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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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Considering this, Matt and Amy defied the odds.

Dwarfism is caused by dominant genes, and when two little people get pregnant, their baby has a 25% of chance of being of normal height and proportion, a 50% chance of being a little person, and a 25% of suffering from something called double dominance syndrome, which is deadly most of the time. There is currently an infant born in the U.K. last March who is defying the odds, but it’s still a precarious situation.

Matt and Amy did defy the odds but not as much as that implies. That paragraph is specifically talking about achondroplasic  dwarfs. Amy is achon, but Matt is not. Matt's form of dwarfism is recessive - he and Amy would BOTH need to be dyastrophic  dwarfs to have dwarf children. Pop and Honey are both carriers, that's why two of their four kids have dyastrophic dwarfism. Amy and Matt were never at risk for a double dominance kid (on the other dwarf shows - Little Women in Los Angeles - they talked about this a lot because most of the women were achons and most of them were married to achon men.

Amy and Matt did defy the odds because her form of dwarfism is dominant so there's always a 50 percent chance any child she has gets the gene. Per the odds, two of the Roloff kids should be dwarfs.

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15 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

It is now- but Matt and Amy hoped that Jacob would be a dwarf to give Zach a sibling like him. 

Wait.  Please clarify, MYTHOUGHTIS.  Are you saying that: 1)  When Amy and Matt conceived their children "embryonic selection"  (or whatever it is called) was not an option, but that it is an option today?; and 2) Where was it stated or written that Matt and Amy hoped Jacob would be a dwarf so that Zach would not be the only sibling with the condition?  Thanks for clarifying.  I'm not "calling you out" on this or anything of the sort - I just want to know more details about what you posted.  Thanks.

I think there's been some ethical debates because dwarf and deaf people who do in vitro want to choose deaf and dwarf kids and medical doctors mostly refuse to use embryos with defects. Matt and Amy never did in vitro so its not an issue. Staying After Saturday - in Matt's first book, a biography of his struggles and life before the show, he does discuss that he and Amy chose to have another child after Molly was born average height because they thought it would be good for Zach to have a little person sibling.The odds were against them having another average height kid so it was a good bet but... :) The book is called "Against Tall Odds"

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9 hours ago, StayingAfterSunday said:
On 6/1/2017 at 8:02 PM, mythoughtis said:

It is now- but Matt and Amy hoped that Jacob would be a dwarf to give Zach a sibling like him. 

Wait.  Please clarify, MYTHOUGHTIS.  Are you saying that: 1)  When Amy and Matt conceived their children "embryonic selection"  (or whatever it is called) was not an option, but that it is an option today?; and 2) Where was it stated or written that Matt and Amy hoped Jacob would be a dwarf so that Zach would not be the only sibling with the condition?

At the time of Jacob's birth, I don't think embryonic selection was available had they tried IVF. There were some pre-implantation tests available were primarily for X linked traits. Achondroplasia is on Chromosome 4. The dystrophic gene is located on Chromosome 5.

I want to say Matt or Amy mentioned it on the show at some point that they had hoped for a little person sibling for Zach in Jacob. I can't remember what season it occurred in, but I think it was around the time Jacob started to get taller than Zach and Zach was starting to trail behind his friends. I remember thinking how crash it was at the time.

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On 06/01/2017 at 5:13 PM, silverspoons said:

With the recent birth of Jackson, I was wondering did Amy ever talk about her pregnancies more then superficially in any episode? I remember seeing maybe a picture of her pregnant during one of the flashback to the early year shows. I was wondering if she talked about being pregnant with twins and how her body coped? If they did any genetic tests beforehand? I remember Jen Arnold saying something about if 2 little people have a baby there was a 25%? chance of having a baby with a fatal kind of dwarfism? I have always had a feeling that maybe Matt and Amy did some fertility treatments to ensure average size kids after the twins.

Amy talked about carrying her kids and that she had to have c-section because her pelvis is too narrow. She also commented that  she wanted 6 kids but the doctor told her to stop after Jacob. One of them did say on camera that they had Jacob hoping for a LP sibling for Zach. These happened in the first  couple of seasons.

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On 2017-5-31 at 9:51 PM, rjw85 said:

Haven't posted here in a while but I just had to after watching this show the last few weeks.

