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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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As far as returning home is concerned, Jeremy and his wife aren't the first or last  idealistic young couple to run off to a big city and come back when plans fell through. It happens all of the time. It doesn't mean that they are idiots.


I think this is where the hard core fanbase surrounding Jer and Auj  hurt the kids more than they help.


On other boards, the move to Los ANgeles was presented as God choosing the marrieds to shine his glory on, complete with a hilarious blog from Audrey how she almost turned to Satan her first day in their apartment only until she accepted God's light. No matter that Jeremy never appeared to do many shoots per his company's website (if you look at the calender he had four official jobs in the last 9 months) he was deemed instantly and immediately successful and anyone who said he wasn't was a jealous hater hating on a sweet Chistian SUCCESSFUL man. He puts out a blog and is deemed incredibly successful immediately. Audrey is "working a prestigious job at a prestigious company" and anyone who disagreed? Yup, is a jealous hater hating these *successful Christians*. If Jeremy isn't getting his ass licked wth praise, then you are deemed to hate him.


So when Jeremy and Audrey are clearly returning to Oregon because they *weren't* successful, yes, I do think people who got shit on for suggesting the Journey of Beef Dipping Sauce have reason to point out that.


And FYI - I've been told since Jer was 16 that he's gonna SHINE his success out. I'm really still waiting to see Jer successfully launch since yup, looks like he's gonna be approaching thirty, working for his daddy and his one claim to fame being he was born into a media whore dwarf family.

  • Love 7

I think this is where the hard core fanbase surrounding Jer and Auj  hurt the kids more than they help.


On other boards, the move to Los ANgeles was presented as God choosing the marrieds to shine his glory on, complete with a hilarious blog from Audrey how she almost turned to Satan her first day in their apartment only until she accepted God's light. No matter that Jeremy never appeared to do many shoots per his company's website (if you look at the calender he had four official jobs in the last 9 months) he was deemed instantly and immediately successful and anyone who said he wasn't was a jealous hater hating on a sweet Chistian SUCCESSFUL man. He puts out a blog and is deemed incredibly successful immediately. Audrey is "working a prestigious job at a prestigious company" and anyone who disagreed? Yup, is a jealous hater hating these *successful Christians*. If Jeremy isn't getting his ass licked wth praise, then you are deemed to hate him.


So when Jeremy and Audrey are clearly returning to Oregon because they *weren't* successful, yes, I do think people who got shit on for suggesting the Journey of Beef Dipping Sauce have reason to point out that.


And FYI - I've been told since Jer was 16 that he's gonna SHINE his success out. I'm really still waiting to see Jer successfully launch since yup, looks like he's gonna be approaching thirty, working for his daddy and his one claim to fame being he was born into a media whore dwarf family.

I have no idea about any of this as I've only discussed the family here (and maybe TWOP). I was just giving my opinion. I don't think anyone is a 'hater' so IDK.

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My intent was not to jump in your face, trimthefat so I hope you didn't take it that way.


WHat you said, that they would come back because plans fell thru or didn't work out? You'd be called a hater by these hard core fans because God sent Jer and Auj to Los Angeles for a reason, and He does not make mistake, this is all very important on their spiritual journey and you are being hateful in suggesting that the whole thing wasn't a rousing success and part of God's plan for these two beautiful Christians.


That's how utterly cray some fans are.

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I finally got around to watching the mud run episode.  Usually I think Amy is more likable and makes more sense than Matt, but not this time.  He was right--having the mud run while preparing for the wedding was nuts.  It could have waited.  And she wanted ownership of the event but yelled at him about the port-a-potties?  Of course, it looked like there were very few people, mostly friends and family, so I guess the whole thing was just about making something to show on TV.


The show is making it look like Tory's parents aren't involved in her wedding planning at all.  Her mom was there for the wedding dress shopping, but Amy was the vocal one.  I realize that it is the Roloff's show, but I hate how it looks like her parents aren't around at all.

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He was right--having the mud run while preparing for the wedding was nuts.  It could have waited.  And she wanted ownership of the event but yelled at him about the port-a-potties?  Of course, it looked like there were very few people, mostly friends and family, so I guess the whole thing was just about making something to show on TV.


