gunderda July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I understand that Jeremy and Audrey basically got their dream wedding venue.... but to make your parents change the ENTIRE scenery immediately after seems a big selfish. You are told a semi-permanent structure probably can be moved and you say "too bad, move it anyways" ???? Link to comment
Cementhead July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I think Jeremy is a handsome guy; especially when he has his hair cut really short. But Auj is quite invested in his curls so he wears it like that for her; according to his comment to Zach in the car on the way back from the airport. Auj made another mention of his hair when she was teasing Jacob about how long his was and said something about how Jer's hair would grow up instead of out if he had his that long. So it seems as though a lot of thought & discussion takes place about his hair. Also probably explains the unfortunate hairband. Auj probably saw pics on Pinterest of some cute hipster guys from one her fave christian bands wearing one so she told Jer to wear one. 2 Link to comment
Cementhead July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I understand that Jeremy and Audrey basically got their dream wedding venue.... but to make your parents change the ENTIRE scenery immediately after seems a big selfish. You are told a semi-permanent structure probably can be moved and you say "too bad, move it anyways" ???? This is just all done for the show, imo. They have to come up with plots & story lines. Zach and Tori are in a tough spot. They want their wedding to be different from Jeremy and Audrey's. It must be hard to get married in the same place and not have it seem repetitive or that they are copying. I agree. And I bet they are only getting married so soon after those 2 because of the show. Link to comment
gunderda July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I know but I don't know how the "kids" can't see how horrible this makes them look. Especially Tori. She seems very judgmental about everything at the farm - yet wants it to be "simple". If it were Zach it'd be more normal to hear him bitch and whine about everything. Link to comment
ZoloftBlob July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 (edited) understand that Jeremy and Audrey basically got their dream wedding venue.... but to make your parents change the ENTIRE scenery immediately after seems a big selfish. You are told a semi-permanent structure probably can be moved and you say "too bad, move it anyways" They probably watched the same episode I did where Matt prided himself on making all the structures moveable and pranced with glee to show us all how he could move the church. And you know, the episodes where Jeremy and Audrey wanted the church moved for the wedding and all Matt could say was "Yes sir, Mr. Jeremy sir! Your every wish is my command, sir!" For the show or not - and I seriously question whether Zach and Tory got any option other than "your wedding has to be on the farm because we need something to film" - its really pathetically clear that if Jeremy and Audrey ask for something, Matt is leaping to see to it, and if Zach and Tory ask for the same thing - in this case, moving the church - Matt tries to find excuses to not do it. Gundera - I also think there's an undercurrent of "Zach always copies Jeremy" in play - its a no win for him in that if he does his wedding any similar to Jeremy's, he's as usual the dumbass follower of Jer, but if he asks for something different, he's a demanding prick. Edited July 24, 2015 by ZoloftBlob 3 Link to comment
heatherchandler July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 The ratings this week for moving the "church" and Zach and Jacob destroy a floor are in: 1.550 M viewers and a .5 rating. Is that good or bad? Link to comment
Absolom July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 (edited) its really pathetically clear that if Jeremy and Audrey ask for something, Matt is leaping to see to it, and if Zach and Tory ask for the same thing - in this case, moving the church - Matt tries to find excuses to not do it. Gundera - I also think there's an undercurrent of "Zach always copies Jeremy" in play - its a no win for him in that if he does his wedding any similar to Jeremy's, he's as usual the dumbass follower of Jer, but if he asks for something different, he's a demanding prick. That's the way things seem to always go. Matt was full on ready to reorganize the farm for Jeremy but with Zach Matt was whining about what "he" wanted to do and that they weren't going to do things his way. The ratings aren't good or bad. They're about where all the recent Roloff specials have been and I'm guessing that's good enough to get TLC to produce some more Roloff specials if Matt can keep finding ideas. I'm not sure what they can do next unless it's divorce court since Jacob and Molly seem to be forming their own lives. Edited July 24, 2015 by Absolom 1 Link to comment
heatherchandler July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 (edited) If you want to die of pretentious hipster manic pixie dream girl syndrome, check out Audrey's blog. In particular, check out this unbearable video she made. Oh my LORD - her blog is pretentious. She is trying wayyyyy too hard. Please everyone, read the story behind their saying, "BRAID IT!" Here is a quote - “Poetry has a way of expressing the soul. Words flow naturally wen you are in love. And I couldn’t help myself.” – Jeremy (misspelling his) Edited July 24, 2015 by heatherchandler 1 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Heather - she's amusing, isn't she? I genuinely hope, for their sakes, that Jeremy and Audrey never run into any serious problems, like being broke or having a serious health issue because I honestly think their whole world view would just shatter into pieces. 1 Link to comment
