants to go from church straight to humpsville with Austin.  She doesn't give a flying fuck about the wedding reception or anything else.

I'm completely grossed out by the amount of mold in that new house.  Unless they gutted it, it is not safe to live in, period.

21 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:


As for Joy looking grumpy, I do have to wonder, going through the same thing with my daughter in roughly the same time period, whether Joy might have been experiencing some morning sickness (or, as in my daughter's case, no actual vomiting, but a couple of months worth of feeling constantly queasy and grumpy) which has now passed. Given that she is easily looking a good 5 months pregnant now, the wedding might have fallen during the worst of it (and partially explained the pre-wedding weight loss), and she'd have had the time since then to get back on the "eating for two" track and filled back out afterwards.

Are you suggesting she was pregnant before she got married?

What a hoot that would be :)

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1 hour ago, Marigold said:

Did you catch Jill being a tiny bit snarky and trying to be funny about the JoKen physical courtship rules and what would happen if Jill had fallen at rollerblading. 

Derick said he would grab her hand and slowly help her up so he could hold her hand longer. 

Jill attempted to be normal and said "maybe even hold two hands!"  with a little tone and grin. 

First time I've ever heard Jill attempt some actual adult humor and not giggle.  baby steps....

 I think that is exactly what Joe would have done.  Helped her up with two hands.  

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On 9/19/2017 at 2:48 PM, SuzyLee said:

This show is finally starting to wear me down.  I've written enough about this bunch of doofi over the years to fill a Bible or three, so I'll keep this short(ish) and (not so) sweet.  I used to be able to withstand the Duggar stupidity, but this week's display of dumbassery had me against the ropes.  Their idiotically specific courtship rules, particularly the ones that go into such excruciating detail about the length of time that side hugs are permitted, rob me of brain cells.  I couldn't believe my ears when Joseph's gigglebox girlfriend earnestly explained that they've allowed themselves two three-second side hugs per day.  She didn't even feel free to grasp his arm to prevent herself from falling while rollerblading!  These tremendously oppressive rules reduce men to little more than ogres with big, swinging dicks in search of a vagina.  I know that's graphic, but that's what it feels like to me.  They act as if they'll fall all over each other and start humping then and there if they dare to have any kind of bodily contact for more than a couple of seconds.  What's more, anyone who engages in regular hugging, platonic or otherwise, is bad and risking their chastity.  It's insulting to me as a woman.  For people who claim to be so chaste and pure, they sure do lay the sexual innuendo on thick.  Every time they mention the short time between engagement  and the wedding date, they practically elbow each other in the ribs and wiggle their eyebrows suggestively.  Yes, we know you want to have sex.  We get it.  Most of the rest of us do, too, but we don't feel the need to talk about it every 10 minutes and base an entire way of being around it.  Most of us are also able to exercise a little bit of self-control and *gasp* dare to hold hands in the grocery store without disrobing and falling to the floor in a sweaty heap in the cereal aisle. 

LMAO!!! OMG! You totally WIN the internet for me with this post! You said everything I was thinking but it a much sharper and funnier way! Love it!

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On 9/19/2017 at 3:48 PM, SuzyLee said:

This show is finally starting to wear me down.  I've written enough about this bunch of doofi over the years to fill a Bible or three, so I'll keep this short(ish) and (not so) sweet.  I used to be able to withstand the Duggar stupidity, but this week's display of dumbassery had me against the ropes.  Their idiotically specific courtship rules, particularly the ones that go into such excruciating detail about the length of time that side hugs are permitted, rob me of brain cells.  I couldn't believe my ears when Joseph's gigglebox girlfriend earnestly explained that they've allowed themselves two three-second side hugs per day.  She didn't even feel free to grasp his arm to prevent herself from falling while rollerblading!  These tremendously oppressive rules reduce men to little more than ogres with big, swinging dicks in search of a vagina.  I know that's graphic, but that's what it feels like to me.  They act as if they'll fall all over each other and start humping then and there if they dare to have any kind of bodily contact for more than a couple of seconds.  What's more, anyone who engages in regular hugging, platonic or otherwise, is bad and risking their chastity.  It's insulting to me as a woman.  For people who claim to be so chaste and pure, they sure do lay the sexual innuendo on thick.  Every time they mention the short time between engagement  and the wedding date, they practically elbow each other in the ribs and wiggle their eyebrows suggestively.  Yes, we know you want to have sex.  We get it.  Most of the rest of us do, too, but we don't feel the need to talk about it every 10 minutes and base an entire way of being around it.  Most of us are also able to exercise a little bit of self-control and *gasp* dare to hold hands in the grocery store without disrobing and falling to the floor in a sweaty heap in the cereal aisle. 

I agree.

It is a SUPER effective way to keep the kids in the cult though.  Totally use their desire to have sex (or even just physical closeness) to get them married young and quick. Baby comes even quicker, and BOOM, it's a million times harder to leave the fold. 