I am sure the mud run was entirely producer driven for an episode. 


The show is making it look like Tory's parents aren't involved in her wedding planning at all.  Her mom was there for the wedding dress shopping, but Amy was the vocal one.  I realize that it is the Roloff's show, but I hate how it looks like her parents aren't around at all.


The same thing happened with Audrey - to look at the show, Audrey's mom sort of turns up for the dress shopping and some sort of bridal shower but is otherwise unseen, and her dad pops in at the end to give her away.

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Jeremy could make so much more money being a photographer in Oregon anyways.  Much lower cost of living and he can still charge a good amount for taking photos (after he's got his business built up). If you're good at it people will shell out money for it. I know from experience because I am that customer lol.

Kudos to Amy to wanting to do an event... but man that was a poor excuse for a mud run.  I thought you were suppose to get muddy at those things.  Not just wet. And don't they take a little longer than 3-5 min?

Amy made it very clear that she needed Matt to oversee the actual building of the obstacle course.  No way she could have done it without him.  He wasn't taking over at all, just expressing concerns about the timing.


I guess both Amy and Matt really do plan on staying at the farm after the divorce.  I wish them luck.  They seem to have so much contempt for one another I just don't how it's going to work.

Amy acts like a victim all the time, she needs to get over herself.  I don't see Matt as being the bad guy all the time.  He was right to question the timing.  She knew it was bad timing but just wanted her own way to make Matt look difficult.  Then said she needed him to do the mud run course and she would do the admin part which porta potty's fall into.  She dropped the ball but tried to play victim of course...lame!

The problem I have with your premise, Fog - because I would otherwise agree - is that this is a somewhat scripted tv show at this point. The mud run happened entirely for the purpose of filming a group activity. For all we know, TLC told them they needed a group activity episode before the wedding and they had to come up with something. Then Matt, because he loves to be the asshole, declares how he's against it because of all the practical reasons and how stupid Amy is as always.... and never ever admits on camera that he's fully cognizant of how he was told they had to film something.


Nothing we see filmed on this show is happening at the spur of the moment or without Matt Roloff first agreeing to it.

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I don't see Amy as a victim....as a mother she cleaned up after 4 slobs plus her slob husband...she went to every soccer game/practice...ran all the errands/did house chores...she is a do'er....Matt is a spender and has others do for him.....i'd have dumped his sad behind a long time ago.


Amy clean up?!?  When everyone was at home the place was a slob's paradise!  And not sure why "as a mother" it was expected she do it rather than teach her kids to pick up after themselves and help with chores.  I think Matt with 2 crutches in his hands had limitations on what he could do so vacuuming was likely off the list but laundry hell yes!  But Matt was also working the farm with staff, he had a job, hers was being in the home for the most part.  Amy was fortunate her disability did not give her the limitations Matt's did.  The proof is in the pudding as they say because the kids love their dad as much as their mom so he must have done something right plus all his spending sure got them a beautiful farm and legacy for the kids complete with income!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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The proof is in the pudding as they say because the kids love their dad as much as their mom so he must have done something right plus all his spending sure got them a beautiful farm and legacy for the kids complete with income!


I'm not going to get into who the kids love more but here's something to think about. Matt a) damn near lost that piece of property due to his own incompetance (its in his first book) so financially life under Matt has not been a breeze of constant smooth sailing with Matt always providing. B) Matt would not have that farm if Amy hadn't been willing to change diapers and raise the kids. If Matt had been handed a newbord Jacob and told to raise that baby, his three year old daughter and his 6 year old sons, with no wife, I suspect things would have been a lot different and c) there would have been no show if there were no kids. No show means mo income and remember, Matt had them to the edge of bankruptcy on his own. That farm was built on the backs and on the privacy of his children. Every time the cameras wandered into the boys bedroom to film them in their underpants asleep... Matt Roloff (and not the kids) got a check.


Matt is no better than any other reality whore for selling out his kids.