Now, here I am watching Jerk and Auj walking in the park and I legitimately couldn't tell which one was which when they showed them from only the legs down.  Um, Jerk, I think you need to cut your hair or something because you are slowly turning into your wife.  Not in a good way.

Also, why does Auj walk so odd?  What is going on there with her?  Did I miss something in a previous episode or does she just have a wonky gait?

Totally agree with you! Funny walk, and all of a sudden she seems to be looking 'manly',

I have only watched this last show all year, so maybe she changed her make-up style??

And yes, Prince Charming needs a haircut!!

  • Love 2

Yikes, that's just nasty.  

I googled for more on the story and in defense of the bakery, there had been some kind of broken pipe/flood situation.  And I know from painful experience that any time the local rat population has its habitat disturbed, they go in search of a new home (many years ago, after major drain work along the street in front of my house, some scary ass wharf rats relocated under my back deck and eventually in several homes on my street.  It took two weeks of daily visits from the exterminator and a $1200 bill to get rid of them and rat-proof the place). So apparently this was a new problem for the bakery and not chronic one.  And the bakery lady was reportedly trying to get her regular exterminator to handle the escalating situation.  But eventually someone complained to the health department (thank god) and it was so bad, they actually shut the place down.  Which means there was really a huge problem.  A place has to be absolutely disgusting to actually get shut down.  Which makes it the perfect place for Amy to do her baking because she is completely comfortable living and working in a pig pen! 

All excuses/jokes aside, though, ... it's sickening to think this woman knew the place was crawling with rats and kept serving food that was obviously contaminated.  I'm not sure I'd ever trust her enough to buy anything from her store ever again.

  • Love 3
27 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

Amy to Zach: I think you need to find a neurosurgeon.

Umm, wouldn't you think someone with a shunt in their head/brain/skull/wherever it is might already have a neurosurgeon or is that asking too much?

A lot of people were not able to keep their Doctor.  I had to change neurologists as well.

  • Love 3
36 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Has his shunt been replaced over the years?  From the way they spoke he's had it for a very long time.

I can't say for certain, but, it was aired on the show.  I want to say it was within the last 6 years.  It was the shunt or ear surgery. I'll see what pops up about it. ...................okay. He had the shunt repaired in 2006.  Season One episode 17 entitled Zach's Emergency.   OMG how time flies.  




Oh, he looks so young!

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 1

And the description of the episode "Zach's Emergency" is "Severe headaches and nausea lead Zach to the emergency room, where it's discovered that his shunt has disintegrated and that he requires emergency surgery." So now, 10 years later he has the exact same symptoms and they are just casually saying, "you should see someone." He's been having these problems for awhile (at least as of the time of the tv showing) and he hasn't done anything about it? Just stupid.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Ina123 said:

And the description of the episode "Zach's Emergency" is "Severe headaches and nausea lead Zach to the emergency room, where it's discovered that his shunt has disintegrated and that he requires emergency surgery." So now, 10 years later he has the exact same symptoms and they are just casually saying, "you should see someone." He's been having these problems for awhile (at least as of the time of the tv showing) and he hasn't done anything about it? Just stupid.

Exactly.  Makes no sense to me.  They haven't forgotten about his stent issue, it was mentioned in this last episode.  They just don't seem to treat it like the emergency it was the last time it had to be adjusted. 

1 hour ago, Katydid said:

I'm not sure where it fits in the timeline of the shows that are airing now, but I seem to remember Tori (or maybe it was Zach himself) posting a photo on Instagram of him in the emergency room a couple months ago.  I don't recall that there was any follow-up regarding what the problem or outcome was, though. 


On 2017-6-5 at 10:34 AM, woodscommaelle said:

Amy to Zach: I think you need to find a neurosurgeon.

Umm, wouldn't you think someone with a shunt in their head/brain/skull/wherever it is might already have a neurosurgeon or is that asking too much?

Because it is SO easy to get in to see a Specialist.

Would he not have to have it checked on a regular basis?

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On 6/5/2017 at 10:34 AM, woodscommaelle said:

Amy to Zach: I think you need to find a neurosurgeon.