Honestly, I kind of feel bad for them, I remember HS and college boyfriends fondly. I remember how thrilling it was to slow dance. How great it felt to get a tight hug from a boy I really really liked. ALl that kissing, LOL! It was awesome! 

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Was Jed throwing shade at Austin when they were looking at the house?  He said something like "I was expecting a house in decent condition, a bit newer for the price they paid for it, but when I showed up it was different than I was expecting".  Made me think of the discussion here that it seemed like they paid a lot for that house.  No way that house was close to done in the amount of time they had. 

Joy is getting the same fake laugh that Jessa has.  One was bad enough.

By tacit agreement, I don't discuss my unhealthy Duggar obsession with my headship, so he's not up on anything that's happening.  Last night he walked in while Joy was walking over to the table to do the cake testing, and he says "That girl looks pregnant!" I seriously did a double-take.  Will be interesting to see when that little (or not so little) one decides to arrive.

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13 minutes ago, MamaMax said:

Honestly, I kind of feel bad for them, I remember HS and college boyfriends fondly. I remember how thrilling it was to slow dance. How great it felt to get a tight hug from a boy I really really liked. ALl that kissing, LOL! It was awesome! 

It's like being born to out-of-the-closet swingers. Your parents are into a sexual practice that spills over into their lifestyle/social groups and you either adopt it or reject it...except for the fact that most swingers don't keep their children from outside contact until it's all but too late nor do they encourage their children to adopt their lifestyles based on ill-conceived religious beliefs. It's no different from any sexual fetishes people have (and we all have them) other than most people don't express their sexual fetishes outside the bedroom or discuss them only with very close friends. Not that it's wrong to talk about your sexual fetishes. They're healthy and normal. What they're doing is not considered normal by most nor does it seem like a logical thing to do. Like I said, the quiverfull "philosophy" seems nothing more than a misogynistic sex cult. 

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7 minutes ago, TVwithTea said:

It's like being born to out-of-the-closet swingers. Your parents are into a sexual practice that spills over into their lifestyle/social groups and you either adopt it or reject it...except for the fact that most swingers don't keep their children from outside contact until it's all but too late nor do they encourage their children to adopt their lifestyles based on ill-conceived religious beliefs. It's no different from any sexual fetishes people have (and we all have them) other than most people don't express their sexual fetishes outside the bedroom or discuss them only with very close friends. Not that it's wrong to talk about your sexual fetishes. They're healthy and normal. What they're doing is not considered normal by most nor does it seem like a logical thing to do. Like I said, the quiverfull "philosophy" seems nothing more than a misogynistic sex cult. 

I have posted this link before, but it is worth doing again for those who haven't seen it:



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@frenchtoast, I just noticed that the episode date is a month off. I'm not sure how strict you guys are about that, but I thought I should bring it to your attention. ?

Joy seems very conflicted w/r/t her wedding planning. She doesn't have any fucks to give about the cake or even the dress (and it showed), yet she has 12 bridesmaids? Why not scale it down to half that like Jill did if it's a such a huge chore? I wonder how much input she had in the awful church decorations, or was it something like "Make it outdoorsy," and the rest was Cindy?

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23 minutes ago, MamaMax said:

Thanks for reposting. I don't see it so much as a cult of purity as I do a fetish for virgins though. What's so pure about the Duggar girls and more importantly, makes people think they know what pure looks like? In some religions, it's taboo for a woman to show her hair to anyone other than their family. And then there's all the makeup Duggars don't seem to mind at all. Also lots of men consider skirts much sexier than pants. 

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13 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

@frenchtoast, I just noticed that the episode date is a month off. I'm not sure how strict you guys are about that, but I thought I should bring it to your attention. ?

Joy seems very conflicted w/r/t her wedding planning. She doesn't have any fucks to give about the cake or even the dress (and it showed), yet she has 12 bridesmaids? Why not scale it down to half that like Jill did if it's a such a huge chore? I wonder how much input she had in the awful church decorations, or was it something like "Make it outdoorsy," and the rest was Cindy?

I really don't think Joy or any of the girls have much choice in the wedding.  Their going to have a big wedding, their going to have hundreds of guests.  I think the only choices the brides actually have are dress colors and cake flavors.

Joy, especially, doesn't seem to be able to make decisions.  She's good at getting things done under others direction.  Just don't ask her to choose.

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13 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Sierra was a bridesmaid. 

Yes. But the dress she was wearing at the Duggars looked just like the bridesmaid dress. But it was her own dress.  I don't think they had opened up the box of bridesmaids dresses yet. (Of course I could be wrong ?).

When Joy was telling Austin how long he/they had to fix the house (the microwave alone would have steered me clear from purchasing that place) he had a look like: The house is my thing and the wedding is yours. Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you what to do!

Edited by woodscommaelle
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3 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

Yes. But the dress she was wearing at the Duggars looked just like the bridesmaid dress. But it was her own dress.  I don't think they had opened up the box of bridesmaids dresses yet. (Of course I could be wrong ?).