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If you're attempting to passive aggressively suggest I think the Kleins aren't whoring their kids out, Foghorn, then I merely point out that I have always been against the Klein kids being on tv, and for similar privacy and money reasons.  But since we're discussing the Roloffs here, I think its completely valid to point out that Matt whored out his kids including Zach high on drugs post surgery and merrily got a check for violating his son's medical privacy. Where I take issue with what you've said, about Matt working while Amy did nothing... show me Matt Roloff changing his kids diapers, bathing his babies,  catching them when they go running to the street (I seem to recall you having a whole lotta concern about handicapped dwarfs being allowed ot have children they can't chase after and Matt sure can't) fixing their meals etc etc etc. Matt wouldn't have had the freedom to do any of his crazy schemes if he was actually required to do more than arrive home after work. I certainly don't think Amy was the saint in their marriage but considering she spent 25 years hearing how her husband found her and the kids to be a useless waste of his time and how she and the kids were never ever living up to his needs and expectations (and this is just going by Matt's openly on camera stated comments, god knows what he says when the camera isn't there) I think there was more going on than "Matt is such a lil dickens, working so hard for his ungrateful family, how can they all not kneel down, pucker up, and kiss his blessed tushy and thank him for the priveledge?"

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Five people go to DQ (is this what people call it now???) and they ALL agree to the same kind of blizzard???? I call shenanigans! There are SO MANY OPTIONS for blizzards. And wouldn't a bunch of dudes prefer beer and pizza?

Jeremy: Happening. Happening.

Me: Vomit.

That windmill was massive!

Edited by woodscommaelle
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The windmill was our weekly reminder that Matt has a compulsive need to be the center of attention. I will admit, I rather liked the model of the windmill that had the whole bar set up and I am genuinely curious if the windmill project ever gets that elaborate or if it remains simply a big ol' windmill.


I also really enjoyed Matt's heaping of praise onto Jeremy for his windmill idea (pretty sure that was staged). When it was coupled with Jeremy staring dumbly at the plans and when it becomes clear the only way a working windmill occured was because they hired professionals, I admit to laughing. Jer really does see himself as the crown prince of the trash heap.

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I think it is funny that Matt, in every episode, quips that Jeremy is back at the farm for..........whatever. He lives there along with Auj. Matt credited Jer for the crazy gate and the windmill, like he was an engineer. I have watched this show from day one as have a few of my friends. Why we continue to watch the farce...I don't know!

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Grammy-  basically Matt is presenting Jeremy as the farm genius engineer to buck the guy up since basically the grand idea to start a photography business in Los Angeles clearly hasn't worked out. Point - we never actually saw Jeremy do anything other than look at the windmill instructions, did we? It was all obviously staged and the actual construction was done by professionals. It all goes to the golden boy edit Jeremy always gets. Jeremy can't be shown as he is - because that would mean showing Jeremy in a negative light. Therefore Jeremy is the farm savior. Trust me, soon enough Matt is gonna be talking about how proud he is that at least one of his kids wants to be with dad and work with dad and be Matt's mini-me...  I don't think Jeremy is encouraged to consider that being 25-26 and not able to support yourself without your daddy providing a job isn't really grabbing life by the tail.


And Matt knows it. You know how I know? Matt can't and won't trust Jeremy to run a project from start to finish with no help. Jeremy is, if he decides to give up and be his daddy's bitch, always going to be the one who has to shut his mouth and nod when his dad decides to snot off like an asshole... because when you're daddy's bitch, you're not allowed to have any opinion but daddy's.


I think Molly, Jacob and Zach all understand what making a play for the farm would mean. Since Matt is always inches away from losing the farm, they're probably better off letting Jeremy have it.

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They really have a good thing going on there. All the improvements for the two weddings will add value to the wedding business; Amy's salsa could grow into a lucrative sideline, and that huge HONKING BIG Dairy Queen commercial in the middle of the show must have brought in a pretty penny.

Today I stopped into my neighborhood "DQ- Grill and Chill" and saw that blended concoction was the "Special of the Month" complete with, it's free if they don't turn it over. That's why Matt kindly treated the boys there instead of a burger and fries, although DQ also sells that.

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This is really minor on the LPBW scale of obnoxiousness, but the way Matt says "PPPUMPkin PPPPEAch SSSALsa!" makes me not ever want to eat it. And Molly needs a vocal fry intervention even more than ever. (This is not a gender thing; it's a "people listening to you are having to take deep breaths as an involuntary sympathetic reaction to your croaky speech" thing.)