Am I alone in thinking that maybe Amy should have been a little more concerned with seeing that Zach got proper medical care?  If he was my kid with a shunt in his head and he was letting an illness that might be linked to it malfunctioning rage on unchecked, I think I would have done a little more than just say "you need to find a neurosurgeon."  I'd be on the phone, finding a doctor, scheduling him for a visit if I had to, and dragging him in to be checked out if it came to that.  I wouldn't care how old he was.  

It's so remiss on her part I have to think it was just drama staged for the show.  But even if it was, I would never allow myself to be portrayed in such a cavalier fashion where my son's health was concerned.  It just looked so lame. 

I don't remember, was Matt a part of the story at all?  Or was him being concerned about another person so unrealistic they just didn't even bother? 

  • Love 7

Amy and Chris just don't match. I don't see anything in common between the two besides he likes to ride motorcycles and she likes to ride on them. If you ask me, they're in it for the wrong reasons...him, for the money ... Her, to be dating a average size person. She seems so uncomfortable and awkward around him and he seems so disinterested in her.

  • Love 4

I don't know that they don't match, in that we have no idea what Chris likes or enjoys doing aside from the fact that he is a middle aged guy with a nice motorcycle. I do agree we certainly haven't seen much in the way of compatibility. My worry, if I were her, would be that he seems to be perfectly content to NOT get to know her kids even though she's very much a devoted mom.

I am kinda to the point where I don't need to see Amy address for the umpteenth time how she's dating an average height and she isn't sure how that will go over. Speaking as an average height, Amy? We're not all bigoted assholes who see little people as nothing but freaky sexual toys, and most of us average heights get past seeing a little person with an average height pretty quickly.

  • Love 7

What is with Amy and the constant giggles and grins every time she's with Chris? She always says she's nervous on her dates with him. They have been seeing each other over 6 months now. It's rediculous. Get over it. 

On 6/3/2017 at 2:47 AM, mittsigirl said:

Funny walk, and all of a sudden she seems to be looking 'manly',

I agree, I was thinking last episode how masculine Auj's face is. She has very strong features, especially noticeable when she has her hair pulled back and that dark lipstick on. Speaking of faces, Amy is ageing badly. She must never have taken care of her skin. I just want to slather moisturizer on her face, her skin is dry and wrinkled. It's not just her age, either.  She's only in her early 50's. I'm older than she is and don't look like that and her two girlfriends have nice skin. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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Zach is 26, he's married. Time for him to take responsibility for his health. If Amy made the appt. she'd be overstepping her bounds. He or his wife need to make the appt convenient to their schedule and Tori should be the one in the doctor's office with him. Not his mom. My son was just diagnosed T1 Diabetes at age 18. They told him it's his disease and he's responsible for it. The doctor calls him, not me, and he has to handle changes and medical decisions, per law. I'm his surrogate, but, that means nothing when he is capable of making the decisions. Amy doesn't "not" care, she just knows that she has to let the boys make their own decisions and be responsible for themselves and their family's.

  • Love 8

I could do without the constant "I wonder what people will think of me and Chris" story line from Amy. We get it. You are dating an average sized man. You have different heights. Move along. I know some of this is that she really only dated Matt growing up and even that wasn't very long. If I remember correctly, they met at a LP conference and she saw him one additional time before she married him. It was less than 6 months. So perhaps this is the giddy teenager phase she skipped. with Matt. I'm trying to remember that but it still grates.

Could Matt have tried slightly harder to not celebrate that Jax is a LP? He was positively gleeful. I suspect that he sees Jax as a sure sign that the show can go onto a third generation. Also, did anyone else think that the stool he allegedly made for Zach was just a little too perfect and finished to have been a Roloff project, especially since we didn't see any footage of the discussion or the construction other than the one "don't cut off your fingers" shot. Perhaps that's my inner bitch hating on Matt. His offer to help with the baby shower was so fake it wasn't funny. He knew she wouldn't have anything for him to do for the next day's shower. I would have given him credit if it was in a week but the day before? No.

Jer & Auj's fake drama over the house is really kind of stupid since we know they moved into that house. I did find it interesting that it seems much larger than Zack's, at least to me. They did mention that the mortgage was higher than any rent they'd ever paid. I would have nightmares over that. Wouldn't it make sense to save a little longer or buy something you could start with instead of buying something knowing you're paying more and you want to make a lot of changes which are going to cost money.