Katydid July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I agree they some across as trying too hard- I kept saying that to myself as I browsed Auj's blog. I admire people who have a genuine sense of adventure and creativity, but I find it grating when they think they have to constantly announce that they are this or that type of person. I've noticed they do it in terms of their religion, too. I must have missed it, but does Auj (not a fan of the nickname either) have a "real" job, or does she just blog about what special snowflakes she and Jer are? I wonder how long it will be before they have kids. 3 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Audrey had a job with a wine company (Ernst and Gallo I think) which is why they moved to Los Angeles to begin with (although I do kinda wonder if that was also a bid to get famous) but may have quit/been fired - I lean towards quit - because they are now relocating back to Oregon for the filming. Various rabid fans of the Jer and Auj lovefest insist that it's a temporary move. Jeremy in theory has been working as a wedding photographer but there doesn't seem to be a lot of evidence for this and he's dropping his business to move back home for "filming" during the height of the wedding season. So I kinda think they're just living off the show and Mom and Dad at this point. The only smart thing about these two is that they haven't gotten knocked up yet - and I do wonder how two spoiled special snowflakes would handle not being as special once they crap out a kid. 2 Link to comment
Cementhead July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Audrey had a job with a wine company (Ernst and Gallo I think) Mmm .... wine. Link to comment
athousandclowns July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Well I guess I am going to have to tune into this show, going against my better judgment. I read her blog and my heart hurt a little since I am very familiar with Lake Arrowhead and it's where I was married. Even know Wilson Leather which has been there a long time!! The video of their wedding she was holding her face just so for the camera. Hmmmmpfh Link to comment
anewpradabag July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Tori, is there a graceful bone in your body, how low class are you? Handed a beautiful wedding venue and all you do is b*tch. You should be ashamed of yourself, humiliated in fact. Shame on you. 1 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 Is Tory allowed to have an opinion other than "whatever my inlaws say, I'm just a piece of property, my opinions are nothing since I can't possibly be allowed to say anything other than 'Thank you for whoring out my wedding to your audience'" - I mean, what did she do that makes her a bridezilla? She asked for the church to be moved? And Matt didn't want to, despite in prior episodes how he explained in detail how he personally designed the church to be moved around and how he personally applauded Audrey and Jeremy asking him to move the church for them? Ispansy - I don't think Tory and Zach got a choice in having the wedding filmed. My suspicion for some time now is that they probably would have preferred getting married sooner (as opposed to when it was most lucrative). Everything Audrey wanted was met with a "Yes ma'am" and delight. Since I haven't seen Tory ask for anything that even comes close to exceeding "The Journey of Jer and Auj" - complete with online registries for fans to buy them shit and complete with a zillion "CHrist, aren't Jer and Auj so precious" specials...I really don't see what Tory has done that deserves her to be publically shamed. I mean, really, she's to be shamed and humiliated for what? Wanting the church moved? What a bitch she is to ask for anything other than nothing! Only whores and gold digging sluts want to make decisions about their wedding! 6 Link to comment
Absolom July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 I think Tory should have asked for a wedding at the venue of her choosing and been allowed to decide what she wanted. Matt should have little to no say in Zach and Tory's wedding in my view. I can't see any problem with Tory being able to make some decision for her wedding. Matt is the one looking bad wanting his way and being a jerk I think. 2 Link to comment
Absolom July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 People has an article about the wedding. 1 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob July 26, 2015 Share July 26, 2015 I can't see any problem with Tory being able to make some decision for her wedding. Considering I think there was a lot of familial pressure for Tory to agree to being married on the farm (Matt and Amy needed the paycheck) Tory could have been a demanding hosebeast and I would still remind you all that Matt and Amy got a paycheck for attending the wedding. As it is, it seems like the wedding was relatively low key. 2 Link to comment
autumnh July 27, 2015 Share July 27, 2015 Who gives a crap? Tori should be able to have the wedding she some point we have to stop fretting over 2-4 minutes of video we see....TLC dictates what we SEE Looks like they had a gorgeous wedding....good for them 2 Link to comment