They really have a good thing going on there. All the improvements for the two weddings will add value to the wedding business;


Ah but see.... the wedding business isn't actually *real*. They're allowed to film weddings because its a tv show and NONE of the couples are paying them one thin dime for the wedding venue. They don't book the farm out, they don't advertise and they have no customers. I mean really, they haven't had a wedding for the *business* in two years. Last year they had Jeremy's - not a customer. This year they're having Zach's and no one else's. You can't make money unless you book weddings and they don't.

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I wonder why not? People love to get married on non-traditional sites, cute little church, old barn, etc. That could be a business along with Jeremy's photography, Zach could be trained in the business end, etc. I think Molly will want to travel the world so she may not want to be tied down right now. But it could work.

Jeremy pointing to the land, somehow trying to express that we could all build houses here someday, watch our grandchildren grow up...I think he flubbed a line there!

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I wonder why not? People love to get married on non-traditional sites, cute little church, old barn, etc. That could be a business along with Jeremy's photography, Zach could be trained in the business end, etc. I think Molly will want to travel the world so she may not want to be tied down right now. But it could work.


My snide remark is that they don't do it because it's too much like real work.


My more involved answer that isn't about their local zoning laws is this. To run a real wedding business, I think Amy would do fine. Amy can organize and doesn't seem to mind a certain amount of routine. Matt has the patience and attention span of a crack cocaine addict and Matt doesn't like having to do anything he doesn't personally enjoy. And in watching the various wedding episodes, it's really clear that Matt has no interest in the bride stuff or the catering or anything that the bride and groom actually consider important. Since the taped weddings are people getting their wedding for free, and aren't paying customers, they don't get to complain or to tell Matt to shut up and do it the way they want or refund their money. I also strongly suspect, based on some close ups and from how certain things are rarely shown, that a LOT of the wedding stuff is pretty dilapidated, including the church that is too small to be used for anything but a backdrop, and including the wedding barn that actually looks really ramshackle. A lot of the Roloff outbuildings don't look sturdy at all.


And then there's the zoning laws that Matt likes to skirt. The reality of the farm is that they're selling entertainment, not farming produce. It allows Matt to NOT deal with commercial zoning laws. That's why no one ever pays for a wedding on the show - if Matt and Amy were running a commercial wedding venue, then they would have to do a LOT more to keep things in compliance

  • Love 2

During a commercial they showed a little of Zach's wedding. They touched on Jeremy's best man speech. I didn't hear it exactly, but he said something like - height has defined us our entire lives. I look up to Zach in a lot of ways. I found that so touching, that I busted out crying. I can't wait for the wedding episode.


Okay, fine. I withhold my usual urge to punch Jeremy. That was pretty nice.

  • Love 4

During a commercial they showed a little of Zach's wedding. They touched on Jeremy's best man speech. I didn't hear it exactly, but he said something like - height has defined us our entire lives. I look up to Zach in a lot of ways. I found that so touching, that I busted out crying. I can't wait for the wedding episode.

Yeah, I love that.  Also, after Jer says that and they show Zach, I was struck by how beautiful his eyes looked.  Something about how the sun is hitting him.  I've never seen him as the least bit attractive before....in any way.

I had not watched this show in a very long time.  I have watched a few episodes the past couple of weeks. 


First, pumpkin salsa?  I love peach/mango salsa, but I cannot imagine pumpkin and peach together.  I did not realize Amy was such a wonderful cook, from the episodes I've seen nothing she's ever made looked appealing to me.  Just a couple of episodes ago, she made this cake that turned my stomach.


I have a very hard time watching Zach trying to talk.  It seems as if his mouth is too small for the amount of teeth he has.  Has he ever had any kind of dental procedures done to remove some of his teeth and get braces? I know he is no longer a teenager, but my sister is in her 50's and just had those removable braces.  I would think Zach would be a lot more comfortable, just my opinion.