  • Love 3

They did mention that the mortgage was higher than any rent they'd ever paid. I would have nightmares over that. Wouldn't it make sense to save a little longer or buy something you could start with instead of buying something knowing you're paying more and you want to make a lot of changes which are going to cost money.

Especially since their income appears to be based completely on the show.  And we all know that reality shows last forever, right?

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On 2017-5-31 at 6:02 AM, RedDelicious said:


I've skimmed and skimmed - has anyone commented on Audrey (EVIL B*TCH) smirking when Tori/Zach were talking about their baby potentially being a LP?  I could not believe my eyes.  Jeremy and Audrey are horrible.  I hate them.  I was never a Zach fan but my opinion of him is changing.  He's grown up a lot and his emotion when he was talking to Amy in the kitchen really tugged at my heart.  And Amy in that moment is why I like her.


I noticed and also how unhappy she was at Tori's shower.It was not about her so she was unhappy.

She looks nastier and nastier- RBF


I could do without the constant "I wonder what people will think of me and Chris" story line from Amy. We get it. You are dating an average sized man. You have different heights. Move along

I felt uncomfortable watching her and Chris in the diner. She want marriage and long term and he wants to be on TV. A man at that age who has never been married sends off RED Flags

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, MegD said:

Could Matt have tried slightly harder to not celebrate that Jax is a LP? He was positively gleeful. I suspect that he sees Jax as a sure sign that the show can go onto a third generation. Also, did anyone else think that the stool he allegedly made for Zach was just a little too perfect and finished to have been a Roloff project, especially since we didn't see any footage of the discussion or the construction other than the one "don't cut off your fingers" shot. Perhaps that's my inner bitch hating on Matt. His offer to help with the baby shower was so fake it wasn't funny. He knew she wouldn't have anything for him to do for the next day's shower. I would have given him credit if it was in a week but the day before? No.

They showed them cutting pieces and assembling the stool. I thought it turned out pretty nice, since Zach proclaimed to not be very handy when they were setting up the pack & play.

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Am I alone in thinking that maybe Amy should have been a little more concerned with seeing that Zach got proper medical care?  If he was my kid with a shunt in his head and he was letting an illness that might be linked to it malfunctioning rage on unchecked, I think I would have done a little more than just say "you need to find a neurosurgeon."  I'd be on the phone, finding a doctor, scheduling him for a visit if I had to, and dragging him in to be checked out if it came to that.  I wouldn't care how old he was.  

It's so remiss on her part I have to think it was just drama staged for the show.  But even if it was, I would never allow myself to be portrayed in such a cavalier fashion where my son's health was concerned.  It just looked so lame. 

I don't remember, was Matt a part of the story at all?  Or was him being concerned about another person so unrealistic they just didn't even bother? 

Yes I think so too and I hope off camera  she did.  My son who is much older has Crohn's is married and last year he thought he hurt himself over doing on a new treadmill.  He was home and called me for help which he has never done. I got there he couldn't pull himself to sit up and I noticed distressed breathing. I called his GI doctor (who I don't know because he manages his own health). I wound up not waiting for call back and drove him to the ER. 5 days in local acute hospital and 5 in ICU in a top medical institution  . I thought We was going to loose him. 

His wife is very laid back has never been sick nor been around illness , death or in a hospital until giving birth in last 4 years.  Like Tori a teacher of little ones. I asked him did he tell her how he felt and he said yes.  Because of her job it was the one bedside  daily.  It aged me 10 years.   I'm glad I'm the overprotective mother who took charge  

If Amy witnessed him face down in agony like tv viewers saw someone should have acted then. ( I would think producers who have known him would be alarmed)  Flu isn't like that.  I hope he has someone monitoring his shunt just to CT it to see if it is in place.  He's a parent now and has abchild dependent on him. Some people just don't think about things going bad. 

He's come so far in maturity I think it will kick in that people count on him. 

I hate to see Amy so invested and  I really believe she is overdue for happiness not kid related.  Will she bounce back when Chris decides marriage is not his thing? 

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