funky-rat July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 I haven't watched the Jacob centered ep yet, but I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who doesn't care for Audrey. Maybe she's a lovely person for real, but on TV she comes across as a plastic mean-girl who spends all day on Pinterest. She and Jeremy are almost "too into each other" - it's kind-of creepy. My husband said she always seems kind-of stoned to him. I didn't care for her dress. She modified the heck out of it, and in the end, it looked like she got caught on something and ripped the dress up. And I won't go there on the hideous bridesmaid dresses "made from vintage bedsheets". They reminded me of what my late Grandma wore to do cleaning around the house...made from feed sacks. 3 Link to comment
woodscommaelle July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 Sorry, Jer. Temple Grandin did it better. 1 Link to comment
Maharincess July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 I'm not understanding why everybody keeps saying that Zack and Tori had no choice in where they got married and no choice in anything regarding the wedding. Yeah...they did. They are grown ass adults, they could have ran away to Vegas, Mexico, the local courthouse, anything. They had every choice in the world. To say that they had no choice in their wedding makes no sense. 3 Link to comment
BradandJanet July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 If someone offered me a nice wedding venue for free and then someone else paid me to film my wedding there, I might consider it. 1 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 Mahrincess - I agree with you with one caveat. If Zach and Tory say no, they FUCK OVER the family income. The show isn't going to film with Zach and Tory refusing to participate in a very significant way. I was frankly surprised they didn't have to film an awkward on camera proposal the way Jermey and Auj did. There was no way these two were getting married and Matt wasn't getting his cut. There's also no way they got more episodes without being allowed to film the wedding. I will be perfectly honest. If my parents were looking at financial ruin if I didn't allow things to be filmed and I was mid twenties... I'd suck it up for peace in the family. 1 Link to comment
Maharincess July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 I seriously doubt that one wedding would spell financial ruin for the family. Even if they caved to pressure, it was their choice to cave. Link to comment
ZoloftBlob July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 Yeah, mom and dad are divorcing and finances have always been dicey with these people. Again I admit, if I was 25 and not in a particularly awesome financial place myself, I can see caving to mom and dad. Point - all rumors point to Matt spending money like he's always had it and considering his issues, I doubt they have heaps saved. But I accept your point as valid as well and note that Jeremy and Auj merrily jumped on the gravy train like whores as well. 2 Link to comment
Katydid July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 Jer can stop dispensing marital advice any time now. But I kind of love how he and Zach just sort of stared blankly at Amy when she announced the divorce. Would have only been better had they yawned and said "yeah, we know." 6 Link to comment
Cementhead July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 Jer can stop dispensing marital advice any time now. Not even married a year yet and he's suddenly a wise, old sage. Waxing poetic about the Secrets of Marriage. "Happy wife, happy life." So deep. All he needs is an ascot and a pipe. 12 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 Katydid - I know the feeling. I also kinda wonder why Matt had no role in telling the kids. Well, no, I don't wonder - Matt's a douche. I will say, for the first time in a long time, I actually felt a little bad for Jer-Bear. Matt was so openly dismissive of Jeremy's career plans... It's like he's *letting* Jeremy play around with photography for a bit and then Jeremy will need to trot his ass back to the farm because Matt needs a strong back to order around. Point - summer is always a big time for weddings and what is Jeremy doing? Flying up to Oregon to help his daddy make a goat gate because Matt needs to have a project for the cameras so he can still be a man. Auntl - I think Matt's living in a fantasy world and also, I think by kids, he meant "Just Jeremy". 2 Link to comment
MitaJo July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 If Zach and Tory say no, they FUCK OVER the family income. The show isn't going to film with Zach and Tory refusing to participate in a very significant way. Why does it have to be "have the wedding on the farm or it won't be filmed and you won't get paid"? Tory and Zach could have had their wedding anywhere and the show still could have filmed it, and Amy and Matt/the whole family would have still been paid because TLC would have still aired it. Are they not allowed to film anywhere else besides the farm? I believe that they had the wedding on the farm because it was free. I would absolutely agree to do that. I don't know their finances or what they can afford, but from a previous episode, it looked like they were paying for most of the wedding themselves and trying to stick with a budget. Having the wedding on the farm, which is gorgeous, is very budget friendly. I will admit that I don't follow these people outside of the show, so maybe some of you other posters have seen or read things that back up that story that Zach and Tory HAD to have their wedding on the farm to get a check for them and for Amy and Matt. Link to comment