Speaking of Zach, I am sorry, I may be wrong here, but I just do not see any chemistry at all between him and Tori.  All I ever see them do is 'high five' and 'fist bumps'.  One episode, they played miniature golf (what is it with TLC & miniature golf dates??), at the end, IIRC, Tori won, looked like she wanted to give Zach a hug or kiss & he just high fived her.   I've heard Tori say a couple times how she can't wait to be a 'Roloff', heard her say tonight how she can't wait to have Molly as her sister.  It just seems to me as if in her mind, she is marrying a celebrity. Tonight, after the DQ commercial and they were all screwing the pallets together, she pulled up and ran over and hugged one of the other guys there working.  I am sure they've all been friends since high school, but you'd think the one she would run over and hug first would be her husband to be.  I don't know, I just don't think 'there's a young couple in love' when I see them together.


My heart goes out to the youngest son, the forgotten son.  I saw where he moved out, I think they said he was moving in with some friends.  Amy and Matt were filling up a box of wrapped meats from a freezer in the garage for him.  Matt kind of lectured him a bit about how he should get a job, so I am assuming he is paying rent with money he has made from the show?  As the kid pulls away in this huge truck, Matt says 'We are proud of you.'.  Proud of you for what?  For moving out? 

  • Love 1

I'm not completely caught up yet, but watched a couple of episodes yesterday.


First . . . Zach's teeth used to be a lot worse.  He wore braces for several years.  Most dentists are hesitant to pull healthy teeth, but I sure do see your point about how crowded his mouth seems to be.


Second . . . Pumpkin and peach salsa.  Yuck.  What I remember from that episode was Amy's comment about her business partnership with Matt:  "If he fails, I fail.  If I succeed, he succeeds."  She can never give the guy ONE POSITIVE WORD.  He'll fail, I'll succeed?


Third . . . When they were at the trade show, Amy said "All the kids are here to help.  Zach, Jeremy, Molly, and Audrey."  Umm . . . didn't you forget one?  His name is Jacob.  He didn't appear to be there.


I admit that if I had to choose to spend time with one of the parents, it would be Matt.  Sure, he gets crazy ideas and is always on to his next project.  I'm the same way.  One big difference is that Matt has been married to someone who says, "That's a dumb idea," or "That won't work," or "I don't want anything to do with that."  I've been blessed to be married to someone who says, "That's an interesting idea," or "That might work and be a lot of fun," or "Let's do it!"  And on occasion he's said, "Hmmmm . . . let's rethink this."  But he's never undercut my enthusiasm or made me feel ridiculous for having the idea.

  • Love 3

Speaking of Zach, I am sorry, I may be wrong here, but I just do not see any chemistry at all between him and Tori.  All I ever see them do is 'high five' and 'fist bumps'.  One episode, they played miniature golf (what is it with TLC & miniature golf dates??), at the end, IIRC, Tori won, looked like she wanted to give Zach a hug or kiss & he just high fived her.   I've heard Tori say a couple times how she can't wait to be a 'Roloff', heard her say tonight how she can't wait to have Molly as her sister.  It just seems to me as if in her mind, she is marrying a celebrity. Tonight, after the DQ commercial and they were all screwing the pallets together, she pulled up and ran over and hugged one of the other guys there working.  I am sure they've all been friends since high school, but you'd think the one she would run over and hug first would be her husband to be.  I don't know, I just don't think 'there's a young couple in love' when I see them together.


Comments like these are always funny to me. If I were on a reality show, I guess people would think I was a frigid shrew.  Some people just aren't comfortable with PDA, especially on camera. I'm not going to fault Zach for that in the least, because he probably considers those things private and doesn't think smooching and snuggling and stuff need to be broadcast. I'd certainly rather see him fist-bump Tori than ever see Josh and Anna Duggar's slimy pre-wedding hand-fondling.

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AZ Christian,

According to Matt's Facebook Jake drove Amy's booth to the show and drove it home. So even if he wasn't at he show he was helping.

Zach and Tori seem well suited and very happy together.

And perhaps you've never proposed wacky projects that were to the detriment of your family as Matt has. I think through their marriage Matt has run around and done whatever he wanted (we've seen him go behind Amy's back or totally ignore her opinions and wishes to get his own way) whether it was good for the family or not. In one of the early episodes Amy's talking about working three jobs (which she was doing at the beginning of the show) in order to make sure her kids have food and shelter because Matt is more interested in his schemes and plans and doesn't think of the practicalities. I'm astounded she lasted as long as she did.