When Joy was telling Austin how long he/they had to fix the house (the microwave alone would have steered me clear from purchasing that place) he had a look like: The house is my thing and the wedding is yours. Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you what to do!

All of the girls were in the bridesmaids' dresses in that shot. Unless six women all wore navy that day. ?

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13 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Did someone actually say that Jinger's bridesmaids' dresses were custom made, or did I make that up?  Because where I live, that would have been a darn sight more expensive than buying dresses online.

I had my bridesmaid dresses made.  They were way cheaper than a bridal ship dress and probably similarly priced to online non-bridesmaid dresses.

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On ‎9‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 7:35 PM, queenanne said:

Yes, let's stop to contemplate this for a moment:  couldn't Kendra theoretically trip and fall anywhere?  And if she does, he's supposed to stare at her and just watch like a numb dummy, as she falls and potentially hurts herself?

I remember a few months ago that we were tangentially discussing if Gothardites taught or worried about manners and civility.

I think we've just found our answer.  Better she break a limb or cut a huge gash in her chin or similar, than - gasp - be touched by a man not her husband.

Let's hope nobody around them ever needs CPR or the Heimlich maneuver. Saving lives is one thing but engaging in the touch to make that happen?? UNTHINKABLE!!

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Jackson looks to be about 7 years old in that screen shot with the helmet on....why isn't he allowed to develop with his brothers and still grouped with the 4 little girls? So unnatural.

Ben seems to underlyingly be over it with Jessa. I think he's a bit overwhelmed by his life...and Jessa.

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On 9/22/2017 at 2:08 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

Did they not look at the crack house before they bought it?


 Looking like a crack house isn't the main issue for me.   My concern is does "Austin & the Close Family & Friends Construction Co."  have enough construction skills  to PROPERLY rebuild it?  I mean licensed trade workers that know their stuff.  I keep remembering Jackson (I think) almost slicing his finger off trying to lay carpet at Jill's McMansion.  I know Ausin flips houses but I'm sure there is no way he has been properly trained or yet alone licensed. 

ETA:  Wasn't Austin discussing about putting in a new load bearing beam in the living room?  I can't imagine how that turns out without the proper people involved.

Edited by Barb23
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On 19/09/2017 at 1:15 PM, Apron Strings said:

THIS. The whole episode I just wanted Joy to freaking have an opinion about anything. At all. Take your pick. Did she deliberately dumb herself down in order to get married? Does she have to speak in a soft baby whisper of indecisiveness? Wasn't she spunkier growing up? Have an opinion on something, Joy. It's fun! It's empower...oh, wait.

Joy knew she wanted the electric screwdriver ?

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How can someone be AFRAID of wedding dress shopping? Joy was disrespectful to Miss Renee' and Miss Renee' was a butt kisser and so 'over the top fake" I couldn't stand it.

If those dresses normally take some months to be ready for a bride, as Joy stated, how is it that Reneee' could have Joy's ready in 25 days? Joy's wedding gown was awful and it showed that it was a 'rush job'.

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And the proof is out there that Joy did make that trip in early May. Yes, I went to Pickles for the evidence. Her post was from 5/5, but stated that they were there "a few days ago." The clothes also matched, down to the Lost Girls. 

I assume Joy sent Renee samples of what she liked, and it was on Renee to figure something out. Since Joy picked parts of three dresses, I hope someone paid her for her time with the rush job. No one obviously measured Joy's sleeves, which were awful. 

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On ‎9‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 11:03 AM, Natalie68 said:

Austyn.  I think he has felt the touch of a woman before.  Maybe that woman was Joy, I don't know.  But he has a look about him when they are together that are NOTHING like all the other Duggar husbands/fiance's

I think you're right.

I wish they would leave Boob and Michelle off the show.

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19 hours ago, floridamom said:

How can someone be AFRAID of wedding dress shopping? Joy was disrespectful to Miss Renee' and Miss Renee' was a butt kisser and so 'over the top fake" I couldn't stand it.

If those dresses normally take some months to be ready for a bride, as Joy stated, how is it that Reneee' could have Joy's ready in 25 days? Joy's wedding gown was awful and it showed that it was a 'rush job'.

Because Joy and her dress go to the front of the line. It doesn't actually take months of active sewing. And Renee just cuts off a top to go w/a bottom. lol. Frankenstein dressmaking. 

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On 9/19/2017 at 6:17 AM, flyingdi said:

Jackson wants to be a star!  Jackson belongs in the Bates family.

Sometimes i think Jackson has (undiagnosed) ADHD.

Or at the very least some sort of learning disability, because it doesn't strike me as normal that he's 13 and reading at the level of a 2nd grader. But of course, Mechelle is too checked out to realize that, since she also doesn't seem to be getting Miracle any speech therapy, when it's obvious to anyone with ears that Josie cannot speak clearly at all.

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