ZoloftBlob July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 Why does it have to be "have the wedding on the farm or it won't be filmed and you won't get paid"? Tory and Zach could have had their wedding anywhere and the show still could have filmed it, and Amy and Matt/the whole family would have still been paid because TLC would have still aired it. Are they not allowed to film anywhere else besides the farm? I assume its more that TLC won't pay for the catering/simple wedding stuff if its not poignantly set on the farm that the kids all grew up on and that the audience has been prepped to see since "Roloff Wedding Business" was trotted out. And yes, quite honestly I can see folks at TLC pretty bluntly stating if you don't do what we want, you won't get paid. Of course it was free, and since they were also getting comped for things IF they film and getting a paycheck, I can totally see Matt and Amy pointing of the economic realities of how if you allow it to be filmed then it will be fancier and cost less. Add in the fact that Tory and Zach refusing to have a five episode arc of "how we got married" would affect the bottom line, and yes, I think there was some pressure to do it. 1 Link to comment
Foghorn Leghorn July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 I couldn't help but notice how messy that room was Amy and her friend Lisa were tackling! Amy is a slob and appears to have not taught her kids that picking up after themselves is expected. There was stuff everywhere. And I think Jeremy and Audrey will move in with Amy. She will wait on them hand and foot like she always did with her kids with little expectations. Jeremy comes across quite full of himself with his "been there done that" attitude except he hasn't. 3 Link to comment
3 is enough July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 Love how Amy and her friend got covered in paint after painting one wall of a room. Seriously? They aren't kids. A few splotches and a bit of paint on the clothes can be expected, but smeared on their faces? Come on, TLC. 3 Link to comment
JocelynCavanaugh July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 I couldn't help but notice how messy that room was Amy and her friend Lisa were tackling! Amy is a slob and appears to have not taught her kids that picking up after themselves is expected. There was stuff everywhere. And I think Jeremy and Audrey will move in with Amy. She will wait on them hand and foot like she always did with her kids with little expectations. Jeremy comes across quite full of himself with his "been there done that" attitude except he hasn't. If Team Beef Dip moves in with Amy, I can't wait to see how they work their kitschy hipster decor into her traditional-but-now-with-30%-more-inspirational-plaques scheme. 7 Link to comment
Foghorn Leghorn July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 If Team Beef Dip moves in with Amy, I can't wait to see how they work their kitschy hipster decor into her traditional-but-now-with-30%-more-inspirational-plaques scheme. I am not sure Amy would notice her house looking more like a yard sale than it already does!! 4 Link to comment
Cementhead July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 Love how Amy and her friend got covered in paint after painting one wall of a room. Seriously? They aren't kids. A few splotches and a bit of paint on the clothes can be expected, but smeared on their faces? Come on, TLC. Oh, but they were totally going to be all "Lucy & Ethel" up in there, remember? Said twice by Amy. Just 2 whacky yellow bandana-wearing gals trying to paint a room! Hilarity ensues! Except not, TLC. 5 Link to comment
jah1986 July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 One thing that keeps going through my mind. Do you think Jeremy's (and by extension Matt's) head would explode if Zach and Tori (well just Tori) wound up pregnant first? Jeremy comes off as the designated 'leader' and I think there might be more than a little resentment if Zach were to become a parent first. 4 Link to comment
walnutqueen July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 One thing that keeps going through my mind. Do you think Jeremy's (and by extension Matt's) head would explode if Zach and Tori (well just Tori) wound up pregnant first? Jeremy comes off as the designated 'leader' and I think there might be more than a little resentment if Zach were to become a parent first. And if they also moved in with Amy and announced their desire to take over running the farm? Matt would plotz if his master plan for his golden child was foiled! 2 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 One thing that keeps going through my mind. Do you think Jeremy's (and by extension Matt's) head would explode if Zach and Tori (well just Tori) wound up pregnant first? Jeremy comes off as the designated 'leader' and I think there might be more than a little resentment if Zach were to become a parent first. I have wondered that as well, because for a change, that would totally take the attention off Precious Jer and Au Jus. Frankly I don't think Matt would handle a grandchild well... too much attention diverted from him. 5 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 Really? The divorce isn't an indicator that the family thing isn't working out? The youngest son moving out as soon as he was legally able rather than live in a rather nice place in the lap of luxury isn't a clue that something isn't quite right? 6 Link to comment