Thanks for the info on Jake . . . I don't follow Matt that closely on Facebook, just seeing the occasional picture.


I have no opinion on Zach and Tori.


We'll just have to agree to disagree on Matt vs. Amy.  I remember things like him arranging for them to spend a few nights at a B&B so she could get an idea of what it was like, because turning the farm into a B&B when the kids left was her dream.  And when she plans something, there seems to be little recognition of Matt's physical limitations . . . but I must admit that the first time I ever went ziplining, it was because I watched Matt do it and thought, "If he can do it, I can do it."  I don't have his physical challenges.  They both have faults, but I could live with his, not with hers.  She reminds me very much of someone in my family who is no longer living.  Life for all of us is a lot calmer without the constant negative drama.

  • Love 2

And when she plans something, there seems to be little recognition of Matt's physical limitations


Any time a vacation is filmed, its thoroughly vetted and planned ahead by the producers, which includes Matt and Amy. When Matt and Amy and the family were in Costa Rica - the example where Amy is most often cited for being unable to recognize Matt's limitations, the trip was planned ahead to the point that Matt ordered a custom made saddle. He was not having activities sprung on him. He was waiting until they got to activities to say he couldn't do it and then got mad when the entire family refused to drop the activity and head back to the hotel. Matt isn't newly handicapped. If he can't walk 3 miles unassisted at home, then he has to have some awareness when he reads a trip itinary that he will need assistance on a hike up a mountain. When a trip is planned with Matt's issues in mind, like the Mississippi trip, Matt makes faces, insists he is bored and that spending time with the family is a waste of his time. Matt has also intentionally scheduled vacations to screw Amy over - the Bahamas trip for example where Matt chortled with glee over how she couldn't attend but he'd take his *boys*... and clearly forgot his daughter was origanally supposed to attend the trip.


Matt likes getting his way and thats about it

  • Love 4



First . . . Zach's teeth used to be a lot worse.  He wore braces for several years.  Most dentists are hesitant to pull healthy teeth, but I sure do see your point about how crowded his mouth seems to be.



Wow, use to be worse than it is now?  I do understand that some dentists do not want to extract healthy teeth, but have your teeth so crowded in your mouth can lead to a lot of issues also.  One is not being able to talk properly, which is an issue with Zach, another is not being able to breathe properly, it seems to me that Zach breathes through his mouth rather then his nose.  Decay will set in very quickly.  I know before I had my braces put on when I was a teen, they had to remove 2 teeth plus I had to wear spacers.  Even now still, my teeth are so close together, it is very difficult for me to floss properly. 



Comments like these are always funny to me. If I were on a reality show, I guess people would think I was a frigid shrew.  Some people just aren't comfortable with PDA, especially on camera. I'm not going to fault Zach for that in the least, because he probably considers those things private and doesn't think smooching and snuggling and stuff need to be broadcast. I'd certainly rather see him fist-bump Tori than ever see Josh and Anna Duggar's slimy pre-wedding hand-fondling.


Oh, JocelynCavanaugh, I totally agree with you on your comment about the "hand sex".  That made me down right uncomfortable, like I was watching hand porn. And I understand that some people are not comfortable showing affection in public.  I guess I am not talking about a full make out session, but, I don't know, I just do not see any attraction or chemistry between those two.  You can usually tell 2 people who are in love vs two people who are 'buddies' or friends, they seem like 'buddies' to me.  Just my observation.

During a commercial they showed a little of Zach's wedding. They touched on Jeremy's best man speech. I didn't hear it exactly, but he said something like - height has defined us our entire lives. I look up to Zach in a lot of ways. I found that so touching, that I busted out crying. I can't wait for the wedding episode.

Yeah that actually made me tear up too. It seemed really sincere. I have noticed the increased confidence in Zach as well since Tori came along. His comments were pretty hysterical too.."I'm a dwarf. .i couldn't see much, ya know".

Too much Auj once again for my liking .

They just mentioned that Jer and Auj will be living three hours away. .so not on the farm?

Edited by MarysWetBar

I liked the wedding.  The speeches were heartfelt and emotional and the whole vibe suited them.  I liked the soft, earthy colors too.  I can't believe they didn't have a rain plan though.  It's Oregon, for crying out loud.


Auj came off as straight up bitchy during Tori's bachelorette party when Tori was describing how she might ugly-cry.  Auj said, "Sorry, but you are."  I had to rewind it several times because I couldn't believe how rude it came out.  Do not like that girl.

Edited by IndianPaintbrush
  • Love 3

So, yet another Roloff wedding that made me cry. I'm not even that into weddings like that!


One thing that did annoy me was how Jeremy kept saying that Zach was now in the club, like he's been married for years and years. Wait until you at least make it a year before you start acting like the expert. But I did love seeing how much he loves his brother and vice versa.


Zach has always seems a bit shy and reserved to me, so I'm so happy that he's come out of his shell and is a bit more confident. If that's all Tori's doing, then good on her.


Amy annoyed me with that need to redeem herself in the kitchen. Girl, we get it. That engagement party cake sucked, but no one thinks that you roll like that all the time. I get wanting people to love your cooking, because I'm the same way, but to constantly ask people how the food is got on my nerves. Seeing her at the wedding though moved me though. So many emotional moments.

So if it didn't stop raining the ceremony was going to happen just as we saw it? Everyone would just get rained on? Really? Seems very inconsiderate so I'm guessing I misunderstood, or did I?

I did not care for Tori's dress. Seemed very lingerie-ish. Looked like it was 100% comfortable, though.

Beautiful speech by Matt.

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 1

I thought it was such a sweet wedding.  It felt like we were watching a really personal moment instead of manufactured "reality" drama.  Watching Zach walk Amy down the aisle to her seat, I was surprised they didn't flash back to Amy coaching Zach in soccer in the same place years ago.  I loved the wheat planted behind the gazebo, it really showcased the land and made a beautiful backdrop for pictures.  When Jeremy mentioned in speech that once Zach and Tori started dating Zach's posture completely changed, I thought it hit the nail on the head.  Before Tori, Zach always ran around with his head down, now he holds it up and puffs out his chest.  She really has nurtured him, and he needed it.  I think dropping out of college and wanting to play soccer but only getting to be on the sidelines really affected him right out of high school and Tori's made him believe in himself in a way that his mom couldn't.  I'm not sure Matt's really tried with him since his focus seems to always be on Jeremy.

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I liked the wedding.  The speeches were heartfelt and emotional and the whole vibe suited them.  I liked the soft, earthy colors too.  I can't believe they didn't have a rain plan though.  It's Oregon, for crying out loud.


Auj came off as straight up bitchy during Tori's bachelorette party when Tori was describing how she might ugly-cry.  Auj said, "Sorry, but you are."  I had to rewind it several times because I couldn't believe how rude it came out.  Do not like that girl.

Nope.  Tori said something about not being pretty (can't remember exactly) and Aud said "Sorry, but you are"  Meaning she is always pretty.

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I found Zach's vows to be thoughtful and eloquent.  It was a lovely wedding, and I won't look for anything (or anyone) to bag on, for a change.  :-)

You won't but I'm sure someone will ;)


But yes, I liked the wedding, the venue, the whole vibe. Sure, definitely not my taste (I'd rather just elope, really) but I thought it suited them and I was so happy to be able to see it. I was just thinking of how we've watched these kids grow up, right before our eyes. And even though there were many things I didn't like about this family, I've still watched every season and stuck around and it is amazing to see where there are now. I hope that we get to see a wedding from the other two kids, even if it's year from now.


I'm also impressed by how Matt and Amy are managing everything through this divorce. Yes, there are some really petty moments that have come through on both of their parts, but they have been able to put their differences aside and to build businesses and create opportunities for their family. Regardless of Matt's bad decisions in the past (near or far) and risk taking, I'd say that he ended up on the good side of those things. I don't even care if they've made deals to get paid for this that or the other, or got their wedding done for free (I don't believe that for one second, though) TLC has been making money off them for years and I don't blame them for taking advantage of money making opportunities while they can. I'm sure this show will one day fade away so get it while the getting is good.

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