Foghorn Leghorn July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 (edited) I don't think from what I have seen Jacob wants to work and he might have to if he stayed on the farm. I think he wants to enjoy some freedom with his girlfriend and smoke a little weed and get out of the limelight of the cameras. He was always camera shy and possibly hated the filming. whereas the other kids and spouses seem just fine with it. And the Roloffs had the farm and business before the show and enjoyed success. Matt has his quirks but Amy is a bitch! Edited July 29, 2015 by Foghorn Leghorn 1 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 I don't see what Jen Arnold has to do with anything. I think families that divorce aren't actually successful families because the very nature of divorce kinda lends itself to noting that the family isn't working out. Amy and Matt were obviously not happy as a family and their marriage, by dint of getting a divorce, is not "successful".That I have watched these two bicker and make their kids miserable since before 2010 and people have been openly wondering when the divorce is coming since 2010 tells me the family probably wasn't constantly smiling with "Matt makes our lives special, we're all dirt compared to him, we'd all be nothing without Matt". Fog - I think Jacob moved out in part for the freedom but also in part because who wants to be ignored. Matt and Amy have both stated to the cameras since he was 12 that they were "empty nesters" and "done parenting". That probably starts to sink in. I mean, how many times has Matt called spending time with his family a waste of his time? Heck, I seem to recall him telling Amy he was gonna head to hawaii and no one, not even the kids, were to bother him until they produced some grandkids because he no longer wanted to be bothered. If thats a successful family... I really hate to see what unsuccessful families look like. 10 Link to comment
Absolom July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 Ratings for the goat bar and tent placement: 1.572 M viewers and a .4 rating. Link to comment
Absolom July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 (edited) I think it's in the same range as most of the recent Roloff "specials." They're also outpacing the following My Giant Life which came in at 1.441 M viewers and a .4 rating. Edited July 29, 2015 by Absolom 1 Link to comment
Cementhead July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 Ratings for the goat bar and tent placement: 1.572 M viewers and a .4 rating. LOL! Took me a minute to figure out what the hell you were referring to. Sure reads like real riveting must-watch tv when you break it down like that, doesn't it? hee. 2 Link to comment
Absolom July 29, 2015 Share July 29, 2015 LOL, yes. I'm having fun since we don't have separate episode threads. 3 Link to comment
BucFan July 30, 2015 Share July 30, 2015 Sorry, Jer. Temple Grandin did it better.Lol Link to comment
gunderda July 30, 2015 Share July 30, 2015 In last night's episode, Matt said that he hopes all of the kids move back to the farm. It sounds like they plan to hold on to it even though they are divorcing. I would imagine unless there's a secret reason for the divorce that they will likely keep the living arrangements they have. It seemed to have worked out so far. I am convinced that Matt has met someone else. Why else would they divorce? They don't plan to cash in and split the money, so it's not financial. I hope that Amy meets someone else and moves the man onto the farm. Matt has a vision of Amy living with one of her children and grandchildren in the big house. Could you imagine if she moved a man in there? It would be absolutely hysterical. I'm curious about this too. It seems their living arrangements were working out just fine and I don't see a large reason for a divorce. If neither of them are in a relationship - Tax purposes maybe? I couldn't help but notice how messy that room was Amy and her friend Lisa were tackling! Amy is a slob and appears to have not taught her kids that picking up after themselves is expected. There was stuff everywhere. And I think Jeremy and Audrey will move in with Amy. She will wait on them hand and foot like she always did with her kids with little expectations. Jeremy comes across quite full of himself with his "been there done that" attitude except he hasn't. One thing that keeps going through my mind. Do you think Jeremy's (and by extension Matt's) head would explode if Zach and Tori (well just Tori) wound up pregnant first? Jeremy comes off as the designated 'leader' and I think there might be more than a little resentment if Zach were to become a parent first. Audrey and Jeremy said they planned to wait a few years. Zach and Tori said they were going to try ASAP. So I'm sure it's been discussed between them. Link to comment
gunderda July 30, 2015 Share July 30, 2015 Yea I was thinking that maybe Amy didn't want her finances tied to him maybe. And who wants to do their taxes every year with someone they've permanently separated to? They seem to employee people on the farm so it must be a regular business. So I don't see Matt walking away from that. And I'm sure $$$ spoke to Tori and Zach when deciding what to do with their wedding. It was actually probably easier to have it done on the farm. And FREE so you can't really argue with that. 1 Link to comment
woodscommaelle July 30, 2015 Share July 30, 2015 Lol Yay BucFan! I was hoping someone got this :) 1 Link to comment
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